Local News in Briof. DR. F. W. MILIEK, OEADUATi: DENIIST Office over BtrolU'i Drug Stcre. Marion Dourtc was a recent ylsi tor to Cheyenne. U. G. Sawyer of Lincoln, arrived in towv Tuesday night and is visit ing tils family. John Redmond, who lias been playing with the Fairbury team for a few weeks, ib pitching good ball and winning' the plauditB of the fane The Ladies' Society of the I). of h. l will hold a kcnsington next Tuesday afternoon at the home ol Mrs, J. I). C x. All in cm hem and friends arc cordially invited to"at tend. A hobo waR nrrcttcd ycatcrday morning on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. Later he was releaHcd from custody and told to 'hit the road," which he niimcdl atcly proceeded to do. IS. Uarncp, one of the managers of the Btatc fair, spent a day in town this week working up an in tcrcnt in the fair, It is predicted that the btatc fair thh full will be an unusually successful one. Tommy Cooe, the star third baseman, left luvt night for the east on a visit. He will probably return here' in the iall and it he secures a auftable position will lo cate and play with the local team next season. Early yesterday morning a tramp pedlar wan .11 rested on the charge ol trespassing on the premises oi Mr. Arbogant in the cant end. At be had committed no wrongful deed he was released in the after noon. Warren Lloyd returned Wednes day evening alter an absence of over two months in the cast. Dur ing his abr-cticc Mr. Lloyd Bpcnt most of hia time at the scenes of his boyhood in the beautiful Mo hawk valley of.. New York, where he had not visited for twenty-two yuars. Mr. Lloyd's trip through out was a most pleasant one, s AF MAI That is if bought some places, Our Price Og A GAtJ. Wc sell Red Seal Flour 1st Patent per Back $1.00 Jewel Flour 2d patent per sack 90' Kerosene Oil per gal.. .... , .15 Vinegar per gal 20 White Wine Vinegar per gallon '. 25 "White Russian Soap f bars for 25 Diamond C Soap 1 bars for .25 Pearlinc per plfgc 04 Sanolio 9c, 3 bars. tt .25 .07 Paddle Bluing 10c size Paddle Bluing 04 Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs 05 On Time Yeast, 2 pks Shillings best Baking Pow der, 16-oz. can K, C. Baking Powder, 80-oz. can K. C. Baking Powder 50 oz. can . K. C. Baking Powder 25-oz, can K. C. Baking Powiler 15-oz. can K. C. Baking Powder 10-oz. can Dr Price's Vanilla per bottle Syrup 1 gal. pail Kingsford's Silver Gloss .05 .35 .55 .35 .20 .13 .08 .15 .40 Starch per pkg..- OS Kingsford's Corn Starch per pkg., , , . , 08 Waller Baker's Cocoa -lb can i . . Searchlignt Matches per box Snlphcr Matches per box... 1-gallon Jugs each Snyder's Catsup pint bottles .25 .0 .01 .10 l,000lbs Sun Dried Apples 8c per Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store ..nnWgSPg" I Hot We sificr 1 I Fitting out the Summer Man needs as much atten tion as the Summer Girl these hot days. He wants something cool in the way of Clothing. We're ready with any kind of Hot Weather Clothes. Crasta and i $2,541 $2.75 These arc the bdstyou ever saw for the money easily worlli from $4.00 to $7.00, but wc want to. clean up orrjsummcr. OUTING FLANNEL SUITS, $5.09. Only a few left. You'll pay $9.00 for them elsewhere. Cool Underwear from 25c to $1 aGarninet Just the right weight for this weather. NEW LINE OF SIHRTS- Wc nave just received a new line of the nobbiest, snap- picst, most up-to-date stuff you ever saw. To complete the Summer Costume A Belt 25c to $1.00. i You arc cordially invited to wor ship with the PrebbytcriauH next Sabbath at all the Hervices. Home grown watermelon and cantaloupes made their first appear ance in the local market Wed- ncflday. The rain Wednesday night and yesterday was welcomed by tann ers as the ground had begun to get rather dry. Mrs. Chamber?, whose buHband was killed by a ruuaway team at llcrshcy last i tall, has removed to town with her children. The new school house at Max well is about completed and will be fully ready for occupancy at the be ginning of the fall term of school. Two paper hangers and paiutera from Omaha have been doing some artistic work this week on the room soon to be occupied by the MeDon aldiStute Bank. Judge Peuistou united in marri age Wednesday Fred M, Thomp son and Mins Annie Belle Pitlniau, both of whom live northwest of town. Gasoline hvc gallons tor $1,10 at the Hub Grocery. There has been little or no water in tin irrigation ditches for the past few days owing; to the low stage of waiter in the liver. The cropn, howeycr, have not suffered. T, C. PatturMin, who has been Buffering for a month with uiuscu cular rheumatism in the left shoul der and arm expects to go to Hot Springs, Ark., for treatment. R J. Diener, of Plant precinct, has marketed about eighty tons of gramma grass bay in town during the past two week. It is only one year in a dozen that gramma grass cau be cut In the sand hill section. Seeflour new line of lampp, just opening them up, they are -'butcs." llAKKINC'.TON Si TOISIN. While in Laramie this week the writer met Matt Knapp, a lormcr North Platte railroad man, but who for a dozen years has been a freight conductor on the Sixth dis trict, Mr. Knapp 1b enjoying good health and laying up coin for the proverbial rainy day. Woodman' Linseed Oil, 85c per gallon. llAUKINttU'ON St Toiiin. From May 15th to August llth the cost ot maintaining the Kear ney ball team was $2,300, and the receipts from subscriptions and at the gate during that period were $2,150, leaving a delicjt of $150, The Kearney team expects to play number of games before the close of the season, A. L Davis, through Bucuanau St Patterson, sold bis his (arm south of the river thin week to the Payne Investment Co. of Omaha for a consideration of $3,500. The Payne Co. madrj the purchase for a customer, and It ih underetood the latter will occupy it. We are not advUcri as to what Mr, Davis ex pects to do In the future, I STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. Sorts Linen Suits John Joncn, while at work at the Union Pacific ice houses AVednef dajr, fell a distance ot twenty feet from the platform and" sustained severe bruises. Fortunately no bones were broken. Binding Twine for Bale, bottom prices. Harrington & Tomn. Dave White, living west of Her shev, has been marketing applcB in town thia week. Mr. White esti mates his crop at four hundred bushels. For those marketed he received $1.00 and $1.25 per bushel. A large crowd attended the lawn, Bocial Wednesday evening at the Douglas residence given under the auspices of the ladies' auxiliary of the li. ot L. R. The storm which came up about ten o'clock inter ferrcd somewhat with the plans of the ladiep, nevertheless the receipts were In the neighborhood of tweuty tivc dollars. A full line of White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Hun Grocery Co. Tub Truiunb editor much regrets that the fishing party, of which he was a member, wan una ble to fill all ordtsra which had been liled ior trout. The Laramie river, However, was very low and the 'catch" this year by tthe party was not as large as usual. Belicv tig that all fish promises should be religiously kept, thm editor is willing to supply BardineB to those who tailed to receive their expected uppiy o trout, YOUR SHOES may include styles suitable for every use, but the ones bought for street and general wear arc brought into use oftcner than arc any of the others. For this reason, isn't it important that they be comfortable? Wc have a number of styles in women's nicely made and styled street shoes with the extension soics mat arc per fectly smooth on the inside some with black, others with yellow s.titched edges' in every size and width, so wc can lit all feet comfortably. $2.50 to $4.50. Yellow Fi'orit Shoe Store, GEO. M. GRAHAM, North Platte, Neb. Mgr, v RAILROAD NOTES, 1 II. J. Roth Promoted. II. J. Roth, formerly of this city, has been promoted from dispatcher at ISvanston to trainmaster of the Eastern district of the Wyoming division. This order became effect ive August 10th. Mr. Kotb'd headquarters will be at Laramie. Slill Shipping Machinery Away, A number of tbc machines in tin Union Pac! he shops were disman tled the early part ot this week, loaded on cars and shipped to Grand Island and Sidney vyhetc they will be used for engine repair work, Up to dale nearly one-half of the machines in the local shops have been shipged out, and the shops have a deserted look both as to men and machinery. The predic tion made by Master Mechanic Barnuin relative to the lorce which will be maintained here sccma to be coming true. Rumors of a Settlement. Rumors are now rife that a set tlement of the strike on the Union Jacific will be effected between ow and the first of September. If lese reports are true, the men will o back at the iormer wage sche dule, and that no further attempt the introduction ot piece work will be mad ;. Coupled with these rumors is a report that certain machinery used n the old Omaua bhops will be Bent to North Platte to take the place of the machines which were removed to Sidney and Grand Island. These rumors are said to come rom an authentic source, yet they ire denied by local Union Pacific fficials. During the past week two ad ittonal freight crews were put on on tbevSscond district. This action was made necessary by the rush of fall business which has now tarted, .Now that the boilersh op has been cleared ot all the machinery, t will be fitted up as a sleeping apartment for the imported men, and the sleeping cats will be dis carded, Five of the imported men at the shops quit work Wednesday and four yesterday, but as men are being shipped in by twos and lives every day or two, the force of mportcd men averages about the same as turee or lour weeks aco the minimum number being about fifty. The Bee says evidences are mul iplylng that tbc Union Pacific will sue for peace with its striking cm ploycs and that Congressman Mer cer will be the go-between. It mat ters little to the people along tbc ine of the road who the mediator s just so the strike is tettlcd and that it is settled quickly. The Burlington has fixed itsell so far as the rumored strike is con cerned by advancing the pay of its trainmen, switchmen and baggage men. Will the Union Pacific, which has been regarded as "the best road in the countrv to work on," follow the example of the Burling ton, which is known as a "scab" road? Iu taking the lead in this matter, the Burlington baB, gained respect in circles where formerly it did not exut. About twenty of the old standard engines are now in use on the Sec ond and Third districts, and they have come in mighty handy, in fact without them it is questionable if the company could have kept their trains moving. At present there arc Bcyenty-five engines running out of North Platte, which is about one-third more than usual. This increase is uue to two causes, an increase ot freight business and tbc condition of the engines which pre cludes them irom hauling the cus tomary tonnage. Today, if matured plans arc car ned into effect, the trainmen on al roads west ot Chicago, with one or two exceptions, will make a de maiui ior an increase ot pay amounting to one-halt cent pe mile. Never in the history of this country ha9 the buainesBot the railroads been so prosperous, and they can well aiTord to pay the ad vance demanded by the conductors and brakemcn. Especially so when the duties ot these employes have been increased Irom one-third to one-half during the past three or tour years by the advent of heavier motive power. , a 1 1 1 . - .... OUR SECOND COOKING EXHIBIT ON THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE Will bfc given the week beginning August Come in and get a free lunch of hot buscuit and the best of coffee. The Majestic Range is the best made. Last year we sold twenty-seven during exhibit week and every one, is giving perfect satisfaction . otMiCQsnc En and see themsvA ' E.B. WAISNER. Kev. J. F. Seibert held Lutheran services in Paxton Tuesday even- Jake Wolf came in from the cast yesterday morning and will visit tricnda for a few days.- Mrs. F. W. Rinckcr returned Wednesday night irom a two weeks' visit with friends in Cheyenne. Mrs. Ella Rennie left Tuesday night for Omaha, where she will make her home with her sister Mrs. Le Fils. Mrs. Arta Cody Boal and chil dren are expected to arrive in town Sunday and will spend several weeks with relatives, JuIIur Pizcr, who stopped in Om aha Tuesday while enroute east, was initiated into the Ak-Sar-Ben. Julius was probably given a hot time. Miss Irtna Cody, who went to Denver a week or bo ago, has de cided to accompany her father the coast. MisB Cody will there fore be absent several weeks. Mi6s Lillian McCracken, who had been spending the Hummer vacation in Iowa and Chicago, is expected here in a day or two for a visit with her sistrr Mrs. Grimes while enroute to Boulder, Col., where she is employed aa music teacher in the public schools. J. B. Varney, late ot Holt countj', is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. San ford Ilartmau, and is incidentally viewing the landj and crops in the Platte valley. Mr. Varney first came to Nebraska in 1873, and for a number ot years lived in Hall county. Later he moved to Holt countv where he eugaged in the ranch business, but lately sold his laud and several hundred head ot cattle. Mr. Varney is accompanied by his wife. Prices on baled bay and new potatoes are ou the toboggan slide ot Harrington & Tonm's. Barb Wire Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, Painted, per hundred $3.80. Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, galvanized per hundred $4.10 Wilcox Department Store XiOgal Notico, 4002. The defendants John Stevns, Mrs. John Stevoue, hia wife, lirst roul name unknown, ami Richard Roe, real uauio 25th, unknown, will tnko notico that ou the Sth dny ot .May, 1002, tho plaintiff, The County of Lincoln, a cor H)rntion, filed its petition in tho district court ot Lincoln .county, Nobrnskn, tho objout and prayer ot which is to foro closo cortnin tax lions, duly asBosswl by paid pjnintiff against tho north went quarter ot Bootion 10, in township IU, north ot range 'M, west of the Sixth principal meridian, Neb., for tho your 189G In tho sum of 12.71; for the year 1897 in.the aum of 12.91; for tho year 1898 in tho sum of 822; for tho yoar 1899, in tho Bum of 7.G8; for tho yoar 1900. in tho i.um ot 3.3; fur tho year 1901, in tho sum of 2.07; amounting in tho total sum of 817 43; with intorost on the sum of $35.21 at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of May, 1Q02, all of which is duo and unpaid. riBtntm nrnys a decree of foreclofluro of Btild tax lien und u onlo of said prom ised. You and onch ot you dofondants aro required to nnswer Baid petition on or before Monduy, tho ICth day of Septombor, 1902. TUB COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation, fly II. S. Itidgley, its Attorney Iiojivl Notico. 3090. Tho dofondantB, Joseph C. Johnston, Eunico Johnston, his wife, and Richard Roe, real name unknown, will tnlto notico that on tho (Hh day of May, 1902, tho plaintiff Tho County of Lincoln, n corporation, iilod its petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, thoobjectarid prayernf which nro to forecloBo cortain tax liens, duly nesopsoci by said plaintiff utraiust the Bouthwestquartor of section 2(J,townBhip 12, north ot range 30, west of Sixth prin cipal meridian, Nebraska, for the year 181)4 iu tho sum of 811.81; for tho year 1805 in tho Bum of 1192; for tip year 1690 in the Bum ot 11.51; for the yoar 1897 in tho sum of 14.11; for th year 1898 In the Bum of 11.00; for tho vear 1899 in tho sum of 9.C3; for the your 1900 in tho sum of G 91; for the year 1901, In tho Rum ot 4.75: amounting in the total sum of 881. C7; with intorest on tho sum ot 558.09, at tho rate of ton per Cent per annum from thotiretdoy ot May, 1902 all of which is duo and unpaid. Plaintiff nrnys a docroe of foreclosure of said tux lion and u Balo ot said prom Ibop. You and each of you defondnnta nro ronulrod to nuswor paid petition on or bojoro Monday tho 15th dny of Sop tomber, 1902. Til E COUNTY OF LI N COLN, A Corporation. By. II. S. Ridgloy, ita Atty. X offal Notico. 2999. The Dofondants Aun CMiloe, Miles, hor husband, tire, roal namo un known, and Riuhard Roe, real namo un known, will take notice that on tho llth day ot Novombor, 1901, tho plaintiff , tho County of Lincoln, n corporation, Hied its petition in thoDistiict Court of Lin coln county, Nebraska, tho object nnd prayer of which is to foreclose certain tax llonB, duly aseeBBod bynnid plaintiff nguiuut tho southeast quartor of section 13, in township 10, north of rango 31, west ot Sixth principal meridian, No braslco, for Ihoyoar L893 in tho 6 inn of 819.23; for tho yoar 1890 in tho uum ot 20.89; for tho year 1897 in tho sum of 1G.48; for tho year 1893 in the sum ot 4.58; Tor tho yoar 1899 iri tho Bum of 5.65; for tho yoar 1900 in the sum of 4.81; amounting In tho total sum of 71.87; with intorest ou tho Mini of 57.43 at the rate of ton per cent por annum from tho first day of Novombor, 19Ul,nll of which is dub and unpaid. l'laintiff pra8 n decree of foroclosuro ot said lux lion und a enlo of paid prem ises. You and eaoh ot you defondanto aro required lo nnswer aid potition on or beforo Monduy. Iho 15th day of Sup. tombor. 1002. TUB COUNTV OK LINCOLN. (A CorpnruUun.) By II. S. TUDGEI.Y; Its Attorney.