1 fV Bicycle I have three of this season's whcclslcft which I will close out at a bargain. I $35 Men's Wheel $27.50 I $25 Men's Wheel $22.50 I $25 Ladles1-Wheel $22.50 They arc all high grade wheels and guaranteed. WfW Clinton, THE JEWELER - ,- . SUe Jfami - Wfcfely Erilmac. FRIDAY. JULY 'll, 190Z DH..F. W. MILLER, ORADtJATE DENTIST. I Offlco over Btroltz'i Drag Store. Judge and Mrs. Hoagland are spending today in Cozad. Mrs. F. W. Rincker lb confined to her room with an attack of malarial foyer. Traveling Engineer Stuart is down from the Wydming division today. W, V. Iloagland went to Omaha last night to look after a case in court. Wanted Competent girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Geo. A. Bcecher. Mrs. Eastwood and two daugh ters of Denver are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, II.. Stubba. The ladies ol the Christian churcli will serve ice cream on the court house lawn on the evening of July 18th. JuBt received a car of Michigan Bait. We save you money on your -1 It Tut.. Mini r.itnr'Bov I'n lk W. B. McNeel of this county has Sbccn selected as chair mm of the fltdemocraiic congressional 'cbm- 1IIUI.C. M the postponed Slielton-Kear-ncy ball game, played Wednesday, the latter won by a score ot seven to two. The Lutheran ladies will hold a social at the Waltcmath residence on Friday evening ot next week. The public is cordially invited. Hogs uave been selling in the Omaba market during the past lew days at about eight dollars per hun dred. The hog, therefore, is good pjroperty. Woodman's Linseed Qil, 8c per gallcju. Harrington & Toiiin. 4 large portion flf the business district of Beatrice was wiped out by fire early yesterday morning en tailinrr a loss of $175,000. The fire is supposed to have been of iuccn diary origin. The Gothenburg Independent Btatcs that the hail storm last Sat urday evening which extended from Vroman in a northeahteily course to Roten valley damaged crops to the amount ot seveuty-jive jhoHsapd. flojiars Uasoliue live gallons lor f 1,0b at the Hub Grocery Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday, with possibly local 1 uhnwrra: warmer tonmht. Ibc M maximum temperature jebterdaj M V was 74, one year'ago 98. The mini- W mum temperature this morning Every Man That works in a hay field can do more work if he has his hands He can do that u nc ouys iqs gloves frpro, our sock. "Yc enrry rjyfjry thing jn Gyes fffjRl 35 cents o $a.Q0 a pair. Satjs-: faction guaranteed,. tflF9 npgn Qverjinffs until 8 "fl'eloelf, t . r . . I. " Wilpox Department .Stores Protected . Sunt. K. W. Baxter is in town ! t - today conferring with Asst. Supt. Ware. The ladies auxiliary, of the B. of L. F, will hold a, Kensington Tues" day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John N. Baker. Binding Twine for sale, bottom prices. Hakknuton &. TouiNr Albert Eskew, of Park City, Utah, who had been visiting his sister Mrs. IS. S. Davis for a week, left for the cast Wednesday night. Mrs. J. F. Sayrc returned Wed nesday from Omaha. Her daugh ter Jennie will remain there and re ceive itirthcr treatment for her eye. Jas. Babbitt, Jr., has accepted a position in the Union Pacific black smith shop at Grand Island. - The council of tuc Lutheran church organized Wcdnecday even ing by the election of Andy Yost secretary and John Sorcnson treas urer. Physicians report a considerable number of cases oi malarial h-ver, uc probably to the heavy rains and following pools ot stagnant water. The members of the American Order of Protection held a picnic at Lamplugh's lake last night, which s reported to have been a very en joyable event. N. W. Baker, formerly living bouthwcRt ot town, is in the city oday enroute to Greeley, Col. For several years he has been living at Des Moines. Lorcn Sturgcs tells u that he has had about forty tuns of hay ruined by the wet weather. He had cut the grass and failed to get it in the btack before the heavy rains nuudated the low land. To the credit of the people ol Lincoln county, there is but one in mate at the county j lil at present nil he is in on charge ot drunken ness. J lu.s can be taken as evi dence that the people ot this county re law abiding. The fifty-eight patrons of the Gothenburg separator station re ceived nearly fifteen hundred dollars for their cream last month or an average of twenty-five dollars, The checks ot some, however, ran aa high as fit ty dollars. Pricts on baled hay and new pbtatbes arc on the' toboggan slide at Harrington & Town's The Gothenburg Independent of this week say: The Nebrabka Telephone Co has bhipped in tele phone poles along the line from Lexington to North Platte and m a lew weeks will extend their hue to North Platte, which will be the western terminus at the present time. Soper, the Deuel county horse thief, was not brought to the jtil in this city tor sate keeping as wat- stat'd jn. tftese coluin,iiP. The com- inissjqn.ers ot Eeue county ordered liim sent here, but the sheriff at Chappell relufiio to bring him down on the ground that he is safe at thaT'place. This forenoon four or five ol the Market dining and sleeping carr- were brought in from the cast and nlaced in the machine shops, Two or three ccoks accompanied the out fit and it is said that the object ii bringing the carB here is to provide accommodations ror jinported men who will work on roud-house re pujrs. to locomotives, J. C. ttyger and family of Her Bhey came up Friday evening from Julcsburg, where they had been celebrating the Fourth, and visited friends a few days. Mr. Gyger has secured a five year lease on the Sid nev creamery, and will move his family to Sidney about August & -chappeii Regjstf'r, A. full liqe of W.hitc Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Hun Grocurv Co The TuiiiU.NK learns today Irom an authoiitivc source that a com mlttce ot Grand Idaud business men have been in Omaha conferring with Prcudent Burt relative to making the thop at that place one of the main shops on the Nebraska division. K--ep your ear close tu the ground and you may hear a Chance for Business Ppenjng, I offer for rent tpv building a Brady, Suitable for lunch counter and restaurant, whiph the on Heeds. Addresp, or inquire of, A T QFYPHiRrady, Neb. rHirnished House for Rent. Five room Iioubc, choice location, k nice lawil and tljade trec9(j . ; , JOHN UK ATT iv CO. FLY TIME calls for Screen Doors Screen Wire Fly Traps WE HAVE THEM WUcox Department Store. Wilson Hat a Scheme Today'a Omaha Bee sayt: The machinists claim to have a plan under way for the settlement of their strike on the Union Pacific. Vice-President Wilson has changed his program of going west Friday in order to promote this plan, which, he sayp, will put a sudden end to all differences If carried out as designed. Mr. Wilson declines to discuss the scheme in detail, but says it in volves the co-opcrattoit with the strikers ot some of the leading citizens of Omaha, who arc inter ested m seeing the trouble settled. He Bays the strikers are assured of the support of these men and are confident that an early termination of the strike will be brought about. "Does your plan contemplate a compromise witu tuc company.'" was asked. "No, it does not. It contem plates a settlement on the termt demanded by the Ftrikcrs. It in volves the repudiation of piecework and the reinstatment ot all the former employes who arc now out on a strike. It our friends who have promised their support stay with us we are bound to win." Prospects for fall trade in North Platte are brighter than for several years past. The small grain crop will be the bebt in a decade, every thing points to a jjood corn crop, thousands ot cattle will be sold and shipped, hogs promise to command a good pric', and the sugar beel crop will bring liity or seventy- five thousand dollars ,into the coun ty. The farmers will have. money to spend this fall, and if the proper efforts are mad-- and inducements offered, the bulk of the trade from all directions will come to this city. The fall trade should prove i. bright star of hope to merchants who now find trade dull, due partly to the mid-summer season and partly to the Union Pacific labor trouble. Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves 'epaired. Kcpairs lor all kinds ol stoves. Western Stpve Repair Works. Frank Arnold, employed at tlu Vienna Restaurant, wound up a ten days' Bprce by b.ing placed in jail Wednesday uyening. Yeslcr day, having sobered up, he was re leased and created some cxcitemen by sending a note to the restaurant stating that he was weary of life, and had determined to commit Bui cide. Search was at once insti tuted for him, but he made his ap pearance last evening. rpnc0 wiMio tor. . Police Judge McAuley of Kanuss City Iibb prepared and will push an ordin ance providing for punishment by the lash of wlfo beaters and otherj guilty of aggravated misdemeanors that now call for no more severo penalties than small fines or brief workhouse sent ences. Solid leather, made on neat . lasts, per pair SI. 25 Finer grade, good for cither dress shoes or for fine work shoes, per pair Stl.S0 glen's Fine Shftes, four, or fiv? Wle.ren. leathers, gpqd. styles, per pair $2.00 Men's Rrcss, Shoes, ma.de on slyl'teh lasts, ditfcrtjnt widths and shapes nil UndH of katilOl'f. per pair- 2 50 to $3.00 Store open evenings until 8:00 o'clock. Vltcox Department Store. Men's Sliocs A girl baby was born Wednes day to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott. C. -C. Guhnoll of Paxton is transacting" business in town today. r y . . . ... I uco. j carter returned tins morning- from the cast part of the state. Messrs. Wood hurst, Field and Ginn were visitors in Suther land Tuesday evening-. Watchman Kcynplds rounded up twenty-six hoboes at the ice houses yesterday, and it was not a very good day for hoboes. John Kmkadc, of Osgood pre cinct, who had been visitinir his daughter in Denver for two ori three wccks, returned home this morning. Mr. and Mrs M. K. Barnum came up from Omaha this morn ing, the" former to look after Union Pacific matters and the latter to visit friends. P. L. Harper paid into the county treasury yesterday nine hundred and eighty dollars de linquent taxes on land in Wallace precinct which has come into his possession The heavy rain Tuesday night caused another break in the south side ditch. This ditch running close to the hills is sub ject to much drainage water and frequent breaks cannot be averted. E. F. Sccbergcr, who was at Hcrshcy a day or two this week says that everything in that sec tion is in excellent shape. Early planted corn is immense, while the late planting, though some what small, is coming along nicely. At the democratic congres sional convention in Kearney Wednesday, M. C. Harrington of this city received the full vote of the convention on the first formal ballot. This vote was, however, only complimentary to Mr. Harrington, as it was known that the populist convention in session at the same time would not endorse a d mocratic nominee. . In the past three or four days eighteen additional men have be added to the Union Pacific force in this city. There arc indications that more will be added. There is reason to be lieve that the Union Pacific will about Uctoucr 1st take over the active management of the St Joseph tand (Grand Island and that the shop work of that road will be done in Grand Island and Omaha, Finally ami perhaps it is of greater importance- there arc indications that Presi dent Burt is decidedly pleased with the fact that in the whole strike situation only two men. in Grand Island have laid down their tools and especially with the fact that the car builders of this city were among the first to declare that they had no griev ance against the Union Pacific. Grand Island Independent. DELINQUENT MS CAUSE TROUBLE.- :2' f Jilake a Large Iiidebtedncss Against State of Nebraska.' v;. U All Taxes Were Paid Promptly, Commonwealth Would Be Out or;';; Debt. t' TFJSlESSfiSSBJIPH (Inctl under Audiorlty of tho lliillro iiiIn of Nelirnmkn.) TJ j ;!!Illirfrj!T(7l U ' "' 1 Wo give below n statement of various taxes. The result is that at t'he c!Me rj ' ,' I aniounts that are due the different Slate basinee on May 27, J 1)02, there was an out f,lll('s: standing indebtedness of the Stale, Kinidm'nt r tho uiwoiu.cci tnxi-m in xviiniNkit amounting to SI ,1J TO.ilOD.OS, and tllCK' WiU mil llu- ilin;rciit (llliO In which tlu-y ivcro do- . , a ' . . ' . ' . limiueiit on .viyvMiui-r :io, loooi a balanfo of uiicollei'tcd taxes due Irom Ocneroi I2.n7.7i2.c3 t'he various counties, to Hie Slate, amount- HlnkliiR Kuna 182,415.00 J,llf j () $o 7g;i ()( i Brhool fund 081,917.63 h 7 ' ' 0,U,M'U 1 VnivcrHity Fumi 39i,r.i8.07 It en ii be seen Hint if ther.e delinnucut SsrKSl r.u.:d..:::::::::::::::::: 7,S u imd i.ee,, paid, ti.e.-e wo.ud imv....:.- copitoi nuiiiiiiiR Kunit 11,129.82 been a surplus in the treasury of (he State llcform School Fund 0,259.07 ,,,, ,, , .. ... , . Normal imiiding Fun.i 807.92 u,11 110 outstanding oliligaliniis whalevir. institute Fccbio Minded Fund 13,903.07 While the collect ions made from Dec. oil?. "Hcu.'iS1.1:""'..:::::::: jKt "m y 2ti. imw would i,m-at-.. that u portion of these delinquent tnxe. ! AddT?Sy :v wr:::::::::::::..:::;; were being paid, it can imniiy be expeded , r- that enough of these arrearages can be " : AnSXl W"it T'rc'uVuV; ,80,,2,9'13 , collcclofl to wipe out the complete imlebt- "rom tioccmbcr t, 1000. to May edness of the State. ' Wu ww mMtM We shall try in,future articles to show . , . nuiauco uncoticctcd May 23, 1902 .. 2,7S3,oc3.o where this great deiniueuey ill payment' i : The purpose in the collection of tax is of taxes originates. The lirst duty of good to raise money with which to carry on the citi.enship is to pay tho tax that is necc.:- government. It is tho duty of the State sary to meet Slate, County and Cily ev- olllcets to certify out to the various conn- peases. Jn the long list of delinquent tax- , tics a rate of levy that should raise sullle- payers, no railroad will be found delin- ient revenue with which to carry on the quont in payment of tiny legal taxes, al- business of tho State. though the payment of taxes in several This duty 1ms been attended to by t'he instances has practically absorbed all of various administrations, but there has the net earnings of the company for a term been a material default in the payment of of years. NOTE.-From 1893 to 1900, the Fremont, Elkhorn Missouri Valley r; Railroad paid 16 8-10 per cent of it's net earnings for taxes. O On a staple article is worth looking after. You save this by buying your Flour of us. ft ft ft ft ft ft Red Seal Mour per ft Jowcl Flour por sack ft ISfnvn mimmi ox'oiii ii ft ft i Wilcox Deoartment Store VVVWVWWyA( VVAVWVWVVVVVVVWVVV V.WVWNVVWWV JOHN UHATT. JOHN BRiVTT & CO.. Real Estate, Loans Insurance Idle Honey invested in (lilt Hdgcd Securities X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X t, f "A tZ is invariably found in I every glass of I QJND'S Peerless Bottled Beer THE BEER. OF GOOD CHEER Because the best of materials and the greatest of care enter into the brewing of it. The' ideal beverage for table use. JOHN CUND BREWING CO., - LaCrossc, Wis. ijiif 15c for pac of fine playing cards, H. SCHLESWGER, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. lyon's French Periodioe Strictly vegetable, perfectly linnnlcsn, sure to .'ircoinpli h DESIRED MijuL,iii. uruiucbi Known icinaic remedy. J'rice, $1.50 per bottle. RAIITMH Ilownroof rmintprfolta nml Imitations TlioRonutno h put up onljrln :iat.honnl Car. Houcl for Circular to WJUMAMH Ml'U. CO., Solo Auonti, Clovuloml, OHIO. For sale by North Platte Pharmacy. sack . . ire iinJ1 S nVl nr If . b. H. COUUmAlV. Hi' 00 i Irons jtu.