The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 04, 1902, Image 4

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    i Local News in Brief. 4
Offico over Clseitx'a Drug Gtoto. Thor.o02.
Several of tlie Union Pacific
guards went to their Homes in
Grand Island this morning to cast
their ballots.
Ilurgcfls HartigatJ, of Omaha,
and formcilv of Hasting?, will ar
rive in the city tonight and accept
the position of prcsciplton clerk at
the City Pharmacy.
A Utter Irom Grand Inland an
nbunccs that Mr, and Mr. Frank
Sullivan arc the parent of a girl
baby. Frank's friends in town will
take a smoke on him.
Deputy SberifF ICIdcr went to
Wcllflcct yesterday to caBt n
straight republican vote, lie will
bring in tomorrow the result of the
vote in that republican stronghold.
Misses Nellie limit and Loretla
Shepard entertained a number of,
their girl and boy 1 Mends at a Hal
low 12'tMi party Friday, an affair
that h reported to'havc been very
enjoyable to the gucstr.
Kcv. C. P. Grarcs of Shwllon,
who fill the Presbyterian appoint
ment!! at Gaudy and is known to
many North Platte people, is
suffering from a severe attack ol
nervous prostrationnt his home.
C. E. Dolph, a former resident of
North Platte but ot late yearn
working with a bridge gang in
Pennsylvania, was severely injured
u week or so ago and is reported to
be in a critical condition,
Rev. Geo. A. Bchcr began Ins
rectorship of llie I3picopal cliurch
at Kearney Sunday. Mrs, needier
and children will remain here a few
dayH until Mr. Heveher gets the
rectory in shape for them.
Buy Angel Pood Taffy at Hup
The Kearney high fcIioo! fool
ball team defeated the Grand
Inland high school eleven last
Friday by a score of seventeen to
nothing. This is cvi ience that the
North Platte high school team,
having defeated Kcarnry, is the
strongest of the three teams.
The rainfall in October was 1.32
inches, which is nearly a third of
an inch greater than the average
for the month. The precipitation
for the ten mouths ot this year it
8 46 inches in excess of the aver,
age for that period of time.
Cunningham sells Slovc Boards,
Linoleum, "Stove Mats, Bindings,
Stove Pipe, etc.
North Platte people seem to
evince a keener interest in the con
grcssional fight in the Second die
trtct than they do in their (own dls
trict. Republicans here strongly
denounce Rouswatcr't! fight on
Mercer and express tiic hope that
the latter will win out.
New samples for Fall and Winter
Clothing. A. P. Cartoon, agent.
Old stand.
.Dan Atchison, hVad of the
"Western Nebraska drug store trust,
is in town tcdny and tells us'that
ho purcha.srd the drug store at
Kimball last week. This makes
Hcven drug stores operated by Dan
nnd hi partners, mid we under
stand tiny have made offers for
twelve others.
A. G. Wolfcnbargci'ti temperance
address at the opera house Sunday
evening was heard by nil audience
that filled the seating capacity o
house. Mr, Wollenbarger is a very
ready talker and highly interested
his hearers. The address was de
llvcred uiuler-ilhc auspices of the
Worn c n 'a , Christian Temperance
Drink Planter'.! Blend. Finest
Coffee grown.
The Degree of( Honor tendered
Mrs, Colonel Owens a surprise
party Saturday evening on the eve
of her departure for Evanston
"Wyo. The evciiing'was pleasantly
spitit, though each guest regretted
the departure of their ci.tfinabl
member. During the evening Mth
O-veiiH was presented with u hand
some silver berry spoon.
Jiw "il oJlfMri rfji vfl iijj'Vx Ss- ls f)f
I Now For Your.
i -
Overcoat Trade,
Best Showing
Q7 the Year.
An Extremely Fashion
able Overcoat, 44-inch, full
box, made of fine finished
cloths of most sought after
colors, all satin lined
throughout with an extra
quality of satin guaranteed
to stand the wear.
There is nothing in the
appearance of these over
coats which stamps them as
' 'ready made;" on the contrary there is grace and
beauty of contour which cannot be equaled except
by tailors of the first class.
Yours at the phenomenally low
price of
I Children's Shoes, S to 8,
per pair
Misses' School Shoes,
to 2, per pair. .. .
Boys' Shoes, 13 to 2, per
Ladies' Shoes, Kid or
Calf, per pair
Men's Shoes, per pair
t There are Others $
$ ...... !
fi Who sell Stoves, but none who sell such good
Stoves at such low figures,
oiiue, pur pair nr
,$1.50,82, up tO..j)D UU V
t 1 i. r a. w
mm utpurai Mure
will be found at our store. New goods re
ceived daily. That article of furniture you
need will be found here.
Star Clothing
M Wfj-JjV lwwJJV3 rJi WcaffyV WoSV i-JVo IwJi
House. I
Slove Pipe.
in. Steel Stove Pipe per joint ISc
f)-incli Planished Stove Pipe
per joint 50c,
6-inch Galvanised Stove Pipe
per joint,. .1 30c
6-incli Common Elbows, each 10c
Jam is A, Robb has filed his p'eti
11011 111 me uistnct court praying
for a divorce from hla wife Louisa days tisit with relatives
Miss Jennie Frazicr has returned
from a visit with friends in Deu-yer.
Cecil Tucll, the Dickens merchant,
transacted business in town ycf-
Mrs. Talum is the guest of
menus in; Kearney. Having gone
down yesterday.
Walter Peale expects to leave in
a few days for Texas where he will
permanently locate.
Mr, and Mrs. Colonel Owens and
children left yesterday for Evanr-
ton, their lnturc home.
Charley Burklund,- the well
known merchant ot Sutherland.
was in town yesterday buying a
bill of goadd of a traveling man.
C. E. Gunncll came down from
Paxton Saturday and remained
over Sunday with his family.
Co. Supt. Neale returned last
evening from a visit with relatives
in My 1 tie precinct.
Mrh. R. D. Harrip, ol Sidney, re
turned home Sunday after1 a few
in town.
L&.st Call -Fair W&mmgl I
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
W Lincoln county for personal taxes for the years 1901
Vi and nrior. will nlcnsr. take notice that if these taxes
y 1 ' 1
I are not paid, Distress Warrants will be Issued
J December 1st, 1902. These taxes MUST BE PAID.
Do not blame me if you are compelled to piy costs.
County Treasurer.
May Rnbb on the grounds of ex
treme cruelty and fraudulent repre
A petition, which has been
signed by a large number of rcsi-
Joseph Casey nnd lamily expect
to leave about November 20th for
Pot Hand, Ore.,- where thev will
makcAuctr future home.
Miss Grace Strutherp, who had
Real Estate, Loans m Insurance
Idle noncy Invested In Gilt Edcd Securities
i) i:
Dr, R. D. Ilarric, receiver of the
U. S. land ollice at Sidney, was.the
fjucst of rclaUycs in town Sunday.
Returns from the countrv pre
cincts will be bulletined as fast as
received at the Commercial club
rooms this evening.
Tonight is the regular meeting
night of thu city council but as it is
election night it is doubtful i a
quorum of councilincn will be p re
Local milkmen have raised the
price ot milk lrom live to six nnd
one-quarter cents per quart. This
raise is supposed to be 011 account
of the search v of water.
The new room in the Inch school
building was opened yesterday in
clfargc of Miss Duncan, who in suc
ceeded at the Second ward building
by Miss IriKh. The pupils lu the
new. room are thosu of the Fifth
fjradc formerly attending the First
and Second ward schools,
Geo, V. Vroman went to Omaha
Saturday to attend a farewell ban
quet tendered Edward Dickinson,
and responded to a toast. Mr.
Vroman said in his remarks that
he represented the masses con
nected with the Union Pacific, and
brought from the best wishes
of success for Mr, Dickinson in his
new field,
Harrison Wakes was brought in
trom Willow precinct the latter
part of last week by SherifT' Car
penter and is in his custody.
Wakes is suffering from mental de
rangement, and though not vicious
it is necessary to keep him con
fined, lie has been mentally un
balanced for several years. WakeB
owns 800 acres ot land and about
100 head ot cattle in Willow pre
dents, will be presented to the city been visiting North Platte friends
council asmng mat noay to conhrm Ho; two weeks, returned to her
the appointment of R. H. Langford home in Sidney yesterday.
uuot UV.ti VJ. UUDIWU
Dueorgc i riocrg, who ot late has UiIb morntnir for a two months' "Tlie Dostonians," the well
been working at Ogden, arrived visit with relatives at Williamsport known opera company, wcut west
uome tills morning, having been and other Pennsylvania towns. on a four car special train Sunday
summoned here by the jllncss of his M,.. ei,,,-,,, ompr wlm ,lfw, evening, 1. j.. ..rr., 1 - 1
...... .i.oui-iiu- Mom uuucil- !,.. ,1,. nEf n( m. ,, t,n ri Onnlnr ITnurtrrnn nf NTnrlli
uicitis and upon whom an opera- S. White for several months, left North Platte, has been given a pos
tion will be performed. fpr her borne in Delavau, Wis., the itiou with the Union Pacific in this
bherilf Carpenter received a tele- latter part of last week. city. Omaha News
limine message 1 rom maxwell ycB- II- E. Bowen, who resides in Chi- Supt. Park, of the Wyoming
icmay morniug stating tliat two caf,0 and who had hpn in r.i'i. division, oassed west ventprdav.
liorses, .1 cart atld a saddle had forntn. arrived in inwn vftr,1nV He had been in Om.ilin nttpndirnr n
hppn ulnlt-n t tin t,f lufA.a r... I . ... . ... I .. , . ....
...K "uiu anu win snena a week with hin mectincr ot tue division aunerin-
A 1 - 1 I "
nu,j8l varinon. une ot me am- prandlathcr. W.. T. Bowen. nf tendents.
ttinld ivna li,l-tiwl n n .1 I . . . ' I
. uuu Janl precinctj hundred 8Jxlv.sevcn
. -
Mrs. Chas. Hunfor returnpH Rnt. cars of slock were handled in the
The Myrtle Vinton Co. arrived Lrdav nipht from h-r vi?h xiti, Union Pacific'vardn Sunrinv Thee
in town yesterday and opened a relatives in St. Louis. She was ac- cars were made up into five trains
three nigbi'a engagement at the companied home by her 8isterMtss and aent eaat duri Ur tlie day.
i j i ij i
I T 1 , ... 1 A i U
owucai murcuuuis win no uuulu ul
few election bets woro mnrlo "
tn town vcbterda v on the result on w Jjricn ia Pynff morc aenuon 10
governor; and also several on the Uc local freights with the result
result in Lincoln county. One that cooda from Omaha and other
source it is learned that twenty en
gines were in the shops for repairs
last Saturday and an average of six
engines per week are being turned
out. ,
The number of cars in transit
iced at this station last month was
below that ot 1901, the number for
October 1901 being 597 and, ior last
mouth 407.
opera house last evening. The
opening perlormance is said to
lave been very good, and a big
audience will probably be in attend
ance tonight and tomorrow eycu
Two hundred head of horses and
two hundred cattle to winter. Have
...... r . -.1 r i
price rcusonablc.
W. II. Tukpiu.
Men's Underwear.
Heavy Fleeced Lined Under
wear, the kind ninny aak
50c for, our price, per gar-
1 mcnt ,
Mcn'a Fleeced Lined Under
wear, the ltind you have
paid 75c u Hiiit for, our
price per garment 25c
Wilcox .Department Store.
12-Gauirc New Rival Shells,
per box , $.45
10-Gatitrc New Rival Shells,
per bok ,50
12-Gatigc Repeater Smoke
less Shells, per box CO
10-Gaiigc Repeater Smoke
less Shells, per box 65
Wilcox Department Store
'"b1 oromincnt democrat ri'lnsnd tn ut . ...m s i
. . I ' iV . " easisiu ijuium win nuini iuv iuiuic
The manufacturers' cud sale at even ,noney orl Barry's election, . i nn ,,
Dr. F. IL Lonley will do a gen
eral office business. Special atten
tion given to chronic diseases.
Phone office No. 10, residence No.
41. Office hours 9 to 12 m'., 2 to 4
p. tn. Office City Pharmacv,
North Platte. Neb.
The Fair opened very nuspiciouhly
yesteruay morning, customers
being on hand before the store was
opened. As early as nine o'clock
the store was crowded with neonle
anxious to secure some of the many
nirumns nllered. The sale is in
charge of Mr. Predmetsky, who
coiuincico a specia hale for T ie
l air last spring
ayintr that he expected to
Kinkaid elected congressman.
For Sale.
For blooded Poland Chinas. Such
strains as Chief Tccumseh 2d and
Chief I Know. Best on earth in
peifectton. Ym. Sulmvan,
Ilershey, Neb.
el o
Good Skoes
The usual good value that
characterizes this store's
Shoes, is plain to be seen
in some new ones we have
at $3.00 for men.
The shapes arc those
that please every one
neat appearing and com
fortable fitting. The
leathers are Phoenix Kid
and Box Calf, two of the
best and most popular
leathers made inlo Shoes.
Soles are double with
medium extension edges,
and are welted and sewed.
Tollew Front Ik M,
da !l, Onhin, Htr,
be iO long on the road.
Live stock shipments over the
Union Pacific have taken a npurt,
and stockmen say that there are
hundreds o'f cars of cattle that will
be sent east during the present
month. Eighty-four cars of cattle
lelt the yards at noon yesterday.
Division Foreman Stubbs says
that during the fast week he has
had applications for work from sev
eral mechanics, but that with the
Give mc M7Tlie Tramp Grocery. hl,lUed machinery now in the, shops
no can he worked to adrantairo.
Flour, the 'Sun Beam,' that IS the c . n , . , Prt,rn,rt ,.. .
best flour I ever used." . Sup . Deuel, of the Colorado d.vt-
Wo .In nf .n,,f frt h Kt 8,0 01 lUe U"10n Nellie, IiaS UfCO
the above remark is an every day in malm for or two Past and
occurrence with us. Gibbon 1,1,8 rcvivtu iu iuu.ui mm ne
Flour makes ideal bread. will be appointed general Btiperin-
Wc also quote you a few prices: tendent of the Union Pacific with
Granulated oiino sugar, 18 lbi 81.00 auueB h,m,,ar l" ulosc 01 uie I0.rm-
l'uuoy tublo syrup, jior tral ,. 4Qo er general manager.
Homo nmdooountry Bomlium. iter ir 50o . . t,... ,
P Vmiiplo syrup (ostru Hue) porcal l.a5 i'reBiacni ourt posieu a notice
Wrlght'B buck whoat, por pound. . IJo Friday stating that until further
expound utunanrd tomntoos, 10o nonce lhc tiutiea nf general man-
H pounds HxJnpnnViaVfor "J5o ager of the'Uniou Pacific would be
riixion & uniluRhor No l M it J conducted ly himself. This has
ooiroo, por pound 33o f riimnr ,v,nf
We have the best line of canned general manager is to be abolished.
goods to be found in the city: One thousand machinists and
Gilt EilRo-a-Jb tomatoos, per cnu.. Wo bollermakers on the Chicago & Al-
Gilt Kdtfo U-lb penrs, ior enn .... 15o ,, pi,:rniTn ?. x?,0,ar., rn.,a
r.iltKduo--lb8trin8bonnfl,porcnn ICo ton a,ul c,ncaB Eaatern Illinois
Gilt Hdjjo V-lb succotash, por can 15o roads threaten to go out on a strike
Gilt Kdi:u-2-lb core, por uon 12o if their demands for increased
Our line of Christmas Queens- wages are not met by the latter
ware "win interest you. uur r" '
prices are correct, and it will pay mand an increase of live and one
you to give us a trial, "We want half cents per hour,
E. T. TUAMP, Prop,
A nou-union workmen -who was
discharged from the Omaha shops
last Fjiday reported G45 non-union
men at work tbete. From another
A Oangnroua Month.
This is the month of eouche, colds nnd
nouto catarrh. Do you cntch cold eusily?
Find yourself lionrso, with n tiuklinR in
your thront nnd nn nnuoylng couKh nt
niht? Then, you should nlwnvs hnvo
hnndy, a bottlo ot Unllnrtl's Horbhouud
Syrup. J. A. Auderson,351 Wof.t 5th
St., Sidt Lnko City, writes: "Wo ubo
llallnrd'H Ilorohound Syrup for CoukIis
''""Colds, it kivob immediate roliof.
Wo know it's the best remedy for theeo
troubles. I write this to inducp r hor
pooplo to try this plotunnt nnd oflloient
romedy." 25o, 50c, nnd 81.C0ntA.F.
Stroitz'a Corner Druy Storo.
No hunting allowed on Cody
lands. All trespassers will be pro
secuted to lull extent ot the law.
W. F. Cody.
Alfalfa for Sale.
Good Altalta for sale at the Cody
Enquire of
C. F,
Having engaged the ser
vices ol Mr. Geo. A. Shellqr.
of Omaha, who was recom
mended to me as one of the
best upholsters from that city,
I am now prepared to do all
kind of work in this line and
guarantee to do as good work
as can be turned out. Send
in your chairs, lounges, etc.
C. M. Newton.
No hunting or trespassing on
any of our land.
Mylander Dros.