The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 21, 1902, Image 3

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f Wedding dills
I Cut Glass,
Hand Decorated China, $
Clocks and Silverware, S
ft Wi? have A fine line suitable S
g for Wedding Gifts. A lit- $
ft tie early for Christmas
S Goods, will talk to you about $
v them later. v
ft Would jti'c pleased' to sec $
W vnn. ' H
K you.
8 The Jeweler and Optician.
Sltf cuji - Weekly Srilmar.
TUESDAY, OCT. 2', 1002.
fflco ovor Stic ltz's Era Btoro. Phono 62.
Mibs Atfna Sorcnaoa went to
Omaha this morning.
The Ladies' Guild will hold their
annual fair aud supper Thursday,
Nor, 20th, 1902.
R. E. Haskell was in town yea
terday enroute trotn Omaha to his
ranch in McPhcrson county.
H . S..Ridgley left last night tor
Omaha where he will devote u day
or two to the transaction of legal
Jesse Young-, who had been visiting-
W. C. Elder and other friends
in town, lelt last night lor his
home in Wyoming.
Two stray turkeys. Owner can
have same by calling at Mrs. A. O.
JKockenV, proving property and
payiing tor ieed and this notice.
J. J. Halligan is in Gering thiB
week taking depositions in an im
portant irrigation case which will
be tried before a judge in Omaha.
Secretary Julius Sljeppard re
turned yehtciday from Omaha
where he attended a meeting of
state secretaries of the Young
Men's Christian Association.
i We now have a first-class
Upholsterer in town at
O. M. Newton's.
Henry Yost, Sr., went to Omaha
yesterday and will take treatment
lor eczsma, which has seriously
affcted him for some time past.
Mr. Yost thinks the disease is due
to handling poisonous leather, as it
first appeared on his hands and
later spread all over his body.
X From four to six carloads of
sugar beets are being shipped daily
iiom points along the Union Pa-,
cific in this county. A a carload
ot beets is worth from $125 to S150
to the grower, it will be seen that
the money obtaiuted from the
beee will this year prove quite an
. item to the growers.
For Salei
Cattle ranches, all sizes, from
$400 to S50,000. Many bargains.
Call aud see our list. Why not in
veat'in a Btnall bunch, be your own
bosB aud grow rich eay.
John BkXtt & Co.
All classes of cattle, or will buy
a few bunches at market price.
Buatt, Bukku & Goodman.
The time to buy them is be
fore you need them.
Men's Heavy Arctics fi
per pair p 1
Men's Heavy Roll Edge
Snow Excluder Arctics, (? -yc
per pair cpl 9&v
Ladies' Arctics 7 rfc
per pair.... & O LIC5
Men's Rubber Boots
per pair
f Store Closes at 8 o'clock p. m.
pa Department Store.
'X ue uoard ot Education uclu a
meeting labt evening and elected
Miss Laura Irish as a member of
the teaching corps.
Geo. A. Shcllcr arrived from
Omaha a few days ago and has ac
cepted a position as upholsterer in
C. M. Newton's store. '
Three months ago there were 124
men on the Union Pacific pay-roll
at Grand Island. At the beginning
of this week the number was 225.
Several engines from the Wvom
fag division have passed through
to Otniha during the past few days
where they will be given a general
Angel Food Taffy at Hupler'a.
The December term of the district
court will have a rather heavy
docket to dispose of, but as many
of the cases arc of the foreclosure
variety it will not require long to
pas upon them,
A man who gave evidence of
being deranged, and imagines some
on: has been following him for two.
years was placed in jiil last night
and will be held for a few days.
The unfortunate fellow clairtiB
ludiana as his home.
The electric light company has
completed putting in all the poles
required under the contract and
yesterday received an additional
ton of wire which is now being
strung. The remainder of the wire
needed will be here in a few days.
All upholstering and furni
ture repair work guaranteed
at Newton's.
Miss Josephine Goodman, who
has been confined to her room for a
week or bo with nervous prostra
tion, is considerably improved. The
attending physician has recom
mended that she take a rest from
school work for several months.
'Sheriff Carpenter received a tele
gram from the Sidney marshal last
night requesting him to watch for
a man who had left that town yes
terday. In the description of the man
a blackeye was mentioned, so it is
likely that he had been engaged in
a fight.
WM1 Yost was called to Omaha
yesterday to make settlement with
the Union Pacific company for the
injuries he received several weeks
ago. He wan accompanied by Ins
brother Charley and later they will
go to Chicago where Will expects
to be fitted with an artificial climb.
Better call on us and buy a five
or ten acre tract of the Isaac Dillon
land, adjoining city, before all sold.
Price right, terms easy,
John Bratt & Co.,
Sole Agents.
We acknowledge the receipt from
the state commissioner of labor of
a copy of ''Nebraska's Industries
and Resources," which givea much
valuable information relating to
the state. As a book of reference
it is cspecialty handy to have on
one' desk.
Geo. T. Field, E. F. Seeberger
and this writer spent a few hours
in Cheyenne Saturday and met a
number of former North Platte
residents in the shops and around
the railroad oflkep, all of whom re
ported that they were getting atong
nicely. Supt. Park had been called
out of town and could not, there
fore, be seen by the trio.
Hon. James Wilson, secretary of
agriculture, was in Omaha yester
day and is quoted by the Bee as
saving that President Burt should
submit the Union Pacific strike to
au arbitration committee. 'Presi
dent Burt may say that he does
not propose to deal with the
unions," said Mr. Wilson, "but the
unions are here and have to be
dealt with and the sooner he recog
nizes that fact the better it will be
for the Union Pacific and the pa
trons of the road."
or Sale.
40 well-bred, dehorned native
Yearling- Heifers, only $16.00
per head. Part time. See
Eit att, UuKicic & Goodman.
Your Rig
Will look better if you fit up with
Horse Blankets,
Plush Robes,
Fur Robes.
Our stock is complete.
Wilcox Department Store.
Siove Pipe.
6-in. Steel Stove Pipe pci joint 15c
f inch Planished Stove Pipe
per joint 50c
6-hicb Galvanized Stove Pipe
per joint ..30c
6-inch Common Elbows, each 10c
Wilcox Department Store.
The Ladies of the Christniu Aid
Society on Thursday evening, Oct.
30th, will serve a first class chicken
supper. Thcic will be usetul and
fancy articles on sale both after
noon and evening. There will also
be Christmas articles and a table of
home-made candles. Held in vacant
building in Keith block on Dawcy
Judge IIoaglaudlcavcs the latter
part of the week for a trip through
Harlan, Kearney, Phelps and HahV-
ilton . counties in the interests ot
oP Judge Norrlp, the republican
candidate for congress. Judge
Hoagla'tid has a large acquaintance
in those counties and his personal
work w'ill be valuable to Judge Not
rib' candidacy.
Adyancs Agent Purccll, repre
senting the Schub.'rt Concert com
pany, spent yesterday in town and
made airangcmentB to have his
company appear here under the
auspices of the High School, TIiib
company gave a concert here about
four; years ago aud it was pro
nounced one of the best given in
town. The net proceeds of the
concert will be devoted to the High
School library.
Ifyouhavoa ohair, lounge
or any pieco of iurmturo that
needs upholstoring take it to
O. K. Newton's.
Coal thieves arc beginning to get
in their work early in the season.
Duriug the past week the coal
houses of B. L. Robinson, II. C.
Blickcnsderfer aud A. B. Hoagland
have' been visited. The latter gen
tleman reports the loss of about a
ton. Residents will do well to se
curely fasten their coal house doorp,
and stand the breech loader within,
easy reach;
Sheriff Carpenter and Deputy
Elder are busv this week posting
election noncea anci noiuying
judges and -clerks of election of their
appointment. To do this work is
no amall task. There are five mem
bers of the election board in each
precinct, and each member must be
served with a notice. It often
happens that tlieee members live
quite a distance apart and lo reach
the five in each preciut twelve or
fifteen miles must be traveled.
When it is considered that there
arc loity-oue precincts in tlic
county outside of North Platte
aouie idea ot the amount of driving
necessary may be gained.
Remember we write Fire, Lite
and Accident Insurance at lowest
living rates in the best old line
companies, bee us.
John Bkatt & Co.
A, T. Nichols, living three inileb
west ot town, received returns yes
terday from hiH first car of beets.
The car was a small one and only
held eighteen and a half tons, but
the beets were of a superior quality
testing 18.8 per cent in sugar and
90 in purity, and were rated at
55 20 per ton. Mr. Nichols had in
six acres ot beets and the total
yield will exceed one hundred tons,
thus giving him a revenue ot about
tiinely dollars per acre. This reve
nue ia four timet) greater than any
acre ot corn in Lincoln county will
produce, and while the expense ot
weeding, cultivating and haryest
ing beets is much greater than
corn, yet the net revenue derived
from beets itf seycral times gi eater
than from corn. Mr. Nichols says
that he did not have a fair bhow,
else his results would cvep have
been better. The land he put in
beets had not been properly culti
vated for several years and was
therefore foul with weeds. There
is considerable alkali in l lie ground
but it did not seem to "interfere
with the growth or purity ot the
Eo You Want to Yawn?
Feol cold slilvorlriRfl, nehing in the
Ijonop. IncK or onortry, iioiuliiohn nntl
great, depression? TIippo pyinntoma
mity bo followed by violont hendnulic,
hiKli lover, oxtronio nervotiRnosR, a con
dition known n umlnrln. Tlcrhlno euros
it. Tiilto it beforo tnn dlponno i;ots n
fair hold, thoucli it will nwlcu euro In
nny stneo. J. A. HonkinR, Manchester.
Kim. , writes "I huvo u-cd your great
modecino, Heroine, lor fovornl yonri.
Tlior in notliini: bottor for inilnrin,
chills and fevnr, hontlnohe, bihoiiBtiosn,
nnd tor n blood puryrylng tonic, thiiro is
nothing iih Rood-" r)c ut A . F. Stroitz'ii
Corner Dru" Store.
A foot ball game has been ar
ranged for Friday, October 24th,
between the North Platte High
School and the Kearney High
School. Game called at 4 o'clock.
Admission 25 cents.
Several town people are out at
the Dayis farm today attending the
public sale which is being held
We are told that J. C. Fcdcrhoof
recently refused an offer nf forty
dollars per acre for his 320 acres of
laud just west ot town.
J. S. L. Brown, au.eniployc ot the
Union Pacific shops at Cheyenne,
is in town today visiting relatives
and old-time friends.
Dr. D. 13, Mori ill and farnil)
came down lrom the ranch today
and will locate in town. The Doc
tor will again practice dentistry
and will open an office in the rooms
he formerly occupied over Harring
ton & Tobin's Dewey street store.
Chicago forecast for North Platte
and vlcinily: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday, wanner tonight. TI.e
maximum temperature yesterday
was 74, one year ago 72. The mini
mum temperature this mornirg
was 41, one year ago 38.
C. A. Wymati, living west, ot.
town. Bays he raised seventy young
turkeyp, but owing to the amateur
hunters, who can't tell a young
turkey from a prairie chicken, he
has but thirty-five left. As a result
Charley feels a little sore toward
the said amateur hunters.
The board of directors of the
base ball association met last even
ing for the purpose of devising
means tor paying otT the indebted
ness of the association, which
amounts to about four hundred
dollars. Several plans were sug
gested for raising funds to pay the
deficit, one ot which was a minstrel
entertainment, and a committee
was appointed to arrange for such
an nffairi
, J'olntu or filnill irlty.
Tho yOung pig could reach tho swltl
well pndiiEh by putting .Its snout over
the aldp Of. tho trough, but It was not
satisfied ylth that. It proceeded to
get all fpur of Its feet In tho trough,
llut tho mother of tho pigs thrust tho
greedy young monopolist to ono sldo.
"Get out Of that, you selfish, grasping
thing!" alio said. "You remind mo so
much of human botngst"
Mount Ktnn Olinlnlililns In Ilcljlit.
Mount Aetna Is diminishing In
height, a fact attributed, of courBO, to
tollurlc convulsions. Tho highest peak,
which In 1818 was 0,042 foot nbovo tho
sea lovol, 1b now reduced to 0,820 foot.
In 18C9 tho bordci ot tho crator was
9,753 feet high; It Is now only 0.C05
feet. On tho other hand, tho diameter
of tho crater ltnolf, which thon meas
ured 1,200 foot, has now expanded to
1,500 feet.
Amorica'a Famous Boautloa
look with horror on Skin Eruptionr,
Blotches, Sores, Pimples. Thoy don't
linvo thorn, nor will any ono, who uses
Ducklen'n Arnica Snlvo. It glorifies tho
faco. Eczomn or Snlt ltlioum vanish
beforo It. It euros" poro lips, ohnppod
hnnds, chilblains. InfalJIblo for IiIcb.
25o at A. F. Streitz's Drug Store
$1.25 .
Shoes that will strand the
hard knocks that a boy will
give them, that are stylish
enough to wear anywhere.
Come in and compare the
shoes with the price.
Store Closes at 8 o'clock p. m.
Wilcox Department Store
) in Best Working Clothes.
arc the Union
made Coats,
Pants and over-alls.ibcaring-the
label of Hamil
ton Carha r 1 1 .
The great pop
ularity and ser
viceability of
these gooila has
brought about
many i m i t a -tions.
is the sinccrcst
flattery! But
an imitation is
never equal to
the genuine.
We arc selling
them under u
the maltcr that
they arc the
best gcods for
the money that
arc made. And
these goods arc
all union-made,
which is but
another way of
are put togeth
er with the very
best workmanship. When vou buy overalls be sure
you get the GENUINE CARP ART T. Sold onlv at
The Model
Vulin nt Dnmeit'o Anltrmln.
Tho avorngo vahio of all tho mu!o3
In tho country last year was ?10 a
head moro than tho avcr,go valu.i of
horses. Tho avorago vahio of milch
cows was $7 n heat moro than tho av
erage valuo of oxen and other cattle.
Tho avorago valuo of ohcop won $22 a
head less than tint of oxen and ?1.G0
less than thnt of swlno.
Sliikrppotiro In Vlannn.
Vienna Is experimenting with
ShaUespcaro'a less commonly ncted
plays. "Trollus and Crosslda" proved
GUcccBsful, filling tho Burg theator two
and thrcco times a weolt, but "Meas
ure for Measuro" was received coldly.
Having engaged the ser
vices of Mr. Geo, A. . Shcllcr
of Omaha, who was recom
mended to mc as one of the
best upholsters from that city,
I am now prepared to do all
kind of work in this line and
guarantee to, do as good work
as can be turned out. Send
in your chairs, lounges, etc,
C. M. Newton.
ITuIb wijl be received by the
county clerk at his office in Nortli
Platte up to noon of Saturday,
Oct. 25th, 1902, for the delivery
of ballots for the coming General
Bids will be considered for a
part of the county not less than
one-fourth of the precincts, The
successful bidders to enter into
contract with good surety.
County Clerk.
W. M. Cunningham,
I have the
Round Oakj
Rock Island,
and Gem City
all good reliable- stoy'cs'. VW
Call and see the
the king of all soft coal ,
My Prices are Right.
OQo OTr North 1'latU Notional Dnok.
Tho Dofondantn. Mnry E. Lock
wood, Iioelvood,lior liubbniul.flrBt real
namo uhlcnowu, nnd lUchnrd Kot,
ronl nnmo unknown, will tnlco notlco
thnt on tho 'Jd dny of Septcmbor, 100'-',
tho philntitr, tho County of Lincoln, n
corporation, tiled iln pottlion in llio dis
trict court of Lincoln county, Nobrnelto,
tho objoat nnd prnyor of which is to
foreoloRo cortuln tux lions, duly nsi oaeod
by said plulnttlT ogninst oust half of went
half ot flection 2, in township 13,
north of inngo 119, vost of Sixth princi
pal luoridliin, Nobninkn, for tho year
1807 in tho Rum ot 87.80, for tho year
1898 In tho biiiu ot 7.73, for tho yonr 1809
in thosuai of C20, for tho yonr 1900 in
tho sum ot !! tiS, for tho yonr 1901 in
tho sum of 14.71, niuounthiu in tho total
mini of $!9.'21. with Intercn on tho sum
of JJ2.10 nt tho rnto o! tun por cent par
annum from tho 1nt duy of Boptombor,
1902, nil of which in duo nnd unpaid.
PlnintilT prays u docrco of forectoBU-o
of said tax Mem nnd u rnlo ot Fn'.d prou
isos. You nnd ouch of jou dofondantn
nro ro(iiirod to nnawor paid petition on
or boforo Monday, tho 121th duy of No
vennbor, 1002.
(A. Corporation.)
Tty II. S, niDaKLY, Itn Attornoy.
For Piles.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives
Tho continued, uso of Hum
phreys1 Witch Hazol Oil per
manently euros Plies or Hem
orrhoids Extornol or Intornal,
Blind or Blooding, Itohfng or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.
Rollof Jmmedfato ouro oortaln.
Tlireo Size, 25c, OOc. oud 81.00. Bold by
DnmslaU. or vent iircpniil on receipt orurlce.
! Humphrey.' Ali'illrlne Co,, Cor. Wllllnui and
, John HI.., flew York.
I Vital Woalcness and Prostra
tion from ovorwork and other
causes. Humphreys Homeo
pathic Spcolfio No. 28, In uso
over 40 years, tho only success
ful romccly. $1 porvlal, orspec
lal package for sorious cases, $B. ,
Bold ly Drueslati , or sent prepaid on rooclpt ot pilco.
Humphrey!1 Med, Cc, Willhm 4 John Sti4 II. Vt