The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 12, 1902, Image 2

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    Sljc tmi - Weekly tribune.
LiA L.Bakic, Editor and Publisher
One Year cash In advance...
Mix Months cvdi In advance..
...nS cent
Entered M Nortli I'latte. Nebraska, I'ostof.
flee as second class inittcr.
l'or Oovcmor-
Kor Lieutenant Governor
For Trcasurcr-
For Secretary of Htatc-
l'or Auditor
l'or Supt. of Public Instructlon-
For Attorney (Jeneral-
1'. N. 1'IIOUT.
For Commissioner of l'ulillc Lands
For Con cress, Hlxlh Wstrlct-
For Co'tnty Attorney
For CoUnty Commissioner
0. A. OLAKK.
been "dmoked out" by 9,000
democrats and the populist party
lias broken its pledges to the
neoilc. There are thousands of
The defendants Charles Counsclman, Mrs.
Charles Counselinan his wife Hrst real name
unknown and Hlchard Hoc real name un
known will take notice that on the 17th day
dayot February, IWM, the plaintiff the Coun-
....... , , ... y oi Lincoln i coriwirmiuu :
populists in Nebraska WHO Will, petition In the district court of Lincoln
1 1 Ilia ndtnl 1 111 l1 tf
Proposed ((institutional
' Amendment.
like Mr. Webb, again affiliate
with the republican party.
u-hlr.ii lain foreclose certain tax liens duly
assessed liy said plaintiff against the South,
east quarter of Section 87 In Township 1.1
Mirth nl H.iriL'e 31. West of Sixth Principal
Nebraska for thr year IK03 In the sum of
II T Tlrlne of sn order of sale lesnrd frryn Ibo
rlli.trlrt n.tirtof LInmlu county. Nebraska, upon
a drovse of foreclosure rendered In said couit
nhoirln the Ounnty of Lincoln, a rornorallon, Is
plaintiff nml Jacob U. Heliwllb, ft sl la detondaut
mid to rue dlioctcd I will on the Mill dny of
at me easnroni
In a letter from a prominent
io the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, sa hereinafter set forth In full, is
j.7ii; for the year Mm in the isiim iJ.o?i 1 submitted to the Electors of the
rnr . ri wzir in'Ri in iiii'mmi in . ii.mii liic .
I icir IHMlIn thxMltll ill t!7 IU:for the tear IK7 I CtiL. nf NLr"i.Vn In Us imifrl nnnn l
rcnublican who has traveled re- In tnc sum or lu.w.for the irfwin the . " . . . " . "r .
rcpuuncan uuo nas uavcii.ii fl ""VST JfflV.J.Bf M the Generfi Election to beheld Tuesday,
rrnflv nvpt n food nortion of the MM: for the year loot) In the sum of .7: '
CJ.vfl, rnmri-noainnnl district WC Interest on the sum of I7U.S8 at the raw 'of
w...... ten tier cent ir annum irom me isi nay
I it.. ft- T 1 1 I rrn I of.NovcmlHjr, 1901, all of which Is due and
iciii u ina i. inc i-ii.iiii-uo iui """f-w unpaid.
Kinkaid's election are very
bright; in fact this gentleman
thinks there is no doubt of Kin
kaid's election. Hundreds of
populists in the district have
grown weary of fusion, which
.'they regard simply as a means
of political bartering and an or-
. .7 . , . , "iciiaru uo rem namo unannwn win ia no- i u, Mni..,n5n i. nmnnii.,,i ,
nn i,l nn nrnrHifril v iWniil nf llco Ibst on Ilia .1th dsr Of Mr. 1WU, th olsln. I "tHl0 ')t INOUrsBKn, 00 fltllOnUOu 10
b. ........ v.. . ,.......v - Uff counlr of Llnrnln n corM.rstlon nied nB lOlIOWB
political principles.
tl . f.ti r I a-j,i I Anon.t. luri. nt one o'clock i. to. at tlx
I lie lUlltwiiH riupujcu ""W,,UI,K"M rfwTr oi ih court houw In North flnttt. Lin
I'lulntlfl tirnys n ilccrco of foreclosure of
said tnx lien iilul it hiiIp of said prutnlucn.
Vou nnd tn ch of you defendants nra rc
aulrrd to imswcr snld petition on or be
fore Monday, the IKth day ol September.
l Corporation.)
Ily II. H. ItlDOULY. Its Attorney.
Tlis Pfinlnnl, v l Htorons, first rsl nsme
unknown. Mrs K. L Hlrns, nrst risl tinniB un
kunwu. lilt lfo Wllllsm Y. WnlllHh nnd
Klolisnl Km renl nsmo unknown will t no-
A Joiot ItcBolutlon proposing to nmccd
Suction Ono of Articlo Fifteen, o"
tho Constitution of tho State of No-
brnekn, relativo to tho rannnor of
eubmitliog nnd ndoptlnK nmond-
monta to tho Constitution of tho
Stnto of Nobrnekn.
Ilo It Itcpolrcd nnd Ennctcd by tho Lop
islntuio of tho Stnto of NebrnsUn:
Sectioh 1. That Section Ono of Ar-
Ucln Fif'oon, of, tho Constitution of tho
colli comity- Nobrosts, sell at public nuctlou to
tliu hhihert Milder fur cfh to tltfy tnltl decree
Interest end cot, th follnwInK described pron
nrt ln.wtt; Tlin-nouthwfft ntiartor of Kectlnn (A,
Townshln 10. HstiKH Jl.west Clh p. it.., Llucoltr
ennnly, NfcbrsskH,
Ill,l Nnrlh PUtt. KntirAfkn. JiiIt 11. HKM.
L. CAM KNTrn, HbcrllT.
Shoriff'fl Sale.
IlyTlrlne ofsn order of sslo lsned from the
ill.irlrt cmirl nt Lincoln conntr. Nebrns, upon
n decree of foreclosure rendered lu wild court
fiberelnTheCounly of Linooln, corpoiiilliui. U
plnlnlllT sud J, W. Rtsplclon et. al., aro de-
f.Miitunta nml In tun allrecteit. I will On tlln 1llMI
iis ol AuiiuHt. 1W)-'. at 1 (.'clock n. in. at the cust
frnnl ilruirnf thn I'nurt hnllM ill North I'lsltO.
l.lnMltn viii,,l. Krlir.vkn. Kelt nt tltl'lllO niietloll
to Ibe IiIkIiosI bidder for carti to ntlsfy snld de
cree, luiurett nna costs, me roiinwiim iieroriuwi
croperly, to-wl! llio sotilbosst quarter of sec
tion STi, township V, rsnxe 31, wont Hlxth 1. M.
unroin county, ieutnKii.
uatou Konu riatte, rtnn.. Jiny 11. nv,
I CAnrmTKii. Hlierlff.
Eijison, the inventor, predicts
within thirty years all railroads
will discard locomotives and
adopt, electric motors, and that
autonfobilcH will displace horses
almost entirely. Stranger things
have occurred during the past
thirty years.
Tun crowded condition of work
in the rail mills of hid country
is shown by the attempt of the
Union Pacific to secure 1,000
tons for immediate delivery, but
the best any of the mills could
to was to deliver them October
1st. 1903. The order was placed
with a mill in Germany and will
"filled in a few weeks.
In fccvcral parts of the west
young ritcn have attempted to
cimilate the example of convict
Tracy sp far as boldness and
badness goes. One fellow in
Southern California, who had
, . .
committed several" highway rob
bcries was pursued by a posse
and shot in the stomach, True
to the nction of his exemplar, he
filncpd a revolver to hia head
and kllicd himself.
T - ... "Sin pisiniiu HKiiiHi '" HniiiiicnHi
Mrs. M. II. Douglas and sister smtinn 20. in township 11. norm of
t!..., n W.Ll.i 1 wont of sixth principal ;iiioil(lln, Kc
MltH Dora Wrigllt CXpeCt tO gO 0 year l-Wl In the sum .r To
to Omaha Friday morning for a
few days' visit.
Mrs. D. A. Drown and little
daughter, of Ilcrnhcy, arc in
town today. Mrs. Brown is look
ing for a House to rent and
should sue obtain a suitable one
they will move back to this city.
V. M. C. A. NOTES.
I. He ff man, of the Pacific
Hotel, came over and spent an
hour at the iiinno last cvcniny,
Its trillion In tho dlrtrlrt court, of Lincoln
county, Nehraskn, llmnljct ami prayer nf which
li In f.ireclo.e certain 1st Ileus, duly imrosed by
aid plslntlff suMinit tli" nniithpnHt quarter of
01 rnni( III,
Nebraska, for
for Ibe jenr for the year 1807 Initio
snm nf 11 H!l, for Ibe your 1MM In In rum of
11 2X fur lb year IKUU III thn sum of II 20, for the
jiiiir 10UU In lliosiitu of 4. id) fur the year 1001 In
llm sum nt II (T.i. ninimiitliiK In the total sum of
(JH HI. with lutcrtwt on the hiiiii of U !H lit Ibe
ram oi ten per com voraununi irom me isi uuy
of May. all of which Id iun all I unnild.
I'hilutlff prays it decree- of foreclosure of
rnhl tnx lien nnd n sul of wild promises.
You anil eueh of you defnndnnlH are rc
itulred to unswer snld petition on or be
fjro tlumlsy. (be IMh dty ot fep'omowr. Wi.
(A Corporation.)
Ily II. 8. U1DOELY. Its Attorney.
Legal Notice.
Tiin dtfondnntp, Anglo Amorlcnn
MortiiKo it Trtiflt Cotupnny. L. W.
'Piil.nvo rlinlnn II P.mrtruon Itrut.
! i I. 1. f 11.- 1... I . . .rwv. , I l.nH
iiiuur uiiluuii ui tuu iuk I auku's i ,.nic. i". in. nunc on... n".i. Ka, upon a decree oi loreciosurc rcniicreii
propo 0 umctldmontS tn 1 door if the oouVt house In" Nnrlli rialto. IJuooln Baj court wherein The County of Lin-
...i tr tl.n mnn i,. "e" i"ni. iiuii.niu ... ..." i fom, a coriioraiioii, n jiiainnii ami a.
null It 1110 BUinO IIS I kl.haat l.lititnp fnr caih In ullafv nlil llonron. 111. I .1 I ri..n.. . ..I n .Tufunil !1 ill u mil In
I tJ- lllllllll-lll 1, HI . a U 1 S r IHU IUI 1.U
conntr Nebriuka.
Dated xvortu riatte, xmpd,. July 11, iw.
I,. Cabfknthi, HborlfT.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of an order of sale issued from tho
ill.nlcl court of Lincoln county, fiebraokn, upon
n ilerrnn nf fnrnnlOAllre relld(roil In Slll COUIt
wherein The County of Uncoln, a corporation. Is
plalnllft nnd A. II. Uilbran et. at., aid dffeod
nl unit III tnn illrnotoil. I will on III 11 Mill liar of
Section 1,
ielnturo mny
this Constitution
ngreod to by til reo-llf ths of tho meillborfl I terest and cols, the following deciibcl proti-
oroutod to onch house, hiich propoeed L0'''-'Vt SD"nUVr;?wl!hM? MMitnM
l.ll i, i.r,1 ,,, township 11, rsnRo 31. neat bUth.l'.M. Lincoln
.lournnln, with the yonn nnd nnya, nnd
published nt lonut onco each wcolc in nt
f . i i- ...
icnei ono nownpnpor iu onrii couniy Sheriff'i Sale.
wnoro n nowBpnpor is puoitsnou, ior . vlr,B0 of nI1r(iorof ssiels.ned from In
thirty Ctliya lmrnodintoly procedinir tllO dlntrlct court of Lincoln county. Nelirnskn. upon
nmt nliM'tlon of ntnntorn and ronrnnnn- a decree of foioclosnre reudered In said court
.... .. i it : 1....I I wbercln The County of Lincoln, n corporation
I.UUW r, b vi hiuh yiuutiuu uiu bii.ho diiiu , l,l....irr .., Llna W Lceet nl.. are defendant
be HUbtnlttcil to tho eleotora ror approval and to mo dlrocieii, i win on theiHibdsyof
p rnioollmi nml If it inninrllv .if lint I Alluuet. 1002. at 1 o'clock, li ni.. at the eat front
oleotorB votlnir nt such oleotion on l"?r,nJ "'"H: bo? LV.L1!",','0; ""
Bitch tirotlOBCO nmonamonr. Bnnil VOtO to I,l( Her lor cauli to satlsfr i tl ileeroo. In-
iore( anil cos-a, ine iniiiiwinK iiesciioeo prop
erty, to-wit: run Houiucant onsrter or section
31, township 0, rfipun 34, west of Sixth 1. M. Lin.
coin oonnly. Nebraska
uaied Nona v laiio, non, Juir 11, iwi.
L. CAnritNTxn, Hberiff,
Shnritr'a Eflla.
Ily virtue of an onler of mlo lueued from tho
lUmrlct court nf Lincoln conntr. Nolitonkn. unon n
ilocrue of forccltisutn rendered In raid court
wlmruln Thn Rininlr of Lincoln, n coriHirslliili.
Is plalullfl and Wlnneld Hoolt et al., nro defenil
ShorlfT's Sale.
Br virtue of an ordor of sale lsnod from the
dlttrlct court of Llucoln coimly, Nebranka, upon
a decree of forerlosuro rendored In said court
wboieln The Ouuntyof Uncoln, a corporation, Is
plaintiff nnd Johanna Plneen, et al krn
defendanis and to me dlrcclrdi I will
on Ibe lOlh day ot AuiiiKt, 1IWA at ono
o'clock p. In. al ton eanl front ilisir ol me
court house In North Flatto, Uncoln county. No
braska, sell at publlu auction to tho hhbatt bid
der for cash to satisfy snld docrce, Interest and
conditio followlliRdescrlbed property tMvlts Tho
wi'at Uair or tho east usu or ne,tiim 13, Mown
ship 11 ItaiiKO SI, uol of tbo Ulli 1'. M. Uncolu
county, Nebraska.
us tea worm rtaiia, rei 117 11. mis.
L. CuiircMTr.r., HIiorlfT.
6horlff's Sale
Dr vlrlne of an order of sale Iraned from the
district coutt of Lincoln coimly. Nebraska, upon
a ilecroo of foreclosure reiiitetcu ill sniu conn
whorelu Tbo County of Lincoln, a corporation,
is iiininuir tun ueoiue Ji. luiuiusiiii,
et nl 1 nro dofendants. and to inn
directed. I will on tho tilth day nf Auk-
nil. 1KB, at I o'clock p. ru., at Ibe oast front
iloor of the court bonne In North I'latte, Lincoln
county, Nebraxka, sell at public ancllnn to tho
hlnUeit bidder fur cash, to satisfy said decree,
lulerest and costs, thn following descrllied
properly. lo-wlt! TUe liortnenm quarter ot sec
tion 8.), township 10, range M, west Hlxth F. II.
Lincoln ennnty, nenrosta,
Dated Nortli riatte, Ken. July II. iwi.
L. CAnrxMTKn. Uherlff.
Ghorlff's Sale.
Hv virtue of an order of sale Issued frojt
thcdlstrlct court of Lincoln county. Neliras-
mloptfiuch uniondmont, the enmo elinll
iiccomo n imrt or mm uonBtitutinn.
Whon miro thnn ono nmontlniont is buIi
inittotl nt thn umio oloction, tlnv elinll bo
io Btihtnittod iib toonublo tho oleolorn to
volo on enoh nmoi.tlmontBepnrntoly.
makinp; it very pleasant for the unmo unknown, nnd Riohnrd Hoo, ronl AH bnllotn used nt such election op
men that hnnncnedlo l c there, nnmo unknown, will tnko notho ""eh nmoudraont or nmondinonlB shnU
iHui tuiti iiiiiiitiitu 11 1 . mtn.. M , , f
Flowers for the rooms last " ; rm. v. VT"' ninn. VnrnJiin,iiniimnt
Sunday were kindly furnished in, n corponttlon. Htod 6- itltloD anrtTiutlon'
iv n ru. rt r v ir no nnt ivmmin tiin tiiar rint. mirr. nr i .inriun niiiiT.v. i nuuirtt ui iiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiim imu. iiumucb i coir oi in uourt uoiiso in niirwi riHiit. iiincu'ii
Vivian Wimbcrly. NobniBUn.thoobjoctnnd prnyor ot whic'h propwwl nmj. 2&i,?fccX?. &KluZX&
nvrn tnnmlinr'u liniin linnn la to forOoloFO COrtlllll tn.X lionH dulj IIB- rjlllltlDK lo (lioro ItlBOrt IhO BUDjOCt Ot Ml,i routs, tho folliwlndoscrlbed proper- uavt. uii.ii .n,i i. t,i ,.ini,iirl,nni il, tiin niiiiiiulmnnti nml thn voto of oncli f. in-niti Tim tnnihwr.t ounrier of wet I on ?h.
SeCUrC(l this month. WC haVC ....,,.. nf Rm,inll on. In tnunnliln olector votlnir mi BUch nmondinontor townshln 11. ratiK3l. west Ulxtbr.M. Uncoln
r :.. ..--. .-,i... .k.u I.. .i..i ...I i... .1... contiiy, nonrnsa.
room ior more. hi, norm or rnnaoiii, WP6101 aixin nrin- '""uu""u,n """ u uted North riatte, Neb., July ilikki.
nlnal mondlnn. NobrnBitn. fur tho venf loleotor uy ninicitiK n ctobb with nponorl i.. CrnirnsTKn, Bhcriff,
1801 in tho Bttm
1HK) in tliu sum
1H(ia In tint aim,
1fi(7 In tiin Riiin nf fi lfi! fur thn venr 1B08 HH hf Bllllll dofilro to VOtO ttioroon. or by
in tho Bttm of fi HI; for tho your 1801), in itulicntinR his proforonco on n
thoBumof :i,00; for tho yctir JOOO, in tho mnohino whon such mnchino is in uto,
iium ot 181; for tho yoar 1001, 1. Geo. V. Mnri-h, fecrotnryot Btnlo
in tho Bum or IUI; nmountinK In tho of thoBlnto of NobniFltn, do horobycor-
intnl mini nf ft.007! with Intorimt nn tify thnt tho foreuoincr proposed nmouu-
tho fAim of nt tho rnto ot ton '"nt to tho Constitution of tho Stnto rf
pnr cunt nor nnnuni from tho Hrst duy Nebrnskn is n truo nnd correct copy t f
Fliyaiolan nnd Drugn;lit.
Ford it SturRoon, n prominont drtiK
linn n llooity Hill Stnlion, Ky., writo:
'Wo woro miupptod by Dr. 0. 11. SijIk
ley to Ffiiii for Horblno for (he bonotitof
olir cuBtoniPiB, Wi'ordorctl three doxon
in I)icombir, mid wo nro pjiid to sny,
Ilorbino Iiiih (flvon such (front. Mitlpfuo-
tlon thnt wo linvo diiplioutoil thin ordor
three tlmep, and lodny
NobrnBkn, fur tho yenr elector oy mnicinR n croBB witn n pon or
n of 12 1)3; fur tho yenr pencil inn cirolo or pqunrn to bo plnced
i of 0 8(1; for tho yonr rtt tlio rlht ot tho lines tho words 'Tor
of lOItfi; for tho year or A(fninpt" tbo proposod ntncndmentp,
in llie lonn lioimu ill nnnu i miiu. i,r . . . :.., kVI raiil T
nty. Nebraska, sell at publlo anotlonl Dated NorthVlattr Julv 11 100"
t blddor for cash to satisfy said de- ualctl 4Nortu 1 ,au?' Vi,,k-STK i llhcrlff
lodnv WO CnVO VOUr P"r uuul' ,,,,r niiiiunnniiu uioiiiii uoy . , . . - . -- - ',.:,. ,-
omen Wob to snJ of Mny, 1002, nil ot which ib duo nnd tho oriKinnl enrol ed nnd rnBrpwdbil. 1'.
tnllPB nhinBtirn In ton UUptlid! nfl PSPe1 by tho TwontV-BOVOnth BCSeion Dated North rialto, 1
Inn ' rill? hoi tin nt A Plaintiff prnys n decree of forecloBttro of tho lesiBlnturo ot the etnto of Nebnif-
HideBinnu nnnthor
Itr. fJ H. Knliili.v
omitiendinif Horblno " TiOo bottio al A.
l Htroitza' Corner Druj? Btoro.
nf biiIiI tnx lieu nnd lLBnlo of tmld nrom- , no nppcnro from Bnid oncinnl bill on
lSCHi , itio in hub oillce, nnd tuntenui prnposcil
You nnd each of Von dofondnnln n;o umpiitirripnt iHBiibmlttod to the qunlilleJ
ran itirc'd to nnswor pnld notltion on or vpUirB of tho Stnto lf Nolirnpka for their
boforo Mondav tho IRth dny of Sppt.l902. 4flontl,n or rejeotion nt tho penornl
HiiKiurrR bai.i:.
Ily virtue of en ordor ot sale Issuod from the
district court ot Llucoln county, Nebraska, lipou
n ,'ociea of foreclosure rondored In said court
wberuln The County of Uncoln. n corHratlon.
Is idatntlu. amUusliis o. lUcbvy et nl., are He-
feniliiulH and to inu directed. I will on lht lfi'Ii
day of AuuUHt, 1M1. at 1 o'clock p. in. lit llm east
frimt door of the court house In North l'laltu.
Linooln coui
to tho hlahc,
crcu. Interrat and ciistH, the follnwInK dUKcrlbnd
property, to-wlt: 'Ihe northwest quai lor ot see-
li, rano 3i, west aixiu i-.
Neb., July 11, lm.
I.. tiiiPKNTKn, bnenrr.
me directed. I will on the Iflth day of Aug
ust, niw. at I o'clock n. in. at the cast front
door of the court house In North I'lattr,
Lincoln county. Nebraska, sen at public
auction to the holiest bidder for cash, to
satisfy aald decree. Interest and cosih, the
lOiinwinK uccriueM properly iu-vrii; j uc
northeast quarter of Hectlnn 17, town
ship 10. raiiRC St west Sixth l'rlnclpa
Mcrutinn. i.incoin couniv. ixcorasK.-i.
Dated North i'latte. Neti , Jiny n. iwi:.
L. CAKi'e.fTicit. Sheriff.
Ehorlir'a Sale.
Itv virtue of an order of Bale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rcniicreii in nalu
court wherein The County of Lincoln, a cor
poration. Is plaintiff and John Carvlll, et al..
are ueicniiiiiiiH ami iu inc uirccicu, i win
on the lotn uav ot auruhi, imb, at t
o clock p. m.. at the cast mint floor of tne
court house In North I'latte, Lincoln county,
NenrasKa. sen ai puoiic nuciion in ine
hlchrst bidder for cash to satisfy said du
cree Interest and costs, the following de
scribed property, to-wlt: The southwest
Quarter of northeast quarter and the south
cast quarter of the MurthwfHt quarter and
me wem nan oi inc snuincasi iuarieroi
section S. township 10. ratine 33. west of
Sixth 1. M. Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Dated North i'latte, Neti.. July it. iwoj.
L. CAtiPKNTKti bbcrirr.
Sheriff's Salo.
Ily virtue of an order ot sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, upon a dectee of tin reinsure
rendered lu said court wherein The Countv
of Lincoln, a corporation, Is plaintiff
and It.ilnh Little, et. al.. arc defend
ants ami to me directed I will on the
IRth day of August. lOtrj, at 1 o'clock p.
in. at the east front doorol the court house in
North I'latte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell
lit public auction to the hlKhest bidder for
rush to batlsiy said decree. Interest and
cohU, the following described property, to
wlt: The southwest quarter of section
li. township 1ft, raiiRi-' 33. west Sixth r. M.
A Cororation,
Ily TT. S. UldRoly, Ita Atty.
Dukino the past year there
were twenty atrikca In which the
typographical unions of this
country were involved, of thcac
nine were won, three were lost
and cijjht arc still unsettled. In
Cities and large towns the typo
graphical unions hav'c succeeded
in solidifying the printers and
there arc very few who arc not
members ot the unions. The
union is now holding its fiftieth
annual convention at Cincinnati.
No movh of recent years will
go so far toward settling and
developing the west as the Union
Pacific's colonizing scheme, for
which project a large appropria
tion has been made. This
scheme will result in bringing
hundreds of people into western
Nebraska, and they will be
class of settlers who will have
funds to begin farming and
cattle raising in good shape.
In a lengthy letter to the Calla
way Courier, K. Mj. Webb, of
Custer county, one of the found
ers of the populist party, says
that he will henceforth be a rc
publican. Eighty thousan
populists, says Mr. Webb, have
A civil service examination for
revenue cutter nervlec will be held
Aufjtiot 25, 2G atid ,27 nt Omaha,
Beatrice nnd Grand Itdand. The
xainlnatlon-wlll consist of fipell-
ug, Kcnerat geoijrnpnY, general
history nnd cot s tuition ot the
United St.ttef, uramniur, rompo-
ition and rhetoric, matlieinatlcf,
deluding arithmetic, algcbrn,
geometry and
ihyslcv, lSnjrlish literature, 'one
modern language, French, German
or Spaniob, and general . informa
tion. Applicants must not be less
than eighteen yearn ot nc;e nor over
twenty-five, n!iylcally aHnutld, UOt 87 1W at Ilia rail) often per cent !or annum from
t ! . .., it i ibo 1st day of May, 1U02, all of whloh Is due and
less than five leet three inches in unpaid.
height, of i;ood moral character and
unmarried. The Hillary of a endet
s $500 per year and one ration a
day. After two years satinfactory
service endctu may bccommtioned
by the prcHidetit as lieutcuautB.
LBQAIj notice.
The Defrndant, Ida May Wilson, Isaan E,
VH-oii nod Hlchard Hue, mal naiuo unknown,
will take unllce that on tho ulhday ot May, IW
the plaintiff, tho Onunly uf Lincoln, n uorKra
Hon filed Ita tuition In tho l.lstrlct Ooyrt of
IJuooln count j. Nebranka, tho nliject ntul prayer
of which li to forecloMi certain tax Huns, duly l. ..lulnllfT kunltiul thn nnrtllll.t
trigonometry, mistier of seulliin 2S. In tuwnahlp 111, mirth qf
rnilHU .'. n".i oi ri&lll UIIIUIm.i luri ....nn. J-
brakn, for tho year 112 In tlioaum of Ui M, for
'lie jear lbUU III tbo ,uiu of UI H, tor the year I HSU
In tho sum of 111 1 1, for thu ) onr 1811.1, III tho (lira
of 1J7I. for the year 1MH1 In tho sum ot 12.50, for
the year IK) 7 lu tliu sum ot II 23. fnrtho year 1W8
In tho hiiiu of 10 35, for lha year IsUU, In ihe sum
of 10 40, for the year WO In the sum of II. SM, for
ihe year 1(101. In the mm of 5 ill) aiuuutitltw In thn
total sum of 131 VI, with lutero't oil the win of
oloction to bo hold on TWdny, tho
dnv of November. A. D. 1902.
In toBtimony wheroof, I bnvo hereunto ,a XtiucX
pot my nnud nml ntllxed tho great soul reii at publlo auction to the
or mo Htnto oi. xveurnoKn.
Dono nt Lincoln thin 22d dnv o f July
In tho yonr of our Lord Ono Thonnnnd
Nino Hundred nnd Two, of tho Indonor.
donco ot tho United Stntoo tho Ono
Hundred nnd Twonty-sovonth, nnd of
this Stnto thoTbirty-plxlb,
fHKAi.l Boorotnry of Stalo.
Sheriff's Salo.
Ily vlrluo of an order ut salo Issued from Ihe
district court of Uncoln. county. Nebrnskn. upon
a decree nf forcclosuro reuilured In said court
wherein Tbo County of Linooln, n corporation, Is
plaintiff and William L. Wflllard et al., arodn-
lonuania ami io me uirosiou, i win ou
tho llith day of Aumist. lWC', at 1 o'clock i.
at the east front door of tliu court
county. Ni'urBfin.
hluhost bidder for
cash to satlsfr said decree Interest and costs.
tbo following described property, to-wlt! The
Houthon.t quarter of section LI. totrnWdp 10,
rnnKO S.1, west Sixth l. M. Lincoln county,
Dated North Flatto, Neb , July 11, 1002.
L. Caui-kNtkii, Sheriff,
In tho mat'er of tho application ofHsiuunl, executor of therstatu of Samuel Urbacb,
dcrenred, to roll real estate.
Notlco Is hereby ulven Hint Painncl uooiee. ox.
ecutor of tho estnto of Snmuol Urlmcb, deceased,
has filed his potltlnn In tho dlntrlnt court ot
Lincoln county. Nebraska, for licence to soil thu
uorth half ot Huini 1. in township 10, north ot
ranno:tf, and tho weM half ot section fi, Innii.
ship II, north ot range nil vost ot tho Uth
1. M. In Prrklus rouuly, Nebraska.
ItU tberoforo ordered that, all nersons Inler-
tstcd In salil estate appear before ma nt the court
nousoin XNonn l'iniie, isonrarica, on inojii nay
ot AuKii-t, 11)02. nt nluo o'oUvik a. m. to Hhnw
cauro. It any there lio, why license shnuM not be
itrauted to sell tho above described real estato,
Htsiurt, UOOZKR.
Kzccutnrof tho Eatalo of Sunuiel Urlmch,
deceased. ' jl.'i
ShorltTi Salo.
Uy virtue of an order of aalu Issuod from tbo
dlilrlct court of Lincoln county. Naurask
a decree ot foreclosure! mulcted In said
Notion In haroby ulvon (but in Dursnsnrn of In.
a, upon I '(ructions from Ibe ot the Qeneral
4 court I Land Ofllc-. under aulliorUy vested iu him by
.nn. 1 I Anlloll 2 4!.V revliuiil Rbituti!i. 11. M nil nnmtiitnil liv
V 1'
t'ininiiii prnyn n uccrco oi rorociosuro oi
snld tnx lien nnd n. :iln or snld prcmlsiM,
Von nid ench of yon dofcntlnntn nro ro
riulrcil to nnswer nnld petition on or bo
fore Mmv'av. Ibo nth .lay of Keplenihor. 1IMI2.
(A Corporntlon.)
Ily II. 8. IUDQEI.Y. Ita Attorney.
Ii'oral Notlco.
Tho Defondnntn. Andrew J. Wncnor,
rou runuoATioN
IjuhI OfOce at North I'lalle. Neb.
July Itntli. 1002.
Notice la horehjr given tlhat Leallo II. Fins
has llleit notice of Intention to make
final proof before register and receiver U.
ofj, In North I'latte, Neb., on Wednesday the
10th day of Hep'enibor, lOOj.nn timber culture ap
plication No. 1,:01, for Ihe east half south
west quarter and went halt southeast quarter of
'ctlno Nn. :r2. In townnhlp No, 11, north ranee
Nn. .10 west nt tbo Klxlh I'. M. Ife names as
wltneseMi Opnrno Miller, of Wollfleot. Neb.i
jsmos limn", or H.unerset, Mfli.! Jakn Cousins, of
North I'latte, Neb.j and Uvoit Stulllnan, of tlom
eisol. Nib.
al-fl ClKonoK F. FRKKcn, neglster.
iiiiert-iii luiii'iiuui; ui ..iiivi'iu, ,, voi ni. iiv.iiii, itj i . . V. .'v; .... ( .T,;.; r -
plnlnlllT and The Htato Uank ot Wallace, ot al , Act of ConKreija approved February 3t)i, IKtt. wp
sre oofeudanta and to mu directed. I will proceed o offer at public Bale ou the :lh
Bin nn li.. mil, .i.v ,it An jii.t iim' I ilny or AiiKiint, iws, at this otuce Hie foiiowlr
dlhUurtkallar- W-'fl.X U rr
u . it r- . '
tlm the dimp,
tr sun ana pii.
able. Stllchca
da r.ot tttaV.
harntit rot
only Vtty
new, but
wtsr twlca
u nl F.urtLa
I" n
Mad by
Standard Oil
Tho I)rtfpni1nntrOoorira M. Wllnon. CnrrlA II.
1 Wtidiifi. Ilikuriifil llixsrllttr nnd ltthi-H Ifna mil
Mm. Andrew J. Wncner. his wife. Ilret I namu unihown. win take uotu-o tint on- tho .lib
real nnmo unknown, nnd Ulohnrd lioo.H"''
ronl nnmo unknown, will tnlco notbo ,rlct cut't , jJni.n,n r0T, N,bravn, tll,
that OU tho lllll dayot lobrimry, 1002, object and prajnrot which Is Io foreclose certain
tho uiu null. Win Uottnty or Lincoln, a ' ": "7 y '""i"1u w,nA
............ !.. itl.,.1 I... ..rn, i ,lto I ,uu " """ seouon in, in lowiinnip in,
corporation, tlloct its Jiotltlon in th - north of rana!iH. west of nixth principal merti
triot OOlirt Of Linooln county, fSOOrilBKIl, dlau. NcLrn-ka, for Iho year lttl-'l In tbo Hiini of
tho object nnd jirujer uf yhioh Ib to j';0'. 1"' Tr iww in the.uni ot 11 l, for
, . , 4 ....! , .. u. .17.1,. ...non.l bo year IH'5 In tho sum of II, H3. for tbo yor
foroeloKo ortnln tax llenn, duly iwoBeed im'in ,,e 8um ,l( 1H lM fnrth0 .car im ,',,,
ly Hfiit. plnlnlllT IlKlllnet tho northwest sumof ll 75, for the year IHM In the sura of AJn,
ouiirtor of Pootiou 'li. n township 13, ,0''1c'r.,WJ VV.If V"0'"8 tpT",
.L..i. i ..r Qi.n. i; UKWInlbe aumotltM, for thn year 1901 lu tuo
iiiuiiii ui m'K t" "- Mum of 4.01. aiuountln In the total
pni inornunn, iNourniwn, tor ino your
1807 In I ho sum oi 8VJ.7H. for. tho year
1808 In tho mini of 8.11, fur tho yonr 1800
in tho hi n of 7.51, for tho ypttr HX0
tho sum of 322, iiiununtini: in tho total
mini ot 8:il.(lT). will) internet on the Bum
of 21.03 nt tho rnto ot ton por oent per
nn nu in from thn 1st day of November,
lil, nil nf which is duo nnd unpaid.
riitinlilr nrnys n tloereo of foreoloauro
ot niiid tax 'ion nnd n salo ot said prom
ises, on nml oaoh ot you ilofondnntB
nro required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, tho 10th dny of Sup.
tomoor, lmrj.
(A Cornorntlon.)
Ily II. 8. MDC1ELY, Its Attorney.
at 1 o'clock, p. m at Ibo fiu-t front door of
the court houro In North I'latte. Uncoln comity
Nobraaka. sell at oubllo nuctlou to the blshost
blddor for mb, to satUfy mid decree, intorjoat
aud costs, thu followlnx descrltvd propsrly,
tn-wl: Tlia north halt of the southwost quurU'r
ot (section in, townhtilp IU. rniiRe 84, went UlxtU 1'.
II. Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dutcd North rlatlo. Neb., July 11, 1002.
L. CAUi'lt.NTin, Sheriff,
Bharlfl'a Bale.
Ily vlrtuo ot an ordor ot sale Issued from tho
dlxtilct court of Lincoln comity, Nebrnskn. upon
ndeoreo nt foreclosure reudered lu said court
whorelu Thn County ot Lincoln, a corporation. Is
plalnllft nnd John Falrmsil et al.. arc dtfdudmls
and to mo directed, I will on the llith day nf
Auuust. 1002. nt 1 o'clock r. m. at the eaat front
door ot tho court bouse In North 1'lattn,
Uncoln counly, Nobraaka, sell at publlo
auction to the highest bidder for ensh to
satisfy ssld decron, luteront and ensta, the
following denctlbed property, to-wlti Tho uorth.
west quarter of section IV. tnwushlp V, range
31, west of Sixth r. M. Lincoln comity. Neurnsiia.
Dated Nurtb I'latte, Neb., Jnlv ll, 1WZ.
L. CAUf kntm, Sheriff.
In tho rnntter of tbo oppllcatiou of Lintlto
Snleor. uuaritlan. to null raid estate .
Notlco Is hereby given that In p.trvimaa of nn, Grimes. Judge of Ihe Dln
trlct Court ot Llucoln County, in silo on the lMli
nf Anrll 1MVJ. for tho aalo of the real ilat
total sum ot WHO, hereinafter described, there will Io sold at tho
east front door of Ibo Court House on tbo Tlltli
ilar of Auffiut. 11102. nt one O'clock p. uub.
Ilo vendue to the hlrlirst bidder for cash Ibe fol-
lmvlnir flrmrrllMi.1 real etate to Will KmithWffiit
Kiiiu tax nen nun a muo or biuu premiBea. I quarter of Hecllon lO.Townsuip is, Uaue 31, In
Vou mid eiicli ot you defondnnta nro ro- Lincoln County, Nebraska,
ninrcii io unswer saui pennon on or ue- Dated July Zl, HW2.
lure iiiiiiiu.j. i ii iiiiii imj in i
tract of lund, viz Too soulbpnst quarter of till)
eoutbw-8t quarter of Mmllon 'i, lowusjilp li,
north, rango 31. west Hlxlb P. U. ' '
All persons claiming ml vernal y the abovp l
scrltied laud aro advlAil to fllo Ihplr claim In ll
oClcoon, or I tore th,o day ilpalguateil for Ibp
eonimcnceniOQi nf aald Halo, olhurwlae their
riKllis win ou iuriu4u.n.
Dated nt the United Hate Land Onico, North
I'latli), Npb., this 1.9th day of Julie, 00i.
Ofp. E, I'VxMCf I. Hpgster,
VHiXK ucoHi lfeceiypr.
with Interest on the sum of iVS Wi at the ratu of Uu
tier cent per nnntiin from thu lt .day of Slay.
11102. all nt which Is due and unpaid.
riuintirr prnys a aecreo ot foreclosure of
Henlemher. 1002.
tA uornorntion.)
Jly II. S. RIDQELY, Its Attorney.
LlKNIE Hpiorn.
Ouardlan ot Agnes Hplcor, ct al.
Leffnl Notlco.
Tho DefondnnlB C. P. HotiBor, first
ronl nnmo unitnown, aire. u. r, HouBor,
rc$ oil
Cures all
Kindt ot
WM trouble.
Matt .T.Joniraow CO., Bt.I'tul. Minn.
Uendctacn'-l liuro lioen a ifrour t.uBarer. froti IUieumtlsm. X mi l&td up In boA
Mid, ctivotipi.ll bopca cf bollix oursil. ily lai.a wore rllnwollonup nnd I could not
rnoyothun wlihouiiL'roatmln. Yourreraody vrnsrcormmcudml towoby J.!blef l'o
lloo O'Coiincr. who laid "UW'hnd urcA blm. On taUlnc uno-lourllint thn Initio L
wua nblo to fol nut ot bod. tbo first tlmo In thirty days. 1 iinvo takoa my ecwl bot
tio nnd now coniUurioyeuU catlxS- ourcd. I nrlto tlds tUttothcraaay lcow ct p
wondurfulromoily, ltnsrKictfuUv yours,
VMl limuillllt. U.S. Q.M. Hop.. Armory nM.
pase vr,iii xvn niinnlMi OOSH. to tio f roo from all onlatni. eallnvlate. trfina.
A rilEX I ninia r.rKiarnoa,inernurlos.rnd all vloiioii (!uri.. On taking half n loitlo
and you nro not tsiltnM, return tho loitlo cud your ciouoy T.1U
tp lotuudcd, If buukht
TbeHofcndsntf, KdlihTHylOr. Hsndwlch Man
Zierral Notlco,
Tho Defendnntp, Krnnk Doylo, Mru. his wife, Hrst renl untne unknown, Lnw
Frank Doylo, M wife, first renl nntpe ronco Munsor, and Uiohnrd Hon, rerl
unknowu, and Klolinrd Koo, rent nnmo nnmo unknown, will tnko notlco Unit on
unknown, will tnko tiotico that on tho
21th day of July, 1002, ths plnlntilT. tho tin", tho County of Lincoln, it cornorn
uounty ot liitiooin, n corporation, iiku tion, uioo im iioimon in mo iiistncL
UiellUon In tho iliatrlct court of Liu- court of Lincoln county, NcbriiBka, tho
com oounty, iMoiiniBKii, mo objoct nnl obiecl nnu prnyor of winch Ib to foro-
Ghorlff'i Salo,
II v virtue of an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln countv. L'cr
brasks, upon a decreo of f)ruclourp
rendered in aaiu court wiiercin The county
of Lincoln, u coriwratlon, Is lilaliitlff and
Mary V,- IIoitIsh, id. 31,. are dciendantM uml
to me directed. I will on the ICtli dav of
August. IWW. a; I o'clock n. in,. 4t the pant
front door or tho court house in North
I'latte. Ltni.'oin county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy oald decree, interest and
coHts, the. following described proiierty,
to-wlt: The southwest quarter of suction
SI. township 0, ranne 31. west SUth P, M,
Liincnin couniy. ieurasxa.
uatcu Mortu I'laue. nuu.. juiv ll.
U. CAijt'BSTfCit, Sheriff,
The fitalo of Nebraska, Llucoln counlr, aa.
1-noiiATi: HOticjc.
In Ihe maltnr of lb? eatuto ot Arthur Ilrilllnu
bom, ilucenwd.
On remlluu and mine the retltlon of ( liarlin
UrllllDKliBin iiraylnKthat Admllllsirntlou of snld
iittato may bouranled to bhnselt and Jom J,
Cunjpli'll as Aduilultatnrs.
Ordered, that Annnkt 'i-jl, 1P02. al P o'plock n. ill.
U amilKiuil tor heat Inir said petition, when a
persous luterrkted in ald icnltor may apjiear at
a Oounty Court to be held In and for kald county
and show tcnuse why llm prpyer nt jplUonpr
should not be granted,
Dated Aumu17IIi, IKu;.
H-l A. 8. UaMiwin, County Judga,
Defnildanta, Jsrvls Conkllll Xt"rlHa U
. H . . . . ifl .i .. . . i -i lie i
UlOlilll onyotrooriinry, tllir.'.llio plain- Trust Company, and Itlehard Ibo. real name nil.
known, and llurliert Nulls, nijcilt. will lake nnllru
that ou tho 2lih day ot May, IIW. Ihe plaintiff.
lue unuiiiy oi 1.UICOIU, a coriiiiaiion, niuu I'S
petition lu Ihe DUtt let Oourt of Lincoln poiintr,
riobraixa, me oujuci and prayer or wnirn is to
uiy i
ufactutiiiK Oomimuy timpicaded with christian prayer of which Ib to foroclone cortnin cIobo cortnin tax lions, duly nwEFcd by :7If.,iJLVin:.u.
Mu'KtMM'L'tM tnx liono. duly nanoBBod by said plaintiff Bnid plaintiff wainst tho Boutbeaetquar. MWl?to5XlJ" wih
ijiidn. 5c;m;ffin. nKitinstlhoBouth halt northeast quarter, lor of Boction 19, in township 13, north we.t of suth principal meridian. Nebraska. U
District court ot Lincoln ouuuiy.'Nebraslca, the IoIb 1 nnd 2, of spctlon 2. in lowtiBhip 12, ot ranKoIU, weBt of Sixth pnnoipnl mor- 5.VT5rit.?-VJ?. llVVS'.ifl'lf t?ili,in,rihl
ui uu.J.iu.vnrer.'M:i' ':.yj z nru of tr?,ue rB ot ?uth. ,,rinci lMm ?2yn$a; for, tl,o-vonr 18s!o in 11,0 ttf&iwW&TMi
Uowm bMst .iiwrt ml nioridinn, NobrnBkn, for tho yenr eutn of 817 49: for tho year 1897 in tho for the-yr-ar!. for the juar
r0"tbot 1697 In tho Bum ot 812,02, for tho year sum of H.10; for tho your 1 SOS in tho ?B ' ''"SSS JyffiiSJffiiTrf Sriu.l
fere'lHtuuribV 1693 in tl.oButnof8.08,for tho yenr 1809 sum oMO 82; for tho year 1690 iu tho iS.,'
the'ye'arisui i thesiliu ."t li 1 ll 6Uin f 4'11. 1r tho yonr 1000 m sum of B 02; for tho yonrlOOO in tho sum of ction u, i.. town.hipii, north of ranuo w,
m tbo sum of ivm. for the year 1M1. in the emu tho Bum of 1.79, nmountinff in tho total of 4 .17; nmountitiR in thn total sum of m. wSiJ'iwli AVl? .li .ISMl,r ii-r'ihJJi
"J? flii'Jf T.r..,HT,..,U 'A t"!?'.;?' sum of 27.14. with interest on tho sum 55.59; with interest on tho Bum ot 1215 lo thV, niu'of 1.21. for Ihe year PAM In the sum nf
nilor.mi of 21 8ri nt tho rato of ton percent p.r nt tho rnto pf ton por cent por nnnum loi.fnMboyenrWwtii
ut 7 W. for tbo ye.r uwi in ibe sum ..f 7-l. annum from tho 1st dny of August, 1901, from tho first day of November, 1902, nil f,?"11" ' J8 ""!"' '.f.'j ioT.i inn, n"f
?tuCl4'i?M nil of which laduo nnd unpaid. of which ia duo and unpaid. 1&iTwuU&
'vnt ir sn nSw rnnV u" "it day of May. iw.sU IMnlntUT prnys n deoroo of rorocloBuro Pltii :titr prnys n decree of foreoloauro rate of tun per cent per annum from tbo lt day
?f which u uuonud uiKilf. "ol M r" 1W ' of said tnx lien nud n salo of said preru- of said tax lion and n Bale ot said prom- ',wA- !!' "Tcn-o of ToreXs'.' of
AVlSntotm l40fl Vou nnd ench ot you dofondnnlB iBee. You nnd onch of you dofendants JtiaVnlmaWStlTS&
Yon !.nd w" h of Vu Sef 'mtantHPo " I "trinl to answer m d petition oi, nro roquiretl to nnawor said petition on a-li of you Wenjint" nru re-
iiiireii to nnnwor wild n.'tltlon on or be or boforo Monday, tho 15th day of Son- or before Monday, tho 15th dny of Son- 'l,lri.1' . a!l3W.,L l.a.. J1St.LV'L n . r. bc-
i lore amniiaT. ine i ii "r ."i oi.Heino..r. iwi.
d I
(ore UouT. ihe JMh d.y nf Heptemlier.
temcor. 1002,
touibor. 19(12,
mm our uutuuroou rsut.
(A Corporntlon.)
py . pipOEL. iu Attorney.
Por Oalo apd Caorantocd By
(A Corporation.)
II. S. UIDOKLY. Its Attorney.
fA Cornoratlin.)
uy ii. u. iwuot.uv, its Attorney.