Jtorth EIGHTEENTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 12, 190tf. NO. 59 f:- I i ! 1 Hi' m n m m m m ft m n n TV- f John Uratt Jolm Bratt, Burke & Goodnian, DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. BUY OR SELL ON COMMISSION. References Any Bank In Ncbraika, Tel. No. 65. Office Brail Bldg. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. a s u I Norik Platte a o a a a a a a s a a o a a a a o o a A trial sack will convince MANUFACTURED BY THE North Platte Roller Mills, C. F. I DOINGS. aas)aa9aaaafiec8oeeseeeeoeaeaeeesacsoc9890ao(8ee Neat, comfortable and durable at. prices ranging from $2.50 to $5.00. Don't you need one? tBBEl Wc are a little overstocked on Mattings and must close out. To do so we offer the stock at very low figures. Come and see the quality and learn the prices. "Iut Nono Jufc Amorionns on Guard." M-M Old Reliable rife Insurance Agency -1902 OF XORTII PLATTE, Includes all the Orcat American Companies companies kepuissented: , assets: Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn $14,071,948 Home Insurance Company of New York 15,255,870 Insurance Company of North America 10,079,479 Continental Insurance Company of New York 11,599,012 German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457 Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn 5,953,444 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,663 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16,394,695 Combined' Assets $88,214,568 When you are In need of Insurance get the best. It costs no more than the poorest. T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. aaBsaaaeaeooooceseaooaee.aseaeaaeaeooaaeaose ! The Climate I a ... a Of Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it is al- a g most money burned to use an inferior quality when a S painting your house. The best paint is by far the a a cheapest in the end. ' g a g 1 Sherwin & Williams Paints 2 g Have been sold by us for many years, and they have o a given universal satisfaction time tried and not a found wanting. Wc have a full stock on hand for a the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy it again; if you have not used it, try it. SA F STREITZ, Druggist a a "S&aaaeaaaaeaeaoeaaoaaaeooeoooaaaaeoaeaaeeaeaaaasae t , , IlK HFIKHFV 3 6 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale Ties. Lififhteninsf Hay Press & Repairs t Locust St E, R. Goodmnn w w a u a o w o u o EIow Burko Is the equal of any Nebraska Flour. Made from choice wheat by the lat est milling processes. The rapidly increasing sales of North Platte Flour attests its good qualities. a a a o ft o o a o o o a o (9 ID (I W O O l you of its goodness. I) a a a UQTVBE Sf OS e 6 9 Q NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Engines Held In the East. Yesterday's Omaha Bee says: Union Pacific strikers claim to hare substantial proot for the Htatemcnt that none of the eighty locomotives ordered by the com pany will Vie delivered during the peiulcncv ot the strike, As early' as June officials gave out the in formation, which was published at the lime, that this numbjr of eu glues had been ordered ami that the lirst lot would arrive in Omaha the latter part of July, all to be on hand by the latter part of August. Thus far none of the eugtucs have .arrived and the last statement inadc at headquarters rcgardiug Pthcm was that ihc company did not know just when they would reach here. , " Twenty of the cugiucs were to have come from the Baldwin Loco motive works at Philadelphia, it is nderstood, and luc remainder from the American Locomotive works with shops at Utica, Schncctady, Pittsburg and other poiutB in the cast. The information given out last ight by the boilermakcrs aud machinists here is that each of these companics.has been informed by its mechanics that if the engines re delivered to the Union Pacific hile the strike is in progress the en at tUose places will quit work. These ultimatums arc said to have led the companies to rcfuau to at tempt the delivery of any of the engines, informing the Union Pacific that they could not afford to eopardizc their own luterebts by taking a step that threatened the suspension ot their operations. WALLACE WAIFS. Th; hay crop In this vicinity is mmense, it uie biock suuers next ... winter the stockmen will oe re- ponsible. Geo. T'.Cupitleft here Tuesday for St. Paul, Neb., to look over the countrv anU pay- a visit to His wo daughters who live there. He may decide to locate mere u ue finds a situation to suit, as he dis posed of his ranch to Mr. Cohen before he went. Last Saturday as the tram going west was about two and a Halt miles east of Wallace it ran into and killed three head of cattle for John Heath. On the 21 of thia month a new comer made his appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Para- bee about six miles northeast ot here. It is a boy and they con cluded to let him stay. Sunday night as Bert Smith was leaving the Congregational church with his best girl, his team became frightened, broke the bolt that held the whiflletrees and the liorsca got away. When they were found the next morning one of them was badly injured by a deep puncture in his breast made by the end of neckyoke. Bjrt aucl his girl es caped without a scratch. Prof. Jones, who has been in Mis- aourl on business for a week or ten days, returned Saturday evening. About September 1st he and his wife expect to begin the study of medicine at the University at Lincoln. Last Monday a week ago Mr. and Mrs. Phelps started .with team and wairon for a visit with old friends at Aurora, Neb. They ex ect to be absent about six weeks. Ribboiis Play no small part in the making up of overy lady's wardrobe, for this year, Our already large stock has just been re-inforccd by the arrival of our fall (roods in this line. Wc have everything in ribbons, Soft Taffeta, Satin Taf fcta. Morics Heavy Taffeta. Satin and Gross Grain Baby Rib bon, Velvet Ribbon, in all widths and colors. A small sum spent with us for ribbons will make large difference in your appear ance. Wilcox Department Store Last Wednesday the U. S. exam ining Biirgro'ns-Jind to wrestle with the problem of whether Dave Wolbach was ctitltlcdojnore pen alon. . P. C. Joel reports two horses having been bitten by rattlers within the past week and Mr. Hccht hta shepherd dog. Fred Haskins and C. M. Allison went to the county scat on some kind of business last Tuesday. A much needed rain fell here Prtdny evening. ISxcept in a few places where the grasshoppers arc bad, the corn crop will be the best it has been Biucc 1891. A Mr. Duncan, from South Omaha, came in Friday evening to round up a few carMa'dH of cattle for that market. The people here have got them. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. J. G. Feeken sold C. P, Iddlngn, ot North Platte, a car ot fall wheat on the track at Nichols recently for fifty-two centB per bushel. John Toillioti is at this time operating the Nichols creamery, L. P. Krong has had his house hold effects (.hipped from Brule dqwti to Nichols where he owns the farm now occupied by V. A. Brown, who leased it last spring for one year, but who sold out to Mr. Krong, who will take possession soon. Mr. Brown will undoubtedly return to North Platte from where he fires a passenger engine west. Rev. Sutton, of Iowa, while en route west on, a visit stopped off at Hershey one day last week for a vibU with hiH old time friend Rev. W. M. lSvaup, of that place. He occupied the pulpit in the church at Hershey last Sunday, where a large audience intently listened to his discourse. It was pronounced tirBt-cIass.by all present. Thc dircctorb of the Nichols school have discarded their old books aud have laid in a new upply, which has been badly needed there tor several years. Uersuey is badly m need ot a market tor country produce which would bring a large amount of rood trade there that now goes to other places. Several changes arc liable to take place in property ut Hershey be- ween tuis tune aud the iicut of Noyeinber uext. Corn and sugar beets in the valley are maturing fast at' the present time. Mrs. Unas. Toiiiion usb about recovered irom her recent illness. J. G. Feeken'a new. engine with which to operate his new threshing machine has arrived. Mrs. Mickelsen and little daughter Garnett have returned from an extended visit in Colorado aud this state. Wc understand that the directors of the Hershey schools have de barred all pupils uutbiue llieutri tnct from attending school ut that place as it is only taking the time away from those residing there. It Al. Tut has good luclc lie wul get the hay on the Mackin land all cut this mouth but not near all baled aud loaded on cars, Dick Sh inkle aud crew arc cutting, baljng and loading the wild hay on the Feeken laud tor Seeberger & Co. at this time. It is being loaded at Nichols Several leads of new oats from up this way have bscn marketed at North Platte latelv at 35 cents per bushel. Mrs. Wm. Ware and son Ralph, ot Hershey, were county seat visi tors l nursuay, ft has rained and hailed al around us within the past wetk but it missed this locality entirely. 13. P. Seeberger of North Platte and the state engineer were looking after the irrigation business in the valley Saturday. Postmaster Prickitt, of Hershey informs the writer that when the postolllce inspector wan there i few days ago that he gave him some pointers in i tie business mat wn be adhered to in the future. W. II. Hill of Hershey recently sold a couple of parties just start inir up over on the south Hide the material with which to erect reB dences and barns. Mr. Martin, ol North Platte, ha completed a new well over on th Mackin farm at the depth ot about 13 leet. Mr. McGrew, who resides nea the Hunter & Neilson irrigation canal, was a county seat visitor th other day. Night operator Lawrence wa sent to Chappell from Hershey Sat urday. Threshing will fooii be a thing o the past between Bird wood station ai A Clean Up "Wc have reduced the price of all of our LADIES" SHIRT WAflSTS T :lcan up all of them in the next few weeks wc nrc selling 50 and 65e Waists at: : 29C 75 and 85c Waists at QC $1.00 and $1.25 Waists at YBC Our finer Waists rcducccrinjiroportion. . vT.hcsc are not old style job lots but nice fresh goods this years' styles from the best makers. You willhavc to come early to get your size. '' " ' " T"" " 11 -v Storc open evenings until 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox. DepaLftmeat Store B1 Mnirynvni VVWVWVVVWWVNAYVVWVWWA JOHN BRATT. www. a Real Estate, Loans m Insurance Idle floncy Invested In Ollt Edged Securities 2C NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X WrXlofoioiooi-Vay and Sutherland for this season. Good results arc reported all along tue line. , SOMERSET SAYINGS. Little Freddie Jackson fell irom a horse last Saturday and sprained his arm badly. Miss Vera Barton trom Curtis is visiting Mrs. McConncll this week.' ICrnest Triffer nrrlved home; TueFilay evening from r western Kansas. ,., Ottis McGuIrc is laid up with sa sprained foot, caused by a horse which he was riding stumbling and tailing with him. Mr. Turner, the section foreman, received orders to lay off all but nne of his men. He kept Melton ISbberts. The men laid oil were icorgc Brittinti and George Grillitlis, George Griffiths wcit to North Platte Wednesday to commence work in the machine-shops. S. S, Ltrowii'iiaH Hold Ills cattle nd it is probable that lie will kooii tart to Washington to meqt his family who went to that Htatc last (all. A. Kunkle shipped a car ot cattle last Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Khoades nrc epenj- n this week in North Platte at tending the teachers' institute, A 'Worm Xlllor. J. A. ,1. Motitjroinory. Puxieo, Way no Co., Mo., writes: ' 1 luivo littlo twin girltf, who huvo been bathorud with worms nil their Iivob i trlml ovorytlitnR to ruliuvo t hum which failed until I used Whito s Cream VorniifUKii; Iho tlrot two do3ia hrnuL'ht four worms from ono of them, the noxtf'o doeos, twolvo, ono or thorn inonpuring twolvo Inchon; tho other child wiB only relieved ot four worms It is a mofltoxcollontnioutolno." wutio'a Cronm VurmifUL'o is trooU for children. It notonlvdcatioya worms, it holnu the child to norfoi t irrowtn. wards oil sick noss. jo ui a. v siroiizo' uornur urug Htoro. Proposal Jor Bids. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals lor grading county raads will be received by the County Commissioners ot Liu coin county, Nebraska, on or before September o, lvU. All ptoposals to be for the grading ot county roads in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to be done under the direction o the County Commissioner in whose district the work is done. Not to exceed (ilteeu thousand cubic yard of earth work iu Com mlssioncr District No. 1. Not to exceed fifteen thousand cubic yards of earth work iu Commissioner Dis trict No. 2, aud not to exceed (if teen thousand cubic yards of cartli work in Commissioner District No 3. Bids will be received tor all or part of the work. The Comuiis sioners reserve the right to reject any or all ot the bids it they deem it to the interest of the county so to do, hufheient bond will he re quired to guarantee the completion ot the work in a reasonable time. I. S. Roiiiiins, M, L. McCuij.owiir, John D. Khmj'.hkh, Co. Commrs C. R. GOODMAN. RM hri 33o.xx.l. ixx. JNTolarnHlKa. Iiojral ZTotloe. Tlio defendants Louis A Oohp, Mrs' Louis Ouht?. Iiiu wife, Hr.t real namo unknown, Joseph OcIib, Mrs Joseph Ochs, hla wifi. Ilrt roal namo unknown,, nnd illohnrd Uoi; ronl hnmo unltnown, " will tako noUco Hint on tlio 17th day ot Fobrunry, llHW, tho-plhtntlff, tho Couutv ot Lincoln,.! corporation, lilod its iioti lion in tho Dlrttriiit Court ot Lincoln dounty, NobraBkn, tho objootnud prnyor of whioh is toforcolopo cortnin tax Kiins, duly iiBeonsod by snid plaiotill iigninst iho northoast qunr'or of soetlon J15, in lownabip 13, north of nir.no III, wottl ot Sixth priuuipnl inorklliin, Nobrnelni, for tlio year 1803 in Iho sum of 82!i.7G; for tho your 1801 in tho sum ot 10.00; for tho your 1895 In tlio sum of 17 Jl; for tho yonrlBDOln tho sum of 17.40; for tho yoar 1607 in tho sum ot 14.10; for tho yonr 1808 in tho sum of 10.82; for tho year 1809 In tho sum of 8.02; for tho yoar 1900 in tlio sum of 4.17: iiinountinK in tho totul sum of 117.78; with interest ou tho sum ot 79.23 at - tho rato. ot ton per cont por annum from tho first day ot November, 1901, all of which is duo and unpaid. Plaintiff nrnya n d'oorco ot foreclosure of t?nld tax lien anil nsalu of said prom- xuu mm unoii or you ooiouoaniB nro riulrpd to nnswor uaid petition on or boforo Monday, tho loth day ot Soptombor, 1902. TUB COUNTY OF LINCOLN, By II. 0. niDQIBLY. ti&Wn'aT LEOAL NOTICE, CTIU. Tho ilafrnilnnt Jannli II. Fn. Mm. inenh ir. Vyu, hit wife, llrul rettl namo unknown ul John Doo, renl iiatwo uukniiwa, will titkn notlue Hint nil ina i.i ii nuy or Ann . imi. ma n i uim. On. County (if l.luoolu.u cnriHiraUuii, !1M Ita pell. tl'ill lu tint UlHlrlatUniirt n( Mnooln county, No- urnniu, tun noject ana nrajraror wlilcli In to lorn cloim cartaln lax lloun, duly unm-mimI by talil Iilalntllt niilnt tha wont half mirdiwett 'iukrtr ami wHt hull BouthucHt iiuurlor nf kooiIom 28. II tnwn'lilli 18. linrth nt ranua' '.VI. wnRt nf Hlxth priuuipal lucildlnii. h'tljtVo, for tlio ear imr In llm Hutu nf It .IMS. fur tu year lbVHl II lliu mini uf 15ti:l. for tlio mnr 1SU7 lu thnanm of U.llH. fur tlie u.ir U.WI In lliu kuiu nf 18.71, for l nil ynur imr.i iu llm vuill ol 11 III, DHIOIIUIIDK 111 tlio Kital mint of Ol.il; with Intercut ou tbo sum oi am iihiiuii rntu or ten ir cunt por annain from lliu M i!ny uf April, ItlUl, all of which In duo nnd unpaid, I'lnlniirr prays i deergo of foreclosure of Hold lux Hon iuiil,n. hiiIu nf Hald promlnox. uu (1,11, v,(i;(i n f vu livtuiiuuiiin uiu iu- (itilrnl to aniiwor ualtt petition on or be fore MoiiiIhv, ruo lAth dy ot rlfpiornber, IW2, TIIM COUNTY OP LINCOLN, (A Corporation.) By II. B, ItlDGKLY, ltu Allornoy. LUOAL KOTICK. Mi, The Dofendantii Minerva A . CLuio. Chaa her iin.tmiiO, llr.l loul iiuilo iinkniin, aud lllcnurd !(, real iiutileunkniiwu.Wllltiilienotlco Dint on lliu 17th day of Fnuruiiry, IMC., tbo plnlii. tilt, tlio (Jaunty of Mnooiu, a oorporntlon, tiled lta petition In tho District Court nt Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, the ohjoct aod prayer ot which lit to Nrrcliwu a cerlalu tux IIudh, duly na.oaat'U by vald pliilnllff onint the weat half northoait iliiartiir and uahl half nnrlluveat quarlor of aeo. lion 17, In township t), unitti ot ranus SJ, west of lull prlnoipul uioildlan, NebrnHta, for Iho year lhlM, lu the Hum of fl.W; for lh year 1HW, lu tlio urn of ti W lor tho yoar lliOO, In Iho auoi ot l.Ul.an I ulHo to fnrealoiu certain tax llena duly as. aeeavd by raid plulntltl aualnat tho eaut halt north vaat (imiti r ot aeellnu 11, lu lownelilp V, north of tuuiioua, WHSt of Mlxlh! principal meridian, Ne. Iirusku, lor tho year IbW, in the euiu ot $.1.00i for tho year 1MM, In tho rum of (S.tUt tor iho year 1MJ7, In Ihe auiu uf gJ.Alf for I lie year lbOtl, In lbs buiu or -'.t) for the year IBM), III thoauui ot H S0 for lliu )'er 1UUU, III ha uiu of Ifl.tAi amouutlnu In the total rum of 28.1J, with Internt oo thu autn of lJ.7 nt tlio rate of teu por cent per annum Irom Iho lnt day nf September, 1101, all ot Willi 1 la due aud unpaid. I'lalntllt prays n decree of foroclosuro of nu 111 tux lit n nnd n nuln ot salj promlHOH. You nnd oncli of you Uofcnilauts uro rc qulrcri to nnswor snlit petition on or Iic fore Monday, thu IStli day nf Ht'pteiiitior, VMS, TUB COUNTY1 Ol.' LINCOLN, (A Corporuilon.i By II, B. niuailLY. Ita Attorney. s I. 10(