mt EIGHTEENTH YEAK. NOIITII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 17, 1902- NO. CO f i i r Jt The Malleable Has many points superior to any other range on the market. The stoves are sold as cheap as any range of its class. HOWE'S FMMTUBE STORE. Tnlm llrntt (nlm ft Bratt, Burke m ;-DJ!iAliJ!SKS. IN BUY OR SELL ON $ References Any Bank in Nebraska, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. . 6 c d 9 ? Farm Implements, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit- tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale lies, Lightening (J Hay Press & Repairs A Locust Sf r . . . I The Climate J Of Western Nebraska 9 a most money burned to painting- your house. cheapest in the end. Sherwin & Williams Paints Have been sold by us for many yeara, and they have given universal satisfaction time tried and not found wanting-. We have a full stock on hand for e e the spring- trade. If i it again; if you have not used it, try it. lA F STREITZ, Druggist I i3cesoaeococi the Fivp f JtX. TWIT in i 19, THE HEER OF It has an international liavor anil ior ausuiuiu Willi ii ior ine lame, JOHN GUND BREWING Send uo lor pasx H. SUILfcSlNuhK, Nnrth W lrfT. , W . mm 14. WIOTT'S nniMVonviii mil 1 rriURl H lift El N a Ma r II 1 ! of menstruation." They aro "LIFE SAVJ3IIS" to girls at wouianliood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for woiulti equals tliem. Cannot do harm llfo becomeo n pleasure. 81.00 11511 UOX BY MAIL. Sold by dniKfrlst3. DU. MOXT'S ClIBMIOAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by North Platte Pharmacy. Steel Range A Itilt'l. - .. V XI C.tritnt di A vV, 6c Goodman, jjj w LlVJiS STOCK. S COMMISSION. Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt Bldtf. ft JOS. HERSHEY 9 9 Wagons, Buggies, 6 NORTH PLATTE, NEB. is hard on paint and it is al use an inferior quality when The best paint is by far the . e e you have used it you will buy wit Cmr x .mil TOW RouncC of (Pleasure as well as perpetual good health, is assured when you drink 1 GOOD CHEER. reputation for blandness of pumi nunc vu vuuiatc oum tiuijnuut, CO., - LaCrosse, Wis. 01 nno piajuif caro. DlattB. Neb. . . . They ovcrcomo WcaTt ncss, irregularity and omissions, inurcabo vi; or and banish "nalns Y. M. C A. NOTES. The city ot York, Nebraska, wakes up to the fact that lis young men need a Y. M. C. A. and its citizens have subscribed fifteen thousand dollars toward the erec tion ot a beautiful and well equipped building. We wonder If there is a man or woman that thinks enough of the young men of North Platte to give ten dollars towards the purchase of two dozen folding- chSVra for them to occupy while listening to practical talkp, lectures and helpful addresses. Who will it be? Dr. Dinnis and Mr. Fred Pcrrctt have kindly contributed a large number of magazines lor the free distribution table. Oyer a hundred copies given away this week. During the firut half of this month over thirty members have been booked. Notwithstanding the rain of last Sunday, thirty men attended the 2:30 meeting and enjoyed a fine addrcsB by Rev. C. P. Swandcr and a cornet solo by Earle Stamp. Next Sunday Rev. W. L. Troyer will address the meeting. All men arc cordially invited. The Denver Express. The glories of melodrama arc unfading and though hot-spiced theatrical icats are perhaps a little warm tor the season, they are still Bcductivc in the case of "The Den ver Express" which is one of the warmest and most rapid pjay of its class. Once again Sitting Bull, Standing Cow, and their hand Of braves will attack the emigrant train and emit their war whoops, to the huge delight ot the gallery, and the subdued thrills ot the par quet. The Hulden Bros, have equipped the play with an excellent series of new scene?, and the grand ball at the Palace Ilotelj, San Fran cisco provides a society element that entirely removes the suspicion that this is a wild and woolly west ern drama. It has situations and climaxcB which are thrilling to a degree, in the frontier scenes, but the two acts devoted to the Ameri can milltonarics and the scions of British aristocracy (.how the skill full band ot a clever dramatist and are satirical and amusing always, Taken in all it has proven its right to play return dates, and its inter esting ' story, uproarious comedy and well woven plot entitle the play to whatever success it may achieve. A carefully selected company under the management ot Holden Bros. , will present the Denver Express at the opera house Thursday evening, October 23J. From an Evanston, Wyo., paper we learn that a dramatic company of that town will produce 'Tagf, the Waif" on October 25th for the bene- fit of the Union Pacific Btrikers. Ed Week, formerly of this city, will appear in the play as a Freuch detective. Ed, who is one of the strikers, writes home that he is gettttig along pretty well, and is doing all kinds of work from driv ing 'a day wagon to fixing ma chinery. CUT IN WIRE Baker Perfect Barb Wire, Painted, per hundred, 2 Baker Perfect Galvanized Barb Wire per hundred, Wilcox Department Store SUTHERLAND SAYINGS. Considerable corn has been cut up and the average cattleman is well prepared lor winter. Beet harvest is in full blast. N. C. McClainc has loaded one car and Nels Lofabel is now loading one. Applcgate and Paulsen expect to ship cattle on Sunday (or the South Omaha market. Wm. Robbj of Lexington, came up on Wednesday and is looking over his cattle and real estate interests, Wm. Yates, of North Platte, has been spending a few days at home. J. II. Abshire has Bold the prop erty recently purchased of Mrs. Hostctter to Mrs. R. F. Owens. Horse buyer Ireland was in town last week. t v Sam Anderson has purchased a shredder and will commence to operate it about November 1st. Shoup Bros, shipped hogB to Denver on Tuesday. Hugh Brogan, of Clear Creek was visiting among our merchants on Wednesday. Chrla Paulsen is building an ad dition to his residence occupied by Dr. Krusc. John Danicluon is doing- the work. 1 . Charles Daffer and George Hitch tngs of Keith county, marketed hogs in town Tuesday. The ladies' aid society ot the Presbyterian church met with Mrs, Frank Coatcs on Wednesday. The acreage of fall wheat and rye sowed thin fall is greater than for a number of years. P. C. Meyer and wife of Paxton, were in town Wednesday. A. L. McNecl 1b rcplastcring and otherwise improving the old Bird wood ranch. Frank Vogan is putting on the finishing touches. L E. Sherwood thinks of spend ing the winter in New Mexico. W BETWEEN THE RIVERS.. - , W. R. Brooks and wife of Nichols tcok in the theatre at North Platte Wednesday evening. Mr. aud Mrs C. S. Trovillo at tended the funeral ot Mrs. Wm. Jeffers at the county scat Tuesday. Fall grain that was sown in this country previous to the late wet weather is looking line. VV. H. Hill ot Hershey was down to Overton on. business early in the week, B, B, Goodwin recently closed a bargain for a residence in Colorado City, Col., where he and family will remove some time between now and January 1st. N. B. Spurrier shipped fifty head of two year old steers to Iowa thiB week, where they will be fed on his tathei'd tarin. As his ranch is on the south side he shipped them over the B. & M, from Dickens, He went with them, Mrs. J. C..Gyger is entertaining a sister from up the line at UiIb time. Niss Gertie JtfferB of North Platte, who teaches the Nichols school, was called to her home the latter part of last week by the seri ous illness of her mother who died the following Sunday. Miss Mc- Govern of the county seat had charge of the school during Miss Jeffer's absence. Miss Mattie Olcson, who has been with her sister Mrs. M. Mick elson of Hershey for several months, will soon depart for her home at Rock Island, III. I. G. Feeken and J. C. Gyger, who are operating a threshing ma chine in Dawson county, spent the recent wet spell at their homes in the valley. They returned Tues day. A. A. Leiter ot Herbhey, who lecently returned from a uionth'd visit in Illinois, accompanied by his wife and Mrs. Andrew Zimmerman of Big Springs, were county seat visitors on Wednesday of this week. O. II. Eyerly sold Tom Ireland of Moorefield, a team of young mules the other day tor a consideration of two hundred dolllars. He delivered them at North Platte Wednesday. Merchant Brown of Hershey, was at the county seat od business one day thin week. iiu pasi lew uays ot warm weather has put the ground in fine shape for digging and earring 4x Thursday, w ft iV Big: Scenic $ LLOYD'S OPERA 1HEDENVER EXPRESS t ft THE ACME OF KAv siAiib KUALlSfll. ,' ft lit 5 A Company of 1 Cadi Fair Warning! All persons knowing themselves indebted to Lincoln county for personal taxes for the years 1901 and prior, will please take notice that if these taxes are not paid, Distress Warrants will be Issued December 1st, 1902. These taxes MUST BE PAID. Do not blame mc if you are compelled to pay costs. C. F. SCIIAKMANN, County Treasurer. Jut 2Voio J3ut A.morionzis on Guard." 1871- Ttie Old Reliable Fire OF ZiORTII PLATTE, Includes all the drcnt American Companies ,'' companies represented: ...assets: cfna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn S14.071.948 Home Insurance Company of New Insurance Company of North America , 10,079,479 Continental Insurance Company of New Yorjk 11,599,012 German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419t457 Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn 5,953,444 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,663 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16.394.695 When you ere In need of Iruurancc get the T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. sucar beets and has also dried out hay so that it can be baled and loaded upon the cars. W. A. Paxton of Omaha was looking after busincst interests in the yall.y lately. He is negotiat. ing for the rurdiase of the SIbsoii laud just north of Hershey now oc cupied by A. W. Arnett. It con tains 320 acres, Several from North Platte at tended the dance in the hall at Her shey Friday night of last week Mrs, Henry Weil lb reported an quite ill at this time. Dr. MbCac of North Platte is attending her. Mrs, G. It. Mudd ot the Paxton ranch is somewhat indisposed at the present time. A sister from Missouri is with her, Sheriff Carpenter was up in this vr'nity on legal business the early part of this week, Chas. Lawrence was at the coun ty s:at Wednesday with a load of cabbage for which he tound a ready market at good prices, W. A, Paxton is having a vat constructed on his ranch In the val ley 111 which to dip cattle, Bids Wanted. The School Board desire bids for 250 cubic yards ol dirt aud 75 cubic yards of sand, delivered on High School grounds. Address all bids to 15. A, LAKY, Sec'y. ilotiutiful Comploxlonu Aro spoiled by using nny kind of pro lunation that lllla up the ikhob of tho skin, Tho host way to sacuro 11 uloar uomploxion, freo from ealluwnoflp, pim ples, blotuhoH, oto., is to koop the liver In uood onlor. An occassional iloso of llorbino will olpnneo tho howols, rwrii Into tho llvor nnd no establish n uloar healthy comploxlon. f0u at A, P StrelU's Corner Dru store. HOUSE. . . . V? Oct. 23d, Sensation, , T The Most Powerful Mclo- vf drama of the Century. si) A Unusual Merit. $ Y Insurance Agenty-1902 York 15.255. 87o Combined Assets $88,214,568 best. It costs no more than (he poorest. Ooen Liko Hct Cakco. "Tim fimtost sollinu nrtielo I hnvo In mv storo." ivrltoH llriiMi.Ut. 1 1 'M Kmllti ot Davis, kouttiolry, "Ih Dr. Kind's Now jLMHuovory ior uonBiimpuon, Uouglm nnu Gold, boeauso it nlwnjn euros. In my six yours ot hiiIos it hits rovor failed. I havo Unown it to navo PUtforeru lrom Throat and Limb dlfoiipor, who could Bot no holp from ilootoro or any other remedy." Mothum roly on it, liopt jihy nioinoH presoriho If, and A. F. Stroitr. unnrnntccH Hiitiflfnolion or refund price. Trial bottloa froo. Kovulnr sizes, COo nnd 81.00. tove Pipe I A 25 cent can will put 5 ft beautiful crloss on old it J pipes, stoves and all iron K wnrlr. Norili Plat 1c I'liiraaej AOHNT8 roil Heath & Million Paints. FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS- """W7 Wc arc now showing-a new linc of Fall and Winter Suitings which we make up to order in correct style and perfect fit. Your inspection and order is solicited. F. J. BROEKER, Merchant Tailor.