i w. L A Remarkable Guarantee Here Is n Watch Case that is guar anteed to wear for 25 years : to pre serve the exact appearance of an nil gold case for that time If through any fault in making it should fail to do this, we will give n new case in exchange for it, at anytime within the 25 years. Not gold all through, but you'd never know it , and it costs much less. Let us show you the as.BosssSdCase CLINTON, Tho Jeweler and Optician. Mrs. V. Scharmatm is upending Institute Lecturu. I A tic day in Kearney. The following lectures a" 11 be thk r.hevenne Indians came in on held at tlio-Uifeh School audUorlum Mn. 3 lat nlrrht from Kcarnev. this week: On Tuesday cfehine. inl, W...1.. national bank ex- Aur. 12tb, "Educational Eeminis- atnincr, is iu the city today on bus- J tncss. Two cousins of Mrs, Maloney came in from Omaha this morning foe a visit. Mrs. G. Y. WiKington came down from Julesburg Sunday to yiait her husband. RAILROAD NOTES, ................... Engine 1C49 was sent lo Omaha Sunday for heavy repairs. Sunt, of Motive Power McKccn spent Saturday in town looking ucation Rerrent 13. V. Forcll, Prl- aftcr c0mPa,,y day evening, "Our Boy Tom," A. A. Roy Struthcrs came down from Crewman. The public is invited tsianey iasi wcck ana was piaccu to attend IIibbc lectures. on trie list ot extra uremcn. O. W. Keale, Co. Supt. Frank Crick went to Sidney Sun day where he will do some pipe Good Solid Shoes .:. ccnccs." by Prot. HociibIicI. Wed nesday evening, "Agricultural Ld- Mrs. Bruninp, of Hebron, Neb., work or ti,c rjmo Pacific. I . a 1 . I C. II. Walters, a well known ua ocen tuc Kui ui u. a..u The work of building an cxten- Wallaccitc, is transacting business J. C. Orrlor several days past. Bjon on thc rcight j,0UBC jH at a in town today. The work of putting in place thc standstill pending Borne masonry Thc German medicine show opctiB remainder of the poles for the clcc- work. its week'. engagement nfcxt Mon day evening at the opera house. Mrs. Uattie Dilt and Miss Kate On Thursday ot last week was Thc best watcb for your money, whatever the size of your purse Pen wick wilt leave Monday for a may be found right here. Such two week' visit in bait i.ahc, a variety of reliable timepieces is Mr. and Mm. Lew Williams ot .... .fi it 1 :.. RnnrU' nrrived ill town VCStCrdaV 1101 oiieii iriuiui vu 111 uuc siutiv. j ------ . .:..... ...iii. We make 1 specialty of watch and lelt this tnoriilug on a trip to U.ambcrP, Neb., arc v.s.ting will we maic a specialty 01 uatcu 0maba i,c hitters sister, Mrs. Sanford trie lights will commence next WCCk. I ,-,! l.f Inrirnnt iiuitihnr nf rnrft ilnr. I Albert Schatz returned Saturday ,nr any one day of thc present sea- from Green River, Wyo, where lie 80n ninety-eight cars being iced. naa been wotiang in uic ircigui SuvCral traiutoadB of 12lks nasscd ft A great many people want a good wearing shoe, that has good style as well, and do not care to pay over 1.50 and $1.-75 for them, We have a good line in different leather, made up on neat lasts - vFor Men or Women. Satisfactory wear guaranteed. "btorc. open evenings until b ociock. house. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Varney ol i and jewelry repairing, CLINTON, . The Jeweler and Optician. Bob Burg came up from Grand Uland yesterday and will probably through thc city thc last few days enroute to Suit Lake City to attend their national convention. The ork band passed west Sunday on a train carrying Elks to their national convention, and gave lit $tra WfcMs ritm.t'. TUESDAY. AUGUST 12, 1W2. Liar t man. Thc car which went off thc track wo: k for thc Union Pacific at this t Ogalalla yesterday count pot ue uCVcral selections while the trattl pjacc replaced on the track and so was lay at ;this station. f-Jm.. TVmvn 1-fl last nitlit for ""iroyeu oy u.c wrcCK.uK v.,.v. Krank llcrrod , ha(1 bccn thc west. He haB accented a po.i- Ms Belle Seddy, of Gibbon, who working iu Cheyenne, left yester Hon as brakeinan on the Oregon "BR b"c' Bpeuding thc pat two day for a trip through thc Black weeks in to.wn ns tue guest 01 iter 11.no country n search of etnnlov Wilcox Department Store. Short Line. Another bhow has been booked here for January, "The Peddlat't Claim," which will be here on the DR. F.W.MILLER, GRADUATE DKHTIST. OQlco ovor Strolu'a Drug Stors. G. L. Carter came in from the 24th of that month. west this morning. LymJ Mathcwson, of Denver, II. S. Ridglcy transacted legal vihited friends in town tor a while business is Ogalalla laht evening, yesterday. He was enroute home Mrs. Nellie Dick and daughter from a visit with his parents at Auua leave shortly for Ogden on a Brady. vibit. A Mint Van Brocklin, who is ctn- The Cheyenne Indians lost to ployed in the steam, laundry had a Kearney yesterday by a bcore cf couple ot finders quite neverely Bcvcn to two. burned last Saturday evening by a J. S. Hoagland went to Uinaua noi rimer. last night to transact business for Prank McDonald, of Topeka, a few days. Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Ilalligan and children left thia morning on m trip lo Sa't Lake. Dorr Tarkington went to Suth erland laat evening to open a har ness aud shoe repair shop. Miss Marie Chambers arrived in town Saturday and will remain until the cluc of the institute. It is reported that several strlkr breakers arrived last night and went to work today in the shops. At a meeting ot thc creditors of Kas., a nephew of Mrs Alex fen- wick, arrived in town yesterday. Mr. McDonald will secure a posi tion as fireman on the Union Pacific. Among the North Platte people who expect to attend the camp meeting at Curti arc Mepdames A. McMichael and W. T. Browu and Perry Carapn nnd Rpht. Cary. The hail storm which paBsedover this st'etion Saturday seemed to have been at its worst near Candy. aares ol, corn, lost it all trom the hail. J. G. Beelcr and daughter Miss sister Mrs. O'Urieu, rttumed to ment at his trade. tier Home tins morning. Ti,c boilcrinakcrs and machinists Burns aud Murphy, who were base ball game Friday afternoon nentenced to ten days in jail tor vvni be a good one and a largo at-! stealing an overcoat, a bar of Boap tendance is desired. This will make and a towel trom Mtp. Lemastcrs, lno fourth ball game this week. nave served ineir icrm anu win oc More machinery has been taken rei aseci lonigui. out of llie Union Pacific machine Manager Warner of the Union anop and also out of the tin shop Pacific ball team has booked a i he past few days and nhipped to game for Monday, the 18th, with Grand Ibland and Sidney. liic ceieoratea ixow unt-iauu Colonel Owens expects to leave Uloomcr Girls. This game will be sllorl,v for lOvanstnii, Wyo.. where unique ana win prooaoiy auraci a ,,e wU, accept a- poat,on for u,e good sized autliencc. UnJon pacuic under J. H. Nelliug, See our new line of lampo, just wlt l ib division master uicchJiiic at opening them up, they are ''butes." tbat place. Harrington loniH. T,,e wrecking crew was called to Herman Johnson, living eight Ogalalla yesterday afternoon. A miles southeast ot town, nays hi? freight train was just pulling out thirty acres of corn, which was of thc Ogalalla yards when a car especially line, was utterly de- left thc track and thu derrick was nroyed by the hail Saturday even- needed, to replace it on thc rails. ing. qther far.mers in that section $c. Chambers and family left had their corn TUtncd. bv wairon the latter part of last W. T, Brown had thc misfortune week for Oregon, where they will to have one ot his bast horses crip- locate1' if they like thc country. pled by an engine Sunday. Mr. Frank Chambers left by train Sun- Brown had been herding his horses rta'r for-the,amc 6,tatc, near the railroad and one wandered Last night a company of striking on to thc track and was run into by machinist?, tocvideucc their friend- for A. K. Adamson, sprung a t vv wrjvaiH 3 A- 559 $miY$ Peerless Soif M Beer THE DEER OF GOOD CHEER. It has an international reputation for blandncss of flavor and lor abnolutc purity, rsonc to compare with it lor tnc tame, ooui cvcrywncrc. JOHN GUND DnCWINQCO., - LaCros:o,Wls Ocnd llo (or ick ol flno plajlno cards. II. SCIILCSINGhR, North Platto, Nob ml I Pleasure as well as perpetual good health, is assured when you drink RfJOTT'S 0 NNYROYJU. PILLS They overcame. WcaTc ncss, irrurulurlty and omliiiiloun, lnercuHO vl- or and uauiuu "nalna of incuctrimtlon." They aro "IAVE aAVJJIW" to alrlo at wouianhooil, tiiillng development ot orgauu aud body. No known remedy for wouiou oouuln tlvm. Cannot do harm llfo becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PKU UOX ISY MAIL Sold by drasjjists. Dlt MOTT'S CI1KM10AL CO., Clovelaud, Ohio. For sale by North Platte Pharmacy. Sam E. Roscnburgheld yesterday, L. 15. Roach was appointed trustee. ... ...f- Ue engine taking out one of the' 3hlp I l' Culm uri ivcu iiuuiu mm uiui uii'n i , , , i , , I iih.I . ..I n I Ifniillnnilo nf IrlLn. Liirnnan nirtv nil li m Witll Driiltrn I II ttl Miss Cora Woodberry, oi council frmu tileir European trip. Both . " . u.ko notion that on tho lTthday of Feb., Bluffs lown, arrived m town yes- l kin fne aml report having &nm wrpcnicr reccivcu u nuntc a..u DCnw..c..., ,..bD -.v. .v-- 100l!i thoplaintlir, Tlio Uountyol liin . , j !.. .i ti i,,...!,!.. ... . . hiiia mnminir frnm ('l.nm MtMicUp. dercd livelv aroundthc AdamBonlcoln.ii corporation, (tied its notltlon in leruiy auu is B. ui u had a nlowl plca8aut aaU cnjnyao.e llflm, , ,r n ' linlR n, h ' the District . Court of Lincoln County. Mrs. ureeniec. trjp sutimui .ia1iuif.u.vU,nJi,. r- -,- , ' M-mses Kate and Mamie Wein- r nffl.fl mi urP. ing twenty-five dollars reward for Lule Uart, who had been work HHiiiuwi vi iitviui.ii "- berger and Louise Weifgerccr ex- me havc buen hired the past week, pect to go to Omaha next week to Ule force employed being insufli- spend a few days. cieut to liandle the volume of Mrs. James Downic and chillrcn iraffic now being shippcu oyer tue went to Sidney yesterday, where road. tonal JTotioa, Wiicoln eminty. NrtiraNVa, llie olilf rt ant prnyci nf willed H to fori-cloni! rertiiln tax " i ., n . IlunH.ituly ncHHi'(l liy .ilil iilalnlllf uiiiiliiHt 1 ho dofpiulantf. Androw F. Carlfon.'tim Himtfiwcut nuartvr of ti-ctlnti ut. in Klizalmth Caribou, liin wife, and Hluh-1 !i,"V',;V:,.nJ).r.V,'.'.)t V.VIV. w.1 .V' t,.,Ji.,.l1. I'.il. mill lilllllil llll Itinu'll. will I .' '." ""n"'. ' " ,."" Nobraskn, tho object nnd pmyor of whinli li tn fnroi! oro nor til ill tux lioutl. the recovery of Nels Munscti, who B ule Cheyenne fchops and quit ""'TS!! LilVU'i"f!l escaped trom the hospital for the Aujjust 1st when piece-work was towimhip HI, north of rauo.'Jl, wcBtot insane at Lincoln o thc 201U, ol introduced, is in town enroute to I Sixth principal moriuian, wournsua, for last May. Munsen UeHeves that bmalia. He accompanied the ?!! I: ?SH .llti!!"."".'!! VHl filL his relatives, uspecially Peter Jen- Norl,i i'lattc fishermen on their year 1891 in tho sum of 10.00; for tho Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Scharmann, sen, b3 guardiau, have robbed liin. trip, of all his properly, wunscn is a Io v ew of rccent lnte trame, due Mr. Powi)ie is n thc employ of the Union Pacific. The luneral ot the infant son oi Mr. and Mrs. JatneB WlUfln was held at the 1) me sevpn miles west o North Platte Saturday, alter, month.. and weighs between 165 itid 175 Lood BUapc as at any time during -oop, The sccouci noor o? uic icun pounqs. the oibt t-ix months. - . . I f 1. It 1 I &At. I Ciwllt n Mll ...a.. a a I jiranK qwers oi ivaramie, wnp uunanjr aM "" qeo. W. Uhl'ds, Uncle uacar, On his return to Omaha after his uaug.uer a.. c,c Mf . Swede, but speaks HJiielisli l.tirly to iucapacl,atcd cnginrp, a good ycstcrlay from Steele City, Neb., welJ? j8 ab(nn forly or forty-five a 1 Ic wlH doubt Supt Mc. where Mrs. Scharmatm has been vears of age, fair complexion, dark st'atcmeut tliat the motive Visiting her parent F bout a hair ad unusually dark mustnehr, n(ltver of the Union Pacific is iu as . 1 ! - .t. A r... f...... I.anl. it. 1 1 1 tl. rltl Mi f1..ril...r . t ll I Has peep hpuimmn pic j.oi. c'l' miwcy oimi i L'aiiiiiiiaer anu an oiner Biauunru rccct trip over thc Union Pacific I iw1. uceks'in this county assisting n and converted IntosuUesot business , hlx tor 23 centB at thc Hub .., mw i, You and onch the haying on his laud, will return offices . A good part of the fioor ?rocc ry Jn M. .( XrMondny? home tomorrow. has heretofore been used as living . .. ,,:-. .,a t . i..,, .wtin.. i.n., it Sentombcr. 10(W. . ntn i ii.. mu..j nnnrtminla. I. . . ... .1. . ...... ... I I lie AiaBter i-erry oimn, oi mc iu r nave ueen piayea at uranu ihianu six montliB aL'o ana mat tue union Perry ward, wqb tendered a very pleasant A new crew ot dispaicuers was Sunday between the Cheyenne In- Pacific had plenty ot engines to run surprise party last Saturday even- sent outlast week and will have (j,ans nd a picked nine from through tho busy t.eason or the jljg. A good siaed crowd ot young charge o business from Sidney to lne superior and Orand Island hibt of January, barring accidents. folks wprp present and an succeeuid uueyenne. 'vnc crew consists 01 te,-ms ws not played. It Ue stated also that tho rond would in snendiug a most enjoyable L. Smiddy, O. w. cox anu fi. aiii- 9eems that since the strike, the have no difficulty In trnnsnortinir pyeninff- npr' Q. V. Wigjngton, of Jules- manager o the team, who is a f-tepi all grain thc company is a6ked to, as of lWwni. The Lincoln county teachers in- buig, arrived In town the early part U0I, 0f the foreinmi of the VI. P, at far as engines are concerned, and cuumv, n'c' VBtltntp opened yesterday oqth f last w B 'low aJ Ul8 Qrand fsland, hs been working In that no faith was placed in the re nearly 10Q in attendance. Hoenbhcl atifeUted by Miss Cham hers, are in pharge. Rev. Seibert home of her daughter, Mrs. Jaa Opened thp Institute wjth nn invo Uabbitt Sunday afternoon at ten meister tor working under a scab makers In the shops where thc cn cation attpr which the regular o'clock. Mrs. Marsh was 03 years, and the audience demanded that glncs arc being built, if thefc en year 1895. in tho buih of 17.11: for tho year 1800, in tlio sum of 17 JO; for tho veirioui, in mo sum or t i.iuj tor mo yoarl803, tn tho sum of 10,82; for tho year 1809, in tho sum of 8.92; for tho vonr iM) Hi iiiopum oi i n ntnnuniing in tho total sum of $1-10.80; with Ir.toroBt on tho sum ot $01.81, ul tho rato ot ton por cont per nnnum from tho lnt day of Nov. 1901, all ot which is duo and unpnid. v l'liilntiiTnrayfl a ilcoroo of fnronlimuro ot wild tax lions mid n snlo of said prom- ot you defendants aro or saiu poutton nn or tho lfith day ot COUNTY OP LINCOLN, UoriKKiition. By H. S. Uldgloy, its Atty. iHOJIn thu kuiii fir IMki; for Die vuar iKxi in t lie mini or tn.ui. fur tin ui.'ir HU7 in tint hiiiii of Hliu; Inrtlm venr IHUS (n Die hiiiji or A.C'i: foi- the year IH'J In tlio nuin of O.or; for Hits year HHjii In ihn hiiiii ot I '.' aiiKiuiitltii; In Uic total Mini of M UV. with inliTOHt on tliu wini nfas.ou at tin; rato ut ten pvr cent J' annum Irum thu l"t ilay of March, Wi.', all of which Ih iluc and unpaid . PliilntllT prnj'H ii ilfcroo of forncloxuro uC rnlil tax lien utnl u nuin ot mild iiroinlueK. You ntul cncli ot you iU'foiuln.itn uru re iiiilrril to iiuswur wild tiotlllun on or lic it re Monday, tho l.'itli day ot fci'iitumlci', ItXJ. TI1U COUNTY Ol'1 LINCOLN. . (A Corporation.) Ily II. H, HIDOELY, Its Attorney. , Jlotlco of Slienff'o Sftlo. Iiy virtue of two exenitlnim Uniied liy W C. fclrier. clerk ot tliu DUtllct Court of Lin. coin county. NuuraHkii, uiKin Jiiditiiientu oni; rcnilcred In nalil court In favor of Albert StvlnhoiiHcii. and ai;alnst tiiori-e Kulilc anil one reuilereil in llie eoltntv court on- county. NunraxKu, aim trail, the Dlxtrlct Court of Lincoln NehraNka. ami dulv enlcted on record i Oharle II. Hovlo recovered a ludK- ment aRaliiHt cioition iiunie. I nave levieii Prof, patched operator a thjs po,nt. tl,c b,,opB and u conBidereu a tcab. port that the delivery of the new Mrs Kiinici Mnrnll rtien flt llie Phi. RtriL-fra nr nlan nnnnacii InUinilnnii u a ruin r.lprt hpr.n no nl I li I Uoiiioo itunic lu-nii. nun erar the Q'.ade boys and Pitcher IlofT- threat of the machinists aud boiler about iiuif ixmnrtH. 1 ii in i in arc aliout D vrarn oid, weight work was commenced. 5 mouths and q days old nnd had they be left out of the game and glncs were sent to thc Union Pacific made her home in this city for the that thc manager ruvign hoforc the during thc present labor strike, past thiily years, Ji;cr husband, audience, whch he refused to do. they would strike, The re- Albert Marsh, died about eight The game was called otT, the en- port that nil nwltch trackR at years ago. tne icayi-'i nesiues trailfe nionpy remauung in tue rjheyennc and other places along tho road were blocked by loaded freight cars waiting for engines to move them was denied and Mr. McKccn said thc tracks were clear and trains running iu good order. ,.FLY SHEETS,, Wp acU Mr. Ilabbitt, a f-on, who Jives in hands of the npcrjar team. ChipaKO. Mrn, -Marbh was well RitHin Sheet 90"incll 40e Vik by aU w,' Ucw ,,er m tl,e JJUriap U"U1VH empathy of al is extended to the TXltrlfln Sheet. 1 00-InCll . 4SC bereaved relatives. The funeral Single Fly Nets Team Nets Leather Nets Summer Lap Robes Store open until 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store was held trom the residence at ten oVlock this morning, and the re. mains interred in the North Platte cemetery. Cared Paralyses. W.S. U.iily, l. O.TriiK.Toxnp.writou: "My wifo hud bitn putrprinK Hvo year with puralysis In hnr arm, whon I wan porHiiadoil lo iifc Hullard'H Snow Llnl inont, whieli wired hor nil rihL I have nlno ubimI it fur old sorcf, front hiten, nnd okln priiitnms. It doo-lhn work." ti"o, o mid 61. IX) bottle at A. F. btrciUs' (Jjiner Drug Store. Barb Wire Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, Painted, per hundred $3.80. Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, galvanized per hundred $4.10 Wilcox Depai'lniciil Store Yatch for a Chill. Howovcr Hliht at this timn of year nnd in this cliinato, it iu thu fororunner of tnnlnrin. A dlRpotltion to yawn, and an all tired out fouling oven eouius be fore tho chill. Hurbine, liy i its prompt fitlinulativo notion on tlio livrt thriven thu innlarinl Konns nut of t,bo, syqtoiu, purities tho horn, qiqb u,p tU,vi systpnx nni rt6t,o(ps lUp liealtH, aOo ut A. 1 tjoitssliorper Drug Store. Onu srav rcUIIiir aliout 0 ycarH ohl.wclcht about 1 ton jioundH. One Imv marc about I yearn old, wcIrIU about limn rounilH unu nrnwi' maru aoout u ycarH out. wcibiii about mm itoundx. One bav uiuro about I ycarc old, weight about iiiiiiidn. One bay MeldliiR about I yearn old, weight about KM) INitltlllri. une nrowii cckiiiik aooui t yearn tun, weiKht about liU ImiiiiiiIm. One bay KeldliiR alM)Ut (I years tdd. wulKbt about u.vi ixiundH. One Norrel mare roll 'X years old, 'I'M r it liav hornu coltH 'i vearH old. One bay editing it yearn old, welpht about UK) IHIIIIUIH Dm) n il row I ream nM. Two lumber .'aKnii, I net double harm-MH, eliiht h.iitcrx, inrce iok.'h, one nay r.iKe "lit'erliiK." I MrCoi inleK nioi.-itr. lhayrark three HtacLK ai'all.'i hay, on tin Mmlliwcxi ou.irieror i.ett on fi towiixhlti i:i. raimv ill and I will on the liith day of Aiif.iiNi, Wti, at SiVl ot look lu tliu aliernoon ot niiiil day. at the corral In the Jail y.inl In llie i lly ol North I'laiie, Ni-ln-a--l;a, (-tll nalcl huo.Ik and ill.lltulhal liubllc aui'iloil In tin; lilKliehl biihler lor c.ish to i.,ol-'ly Hald exei'UtloiiH, .1... ...1 I .1 ,11 1 llll.-l.l III III 1,11. 'i .'... .Iff! Ill UIV I1IIIWIIII. inv ,iiv." ..... ,ii.Ml... ItIiil' llie hiiiii ol (i.vmlUi Kivu lluiulied UcllatH and Nliii'lV-Uni; rents North riatte, Neb., AiikuxI Uh. ICW. I.. (.'AKlMirCl'Klt Rlicrlt, of f.)iiCQ);i County, Neliinska. Ziegal Nctloo. nosy. Tho ilcfonilnntp, Boplnia A. Orand jean, alro. Sophua A. Ornndjonn, bin wife, Hint real nntno unknown, Walter llruoo, II. EinoiBon. first ronl nnnio un known, nnd Hlohnrd l!oo, ronl. nmno tin Itnown, will tnlto uotico thnt on tlio fith day of Mny. 11W2, tho plmntiir, Tho County ot Lincoln, a onroriilioi), . tiled itH petition in the tliidriut. eutirtof Lincoln county, NobniHkii, tlio object and prayur ot which ih to foruclos cur lain tnx lien h duly numbed by nnid plninllll niiinnttlio north went nuiutor ot Krotion 2, in township 1J. north of ranL'o SO, wept of Sixtn prinoipnl morldinn, No brimlui, for tho year 1801 in tho sum of 811.00; for tho yenr 1805 in tho sura of 15 7l!; for tho year 1800 in tho sum of 1857, for tho )enr 1807 in tho sum of 10 01. for tho your 180S in tho huiii of 11.70, for tho enr 180!) iu tho uum oC 0:U), for thu juir 11KN In tho mint ot r,wi, rnr thu yonr I'.hii in too mini of l',K. miioiiiitiiiuln tlio t'. till hiiiii ofOl.,15; with iiuoroHi on tlio hiiiii oi titi.bi nt thu rato it ton por cent. ir nniiiini from tho lut day ot Mny, 10)2, nil ot which iu duo anu unpaid. l'lnintiu prnyn a (leorcn ot lorrclonuro of aaid tax lieu and n snlo ot Hold prom ises nnd enuh nf you tlofendnntB aro required to iinRWorpmdpntition onorbo rnr nionuny, tlio loth Hay of September, 1002. - THE COUNTV OF LINCOLN, A Corportiop, Ily II, R. HIiIkIcv, Hh MUttnoy, WMMi NOTICB. Vlie Defendant flenry Uole will laV:enol Ice that on theiltli day of Keliruaiy. VM. the ii.il in in. t nr (loiiniv oi Lincoln, a corpora' ion, Died in iK'tiiion iu tue uuuict court NorioK l'oit I'tnii.toATio.v. Iind OlUro t Nirlh l'liillu. Nub,. Aiitfimt 71 Ii. llHf.'. No'lro IdlioroltrtilvcD llmlllm follnwInu-nMmC Keillor hat ltl! notlw of hia Intention tu mnkn final proof In HH,iort of hi. claim, ami IUt nnlil if win iu niHUb borom uiu iivuinto ami liii. rflvrr. luiu.l HtatpH Utnl ()in, Nwth l'lutte. Neb., on Hotitemtior 2llth, IVU, vltt junn i. uivirji. who tuatlo llmuciiloail lailrr No, l"'ff), fo Ihn outliiinNtfiuartarpfHM'tlon I, town II, tuirlh of ranco :U. wot filh 1. M ll iiiiiiiw 1 follow. llIK wltlli'i H toproTonlH oonllliunilN if-Mi'LCn iiKin anil culllvatmn ohhIiI land, vli Mllllam ilarman, Tlioman , HTUit, ltobxrl Hjlea and William iJikVu. Mil nl Wall'icw. Nob. nl?j Oro. K. VnitNrii. liculhler. R.J. F. SHUTE, DENTIST. All nranclx of rfy tlHlry tclvntlllrallv done, NitroiiH Oxld (laH aJmlnhtrrfd. I'eniiKylynnla Oollcpc ol nental Sundry 'ini Ofllce orcr tVllcox I)ept Store. Thonu Ul, y