k Mo r tit jJlillti' mi- EIGHTEENTH YEA1L NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JULY 11, 1902. NO. 11) a mm Izm iiII ; Ji Gasoline Stoyes. r Wc arc handling the Standard Single Generator Gas olene ami Kerosene Stoves and have a largo? stock of them ranging in price from three dollars to twenty-seven dol lars. One of these stoves burns either gasolene or kerosene, just as you choose. Wc will be glad to show the merits of these stoves to intending purchasers. Of course wc still sell Furniture, Matting, Wall Paper and Picture Moulding, and have gained the reputation of selling goods a shade lower than other dealers. Howe's Furniture Store. lut Nono Hut Axiicviouna on Gttnrd." IM-Tlie Old Reliable Fire- Insurance Agency -1902 OI? XORTII PLATTE Includes all the Great American Companies. " COMlWNIICS KHPUieSHNTKI): . AbSIlS! ' Aetna Insurance-Company, of Hartford, Conn ,,$14,07 1,I8 Home Insurance Company of New York 15,255,S7) Insurance Company of North America 10,079,479 Continental Insurance Company of New York : 11,599,012 German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457 Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn . . , .... 5,953,444 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,663 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16.394,695 Combined Assets. . .-. i"..' $88,214,568 When you arc in need of Insurance gcHhe best. It cost no more than the poorest. A T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. WW : forth f l&tfe ftloar S WWW VaiafactUi-cd by Jottt) Plaltc oiiet mills Used by economical houscwifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming' and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. Trial Sack uilll Cotfviijce yoU of its njeU North Platte Roller Mills C. F. I DOINGS The Climate Qf Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it is al most money burned to use an inferior quality when' painting your, house. The best paint is by far the cheapest in the end. Sherwin & Williams Paints '.Have been sold by 'us for many years, and they have given universal satisfactiontime tried and not k;iound wanting. Wc have a full stock, on, hand for the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy it again; if you have not used it, try it.- A F STREITZ, Druggist t m t ? n ? Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps: Pipes and Fit- it tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. o Bale Ties, Lightening Hay Press & Repairs t Locust St Baby Carriages, Wc have just received a large line of Baby Carriages, which have such a wide range m price that wc can suit anybody's pocket book. An inspection of these carriages is invited. o o e s S' s o JOS. HERSHEY 9 m t NORTH PLATTE, NEB. !J Y. M. C A. NOTE5. I Notwithstanding the unsettled condition of affairs iu the city, men arc standing by the association. By the 7lh ol the month six new members and three renewals were recorded. A r.uinbcr of ladies arc lclndly uriiishing dowers for the rooms from day to day which is greatly appreciated. 13. B. Warner has the thanks of the rcligouB work committee ior the loan of extra chairs during the Coldwcll and Wolfe meetings. Next Sunday at 3:30 p. m. the men's meeting will be addressed by the new pastor of the Christian church, C. F. Swander. Topic: 'Ideal Man." Men, come and biiug a friend. Reader, arc you one of the thirty- three members whose ticket ex pired July 31st? If so, and you arc able, see the secretary and renew early as the association needs your renewal now. 48G books were drawn from the ibrary last month. We have them for hundreds of reader. S. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. July 7, 1902 Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and coun ty clerk. The tollowitig business was had and done. Election expense bill for the elec tion held Nov. 5th, 1901, was aud- ted and allowed as follows : SG17.10 tn be drawn on cash iu county gen eral iund. Claim ol W. II. C. Wood. hurst and Albert Muldoou for can-vast-im: election returns of Nov., 1901, election allowed on the gen eral fund for 5 00 each. Claim of C. P. Preitauer of 2 50 forswearing election board Antelope precinct is hereby disallowed. The following added as ol July 7th being omitted in above minutes: Contract with Mrs. Pulver for care of poor renewed for one year. The telephone in clerk's office ordered hanged to desk phone. Adjourned until tomorrow. July 8, 1902 Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk. Contract was made with W. K. Covell for twenty tons of hay to be hauled and spread on sand lulls on road No. 128, for the sum ol 35.00. Upon application of D. M. Atchi son tor druggists' permit for the bale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal purposes iu the village of Brady, Lincoln county, Neb, and it appearing that the law as to the petition and publication having bceu complied with, and that a sufficient and legal bond had been given, the application is hcrety granted. To C. P,. Scharmann, county treasurer: You are hereby in structed to, accept the buiii of 55 00 with interest from July 1st, 1902, in full settlement for the taxes for the years 1891 to 1901 inclusive f jr the fractional 30.55 acres of laud in the sw qr of sw qr section 15, to.vu 9, range 30, also lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. and 9, block 115, lots 4, 5, 6, and south half 7, block 116, all of blocks 117, 118133 and 134 in Lakeview addi tlnnjto the town of Welllleet, Neb. Said lots, parts of !otp, blocks, Streets and alleys having been va cated and owned by Isaac Newton. Jas. b. Koiimns, M. h McCuM.our.ir, John O. Ki:ui:iii:u, Co. Comtnrs. C. P. Scharmann, county treas urer: You arc hereby instructed to accept the sum ol 24 96 with in terest lroin May 1st, 1902, in full settlement for the yiarB 1892 to to 1901 inclusive for the iractional thirteen acres of the nw qr of bw qr section 15, town 9, range 30, and lots 3 to 12 inclusive iu block 97, also all of blocks 93, 99, 100 and lotb 1,2, 3, 10, Haul 12 in block 115. and lots 1,2, 3 and north half c f lot 7 in block 116 in Lakcyiew addition to town of WelUleet. Said lots, parts of lots, blocks, streets and alkva havinjr been vacated. Said land owned by Mollie B. and Chas. A. Smith. Jas. S. koiiuins, M. h. McCurj.our.il, John I). Ki:i.m:hkk, Co. Commrs. Claim of Wiley Mathews, aer vices as janitor from Sept. 11, 1901, to July 11, 1902, allowed on the gen eral fund for 500 00. Adjourned until tomorrow. July 9, 1902 Board met pursuaut to adjourn ment, present lull board and coun ty clerk. Commenced checking -up the half year records of clerk of district co-irt from Jan. 1, 1902 to June 30, 1902. Cliims were allowed on the gen et il fund as follows: Coroner's jury fees 6 60, regular jurors and talesman March term of court, 1902, 522 50, wituesbes in came term of court 953. 35, costs iu case ot County v. McGuine!s212 43. Claim of Fred TobaB bridge sup erintends nt, allowed cn bridge fuud t r 30.00, claim of J. A. McNecl ior grading roads allowed for 545 65 payable as follows: 100 00 on road district No. 2S. and 416 65 on road tund commissioners' district No. 2. Adjourned until tomorrow. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. We understand that Miss Gertie Jeffers of North Platte will Kach the school at Nichols again this year, or at least two ol the directors have given their consent and the oilier one says he don't care. Miss Kite Oilman of North Platte, who has taught in the schools at Sutherland for the past two year, will teach the upper de partment at llershey the coming year. G. A. Staples and crew arc load tug hay at Nichols lrom off the Thomas land over on the south aide. O.ving to the illness of a daughter Mr. Wilcolt of Paxton, who pur chased the new hotel at llershey is not at tlm time certain when he will be able to take possession of it but will as soon as things will per mit. The new potato crop in the valley this seaion is the ' finest both in quantity and quality cyer raised. Everybody has plenty and to spare. ' Bert Wright has severed his con nection with the Nichols section crew and has gone to work in the Staples haying crew. W. L. Brownfield on the Max Bier ranch is loading baled hay at llershey. The rain Tuesday night stopped harvest and haying for a day or so, A. A. Leister has sufficiently re covered from his late illness that he can wit Id a hammer in his black smith shop at llershey once more, which is greatly appreciated by his many patrons. The second crop ol alfalfa will soon do to harvest for hay. The mowers will be clicking in some of t the coming week. The county commissioners must certainly think that Nichols pre cinct is composed of a gold mine or else they did what they knew was wrong when they recently raised the valuation of the lOarl estate in that precinct sixty per cent. It is not doing by others as they would have others do by them. Oacar Goodwin left the first of the week for the vicinity of Ilold rege where he is at work ou M. Mlckclrieu's farm. Miss Delia Marovish, who taught in the North Pl.itle schools last year, has been engaged to teach the O'Pallou school the coming year. Harlan and Pred Linstrom were ..FLY SHEETS.. Wc sell Burlap Sheet, 90-iiich 40c Burlap Sheet, 100-inch. -45c Single Fly Nets Team Nets Leather Nets Summer Lap Robes Store open until 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store. I WHY? 1 8? ft? Does Every Month ji SHOW Increased Business J In Our t .. SHOE DEPARTMENT .. 5? 3 Because our Shoes give the wear they should and arc sold for what they arc worth. p I WE SELL I fte Ladies good serviceable Kid Sho per prtir $1.50 Si Ladies Fine Kid Shoes tier .pair 2.00 Misses Shoes, good quality, sizes Wi to 2, per pair 1.35 ; Misses Shoes, Patent Leather, sizes llji to 2, per pair , 1.35 $9 Childrens Shoes, good quality, sires 8J4 to 11, per fc ci'n pair . 1.10 p c Childrens Patent Leather Shoes, size Syi to 11, A $L per pair 1.10 g 5v Clulds Fine Shoes, size 5 to 8, per pair 85 J; Childs Kid Shoes, fcisc 5 to 8, per pair 50 r 'Mens Fine Shoes per pair .' . . 1 25 cvj Mens Fine Shoes per pair $2.00 to . 3.50 op Uoys Shoes $1,25 to 2.00 El i. &. Wc guarantee the satisfactory wear ol every Shocwc sell. - Store opcr evenings until 8:00 o'clock. jg Wilcox Department Store s? i$i.i4i0 A.O? SOHMAL3:RI33D'S. called to Stiotnsbitrg hint Tuesday by the death of their mother, vl.o died the day previous. The rela tives have the sympathy of -many friends in the valley. Corn and Biigar beets where they were kept clean are doing fine. Sam linkhouscr U off duty by reason ot a lame back which he contracted lately while working out iu the wet weather. The parties who quit the U. I. sections lor other jobs up this way lately etj having a number of lioli - d.iy-j during the rainy weather which they would have missed hnd thry staid with the sections, The ladles aid society met with Mrs. J, V. Robinson on Wednca- lay. Mrs. W. 10. Park and daughter Carrie of the Dillon ran:h were the HiicsU of the Brown and Brooks families on the Kroug farm at Nichols caily In the week. Ur. lOvew, J. W. Abbott and M. Mickelscu attended a meeting of the Masonic lodc at North Platte Tuesday evening. A crew of U. P. men were re pairing the water tank and wind mill at llershey a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. G, M. Cary were shopping at the county scat Tues day. Mr and Mrs. J. K. Young of l.od;u Pole whose daughter died at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hill at lliriihcy rerun t ly, wibh to express their heartfelt thanks for the many kind words of sympathy lrom friends far and near during their dark days of bereavement and also for lljwcrs receiv d from Lodge Pole, Ridnjy and Hcrslicy. It is only when compelled to p;ibH through a similar tiial that you will realize the value ot those loving tributes. Eavja a Woman'u 7-iifo, T.j hiivoK'ivon up vvuuM hiivo mount doath for Mth. ls.m Omtf, or Dorolion tor, Mubh, For years iiho hud endured untold minor) from a nuvcrti liuij; trou hlo and olj3tlnata u,hi;,'I. "Of ton," sho writoH; "I could iiourooly broatliti ami notuotliuoii could not iipoidc. All duo tors and romodio fallml till 1 ucod Dr. KiiiH.s Now OiHuovury for Conhuinition and was coiuplntoly curod." Kulforors from CoiiuIip, Ooidn, Throat and Liidk Troublo nued this i,rand loiuody, for it novor dismipoinlu. (Juro in Kiiurnnleod bv A. F. Btri'lln. Price GOo and SI. CO Trlul bottles freo. Five Cent Cigar T"K. D R. J. Is. SHUTE, DENTIST. All llranclii'N nl Den. tlniry KCloiiililenllv Ume. MltrniiH Ox lit (las ndtiilnlHtori'il, I'ennsylvanla College of Denial Nursery fa) Olllcc over Wilcox Dciit Store, 'rtionc 131. SUPERB CUnlATC. In Colorado all the con ditions o health arc inel. There U a sufiicicnt alti tude to cause lung and chest development; there is the dry exhilarating mount ain air, with an almost-abso. lute absence of malaria; there is the tonic effect of a bracing climate, without its rigors; an atmosphere filled with ozone; cool nights in summer, a bright, sunny' sky almost every day in the year, conducive of cheerfulness and bringing a new pleasure every morn ing, constantly stimulating both mind and body. To enable persons to reach these favored locali ties without unnecessary expenditure of time or money, the U:;io:j Pacimc has put in effect very low rates and splendid train service, three trains leav ing Missouri Kivcr daily for Denver, one of which is "The Colorado Special' the finest and fastest train in the west. Accommoda tions arc provided for all classes of passengers on these trains, the equip ment including free reclin ing chair cars, dining cars, hulTcl, smoking cars, draw ing room sleepers and day coaches, etc. Full information cheer fully furnished on applica tion to IC. II. fJENOIC, Agent.