if. EIGHTEENTH YEA.IL NOflTII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 2G, 1902. NO. G3 -tr Jwmi patte mt sst ..... - a a John Bratt, Burke m DEALERS IN im John Drntt BUY OR SELL ON COMMISSION. Any Bcnk In Ncbraika, Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt Bldg. S NORtll PLATTE, NEB. g w o 0 e a Norik Platte 0 0 O 0 e o o o u u o o -A trial sack will convince you of its goodness. MANUFACTURED BY THE North Platte Eoller Mills, C. F. IDDINGS, 0 0 0 0 oeatioeesaascevceaeaooeeaeesaeeacesaaeAeeeeeesooGtiasB Lawn Seats- Neat, comfortable and durable at prices ranging from $2.50 to $5.00. Don't you need one? Mattings Wc arc a little overstocked on Matttacrs and must 1 close out, To do so wc offer the stock at very low figures. Come and sec the quality and learn the 'prices. HOWE'S FBH1T0BE STORE. 'I'ut Nono Hut Americans on Guard." I8?l--Tiie Old Reliable Fire insurance A$ency--1902 OF KORTII PZ,ATTE, Includes all the Cheat American Companies COMPANIliS REPRESENTED: ASSETS: Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn. $14,071,948 Home Insurance Company of New York 15,255,870 Insurance Company of North America 10,079,479 Continental Insurance Company of New York 11,599,012 German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457 Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn , .... 5,953,444 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,603 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia ; . 16,394.695 Combined Assets $83,214,508 When you are In need of Insurance get the best. It costs no more than the poorest. T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. .........o.c..a.............o.....a.ff !The Climate ! 0 0 Of Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it is al- 2 most money burned to use an inferior quality when 5 S painting your liouse. The best paint is by far the S S cheapest in the end. 0 0 1 0 1 Sherwin & Williams Paints S o 0 Have been sold by us for many years, and they have 0 r S given universal satisfaction time tried and not 0 , found wanting. Wc have a full stock on hand for g the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy it again; if you have not used it, try it. 2 1a F STREITZ, Druggist! .2 Jaasaaaaseaeaaeaaaaaseeeoeaoaoaaoeaaeacaaaaastfaao i . ' JOS. HERSHEY 2 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, t) et Wind Mills. P 11111 ns. Pines and Pit- - x tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale Ties, Lightening . p , p Hay Press & Repairs ' c ' O m st : : : : NORTH PLATTE, NEB. t-v - MS CBI BH1 JIMIUv' JlHt' JBMH. -jlMM. . V E, II. Goodinnn & Goodman, J LIVE STOCK. S Flow Dttrkc Is the equal of any Nebraska Flour. Made from choice wheat by the lat est milling processes. The rapidly increasing sales of North Platte Flour attests its good qualities. Give Alvln Pool an Ovation. On Thursday evening of last week the Fremont orchestra, of which Alvin Pool, late of this city, is leader gave a concert at Frc tnont, assisted by Frank II. Onus by, the lyric tenor of Denver, and by Mr. Pool as solo violinist. The Fremont Tribune devotes over column to the concert and sajB Mr. Pool was L'ivcu an enthusiastic ovation, nut only as to his work as leader of the orchestra but as I'd biB individual playing and that he was compelled to conic back twice alter encores. in closing the Tribune snye: 'Taken as a whole the concert was an immense success. It was in tended as an occasion for iutroduc ing Mr. Pool to the Fremont pub'ic, arrangements having practically been completed to have him remain in the city, lead the orchestra and give yioliu instruction to those who wiBU it. If the reception which he received last evening is a criterion, his playing and teaching will be in demand as long as he shall be here." BETWEEN .THE RIVERS. Nearly all the wheat in the irri gated section between Birdwood and Sutherland has been threshed, and the results arc very gratfying, yielding as high as forty-aU bush-' els per acre, machine measurement. This latter yield was obtained by J. G. Fcekcu, W. II. Hill and I. 13. Ware, the Uerahey merchant?, were in North I'latte on business Monday. V. A. Paxton of Omaha' has been transacting business at the ranch near llershey for several days past, James Ware, ot the Pawnee ranch, was a. yuest at the Paxton ranch the latter part of last week. The rain which visited this sec tion Sunday night was a good tinny for corn, ullalfa and Bugar beelu, but jf course interfered somewhat with haying operations. So far .not one-half of the hay crop has been harvested. Since Sunday night'rt rain the prospects for a third crop ot alfalfa are good, A considerable acreage of the rfccoud crop of alfalfa has been let stand for seed, and the indications arc that it will yield a good crop of seed. The union Sunday school picnic held at Mrs. Ware's grove Saturday was well attended, and a very pleasant time resulted to all at tendants. A program ot music and recitations was rendered in a man ner that reflected very creditably to those participating. Bert Wright and family, who were living in the old canal coni- pauv'a house near Nichols, moved to North Platte Monday, where Mr. Wright is employed in the railroad yards. ICucouraged by the large yield ot winter wheat this seaaou, tne acre age of that grain sown this fall will-be larger than usual. It is nut to be Understood, however, that the farmers will neglect com, alfalia and sugar beets. Guy Cougdon returned yesterday from a week's visit in Omahr. M. Murrin, who for a year past has been living on his ranch near Hillsdale, Wyo , came down last week to visit his 6one, and will re main for a month. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Isaman, of Aurora, Neb,, arrived in town yes terday, having been called here by the death of W. N. Salisbury. Mr. Isaman formerly resided in North Platte, but is now county clerk of Iamilton county. Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, galvanized per hundred $4.10 (Vikox DeDartment Store Barb Wire I lflTZfWATlONALf$VtStllHE Ooovi Cheer. Have you had a kindness hotvn PauR It on. Twas not Klvcn.lor you alone la It on. T.ft It travel down the yearn, I;ct t wipe another's tears. Till In licaven the deed appears, , Pas Hon. dcnoral Headquarters, W Fifth Ave. Nebraska state nivMon. MyruSI Neb!' CUy' Colors. Yellow and White, Klower, Core opals. Song, "Scatter Sunshine." OPPORTUNITY TO SPK11AI) tlOOD CUUER Dear Mrs. Moore: Could you help a self. supporting girl to dis pose of some Mexican drawn work? PerhapB you know of some one who wou.ld like to take the agency at a commission of ten per cent. I ap peal to jou as president of the Sun shiners in your state. I am not a member of Hit society, but a King's Daughter. Trusting you will do something for me, I am Very sincerely yourp, Miss Lillian J. Miclke, Isabel, Texas, The state division would be glad lo receive fancy articles suitable for grab sale, to beheld on Interna tional and State Day. Contribu tions should be addressed to Airs. Anna 15. Moore, Myrtle, Neb. HEKU AND THERM A niemb&r of North Platte Branch No. 1, who withholds her name from publication, contributed tweuty-five cents to the wheel chair lund and sends literature to Mrs. Matt McGue of Gandy. Mrs, M. 13. Maheifey, of Mullen, passes on magazines, quilt pieces and clothing as her share of Sun shine..work. She also contributed money to the 4,Sick Babies Ice Fund." Albert Rigbeg, of Lincoln, paid his initiation feea to the Interna tional Sunshine Society in a prac tical way. Mr. Rig beg wan living in a tenement house on O street, his peaceful slumbers were dis turbed by the cries of an infant. Upon inquiry he found the child waB hungry and that the grand mother had no money to buy milk with. Mr. Rigbeg went to near by restaurant and purchased milk and the child was hood quieted. The grandmothor writes it was a noble act to do and I shall always be grateful to him. A glimpse at the notes jotted down in the reference book at the state office may offer an opportu nity lor dome one to scatter sun shine: two doll's aims for medium size doll, silk pieces, odds and ends of embroidery flosH, cigar boxes, pasteboard blocks that ribbons are wound on, any material that can be utilized in fancy work. Myrtle branch No. 1, Mro. Anna Moore, pres., held its regular meet ing August (itb, at the home of its president. A number of buty bees cut stamps from envelopes found 111 waste basket, others gave as sistancc in making ready packages to mail. Cancelled stamps were torwatded (o Brooklyn, N. Y. Child's dress and hat, contributed by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Moore, was Bent to a family ot North Platte branch No. 1. Scrap books were mailed to a member of Tryon branch. Fancy articles were coat ribulod by members for a "Talk-ln-iny sleep-box" and tor the coming grab sale. Vegetables and milk were sent to members in neighborhood. Sunshine calls were madd and many boqucts of flowers were sent out to cheer the sick and lonely. .Mrs. Josephine Iloagland of Gandy has been appointed organ izer tor Logan county. Wateh for a Chill, Howovor BllRht nt this thuo of vonr nnd in this ohninto, it is Um fornrnnnnr of mnlarln. A disposition to ynwn, nnd nn nil tired out foollnu oven cotnos bo foro till! chill. irrlnni. I Btiiniilritivi notion on tlio livor, rtrivos the mnliirlHl conns out of tint syHloni Mli IMUti llt ill. Mill, Kllll'H fl UIO HVbtOIII !nil rcHlfiroH Out lutiillli. fit,. ,. a i.t Stroitzs' Corner Drue Store. Good Yields of Grain. The lollowincr from the Gothen burg Independent give some idea of the yield of grain in Dawson county: N. Brownfield threshed 7,000 buslilcs of small trrain which aver aged thirty-eight bushels per acre. u. uarlBon received 1,600 bushels of rent rye from his farm rented to Chris. Maucr thin year. The crop avcragcu lorty-thrcc bushels per acre. Wash Daggett commenced tbrcBh. Ing 300 acres ol small irrain vestcr- day that will make 12,000 bushels. u win take two weeka to thresh the job. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. The Odd Fellows at Cf-zad have purchased a business lot 40x100 feet on the main btrcet and in the future will erect a two story brick. building. John Crounch, living near Cozad, sold his 320 acre farm tlie other day for $7,000, the purchaser being an Iowa man. More than one hundred tons oi coal a day la unloaded into Union Pacific locomotive tanks at Lcxtng- ton, The Nebraska Telcnhone C. fm the past week or so has hud nboui a dt-zen men and teams eumloved In putting up poles. The cornpaii) has its hue complete from Lexing ton cat, nnd is now engaged in planting poles and wiring the saint from this city to North Platte, a HBtuuce ot Mxty-onc miles. The wire used is Conner. Lexington Pioneer. A Wnrn Trill.,. T. A. J. Montgomery, Puxlcn, Wnym Co., .Mo.. writeH: ' 1 hnvo llttlo twin i;irp, who hnvo been bothered with worms nil their lives I tried ovorvtlnnp to rollovo thofn wluuh failed until "l used Whlto'fl Crcnm VurmifuKo; tlio llrst twt doses brought four worms from ouo ol them, the- noxbtvo doflpp, twolve, onn ol thorn inenFurinc twelve Inches; tlio othoi ohild wits only reliovcd of four worms It is n inoBtoxcollontmodlolno." Whlto'f flrftnm Vnrmfrilm. la nnnA fit 1. tt.l It not only deBtroyH.wormii, It, helrm the uriuu w ponopi. crowin. wnrna on molt noBs. 2uo at A. F. Stroitzs' Corner Urup oioro HhnrKfa Snln. lly vlrlno nt nn nrdxr nt nniii lmiil frnm Ilia uiamoicunri w i.iuooin, coumy, NebrnHkn, upon a ilrcrpo nf fiirecloituro ranilt'rad IB nnld courl wlintcln Tlio Oitunty nf Llnnntn, n rnrporullon, Is IH.'iimtr anil ivinintu I,. Wlllaril otal., nrada luuiinnia nml to iuh iilrnsted, I will uu mo .-in uny or Hepicmtior, at 1 n'olock p, in., ni inn nnni front Hour of tlio court tioufo In Nortli I'lntlo, Mncnlii county. Nnbraakn, . i'muiiu nuii.'u ... ,nu uiHHi'Pt uninnr Kir rndU ti) Katlnfy wild decree. Intartmt and oontn. tlio foltowliiR itcHorlliod tiroparty, tn-wltt Tlie Nouiiicam quarter or tectlmi n, towntlilp 1(1. huku jki, worn ttixin r. M. unoolu county Ntbrnkn. Ualml North l'lntto, Neb,, Ainrust 23, lW'. Ii, OAlii'KNTi:n,Sberl(r. GhorifT'i Qalo. I)y vlrlno of nn order of snle Unueil from tlie illnlrlrl court nt Lincoln county, Nebrni-kn, upon n decree nf fnrnulimtiro rendered In nld court wlmroln Tint Oniinty of Lincoln, n onrmrntlon In plnlulllt nnd Linn W Lcaot nl , nru dorenilnnta nnd In mo directed, I will nn 111 27ih dny ol Seplciubnr,ltK.nt 1 n'clock.p. in , nt the enit front door nt tbe oourt bourn In Norlb l'lntto, Lincoln onunly, Nobrntkn, roll at pulilla nnntlnn to tbe hlulimt bidder for ennb to natlsfy eild dncrou, In torest nrd coma, tlio follmvlnK dercrlbed prop' rty, to-wlt: Tbe aoutbeant qunrter of eoctlnn ill. towntlilp 0. rnne 81, west of BUtli V, M, Lin coln onunly, Nubrnnkn Dated North i'latto, Nab. AiiRuattl, 1002. L. OiHiT.iiTr.n, HherlfT, BherifT's Balo. lly vlrlun nf nn nrdor nf ralu IsnuoJ from Hit district court of Lincoln county, Nubrnnkn, upon a decree of forecloniirii rondercil tu anld oourt Wlll.rfltll Tlin (?lllllllVlir f.ltlAitn. n ..ir,wir.illfin I. plulnllll nml WlnfloU Hio'.t, rt nrn ilufifUdnliia nud to me dlrrclodi I will .ii ii. u -rill .'i nniHiiuucr, lliv, nl Dill! o'ol.vck p. in. nt Ibn enal front door nf the Court bonne In North l'lntto, Lincoln county, Nn. II... T,l. I ilu.) . uriiRKn, nun m iiuuuii uuuiion o IIIU llltflleiit Ulu nor itji i-iivii i,i rutiei rnin iiuuruu, inioreni nun could tlio fnllowliiirdutaillied pronurty to-wlu Tlio MDiilliwout qiuirlurof Hentlon 2H, Towilsbln II. limn... !ll rj..l ..riliultfl.il XI II. ...... ' ...... tf. , tv v.. ... u w.l, , w,, ajiui;iiu UUIIIIIJT, Nebraska. Dated North I'lelte, Neb., August 2A, iWl. L, UAHi'XNTlcn, Hliorld, Zienl Notice. 3011 Tlio defondnnto Louis A Oehs. Mrs iiouis uuiih, iita who, nroi rout nuiiie lirtinnii'n .livunllll tDf.liu Hfm Tnn.i..l. mi ,u .. , mw.'vi,... i,', iiin uuniifll Oclifl. his wife, llrt reul nuino unknown. una luuwiru tvoe, ram niinio unitnown, will tuku notii:u tl ut on tlio 17th dny of l,l.mnrv 1 (WV tlio nlulntlir Mn Oni,nlu W..l. ...fvww, w . IK.. , ,,, KIIU WUIIM I of Lincoln, n corporntlon, llletl Hb tioti. a, . I.. .1... ll-1... r . . , . lion in in" i-"turn;iy imiri oi ijiuuoin county, Nehriinkn, tlio ohjoot nml prnyur of whiuli in to foreclono certain lux lieiiH, duly iiribeBHod by mid pliiintil. iiKiiinat tho northeiiBt ((unrter of Hoction .'15, in townnhlp 18, north of rnr-jro III, wont of Sixth principal moridiiin, Nobrusltn, for thoyenr lfiiKJln iIiobuih of 82.1.70; for tho year 18!U in tlio sum of 10.00; for t Im vnnr IRfl.'i In I wi nil tn nf 17 A A . fn tl.. . your 18.K1 in the niiui of n.lDj for tho yenr 1897 in tho sum of 1-1.10; for tho yimr 1808 in tho mini of 10.82; for tho vonr ipw in mu mun or ti.-.rj; rorilinyenr lOUOiu the Ritui of 1.17: niiioiiiitiiiK in tho totul f um of 117,78; with Jntoront on tho aunt ot 70,28 ut tho rnto of ten por rinrit. tint fintillni frrim Mia Itral. ilnv nt Novombor, 1001, nil of wliluli is duo nnd unpaid. lXnlnttir firnva n flnnrlti. t9 fii....lMi.. a M. Illllll.ll. J'.l'M .. MUUIlAl W. IUI LUIUnUlU of fluid tnx Hun nnd n snlo of Biiid protn ifios, Vou nnd onuli ot you defendants urn rnntilrpd In nnnwnr unlil not It Inn nn nr lmfnrn Millwlnv. Ilin lTilli ilnv i,f Sopteinlwr, 1002. THIS COUNTY Ol' LINCOLN, (A Corporntlon.) By II. B. ItlDQEIiY. Its Attornwr, Proposal for Bids. Notkc to Contractors.- Sealed proposals lor grading county raadB will be received by the County Commissioners ot Lin coln county, Nebraska, on or before September 8, 1902. All proposals to be for the grading ot county roads In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to be done under the direction of the County Commissioner in whosu district the work is done. Not to exceed fifteen thousand cubic yards of earth work In Com missioner District Nn. I. Nnt In exceed fifteen thousand cubic yards or cariu wotk in commissioner Dis trlrt 'n. 1. nnrl nnt n I r.r - ' " ' " ..w v AWWWU III- Ktccn thousand cubic yard's of earth wont in commissioner District No. 3, Bids will be received tor nil or oart of the' work. Tlio rnmml.. doners reserve! t lie right to rrject any or all of the bids it tlicy deem it to the Interest of the rniinir n to do. Sufficient bond will he re quired to guarantee the completion of the work in a reasonable time, J i S. KonniNS, M. L. McCuLTiOunir, Jqhn D. KEU.EIlr.K, Co. Conimrs. i.iKur. NOT10K. Ti rVni T.I W..... ....I rtr t t nil oihtM dliimi It limy ennontU. Yon nr hMClif notinol Hint nn thft Sllh dr nt Dsrpinlvr, 1WJ(), thn iin)vrrlrnpd purelmHl st prlTitt Im stln of Ihn liwuinrnr of Mnoiln nmity, NnlirnoVs, lh fnlliiwln d'-orllw.l rint 'Hunted In Lincoln onnnlr. NehrsnVs, In. irn 111.-. .1. . n. II. i . i n IIHW.V iv.i 1.1. 'f Hi" nrlKliml town of North 1'lnttn. tAirN Of ttlA VftAfti 1ML. IWOll ,liri7 tultd .txul . - ' ".. im-fi 11(111 iriri', In wlilcli vr urn ntcl ml. itui ..i u.1.1 '(tl inta was laxoa In lha nsioa of Vjmn ud lfll MIS Tltntlmn rt TAtUiMniinM . . i .1 ...-1 , , - ' vn uiMiiiii in phiu irni minin lruiU in '"P're Uecemlwr 20th. lt!. nuui5i. uwim, I.rflAT. VftTinii!. I'd II fl.'f?omlktm nlhl 111 all lllhliri wlmm II m mtiiMiru, You ntO llflrdlir tin! I fin. t 11ml nn ll. "Mil. Vrf'i, lw), u, utiilvrrtlaiiml mirrhn.l .t C, . '"."K "J't"1' lln InwmurOrnf Lincoln ontinly. VMxvAiKii. Ilin follnwlnu riiinHlui.i r..i IIji..I In MiicnlnootmtT,Nl)r1i,ln-wli LoU IllH l"ln l Nnrl i l'lLtn. " llsfil 'lenl ratals wn for Iht ilnllnqurnt JWH ou t 1NO. in wblrU yours it .1.1 rl V.lalo auunnfll. 0. Nnodham. e llui nf rednmpllim ot mM rtttl ontatn from LHw aula will expire DeeamtmrSltti, 1WU. " HAMllri. nnnivm Vh I.lcaark audio all otWJ whom It diqt T.rntT. vrnini Yisll tt brrttlir tlnllflml thill ll.n .1. - UuMMaUir. 1UX). tllU tlhllfiri ffttnil nnrnhn.Mrl . naln of tbe trennurar of IJnooln r n f Li. IIim f .ii I n .u I .. .. - n i . onantv, Hbrnba, tbe 'naWVi, HuMhiI In Llnooln. ontintv. Ni.r.k- ubi .'Mi Nii'iiWirs 7 ami H. Illnck Number 711. it ilbrtlilual town nf North l'l utn vU itiHl pstntn wa mild for tlio delinquent Vb V. wU1.ch n '''' r,,' ""am was nUfUolark?' ,aied "' mmo Hkilllk.r.1 i.J.n...ll.u ...! . . ;v-'fi .7. sain estate Irora ' M alu trill aspire December aith, JU02. - nanuKl. liotlit. ilOTIOK FOU PU1I LIGATION, Lnnd offlro at North Plnlto, Nob.. . , , , AUKUst llllb. 1002. Nftflcb Is hereby lven flint tho fnllowlmr name.l Uli!rbM tiled notlco of his lotautlnn to l.r.i - . in . -"in"". i uiacimninnn mat . aid proof ll bo niml Imforn roirlaior and ra. w.H, Mnn linica at North l'lalto, Keb., on Ootobor Itb, 100J. vlxi ' .'k'm1' '." "thoat ouartur anil snulli halt of nhtlbiinst iiusrler of aocllou SS, lown.uli tj. no1h riluit 2il. went sixth P. M. "u'l' . ltn tllllM Itl fl.tlr.Mln.. .1... . . .nnii, niiin.-ni.nn 10 IirOTB file u.t .i'JVw i' ,rt'",100,uPnn d onlllntl,.ii of eabl Isud, Tlsi Kdwnril Johnson and Holiry Lnuor-Kre-n. nf Urndy. Nob.. Krla Nelson and John AniMo,of8paiiniithNeh. " ' ""n U"V uxoan K, rnKcu, llelster. FITTED AND SUITED. Fit thal'K that the thinir, Wc give it. Otirauita fit and our fit suits every time. Same with prices. It's a way wc have that never fails. Make vou the smartest, most stylish, perfect httinff suit in handsome and dur able material at .rc.monhl prices. Variety of patterns to select from. Everv p-ammnf warranted as to workmansnip, finish aud fabric. Cfoatiing aud renairinir a spacfiKty. F. Jm BROEKER. DR.A.A.BURRIS Alngncllc Osteopath. Has localoil In North I'latto for ii,- of Magnetic OHtcopathy. We treat without tne unc or nruga or aurcery, onice over HarrlnKtun &Tobiii'HDewf.v s, . Consultation and Examination Free