The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 19, 1902, Image 2

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Eljc tml Wccltty tribune.
Iua L. Baric, Editor and Publisher
One Year cash In adraticc II 25.
Sir Months ra-h In advance (Scents
Entered at North IMatte, Nebraska, l'ostof.
lice as second class matter.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 19, 1902.
Fjr Qovcrnor-
For Lieutenant Governor
For Secretary of Htalc-
For Audltor-
ForSupt. of Public Instruction
For Attorney Ocncral
For Commllnner n' I'titillc Lantls-
oEonnnn. follmkk.
For County Commissioner
C. A. OLA'.E,
Seckkta'ky Wilson predicts
that the price of beef will
soon begin to fall as the result of
the abundant fjrass and corn crop.
It remains to be seen whether
the high price of beef is due en
tirely to the' meat packers' trust.
Means bad air, and whether it
Enemv to Health
comes from the low lands and ... , , .
marshes of the country, or the filthy sewers and drain pipes ol Uie cities
and towns, its effect upon the human system is the same.
These atmospheric poisons arc breathed into the lungs ana taken up
bythchlood, and the foundation of some long, debilitating illness is laid.
Chills and fever, chronic dyspepsia, torpid mid enlarged liver, kidney
troubles, Jaundice and biliousness are frequently due to that invisible loc,
Malaria. Noxious gases and unhealthy matter collect iu the system because
the Hvcr and kidneys fail to act, and arc poured into the blood current until
it becomes go polluted and sluggish that the poisons literally break through
tho skin, and carbuncles, boils, abscesses, ulcers and various eruptions or mi
indolent character appear, depleting the system, and threatening life itself.
The genua and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body anil destroy
the life-Kiving properties of the blood, rendering it thin and watery, must
be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope to
get rid of Malaria and its effects. I
S. S. S. docs this and miickly produces an entire
change in the blood, reaching every organ and stimu
lating them to vigorous, healthy action. S. S. S.
possesses not only purifying but tonic properties,
and the general health improves, and the appetite
increases almost from the first dose. There is no Mercury, l'otasn, Arsenic
or other mineral in S. S. S. It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy.
Write U3 about your case, and our physicians will gladly help you by
their advice to regain your health. Hook on blood and skiu diseases sent
free. THE SWIFT ?SCZSXC CO.. Atlanta. Ga.
J i? d onnnMAW.
Real Estate, Loans Insurance
Idlo Honey Invested In Gilt Edged Securities
irnnfnrnnool-An7 XSaixlK. lxt. TtJ"o"fcXflJCCa..
It is predicted that within ten j
voar tlio vrarlv mil nil t of the
South African gold mines will be with him. "We can tell of some
one iiiousanu ions, or lour umcs ui un ihuhcki uuiutniiim uaj.-'i
greater than the present produc- because of havinir been a pioneer
tion of the whole world. Should not far from Comrade Mickey,
this prediction come true South Wc can tell of his sterling quali
Africa will take a boom that will tics as a citizen because of social
pale all previous booms. relations and personal acquaint-
. ancc with the man. Of his busi-
Tmc republican candidates for ncss qualifications no one needs
stale senator and representative to speak, his success docs its
will start out on a canvass of own speaking. Of him wc can
their respective districts in a say no truer, better or cleaner
few iTavs. As the districts arc man has ever graced the head ot
very l.irrre thev will not he abla the RcDtlblicoil ticket of this
to visit all points, but- wherever commonwealth. Every voter in
they go we arc confident they Nebraska desiring to vote for a
Mi l make friends and- voles. clean, upright Christian man can
do so by voting for Comrade
Tin: statement is made that John II. Mickey."
every fourth person m New
Proposed Constitutional
V. 8'. Land Offlr Vi.r'li Patlti Nb.,
S.t,.l-mbr 2. UWJ.
Nolle l hotel))-ftlieu Hint Nicholas 8. Rmlth,
him AImI notlf of lu'iMillnti In ruake Anil roof
titifOM) rtitls'or and rrcilr of lha Untied HtatM
Land Offlro al Itmir nraw id norm nsuo. nou.
Tt, fntfnuftticf Drnnntnt Amrrrlminl I u. ,,.... I ho Ifrih ilr of Octolirr.IV02.ntl
.. I ilmbftrculuirosppllcit-lim No 13)J, fur Ilia eaat
Of the Slate Of Nt- half of sooihwBt tjus.terandlola Band 7 of so
I ., un a in inwnai.l Nn 9 north, rnnffn No.
8$ hereinafter set forth In full, Is m ii0 namr; a witm-wsi oiibt smith,
TllMXInrB HUllin. IAJI OUII"l nuu .uuu
tain, allot Somen!, Sobrartj.
,31 Uro. K fnracit, ncltor.
to the Constitution
submitted lo the Electors of the
Slate of Nebraska, to be Voted upon at
he General Election to beheld Tuesday
November 4lh, A. D. 1902.
Norton roll runuoATio.v.
Land office North I'Jaltr, Scb.,
AiiRtttt 16lh. 1002.
No'lre ! hrehr Rl'n lb1 b0 'ollowlotr
A Joint Hot.oh.tioo vwpn to amend ''"
Soutlot) Uno 01 ArtlUlU 1' Ifteen. OI U1 ,.rit will l madu bofnr tcKlstcr and re-
thoC)U8tltUtionof tho StntO Of No- clter of lha U.H. Ljnd t nice al not uii-iuic,
briiHUti, rehitlvo to tho iiinuiior of (1U UCUD", K J.Tj,OM.
nuhinlttluc iir.d nuoiitinir nmond. t,tn.,i. iinmn.tMii ehiit no. VAW. for the
SherlfT'i Bate.
llTTlrtni ot an order t.t Mia l uted from the
dlirlct oonit uf IJnnoln cnu'i'jr r.eraka, opou
a dMrea of fnrwlnenre rendered In eld court
wboreln The Ojiintj at Unjoin, n oornoritltio,
piainlltl ui uoorife 11. kooidsoi,
al , are ilefaodituia. ami tn mo
rilrectod. 1 will tin thi 27b day of 8ptm
lor, iwl, at 1 p. in., at tun earn trcuii
dnor of the cnurt liuure la iSorth PUtta; Lincoln
cnuntf , Neb'ankn, eoll at pnbllo aoctlou to tba
hlhet bidder fur onah. to M'isfy Mid decree,
luterrst and cokIh, tba followlDR described
rntrtr.krWlt! Tlui nortuenni nimrier ol eco-
tlon SA, towticblp 10, range 03, Woet Hlith P. St.
Lloculn comitf. weut".
Vulva Norm nana, nen. aiiriiii ii, iuuz,
L, CinprMiHB, Hberlff.
tiiouto to tho uotiBtituiioa or tne
Hitito ot Nubriiplm.
Do It Horolvcd Hnd Eanoted by tho Loff-
iHlnttiro or tlin Utnto ol NttbrnoKn:
Rkfrrm.v 1. That Soclion Ono of Ar
ticle Fit on, ot tho CoiiBlitution of tho
rftntocf KobritBlcti, uq, nniendod to road
us follows:
Scctmu 1. Either brnncli of tho ICR-
lolulurn tnny propo o nmendnienls tn
this CoDBtituttou. nnd it tho enmo be
ngreod to by Ihrco-llfths of tho raomborfl
eloilod to ench houeo, such propoeed
imiptiilmenta tlinll bt cntoreu on tlio
JoiirnnlB. with tho jenn nnd nnys, nnd
rol h. If uf mOciv qiinrtot' ami anoih half
Of tiortbl iimrlfr nf vcctnn 28. .tt'tutblp II,
lto naoiM the followlnx nllncsf e to prore hla
nnnllnnniia roalilmtm tllx-n nnd Cnlllratlnn Of Mill
land, vl Edward J hiinon and Hetirj Uur.
uxten. of llriidy. fh.. Krlo cIson ana joiiii
Annrreon, oiopatinuin Aeu.
MW) Orotion K. rnr.icii, Kegleter.
BhoriC's Balo. ,
llrrlrtuo of an order of wila iMOod from the
dlftlrlct court of Lincoln county, braIB, upn
a docroo of forfeiture rendered lit aatd court
whoreln Tim County of Lincoln, a curpornlloo, la
pUlnUff and John Flrmtn et al., ra def-ndiiiita
end io uo ruecieo. i win dd hio m
Heptcuiber, 10O2,at 1 o clock p. m. at Urn aM front
door ot the court lone In North 1 latte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at ptiuiio
auction tit the highest blddor fur cab to
milltfy aidd decrro, Inlercit nnd coats, lha
following doecrlbed property, to-wltt Tho north,
we.t quarter of tlou IU, townehlp I), roi'RO
SI, went of HUtb P. M. Lincoln county, Ni-bnwVa.
Dated worm riaue, nnu., August z. nw,
L. CAnpKHTKR, Hhertff.
Lnud utllco nt. North I'lutte, Neb ,
Aiiuuat 7lh. VAT!.
Kollc laherebTs'Tcn tlu.t thn follnwltm-ntmod
ecttlcrhai niod uotlcoor bin Itttrntloa to make
final proof lu support ot hi. claim, aud that Ktld
nnuifwlll tin in trth Kluin thiv. UrBrifr Htid He-
rrlvrr, United Stole Land lltBias Nurlh 'lalUs
Kcb., ouBoptvmbcr :utn, wk, vtrt
pllbllahcd nt lenBt onCO cncll week io nt nhomnla Uomeetood Entry Mo. I'MO, for tba
lOIlbt ono nOWSpilpor lu oarh COUnty eoutbeMt inarlar of amnlor, I , town H lh of
whoro a noivnpnpor la publieltod, for
thirty days iniinodiutely procwlinc tho
noxt elootion of eeuntors nnd roproson
tnttves, nt which oloctlon tlio onmo ehnll
be Bubmittcd to Ihooloctora for npprovnl
or rojection, nnd if n mnjority of tho
tttautnrs votinc nt such olnntion on
rnrgoXt. wnt Oih P. St, He name the follow.
ItiK wltueues to prom rile continuous roblfnce
upon and cultlrattoa of eald liind. vltt William
Uarraan, Thrroaa P. Rykne, ltolmtt Bykca nnd
William Laklo, all ot wniinca, vi.
nli-il Geo, E, Fbcncii. ltfslster,
BiiEairrB sale.
Ilr virtue of an order of aale lunuod from the
mnntn,l nmnnrlmont nlinll vntn In district court of Lincoln county. Nebritnka, upon
ftlCh proposed nmpnumcnt, Blini' VOIO IO I rtpor, o forCei,.uro rendcrrd In snld court
York City is a Jew, and what is
true of New York is almost
equally so iu several other Jarfje J
cities. Ihc foothold the lie
brews have obtained tn commer
cial circles in this country dur
ing the past quartcr'of a century
is almost beyond comprehension
but they must be given the cred
it of carninir the nroirrcs-s thev
The Von Gnetz photograph fjal
lery it beinp; rcmodeUd.
Win. Schuttc, who tor a number
of yearn ban lived north of thc wet
left HiIh mpruiu for Salem, Ore,
with a view ot locating.
The county treasurer todny re-
havc made by dint of hard work, ccivt d a check for over twenty-live
hundred dollars iu payment of back
D.. B. IIicnduhson, of Iowa, taxcB on a certain tract of land in
speaker of the house, has with- thl comity.
drawn from the race for con- . , n. . nn
frress. The reason assigned for JuUrc Grimef, M-j .r Scharmann
this action, as stutcd by himself, and K H- IBford are among the
is that his views on tariff revision North P'attc l,c0Plc wl, arc at
do not accord with the dcclnra- tending the old settlers' picnic at
lion made by the Iowa republi- Gothenburg today.
cans in their state convention. Thn fmce of miarda on dutv nt
- o
Colonel Henderson, as speaker the raUt0Ml yard9 has bcen ureialy
allv rcLrret his lotormlnntion in ' Knera11y believed that a half
retire from public life.
No onu should denv workincr-
mcn the riyht to orLrnnize for mn.
tual benefit nnd protection: in IsbuciI
fact in these days of commercial- 'iuarlcr8! guardB arc all that is needed
lo patrol tho company' properly.
Mrs. McNichol and Mrs. C. A
Moore were Maxwell visitors the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Peterson
went into North Platte Tuesday
lo file on a niece of land.
The International Sunshine so
ciety will observe "Stale and In
tcrnational Day" at the home o
A. E. Moore, Wednesday even
intr. ihc 24lh. A fish pond and
buttered pop corn will afford the
means of gathering1 stray pen
nies. The following program
will be rendered: Song, What is
Sunshine, Mrs. B. Wright. Sun-
some reeo, v iuici n nauui
Where our password came from,
Carrie Hansen. Where the
Money Goes to. P. R. Iloge
boom, state, treasurer. Song.
All arc cordially invited to attend
and help such a worthy organiza
tion along.
Bills Burns and mother ar
rived home from their western
trip Tuesday.
A number of ladies with well
filled lunch baskets called at the
Mcnzie residence Saturday noon
and helped make bright Mrs.
Menzic's birthday. 'That worthy
lady now says she'll have a birth
- - 1 .it.
uav every wecic u me lauies win
call again. A delighltnl time is
reported by all.
Fortnno Favors a Texan.
"Iluvlnc distressing pains in head,
biok nnd ntoninch. nnd beinir without
nnimtlto. I bCL'ini to ubo Dr. Kmc's No
I ifo Pillp." writ.B W. P. Whilohend. of
Konnodalo. Tor., "nnd roon folt like n
now timn." Infnllibln in fitomuch nnd
ltvor trttubl a. Only 23 conta at A. P.
SlroUz'a Drug Ktoro.
ndoptBUuh nmendmont, the enmo shull
boconio 11 pnci 01 mis uonsiiiuiinn.
When ni'iro timn ono ntuondmont is sub
mitted nt tho fume oloctlon, they ehitll bo
eo Biibinittfd 11 b to onnble the olectors to
voto on pnoh nmondmont soparntoly.
All bnllots used 11 1 such election on
Bttch. omoudmont or nmondmcnts shnll
hnvo writU'U or printed thereon tho fol
lowing: For prnpoodnniondment to tho
ConHiimtiou rolittlfitf to (hero insort the
Biihjpct of tho nmendment) nnd, ngninst
proposed nmendmont to tho Constitution
roliitmi? to (here insert tho nubjectof
tho iiniondmetit) nnd tho voto ot onch
elector voting on such hmonumont or
nmondnients ehull bo designated by tho
oleutnr by mnking n oross with n pen or
Hboretn 1 bo Count r of Lincoln. A coruoratfnu
Is tilatntllT. anil A. It. Ollbran ot al . are !"
fmidanla and to run directed. I will on the 27th
day of heptcruber.lVOlat 1 o'clock p. thasl
ftont door of the court liouso In North t'latto,
Lincoln countr. Nt-braskk. sail at Dubllo ancUnn
tntho hlnlict Mddor for ca.h to ratlfy ld de
crro. Interest and costs, the followlDR doicrlbvd
procrly, to-wltt The aouthwant quailar of eo-
tlon 22, tow 11 snip 11, raniro 31, won hixio l-
M. IJttocIn county. Nubraakn.
Dated North l'laite, Neb,, August 23, 1003.
li, UAitmKTKn, Bnerw,
KOAD N0t"S55.
Tn whom It tnAv concern"!
The commissioner appointed to locate a
mad' Cimtnenclnir at the north end of the
wucon bridce across the north ctiaunelot
the rlatte river in section 11, town 13 norm
ranee 17 west of theOtb P. M., Lincoln coun
tr. Nubraslca. thence north lour degress K
Mag. Mer. VI. 15 chains to a point ICO fret
rtn or tnc center line ni ine u.i-
. - , , " . 1 i 1 I norm 01 tue tcuicr 1111c 111 111c u x- it.
DOUCll in n oirolO or Pntinn to bo plncril ,r:,pk. thanre north Bfl decrees 35 minutes
nt the right of tho lines tho words "For W. zi 03 cialns parallel with U. lj. track
aim Ibu It lli'iii it tn tiu ecuiiirii 11111; uciiiccii
pcctlons 10 and 11. thence north on tne sec
lion line between ectlont 10 and It and wee
Hons 2 and 3 to a point 41. oq chains north of
the northwest corner of section II, town 12
north, range 7 west and terminating at
this point:
Has reported In favor nf the location
thereof and all objections thereto or claims
ror namaKes snoum oc uieti in tne county
clerk's ortice on or before noon of the 15tn
day of November, I'M!, or the road will be
established without rcfeience thereto.
sv4 FltKD K. OINN. County Clerk.
local btrllco
ism and greed for wealth, the
only Jiope of workingmcn to ob
tain just wages is through or
ganization. Any effort to de
stroy lubor unions is, in our
opinion, a move toward making
the burdens of the workingman
all the greater, and to grind
down his wages to the lowest
possible point. JCmployes of
great corporations should feder
ate in order to preserve their interests.
Tine nomination of Geo. C,
McAllister for representative in
this district at the convention
nt Ogalalla Saturday was cer
tainly a wise choice. He was
nominated by acclamation which
Sept. 16th lU'.cven Bcaba quit
Sept. 17lh Trains late as usual.
Seven hcrda.of cattle driven from
north ot Ogalalla to 11. & M , Block
men btatlng that they wanted to
net to Omaha tome tunc. Cattle
delayed in local yards for want of
power. Another stockman stated
he waB nine hours on road from
Green River to Granger a distance
of twenty-live mileB. Sixteen
BcabB UP, nine goiug webt aud
seven east.
Sept. 18th--Tralnn front one to
four hours late. IDncinc 1694 came
in disconnected. Yards blocked.
ISngiue 616 kit Grand Inland at
attests his popularity in the dis-17:15 a. tn. on 15th, arrived at North
tnct. MIc is a clean man, mor- Platte at '1:50 on 18th.
n'ly and every other way,
able and upright a safe man to
arnd to Lincoln to represent the
interests of western Nebraska,
lie has been county attorney of
Deuel county for it number of
years and is held in high esteem
liy all who know him. Mr, Mc
Allister only consented t few
days before thp convention met hitch
to be a candidate, al the earnest
policitation of his friends. Iim
bull Observer.
, honest, dU'd at Ccsad for lack ol water.
Two double headers had to back
up ftom Market to bsxlugton to
get water.
The Uiual Way,
A division of the Uuikluud and
Morrill sheep seemed to have a
in the proceedings. Some
dlBBatibfaction was created and a
lawver came up lo make the divi
slot). Thu sheiiff was fiually
brought up from North Platte and
the sheep were rcplevlncd by Mr.
... i I I ... I . !
,'i I ' r, 7 , uurKiuuu ana were in.iccu in tits
i, Mickey, the Repuh can can-l ,u nt,U,1Cv of th0
Tub following from Hid Brad
Bjmw paper speaks well for John Burkllujd and
settlement. The. division of the
didatc for Governor: "Whatever
thia ndttor hnH onid nr mnv sav
In retrard to the Keoubllcan can- Hock will now be among the at
didatii for governor, is said from torncys aud bhoritr aud the owners
u personal lcnowledgc of the will wonder where the Hock has
.man, Wc can tell of his qunli- disappeared when the lawyers get
ties as. a tioldier, because of hav- their share, Sutherland Free
ing, served in the same regiment J Lauce,
We are now showing a new
line of Kali and Winter
Suitings which we make up
to order in correct style
and perfect fit.
Your inspection and order is
Morohant Tailor.
SherifTi Balo.
llr virtue of an order of tuilo lsnol from the
illstrlot coart of Liucolll oonnty, NrbraHka, nf)n
a ilvcree nf fnroclosuro rembirod In enld court
vrhoreln Tho Countr ot Lincoln, n corporation, is
plalntlfl and Marr K, Ilarrlrn, ot al ,
ato tulcodanta and to tno illrectQd, l
111 on tno mn day ot Hertembcr, iwz:
at 1 o'clock, p. m nt iho w Irottt door, ol
thocouitlioupoln Norm Flatte, Liucmn conntv,
Nobiasin, sell at public auction to lha IiImI.wsI
bidder for cnth, In natlffy phIiI drcrvn, Interest,
and cost. IbO following dt-scrlLctl proparly,
to-wlt! The aouthwtsst quarter of section 31,
townshlpO. rnniia SI, wett Blith r. M. Lincoln
conutjr, Nebraska.
Dated tiorm riattc. oo.. aukiki nw.
I.. CAuriRTXn. Sheriff,
8horlff Bal. . ,
nr. virtue of an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, upon a decree of foteclosure
rendered In said court w herein The Countr
of Lincoln, a corporation, Is plaintiff
and S. O. u. uannett. ct. ai are aefenn
ants and to tne directed I will on the
S7th day of September, lac, at l o'clock p. the cast front tiooroi tne court nouso in
North Platte, Lincoln county. Nruraska, sell
at public auction to the hlghca(l1ddcr for
cash to satisfy sain decree, interest ana
costs, the following described property, to-
wltw The. notiueaii quarter or secitoti
17. township 10 range 33, west ot Sixth P. M
Lincoln county. Neuraska.
Dated North Piatt. Neb.. August 25. 1002.
' ' - L. Caupentuk, Sheriff.
Iieaal Notioo.
or Airuiiiflt" th nronosed ntnondmonta
ns Iih Hlmll dosiro lo volo tnorcon, or uy
indioitina hio proforonce on a votitK
uiuchfno when Fiioh mnohtno is in ueo.
I. Goo. W. Mnrbh. eocretnryot state
of tho etnto of Nobrneka, do hereby cer
tify that the roreBoiiiR proponed ntnond
iiitjn t to the Constitution of tlio State nf
Nobrnelm is n true nnd corrcot copy of
tlio eriainnl onrollod nnd encrotBed bill.
us pttsstKl by the Twonty -tovonth Resslun
ot tho legiFlnluru of the etnto of Nebrae-
liu, na npponrs from Bniu ortglnnl bill on
II iu in thisoMci. nnd tlmtenid tiropoepd
niiientlment i submitted to the qualiried
vnUtrsofthe tnto nf JNelirnRKn for llietr
.i . .i i
luiyiim-ii ui irjranuu i w tho 2h day of Beptctuber. 1WE. at 1 o'clock i.
olobtion' to bo hokl on Tuo'tlny, tho 4th m.. at the east front door ot tho court
ilnv of November. A. D.1902. houto In North'Plntto, Lincoln county. Nubraaka.
Li; t L-.. . i ell at uubllo-auction to 1Mb jhuhcat bidder for
4ii lOHiituouy wuereoi, iiiiitom-reuuiu CMh t6 decree. lutereat nnd coala,
the rnllnwlnR drscrlDeu property, to-wlt! Tne
southeast quarter ot section IS, townthlp 10.
rnntfo S3, wcat Blxth F, M. Lincoln cuunty,
J)ated North Flatto, Nob., Anijust 25, 1C02.
It. OattFXNTin, Sheriff,
Bherilf's Sale.
By vlrtun ot an order ot salu lsud from Iho
district court of Lincoln, county, Nebraska, Uon
a decrro nf foreclosure rendered In ald court
whoiulnTbo County nt Lincoln, a corporation, I
plnlntlfl and William L. Wlllard et al., are de
fendants nnd to me dlrtwtud, I will on
Rob my hnud nnd nlllxcd tho gront sonl
oc tho Htnte or WebntPkn.
Done nt Lincoln this 22d dny ot July
in the year of our Tinrd Ono Tlioiisnnd
Nino Hundred nnd Two, of tho Indepen
dence of tho United States tho One
Ilundrod nnd Twenty-eeventh. und of
this Stnto tho Thtrtyslxlh.
ise.l Secretary of Stato.
John 11. Uruce. defendant; will take notice
that on the 27th dav of August. 1902, Hannah
Uruce. the plaintiff herein. Uled her petition
In tho District Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, against salt defendant, the object
and prayer of which arc to secure a nlvorce
from snld defendant: that she be Riven the
custody of her minor child and for eeneral
relief, upon ihe ground fiat you, the said
delendani have de.ieried plalntlfl for more
than two rears without a reasonable or Just
cause. You are requjrcl to answer said
petition on or before the 13:h dav of October, .
IW.!. . w
Datod August 27th. IP03.
S 1-4 HANNAH HIIUCK, Plaintiff.
U. S. Land Ofllce at North I'latlo, Neb.,
Heptcrabor 2. Wi.
TAtti.A la IiafIiv olvn Hint ntthnrf. Rmtth hnm
filed notice of ltlton Ion to make final proof b-
lore reinstor ami receiver in tne untied uiaies
Land Oinco at their ruloo In North rintle. No-
broska, on Satnrday, the 18tb day of October,
IKR, on limber culture application No 13 700. for
loesouin nan noriuonsv quarter una-norm natr .
euutheaKt quarter ot e-otlon No, 7. In township
No, P north, raniro No. 31 west. Ilo names as ,
wltnCMeni Nicholas B. Smith, Thoodnxe Smith, Leo
Smith. John T, 'UrUtalnt all of Bomerwt, Neb. ,
e20 . ,oio, K. FEKKcit, licgister. ,
Legal No tic a.
' The Dofendnnts L. 0. Lathorp, first
renl nntno unknown, B. P. Minor, first
real nnmeunknown,ondRtchnrd Itov?nl
nnmo unknown, will tako notico that on
tho 26lh dny of May, 1002, tho plain
tiff, iho County ot Lincoln, n corpora
tion, tiled its potition In tho district
court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, Ihe
object nnd prayer of whiuh Ib to foreclose
certain tux liens, duly a-Beppcd. by said
tiltiintill nRninst the east half ot tho west
1 1 nl f of section 21, in townf-hin 0. nortli
of rnnKO 20,. west of Sixth principal uior-
Shoriff'i Bale.
By vlrtno of an order of sale Issued from the
dlntrlct court ot Linooln county, Nebraska, upon
a decree ot foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein The County nf Lincoln, a corporation.
Is plalntlfl and Llna W Lee et al , are dnfcndantu
nnd In tno directed, I will on tho27ibdayof
Septcmbcr,IC02,at 1 o'olock.p. m., at the eart front
dour of the court boue In North rlatte. Lincoln
county, Nebraska, roll at publlo auction to the
hlfihest bidder for cth to satlafy anld docroo, In
forest and coats, the followlru dercrlbed prop
erty, to-vlt: The goutbeant quarter of roctlou
81, tnwDrhlp P. raoRe SI, west of Blxth P. M, Lin
coin county, Nobraska
Dated North l'lattc, Neb. Aofrust 2.1, 1S02.
L. Oahpemtku, Sheriff,
Bhcriff's Salo.
Hy virtue ot an ordor ot falo issued from Hit
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
.1 decree ot foreclosure rondorod Ir. said court
wherein The County of Lincoln, a corporation, Is
plalntlfl and Winfleld Scott, ot al,, are
deft-tidan'x and to me directed! I will
on the Z7lh day ox Beptembor, IW1. at one
o'ci.xsit p, in. at tno east rrint
n. in. at tho vast front duor nf t a
idian. Nebraska, for thoyeur 18'JG in tho Ponr.t bou-e in N6wh,-i'tatte,vWniD cogntjn No-
utn.. CU.00; for ho year 18U7 in the derfoVcT.!, lo3 ,..d d.crin o
costs the followloKdescrlbed property to-wU: II. e
soulbwoat nunrturof Section 2H. Tnwinhln 11.
uanffo s, weal oi tneotur.M. Lincoln county,
Dated North Flatte, Neb., Anspist 25, 1P03
L. CanrKKTKn, Slietlff,
sum of Ml; for tho enr 1808 in the
sum ot 4 70; for tho yenr 1800 in thf
sum of 5 57; for tho year 1000 in tho sum
orii.2U;for tho year 1001 in tho sum
ot 2 3; ntnountinp; in tho total sum of
20.(17; with iptorest on tho sum ot 1045
nt thP rnlo or ton per p-pt per annum
from tho first doy of May, 10v2, all
oi unicn is uno finu unnaiil.
Leal Notloe,
Tho defendants, Krauklln II. Buttor-
Hold. Karnh O. Iiuttorliold and John
D.u, null nittuo unknown, will tako
notico Hint on tho 6th dny ot May,
1002. tho lilaintiir Thn County of
Lincoln, n cornornlloti. IlleU lis nolltton
in thu diatriut court of Lincoln county,
Nohritukn, thoobjecinnd prayorof whioh
tiro to forealoco certuin tax liens, duly
npsessod by snld plaintilT ntrninst tho
north halt ot the uor'hentt quarter east
tHlf of thn northwestqunrtor of section
30,tmvnehip 10. north ot nirKo27, went of
blxtti principal ineriuian, Nouraua,ror
the year 180i In tliomimnr 2l 08; for tho
year 1801 in the sum of $'Jn.l7for tioyenr
1805 in the stun ot HOI; for tho your
1800 in tho sum of 1.00; for tho yuar
1807 in thu sniii ot Hlftl; forthynr
1808 In tho sum of 1)81; for the yenr
180'J in thn mm of U.0;for tho year 1000
in tho sunt of !171 for th y-nr 1001,
in tiro Futu ot ntnoununu in ins
total Biun uf $117 40; with interest on
tho euro of 87S07. nt tho rata of ton
per cent tier annum from thn first day
of Mny, 1002 nil ot whiuh Is duo and
l'lninlllT prays n dcoroo of forcoloaure
or snld ttx lion nnd a sale ot said prem
You nnd onoh ot you defendants are
required to answer said potition on or
before aintuiny luo M day oc No
vember, 1002.
(A Corporation.)'
lly IT. 3. IlIDaCLT, Its Attorney.
ROAD NO. 257
To whom it may concern:
The commissioner unpointed to locate
Tinl tiff nrnvn n ili.nrnii nf fornn'rionrn n TOtMl OOmtnonclnR nt the BOUthoaPt tor-
of said tax lion nnd n solo of paid prom- norof the nrlh half ot iho southeast
Isoa. Yoiinndoitoh of you defendants qunrtorof spation 17, town 11 N, rifnrjo
aro roqulrod to nnswar enld petition on JJ W08l mpneo rouip on Bection lino
or before Mundiy. tho 3d day of No. botweon Footions 10 nnd 17, town 14 N,
ningu ,u webt, ou roas to connect witn
county road No. 77 running north nnd
south nnd torminating nt tho eouthenst
corner of tectlon 17, town 11 N, rango 30
Has reported in favor ot tho establish
ment thoroof and nil objections thereto
or claims for dnmaco must bo tllod in
the otllco of tho ( ounty Clerk on or be
foro noon of tho 15th dny of November
vember, 10u2.
(A Corporation.)
ny II. fl. niDOELY. Its Attorney.
Logal Notice,
Tho defendants Cnrloton E. Mann.
Mrs. Cnrloton H. Mann, ti r-t renl nnmo
Unltml States Land OlTlco.
Nerth I'lutte. Neb.. Sept H. 1002.
A sufficient contest affidavit havintr been A'ed In
this nrttco by Albert U. Orawtnrd, oontestant,
against bnmostend on'ry No IVtiti made January
n, iws, for ut ono (.1 j oi Brction is, Townsntp
12. KniiBO 28 W. br Uauj Lnvton cntttestee. in "
Which It in aliened that Dana Laytnn has never
eatub lulled a realdenco or resided upon said land
slltco the date of entry, there Is no houeeor Im
provements unon tho land but has been wholly
obard med and said defocta exist to Ibis date)
thit sho h t not been In the employ of tho Unt-
id Btalot army, navy or marine corps curing
Aatd abandonment, said parties ar,e hereby notl
flod lo appear, ropond ami offer ovldenco touch
ing raid el pgntlon at 1'J o'oloclc a. m, on No-
vcm'wrntn. lvus.oerorelho Ht-ulfler and Hvceiv-
or at the United Htatrs Land Office In Nor h
I'latto, Nuhraska, The said xmtegtnnt having In
n propor affidavit flled Soplember 8 b, 1002. set
tot in tacts men rm-w that alter duo dlllKenro
tieieonnl service nf this nnUce cannot be made It
U horel rnrdored anddlrecto l that said notice Lo
given by duo and proper publication?
sua oieo. E. rnaNoii, Iien'.Btcr. .
unknown, Oust Lin.lori, Emma Linden, t .iiYyi f?V.TV0r
his wife, Eriuk Linden. Mrs. Erlck Lin- 1 .ft J Ur ronU,lw,U, bo established
dan, hlB wife, tlret renl nnmo unknown,
nnd Itichnrd ltoo, ronl nnmo unknown,
will take notico that on tho 5th day of
May, 1002, the plaintiff, tho County
of Lincoln, n corporation, Hied its poti
tion In Iho District Court ot Lincoln
county, NebritHko. tho obioot and nravor
of which Is to foreclose certnin tax liens,
duly assessed by said p'alntiff iiitninst
without roteronco thereto.
County Clerk.
Legal Notico.
Tho Defendant, Mrs. Alpha Hill,
will tako notico that on tho 15th
dny of April, 1001, tho plaintiff, tho
County ot Lincoln, n corporation, filed
tho southeast quarter of section 20 in ui etith ii , i tho bistcZ t nV ?
township 13, north of 31, west of cSn co ntV Nebraska t .
L PriyerowiiSf 1 stVotclot, rta J
yoar 1U7 in tho sura of 14 CO: for th
year 1808 In tho sum of U 25; for the
oar 1800 in tho mini of 0 20; for tlio yoar
1000 in the sum of 4.35; for tho yoar
1001 In tho sum of 3,00; amounting In tho
total sum of 124.84; with Interest on the
sum of 82417 nt tho rnto of ten per
cent per annum from tlio first dny or
May, 1002, all of which la duo and
Plaintiff prnys a decree of foreclosure
oi said lux lieu nnd n salt of said prom
io3, lint unit oncu oi you
urine nnl mnrldlnn. Nn
brnpbn, for iho year 1805 in thn nttm nf
810.73; for tho year 1800 in tho sum of
21.05; for tbo year 1807 in tho sum of
13 50; for tho yenr 1808 in tho sum of
7 52; for the year lbDQ in tho sum 0r
7.2.1; nrnountlnp; in tho total sum of (30.12;
with interest on tho sum of 4371 nt the
rnto of ton por cent por nnnum from tho
first day of Mnr. 1001, all of which
is duo nnd unpaid.
riiuniiir pro) a a decree of foreclosure
' . ".: ?r BaM. Sn nnd n snlo of Bald prom
tlUIUIJUIlllLn I invM ir..n at .
nro required to answer U petition pa Vo" .J Lti l?S?f "
or boforo Monday, tho lh day of No
vember, 1002.
nyii. 3. niDQi:r.Y.A&l.,''-
or lieror?MnUayi ho 3d dny of No.
veuiuer, iinu.
ny ii." s, RiDrjELY. a jassa
To whom it mny concern: 1
Tho commissioner uppointod to locno. .
a ror.d commencinfr nt tho southeast' ''
corner of eeotion 20. towu 13 N. rnnuo
27 west, runnion thence west on section
line between peotlons 20 nnd 20 nnd 19
nnd 30, town 13 N, ranRO 27 wo-t, nnd 24 . ',
nnd 25, 23 nnd 20 nnd 22 nnd 27, town 13
N, rauRp 28 west, until connecting with
road No. 133 running nlong tho U. P. ,
H. R. right of way.
Also ono rood commencing nt tl.o ',"
northwest corner of section 20. township
13 north, rnngo27 woBt, runnirg south
on section lino botweon sections 29 nnd
30 nnd 31 nnd 32. town 13 north, rnngo
27 wpt, ' r
Also oqo road coromenpinff nt thu
northwest corner of section 30, town 13.
N.rango 27 west, running thenco south
on rnngo line between rupges 37 nnd 23'
to rood No, 133 along tho U. P, R. It.
right of way.
Hns nit)rtetl in favor- of tho location
thoroof, nnd nil objections .thereto or T
claims for damages must bofiletl with
tho County Clerk on or bo r oro noon of
tho 15th dny of Nov., 10d2, or the road
will bo ettabliehod without roferenco
thoroto. FRED R. GINN,
County Clerk.
Low Rates Every Day
Union Pacific
Every day durinp; the months of
September and October, 1902, the
Union Pacific will sell one-way
settlers tickets at the following;
Qgdcn apt! Salt Lake $20 00
Butte and Helena 20 01)
Spokane ., 32 50
Portland and Ashland 35 00
Tacoma aud S.attle,.,. 25 00
San Francisco 25 00.
Lor Augeles and SanDieifo.. 25.00"
Correspondingly Low Rates trom
intermediate points.
For lull Informaiion pall on youj
nearest ntyjt dr rtcloV
E. H. GiERGE, Agent