51)c tml - WccNy ftrtlnutf. Ika L. Baku, Editor and Publisher SUIISCMPTION HATKS: One Year cash in advance II cs Six Months ch In advance (Hi cents Untered at North IMattc, Nebraska, l'ostof. tlcc a second class matter. TUESDAY, SEPT. 2, 1902. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Oovernor- , JOHNII.MIUICr.Y. For Lieutenant Governor K. O. Mconro.v. For Treasurer l'KTKIt MOUTKNSON. For Secretary of State 0. W. MARSH, For Audltor- OIIAULKS WKSTON". For Supt. of Public Instruction WILLIAM K. FLOWER. For Attorney General F. N. I'HOOT. For Commissioner or Public Lands (IKOItr?!? I). I'OLLMKR. I'or Congress, Sixth District - MOSBS I'. KINICAID. For Cotnty Attorney A. II. DAVIS. For County Commissioner C. A. OLA5W. A good beefsteak in Dcrlin costs forty-four cents per pound. It therefore follows that a great many Bcrlincrs arc not catinjj good beefsteak. Whilk it is true that the lum ber supply of this country is rapidly decreasing, it is some comfort to know that in one county in Oregon the standing timber is estimated an eight bil lion feet. Nuaklv one million people arc on the United States pension rolls; in other words almost one person in seventy-five draws a pension. That seems a large percentage and yet with few ex ceptions thou drawing pen-mm arc entitled to them. So far the only people in the state who express dissatisfaction over the nomination of J. II. Mickey arc democratic papers nnd democratic orators. The populists, who know the nomina tion of Thompson sounded the dcath-kncll. of their party, arc not denouncing Mickey, neither arc they praising Thompson, and when they go to the polls next November they arc more likely to vote for Mickey than they are for Thompson. Now that Editor Rjscwatcr has punctured Governor Sav age's gas bag the public generally wilhmxiously await the drawing forth of that "something" which the governor claim 3 he has up his sleeve. If the governor has other cards he should play them; if he is attempting to run a bluff on Rose water, he had better stop quick. Wc have lived in Ncbras ka for over twenty years and Vc cin't recall an instance where KosGwatqr did not "call" a bluff. A comparison of the conditions in the UnitctJ Status at decennial intervals from 1800 to 1850 and annually from 1850 to 1900, is presented in a monograph just issued by the trcasnry bureau of statistics. The area has grown irom 827,8 square miles m 1800 to 3,025,f.00 in 1902, cxclu sivc of Alaska and the islands belonging to the ;;UnUcd States The population per square mile which was 3.6 in 1810, was 20. in 1902. The total wealth has grown from $7,000,000,000 in 1850 Xi an estimated amount of $94, uju.uuu.uuu in ivuu and the per capita wealth from $37 in 1850 to 51,235 in 1900. In 1800 the public debt was $15 per capita, now it is &12 97. Moncv in circulation now is $28.40 per capita; in 1860 it was 13.85. Who rait tbi Your A man ran for mayor in a Texas town arid tot one voto. Thu noxt morn log friend No. 1 said to him: "I'm oony you didn't gut but on voto; put that In." lie thanked him. No. 2 camo around and aald: "Old fellow, put that voto !n for you." He thanked him also. Directly No. 3 couvolotl him with, "I certainly ahot in one vote for you," he aald, "See hero, that lying must, ctop; J ,'ast that voto uiyuolf." contagious Blood Poison la the name sometimes given to what Is generally known as the BAD DIS EASE. It is not confined to dens of vice or the lower classes. The purest nnd best people nrc sometiinc3 infected with tht3 awful malady through handling the clothing, drinking from the same vessels. using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in contact with ncrsona who have contracted it. It begins usually with a little blister or core, then swelling in the groins, n rcu eruption breaks out on the l)ody, sores nnd ulcers appear in the mouth, the throat becomes ulcerated, the hair, eye brows and lashes fall out; the blood becoming more contaminated, conncr colored nplotchcs and pustular eruptions and sores nnncar unon different n.irts of the body, and the poison even destroys the bones. S. S. S. is a Specific for this loathsome disease, and cures it even in the worst forms. It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes the wood anu penetrates to all parts ol tlic system. Unless you get this poison out of your blood it will ruin you, nnd bring disgrace nnd disease upon your children, for it can be transmitted front parent to child. S. S. S. contains no mcrcurv or notasb. but is guaranteed n strictly vegetable compound. Write for our free home treatment book nnd learn all about Contagious Blood Poison. If you want medical advice give us a history of your case, and our physicians will furnish all the information vou wish without anv charge whatever. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. Ton yenra ago I contracted n bad oaiej oflllood Polton. I was undor treatment of a physician until X found that hooould do mo no cood. Then began taklntr S.S.S, X commenced to Improve at onco and In a vory ohort time nil evldeneo of tho disease) disappeared. X took six bot tlos and today am sound and wall. XI. M. Wall, Morrlatown, Tenn. FIGURES ABOUT RAILROADS. otal Receipts Increase One Hundred Million Doll:r:. Total receipts from the opera tion of all the railroads in the United States during the year nding June 30, 1901, was $1,583,- 26.U37, an increase of over $IU1, UU0.000. This fact is shown by the sum mary of the annual report of the interstate commerce commission. Mie report covers the twelve months ending June 30, l'JUl. The summary states that ton nage for the year decreased over 2,000,000 tons and still the gross receipts from operation in- reascd over 5101.UJO.000, an-: parcntly disproving the claim that there has been a general re liction in freight rates. The number of railways in the lands of receivers was forty- vc, a net decrease of seven as compared with the correspond- ng date 01 the year previous. The' capital stock represented by tlie railways in tuc cuarge of re ceivers was W,47o,Zo7, funded debt $54,748,662 and current lia bilities 14,183,230. These fig ures show a decrease in capital stock represented as compared with 1000 of $58,618,598 and in unded debt of $52,644,360. The total amine track railway mileage in the United States was 97,237 miles, this mileage hav- ng ihcrcased during the year ,892 miles. Tlic operated sinirlc track mileage, in respect to which" de tailed returns were made, was 95,571 miles, this inilcairc in cluding 5,606 miles of line on which J track, privileges were granted. Including tracks of all Kinds, the aggregate length of railway mileacrc was 275.265. an increase of 6,582 miles. There were 39,581 locomotives n the service of tlic railways, wnicn was more tnan wure in use the preceding year. The total number of cars ol all classes n the service of the railways on the date stated was 1,550,833, there having been an increase of 99,995 in rolling stock of this class. The number of persons in the employment of the rntlways ot inc uniicu oiaics was i,ot,iiv, or an average ot 548 employes per 100 miles of line. Ascom- parcdJUwltli June 30, 1900, the number of employes increased 53.516. The amount of railway capital outstanding was $11,688,177,991. This amount, on a mileage basis, represents a capitalization ot $61,528 per mile of line. Of the toiai capuai siaicu a.auo.a'j.iu-f existed in the form of stock, of wnicn sM75,'U9,72i was com mon stock and $1,331,157,383 preferred stock. The amount which existed in the form of funded debt was $5,881,580,887. The amount of current liabilities, which is not included in the fore going figures was $620,403,419 01 $3,266 per mile of line. The number of passengers carried was bU7,278,i2i, snowing an incrcesc lor tlic year ot 30, 412,891. The number of tons ot freight carried during tne year was 1,089,266,440, a decrease of 12, 404, vo uciug snown. u lie gross earnings from the operation of the ruilwnys in the United States were 51,588,526,037, being $101, 481,223 more than for the lisca year of 1900. The operating ex penscs were $1,030,397,270, Hav ing increased in comparison with the year preceding o6H.96S.759 The total number of casualties to persons on account of railway accidents were 61,794, the num ber of persons killed having been 8,455 and the number inlured 53.- 339. Of railwuy employes 2,675 were killed nntr 41,142 were in urcti. tuc number 01 passcn gcrs killed during the year was 282, nnd the number injured 4,988. The number of persons other than employes and passen gers killed was 5,498 and injured 7,209. Raised from tho Sand. C. V. Liintli, "Porter" for tho Orl. etilitl lintel, Chnnute, Knn., says: "I know what it wub to miiTur with nournt i'tn derd I did, nnd I ot n bottlo of Milliard's Sutiw Liniment nnd I wna mined from tho dead.' 1 tried to get notno more, but betoro I hud 'deposed' of my boltlo, I fiis cured entiroly. I nm tolln'du truth, Uo." IBo.fiOo and 81.00 at A. I'1. StroltzV Corner Drug Store. Representative Convention. North Platte, Neii , Aug. 11, '02. To the republican electors of the 54 th Representative District of Nebraska: There will be a delegate convention held at O 'alalia, Keith county, Nebraska, on Saturday, September 13, 1902, at 1 o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of nominating one republican candidate fur re pre. tentative iu and for said 54th die trict, to be elected at the Novem ber, 1902, general election, aud to transact hucIi other business at may come before the convention. Hie representation to said coriven tiou will be a fullowa baaed on the vote ot the Hon. John 13. Evans as cast at the November general elec tion 1900, basis of one delegate-atr large and one tor each one hundred. votsu or maior fraction thereof. 3 ,.,.4 Cheyenne 7 Kjdth.. ....... 3 Lincoln 13 l'erkius 3 to-wit: Uuuncr , Deuel.. fvlmna'l. 9 McPhcrMin 2 Scotta Bluff... .5 The delegated present to cast the lull vote ot their comities. No proxies to be seated in aald con vention. Fred R. Ginn. Secretary. W. C. Elder, Cli'rm 54th Hep. Com. Senatorial Convention. The Republican Electors of the iOtli Senatorial district ot Nebraa a are requested lo send delepates . O t 1 . ! . iu a ociiuiuriiii cuiiYeuuon at ura- alia, Neb., on Saturday, Septem ber 13, 1902, at I o'clock p. n. ior the purpc of nominating a candi- late tpr beuator and the tranoac- ion of audi other business na may e necessary. The Bevernl counties n tne district are entitled to repre. cntafion aa fellows: Bauner 3 Lincoln .13 Lot an 2 McPheraon... 2 Perkiiia 2 Rcotta Bluff... 5 Thomas , 2 Cheyenne. ... 7 uawsou 13 Deuel 4 Grant 2 Hooker 1 Keith ... 3 Kimball 2, Total.. .61 It in recommended that the dele tjatet present be permuted to cant he full vote ot their deie irations iu case of absentees therein. V. P. Courick, Chairman, II. S Rmtii.EV, Sec. . . Bhoriif 8M0. H r vlrtun nf mi nrilor nf ImuaiI fmm ih. dLlrlot court it Unoolu, rotintr, Nslirn&lm. uiwm would, 111 iiri-miiirti rcuiHtrwi 111 lll rouil whotuliiTlto County ot Llnmiln. n oorixiiiillmi. ( laiiinii miu iiiiiuim tviimril ( ill., nra Us- munnin unci 10 11111 nirmiihi. I win n 111u.Mi1 nay r Hoiitoiuiwr, llic, ut 1 o'clock u, in,, tne msi front iloor of 1 in onnrl limiMi 111 Notlll PlAltit. Lincoln niitiolr. Knhr..v. nil nt pulillo nncllnn to the lilliet bidder for rnnU to MtUfjr snlil ilrarro, Inlrrent im oot, inn followlDK ilmcrltoil irowrty, to-wltt Tlie iouiiiii qunriBr or trctioo is. towtuli n 111. rniiRo as, well BIXIU r. M. Uuoolll coulllT r t1rni. n. l)Btl North l'Ut to, Neh , Aunt 21, umj. I.. OAiivrNTKii.Hhorirr. 8hsrttr'( Sale, llr VlrlllQ Of HI! milnr nf ..In ani.il iFim Ih. OlMrlcl tNiiirtiit Mnvoln countr, Nnlimskn. unon it Oiori ot rnriicliwiirii reniUriM In mU court wlmroln The UoihiIt of I.lnrnln. n.ir.u.r.n.... In iltiilf( mill tJnn W l,ceit nl . ro (li'frnOm.ta nml to mo dltM'lMl, 1 will on the 2Tlh dr of SfilCiulior.Ui02.iil I o'clook.n. m , M the at front iiimr oi luvnmri uoiiin in MiriU 1'Utte, Uncoln enuiitr. nrlnnkkK. .oil nt i-nMIc uniiim i. n.u miinvfi nninvr ior mm m Knurr M deerflo, Iu lurtt idiy, lliw follonloK iWilrd urnn crly, ti-tttt The Kouthnimt qimrtor nf roctlnu ill. inwnmiii v, D4(P ai, wiMt Ol Hlilll V, M, Lin stun cnunijr, nenrani uatea norm v uttu, Ken, Aununt z. lroj. L. UAnmNTKn, Hherlff, ahorlff'a Salo. llr vlrtun of mi ortlnr f aIm Ivi,41 rr.i..i n. ilUtrlvt court of l.lucoln routilj, Ktriuk, immui a decree or forrulcxiiiro rvuduml Iu Mid court Miiuroiu luiuuunirni i.iuooin, u corH)rullon, I luaiiiuu uuii iiinpui nioii, v ai.t nre nrviidnn mid in mo ill rooted i 1 will in nm .no uer or nuinoniovr. iwi, at ono n'oliiok ii, tu. nt I hi, enut front ilmip nt ,i. court huune In North VUltn, Uiicoln onuutr, No- iiiMi.n, rvi, n, iuiiiiii muMim ti, inu uiiineftt mil derforcnuh III MlUfT mid deorou. Inlnri ui.,1 colOio followluudetcrlbeil pronertjr tiwwltt Tlio Finn ii won nimrieror Heoiimi zn, rowli.hlo II Htntitt Si, ii't ot the titlv r, SI. Lincoln county Datud North I'Utte, Krl., Aueunt Zb. l. CAiirxMTXM, UiiorilT, RAILROAD TAXATION GOMPAREE. Stalcmciit of Taxes Paid by tho Union Pacific Railroad in 1001, in Nebraska. (Issued Under Authority of tho Enllrqads of Nebraska.) The trunk line of the Unoln Pacific passes rtCToss the state of Nebraska, and it is a valuable property. The figures presented show that it pays taxes amount ing to 8473.22 per mile In the state of Nebraska, and through the payment- of this amount of tax in this Btatc, it made the average tax per mile S202.79 on the whole line of road in the year 1900. The Inter-State Commerce Commission reports show that the average tax paid by railroads in Nebraska was $193.86 nnd the average west of the Mississippi was but $171.45. These figures show that in Nebraska the Union Pacific Railroad pays much more tax than the average rail road pays, and it pays much more proportionate taxes than it should pay. i - . to- eat-- County Taxks Paid Boone S 3,704 El Buffalo..' 20,097 84 Butler 5,802 27 Cheyenne 14,015 07 Colfax 0,500 73 Custer 3,105 84 Dawson..: 33,400 07 Deuel 0,804 29 Dodge 12,000 68 Douglas 32,053 31 Gage 0,r03 2'J Greeley 1,543 21 Hall 14,80140 Howard 8,042 42 Keith 10,031 40 Kimball 7,400 08 Lancaster 5,145 80 Lincoln 28,802 80 Madison 3,243 43 Merrick 15,778 01 Nance 5,333 19 Platte 13,31810 Polk 2,005 80 8arpy 3,018 60 Saunders C,057 08 Sherman 3,740 06 Valley 2,501 87 Total, 047.50 Miles $207,830 51-5314.32 pcrmlle. Taxes paid Main Line, $221,173.89-407.38 miles -$473.22 per mile. Taxes paid Branches, $70,002.02-480.18 miles-$100.-00 per mile. The tonnage given the Union Pacific In 1900 amounted to 548,206 tons of freight for each mile of railroad, and for pttrposcsof comparison, we will com parcwlth thcPcnnsylvanlarallroadsystem, the great est freight carry ing roadsint he world-a system of roads hat handled iu 1900, 3,250,587 tons of freight for each mile of road (nearly six times tlie tonnage of the Union Pacific). The wildest western boomer would not compare the Union Pacific with the Pennsylvania system of railroads. The Pennsylvania railroad system having net earnings of $30,440,621.19 in 1900, while the Union Pacific earned but $9,071,606.79, and still this great system of railroads running through the states of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delewarc and Virginia, paid but S307.49 tax per mile in 1900. Tax per mile, Pennsylvania Railroad S307 49 Tax ocr mile. Union Pacific Main Line in Nebraska 473 22 Tax per mile, Northern Pacific Railroad in 1900 163 72 Average Tax per mile in Nebraska, 1900. 198 86 ' - (Interstate Commerce Commission.) Statement of the Tuxes Paid by the Chicago, St. Pnul, Minneapolis 6t Omaha Railway Company in 1901. COUJTTY Douglas..... Cuming......... Stanton Dixon Cedar Knox................. Thurston............. Madison. Burt Pierce Washington.......... Wayne...... Dakota.., TAXES PAID ..$ 2,810 70 .. 2,127 91 351 57 .. 8,338 42 .. 6,230 40 .. 3,73f)16 .. 4,757 71., 875 41 1 .. 6,782 34 .. 1,215 72 .. 6,890 49 .. 8,487 31 .. 6,798 78 ."V t ' V Total, 271.16 miles. -..$59,402' 92 $219.03 pcrmlle. This section of road is the Nebraska end of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minncc polls & Omaha Railway Company. The traffic furnished this portion of the road Is so much less than what isglvcn the liticeast of theMlssouri River, that while the. whole road in'1900 earned $2,751. 80 net earnings per mile, the line in Nebraska earned but $1,270.41, or less than one half the average. How ever it will be seen that on the Nebraska line, they, paid $219.05 per mile tax. It is our aim to make comparisons with roads un der similar conditions, either in earning capacity or location, and in these comparisons not using immed iate adaccnt states, so that the complete line of com parisons will ultimately cover nearly tho whole country. ' So in this bulletin we will take some southern states, among others, for lines of comparison. STATE ' HAILItOADS , Miles Tax Paid 'plS154 i-Jaflto Tennessee ) Mississippi Yazoo &M.RB i 1,000.08 $177,017.20 $2,081.03 5177.01 Louisiana ) ' Florida Florida Central 040.81 ll,O34.00 770.72 118.00 Ahbama Georgia & Ala. It. R 457.42 41,508.14 703.11 00.87 fViCimii'ri?ib Central N. E. It. R 181 10,270.03 703.01 100.50 Connecticut, (Inc. 1'ouBUUeep.lo Urldge) LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale, llr virtue nt an order of sale ImuciI fron tli tllntrlct court nf Lincoln county, Nebrank. upon it drcrro ot foreclosure rnnilered In Mid wnurt wherein The Count ut Unoolu, n oorponu Ion, Viniuuu nun ueurste it, iionmson, 1 et nl , defeoilantoi and to mo til reel ixl. I will nit the 27lh riT of Hnntem nor. 111);, nt J o'clock p. ra at ttia eaut front iloor of the court nnnea In Mirln I'latla, Lincoln county, Neuraaka, sell at public auction to tho hlRhert bidder fur caali. to aatlsfr Bold dooree, lntereat and coi, tho followlnif described property, to-wltt Tho norlhenut quarter of eeo- nonan, lownaoip iu, rnnge wet Hixtnr.ijtt, Lincoln couutj, Nebraaka, uaieu orui riaue, ncn, aukuk i, iwz, h. tUuriMixa, bherltf. BheriQ's Sale, llr Tlrtun nf an nrder of aula luued from tho district court of Lincoln oonnty, Nebraska, upon a deer c nf foreclosura reudorcd lit aitld court wboreln Tlio Oountr ot Lincoln, a corporation, is plalntlll aud John Falrman et al., are defeudauta and to mo directed. I will on the 27th day ot September, lW.'.ot 1 o clock p. m. at the naet front door . nt thu court home in North l'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraaka, poll at rmbllo auction to lh hlliest hldder for cah to mll.tjr nld decrtxt, Interoat and onata, the followlnilocrliMMi property, lo-wiu tho north. wet qtinrtor of aectton 10, township U, rauRO 81, wert.nf Hltlh p. M. Lincoln county, NKbraaka, Dated North l'latte. Neb., August 2.1, 1W.. I,. OARrENtxn, Hherlff, are dofendanta and to mo directed. I will on the 27th day nf Septmubor, 1U02, at 1 o'clock, p. in,, at tbo eaat front ijoor of the court liouao In North Flatto, Uncnln county. Nebraska, sell at puhllo auction to the highest bidder for cnali, to aatlofy aald decree, intoroat and coats, tho following described prnporty, to-wltt The southwest quarter ot Ruction 34, township H. rnne SI, west Blxth 1'. M. I.iuooin conuty, Nebraska, Dated orUl Flatto, Nob.. Auut2.1, 1002. V. CAnrcMTXB, Hherlff, NOrtOK FOll 1'UIILIOATION. Land OfQco at North Platte, Neb., AuKuat 7th. lWi, Notice la hereby Riven that the followlns-nammt scttlur baa tiled uollconf his intention to make final proof la support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tho HenUtor aud He reiver, tinltwl Htatca I.an'l tlfttce. North l'latto, M'U., on HeptemiHir znui, 1K, virt JOHN T. COATKH. who mafe llnmeslead Kntry No. lTrtfl0, for tbo southenst quarter of section 4. town 11, north nf random, west cm v, M, lie namea tne follow IllR wltneaaea to prove nla continuous rcldnnce umiii and cultivation ot aald land, vln William Oanuaii, Thoniaa I'. Hykes, Hubert Hikes and William uimn, an ot wanace, mu, , uu-n uio. c. rnEMcii, ueuibier, NOTIOK FOll 1'llIILtOATlON. iJilld Omen at North rlattc, Neb , August 16th, 1002. 1 Notice It hereby siven that tho following nnme.1 settlor haa riled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support ot bis claim und that said proof ill bo made boforo rcKlstor and re. celter ot tne ll. a. Iiliit timce at Nortn naite. Neb,, on Octotwr 4th, 1U0J. vlit tlAUl. (I NKlJtON. who made llomiwtosd Kutry No, 17.04(1, for the cast hull nf southeast quarter am) south half ot uortheat quarter of scoti.iti Si, township II, north ranan 2ii. west Blxlh P. M lie names the following wllnes'tes to prove' Ills conttuunua rrsldenco upou and cultivation of said land, tin Kdward Johnson aud llellsy Larer ttrecn. nf llrady, NeK. Krlo hoUoo and John Andorsou, Ut Hinnuth Neb. alt) Oeobok U, ruxxcu, Ueetater. Ehnrifra Bala. llr virtue of an nrder ot salo i'suod from the dUlrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebraaka, uixin a decree nf forrclnsuro reodoiod in (aid court tihort'lii IhoCnuuly ol Uncolu. Bcnrpo'ailnn, W piainuu uuu aiury l,, usiiim, u. i BIIEBIFB"8 SALE. 11 y virtue nt an order ot sale lasnod from the district court ot Unoolu county, Nebraaka, upor a docree nf foreclosure rendered In said conri wherein Tho County of Uncoln. a corporation laplalnlirr, and A. II. Uilbran et al,, are da fandants and to me directed, 1 will on tho S7ih day ot Reptember,10O2.at 1 o'clock p. m, at the east front door of the court lionse In North l'latto. Lincoln county, NrbraBka, sell at publlo auction to the hlshest bidder for caih to satisfy said de cree. Interest and costs, the following described property, to-wltt The southwest quarter ot sec iloo 22, township 11, rango HI. west Bltth P. M, Unncln oounty, Nebraaka, Datod North Platte. Neb.. August. 2.1. 1001. L. OABrKMTin, Sheriff. Sheriff'! Salo. , , liv virtue of an order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county. Ne- braHlca, upon a decree ot foreclosure rendered In uald court tvbercln The County ot Lincoln, a corporation. l.i plaintiff amis. U. r,. Gannett, ei. at,, arc uerend ants and to me directed I will on the CTth day of September, iwk. at I o'clock!), m. at the cant front door ot t he court house in Norih Plntte. T.tncoln countv. Nebraska, sell at nubile auction to the highest bidder for cann to satisfy said decree. Intercut and costs, the following described property, to wit: The northeast quarter of section 17. township 10. ranee aa. wesi of sixth P. M Lincoln county. Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb,, August , 1903, L. CAttfCNTKit, Sheriff. TIMBER OULTUHK. FINAL PKOOF-NOTIOE rou rutiMUATioN Land Office at North IMatte. Neb. July 30th. 19t2. Notice is hereby given that Leslie II. Flma has tiled notice nf loLnntlon to make final proof before register and receiver V, H, land nlUcelu North I'latl", Neb., on H'odneaduy the 10th day ot Boplcmber, lW.'.on timber culture ap plication No. 13.HU, for Ihe eaat half snniji. west quarter and west bait enutheaat ouartur of stctioo No. Hi, in tosrnthlp No. 11, north rango No. 30 west of tho Hlilh V. M. lie namea as wltnesrssi fleoriro Miller, of Welltlect, Neb.i Jamoa Kvans, nf Homeraet, Neb.t Jake Oouins. of North l'latto, Meb.) and Invert Mulligan, ot bom. erect. Neb. nl 0 Oicomii K. Ksshcii, Iteglater. Li:OM,NOTIOI3 Iu tlio mattrr of tlio application of Untile Hplcer, guardian, tu sull real estate. Notice is beroby glvsnlbatln porsuauca ot an order nf liou. it. M. Crimea, Judge of the Dis trict Court ot Llneoln Oouuty, made on tho 15th day ot April, 1W-'. for the salo ot the real estate hereinafter described, there will bo sold at tuo east front door of the Court House on tho 20th day of Atignat. 1902, at one o'clock p. ra at pub. Ilo vendue t" the blpticvt bidder for cahb the fol lowing lUwrltied real eatatetowitt Houthwest quarter ot Suction 10, Tnwusulp 12, ltauge al, In Lincoln County. Nebraaka. uatvu July :i, m:. LtMMir; flrior.B, OiurJlsp ot Agues tipicer, it al, T.ROAL NOTIOB, To f Wm. T. Wyman and K. C, Ilflrln an4 to all others whom It may oonoern. Ynu are hereby nollHod that on the Mlb day nf December. 1000, tho underslgDed puroliasrrl et private tax naln of the trpasmer nt Lincoln county, Nebraska, Ihe following dorihed eai estate Hunted In Lincoln county, Nebraska, tiu wit: Iits Nos. 3. 4. ft, 0, 7 and B, in block No. 7,1, ot the original town nf Norih l'latto. Bald real eatale was sold for the delinquent taxes of the years 180.1. ISf'fl, 1807, IbKfl itnd 4fWI, In which years aald real estate was taxed. Bald real estate was taxed In the name ot Wyman and Uarton. ' Tbo lime of redemption of said real estate from .aid tax sale will expire December 20tb. 1002. clO-' Samuel Qoozm, LF.QAL NOTIfR. To H. 0. Needham and to all others whom It may rommrn. Vou are hereby nollaed Ihit on Ihe 2l)lh day nf December, 1900, tho undersigned purchased at private tax salo nf Ibe treasurer of Unoolu county, Nebraaka, tho following doscrlbed real relate, altusted In Lincoln anunly, tjVbra.ka, to-wlti IiIh NumlMirs 3 and X, Ulook Numuor 4J. of tlie otLj Inal town of North l'latte. " Bstd -real estate wna aolrl fnr Ihe rtpllnnuf nt laxea of tho yeara 1801. Ife02 119U. K0. 1HW, 1W, lhV7, 1K0S tud itivo. In which year aald real et h waa tniod. Htdl real ostntu was tniud In lliu oamoofB. 0. Needham. Tho time of redemption nf ald real estate from snli! lax sale will expire December 31th, 100J. alO- Hawukl Oooiib. LEGAL NOl'ICK. To Lewis Clark aud to all othera whom it may pmcet n 'ou ate hereby notified that on tho 2flth day of Decemlor, 11KW, the undrr-lgned purchased at prtvale l'it aaln of tho treasurer nt Uncoln county, Nebraaka, Dip following described real estato, situated III I.iuooin, county. Nebraska, to wit: Lota Numbers 7 nnd 9. lilnck. Number 711, of the original town nf North I'l i ta Bald real estate was sold for the delinquent tnxes of Ihe years Ihttl, I Mil, IW'fl lMlrt, 1S07, 1H0S and 1800, la which years said real estate waa taxod, I'ald rout esUte was taxed In the name ot Lewis Clark. The lino of redemp'lon nf said rent estate from Bald tax salo will expire December ttltb. 1002, aW- HAMuri, (InozxK. TIM1IE11 OULTUKK FINAL I'llOOF-NOTI 'K FOll rUHLIGATION. U B. Land Ultlce Norih l'sllte. Neb., Septembers 1002, Notice Is hereby given that Nltboia 8. B'nllh. ha filed notice of intention to make final pro it hpfora register and receiver of the Uubod Histea Land OJUoe at Ihetr office In North l'latte. Neb , on Saturday, tbo lPth day of October, 1902. on limber culture application No 131811, for Ihe eai-t half of Bouibweut quarter and lots t) aud 7 of Ho llon No. U In V)nslifp No. 0; north, range Vo, HI west, lie names aa wltnen.ei,; Ollbert Hmlth, 'llieodore Hmlth, Lee Smith am Jol)n F. )rlt luln. all ot Somerset, Nebraska, sal lino. K. FitKltQI) TtQgNtr I'UIUEU CULTUItK. FINAL lOQF-f)OTCP FOll I'llllLtCATION. U, fl. Land Oftlce at North I'Utte, Neb., Heplemher 2. 1002. . Notice Is hereby given that Ollbert Smith hss filed notice of Intention to mske final proof la tere ralalor and receiver of the United Blsti a Land Office at their t fnon In Nnith Plstto, N(, breaks, on Baturday. tde 18th day pr Ofli.W. 11102. on tlnibrr culture application No. 13.700. f , r the south half tioril'4iat quarter and nurUi hs ( eoutlisaat quarter of section No, 7. In townabo No, i north, rango No SI wee', lie names us witnesses) Nicholas tt. Smith. TUo(Hcro Smith, Lru timllh. John V. Uritlaln nil of Himirevt. Nh. iCQ so, F- Fmscu, U'eU e.