The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 12, 1902, Image 1

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4 ill .- fiiff
NO. C8
J John Uratt
Bratt, Burke
$ Reftrenco-Any Bank In Nebraika, Tel. No. 65. Office-Brail Bld. g
Lawn Scats
Neat, comfortable and durable at prices ranging
from $2.50 to $5.00. Don't you need one?
"VVc arc a little overstocked on Mattings and must
close out. To do so we offer the stock at very low
figures. Come and see the.quality and learn the
i . i JOS. HERSHEY 2
( Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, l)
Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit-
tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. 5
Ttae I irftianinn
y nay rress x repairs y
- 1 x .n u w n p a.s i n it ...
5 11V VflllllUbV
Of Western Nebraska
J most money burned to use an inferior quality when
S ' painting your house. The best paint is by far the
S cheapest in the end. '
S Sherwin & Williams Paints
Have been sold by us for many years, and they have
given universal satisfaction time tried and not
found wanting. We have a full slock on hand for s
the spriug trade. If you have used it you will buy
it again; if you have not used it, try it. g
A F STREITZ, Druggist t
1 Five Cent Cigar JS,
TV i
f t II (
Peerless Bottled Beer
Because the best of materials and the greatest of
care enter Into the brewing of it.
The ideal beverage for table use.
Send lie tit parti offlm playing eat is.
Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules.
A standard end infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT,
endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and
America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis
colvc in liquids cf the stomach without causing irritation or
disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by
druggist3. Be cure and get the Genuine.
Wiujaks' ufo. ,co civ,XKi.xxv, onto; Cota VMM
item ruirANF
For &1 tff N&ft
Burke E. It. Goodman
& Goodman,
is hard on paint and it is al
is invariably found in
every glass of
till'lVd PliaVhiacy.
September 9, 1902,
Doard met pursuant to adjourn
tncht, present full board and couu
tj clerk. The following' butlness
was transacted:
Dtda for coxntv grading were
opened and examined.
Jokn Ballard was appointed over
seer of highways to fill racancy in
District No. 55.
The following claims were aud
ited and acted upon: A, R, Hun
tington bailiff allowed for 34.00 on
general fund.
O. E. Smith, sheriff of Rock
county, serving papers allowed on
general tund for 1.25.
Smith Premier Co. repair on
typewriter ot clerk of district conrt
allowed for 11 25 on general fund.
Geo. A. Walker,' road work, al
lowed on road, fund for 9 00.
Claim ot S. 0. Wills for one dol
lar additional tor bringing in elec
tion reiurna disallowed.
Adj turned until tomorrow.
Sept. 10th, 1902.
Doard met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present tuil board and county
The following claims were acted
upon: Claim ot Nelson & Man-
hinney, taxes 5103 95 paid under
protest on cattle assessed in Now-
i-ll precinct in 1898 was rejected as
no proof was offered to bhnw thnt
the cattle had been assessed else
where, although they were in
transit April l8t,1898.
Claim of P. H. Sullivan for 7 0
supplies was disallowed.
Claim of P. II. Sullivan for 1.(0
for supplies was allowed on bridge
The following claims were al
lowed on general fund: Geo. W.
Lonp, services as sheriff of Haves
county allowed lor 5 26, John Pow
er sheriff of Djugl.iB cervices 3 75,
Z. T. Branson services ns sheriff
in Lancaster county 1.75. I. A.
Adams RerviceB as sherilFuii Fron
tier county 2 25, J. M. Kreader ser
vices as bheritr in Dodge county
145, D. E. Lincoln services as
sheriff in Dawson county 3 05.
The board thereupon adjourned
until tomorrow.
September Lllb, 1902.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present full board and county
clerk. The following business was
had and done.
In the matter of M. A. B. Boal
for rclund of tacs on account of
error in treasurer luce on east
half of southeast quarter of section
27-15-33, the following ib otdercd:
C, l Scharniaun, county treas
urer: You are hereby authorized
to refund taxes to the amount ol
12.05, paid by M. A. B. Boal on
east half of southeast quarter ol
section 27 15 33, the same having
been paid on account of error in
treasure! 'd cilice for the ycarB 1896
and 1897.
Jas. RobbiiiB,
M. L. MeCulllotigh.
Two claims of John McCullough
for rebate of taxes on account of
tome of the laud being in the' river,
s hereby rejected for the reason
that the assessed valuation is lower
than adjoining land.) on account of
truuh laud and los by river.
Claim of Chas, L. Wood, by J no.
B'att & Co , tor rebate of taxes on
ot 1, block 113, North Platte, for
the year 1901, n jected for the reas
on that it docs not appear that any
-(Tort was made to have valuation
educed by board of equalization.
Claim of Luke Conneally for re
bate of taxes on (-.outheast quarter
of section 18-10-34 for the ye ir 1895
'rejected for the reason that it docs
not appear that the valutio.i is ex
ceahive as compared with other
Claim of Gertie Hiue, rebate of
axes on lots.l and 2, block 99,
North Platte for $3.23. The follow,
mg order was issued: To C. 1
dcharmann, county treasurer: You
arc hereby autliorizod to refund
. -1 . - !.. 11! ... ..
laxufl pain uy ucruc nine io uie
amount of $3 28 on account of the
excessive valuation of lots 1 and 2,
block 99, North P.atte.
JV. Kobbin?,
' M. L. McCullouglf,
Couuty Coimnrs,
Claim of Jacob Richiger for re
bate of taxes in Well precinct rc
jttted forthulrwiMm. thnt jthfr is
lib evidence of double assCti merit.
pL j TtoSttvtmtniJtlrt -
The vuVar beet crop, which no
small affair in the valley, will be in
shape to harvest the latter part of
this month. -
A. F.JQetler was at the county
seat on business betorc the couuty
commUvioncra on Wednesday, lie
was accompanied by Mrs. Bw'elcr.
G. L. Mudd on the Paxton
ranch left a tew days ago Missouri
to accompanying his wife home
who has been there on a visit for
some time. ,
J. W. Pricket attended the an
nual meeting of the G. A. R. at
Hastings this" wctk.
W. Creole will ship several car
loads ot?hoga west from Bird wood
station? "the first of the coining
week. It will not be long before he
will have another large . number
ready for shipment.
Chas. McDonald, who has been
assisting J. G. Feeken in operating
his threshing outfit this season,
did not go with it to Gothenburg.
lie has been haying for the Gam
ble Land company.
Jim McMichael, a contractor and
builder ot the county scat, will
erect Frank Cook'd new farm resi
dence. Mrs. W. II. Hill, of Hershcy, en
tertained the ladies' aid society on
Wednesday. The usual routine of
work was indulged in and season
able refreshments were served.
All those present report a social
James Wilson U having an addi
tion 30x40x18 feet erected to his
already commodious barn. James
McMichael ot North Platte is
doing the work. '
Rev. Chamberlain of this circuit
will deliver his last sermon at Her
shcy Sunday previous to confer
ence. Wc are told that the Payne In
vestment company ot Omaha is ne
gotiating for the purchase of the
Feeken land in .Nichols precinct.
The Union Pacific railroad com
pany has a bridge gang construct
in:' a new iron bridge over a lateral
which the road spans just west of
The large fruit crop grown In the
valley this season has been about
all been disposed of except what
will be consumed at home.
B. F. Fletcher, who runs a pat
ent medicine wagon through this
ricinity while here a few dayn ago
entered into a contract with W. A.
Paxton to furnish him with stock
food for hts ranch the coming year
Mr. Fletcher estimates the amount
at about twb car loads.
The hay is about all cut for this
season, but not near all baled as
the last cutting was stacked and
will be baled and shipped from the
stack. Seeberger & Co , btlng un
able to get presses with which to
press thlH season, have purchased
one of their own and put a cYcw at
D. S. McConnell, "on the Otten
BtlsW. fafiif, cdnTttet'ctl (fob tWfllrfHU
V J! 9 H
Over 50 Styles.
Skirts that arc made V
right. P
r I . .'i . f . i .
csKirts mac nr. ngiu.
Skirts that will wear.
Sold nitlior frnm
stock or made to your F
measure without extra V
charge. f;
-Wilcox- C
Department Store.
bm.lii.-lfl of corn to W. S. Colci who
owns tliu largest hog ranch in
western Nebraska, at torty cents
per bushel the ot In r day. This
price is a e.-y good send off.
A Parson's Noblo Aat,
"I wnit nil tho world to know," writes
Rov. O.J Butllontf, of Aslmway, H. I,
'what a thoroughly good nud rolinblo
mi'dioino I found In Eleolrlo lli turs.
Thoy curod mo of Jnundlco and llvrr
troubles Unit linJ cauBoil ino ront suf
fering for many years, For n genuine,
ull-nround euro they cxooll anything I
ever raw." Eleolrlo Blttors iro tho sur
prise ot nil for tholr wonderful work in
livor, Ulduby and stomach troubled.
.Don't fm I to try thoni. Only 50 contn,
Satisfaction guaranteed by A. P.Stroitz
Tho Defendant, Mrs. Alphn Hill,
will tnko nulico Unit, nn ilm Inlh
ilnv nf Anrll. 111.11. Ilm t.lnlnti(T '. l,n
County ot Linroln, a corporation, filed
un )ouu"n in mo jjibiiiod uouri or jjin
ooln county, Nebrnkn, tho object and
prnyor of which is to foreoloao cortniu
In llnnn. ilnlv nnritcrn.l In cnlil nlnlnHfT
ncninst the nnrthwesl quarter ot eoction
27, in township 10 borth of rango !H,
wob i fixMi pri'cinni moriuinii, run
brnnkn. fm- llin vnnr 1fiU.i In Mm cum
810 7.1: fnr Mm venr IhW In Mm cum nt
21.0."); for the year J8D7 iu tho sum of
j.ioujror inoyonr lBim iu tho sum of
7.r2; for tho year IBM) in tho sum or
7.23; amounting in tho total sum ot 00.12;
with Interest on tho mm of 43 71 nt tho
rnto of ten per cent per nnnum from the
first day of Mn-. l'jui, all ot which
U duo and unmiid.
I'lnlntiir firnn ft flpnron nf fnrnMnaiirn
of said tnx lien nnd n snlo of miid prom-
ihcp. Kiunnuonuii or you dorondanw
nro required to nnBwer mid petition on
or beforo Mouduy, tho 3d day of No-
(A Cornoratlon.)
Ill- II. 8. ItlUOEM', Us Atlomor.
A Bargain
Steel Ranges.
W. M. Cunningham, the
Hardware Man, will sell the
Superb Steel Range, with
High Closet and Reservoir,
and $3.00 worth of cooking
utensils, for
This Range is strictly first
class and up to date in all
respects, Call and see it
before buying.
Asd SoUh - - -
Hardware aim r
Tinware, I2tc"
at Fair Prices,
Plumbing and Tin Work
promptly attended to,
W. fJ. Cunning.
Legal Notice. -.T07.
Tho dofemlante, frnnklln II. Butter
tleld, Snrnh O. Buttorllold nnd John
Doe, ronl namo unknown, will tuk'o'
nollco that on tho flth day ofMuv,
1002. Mm i.lnlnllir Tl, An
LilUCOln. n coritnrntlnn. Illn.1 tin imilllnn
- . . I . -..Ill V.WM.... 114
In tho district court of Lincoln cquuty,
Nobraskn, thoobjectandprayor of which
SrO tO forOCloSO COrtnln Inv llnno illilvr
asseseod by said plniutiff against the
north halt of tho nor'hoast quarter ennt
ll'df Of tho nortliwrntnimrinr nf
30,townBhip 15. north of raDRotn, west ot
Sixth principal meridian, Nobrnski , for
the vonr 1S03 In thnnnnmroi nq.f,., ,k.
-. - . : v'., ivi in.
roar 1801 in tho sum of &!ai7:fur tho year
w" niu Dun, ui it ui lor iiioyenr
lSOOintho sum of 23.09; for tho year
1807 In tho sum of 10.G3; for th year
1803 In Ilia buui of Ofil- tnr Mm vn
1809 in Ihofum of 11 0S;for tho year 1000
ii no sum or u n; ror tn yi ar 1U01,
n 11)0 rum nf 2A1i nmnmitlmr In l.n
total Stltll Of 8117 .19! ullll Inlnrml nn
tho sum of 678 07, nt the rate of teu
Iior cent per annum from thu first day
ot May, 1002 all of whloh is duo und
l'laintlir nrays n dooreo of foreclosure
if Said t.lX lien unci a unln nf until rm.
You and each of you defendants nro
renulrod to answer said petition ou or
beforo Mondav tho 3d dnv nf tin.
ctnbor, 1002.
(A. Corporation.)
Jly H. 8. UIDOECT, Its Attomoy. .
Legfal Notlco.
Tho defondaots t'arloton M. Mann,
Mrs CarJeton B. Mnnn. Hrd
unknown, Oust Llndt, Emiim Lindon,
his wife. Elicit Lindeu. Mrri."l.l. Lit..
dun. his wife, lirt real uamu unknown,
and Richard Itoo, real namo unknown,
win uiko nouco inai on the otli duy of
MllV. mn' Min .,lnlnl(V u, n.. ;..
..... i'iiiiiivim) kiiu WMUl) V
nf Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its pott-
non in mo uisinoi uourt or Liueo'n
county, Nobrankn, tho object and prujer
of which la to foiosloBO cortaln tnr lienn,
duly nspesped by said p'alntttt nuilnst
too frouine.isi quaror or section 20, in
townshln 13, north ot raniro 31. wojt ot
Sixth principal moridlan, Nebrnkn, 'or
me your lblUin lliosum ot $2018; for
tho your 1801 in tho stun ot 10 CO; tor
tho your 1895 in tho sum of 18 02; for the
your 1800 In tho sum of 18.U; tor tho
year 1807 in tlia nam ot H.00; for tho
yoar 1B03 in tho sum or 11 25; for the
s our 1890 in thn sum of 0.29; for tho your
1000 in tho sum of 4.35; for tho your
1001 in tho sum of 3.09;imountlnuln tho
total sum cf 121 81; with intoroot on the
sum ot 82.37 at tho rato of teu per
oont per annum from tho first day of
Ma.' , 1002, all ot which Ib due and
I'lnlntiir nrnyo a decrco of foreclosure)
nf mild tax lieu and asalaofvnid prem-1-os.
You nnd oaoh of yon dofondanta
nro required to nmwor wild not It Inn on
or beforo Monday, tho 3d day of No-
voraoor, iuoj.
. (A Corporation.)
ny II. S. niDOELY. Kb Attornr.
Loffn-1 Sfotico.
' 3118.
Tho Defendants L. O. Lathorn. first
real namo unknown, E. F, Miner, first
ronl namounknovvn.nndUiL'hnrd ltoe,real
namo umcnown, win lauo nouco tnot on
tho 20th day of May, 1002, tho plain.
HIT, tho County of Liucolo, it corpora
tion, filed ito petition in tho district
court of Lincoln countv. NobriiDlui. tho
object and prayer of which Istoforccloso
certain tax lienn, duly n'tuFrrd by snid
iiuiniiu acainst the eatt Iioir of tho west
ndfof section 21. in towushln 0. north
of ranco20, west of Sixth principal mor-
uuan, Noornsiui, ror tnoycar ibw in tho
sum of W.D5; for tho year 1807 In tho
sum or rA4; tor tho yenr1 1608 in the
sum of 4 70; for tho year 1EC0 In tho
sum of 5 57; for tho year 1000 in tliosum
of 2.20; for tho yeur 1001 in tho sum
of 2.03; amnuntliitr in tho totnl turn nt
20,07; with intorost on tho sum of 1045
in mo rato or ten per cent por annum
from tho first dy of May, 10O2, all
of which ia duo and unpaid.
1'inhtiff nrnys a decrco of foreclosure
of wild tax lieu and a salo of said pram
ieoa. You and ohcIi of you defecdantn
nro required to nnHwor mid petition on
or beforo Mond y, tho 3d day of No.
vein our, iu
(A Coruorutlon.)
ny II, fJ. ItlDQICLY. Us Attorney.
I"1 O R
ft?oR PAiiiTmo.;
a .......... ........7