The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 12, 1902, Image 4

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4 V
J r jrfiMrl -VW fctvL
ijuuai 1M0W8 ra JDriei, I
i i m ; . Ti r t
uiuceovor Btroltt'i Otng Store.
M. C. O'Hara.of Dloom held. Neb'
who had been ependintf several davH
as the guest of Father Fitzgerald,
The V. K. C. will hold a ten cent
social at the home of Mrs. Murphy.
one-holt block cant of the High
School bulldmi; next Wednesday
Frank Tuffa has been appointed
B'Xton at the cemetery. The house
id being repainted and papered and
as Boon as completed Mr. Tuffs wi
take possession.
The Cheyenne Indians play the
last game of the circuit at Athletic
paik this afternoon. They will also
play exhibition games tomorrow
and Thursday,
triers on baled hay and new
potatoes arc on the toboggan slide
at Hahrington & Town's.
In Judge Daldwin'rt court Satur
day a case of the McCormick Har
vehting Machine Co. vs. Hutchens
HtoB. was heard and a judgment
wan given in favor of the plaintiff
The concert rriven liv llii T.Iurnln
n j -.
county summer school at the High
School auditorium Saturday eyen
nig was well attended and every
number on the program was well
F. L. Mnoncy and R. A, Carv, o
this city, have entered their names
as competitors tor the champion
ship in the inter-state tennis tourn
ament, which will beheld in Omaha
beginning AugiiBt 18th.
A full line of White Mountain
Ice Cream Freezers.
' IIuu Ghockry Co.
Abhluy Peters, who resides hcv
cral miles north ot town, was in the
city Saturday. Mr. Peters reported
the loss of several head of cattle
from black leg the past week. He
had been pasturing entile for sey
cral town parties and among the
animals that died wab one belong
ing to Win. Rector and another to
Frank Scott, of tbln city.
Are Hi&fa
That is if bought some places.
Our Price
We sell
Red Seal Flour 1st Patent
per sack 51.00
Jewel Flour 2d patent per
sack 90
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Vinegar per gat 20
White Wine Vinegur per
White Russian Soap 6 bars
Diamond C Soap 7 bars for
Pearline per pkgc i . .
Sapolio 9c, 3 bars
Paddle Bluing 10c size. . . .
Paddle Bluing 04
Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs 05
On Time Ycast,2 pks 05
Shillings best Baking Pow
der, lG-oz. can .35
K, C. Baking Powder, 80-oz.
can ,
K. Ct Baking Powder 50oz.
K. C. Baking Powder 25-oz.
K. C. Baking Powder 15-oz.
can '.
K. C. Baking Powder 10-oz.
can , ',.
Dr Price's Vanilla per bottle
Syrup 1 gal. pail
Kingsford's Silver Gloss
Starch per pkg.. ,
Kingsford's Corn Starch
per pkg
Walter Baker's Cocoa -lb
Searchlignt Matches per box
Snlphcr Matches per box...
1-gallon Jugs each
Snyder's Catsup pint bottles
1,000-tbs Sun Dried Apples 8c per lb.
open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store
lot Weather
Fitting out the Summer Man needs as much atten
tion as the Summer Girl these hot days. He wapts
something cool in the way of Clothing. We're
ready with any kind of Hot Weather Clothes.
Crash and Liaen Suits
$2.5 $2.75 $3 JO $3.30 $4.00 $485
These arc the best you ever saw for the money
easily worth from $4.00 io$7.00, but we want to
cleanup o.i summer.
Only a few left. You'll pay $9.00 for them elsewhere.
Cool Underwear from
y Just the right weight for this weather.
U We nave just received a new line of the nobbiest, snap
piest, most up-to-date stuff you ever saw.
To complete the Summer Costume A Belt2Scto $1.00.
E. B. Warner rtceived a check
Monday for $2,003, payable to Mrp.
Emma Pulver. that bcimr the
amount ot insurance carried by the
ate W. D. Pulver in theK. O. T.M.
The Loyal Temi erancc Legion
will give an entertainment at the
Mcthodint church on the eveninc of
August 21, at 8 o'clock. The public
cordially invited. No admittance
will be cuurged but u. collection will
be taken.
Mr. and MrB. -Win. Crose, who
Fold their farm in I'V-unont county,
own, laBt winter nuil nince then
have been viMiting jii-California,
Texas ana other Bti'.tc', were the
Client ot their coiiiit Mm.. A. L.
David the latter nan of last week,
nvinrr yen'c'day for their home m
Shenandoah, Iowa.
A letter wan re etved Saturday
by Chiet of Police Kiintl 'gtou from
John w. Korke, an .it ton ey ul 13os
ton, inquiring after descendants of
indrew, John and Cb'jHtonber
O'Pallon, who came to th United
States from Ireland and c. me west !
sometime between 1840 utd J855.
Gasoline live gallons tor 51.10 at
the Hub Grocery,
Mrs. Beaver, of Wa'kcr precinct.
whose hearing before the board ol
iiRaiuty had been se : for Auirust
8th, did not, as was nuied in these
columns Friday, nppeu and so no
action was taken. Mr, nenver
had been taken to her homo and it
probable' that she will not be
brought before the board.
Harrington & Tobln, alwavs up
to date, have had erected at the
entrance to their store a hlmt con-
alBtiiig of the letters 11. & T., which
are covered with lncntuleurpnt
ights. They were lighted for the
llrst time Friday evening and pre
sented a very striking appearance.
Woodman's Linseed Oil, 85c per
gallon. IlAKISINtJTON & Toiiin.
According to the Sutherland Free
Lance, Dirr Tarkingtnn was a
recent visitor in Sutl e land .and
that in the Immediate futu
would open a shoe and harness re
pair ohop in thut place. Mr. Tar-
kitiKton has worked for the Yellow
Front shoe repair shop and proved
a good workman and we wish him
succebs in his new venture,
At the recent firemen's tourna
ment in Grand Inland the Kearney
fire department won tor the third
successive time the hook and ladder
trophy, becoming permanent pos
sessors of the championship trophy.
in addition to their championship
race, the cotton pickers won all the
miscellaneous events in that clasH.
II. C. Denny, superintendent of
the Nebraska Telephone company,
of Omaha, arrived in town the lat
ter part of last week lor the purpoie
of making arrangements fur the in
stallation ot the telephone in this
city. Work on the extension of the
lltir. from Lexington has already be
mm and work will be miahpil until
the line recites this city, which for
tue present wtll be the terinluul,
25c to $1 aGarmnet f
Miss Emily Cooper is expected
nome tomorrow from a visit with
her sister Mrs. L. Hansen of Grand
j .
wow tennis court in the west
part of town was comoleted ves
terday afternoon and local players
wm now be able to indulge in
icnniB to their hearts content.
John Keith left Sunday for Salt
Lake City, joining the Omaha
ioage o' j',iks at Sutherland. It is
needless to say that at Salt Lak
John will prove one of the biggest
anu most lrUky of the Elks,
The ladies' auxiliary of the Broth
crhood cf Locomotive Engineers ... ' f
wm noia n ten cent lawn social
at the residence of M. II. Dougla
tomorrow (Wednesday) evening,
lnc public is cordially invited.
Binding Twine for sale, bottom
prices. Hakkinoton & Town.
Mr. Alfred Giiman occupied the
pulpit at the Episcopal church Sun
day and preached an excellent ser
mon. Mr. Gllman will be nrd.-ilnun-
by Bishop Graves on the 24th in&t
He will probably start for China
tue early part of September.
The case of Chas. W, Jester vb
K. A. Cary,and C. C. Gunnell was
uearci in judge Baldwin's court
yesterday and judgment in favor
ot the plaintiff was rendered
against C. C. Gunnell for $50.44
i ne case is one in regard to hail
insurance and was brought before
me court inst February, and had
Kami. ....Afu. .
iil-ch luuunueu seven times,
may include styles suitable for
every use, but the ones bought
for street and general wear arc
brought into use oftener than
are any of the others. For
this reason, isn't it important
that they be comfortable? We
have a number of sIvIm in
women's nicely made and
styled street shoeswith the
extension soles that are per
fectly smooth on the inside
some with black, others with
yellow stitched edgesin every
size and width, so we can fit
all feet comfortably.
$2.50 to $4.50.
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
North Platte, Neb. MffP,
Boyd Dickinson cpeut Sunday in
town visiting relatives.
George AubMu left for the wct.t
Sunday to look up a location.
ur. twiuic uaB been npcndinir a
couple fit days In Gothenburg.
Andrew Weinberger, ot Omaha,
is the guest ol relatives in town.
Mrs. T. T. Keliher went toChev
euue Sunday to visit her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Park went to
Cheyenne Sunday to yislt relatives
G. l Copper transacted busincsB
in Omaha the latter part of last
Julius Pizcr left Sunday night lor
the cast to purchase a stock oi
Misses Ethel and Nora Fenwick
arc the guests of friends near buth
Rev. Bcccher went to Chevcnne
the latter part of the week where
uc Held services.
Ed Barraclough and Leo Hart
took in the Kearney-Superior ball
1 T n. i
same m ivcarney oaiuraay.
Mrs. G. P. Copper has been the
guest of Ogalalla friends and rela
tives tor several dayB past.
W. L. Rutlegc, ot Grant, a prom-
nent land buyer, transacted busi-
ness in town yesterday.
Helen Doolittle, who had been
making an extended visit in Chi-
cago, returned home Friday.
Phil Grady left last nizht tor St.
Joseph to accept a position with the
bomtier-Rtcliardson Cracker Co.
The Misses Perdue arrived in the
city Friday and are the guests ol
their aunt, Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh.
15. F. Seeberger has been trans-
.. . . .... .
acting business at Hershey and
o .i i . . ; .
Sutherland lor a couple of davs
Mrs. Prank Winn and children
will leave the latter part of the
week for a visit in Salt Lake and
Mias Florence Brown, who had
been vintinir North Platte friends,
returned to her home In Omaha
Mrs L. II. Baker, daughter and
grand children, returned last night
trom their trip to Cheyenne and
air, and Mrs. Harrv Moore re-
turned Pridav from OrnH l1,nH
l.Pr,h,Vn.,n M,n
I-,. nin ,
been at work on n rrmdin ntfif t..
Oklahoma, am nn lnnt,,! A.t..
,n a ,i,
Miss Sturgeon, who is employed j
as typewriter at Fields' lumber
yard, was called to Omaha Satur
day by the illness ot her father.
Miss Louise Weingand returned
Sunday afternoon from RoFBvjlie,
III., where she had been spendtnir a
couple ot weeks with relatives.
Misses Alsen and Sybil Tat urn
have been spending a few davs
with their grrndparents. Mr. and
Mrs. is. K. Churchill, in Kearney.
P. VV. Stttoh and daughter Miss
vera wenc to uiieycnue Pridav
uiiwiiiuuu. mr. omon returned
fiAMMHM Ofll . .1
yesterday but Miss Vera will make
quite a visit.
Miss woore of Farnam. who had
been snendlntr tho m. tn,. ,-i,-
in town a, t,; r kt .
Mrs. J. W. Voodry. returned home
csaturdav morning.
Mrs. Will ft. Daly and children
eft laat nicrht for Nebraska Citr.
where they will join Mr. Daly, who
s loreman ot the comnosincr room
ot tue Nebratka Daily Press.
... ... .
uauuui, wiio lias been in
Riverside, Calit., for some time, re
turned to town the latter nart nf
tue week. Mr. Babb tt was verv
much pleased with California mid
tiiiuks it an ideal place to live.
ii, b, Ridgelyand George Gn-
nam, wiio had been sDendinir a
,. . , "
week at Glen Eyre. Co .. returnml
home Saturday. Thev renorf
most excellent time
and plenty of
t ' . 1 1
ood fishing.
nuaa josenu tie liooi mnn
t! T ...
turned Friday from Oiralalla. where
s ie uau taught summer school aud
also been one of the instructorfl in
the teachers' institute which closed
that day. Miss Goodman's work in
tuat line is most excellent and she
lias receiyed many commcudatioiis
Mrs. Fred Perritt. who has been
Beriously ill with typhoid fever lor
- 1
oiuves stored, uasoline Stovcn
repaircu. Kcpaira tor all kinds of
- -
Western Stove Repair Works
il'f Aloti EiAtff
i '
Is the
:ij UVHVl ..uuovuuv
jjil We are sellinp; these
ii) to close out the stock.
lf f i: C rnir-lfJlrrri nn i . . k'(
(t jiucui a tucsix a tjfrCE is very complete and tc
f up to date. g
S T.nolr nt nnr HnmmnrI;c TT-.. : ht
w t 1 11.l
We make the framing of Pictures a specialty.
Connclly-Oolden Wcddintf.
William L. Connelly and Miss
Bridget Golden, hntli nf ttiia
were united in marnaire nt Sr. p .i.
rick's church vestcrdav
Father Fitzgerald. The bride is a
very pleasant young lady who has
lived in North Platte to: oa number
of years, and has a large circle of
mends and acquaintances. Mr.
Connelly, who is employed in Rjad-
master Hamer'a office, has been in
North Platte for several years and
is a young man of sterlinir worth
and integrity. Tue Tribune ex
tends congratulations.
L,,u twuuic 'en yesi
!. nn . n J
mg on a trip to Denver.
The couple lctt yesterday morn-
The TW Rllrfhf.
A horticultural expert was sent
out from Lincoln recenllr to nVl.a.
tigate the blight which has killed
o many fruit trees in the valley
T,1e gentleman made a careful ex
amination of fruit trees in the vicin
M'y ot North Platte and also in the
valley and reports that too rapid
growth of the trees is the cause of
the trouble. He advised that the
orcbarda be seeded down, as this
would retard the growth cf the
treeB and that all branches afflicted
W,V lHB "n 8U0U,a De cut
ana removed immediately from the
orchard. Again, he recommends
mai care oe tanen in the selection
u Irui1 "B ae more especi
' c cumatie cond
I , C II... , A r
t,uu Ul lulB seciion oi ieora8Ka.
The steps leading to the Pacific
Hotel have been removed and new
ouea are being put in place this
Kearney won from Superior Pri
day by a score of 9 to 5. Teel, of
the local team, occupied the box
ior ivearney.
The doer oolsoner was af wnrir in
the Third ward yesterday, and as a
the lobB of their canines.
Salesmen Wanted to look after
our interests in Lincoln and art.
Macent ponntlna. R,in, :
-oui Aaoress Lincoln oil Co..
1 1 1 v J
Clveeland, Ohio.
Mrs. G. W. Applegate, who has
uccn v,s"'g ner aaugntcr Mrs. c.
Lau,,,en. returned to her home in
sut"la.d Sunday.
Is sure to be a Season of
All advance fashion authorities
oa y in a i. 1111:1c nas never ocen a
.. . . .. . . . un a
rn. lU.i I 1. 1.
season mat velvets were so much
. . . . 1 ....11 1 r ,.
ing fall and winter. We have
just received our fall line show-
FanCV Velvet Wntetlno-c
r4Uty VC1VCl WaiSUDgS,
Costume Velvet Cords,
Plain Velveteens,
Plain Silk Velvets,
Panne Silk Velvets.
It is none to early to have this
.iT iv uu t v inia
amouu 11 uiii uuw Until iail
I!iWilcojt Department Store.
best. Get one now.
The kind that last, '
Tl. t.:J l t. : r
KUIU IMUl lb belli;.
goods at a very low figure (j)
: ill
For Sale or Exchange.
Two seated spring wagon, almost
as good as new, iiewly painted.
E. R. Goodman.
liejfal Notioo,
The. dofendnnta J$n Stoves, Mie.
John StoveuH, his wife, drat renl nnmo
unknown, and llichnrd ltoe, rcnl nnmo
unknown, will tnko nptico thut on
tlio 5th dny of iMny, 3902, tho
phiintifr, Th County of Lincoln, n cor
poration, filed its petition in the district
court cf Lincoln county. Nbrnkn. tho
objeut and prayer of which is to foro
cIoho cortniu tax lions, duly nenesBed by
said plaintiff nRainat tho northwest
quartor of section 10, in township 13,
north ot ranH 31, wept of tho Sisth
principal meridian, Neb., for tho jear
1800 in tho sum of 12.71; for'the year
1807 in tho sum of 12.0-1; for tho year 1808
in tho sum of 8.22; for tho year 1809,
in tho Hum of 7. 03; for tho yenr 1000, in
tho sum of 3.3.; for tho year 1901,
in the sum of 2.f7; amounting m tho
total sum of 847 13; with inturest on tho
sum or if3d 24 nt tho rate of ten por cent
per annum from tho let day of
May, 1002, all of which ia duo and
Plaintiff prays a deoreo of forecloauro
of said tax lien und a aalo of Baid protn
ieep, You and oneh of you defendants aro
required to answer said petition on or
beforo Mnnitnv. ilm 1Kl.
Heptombor, 1902.
xiii wuuiNTl' OF LINCOLN,
A Corporation.
By n. 8. Ridgloy, its Attorney
tofal Notice.
'Thft rlnfnnrlmita .Tnmnli r T..1 i
Kunioo Johnston, hie wife, und IJichard
ivuu, 1 inn namu uQKnown, will tnko
J01'1"0 tout on tho fith day of May.
1902, tho plaintiff Tho County of
Lincoln, 11 corporation, tiled its potition
in tho district court of Lincoln county,
NobrnaUa, thoobjootand prayer of which
nro to foroclofo cortain tax liens, duly
aEBoesod by said plaintiff atrninst tl-.o
pouthweotquartor ot section 20.townBhip
12, north ol rango 30, west of Sixth prin
oipal meridian, Nebraska, for the year
.in l.he Bum r ei,-81, fr tho year
Jd-V10 BUm ot 11 ''2: for tho year
'nt1'" 8U" of 11-51; for tho year
TnS in V.'0 B,un ot..lilli for th year
! ln..tho BUm of Um' for tl'o year
1899 in tho hum of 9.C3; for tho year 1900
in tho mini nf rtni. fn il. .. inn.
in tho eum of 4.70: amounting in the
total Bum of $81.07; with interest on
tho sum of 85S OS), nt. tli.t rn n,
por cent per annum from the first dny
of May, 1902 all of which is duo and
Plaintiff nrftvn n rWmli 1
.. ! TI r -"vw.vv, ui lUIUUIUBlire
of aaid Us lion and a Bale of said prom-
You nnd onoh nf vnn i-1nfnn.1n
. rfw uuti uuliu LO Hit)
--, ,,., jiutuioa on or
beforo Monday tho 15th day of Sop-
J1 Curporotion.
"y- . S. RidRley, its Atty.
Iiogal Notloj.
The Defondunta Ann CMiloe,.
Miles, her liiiRlmnit Hruf ' . ..
, Jul,i UIIUIU uu-
Known, nnd T?tnhnrri r ..
InOWIl. Will f nl.'A nnllno ,!,. 11.1.
,,v. nuuog lllllbUII II1U lllll
day of November, 1001, tho plaintiff , tho
County of Lincoln, a corporation, llled
its potition m tho Distiiot Court ot Lin
coln county, Nobra-ka, tho object and
prayer of which it, to forecloeo cortuin
ui ni-ng. uuiy areoEPCU byealil plaintiff
(Kiiinst tho poutheaBt quartor of BQction
... iuiuiiuii iu, iiui in 01 ninL'o ;n.
West of Sivlli nriniil mil inirtfl.tin X
- ...v ...... iiiui uilllj,
braska. for tho vnr IH'H In il.n
SAon ur.l" unr iai'i in tho sum
,;.n!iorir,o0"r ltsJl ln tho pum
1048; for thnvnnr IfW in i,n
. - - ... viiu n 11 ui
4 08: for t ut vonr IROf) in l.n
r " -ww ... ,u PUlli U
0.8.: for tho your 1C00 in th Hum nf .1 ni
araountiiiK in tho total sum of 71.87
with Intorost on tho sum.of 57.40 at tho
rate of ten per cent por annum from the
nratdny of Novonibar,.iyul. ull of which
is duo aud unpaid.
Plaintiff nrnm 11 rionvon r... .
of said tax Hon and n enlo of onid prom-
iD0. inn mm eacn or you dorendnnta
nrn rnnnirnil in .mo.... ..,1.1 ...
. ... i.unviui rmu IUllllOn On
termbo0r.rll5i2. lm f V'
Bjr II. S. ItIDOEI.V.,(tt0troPrr"0n,)
Magnetic Osteopath.
Has located In North Piatt fnr I hi. nii.
of Magnetic Osteopathy. We treat without
uie use of urugH or surgery, Onice over
Harrington & Tobln'u Dewey St. more, or.
llCn hntlrnR fm n m Inll.lm n,m .
0:00 p.m. 10
Consultation and Examination Free.