t 1393 9S3iJJ433fi' 2 9S.rG&ZGi Cat Glass, Hand Decorated China, Clocks and Silverware, rf? M Wo have a fine lino suitable g for WciUHny Gifts. A lit- ii tie early for Christmas W Goods, w ill talk to you about & g tit em later. $ Would he nleascd to sec ? ik' you ' 4 ' 8 X 8 The Jeweler and Optician. i59393a55Ts-t:;8-iC-Ci-1' FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 1902. DS. F W. MILIAR, OflADUATE DKNTI3T. Ofllco ovor Strelti's rrj Stvro. Ri-bo 02. ViMrs W. W Couklin and daui'li- ; tcr returned to St. Louis yes-teiday afternoon. Mr. and Mr. II. V- Ilillikcraud children Ictt Werinehdav morning for their home in Green River, Wyo. Taffy of all flavors at Ilupler'a. D puty Game Warden Carter re turned to town the early part of the week and will probably remain at home for a month or so. Mr. and Mrs. R: S, Davis, who had been visitiny frienda in Fre mont and Broken Bow for ten days ur bo, returned borne Tueday. A. L. Ewttifr, who established a paper at Ilernhey .six years ago, was in town Wednesday in the in terests of thj job department of the Kearney, Mf. an J M,s J D. ShifLir l:ft Vrmr pro.it n t fir S I tit- Wnali.. in i . . T i ' " - an operation. President .D-irt raluscs lo deny or affirm the report from Denver that Y. A Deuel will succeed Mr. Dickinson as L'eiieral manager of the Union Pacific. Another scab wa arrested Wed nesday for carrying a bix-sliooter jind maUiniT threats a to what he would do to certain persons. Yes Jerdy he was taken beore "tdge yeldwin and assesatd tbe custom aty fine. One ot the imported laborers at tlie shops becauii tbe potj&e&hor ot a big 'lag" Tuesday afternoon and attempted to run uiiiigb. lie wuu finally cJiallud and locked in a block car, where be was kept until he i olered up. In a half mile dabh between liorsea owned by Dr. -McLeay ol. tfandy and Doc iarks ot ihia city at the fair grounds Tuebday ufter 5.U00I), the lattei'd animal won eas yily. Quite a tittle money changed hands on the result. Mrs. II. J. Clark wilt exhibit Borne of tier work and her pupils' work in Wartici'a lurniture biore, beginning Kriday, Qot. 3Ut, to Nov. 5-.h. Call aud see. Mrs. D L Robinson stepped on a rusty nail Wednesday atiemoon which penetrated her left loot, the point of tuu nail almost coining through on the opposite side. Prop er remedies were at once applied and uo bad results other than a paintu) "wound are anticipated. A considerable number of drunk were, on thestitets Tueicjay night, Hires ot whom became 'very noisv ntnl were pjeked up by l'olicemau Qauutt, vbo ttarttd uiem j niwarci. When they reached the court hour.e two broke away. Gauntt ordered them to halt but this they f.vled to do, and he lirea several t-hots in the air. The fillows kept on ..printing. Tllie bartjuet tendered Rev. G. A. Beh'.rand Julia Sirenr-un li2t day evening ly the Mrf-on- at their hall is pronounced to have been the pwellest fuiiciion ever given by the local lodge. The menu served liy Rc"liau eu & Caiman was far alove the aveingf : i" fact i. pronounced by n any to h v-lcen Hi - fi ctt ever ie vsd in town. l 15. Dullard presided as toastmrister, hnd in that chair proved hi ahility'as an mtrrductory o flier. The re-pon-c to toasts were well .deliver.nl anil the evenluu. proved a delighfully pleasant one. Will look better if yon fit up with QUI' Horse Blankets, Plush Robes, Fur Robes. Our stock Is complete. . Wilcox Department Store. A couple pieces of air appliances lrom tue local shops were shipped west yesterday. Deputy Revenue Collector. John lUuu of Keartiey trau&tcte'd'tuii ness in town Wednesday. Mrs. Robt. Arundale add Mrs. Henry Gilloylc and daughter liave been visiting frienda lu JJenyer inis week, Dr. D. E. Morrill has Gtted up au o llii! over Hurt initin,, X- 'I'm. .. i " " w w w w u Slbre . aud will attain tiractiee' dentistry. Mr. and Mrs, Grant E. Balkcom, well kuo.wu residents ot Mcl-Mierson county, lelt Wednesday eventng tor Spokane, Wash. Mrs. M. l' Hosier will entertain the ladies society of the 11. of L. 1 u her home Tuesday uf let noon, November -1th. Vyutf Schutte, formerly of this city, lias purchased a latin near Salcin, Oregon, to which state he recently moved, James Burns, who for some lime past has been working in Colorado, arrived tu town yesterday tot u visit with his family. U. G. Sawyer, engineer at the state capitol, came home Tuesday evening and wilt reliuiu until the middle of next week. Cunningham will ha.vc your stove cleaned, blackened and put up promptly and satisfactorily. Colonel O.vens, now working for (he Uuiou Pacific at Evanstou, Wyo , came down Wednesday and is now making arrangements to move hi tamily to that town. Geo. C. McAllister, republican candidate for representative, spent a day or two in town this week. Mr. McAllister says he fmds every thing in good shape in the district, A, G. Wolfenbarger will make his address at the opera house Sunday evening. He is a well known orator and will no doubt in tcrest bis hearers with his temper, ance ta!k. West bound passenger traffic on the Union Pacific is exception illy heavy at present, due to the low rate offered to Pacific coast points. Wednesday aud yesterday morning there were two sections of tram No. 5. At noon on election day, Nov. 4, the ladies of the W. R. C. will serve a fine dinner for 25 cents. Come friends and dine with us, wt will be mutually benefitted. Iyica lion, the vacant store bm'd in Keith block on Dewey street. B Millikcn, ot this citv, tecre tary ot the dibtrict lodge ot boiler makers, who has been east for sev eral weeks in the financial interests of the Union Pacific strikors, reached Omaha yesterday and la txj ected home in a day or two. This office ia issuing for Buchan an & Patterson several thousand pamphlets under the title of "The Land of Opportunity," and which yives a large amount of informa tion relative to Lincoln county as a country of alfalfa, hogs and sugar beets. F. E Bullard leaves tomorrow evening for Philadelphia to attend the setqut-centennial celebration of the initiation of Goorjje Washing ton into a Masonic lrtlge of that city. Mr. Bullaid will alo vinit his old home in northeastern Penn sylvania and will probably be ab sent two or three weeks. His daughter Jessie, who has been spending the summer in the cast, will return home with him. The remains ol the late Michatl McNamara, accompanied .by Mrs. McNamara, ion Charles and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Donehower, arrived from Peoria, 111., Wednesday even ing. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon and were verv lajgely attended, the A. Q. U. W. and the D. of, I. lodges being pres ent ,ip a hody. The floral decora tion's ycrc profusp and heautiful, 3ild represented the lant tokens of pstcpm from friends who held the deceased in hich retard. Michael McNamara has passed from cat lb, but hia character and reputation as a unod citizen and uprluht man will ever be remembered by tliu people of North Platto. COT IN WIRE. Baker Perfect Barb Wire, Painted, per hundred, Baker Perfect Galvanized Barb Wire per hundred, Wilcox Department Store Dec! give the following crnp yield in Lincoln county for the yarir l$02t Com ' 1.063,&0 bushel, winter wheat 4S.SI0 bushel, Kpriiig wheat 49,452 hitxiielx, oafs GJ.llOO Uulieiv rye 107,700 bushel?, barley 09,720 bushels. The yieltt of hay, alfalfa and potatoes m not given. Mail Carrier Brown Dead. Win. R. Brown, a nijiil carrier on tlie North Platte-Gaudy route, wat. found dead In his wagon Wednes day at the Neale. place in tin; north part of the county. Brown lelt here in the morning in apparently hl usual health although he 'com plained a little of having been kicked on the head by a horfo and seemed lo be all riht when he reached Myrtle, hut when the team stopped at NealM place, he was fjund dead in the wagon. Brown was n rather old man. and had been on the route (-ince July, lie had lived in Logan county for a number of year. Angel Food Taffy at Iluplei'ct. Tim T. Kellher c.ime down fmdj Cheyenne yesterday and m.iv de cide to remain until after election. Mrs. J. S. Clinton Itft Wdncs day .for the cast," and will npend the xyinter in Chicago and Grand Rapids. Judge Baldwin united in mar riagc Tuesday evening J L. Smii- gin and Miss Alice 0-bon, both of Pas to u, Arthur B. Marr, now railroadinu out of Cheyenne, wtm a vib'tor in town this week, returning to the Mountain City yesterday. Tonight is Hallow E'en, and it is understood the police h ive been given orders to corrallbyH per petrating mtBCliicvuus deeds. Ruoel & Allegretlle'd chocolate and bon bous in pound and halt pound boxes. AUo BaldulTV box 'ton'.cctions. Fkeo Mauti. Messrs. Wilson and Mozier. two young men who lately at rived in towu, are negotiating for the pur chase of the Oiu Minute CilTee (Iuuscou Front street. Ashley Peler.H has sold Ins rancu 'lorthea-it ol town lo W. D. Waldo and tbe latter is now moving ln catt'e th reto. Mr. Peters ano family wUl remove to town and re 'ilaiu during the winter. County Supt. Neale has juM is- ued a directory of ihc teacher and school rflicers of Liucoln county together with the potollice address of each. This directory ic yery convenient for all, those interested tu the school work ot the county. Ray Lnnglord, who for two weeks had beenv up in the north part of Deuel county looking after Kome horses owned bv Mrs. M, 13. Wattf, returned home yesterday. He sold wixty-five head of l he horses to J,. W. Payne of the E. W. ranch, and assisted Mr. P.iyue in driving them down. The Mabel Vinton company, which opens a thrde night mirage ment at the opera house next Mon day evening, comes well recom mended by the press and large houses everywhere attcs the merits .jf the company. The opening hill will be "A Mother's Love." The company carries moving pictures and renders illust'iited song1'. The admission priCR will be twenty fiye and thirty-five cents. Our fourth page in this issue is occupied by an advertisement giv. tug in d-'lail the particulars and p. ices ol lite "nd sale" which the popular Fair Store will inaugur ate November 3J. Mr. Richard is confident that a large number uf people will avail themselves of this opportunity to fcccure utercbaudibt it very law hgurea, Tito ritual of the Modern and Op- timiolic Older ot Boosters is now being prepared and the first initi ation ceremonies will be held at the Kiisi iNaiional Bank hall some evening next week. It is no, likely a memberbiiip lee will be charged, but if so, it NYill be extreme!) wiuali More than a hundred-volunteer up- Klications tor membership have eeii filed. The reception tendered Rev, and Mrs. Geo. A. Beecher by the Eni- copal vestrymen aud their wlvps at the resideuce of Maijr Walker Wedneedav evening wan larirelv attended, not only by memheiH ol tbe church out by ouieis as well Au hour or two was devoted to social intercourse, and extendiug final good-bye to Mr. ami Mrs, Beecher. Refreshments were served during the evening. "The railroads haye been able to partially hide from the public. the shortage of motive power because ot e car s taution, ' iayu a rail road man: "ft plenty of cars had been on hand and these could havtS been loaded, the Nctirahku lines would have found themselves up against the proposition of having trains loaded on all sidings with no cuKincs to pull them. A it hai, been the car thoMae lian given the roads a thinice lo move trains fairly regularly, although it some' instances it. began to look as though it might be necessity to send trains ovrr the rond behind slow-moving switch enuincs And the worst ot that would hav been that the bwHcIi engines were, needed in the yards." -Lincoln, Journal. ' ' Lincoln County i Crcn. Stitiutc published in the Prepay for Wittier Campaign. ' The strikers are nrtf'oartdgfor an an winter campaign, Having re arranged and strengthened their picket Hues, and rented rooins opposite the depot which are being fitted up for warmth ntid recreation purposes. When on patrol, each man will he furnished with ti card which will be punched at regular intervals by a lieutenant, and ac cording to this arrairgcmelit, will have to perforin laithtul duty or receive no pay, this system being in force at Omaha, and other points on the U. P. where. the strike is maintained The pickets are strict ly charged to obey the law to the letter, and to have any scab whom they suspect of being armed, promptly arrested and searched, and to allow each and nil of them to procure all lha whiskev they want, as it. i considered the more thev get the better it will be for ti c stt tkets and worse for the company For Rcr.t, The Rjes residence on Went Third street. Six roomo, barr, blue grasBjpnd shade trees and city water. BCCttAXAN & PATTUHS N. L. I. Ballar arrived in town yes terday front Edgar with a car ( f household gords. J. J. Halligau was in Liucoln for several' days on business be fore the stale supreme court. F. J. Dentler has arrived from St, Louis and will resume his-, run as passenger conductor On the West ern District. His many old friends arc glad to have hiiu return to North Platte. Au Omaha striker claims to have received a letter lrom Ins father in Stockholm, Sweden, claiming that the Union Pacific has . an agent there who is hiring men to go to the United States and work for that road. It was reported In town Wednes day that John Haiilou, who went , 1 . ... . -V -V' west several weeks ago, was dead. This report, however, waH incorrect as word wan received from him yea- teruay stating tnat lie is improv ing in health. Ilo ia now at Albu querque, In. M. Frank Shaub, waiter at the Vienna, was severely assaulted bv i man uauK-d Stone, second cook at the same place, Wednesday evening. .Shaub was knocked down with a potato masher, kicked in the rluht eye and came near losing the ML'ht of that rye A warrantwns issued for S'one'ti arrest, but he oeems to have skipped town, Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Dniehower who c;i mi here with the remains of the late M. McNamara, will remain in town a few days. Mr. Done hower is em ploy td in the beueflci- .ciary. department ol the B of L, F. near q iarters at Peoria, ill. From him we loam that there nrc 619 lodges of that order In the United! Slates' with a total membership oil about 45,000. uiLXiiu u imm.;a x wur '-'-i ran ,i.wj ti1 n . i i j vxiciit.no:. ceatne & dkhndiczi iDJhe Tall Meai. Wc don't give premiums to "catch you on" but we will sell you your, goods-for less money than anybody and thereby you receive the benefit direct. ' Come and call on us and examine our stoclc and prices and vou will find it will pay you "to trade with JAK eenriHT iki i a. . K.-ICHIAUU 4 CO. Wc have caupht the wants, and have suits us smart and swell as his heart can desire. The fabr'cs are new and not a feature COUld be adder I to put more style into the cut, making or trimming of our Young Mcn's.Suits. Prices not high when wc fnvnisb all this swcllncss for $10.00, $12.50, $16.00 or $1S,00. Wc want every young matt in town to' make it hts business to see these Swagger Fall and Winter Suits. THE MODEL ORE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, weingand & Mcdonald. GERMAN HEATER. i ..'i liT-Jlll!L' P.1. 15he Long Overcoat THE fifty-inch coat Is the proper coat for tall men. Dignity goes with height and you should especially select your overcoat with an eye to the " eternal fitness of things." An overcoat of poor quality appears worse than It really is on a tall man. The high-grade creation as typi fied in 15he "Rogal" Ovorpoat makes unnecessary the pa tronizing of cheap clothiers or high-priced custom tailors. Elegance marks the from every view point.' Hand tailored, perfect fitting, solid shoulders, and hanging giacc fully, it is THE garment for the man who likes good thinfls to wear. IE Ife fE09 OUTFITTERS OF ALL MANKIND. THE SWELL YOUNG MAN "Wants life, dash ami gjtiftcr in hia suit. He wants more coloring, more fashionable curves and kinks than the older and more conserva tive dresser. .spirit of the young man's t M. Ciiiiiiindiaii HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, Etc. . I have the Round Oak, x Rock Island, and Gem City ' . rncr mi crtwirr ouri uml mm, all good reliable stbyes. Call and sec the GERMAN HEATER the Icing of all soft coal Heaters. My Prices are Right. Iiojfal notice. ainn. Tim derendnnlB Willis S Hill, Mm. WIIIIh H. his wife, l!r,-t, roiil niunn unlcnown, Geo. L. Toloti, m.d ftlohnrd Roe, leal unino unhnown, will tnl notleo that on tho 2d day of Sopt., 1002, tho iilnintilT, tho Comity ot Lincoln, a corporation, Mod itn peti tion in tho Dlfltrint Court of Lincoln county. NobriiRkn, tho object nnd prayer ot which in to furecluno certain tnx lioim, duly iipnopeed by said iilnintilT n((inHt tho nortlieost qunrior of pcetirn 10, In township 9, north of ritniro HI, wnt ot Sixth principul tnorldliiii, Nobruslcn, for tho your 181X1 In tho mini uf IOTA; for tho your 1WI7 In tlx Binn of 1!U13j for tho. your 1803 in tho mini of U.fllj for tho onr 18i)9 In tho mini of 7.77; for tho your 1000 in tho mini of -1 .59 ; for tho yonr 1001 In tho mini ot 11,00; ninoiiiitiutc In tho totul mi in nfMl.ilt; with intercut on tho mini of ,'IO.IG nt tho rnto ot ton nor cent pur annum from tho llrst day of Sopt., 1002, all ot which ia duo nnd unpaid. Plaintiff prnyn a drcrco of foroolomiro of paid tux Hon nnd n Pal of said prom Wcr. You and ouch of you dofenduntt) aro required to mliiwor paid potltiuu on r f tJii JVi i in 1 1 f i v llw lul ilnu tT Mnii. Wl VP "ll'MUIIJ UIU lUl Ull WUJI touiuer. JWJ. . TIII3 COUNTV OP I.lNCOr.N. (A. Corpointlon.) Hv It. R. UIDOKI.Y. Hi- Atlnrin- 1 Xiojrnt liotlco, Tho dofondantp, Allco M. Davis, -Dnvin, her Inmbund. Ilrst ro.il mirno uu known, and lllchard Iloo, real niuno on known, will tnko notico that on tho 2d day Of Sopt, 1002, tho plMiotlir, Tho County of Lincoln, n corporation, filed itH petition in the dlfltriot court of Lincoln county. Nobrnnkn, tho objnot and prayor ot which m to foroolosn cer tain tax Hons duly iiBPOPeed by paid plaintiff niilnsL wont, half of northeast ipiartor and oast half northwtiht quarter POottonUO, In township I I. north of raturo 28, wtmt of Sixth principal morldian, No brnRUn. for tint your 1801 in tho mini of 818.02; for tho year 189.") in tho mim of 18. Ill; for tho year 180(1 in tho mini ot 2072, for tho year 1807 In tho mini of 15111, fr tho yoar 1SW1 h tho mini ot 0.7fi, for tho year 18110 in tho mini ot 521, for tho yuir 1000 In ihd mini ot 0.07, for tho year 1001 in thopimi of 12.10. amounting in tho total mini of 00.75; with InloroBt oil tho mini ot 601.20 nt tho rnto ot ton nor cont nor annum from tho IrL day otSoot., 19)2, all of which is duo and unpaid, I'lninttlT prnyn a deoroo of foroolosuro of said tax lion and a palu of tmld prom iron You nnd oach of you dfondantB aro roqiiirod to nnmvorpald potitlon on or bo for Monilny, tho 21th day ot November, 1002. THK COUNTY QV MNCOliV, A Corportlon, By If. S. Itldfc'loy, its Attornoy. .A