The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 27, 1902, Image 8

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Local flews m Uriel.
Office over BtrotU'a Drufc Store,
The delegates to the. fusion con
ventiona at Grand Island returned
home last evening.
Miss Georgic Brcyer expects to
leave Sunday for Salt Lake City
where she will visit rclativca until
S. C. Mccombcr lias been in Kan
nas City this week attending a con
ference of officers ot the Order of
Railway Conductors.
Mrs. J. H. Stubbs was hostess at
a Kensington Wednesday afternoon,
an event that proved a pleasant
one for all present.
For SamjA two r,catcd,' carri
age. Can be seen at Van Wic'
paint shop. h. Walker.
Governor Savage shook hands
with North Platte friends it the
depot yesterday while enroute to
Lincoln from a trip to Idaho.
Judge Baldwin united in mar
riiige Wednesday N. K. Hayncs
and Miss Inez Montgomery, bcth
residents of Cottonwood precinct.
John McConncll, who was up
from Somerset precinct Wednes
day, says corn in that vection is
being damaged to Borne extent by
Cane Granulated Sugar 18 pounds
$1 00 at the Hub Grocery. Head
quarters for StrawbcrricH.
You arc most cordially invited
to worship with the 1'rcBbytcrians
next Sabbath at all the services.
Remember the time of our nixt
Communion, July 6th.
Geo. W. Childs, Uncle Oscar,
Pa tli finder and all other standard
cigars six lor 25 centB at tin- Hub
grocery. ,
C. P. Salisbury, manager of the
Cody ranch, reports the theft of a
black horse from a pasture on the
ranch Sunday night. No trace of
the thief ha yet been obtained.
The picnic held at Lamplugh's
lake Tuesday nigljt proved a very
plcanaut affair for the two score of
young people who attended. Danc
ing was One of the features of the
Colorado strawberries this week
large and fine.
Harrington & Town.
The remains of D. 13. GrilTeth,
found dead at Pawnee, were buried
Wednesday evening, Rev. Chamber
lain holding a brief service. No
rclativca of the dead man could be
found lu Omaha.
C. O Wilcox returned a few days
ago from Jtlm, Wyo., where he
went to look after IiIh interests in
mining property. He also took ad
vantage of the opportunity to fish
for trout in the Big Laramie River.
When thinking about Hour re
member that Harrington & Tobiu
arc the only people that sell Minne
sota ilour-PIIlsbury's Best XXXX.
Also the product of the two best
mills in the Htntu of Nebraska
North Platte nnd Lexington pat
cuts. Prices from $1,05 to $125
per sack.
Mrs. B. L. Robinson on Wed no b
day afternoon entertained eleven
ladtes members ol the McthodlBt
church whose combined ages
wore 720 years. The youngcatof the
guests was fifty-Bcven yearo and
the oldest eighty-one, the average
being sixty-hix. The ladles had a
very pleasant afternoon,
Keep Cool.
C&.IW&.S Shoes
Men's Canvns Shoes, leather
soles, per pair. $1.25
Men's Canvas Oxfords,
leather soles, per pair. . 1.10
Hoys' Canvas Shoes, leather
soles, per pair 1.00
Youth's Uanvas bhoe'.,
leather soles, 13 Vj to 2,
per pair 90
Lauies'Canvasbhoi'S, leather
soles, per pair 1.00
Ladies' Canvas Oxfords,
leather soles, per pair .. .90
Misses' Canvas Siioes.leathcr
soles, WA to 2, per pair .90
Children's Canvas Shoes,
leather soles, 8Jd to 11, per
pair 75
Store open evenings until 8:00
Wilcox Department Store
ipecial Sale.
To make room for our heavy fall purchases,
we intend to dispose of every boys' suit in the
house. To do this we have placed on sale all
our $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
At $2.00.
At a special discount of 20 per cent during- this sale. Re.
member we mean business. They must go.
A special term of the district
court will be held next week, be
ginning Tuesday.
The vase center piece rallied at
Tramp's store Saturday evening by
Mac Tarkington, was won by Mrs.
P. A. Norton, No. 9 proymg the
ucky number.
Jake Wolfe, who had been spend
ng Hcvcral week a in Kansas City
and other point?, dropped into
town yesterday. He will devote a
few days to visiting friends.
Gasoline five gallons tor ifl.Ob at
the Hub Grocery.
10. R. Griffin, general freight
agent ot the Union Pacific at Den
ver, passed through on train No. 11
Wednesday evening, enroute to
Omaha, and met a number ot old
acquaintances at the depot.
A North Platte resident return
ing from Omaha last night says
that it if) reported in that city that
the Union Pacific has secured Mif-
ficicnt number of boilennakers to
take the places ol all those who
walked out last week.
Tills is the week for Wathena
raspberries lowest prices lor caBe
lots now prevailing.
The city authorities are to be
om mended tor having the weeds
cut along the sides of the streets.
These weeds, which have been un
usually rank this season, have for
a month pa6t been an eye sore to
all those who like to Bee neat ap
pearing Btrccts.
While driving from this city to
the ranch in Logan county last
Saturday, the buggy in which
Mrs. W. M. Baskiu aud children
were riding was overturned but
luckily the occupants escaped with
out injury. Mrs. Baskiu pluckily
held to the lines aud controlled the
horacH until the driver of a wagon
following came to her Ubtitstancc.
Colt Skin
Colt Skin upper leather is an easy leather to wear it's
soft and stays soft. Its also a leather of excellent durability
being strong and tough and wearing smooth.
We have shoes made from this good upper leather
good strong well-made shoes 5om for table styles that have,
good wearing soles. Lace or Congressplain or tipped toes."
$2,50 a Pair
Value in this sale has been entirely ig
nored, vc want the room and the money,
these bargains will tempt you to buy.
Boys' I and 3 piece Suits.
Boys' Knee Pants
Boys' Long Pants
13. F. Secbergcr haB been spend
ing this week in the neighborhood
of Hershey looking after matters
pertaining to the North Platte
MiBB Jessie Dullard expects to
leave Monday on her trip to Penn
sylvania and New York. Miss
Bullard will be absent two or three
The Buffalo Bill Gun Club is
making arrangements for a handi
cap shoot on July 4th. It in ex
pected that the number of entries
will be large.
One hundred and 6ivty-tour New
England delegates to the interna
tional Sunday.Hcliool convention
at Denver occupied a special train
which went through Wednesday
Drink Bee brand Coffee. It sat
isfies, An Omaha paper states that the
Union Pacific offered the boiler
makers the increase of pay de
manded provided they would return
to work as non-union workmen.
Thitj the boilermakcrs refused to
If your gasoline stove needs re
pairing, have Lonergan & Crick fix
it. Shop on west Front street,
Mr. and Mrs. W J. Fenton, of
Cashin Col., stopped over in town
yesterday as the gue-sts of Mr. and
Mth. M. McFarlaud while enroute
to Chicago. Mrs. Fenton is a sister
of Mrs. McFarlaud and prior to
her marriage made a number of
visits to this city.
The delegates to the Populist
convention from the Third commis
sioner district nominated Win. Mc
Michael of Somerset for commis
sioner. This makes three candi
dates in the field, but it is under
stood that Frank JoIiuhqu the dem
ocratic nominee will be forced off
the ticket in favor of McMichacl.
f t?
. .. ftmt--ib'
Mrs. Frank Doran left Wednes
day morning for a visit in Omaha.
Johu Bratt returned yesterday
morning from a business trip to
Dr. F. W. Miller returned Wed
nesday night from a professional
trip to Ogalalla.
Antonc Puschmann left Wednes
day morniug for Portland, Oregon,
where he will look up a situation.
Mrs. P. W. O'Brien, of Council
Blulfs, has been visiting her hus
band and friends in town tor a
couple of days.
Rev. C, A. Mastcu, of Kearney,
spent Wednesday in town with hiB
friend J. C. Burgman, who haB
been quite sick.
L. Ra&mus&cn, a machinist who
was let out in the recent reduction
ol the shop forces, left Wednesday
morning for Ogdcn.
W. M Ba&kin came down from
1i!b Logan county ranch Tuesday
and transacted business in town
for a day or two.
Mrs. Julius Bruuton, of Chicagr,
arrived in town last eyening and
will visit her aunt, Mrs. A. S.
Baldwin, for a month.
Mrs. J. B. Scanlan was a passen
ger on train No. 6 yesterday en
route from a visit in Lovcland, Col ,
to her home in Omaha.
The sisters of the Nativity
School left Wednesday morning lor
Concordia, Kat'sap, where they will
spend the summer vacation.
Mrs. C. A. Kitzmtller visited
friends in town, having accom
panied her husband down from
Cheyenne Wednesday morning.
Mrs. II. V. Hillikcr, of Green
River, Wyo., is the guest of friends
in town, having arrived Tuesday
evening from Grand Island, where
she had been visiting for several
District Meeting of Rebekah Degre:.
A district meeting of District No.
11, Degree ot Rebekah, was held in
this city Wednesday, the lodges
represented being those of Cozad,
Lexington and the one of this city.
Twenty-one were present from Lex
ington and one from Cozad:
An interesting session was held
in the afternoon, but part of the
program was omitted owing to the
the fact that train No. 11, on which
the Lexington members arrived,
was over an hour late. An elec
tion of offic rs was held and a school
of instruction was conducted bv
Lucy J. Barger, president of the
assembly. At the close of this
session those present took supper
together at Morsch's restaurant.
At the evcuing session Miss
Schmalzried rendered a vocal solo
and the degree work was exempli
fied by Myrtle lodge of Lexington
and also by the local lodge.
Spud Postofficc to be Discontinued.
Postmaster Thomson has re
ceived notice that Spuds postoffice.
about six miles west of the cltv.
will be discontinued on and after
June 39th. Mail addressed to that
office will be received and distrib
uted by the North Platte oflice.
Ball Game Tomorrow.
The Fairbury team having an
open date tomorrow, have decided
to remain in town and play a third
game with the Union Pacific team.
The game will be full of ginger
and worthy a big audience.
Saved From an AwfalJFato,
"Rl'nrvlMlllv Rnill T linil rnnmimntl
wrltflR Mrfl. A.
- j w - --. -w . a .- w x -, IllltilUUlU'
Uliri?. Pi... I U'lin nn Intv nftar nlv mnufria
ni I ..-.www-iw-- ww. w l . -.. vJ
ot eovero sickness, cnusod by liny favor
mm nituiun, inni low llioutrut 1 eoulU
get woll.but I lo.irnod of tho marvelous
merit ot Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, used it nnd wns complotoly
ou rod." For doapornto thront nud lung
diso.iso", it iB tho snrost euro in tho
world, nnd is Infnllnblo for coughs, ooldB
Mud bronohinl utTeotions. Gunrnntood
Dottles Wo nnd 61. Trial bottleB froo
lit A. F. Stroitz's.
calls for
Screen Doors
Screen Wire
Fly Traps
Wilcox Department Store.
: iti
Is now ready for your inspection. Everything;
needed for furnishing a house complete will be
found at our store. Furniture for the kitchen, titi
dining room, bed room and parlor in profu-
sion. Sec our carpet samples. ft
.fur P4MXMtf4Mg rrirM
Asst. Supt. Ware returned yes
terday from a trip to Grand Island
and over the Ord branch.
Luke Hart, who had been work
ing in the Cheyenne shops, is visit
ing North Platte friends.
Messrs. Brennan and Quinn;
former employes of the machine
shop, leave for Chicago tomorrow.
Supt. Baxter, of the Union Pa
cific, spent yesterday in town on
matters pertaining to his official
Word from Cheyenne is to the
effect that all the machinery in the
Union! Pacific shops in that city
has been white leaded. This would
indicate the shops will not be re
opened in the immediate future.
Word was received at the divi
sion foreman's office this week to
the effect that the U. P. company
had removed all charges against D.
A. Brown, who was in a mix-up
while running an engine on the
Wyoming division about two years
ago. Brown is now running an
elevator engine in Cheyenne.
The Cheyenne shops of the Union
Pacific Company were closed down
Tuesday evening, throwing about
650 men out of employment. Sev
eral reasons are assigned for this
action. One is that on account of
of the boilermakers' strike there is
no work in the other departments.
Another cause assigned is that the
merchants and property owuers of
Cheyenne charge such high
prices tor goods and exorbitant
rents for houses that Mr. Burt con
cluded to bring them to terms by
temporarily closing the shops.
Another rumor is to the effect that
when the shops re-open the piece
work plan will be adopted.
The Union Pacific made a re
markable run with the Aladdin
temple ot Shriuera from San Fran
cisco to Omaha. Ths special train
of seveu cars was carried the thous
and miles, from Ogden to Omaha,
in twenty-five hours, including slow
downs, stops for icing and water
ing trains. The most remarkable
part of the run was from Cheyenne
to Omaha, 516 miles in ten hours,
The 291 inileb from North Platte to
Omaha was .made in five Iioutb and
the portion from Grand Island to
Omaha was proportionately faster.
Though such speed an developed by
this train is common with other
roads, as well as the Union Pacific
for Bhort distances, or stretches of
an hour, the fact that it could pick
up a heavy train and carry it 1,000
miles over mountains and plains
without mishap at such tpecd, it is
pointed out, is a feat that but
few railroads can accomplish. All
of the ShrinerB1 trains tared with
similar good speed while on the
U ii ion Pacific.
About Bcventy-five Lutheran
people, principally members of the
aid society, drove out to the Han
sen ranch north of the river yester
day and passed -i very enjoyable
afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hansen
are very hospitable people and this
characteristic was lavishly dis
played. Refreshments were served,
rilthy Temples In XmUr..
Snored cows often dofllo Indinn torn
uoe, but worso yot is a body thnt la pol
luted by constipation. Dont noruiit it.
Clfnn your system with Dr.KinRP Now
Lifo Pills and nvotd untold misery. Thov
stlvo lively livers, oetlvo bowpto, jjood
illtfostion, lino nppetito. Only 25o nt A.
t Stroitz's Drug Store.
Indian Take More Scalps.
The Cheyenne Indians, arrayed
in lull war dress, took scalps from
nine young men in North Platte
Wednesday. But ir cost an effort;
it was a battle royal on the diamond
and until the end of the ninth
inning it was no sure thing for the
The game waB one ot good
steady work rather thnn of brilliai t
plays, and ot the five errors made,
but one was costly, and that partic
ular one was largely responsible
for the Indians securing their first
Teel, the new pitcher lor the
Union Pacific, did good work in the
box, striking out eleyen men and
keeping the western sluggers down
to ten hits. Up to the sixth inning
the Bcore stood one to nothing.
The Indians went to bat in the
sixth and Nash had reached second.
Then Mr. Green grasped his bat
and pounded out a home run, thus
bringing in Nash and himself.
That was grief for the grand stand
and the bleachers but it had to be
borne. The score:
Cheyenne 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3
Union Pacific. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I
Summary Earned runs, Chey
enne 2, Union Pacifies 1. Hit?,
Cheyenne 10, Union Pacifies 6,
Errors, Cheyenne 2, North Platte 3.
Struck out by Teel 11, by Nash 2.
Home run, Green. Two baBC hit,
Leary. Batteries, Cheyenne Nash
and Bricrly, Union Pacifies, Teel
and Short. Time 1:20, Umpire
Hart, attendance 600.
Parties wishing to board sum
mer school studentp, call on or ad
dress me before June 30, 1902.
Co. Supt.
Notice to the Public
All parties are hereby cautioned
not to throw brush or rubbish ot
any kind in the gutters, streets or
alleys ot North Platte.
By order of the council.
J. R. Ritner,
Street Commissioner.
Bulls For Sale
If you wish to purchase a reliable
registered Shorthorn or Hereford
bull we can save you money. We
have a large number to select from.
Also a pure-bred Polled Durham
bull for sale. When you purchase a
bull from up, if you are not per
fectly satisfied you can bring hjm
back and we will refund your
money. Paine & Moore,
Myrtle, Neb.
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief,
it cure rilo or Hemonholdt-External or Inter,
nal, nilod or Bleeding, Itching or Ilurntnc, Fluurci
and Flitulai. Ilcllof Immediate euro certain.
ncitrel)urn, Scalds and Ulceration- and Con.
traction from Uurtu. Tho Ilcllof Initant-hcallua
It cure Torn, Cut or Lacerated Wouudj and
It cure noils. Carbuncle, Felont, " nunround,"
Ulccra, Old Sore, Itching ErupUon,- Scurf jr or
Scald Head.
It cure Inflamed or Caked Sroat and Bore
Nipple. Invaluable.
It cure Salt Ilhoum, Tetter, Scurfy Eruptions,
Chapjiod Hand, forer IJlUtcr, Boro Lip or
tfratrll. Corns, llunlons. Sore and Chafed Feet,
Btlngs of Insect, lloaqulto Site and Sunburn.
Throo Slaoa, 25o COo. and $1.00
Sold by DroggijU, or lent pre-paid on receipt of price.
Cor. 'William b John 6 MiV YUKIC