I ;1 Special Sale, DB.T. W. MILIEH, OBADUATE DEKTI8T. Offlco ovor 8treltx'i Drag Etoro. Bogota Colfcc a high grade drink at a moderate price. Carpenters are rc-roofing the Union Pacific Hotel and will make oilier improvements to the build in g. Bishop Anson R. Graves will be in town Sunday and preach morn ing and evening at the Episcopal church. C. O. Weingand will leave July 20th for Chicago and New York to purchase a stock of gooia for The Model. The countv commissioners last Tuesday granted a druggists' per tttit to D. M Alchinsoii & Co,, druggists ol Brady Island. Sec our new line of lamps, just oncninL' them up, Ihcy are ''butts." Uakkinoton & Toihn. "Rag-Time" Hall, who worked in LandgrafM barber shop a couple ot years ago, was shot and killed at Madison, Neb., a few days ago. In some iccticiiH of the valley west of town grasshoppers arc paid to be very plentiful and fears arc expressed that they will destroy the all.il fa sccdcrop. W. 0. Cole, the hog buyer, ex pects to go to St. Joe next week to purchase two cm loads of light weight hogs which he will f-bip to his larni west ol town and fcid. Ross & Newton have rented the Ormsby building on Dewey htrcct and tomorrow or Monday will open a pantatorium therein. The ser vices ol a tailor have been secured. In a game of hall Wednesday attcrnoon Raymond Picrcy'a team defeated the team captained by Frank Woolmau by a pcorc of twenty-four to four. Picrcy'a team has won twelve ot the thirteen games played. At the rcnucst ot the Commercial club committee, the county commis- Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, BioncrBhayc employed a man to Mlvfllllzcd HCI hundred $4.10 To malic room for our heavy fall purchases, wc intend to dispose ot every boys' suit in the lio.usc. To do this wc have placed on sale all our $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 CHILDRENS' SUITS At $2.00. Value in this sale has been entirely ig nored, wc want the room and the money, these bargains will tempt you to buy. Boys' i and 3 piece Suits. Boys' Knee Pants Boys' Long Pants At a special discount of 20pcr cent during this sale. Rc member wc mean business. They must go. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE RAILROAD NOTES, O'Conncll Pleated with (he Outlook. President James O'Conncll, head of the international association of machinists, stopped over in Omaha Tuesday while enroute to the Pacific coast. In speaking of the strike he said: "Tnc situation certainly looks bright from our standpoint. As a matter of fact, no Btrikc is desir able, wc regret the necessity for such a movement as much as the railroad possibly can, but since it has to come wc arc satisfied with the progress it is making." Mr. O'Conncll was asked this question: "If this strike rutin along for a year or more and the company shows no signs of yielding, will the machinists, in order to win, accept piecework, it all other things arc equal?" "Positively not. Wc aje un alterably opposed to piecework. Our constitution lorbtds it and the very essence of unionism is against it. We will never accept piece work, even if the strike should run tor five years. Piecework is one ol the things which the machinists' union will not stand lor. The sys tem is wrong from first to last. It cultivates the beastly side of a man, that is it prompts and fosters dishonesty among workmen, and it imposes unfair conditions upon those who arc compelled to accept it. No, sir, wc will never yield to piecework. Wc stand first and last for its total abolition. Alaska Refrigerator i Is the best. Get one now $ Jewel Gasoline Stoves it) ii xl'i i il iii to tit to The kind that last, The kind that is safe. We arc selling these goods at a very low figure to close out the stock. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to For style and price up to date. Look at our Hammocks. yV. they cannot be equalled. to Wc make the framing of Pictures a specialty. to to I E B WARNER, m Barb Wire Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, Painted, per hundred $3.80. haul twenty toim of hay into the most sandy portions of the road leading to Candy. It ban been proven that hay thrown on a sandy road is a good thing. Taken up on section 32-15-29, on June 9th a red cow, haB horns, branded J. F. Oacar Stiles, North Platte. 4-2 Ja. G. Leonard haB brought suit in the district court to oust A . J. Nealc from the office of treasurer of School District No. 54 in Whittier precinct. Leonard claims that he was elected treasurer of said district June 30th, at a regular meeting of the natrons, but that Nealc will not vacate the office. Geo. W. Childs, Uncle Oicar, Pathfinder and all other standard cigars six tor 25 cents at the Hub grocery. frank Mooney, who tpent the latter part of laut week in Dawson county, Bays the conditions which Hiirround the better clais o( farmers in that county arc almost beyond description, in many instances these farmers have two story houses, big barns, ' nice orchards, and I lie small grain crop this year is simply immense. Many fields of altalfa arc also seen, and the corn field follow each other tor miles, Never before had he seen a more pleasing picture of (arm scenery, or more evidence of prosperity. Denariraent Keep Cool! WKAK C&.iv&.s Shoes Men's Canvas Shoes, leather cntnu not- nnii CI 1 Men's Canvas Oxfords, leather soles, per pair. . 1.10 Boys' Canvas Shoes, leather soles, per pair 1.00 Xoutlrs Canvas oboes, leather soles, 13 to 2, per pair DO Ladics'Canvas Shoes, leather soles, per pair 1.00 Ladies' Canvas Uxtords, leather soles, per pair .. .90 Misses' Canvas Shocs.leather soles, 11 to 2, per pair .90 PERSONAL MENTION. .. Mrs. A. K. Bonner came in from the cast yesterday morning. A, P. Kelly returned yesterday from a business trip to Omaha. P. L. Harper, of Wallace, is transacting business in town today. Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh and children have returned trom their visit in Idaho. Mrs. C. A. Dill and Miss Kate Yost vibited their brother Will in Omaha this week. Mrs. W. l' Cody and daughter MisB lrma returned from Omaha Wednesday evening. J. F. Clabaugh returned Wed nesday evening from his yisit in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Miss Josephine Baruiim has been visiting relatives and friends in towu for a few days past. A. F. Parsons returned yester day from Kearney, where he at tended the populist convention. MibB Florence Patker, of Chey enne, lias been spending this wclk as the guest of Miss Irene Swarth-out. Mrs, ChaB. Ware, Mrs. Henry and Miss Furnas were visitors in Cheyenne for a day or two this week. Mrs. Ed Park has been spend lug the past few days in Salt Lake City, having let t Cheyenne for that city laBt Tuesday. Mra. J J. Ilalligan entertained number ot ladicB at a card patty thin forenoon iu favor ot MrH. Frank Coe, ot Omaha, who is her guest. Mrs. C, F. ladings and son went to Omaha yesterday, where tit i ittcr, who nas been sieve tor some time, wilt be examined by a spec laliBl. Mr. and MrB. D, I. Davis left ycbtcrday for Loomlp, Neb, where they will make their future home Mr. Davis having charge of a Hour ing mill at that place. Manager Warner and his base ball players will leave trr Chcycnrc on train No. 101 this evening. Strangers and all who have no other church preference arc invited to worship with the PresbyterianB next Sabbath at all the services. You will be welcome also at the Wednesday evening meeting. Two juvenile trams, captained respectively by John Tighe and Forrest Ke'ly, played a nine inning game of ball Tuesday afternoon, which resulted iu a score of one to nothing in favor ot Tighe's team. County Clerk Gmn is buny draw ing warrants for the claims which have been allowed by the county commissioners. All warrants, how ever, wilt be held ten clays from the date on which the claims were al lowed. It cannot be said that western Nebraska ia drouth-stricken this year, for rains arc coming regularly and apparently as best needed Tuesday night the fall wa9 an inch and a half which ia accounted a heavy rain in any country. trad For Sale or Trade. Good top buggy to sell or can use milch cow. I have several new fanning mills on hand that I will sell or trade. A good job printing plant com plete for sale or trade. O. B, S. Okr, Roo n 5, Myer Block. Children's Canvas Shoes, leather soles, 84 to 11, per pair , Canvas 'Shoes. .75 Store open o'clock. until 8:00 Wilcox Department Stor. Hcward. The Board of Education will pay a reward of $25.00 for eyidencc that will secure the conviction of the person or persons who committed the acta of vandalism in the First ward bcIiooI house the latter part I of May this year. 10, A. Cakv, bec'y. For foot tnado uncoinfortnblo by oxcobbivo hont tlioro'u much roliet In wearing tho popular CunvtiB Shoos. They'ro mudo HUo any Shoo lonthor roll's, heols, counters, insoles, regular lining tho only dllloronco is that 0 tho uppers nio of heavy linon color oloth, liistend of leather. Tho light color nttniotn loss hont , and cloth permits air ventilation to cool ami sooth tho foot, HUN'S Canvas Shoos iu both low nntl regular height tf I r( at ?:i. 00, 81.7.') mid fL.0U TOYS Can vim Shoos, in regular height only, h!mob from 1)i tofii,', at YOUTH'S CiuivnH Shoos uiiino stylo ns b'yb' sizes 12 to 'J S1.25 $1.00 1 SHOE STORE OEO. M. GRAHAM, Mgr. Narlh Platte. Nebraska. Traveling Fireman Highsinith spent yesterday in town. Three machinists were sent in trom Omaha yesterday morning and went to work in the local shops. They will eat and sleep in the bunk car. A dispatch from Cheyenne, dated Wednesday, says eleven machinists lrom Denver and Indiana points were put to work there that day. They arc boarded and lodged near the shops. The same dispatch says that only one machinist is at work at Rawlins. Foreman O. P. Whipple spent a day or two at Sidney this week. It is baid that several machinists will be put to vyotk at that place, aud that in a short time the round house will be opened and the pool ing of engines on the western dis trict discontinued. Owinir to a washout on the Northwestern iu Iowa, train No. due at one o'clock Tuesday night did not reach here untit five the following evening. Train No. was also ten hours late and No. 11 about five hours. Five passenger trains arrived and departed within four hours Wednesday evening. Several men arrived iu town Wed ucsday with letters from the shop foreman at Denver to the local lore man paying that they wcrcmccban ics seut here to go to work. Inves titration proved that witn two ex c:ptio.i the m en were not mcchau ics. They had lied to the Denver foreman and on the claims mad were imvcu transporatlon to this point. The three "scab" boilcrmakers who had been at work tor a week in the Union Pacific shops, quit work Wednesday, drew their Urn and lett that night for the cast This actiou on the part of these men created considerable enthus iasm amonir the strikinc boiler makers. Two non-union machin ists who arrived Wednesday, who had been sent here to work, were taken iu tow by the machinists and induced to leave town. The local machinists and boiler- makers' are well organized and have committees which meet every in coming train, day and night. These committees keep a close look-out for imported mechanics, and when one is detected uc is approacueo, treated in a courteous tnanuer, given a meal if he needs it, and without much trouble is induced not to go to wotk. Several ma- chiustB who have been brought here, however, have escaped their vigilance and under cover of a guard have been marched to the shops. In speaking ot th-: increase of the force at Grand Inland, yesterday's dec said: The Union Pacific, it is reported, is preparing to install a night and day shift in its shops at Grand Island and thus double or treble the capacity for and volume of work there. This has never been a union bhop aud but two of the strike originated. TheBe went out but none of the others have ever struck. They are still at work'and will be used as a nucleus to form a argc force. It was said this morn- ng that the company intended putting in 200 or 300 shopmen there. The shops have never been run to their full capacity. The strike of the boilcrmakers of the Chicago and Northwestern railway, which went iuto effect last week has been declared off. The men at every point on the road re turned to work Wednesday morn- ng. The.men struck for an in crease in wages from 29 to 35 cents per nour and lor uounie pay tor Sundays and legal holidays. An agreement was reached with the boilcrmakerB Saturday, providing that if the men would return to work at every point on the system the management would treat with their committee but they would not make terms with them while they remained out on a strike. The ar rangement was satisfactory. Rev. G, A. Beecher received a telegram Wednesday announcing the death of his nephew, Mr. Jones, in Chicago. President O'Connell, ot the Inter national Association of Machinists passed west through the city Wed uesday evening. He was met at the depot by a large party of local machinists, and a conference was held durinir the time tlie tram re mained here, Education and Entertainment. When both of the above features can be successfully combined in the presentation of an entertain ment of any sort tho. venture is sure to succeed The only performance of any kind given under canvas, which combines these two essential points arc the ones given by Gentry Bros. Famous Shows. The entertainment furnished by these almost human animals is replete with merriment lor all ago, and instruction for those who care to profit by it. Any one of the acta presented this season in Gentry Bros. Famous SIiowb united, rcpr. sents, at least, one year of con tinued tuition to the animal, or amma'a employed in its presenta tion. Gentry Bros. Famous Shows have been enlarged and improved for this season, and the fact will be quickly appreciated when the com bined street parades arc seen. The display is scheduled for the morning of the day of exhibition 1 1 this city, which is Saturday, July 12th, afternoon and night. Don't Tall to Try ThU. Whonover nn honest trial W givon to Eloctrio Uittors for nny trouble it if re commended for n poruinnont cur will Buroly bo effected. It novor falls to tone tho stomnoh, regulate tho kktnoys and bowels, stimulnto tho livor. invigorato tho norvos and purify tho blood. It's n wondorful tonio for run down systems Electric Bittorn posit iroly cures Kidnoy nnd Livor Troubles, Stomach Disorders, NervouBnoss, Slooplossnesp, Ithoumn tistn, Nouralgin nnd expels Mnlnrm. Satisfaction guaranteed by A. F. Streitz Only 50 cents. I Stop There! You want to and let us reason tocether buy Groceries and Dry Goods where you can do the best, don't you? Certainly. Then wc invite you to come and look over our line of Dress Goods, Shoes, Qnccnsware and be con vinced that we will save you money... We Mean It. away ! e Wc arc hungry for trade and in order to build up a large anu prosperous iraue wc nave cut the profits down to where the trade is bound to come our way as soon as they find out our low prices. I Wc still have a few Baby Spoons left which wc give Fi El E. to Babies under one year old and to all of our customers wc give away a chaude to get a $38 DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINE iy without paying one cent. Wc have a nice line of Notions, Dress Trimmings, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, etc. We want Farmers' produce and will pay the highest price tor same. Coma and sec us at the NORTH SIDE STORE. Yours for economical buying, 43 J. H. GIFFIN employes were union men when the