The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 24, 1902, Image 5

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    iinrf fMh 1
wo nave a tine unc suiianic
for Wedding Gifts. A lit- $
I IV l IWI Will
J; Goods, will talk to you about offer
Cut Glass,
Hand Decorated China,
Clocks and' Silverware,
them' later.
Would be pleased to sec
The Jeweler nnd Optician.
.Tl V
RIDAY, OCT. 24, l'J02.
ioo: Btrcltz'a Urn Etoro. j.'aonc u.
D. J. P. D.illard, ot Sidney, ts a
eltilnr m Intvri toclnv.
Angel Food Taffy at Iluplcr'a.
Mrs. M. J. Cronin is baving her
residence on weat Sixth street re.
Judge Jamcfi Neville of Omaha is
ii town today on business cott
n:ctcd with the Keith estate.
"The Denver Express" drew a
large audience at the opera bouse
last cveniiiET an J is said to bave
been well presented.
Rev. J. F. Seibert returned last
evening irom a ten days trip to the
central part of the Btate on busi
ness connected with his position as
esidcnt of the Lutheran Synod of
Eleven robust and comely young
men came up from Kearney today
and lt four o'clock. this afternoon
Will demonstrate their pluck and
brawn in a came of foot ball with
the local high school team.'
Wo now have a first-olass
Upholsterer in town at
O. M. Nowton'e.
-did Ewell. ot the Grand Island
sugar factory, has been spending
. 1 1. . r : -. 1 4 ,..nnr-
intending the harvesting and ship- escorted
ping of sugar beets. Mr. b-vell
says the beet crop in this county,
taken as a whole, is exceptionally
A number of Methodist people
met at the home of Mrs. E. 13.
Gibbs the latter part ot List week
and presented Mrs. C. P. Wlmberly
wlUli a handsome table cloth and a
crvzen napkins. In making the
prcbcntalion speech J. C. Orr spoke
ot t lie high esteem in winch Ihe
Wimberlv family was held by those
who had presented the testimonial.
Bitter calt on U3 and buy a five
or ten acre tract of the Isaac Dillon
lund, adj lining city, before all sold.
Price right, terms easy,
Jon.N Bratt & Co.,
Sole Ageuts.
J. W. Alexin isr has been work
ing hi; grading outfit on the coun
ty road between the southern limit
of the city and Fremont slough and
in a few dava more will have that
thorouuhlare in good shape. Mr,
Alexander will also do consider
able grading in IUnman precinct
frnm the Codv lands west and also
nn the road near the Baker school
Mrs. D. C. Cougdon has been
visiting in Omaha tor a few dayB.
Fred Kade will probably leave
next week tor a month'd visit with
relatives in St. Louis.
Rev. Swanders, who had been at
tending the national convention ot
the Christian church at Omaha, re
turned home this morning.
The W. C T. U. will entertain
the teachers and members of the
Bchool board at a reception this Fri
day evening at Mrs. Hartman's.
Will Yost and brother Charley
have returned from Omaha. The
of settlement made by the
Union Pacific was unsatisfactory to
MissIdiVjn Gjetz, contestant
in the Omaha Daily News piano
contest, stood fourth on the list
yesterday with a credit of 18,000
votes. "
The weather the past week has
been exceptionally fine for the
sugar beet harvest and that work
has been pushed very vigorously by
the growers.
C. A. Gloze, republican candi
date for commissioner in the Third
district, is transacting business in
town today. Mr. Glazi says condi
tions are yery favorable for his
The New York Tribune quotes a
stockholder of the Kansas & Orient
road a saying that Edward Dick
inson will become manager of that
road after January 1st.
Toe W. C. T. U. wilt meet next
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Steb
bms. Mrs. Giflin was unexpectedly
called to the bedside of her mother
hence we could not meet there.
The Payne Investment Co. sent
a half dozen land seekers to tins
city yesterday and they were
shown the land in this vicinity by
the local representative of the com
Remember wc write Fire, Lilc
and Accident Insurance at lowest
living rates in the bestvold line
companies. Sec us.
John Bratt & Co.
Ex-Sheriff Jake Miller, now em
ployed in the Union Pacific secret
service oetween uvanstpn aim
Green River, passed through today
to Lincoln where his wife is visit
imr. They will both return in a
few days and stop over here. ,.
The members of the local foot
ball team met their Kearney op
ponents at the depot this morning,
them to ureakfast, and
Mrs. T. J. Burns, who haR been
visiting Omaha friends fora month,
will return home Sunday morning.
Chicago forecast tv Nortn Platte
and vlcinttr: partly cuudy and
possibly uns t'.led tonight and. Sat
J. S. Iloaglaod left yesterday for
the Filth congressional district to
do bbinc campaign work for Judge
J. J. Halligan returned this
morning from Scotts Bluff county,
where he transacted legal business
tor several days.
Lester Thackcr, formerly ol this
city, was married at Houston,
Texas, last Wednesday to a young
lady of that cijy.
The W, R. C. will serve a hot
dinner to the public November 4th,
election day. Place of serving will
be advertise I later.
Mrs. Swan Swauson and chil
dren, who have bcu visitiug in
Colorado Springs for several week?,
arc expected home tonight.
Mrs. Millard Hosier and MUs
Nina Mason, who were expected
Ifbme from Iowa last Monday, did
not arrive until last evening.
H. S. Keith, now located at Long
Pine as manager ol an Elkhorn eat
ing house, is expected in town in a
tew days fur a visit ith friends.
J. Q. Thacker, the former North
Platte drugpUt, U now running as
Pullman conductor on the B. & M.
between Kansas City aud Sheridau,
The puzzle card distributed by
Jake & Ed todav ha claimed the
time ot a large number of people
The puzzle is not neatly ass simple
as it appears at first glance.
Marie, the nineteen month old
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Uarrow, ot the first ward, died
Wednesday morning, and' the
funeral held yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. W. V. lloagland, who had
been spending several weeks iu
Iowa and at Lincoln,returnrd home
Weduesdiiv. Mr. Hoairland who
1 -
had been at Lincoln tor several
day?, accompanied her home
Foreman Burns and his two
assistants completed bringing
electric light wires on the north
side of the track today aud the
work on the south side will be
nushed as raoidlv as possible. The
system will be fully .completed by
November 10th.
The time to buy them is be
fore yqu need them.
Men's Heavy Arctics
per pair cp
Men's Heavy Roll Edge
Snow Excluder Arctics,
ner oair
I r
during the forenoon treated them
in a hospitable manner. All of
which is highly commendable.
Forty six men enrolled tliein
selves as members of the Order ol
Boosters this forenoon. An ap
propriate badge will be presented
to each member in a few days
The order will undoubtedly hav
five hundred members within two
weeks, and with that 'number
wotking as a unit lor North Platte
and Lincoln county, great results
will be attained. Join the Boosters
and boost.
The North Platte friends of Rev.
D. W. Crane will regret to learn
that he is critically ill at his home
in Kearney. Last evening's Kear
uey Hub says: The condition of
Rey. D. W. Crane is considered
critical today. Two physicians are
in attendance and every phase of
his malady Is closely watched. In
limitation has set in, out it is yet
too early tor the physicians to de
termtne whether thia la a mark ot
improvement or not. No operation
will be attempted, at least as long
as the patient remains as weak cs
he is at present. The only result
feared is that blood poisoning may
set in and if that should occur, it ih
doubtful that Mr. Crane could re
cover. Opiates arc administered
now to relieve the pain and under
this influence Mr. Crane was rest-
in" easily when the Hub called to
For Sale
240 acres bottom hay land with
or without water right, 7 miles
fiom city. See John Bratt & Co.
Yopr Rig
For Sale.
Forty-tour head of good yearling
steers price S20 per head. See
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
Messrs. Chas. McDonald,. Geo.
Dowlen aud W. T. Banks, fur
nished lunds tor the first dozen
folding chairs needed so much in
the rooms. It is hoped that others
will contribute promptly for the
second dozen so they can be used
next Sundav.
State Secretary J. P. Bailey
writes us that he will be here on
Saturday evening. He will be
pleased to meet as many men aB
possible at the rooms.
Rev. George A. Becchcr was to
have addressed the men'.s meeting
next Sunday. Alter hearing of the
coming of the Mate secretary he
desires to give the time to him but
will attend the meeting. Mr.
Bailey will interest the men of
North Platte. The rooms should
be packed next Sunday at 3:30 p,
m. to hear him.
Card of Thanhs.
We desire to extend our thanks
to the neighbors and lriends who
so kindly ' assisted us during the
;Ilness and death ol our little one.
Mr. and Mrs. m Harrow and
Five non-union men q-iit work
Wednesday and four came in irom
the cast.
Roadmaslcr Brown ot .the Middle
District is transacting business in
town today.
Supt. Baxter and Master
Mechanic Bartium transacted busi
ness In town yesterday.
Supt. of Motive Power McKecn
is spending today in town, having
arrtved from the west last night.
Yesterday morning there were
201 men on the shop pay.roll, ex
clusive of those employed on the
ice iranL'.
Philip Picard and A!cx. Rus9cll
left Wednesday tor a point n
Minnesota, where they will work
iu railroad Miop.
Engine 1832. which had been in
the Omaha shops for repairs, came
up yesterday and will do passenger
service on tl)c Fourth district,
An ffliclal announcement has
been made that the Union. Pacific
has purchased a controlling inter
est in the St. Joe and Graud Ulaud
road. 1
Master Mechanic Barnum Rays
that the new shops at Omaha arc
in full operation and that sixteen
cti'Miies arc iu the shops under
going repairs,
Norman Wilson, who has been
wotking at Ogden for several
weeks, is in town visiting hi fam
ily. He is undecided as to whether
he will remain at Ogden.
II. C. Phelps, who had been sta
tioned here during the summer as
agent ol the. fruit express compan
ies, completed his work yesterday
and left for hi home in KaiiBan,
accompanied by Mrs. Phelph.
The force ol men in the Mtops at
Grand Inland is insufficientor in
ellicient to do all the work on the
Second district engine and much
light repairing that should be done
there is perfoimed at Nor-th Platti
Miops. r
One of the employes at the shops,
Slinsk6y by name, tell irom the
running board of an ctmine Tues
day and dustaincd a broken rib, a
oamy oruiseu snouuier and tome
internal injuries. He was taken 16
an O.naha hospital Wednesday
night. ! ' '
Jl is nip and tuck with with the
Union Pacific to keep sufficient coal
on hand at the various coaling sta
tions to supply the needs of the en
gines. Jvast Wednesday the supply
at Grand Inland was entirelv ex
hausted for a tew hours and one
passenger engine left that nlace
with a tank partly filled with a
quality of coal suited otily for a
stationery boiler-.
1 Best Working Clothes
For Sale.
Ca'lle ranches, all s'zes, from
$100 to 50,000. Manv bargains,
Call and set our list Why not in
vcAt in a small bunch, be your own
boss and grow rteu easy.
John uratt !c Co.
40 well-brnd, dehorned native
Yearling Heifers, only $16.00
per head. Part time. Sec
Bratt, uurkic cz Goodman
fPa1rctics 75 cts r,oo'!bolloriryoi,fltupn"'1"
, . mn Horse Blankets,
Weil's Rubber Boots m Plush Robes,
per pair $&ojv Fun R0b6s.
J store Closes at 8 o'clock p. m. 0ur ptock is comPlctc
Wilcox Department Store. Wilcox Department Store.
No hunting allowed on Coly
land". All trespassers will tie pro
secuted to lull extent nt the law.
W. F. Cody,
Who wou'd Itoon tliotr uhildron in
trood hi'nlth, ehould vviiteh for thu first
evmntoms of worms and rornovo thorn
with Whito'u Croum Vormifuee. It is
tlio cliililron'ti bst tonic. It cot'i dluoa
tlon nt work so that thoir food does
t inm trood and thoy irrowun healthy
and i-tionir. L'fieutA1 V, Sttoltz'u Cor
nor Drug Store.
arc the Unbu
rn ad c Coats,
Pants and ovcr
nlls.'bcaring'thc label of Hamil
ton Carhartt.
The great pop
ularity and ser
viceability of
these goods has
brought about
many imita
tions. Imitation
is the sinccrest
flattery. .But
an imitation is
never equal to
the genuine.
We arc soiling'
tuetn unncr a
guarantee' from
the maker that
they arc the
best goods for
the money that
arc made. And
these goods arc
nil union-made,
which is but
another wav of
saying that the v
arc put togeth
er with the very
best workmnur.liip. When von buv overalln be sure
you get the GENUINE CARHARTT. Sold only at
Clothing: House. (
W. M.
STOVES, Etc. .
,1 have the
Round Oak,
Rock Island,
and Gem City
all good reliable stoye's.
Call and sec the.
the king df all soft coal
My Prices are Right.
All classes of cattle, or will buy
a few bunches at market price.
Bratt, Burick & Goodman.
I To Our Fellow Laber Unionists U
And to All that Toil.
Dijar Friends and Brothers:
It is with the greatest of pleasure and the best wishes
for . his success that wc call your "special" attention to
October 20th, on road near Ma
corn bet M ranch on north side, a
pocuetbool; containing several,
pieces of Bilver and several receipts.
Owner can haye same by calling at
this oflice, proying property and
paying charges.
the record of W. M. Finck as an employer ol union 'labor.
He is one of the few employers who has encouraged his
employees in their efforts to organize. As a partner in
and superintendent of the largest plant in the country, he
gave the members of our local during their organization
period his hearty co-operation, and he has always been
willing to meet us more than half way. Mr. Finck luis
established a factory of his own to be known as,
W. ML. Finck & Company.
As he will operate a strictly Union Factory and employ
none but organized labor we feel we arc duty-bound to
ask our fellow workers in all trades to give him and those
who sell his
"Detroit "SPECHAL" Brand o? Worliing
men's Clothing."
U Bearing the label of our union, a guarantee of superiority,
g their patronage.
fjfo Wc can truthfully say you will receive a dollar in value
for your dollar in coin. Wc will receive a dollar in coin
for every dollar's worth of work.
Si In the true spirit of unionism wc ask you to wear cloth
Si inh bearing the garment workers' label.
! .
0 With many kind wishes for your success, wc are,
R Local No. 74, United Garment Workers of America.
Detroit, Michigan, KATE DOODY, Pres.
April 5, 1902.
These excursions leave Omaha
every Wednesday, Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday at 4:25 p. in., iu
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars.
The ears are accompanied all the
wny by conductors skilled iu the
service ot excursion parties. The
Union Pacific is the only line from
Omntta running ionr excursions to
Cnbfortiia every week.
Thee excursions can be joined
at any point enroute.
For lull information call on or
ftddrcss 15. IT. Genue, Agent.
OffltD OTiir North I'lntte National Bank.
For Piles.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives relief.
Tho continued uso of Hum
phreys' Witch Hazol Oil per
manently cures Piles or Hem
orrhoids Extornal or Internal,
Blind or Blooding, Itohing or
Burning, Flssurosand Fistulas.
Reliof immedlato euro cortaln.
'l'lirco Rlici, Sftc, 5 (to. aud t.OO. Bold liy nr mull prciinM on ruculpt orprlco.
IliiiiiplirtnV Mnllcliio Co., Cor. William and
John 8t Now York.
Vital Woaknoss and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pnthlo Specific No, 28, In U30
over AO years, tho only success
ful remedy. $ 1 por vial, or spec
ial packugo for serious case3, $3.
0oU ly Druggltti.or cont prepaid on receiptor prlco,
i Humphrey! Mod. Co,, William & John fits II. Y.