Wht (Earth H I ji H si At . ml- - EIGHTEENTH YEAR. NORTII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JULY 0, 1902. NO. 48 f l'l M rwr HA not Gasoline Stoves. We arc handling the S.-andard Single Generator Gas olene and Kerosene Stoves, and have a large stock of them ranging in price from tlr cc dollars to twenty-seven dol lars. One of these btoves burns cither gasolene or kerosene, just as you ch os:. We will be glad to show the merits of these stovcn to intending purchasers. Of course we still sdl Furniture, Matting, Wall Paper and Picture Moulding, and have niinctl the reputation of selling goods a shade lower than other dealers. Howe's Furniture Store. "I'ut jStono lint Americans on Gunrd." IKl-Ite Old Reliable Fire Insurance Agency -1902 OF AT( )RTir PJLA TTJS, Includes all the Qrcat American Companies. companies kepkesicnted: assets: Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn $14,071,948 Home Insurance Company of New York 15,255,870 Insurance Company of North America 10,079,479 Continental Insurance Compary of New York 11,599,012 German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457 Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn ... .... 5,953,444 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,663 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16.394,695 Combined Assets $88,214,568 When you arc in need of Insurance get (he but. It costs no more than (he poorest. T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. WW : Jvforlh f latte ftloar f iiuir YaUfacUiteeL by ISfotU? Platte poller iljilis Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. Tiai Sack uiill Covlce yoU of its njcirit North- Platte Roller Mills C. F. IDDINCS IThe Climate Of Western Nebraska most money burned to painting1 your house. cheapest in the end. S Sherwin & Williams Paints e Have been sold by us for many years, and they have o given universal satisfaction time tried and not found wanting. We have a full stock on hand for g the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy g it again; if you have not used it, try it. 2 :A F STREITZ, Druggist: 3 c 9 5 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit- tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale Ties, Lightening . . (J? Hay Press & Repairs t Locust st : : : : NORTH PLATTE, NEB. W) Baby Carriages, We have just received a large line of Baby Carriages, which have ft i. ...t.t- !- V sucn a wiuc range m price that we can suit anybody's pocket book. An inspection of these carriages is invited. o n is hard on paint and it is al- S use an inferior quality when S The best paint is by far the o 9 JOS. HERSHEY 9 Delightfully Entertained. The spacious and elegant home of Judge and Mrs. Baldwin was the scene of a ni03t brilliant affair on Thursday and Friday, the 3d and 4th Itist., when Mrs. A. S. Baldwin and Mrs Prank Bacon entertained in a most delightful manner about eighty ladicp, the guest of honor being Mrs. Baldwin' niece, Mrs. Julius Brunton of Chicago. The decorations were most magnificent and unique, the red, white and blue scheme being carried out in every detail as characteristic of the Natlon'd birthday, Large sill: Hags were beautifully festooned and drap:d arcu.id, while small Hags and fire crackers were no less charmingly used to give zebt to the occasion. The floral decorations also were bcautitul in the extreme. Cut flowers were tastefully and protuscly arranged here and there, while potted plants were largely in d)tniuanc, the stairway presenting the appearance ot a huge embank tnent of cboic: ferns and palm, the spacious rooms really seemed as one vast conservatory of nch loll age and bloom. The entertaining feature on Thursday was a draw ing contest, the Finest artist being awarded a prize. Mrs. Earl New ton, being the fortunate winner, the prize a hugh fire cracker. The booby prize was won by Mrs. W. II. C. Woodhurst, thc prize ticing a very small decorated firecracker. Cards were indulged in on Fri day bv way of entertainment. Refreshment", most elaborate and dainty, were served, the na tional color scheme being carried out in the table dccurationn, also in the refreshments. After a de lightful afternoon all were unani mous in pronouncing Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Bacon most charming hostesses. A Guest. The Glorious Fourth. The Fourth was a rather -quiet" day in North Platte, no attempt at a celebration being made other then that there was the customary firing of explosives. In the small hours of the morn ing a party of men secured a cannon of good-sized calibre and made con stant use of it for several hours, thereby arousing the sleeping in habitants and keeping them awake. The Buffalo Bill Gun Club held a tournament in the forenoon and also in the altcrnoon which at tracted not only the men handy with a gun but also a number of spectators, The ball game in the afternoon was attended by several hundred people. Ouite a large number of members ot the G. A. R , W. R. C. and their families attended a picnic al the national cemetery, some driving down and others going by train to Maxwell, where conveyances met them. Those who attended report a very pleasant day. In the evening the band gave its weekly concert at the court house park, and later in the evening there wcie liberal pyrotechnic displays. The day being warm, many ol our residents spent the mid-day hours beneath the shade of their own vine and fig tree. Chance for Business Opening. I offer for rent my building at Brady. Suitable for lunch counter and restaurant, which the to ami needs. Address, or inquire of, A. T. Geyek, Brady, Neb. ICE CREAM 3 qt White Mountain v reezer 52.25 4 qt White Mountain iM-cczcr 2.G0 (i qt White Mountain Freezer 3.50 8 qt White Mountain Freezer 4.50 3 qt Queen Freezer 2.25 4 qt Queen Freezer 2.f0 6 qt Queen Freezer 3 50 8 qt Queen Freezer 4.50 4 qt Arctic Freezer 2.10 Store open evenings until 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store. T. M. Lee Dead. Word received In the city the latter part of last week announced the death at Howard, Col., of T. M. lyce. Mr. Lee was for many years a resident ot Medicine precinct, settling in that section in the early 80'd. About a year ago he moved to the place at which he died. Dur ing his many years' residence in Lincoln county he became oncot the best known men in the county and his acqtmntancis will regret to learn of his death. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Mr. and Mrs. Chap. McClain of Ilershcy, attended the Sutherland celebration on the Fourth where their eight month' old daughter drew first prize for the best looking baby at the baby show. Rev. W. M. EvaiiB of Ilershcy, met his regular appointment at Pax ten Sunday. Geo. FdmitiHlen shipped his cat tle to KansaH City, instead of South Omaha, and loaded them at Somerset instead of Dlckrns as we stated last week. Mr. Wilcott of PaTton, who has purchased the new hotel at Her shcy, will, we arc told, take pos session of the same and open it up to the public this week. I. B. Bout wick and S. J. Koch, two large hay dealers on the south side, are just putting out their crews. They will t-oon be loading at both Nichols and Hcrshry. Alter the cxerciscu of the Royal Neighbors otder at Ilershcy, last Thursday cvtnlng, ice cream and take were served in their hall to the members, tamilics and a few intimate friends. A good time is reported. Mrs. G. M. Smith, daughter Gertie and MIsb Bessie IC-dielman celebrated the Fourth of July at Cheyenne. A. A. Leister has been somewhat indisposed for the patt week or trti days. At this time he is confined to the house. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hill and son Claire went down to Overton on Thursday oyening where they spent a jolly time with Mrs. Hill's people on the Fourth. W. A. Paxton gave all the peo ple residing or working on his large ranch in the valley a fine pic nic in a grove on tlic ranch July Fourth. It was an up-to-date affair and all present report a grand time. Tom Birch has quit the IIcrshy section and has gone into the hay field to work. While chasing cattle on horse back recently the horse that J. V. Robinson was riding took a tumble and fell onto Mr. Robinson's loot, badly spraining his ankle and at this time he is navigating with care. Several relatives and neighbor assisted J. B. Toillion, Jr., and family celebrate the Fourth of July at their home just north of Nichols, A number of neighbors and old time friend indulged in a Fourth of July picnic in a grove on Mrs. Win. Ware's farm. To say that all had a pleasant time would be putting it mildly. Dr. W. M. Eves met with tin pension examination board, ol which lie is a member, at the county seat on Wednesday last week. Seeberger & Co. have brought their grading outfit that they had at work on the McCabc irrigation canal in Jthe Birdwood country down and will now put the men and teams at work in the hay field. W. R. Shuman of Brady, was up in this vicinity last week taking pictures ot different objects. When he departed for home he had finished up a large number that he had taken of the beautiful scenery and manv fine farms with their fine buildings. Quite a number from the vicinity of Ilershcy celebrated at Suther land on the Fourth. Shorty Fletcher, with hi wagon loaded down with patent medicines, was calling on the people in the valley lately. He said trade was improving in his Hue. W. M. Haist received a $25 I WHY? I a Does Every Mouth SHOW $ Increased Business . In Our j 1 SHOE DEPARTMENT .. I Because our Shoes give the wear they should and arc sold for what they are worth. Si - - WE SELL fcg Ladies good serviceable Kid Shoes per pair $1.50 ap Ladies Fine Kid Shoes per pair 2.00 Sa Misses Shoes, gfood quality, sizes ll to 2, per pair 1.35 ; ST Misses Shoes, Patent Leather, sizes 11 J4 to 2, per Sv pair 1,35 g Childrcns Shoes, good quality, sizes 8;4 to 11, per 3 & ran ." 1.10 5 Childrens Patent Leather Shoes, size S to 11, (?L per pair 1,10 & Childs Fine Shoes, size 5 to 8, per pair 85 Childs Kid Shoes, tizc 5 to 8, per pair 50 $J Mens Fine Shoes per pair 1 25 o Mens Fine Shoes per pair $2.00 to 3.50 $L IJoys Shoes $1,25 to 2.00 htv a? g Wc guarantee the satisfactory wear of every Shoe wc sell. j ----:- y Jj? Store oper evenings until 8:00 o'clock. I Wilcox Department Store i t Five Cent Cigar .A.T SOHMALZBIBIDS. female Poland China pig from Elizabeth, 111., one day last week, She is a fine animal. A large majority ot the fall grain will be put in the shock this week Corn and sugar beets arc far ahead of what they were last year at this time. Li. O. Kennedy, night operator at Ilershcy, has been transferred to Lodge Pole. He had held down the job at Hershey for some time. M. Micklcscu and family and J. C. Gygepand family went to Jnles burg to hear the eagle tcrcam en the Fourth, Having resided in that vicinity at one time, they met many old time friends and neighbors while there. The Staples haying outfit at Nichols has moved over south to the Thomas hay land where they arc now cutting and baling. The hay will be shipped from Nichols. A severe electrical storm visited Lexington and vicinity Tuesday night. P. h. Sutphen, a prominent larmcr residing nine miles north of that place, attended the school meeting lu his district. Not re turning home, a search was made for him Wednesday morniinr. Mb dead bjdy and that ot the horse he rode were lound in the road a half mile troin the school house, both having been instantly killed by a bolt ot liuhtiiiiig, Ho is survived by his wife, who n an inmate of insane asylum, and live children. Co.ad Tribune. Bogota Coffee a hiuh trade drink at a moderate price. 4 ball set 6 ball set 8 ball set 4 ball Professional set $ 1 .45 8 ball Professional set $2. 1 0 Store open cvenltigB until 8 o'clock, Wilcox Department Store. Croauet 75c 85c 1.- 95c R. J. P. SHUTEL, DENTIST. All llranclics of Don. tlHiry HclcHtlilrally done. NIliouH Ox I il (Jan administered, rcnnaylvanla Collcuo ot Dental SurRorv'liu Onicc over Wilcox Ociit Store. 'llionc 131. SUPERB CLIAIATO. In Colorado nil the con ditions of health are met. There Is a sufficient alti tude to cause lung- and chest development: there is 3 the dry exhilarating: mount- 9 1 1 . am an, wuii an almost noso lute absence of malaria; there is the tonic effect of a bracing climate, " without itH rigors; an atmosphere filled with ozone; cool nights in summer, a bright, snnnv !sly almost every day in the year, conducive of cheerfulness and bringing a new pleasure every morn ing, constantly stimulating both mind and body. To enable persons io reach these favored locali ties without unnecessary expenditure of time or money, the Union Paciimc has put in effect very low rates and splendid train senico, three trains leav ing Missouri River daily for Denver, one of which is "The Colorado Special," the finest and fastest train in the west. Accommoda tions arc provided for all Classes of liaHWPn'rni-u mi , o - - 1 these trains, the equip- j mcnt including free reclin ing chair cars, dining cars, buffet, smoking cars, draw ing room sleepers and day coaches, etc. Full information cheer fully furnished on applica tion to E. II. CENG IS, Agent. D