The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 01, 1902, Image 2

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ftljc cmi - WccWh EvNnmc.
Ik.v L. Baku, Edit
One Year cash In advance ?l
Hlx Months cult In advance rA cents
Entered at North Platte. Nebraska, Poitof.
llccas second class matter.
Tor Governor-
l'or Lieutenant Uovcrnor
Tor Treasurer
Kor Secretary of State
(J. W. MAItSH.
Vor Audltor-
For Hupt. of Public Instruction
l'or Attorney Ocncral-
r. N. PHOUT.
For Commissioner of Public Lands
rorCongrc, Sixth District -
l'or CJ-.nty Atlorney-
Por County Commissioner
0. A C1LA.K.
In this issue will be found a
proposed amendment to the con.
Hti tu lion of Nebraska which will
be submitted to the voters for
adoption or rejection at the No
vember election,
Duiung the past week M exits been visited by unprcoc
dented rains resulting in floods
that have caused .the death of a
score of lives and the loss of
property that will amount to mil
lions ot dollars,
Tni! riots
coal regions
in the anthracite
of Pennsylvania
have reached such a stage that
two regiments of the state militia
have been called out. The latest
reports, however, arc to the
effect that the presence of the
troops has had a quieting effect
on the strikers.
Govionhok Odkm. of New
York has a scheme to practic
ally wipe out direct taxation in
that state by originating a plan
to make corporation franchises
pay the. running expenscfi of the
state government! lie is quite
confident that sufficient revenue
can be derived from the source
and it is said that he has elabor
ated the proposition to the ex
tent that sound financiers have
come to agree with him although
at first skeptical.
An interesting report comes
from Indiana. The farmer la
borers and threshers in certain
districts of that state have or
ganized a trust and make such
peremptory and immediate de
mands on the farmer, just about
the time the threshing machine
is set, that he is compelled to
Submit to their demands, which
from Sl.SOito S2.00 per day, do
not seem to be vcrv hiirh. Nor
will these men work alongside of
men who do not belong to the
union and thus tncy arc so in
creasing their strength that
'farmers arc beginning- to feel
worried and say they will here
after go more into cattle than
grains, thus being independent.
at least to a greater degree, of
the farm laborer's trust. "Won
der if protection is also the
mother of this organization.
Grand Island Independent.
IiOolt rioasaut, XMoaao.
I'hotoiirunhor 0. B. Hnrlnn, ot Baton
0 enn do so now, Hamuli for yours hti
uouldn't, bouuuso ho BUfTorod untold
a irony from the wornt form ot indiuofl
tion. All physicians nnd tncdieiuos
fulled to help him till ho trlod Kleetno
llittors, whieh worltod suuh wondors for
him that let declares thoy a gndbond
to milTurora from dvPHonRiu and stomnul
troubles. Uurlvnllcd for (Iihoiihou of tlio
utotunuh liver nnd kidmws, thoy btijld
up iiliii mvo now uro 10 mo wnnio sys
tetn, Try thoin. Ouly Wlo. Giuiran
food by A. P. Stroitz, drttcglat.
A Bellows
when vou oet tinmn
with tlmt bulk coffee
nnd blow the dirt and flics and
foreign substances out of it. Then
open a package of
Lion Coffee
sec how clean nnd fresh It looks
and note its rich aroma.
Tbi M4ll pickis latum uniform Qunlltf.
Dtfriot, alivttvs receive the sympathy
tlicy deserve. Their ailments arc regarded n.3 purely
'imntrinnry, Or natural and unavoidable at their tune of
life. Disease and infirmity should not always be associ
ated with old ac. The eye of the gray hailed grandsire
may be ns bright and the complexion tut fair as any of
Lis younger and more vigorous companions.
Good Dlootl 3 tit a cocrot ofhoalthy old ago, for it rcgulatca
and contiols every patt of the body, .strengthens the nerves, makes the
muscles clastic and supple, the bones fitrong and the flesh firm; but when
this life fluid Is polluted or poisoned and loses its nutritive, health sustain
ing elements, then there is a rapid decline of the vital powers, resulting
in premature old age and disease. Any derangement of the blood quickly
shows itself In tin ulcer, sore, wart, tumor or some other troublesome
growth upon the body, and rheumatic and neuralgic pains become almost
constant, accompanied with poor digestion and cold extremities.
ailmcnt3 disappear. S. S. S. is just such a tonic ai old people need to
improve a weak digestion and tone up the Stomach. If there Is any heredi
tary taint, or the remains of sonic disease contracted in early life, S. S. S.
will search It out and remove every vestige of it from the system.
Write us fully about your case and let our physicians advise and help
you. This will cost you nothing, and we will mail free our book on blood
and skin diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlanta. Ca.
btern Nebraska flzWj
floj.l Cliccr,
Have you h id a klndncn ttliown
I',ISS It on,
'I'.vas not given lor you atone
Pan It on.
Let It travel down the yctrn,
Lot It wliw anotherM tear,
Till In heaven the deed appears,
I'.m (ton.
( Headquarters, 0) Fifth Ave.
Now York City,
Nebraska State Division. Myrtle, Nou,
Colon, Yellow and White,
Flower, Core opsli.
.Soiik, "Scatter Sunshine."
Nebraska Good-Cheer Work.
Sunshine libraries arc a special
feature of Nebraska good-cheer
work. The amount of brightness
spread in thi way can nut uc chii
niateil. The libraries are placed
in remote scuool dialrtctrj a ml the
imnates ol iii.i ly a huoly homo ou
ranches miles away truiu town can
gel these goal b'jjks and relieve
to a gre it decree the general mo
notony ot their lived. More books
are needed to c trry on this good
cheer work, Suusiiiue la not par
ticular whether the binding ol
books is of cloth or paper, but be
sure the story is all tUere. lit or
der that the committee in chat go ol
the work can properly catalogue
and make ready into sets ot books
r k r flirt Ii t a f it V? 1 1 1 m F 1 1 twtlli
the hrat ol S.Miteinb
j ..... w. .,,. ..., , .....
very one liiiere-ned in tins line oui.:..,i .
, . , , , . i
uiisliinc work please send ns at
east one book at ait early date..
One book from each unmoor ot the
North Platte Tribune c ubs would
mean over 300 books
Just thttik I
what a lot ot reading that would
make. The Myrtle library contain-
ng about 70 books will be passed
on this fall to any neighborhood in
Lincoln, Lngan or Mcl'hersou
counties that wish this particular
Those living in or near North
Platte, who would like magazines
and oilier periodicals to read,
should forward their address to the
state office. Literature can be lelt
at J no Neary's shoe repair shop at
North Platte tree of charge to such
will boiiij m.Mitinrs write cheery
etters to Miss Myrtle Tallman,
Tecu nseh, Nib , and Mrs. Uan-
forth Howard, Albion, Neb
Myrtle llrauch No. 1, Mrs. Anna
Moore, pres , held its regular meet-
Kvery womnn In the country
ougut to Know nootit
Those who do know nbout It
wonder how they ever got along
without it. It has robbed child
birth of Its terrors for many n
young wife. It has preserved her
girlish flguro and rtaved her much
Buffering. It is nil external lini
ment and ennie with It therefore,
absolutely no danger of upsetting
tho system as drugs taken intern
ally nre opt, to do. It is to bo
rubbed into the abdomen to soften
and strengthen tho muscles which
nro to hear tho strain, This means
much leiin pain. It also prevents
iiiornlncf sickness and nil of tho
other discomforts of pregnancy.
A druggist of Macon, Ga., says:
"I havo sold n largo epiautityof
Mother's Prlond nnd havo never
known nn iustanco where it has
failed to produce the good results
claimed for it,"
A prominent lndy ot Lam
berton, Ark., writes: "With my
first six children 1 was in labor
from a.i to 30 hours. After using
Mother's Friend, my seventh was
born In 4 hours."
Oot Mollivr'n rrlrmt nt tlin ilriiff
muio, 91.00 or liulilo.
lilt imiirtt t t) KCGULATOtt CO.
AllAS'lA, CA.
TllU for aw fiM "llEi'OIlS DIOT
mid attention which'
o. to. a. oeing purely vcgctaoic, is me saicstana
best blood purifier for old people. It docs not shock
or hurt the system like the strong mineral remedies,
but gently and thoroughly cleanses the blood and
stimulates the debilitated organs, when all bodily
in' July 2, A " ltlk'iu-my-slcep"
bux containing fancy articl.-s, book
lets, uolh, card., etc., was packed
by me uraucii and labeled Willi a
branch address of Nebraska, and
btorcd away for Christmas cheer.
As soon as contributions cjme in a
second b x will be packed. In this
way the Myrtle branch will make
many lonely homes brighter dur
tug the holidays. Mrs. Jas. Hud
sou remembered many snnihiners
with delicious home grown straw
berries as dues lor the month. Mrs.
SchliuU reports distributing cloth
ing in live needy homes. Clothing
contributed by a North Platte
friend was placed in a worthy fam
ily by Mrs. Wright. Miss lAzz'u
Graf contributed fifty cents to the
State tuml. Alter the conchibiou
( f the business meeting the mem
bers enjoyed a Leaf Anagram,
Mrs. Wright winning the prize.
Refreshments consisting of ice
cream and cake was served and
very pleasant social Hour was
(pent. Meeting adjourned to meet
wtlli Mrs. Moore Wednesday alter
noon, August 6th.
Mrs. Mary J. Neary, president
of Nortli Platte branch No. 3, re
ports an increase in membership.
Cards received from state office
were distributed among children
by branch president. Postage was
scut to State office to help in the
Sunshine work.
Mrs. R. J. Mcnzie, of North
Platte Branch No. 1, is giving sun
shine to a boy having to herd cat
tie by loaning him books, to read.
W. S. Rons, of Mvrtle, paid his
dues to the Mate division tor one
year by contributing fwenty-five
cents to the wheel chair fund. Mr,
Ro,n nrom oPo to do manv more
..nil. t
m1b Tiiili. ninnWonhnrirni Morih
Platte, has been in town this week
taklnjr down in shorthand the testi
mony in the Rcad-IIascall case.
She was the guest of Miss Jose
phine Goodman Monday night
Mr. aid Mrs. J. J. ilalligan, ot
North Platte, who were vUitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Uarber, near Ivewelleu, the first of
the week, report a moat enjoyable
visit. They have laud in that vicin
ity and were looking after their in
terests. Ogalalla Argus.
Chicago forecast for North
Platte and vicinity. Generally
fair tonight and Saturday. The
maximum temperature vestcr
day was 'JO, one year ago 95. The
minimum temperature this
morning' was 6''i one year ago 67.
1 1
Curea Fovor.
" Worms.
" Infants' Dloonsos
" Diarrhea.
" Neuralcjln.
Cures Hoadacho.
Dolayocl Porlods
Skin Diseases,
C it roc
Whooping Cough
Kidney Dlsenso
Urinary Diseases
Colds nnd Grip.
Bold by DmgtstH, or soul prepaid ou
roeoint if priei, Stflo., orfi lorvl.
l)ll, IltlMl'llltUYN' IIOMKOPATUIU MxNU.ll
iv 1ikf..vsi-.s Mak.kii 1'nti;.
ttuinihroys' lied. Co.. Ill Vllllttr Ct.,K.V
Magnetic Osteopath.
U.ih located In Nortli Platte for tho practice
of MaKtiellc Oittcopatliy, Wo treat wllliout
llio wv of druKN or Hiircery, Office over
Uavrliictoii iToIiIii'm Dewey tit utorc. Of.
tiro liourn 8 (M .1 in to IUiW in ., S 60 to
V W)p in.
Consultation and Examination Free.
y. o. ii.
Ollice over Pout OUice.
Telephone 115.
Notth Plulto, - Nebraaltn
Proposed Constitutional
The following Proposed Amendment
(o the Constitution of Ihc State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth in full, is
submitted fo (he Electors of (he
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at
(he General Election (o be held Tuesday,
November 4th, A. D. 1902.
A Joint l'oeolution proposing to amend
Section Ono of Aitielo Pifteon, of
llio Constitution of tlio Utnto of Ne
braska, rolntivo to tlio manner ot
submitting nnd adopting amend
tnonto to llio Constitution ot tho
Slato of Nobraskn.
15o it I'opolvcd and Knncled by tlio Lcg
ielatuio of llio Statu of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section Ono of Ar
liclo 1: if'oi'n, of llio t'oDntitution of tlio
Mto of Nobrnska, bo ainondod to read
as follows:
Seotlon 1. Either branch ot tho leg
islature may propo o amendments to
this Constitution, and if tho satno b;
agreed to by threo tlfths of the raembors
iiloitcd to onch hour.o, such proposed
amendments ehall be entered ou tho
Journals, with tho yonn and nays, and
published nt least onco each week in at
loaet ono newspaper In owli county
vlioro a nownpapor i.? juiblisliod, for
thirty days immediately preceding tho
next oleetion of senators nnd roproson
tntives, nt whieh election tho snmo shnll
bp rubmitted to tho electors for approval
or rojoetion, nnd if a majority of tho
oK'etnrn voting at such oleetion on
such proposed amendment, shnl1 voto to
adopt such amondmont, tho samo shall
beeoino n pnrt ot this Constitution.
When mnro thnn ono nmondment iB nub
mitted at tho finno oleetion. tlu-y shall bo
io submitted as to onablo tlio oleotors to
voto on each amendment separately.
All ballots used at such oleetion on
such amondmont or amondmontn shall
havo written or printed thoroon tho fob
lowing: For proposed nniondmont to tho
ConHliuilion rolating to (hero insert tho
subject of tho amendmon't) and, against
proposed amendment to tho Constitution
rolating to (horo insert tho subject of
tho amondmont) and tho voto of onch
elector voting on such nmendinont or
amendments shall bo designated by the
elector by making a cross with a pon or
pencil in n clrolo or squnro to bo placed
at tho right of tho linen tho words "'Kor
or Against" tho proposed amendments,
ns he shall doeiro to voto thorcon, or b)
indicating liin proferoneo on a votirg
machino whon such rnvhino is in uco.
I, Geo. W. Mnn-h, fecrotaryof slato
of thoBlatoof Ncbrnrkn, do hereby cer
tify that tho forcRoinc proposed nmond
ment to tho Constitution of tho Stato nf
Nebraska is n truo and correct copyif
tho original enrolled and engrossed bill,
as passed by tho Twonty-sovouth session
of tlio logislaturo of the stato of Nebras
ka, as nppenrn from said original bill on
llio in this ulllee. and thntsaul proposed
amendment is submitted to tho mialilled
voters of tho Stalo cf Nebraska for thoir
adoption or rejection at tho conornl
election to bo hold on Tuo'day, tho 4th
tfnv or jvovomuor. A. u. iiki.
In testimony whereof, T hnvo horounto
rot my nnim and nlllxrd tlio crent seal
of tho Stato of Nebraska.
Dono nt Llneoln this i!2d dnv o f July
tho year of our Lord Ono Thousand
Nino Hundred and Two. ot tho Indopon-
enco of tho United States tho Ono
Hundred and Twonty-soventh, and of
this Stato tho Thirty-sixth.
liliU. W. MAKSH.
hkai. Secrotary of Stato
Ijiml Offlco nt North rintt. Neb,
July SOth. m'
Nntr M hereby clvon llhnt I.chllo II. Hlma
Sn filed notlco ot ItilHiitlon to mnke
flnnl proof l efore reuleter nnd rocelver II. S. land In Nor h I'lnltn. Neb. on tW-dnomliiY the
linn uny or uw.'.on llmtier culture. ir
Piicniioii no. ror ino i-arc linn Hmiui
went ounrter mid ueit hnlt nnuthenst nunrter of
xctlon No, :r In townnhlp No. 11, north rouge
No. SO ol of 11 e Sixth 1', M. Ho nnmno ns
ullniMrr: Ooorce Miller, of WollflfOt. Nob.t
.niino. i'.vin, or Hiuernet, Neb.i i.Wn unulii, of
omii i'letie, Nou.tnnu Kvori Muiuunu, or Horn
eiiri. Nib.
nl-il OkoiuikK. rnrNcii. ltegli-tor.
R. J. P. S1HJTE,
All IlranclicH of Ocn
llHlry Hcleutlncall
ilono, Nltriuol Oxli
(LtH niltnlnlmered.
Punnpylvanta Collciie
nf Dental Suruery W
Onice over Wilcox Dejit
aiurc. 1'iiiinc i3i.
Of the condition of the Muttint llulldtiiL'
mil Loan Association of North l'latte. No.
liraskn, ou Hie KJiti dav of June, KHrj.
First inortcace loans fiir.ffifl oo
Stock loans no no
Ileal estate rumi ui
Furniture and stationery 125 no
Cash m i -a
Delinquent Interest and tines IikTu
Expenses and taxes paid K5 W
Total StSLOiJ 07
Capital stock paid up (101,07 60
ueserve iiinit 1:11 r.i
Undivided nrollts 3."!i7 03
Other liabilities lO.nUl 7l
$lSl.r&! 1)7
llalaucoon hand July I, IP01 S I K'S fiS
sr.nrs m
Interest, and lines....
7.K7I 07
m m
113 7S
I1SS to
Loans reoad
Miscellaneous fees.,..
leal estate
Taxes aud Insurance..
Total (30,020 10
Loans (I7.stfl M
llxiK'tises n7 r,o
Stocks redeemed HUSO i!l'
u.isn ou natin ioi iti
Furniture iss oo
Taxes and Insurance io so
Ileal estate io m
Total tltl.f.o io
State of Nebraska Lincoln county, ss.
I. .Samuel tJoozee, secretary ot the above
named association, do solemnly swear that
tho foregoing statement of the condition of
nald association. Is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge awl belief.
SAMUKL UOO.KK. Secretary.
Subscribed ami sworn to before mu this Till
dnv of Jul v. m.
V. II. MoDONAMi, Notary l'ubllc.
Approved: Vmroit VoMinmr, I
Titos, c. I'AiTintsoN, Directors
1". T. HKCUONU. )
Shoriff s Snlo.
tlr virtue of nn order of file ImihmI frnm tlio
i Isttlct court nf I.lnilu county, Nelirntkn, upon
i'fo to 't (nrclonure rrixluriil In mill ouuit
rLon ln llio Ou'iiily ol Lincoln, n ctirtxirii'lnri,
I lAlntllt nml .Uto'I) O. Hliw;ilj, rt nl., 1' deloailant
icidt'i m illiuc'ol I will on Itie lrltU of
.tiHii't. Itri, nt Olio oVlock p. in. at tlio enM front
i mir of tli conit linuBo In Norlli l'lntl". Lin
coln contiir. Nelirnn, foil nt ).titllc nuctlon lo
llio IiIkIiitI Milder for onli to fatlnfj paid decree
inleri-t and o"t, Urn foll(.wlii( iIifciIIiciI prop-
tij lo.wlt: TlifanulliWMl (piBrler of Heo'lnn 3i,
"ow nt!ili 11. Hhiiko SI, wort Cth p. ... Lincoln
loiiiity, Nidirmtkn.
lialed North rlnttn, Nobrukn, July 11, ltiftj.
L. CAIIl'KNTKll, Hlicrlff,
Sheriff Sale.
11 rlrlnn nf nn ordor of fnlo lued from tho
'iKtrlet court of Lincoln comity, Ntbrnskn, upon
n decree of foreclosure rendered m rnld court
heroin Tho Connly of L-nooUi, n corporniinn, u
dnltitlil nnd J. W., nro dc-
cndnlitn Mid In ne dlrerlml, I will on tint iifii
toy of AtiKUst, 1W)2, nt 1 (.'clink p, in. nt Hip cost
ront door ot llm court uoorn in iorwi rinnu,
.Incnln cMintv. N'dbrniika. nt iiuIjIIo miction
o thn hlsln'-t bidder for cnh lo Fntlufy fnld do
Tec. Internt nnd rrsti., thn fol'.oWlnK de;rlbd
iropcrty, lo-vlt! llio (mutlieaul 'lunrtor of tec
Ion 8f, township 0, intiito 31, vot Sixth 1'. M.
Jnrolu rounty. S'cbrn-kn.
imiiil Mi till l'IMlo, .(.. Jtuy li, iwi,
L. CAHi-rNTKii. Sheriff.
Ehorlff's Sale.
Ily vlrlim of nn order of mn lN(ied from Hie
t Intr Id court of Uncoln county, Nobrn'kn, upon
i decreo (f forecliwuro leinlete.l In fulil court
vlioreln 'i'bo County of Lincoln, n ourpornllon, U
ilHlntlll mill A. II. liliumn ei. in nie ovieiiii-
tints mid to ino dlroi-tod. I will rn Ihu 1'Uh d-iy of
tiiKtut, W1, at 1 o'clock, p. m nt tho nni front
loor nf thn court homo In Nortli finite. Lincoln
Kmiity, Nebrnnkn, B.'ll nt pliblti) nuctlon to tile
ilulieHt btiblcr ror rit.ti to untlHfy emu nrurec, in
terest nnd corlH, fan following descllbod prop-
rlr. lo.lti Tlio RoulmreKt uunttor of xetllon 2.',
-jiwnnlilp II, rnngo 31, wont Hlxlbl'. M. Lincoln
:uuniy Miur.ia.
Iinted Mortn l'lnlto, eb., July 11, liv.
L. CAlil'f.MKii, Shcrlir.
Choriff's Salo.
Ily vlrlno of nn order of unlu ianucil from (lie
llnlrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebrnkn, uiin
l decree, of foleclusuri, renderod In raid ocurt
lioruln Tho County of Lincoln, n corporntlun,
n nlaliilln nmi l.nm w et nl , nro iieieininntH
ind tu ran dlreeled, I will on the llllh dny of
Aucusi. HOI', nt 1 o'clock, n in . nt the enn front
door of th court ht.iuo In North I'lntte. Lincoln
ountr. Nibrni'kn, fell nt niiMIc miction to Hie
iliihent bidder fur cnh to n.itltfy otld decreo, In
uri'.si aril ci.b'k. iiio loiiowint ilercrlbeil prop-
rty, to-ivtl! Thn Kimthont ciuntter of toctlon
II, tnwn-lilp 0, rnnti' ,11, went of Blxth 1'. il, Liu.
oln connly, Nebrnskn
jMtoii .Norm riatto, Ncn. July 11, iwi.
L. Oaui'UNTKII, Hliorllt.
Shnrlff'ii Snlo.
Ily virtu of nu ordor cf rule ImuciI from tho
llstrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebrniskn, upon n
loci co of fniccltsum rotideied In rnlil court
wlioruln Tho Counly of Lincoln, u coriiomtloii,
piuintiir una winnein scott ca ni., nro cviemi
lulu, nnd to inu direct "d, I will on UlelOtli dny of
VuRiist, 11H&', nt 1 o'clock, p. tu., nt Ihu rnut front
loor of tho court liousn In North l'lntln, Lincoln
county, Ncbrnnkn, null nt public- nuctlon to tho
oiKnoi Dinner lor cimu, in miuHiy emu uocree, in
tnroBt nnd cnst-i. thu folliiwlnudcucill cillirotier-
y, lo-wll: llio toutlmct qunrler or wctlon in,
lownruin ii, rniiKuui, west mxiu r. h. Lincoln
county, Nebrnokn.
unled Norm l'lntto, Noti., July II. wn.
L, Caikntkh, HburltT
llyvlrtuaot nn order of fnlo trmicd from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, upon
n decreo of foreclonurc rendered In enld court
wlioruln Tho County of Lincoln, n corporntlon,
Is pltilntKT, nnd Jintun O. ltlchey ot nl. , nru di
teudnula nnd to ino directed. I will on tho lOih
dny of Auicust, 11KU, nt 1 o'clock p. tn. nt thn east
iront uoor ot ino court hound in Norm l'lntlo.
Lincoln county. Nebrnskn. eel I nt oubllo nuctlon
to tho lilKhcxt bidder for cntdi to entlufy nld do-
creu. Intcrent nnd co-Ih. tho fnllowlnir dOicrlbed
property, to-wlt: Tho northwext oumlcr ot bi-c
tlon III, township 11, rnnuo 31, wust Ulxth 1.
M, Lincoln county, I ebrnekn.
Dated North l'lnlto, Neb., July 11, 1C03.
L. Caiu'Entkii, SheillT,
Dhcnll''3 Halo.
Ily vlrtuo of an order i f snlo Issued from the
district court ot Lincoln, connly, Nebraskn, uixin
a decreo ot forcclosuro rendered In wild court
whole In Tho County of Lincoln, n cnrooratlou. ii
plaintiff and William L. Wllllnrd ot nl., ntodo-
renunntn nml to mu dlrojtod. I will on
llio Ullli dny of Aumist. lUtt.', nt 1 o'clock p.
ni., nt tho east front door of (ho court
houso In North l'lntto. Lincoln county. Nebrnskn.
sell nt public nuctli.n to the hlchcst bidder for
cash to eatlsfy snld decree, luteiett nnd costs.
tto ti.llov.lnK described property, to-wlti The
4oulhcnst iiunrter nf sccltoii 13. township 10,
rnnuo 33, Wcet Sixth 1'. M. Lincoln county,
Dated North l'lntto, Neb , July 11, 1C02.
L. Caiii'eNtkii, Shcrlir,
bhorliPa Salo,
Ily vlrtuo nf nil order of snlu Issued from the
dlstilct court ot Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, upon
udccieoot forcclosuro rendered In snld court
therein Tho County of Lincoln, n corporation, Is
plaintiff nnd Tho Btnto ll:mk of Wnllnco, ot nt ,
irn oefendniits nnd tn mu dlrectod, I
will on tho Idih dny or AiiKUit, 1102,
nt 1 o'clock, p. in,, nt tho onst front door of
tho court ho'iso In North l'lntlo, Lincoln county,
N'obrnskn, sell nt public miction to tho hlijhest
bidder for chIi, to satisfy raid decreo, Interest
nod costx, tho following descrlled properly,
to-wlli IIih north half ot tho southwest qunrter
of section l.'i, tnwnbhlp 10, rnURo 31, west Blxlhi'.
M. Lincoln county, Nebrnskn.
Dnted North l'latte. Neb.. July 11, 1C02.
L, CAIIl'KNTKll, Hliorlff.
Shorllt's Salo.
Ily virtue of nn order ot snlo Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln o unity, Nebrnki. upon
n decreo of foticlosiiro rund.ired 111 snld court
wlieieln Thn C.iuuty of Lincoln, n cnrporntlon. Is
plaintiff aud John Fnlrm 111 t al , mo di f julm s
anil to mo oirec'.uil, I will on llm ltilli dny ot
Auust, V.fJZ. nt 1 i) clock p, tu atthocntt front
door ot tho court housj tu North Pintle,
Lincoln county, Nobrnoliu, sell nt publla
nuctlou to tho liUUtft btddor for cash to
satisfy said decreo, Interest nnd costs, Iho
follimliuc described properly, to-wlt: Tho north.
west Huarlar or eectlou IP. township II, rnno
oi. west i sum r, Lincoln couniy, rCbUrusKu
Dated North I'lutlu, Nub., July 11, 1U02.
L. CAiircMKii, llherltf.
lu the matter of thu application of Lltiule
Mpirer, Kuirtiliiu. to sell ro il estntu.
Notlco Is hereby ulven tint In p.irMinuai of nn
order of Hon. II. M, Grimes, Jndco of tho Dis
trict Unuit of I.lno ilu County, ninth, on Iho Ifttli
dny of April, 1UI2. for tho snlu of the renl estnto
liereliiaftor ilescrlbed, there will lo sold nt tho
ensi front iloor of llio Court House on llio 30ih
uny or Augiu'., r.Kij, nt one o'clncl: p. m.,nt pal).
Ho veuillie to the 1. It tint l.lnler fur iskb Ihi. fr.t
InwInK descrtbed renl cstnte to lti Houthwest
ipinrter of Section 10, Township 12, lmntte 31, In
Lincoln County, Nclunskii.
Dnted July 21, l'.K)2.
LinnIU BrrcEii,
aunrdlni nf Anno Hplcer, et nl.
Overland Route g 1 'ft1
Selected us the Official Route
L'lliL B. P, O. JS-.
Grand Lodtjo Alectlno,
AUGUST l'J-l.'t.
Tho Union Paoiiio liae, by roapon of
its mlvaiitiiKos as to tinio anil diatanco,
boon soleototl ns tho otlicial routo by
mauy of tho protmnout Mile Loilijos
throuKhotit tho Unitml Staton.
Tho Nebraska Sripoial Trn'n will lonvn
Otnahii nt 11::10 p. in , August 10th, ami
will bo ncooiiitmmoil by iho famous
Uiiitoil Statoa 'J'.M Infantry lPKimoiital
Unnil. 'J hid train will carry tho mem
bors of Omaha, PlnttHmoiith, Lini'oln,
Uoatrioe, IIimtiiiKM, (Jrand Island LoiWs
and othor proniiuontloilKos.
Koo that your tiokot roiuls via this
lino, and join tlioso lodos on their trip,
$25.00 fo4- Round Trip.
For full information a on
B. 11. G EN G B,
leg al Norics:
Shoriff'i Salo.
Ily virtus of nn order of nlo ls.ued from llio
dlnirlct court of Lincoln rounty, Nebrunkn, iiin
a ilrcreo of Irirecloauio rotidoicd lr. phIiI court
wherein The Comity nt Lincoln, n corporntlon, 14
ptnlntlff nnd Joiinnna Dloeen, et nl,, nro
defendant" nnd tu lue directed! I will
on the lltHi dny of Aueihi, lixri, nt ono
o'rl.ick p tit, nt thn ennt front dmir nf tho
ooutthoure In North Pintle, Lincoln county, No
tirnnkn, roll nt publl.i nuctlou to tho hlnlie-t bid
der forcnuh lo rnllufy nld decree, Inlcrent nnd
oo'n tho fiillowlndecrlbeil property to-wlls Tim
went hnlf of tho eJiit hnlf of HecMon il, Tnnll
shlp 11 llnitpo 31, wit of thu tilt 1 1'. M. Lincoln
county, Nebrnskn.
UnteilNorlh l'lntte. NVb., July 11. 1002.
Bhorlff'a Salo.
Ily virtue of nn older of sale 1-niicd from tlio
district couit of Lincoln county. Nobrnskn, upon
n decree of foreclosure rendered 111 said court
wherein Tho County of Lincoln, n corporntlon,
In plnlnlirf Oeoifju II. Unblnsoii,
ii'. nl , nrn dufeadnritH, nnd to tno
directed, I will oil tho Iilth dny of Ana
list, 1W2, nt 1 o'clock p, m., nt Ibe onst front
dour of the court Iioiiho In .North l'lntlo, Lincoln
county, Nebrnskn, soli nt public miction to tho
lUHhott bill dor for cnsli. to snllhfy Biitd decree,
lutaicst nnd costs, tlio (kIIowIiik described
pnn Tho northenl ipimter of nee
linn So, tuwnfldp II), rnne ,U, West Hlxlh I. M.
Lincoln connly. Nebrnskn.
Duted North l'lntto, Neb. July II, WO.!,
L. Oaiitkntkii, Hherlff.
ShoritT's Salo.
Ily virtue of an order of nalc IhhuciI fro.n
thedlstrlct court of Ltrcoln county. Ncliran
ka, iiiiou a decree of foreclosure rendered
In nam court wherein The County of Lin
coln, a corporation, h plalnilrf and S.
(I. I.. Oantictt. et at., arc iiefcmlantf). and to
mc directed. I will on the lfltlt clay of Aug
ust, IIKM. at I o'clock ii. m. at the cast iront
door of the court hnupc In North l'latte,
titncoltt county, NetiraMka, sell at public
auction to the htRhest lililder for cash, to
satisfy nald decree. Interest and rosta, the
following dcscrlheil property to win Thu
northeast quarter of hccKoii I", town
ship in. ratiRc :ui west Sixth l'rlnclpa
Meridian. Lincoln countv. Nebraska.
Dated North l'latte. Neli.. July II. ITOJ.
Ii. Caiipcntkh, KhcrlR,
Notlco Is horcby nneti thnt In pursunnro of In.
structlons from Ihu Uoiiiuilrntotier of tho Qenernl
Laud Ollice, under nuth.irlty vested In him by
Section 2V, Hevlsnd BIntuleH, U. B nsnmelldod
by Act of I'onirress Approved Februniy Utith, ltrti.',
we will offer nt public saloon tho Pth dny ot Aug.
list, 1002, nt Ibis olllco tho following tract of Inml
iiHimdyi Thu southwest tunrtr of ihu northwost
qnnrter nnd notthwest quarter of the southwest
ipinrlor of section town 12 north, rniiKO 'M,
west of thu Sixth p. ni.
All persons clntiulnu ndversoly llio nbno dp.
scribed Intid nre inhlsol tn tlio thoir clnliu Inlhls
olllcu on or befoiu the dny designated for llio
commencement of snld snlo, othorwiso Ihctr
rlKlits will be forfeited.
Hated nl the Unltod Btnlos Ijind Onice, Nor Hi
Pintle, Nob., this mh dny ot liny, ltKU.
(Iko. K. FiiKNtii. lli'Klster,
ill- Fiiam; IIal'On, llecelver.
Sheriff's Salo.
Ily virtue ot an order ot sale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln countv, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein The Countv of Lincoln, a cor.
poruUou, Is plaintiff and John Carvill, et al.,
arc defendants and to inc directed, 1 will
on the lutlt dav ot August, IHU, at 1
o'clock p. tn., at the east front door of the
court house In North l'latte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said de
cree Interest and costs, the following de
scribed property, to-wlt: The southwest
quarter of northeast quarter and the south
cast quarter of the northwvst quarter and
the west half of the southeast quarter of
section 2, township in, range 33, west of
hixtn l'. m. Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North l'latte, Neb.. July 11, 1002.
L. Caiii'KNtkii Sheriff.
Sheriff's Salo.
Ily virtue ot an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, upon a decree of fmcclosurc
reodured la said court wherein The Countv
of Lincoln, a corporation, Is plaintiff
and Italnh Little, et. al arc defend
ants anil to inc directed I will on the
ICtli day of August. I0J2. at l o'clock ji. the cast front door ot the court house In
North l'latte, Lincoln counly, Nebraska, fcll
at nubile auction to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said decree. Interest and
costs, the following described property, to
wit: The southwest quarter of section
8, township 10, range 33, west Sixth I'. M.
Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Dated North l'latte. Neb.. July. II, 1002.
L, CAttl'KNTKlt, Sheriff.
In Iho matter of tho nppllcntlou ofHnmuel
doozeo, executor of Ihurstntu of Bamucl Urbnch,
deceased, to cull real estnto.
Notlco Is hereby given thnt Rnmnol Oonzeo, px.
editor of tho eststu of Knmiiel Urbnch, deceased,
haa lllod his potltlnn lu tho district court of
Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, for license to sell tho
north half ot secllnn township 10, north ot
rn!in3S, nnd tho went hnlf of section P.5, town
ship 11, north of rntigo 3H. nil vest of ths 01 h
1. M. In l'irktns county, Nebrnskn.
It I Ihcrofoio ordered that, nil persons Inter
ested In sold estnto nppunr before mo nt the court
houso lu North l'latte, Nobral,a, on thuiad dny
ot August, I'.iilJ, nt nlno o'clock n. in. tu show
cnu.o, If nny there bo, why llconso should not bo
grnutodlo sell thonbove deicrlbod reul estnto.
Hamuli. Ooozkk.
Lxccutornf tho Ustnto of Hnmuel Urlmch,
deceased. jrt
notice of balk.
Nollco Is horoby glvon Hint In pursuance, of In
structions from Iho Commissioner of the General
I.nnd Ollice, under nnthorlty vested In hlin by
section 2,45.1, revised statutes. 11. 8. ns amended by
Act of Congress approved Februnry aith, IH05. wo
will proceed to offer nt publlo sale on tho Mill
dny of August. 1WS. nt this olllco iho folloulru
tract of laud, vie. Tho southeast quartor of tho
southwest quarter of section 2, township 13.
norili, rnngu 31. west Hlxlh 1 M.
All persons clnlmlng adversely tho nbovo do.
scribed land nru ndvised to lilo their claim lu this
olllco on, or before llio dny deslgnntod for tho
commencement of snld snlo, otherwlso their
rights will bo forfeltod.
Dated nt tho United Hlntes Lnnit Offlco, North
Pintle, Neb., this H)th dny of June, 1!H)2.
..,., Or.a. 11. FriKNCIl, lteglster,
J-l 1'iiANU lueoni Itecolvor.
Sheriff's Salo.
Ily virtue ot an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered in said court wherein The County
of Lincoln, a corporation, U plaintiff anil
Marv 1J. inrrlsH. t. al are defendants and
to me directed, I will ou the lOtli day of
August. UHM, at I o'clock p. m.. at the east
front door of tho court house in North
l'latte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
ensh to satisfy said decree, Interest and
costs, the following described property.
lo.wlt: The southwest quarter ot section
31. township 0. range 31. west Sixth P. M.
Lincoln county. Nebraska,
Dated North l'latte, Neb., .luly n, mi.
L, Cahpenteii, Sheriff.
iroa ui
Made a
Well Man
produces tho nbovo results In 30 Uay. It acta
powerfully uud quickly. Cures when all othorii fill.
Voudu won will rocaln thoir lout tnauhooa.Bndold
Jon i wl 11 rocovor their youthful vigor by ualog
i nccB. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly linilulong.
ijijLuniT.i. awing Memory, Wastlog DlBCMes.ana
oil oirects ol bolf abuno oreicciaand Indiscretion,
Which unfits ono for Rtudy, buclncen or inarrl wo. It
cot only euroo by ctartlntr at tho rcat of dleeuo. but
luacrcu corvotonlo and blood builder, bring,
log btck tho plnlc Blow to ralo chcclxssodro
storing tho flro of yontli. ft wardn oil Insanity
tnd Consumption, inalst on baring III: VIVO. no
cthor. it can bo carried in vest pocket. Ily mall,
ttl.00 per pacltago, or fix tor Sff.oo, with b poll
tlvo written cunrnnteo to rare or rotaiid
tbo iiiinirv. llooK unit iidvh-o frco. Address
KOYAL MliDICiM CO., 'navillL!:'-'
Sold by A. I Strcitz, Nortli Platte