A Remarkable Guarantee Here Is n Watch Case that is guar nnteed to wear for 35 years ; to pre serve the exact appearance of an all gold case for that time. If through any fault in making it should fail to do this, we will give n new case in exchange for it, at any time within the 35 years. Not gold all through, but you'd never know it; nnd it costs much Jess. Let us show you the Jas.Bosssa,,3rfCase CLINTON, 1 ho J.ownler nnd Optlclnn. Tbv best watch for your money, whatever the size of your purse may be found right here. Such a variety of reliable timepieces is not often gathered in one stock. We make a specialty of watch and jewelry repairing1, CLINTON, The Jeweler and Optician. L FKIDAY. AUGUST 22, 1902. DR. F. W. MILLE3. GRADUATE DEHTIST. 0IH:o oTsr Stroitx's Dru.3 Store. W, T. Wilcox is transacting legal business in Ogalalla today. Mike Poster was a west bound passenger on train No. 5 this morning. Mis. Elsie Lingiord spent part part of thin week as the guests of friends in Kearney. Remember that dainty Majestic lunch next week at Warner ;Ev erybody invited. Lem Steele and Frank Foster, employed as pipe men at the shop?, quit work yesterday in sympathy tot the strikers. Dinding Twine for sale, bottom prices. Harrington & ToiilN, John Dugan, who is employed in the Union Pacific shops at Chey enne, is in town visiting relatives and friends. In the game of ball at Kearney Wednesday the team of that city won from Norlolk by a score of five to lour. 1 County Clerk Ginn left this morn ing for the Chestnut & Nevins' rauch in Keith county, expecting to be absent until Sunday evening. .Miss Blanche Warner who had been spending this week in Kear ney as the guest of her friend Miss Ella Haase, returned home last evening. A full line of White Mountain Ice Cream Frecaers. IIu Grocery Co. Frank Crick, who had been in town for a lew days visiting his family, returned last night to Sid. ney, 'where he is employed as tin smith by the U. P. A 6et of seventeen copper, steel and enameled cooking utensils, well worth $7.50, but we arc going to give a set free with every Majestic Range sold at our exhibit next week at Warner's. Geo. W. Childs, Uncle Oscar, Pathfinder and all other standard dears six lor 25 cents at the Hub grocery. County Treasurer Scharmann yesterday cancelled bonds No. and 4 of the Brady bridge issue, The bonds were of the denomina. tion of one thousand dollars each. The treasurer has on hand buI. fftient money to pay six more of the bonds hut they cannot be taken tin until thev are due unless the holders wish to surrender them. i FRVIT JARS Mason Glass Jars with porcelain linecl cups. Pints per do?en 60c Quarts per dozen 70c Half Gallons per do2en...8oc Wilcox n 1 re. Jftj J Department Congressman Neville Denies Reports. In yesterday's World-Herald there was published a lengthy in terview with Congressman Neville, I who waB in Omaha that day, rela tive to the situation in Hub city, and he, as all other citizens have 'done, denounced the slander which has been cast upon the city. Mr. Neville in part said: I left home Sunday morning about 8 o'clock. Governor Savage was then there, so I was informed 'is got on the train. I had been at home about three weeks. havlntf arrivci t orn Washington in July. During that three weeks I was boarding at the Pacific railroad hotel in North Platte with my faul ty and was upon the street more or ess every day and never saw a dis turbance of any kiud. North Platte was as peaceable during those three weeks as at any time the past twenty-five ycarB during which I have lived there, so far as I was able to sec. The strikers, that is to say, the boiler-makers and machinists, arc most of them old citizens of our town. Nearly all of them own" their own homes in North Platte and have just as much ntercst in preserving order as any the other citizens. It may be that a lew of the younger men among tuc striKers are not as cooi headed an thev should be, but so far as my observation went during the weeks I have been at home not cent's worth of property hat been njured or destroyed by the strikers or anv one else. 1 tuink it is a slander upon our city to say that it s in a state of riot and lawlessness. Just as Expected. As was expected and predicted, the first violators ot the proclama tion which was issued by Mayor Walker were employes ot the Union Pacific company. Yesterday aitcr- noon two of the company guards . . came over to town ueavuy armcu. They were promptly arretted, and when taken before Judge Baldwin plead guilty to carrying concealed weapons and were fined one dollar and costs. The men had come to town to do some trading, and wuue in me Star Clothing House were advised, to avoid trouble, to take clT their gunB and leave them there, This they did, and later Marshal Hunt- ugton secured the weapons, turned them over to the sheriff, and later the marshal arrested the men. The guards made aflidavit last evening to tne eitect mat tneir cniei had instructed them to carry guns and to use the weapons on anyone who attempted to molest them. They also made aflidavit that Asst. Supt. Ware had instructed the chief ot the guards to take a number of armed guards and go over to town and get the guns which had been left. A deputy game warden say6: There is a state law which says you shall1 not go hunting on Sunday and it the farmers of this county would report a few Sunday hunters they would not ruly save the birds, but thry could atmd church with out having their farmB visited in their absence and their tame pig cous, ducks, etc , destroyed as some have had. The penalty is quite severe, $20 and costs, half of t ie fine going to the informant, The themes tor next Sunday'a discourses at the Christian church will be as follows; 11:30 a. in., "The Bible School as an auxiliary to the church," 8;00 p. m , "The Place and Purpose ot the Four Gospels." A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend these services. C. F. Swander, minister. Prices on baled hay and new potatoes are on the toboggan slide at Harrington & Tohin's. From papers received from Salt Lake, BaisjCity aiiij other west ern town-, it is learned tint Col. Cody's Wild West Stiow is meeting with wonuertui success. At sev eral of these western points the attendance has been greater than the seating capacity of the vast ampithcatie. We understand that H. S, Boa', f irmerly of Huh city, has sold his ranch property in Northern Wyom inn to a resident of Kearney, the sale hai ig I an made Wednesday, Mr. Boal will probably visit Can ar"a for the purpose of looking up a bushiest lo:ation. Congressman Nenlle returned this morning trom Omaha, where he had bem transacting business for several days, Who is Disorderly, anil Who Needs Protection? - A BRIEF COMPARISON. Since the posting of the mayor's proclamation the Un ion Pacific strikers have obcyv ed its commands to the strict est letter. They have, ab stained from entering upon the premises of the company, have n6t ; carried weapons or clubs, have made no threats nor created any disturbance. These men have conducted themselves as la,w-abiding, orderly citizens. Au Important Subject. ' A meeting ol the board of direc tors of the Commercial Club' will be held next Monday eyeniug for the purpq'f c ot taking some action rcla tfveXo the irrigation law recently phased by congress. The object of the, mcnting will be to ascertain if -Lib coin county possesses suit able, sites for reservoirs, and it bo, the conditions which surround 6iich bites. Millions ot dollars arc available lor the commencement of the national irrigation works and the sections which arc most suit able for the work will be urst acl lectcd. it unicorn county is a suit able field for such work, its possi bilities and feasibility should be called to the attention of the offici als who have the matter in charge. If we have any prospects ot secur ing part of this appropriation for the development ot this section let us not sit idly by and allow other sections, perhaps less favorably situated, to carry oil the plums. This is a matter which concerns us all, and wc feel assured that all will lend their influence in the in vestigation of the matter in which the Commercial Club is about to take the initiative. Several workmen in the Union Pacific carpenter shop went to Sid ney Hub morning to do some work for the company. Owing to a Blight dissarrangc meut of the electric light machin ery, the city was in darkness fora, half hour or so last evening. ' Found on the streets a pocket book containing a small sum of money. Owner can have sanii by calling at this ofli:; aud paying tor this notice. Dave Hunter, ot Sutherland, has commenced shipping plums to the local market. While the variety is small in bixe, they have a very tine flavor. The Episcopal eocial at the rec tory grounds last evening was well attended. As the lawn had been strung with electric lights and the current was not turned on until 8:45, the lack of light interfcrred considerably with the serving of re- iresinnents llie cany part ot tue evening. I I SHOE TRADE! IS BOOMING! s e o o Our trade on this line g of goods is showing in- crease all the time. Our customers arc satisfied g with the Shoes we sell, e Other people's customers become ours from the e o a o a time wc can get them to 2 examine our lines, a a a a e a How about you? Why not give us a S call ? S Store a 2 o'clock. open until eight a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Wilcox Department Store. a a a a a a a a 3 S aao9fttQ6c.b'e0aca0aii Since the posting of the mayor's proclamation the Un ion Pacific company has ship ped in large quantities of fire arms, two of its guards have been arrested and fined for carrying concealed weapons upon the streets, and accord ing to the sworn statements of men, guards have been in structed to shoot down strik ers who attempt to molest them. Norlh Plaltc Is Still Safe. Pcoplexan go into North Platte without being cither waylaid or mobbed. Wc can assure our read ers that it i not necessary to go guatded with .1 company of sol diers. The editor tried it Monday aud got back safely, without a bruise. The citizens looked mild and peacef.nl and were tra.asc,titig business the same ns usual. North Platte is still safe. Sutherland Free Lance, See the modern cooking wonder, the Majestic Range at Warnei'd. North Platte peoiile, who have witnessed the Wild West Show this season, say Will Baker, ot this city, is oue ot the moBt skilllul riders connected with the show and that his riding elicits applause. Don't fail to Fee the Great Ma. jestic bake hit-cults in three minutes nrxt week at Warners. Supt. Patterson of the Pacific Express Co., is transacting busi ness in town today, Supt. Baxter, of the Union Pa cific, is here on official bubiuess to day. For Sale six-room house, " A good six-room house, newly papered, nice lawn and shade trees and shrubbery and all necessary outbuildings, including stable Will be sold cheap on terms to suit purchaser. Iuquire. at this office. Old North Plaltc Boys Promoted. Will J. Fikes, formerly of this city, 'but for over a year foreman of ,thq round-bouse at Cheyenne, tins ' beert prorriotad to district foreman at Evanston., Georire Lilccrt. who baa been niffht foreman qt the Cheyenne round-nousc, succeed bikes as general foreman of tbe round house. These promotions arc tin (loubtedly well deserved and wc congratulate the boys upon their nuvnncemcnt. Lincoln County Ranks Third. 1 lie state Jauor cammissioncr has completed the tabulation of returns on the acreage of sugar beets in Nebraska for this vcar. This table gives Lincoln county third place as to the acreage of beets cultivated, the total in the county being- placed at 1,107 acres. The two counties which out rank Lincoln are Dodge and Hall, the former having1 2,109 acres and the latter 1,253. But in uoui 01 mose counties sugar factories arc located) one at Grand Island, the other at Amcp. This is a most excellent show ing' for Lincoln county and we predict ttiat witmn live years it will be the banner sugar beet county in the state, No Hope of Arbitration. Today's Omaha News says: All talk of arbitration between the striking employes of the Union Pacific and the company is evidently premature from statements the strike leaders make today. Representatives of the machinists, boilcrmakers and carmen agree that unless the company drops piecework and dismisses all scabs they will not consider any proposals for peace. The machinists might give up their demand for an ad vance in wages, but will stand fir m on the other two questions. The company states that it will introduce piccewoJk or quit running, and thatstrikc-breakers doing good work will be kept. Neither party seems to desire any interference with its ness from third parlies. busi- Shattors nil Zlccords. Twlon In liospitnla L A. Oullotlfo, Vorbon'i, Aid , paid n viwt nuin to doctors to euro n eovoro cam of piles, causing 21 tumors. When nil f.illrd, Huoklon's Arnica Snlvo soon ciirod him, Subduon Inlliimnmtion, uonquorH lichee, kills jmins, IJ.'tttwilvi) in tlio world. 20out A. R Strelt2', drug utoro. t J l mtN" I iNv i OUR SECOND COOKING EXHIBIT ON THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE ' Will be given the week beginning 1 Atierust 25th. Come in and get a free lunch coffee. The Maicstic Ranpe is w . - . 1 we sold twenty-seven xluring exhibit week and every one ib giving perfect satisfaction. srtj-MVfcVComc in and sec them". E. B. WARNER. The game of ball yestcrda) afternoon between Kearney and Norfolk resulted in a score of four to three in favor of the latter. Fourteen innings were required to decide the victor. Saline pitched for Kearney. D R. J. P. SHUTE, DENTIST. All llranches of Den. tlniry Hcicuttiicum ilnne. Nitron Ox'" U3ia1mliil!!iercd.W I'cniiHyiYama utuiutic of Dental Sundry Onicc over Wilcox Dept store. 'rnoni mi . yiLCOX it UALL.IOAN, ATT01INKY8-AT.LAW, rtOUTI! PLATTK, - - - NKMUBKA Offlc. orr North l'littt NnUnnnl Dank. Low Rates Every Day vln Union Pacific Bvery day during the months of September and October, 1902, the Union Pacific will fidl one-way ettlcra tickets at the following rate: MISSOURI R1VHR TO Ogden and Salt Lake $20.00 Uuttc and Helena 20.00 Spokane 22 50 Portland and Auliland 25.00 Pacoma aud Srattle 25 00 San KrauciBCo 25 00 Los AtigelcH avd San Diego',. 25.00 vjorreBpoiiuinKiy nates ironi intermediate points. For lull information call on youj nearest auditor addrcHs E. H. GENGE, Agent. Leual Notice. aoio. Tlio defendants, Androw P. Cnrleon, Elizabeth Carlson, Ills wife, and Hicli urd Hop, reul nnmo unknown, will tnko notice that on tlio 17th dny of Pub., 1002, thoplttintiir.Tlie County of Lin coin, 11 corporation, filed itH potition 111 inn District Court ot Lincoln County, Nobrnslca, the object and prnyor of which U to foroolosu cortniu tax lions, duly assessed by snld plulntifr HKiiinst the northwest quarter of suction Itf, in township 1!J,, north of rano '11, west of Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for the veiir 1KDJ in the sum of S'J'.U'J; for tlio year IBD!! in the mini of 'J.").70; for tlio yeur 18ttt in the sum of 10.00; for tlio year 1805, in the sum of 17.44 ; for tlio year 1890, in tlio sum of 17 40; for the your 1807, in the sum ot 14.10; for the your 1808, in the sum of 10.82; for the year 1800, in the sum of 8.92; for tlio vear 1900 In the sum of 4 17: nniountlnK In tlio total sum of ?1 KJ.H0; with interest on the sum of $91.81, ill the rale of tun per cent per annum from the 1st dny of Nov, 1901, all ot which is due ntiil unpaid. Plaintiff prays a docroo of foreclosure ot said tax lions nnd a sale ot said prem ises. You and oacti of you uoiendants nro required to anHWor said petition on or bofore Monday, the Ifitli day of Suptumbor. W2. , TJ1E COUNTY OP MNCOt.tf, Corporation. Ily II.S. UidKloy.ito Atty. of hot buscuit and the best of the best made. Last year . ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS A.. D .WIS, i ATTORNEY-AT.LA W. NORTH PLATTIJ,, - - NEHltASKA Grady liloolc lflomBlA;2. L. E. ROCHE, HlNMAN IlLOOIC, - IJHWKY STKKI.T,, ICnMTII Pt.TTB, NKIIUAHKA. H. E. MoOAW, niYSICIAN AND SUUHEOV. Ofllco ovor HufTiuari'R Millinery Rloro NoitTii Plattk, - - Nkiihabka 0. V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND RURQEON. Ofllcoo: North Plntto National Iinnk Dutldlnir, North Plntt. Nb. JJ S.ItlDOELY, A TTO n.NTTSV. A T.Ti A W Ofllco MnDonnld Block. Dwnv street. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEURARKA P V. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATHIST, iWnrrirxt VMlonal I)uk, NOKTU N.ATTE, . . NKlWAflKA. JQR. O. II. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, twice over I'ost Ofhce. 1 Telephone 115. North Platto, . - - Nobraakn m O. PATTERSON, x. KTTO R IS BY-BT-LHW, Ofllce over Yellow ProntShoA Stora NORTH PLATTE, NEB. J, 8. IIoAOtiAM), vr, V, IIoAor.ANO "Oakland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS omi ovor Mr. ItutTtnnn'a Millinery Btor. KOHTJI 1'I.A'ri'H. . . NK1IIIA8KA, jjT.SrJJBLfJHE2) ay GiELITE ? O R r i iiai nit 1 n r. OK PAIIll u. DRIES YoV SLLtCP. CrI!oLITC 5AVCS A5 HVGrt LADoR A GARPL'T SWFCPfR. rvrnnm inronnATion, PJMMT PfoDVGTS AT NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY.