The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 17, 1902, Image 5

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    June Wedding
Wc have a very pret
ty line of Cut Glass,
Silvcrwcar, Knives and
Forks, Spoons of all
kinds, Clocks and Nov
elties of any kind that
would make a nice wed
ding1 gift. Would be
pleased to show you.
Uc $m'WttLi Mime.
TUESDAY. JUNE 17, 1902.
OOlco over Stroltz'i Drag Storo.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yost went
to Omaha yesterday to visit their
Bon Will.
Colorado strawberries this week
large and fine.
Harrington & Touin.
J. B. Jeter and family and Miss
Clara Rankin returned Sunday
evening from their visit in Indiana.
S. W. Van Doran, who had been
working at Overton, returned home
Saturday, having completed the
Sheriff Carpenter left Sunday tor
Adelphus, Ohio, upon receipt of a
telegram announcing the critical
illness of his father.
Mr. Geo. T. Field and Mrs. Ira
L. Bare will entertain this after
noon and tomorrow atternoou at
the home of the former.
Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves
repaired. Repairs tor all lands of
Western Stove Repair Works.
The Lincoln county delegation to
the republican state convention
left thU morniug for the state capi
tal. Among those who went were
Messrs. Baldwin. Evans, Wilcox,
Shuman, White, Kelly, Waltemath,
Hosier, Scott and Ridgley. When
leaving here the delegation had ru
preference for governor.
Bay granulated sugar nowprice
always advances when fruit season
Harrington & Tojhn.
The county commissioners have
been sitting as a board of equalise
tion for a few days past, but as yet
few taxpayers who feel aggrieved
have appeared to make complaint
of their assessment. 1 lie com
. micninnera will continue in session
as a board of equalization for sev days to come.
The hand separator has taken :
firm hold on the farmers of western
Nebraska. In support of this state
ment the following is reproduced
from the Kearney Hub of June 16th
Sixteen thousand one hundred
pounds of cream were shipped via
the Burlington Monday morning
and on Saturday the Pacific express
im tidied eiirhteeu thousand and
lour hundred pounds.
Painting and Papering neatly
done. Work guaranteed.
Roy Shaffer
J. WO IllllUIIlCll MUIII ly.mmivii
Wyo , were in town Sunday and
rimve to tlie W. L.Park farms west
ot town tor the purpose of looking
them over with a v'uw ot renting
tliem next season and engaging in
market gardening. It is said that
they wore favorably impressed with
the conditions. These Chinamen
are experienced trardeners, having
followed that business in Wyoming
for twentv years.
Wc sell
Burlap Sheet, 90-inch 40c
Burlai) Sheet, 100-Inch.... 45c
Single Fly Nets
Team Nets
Leather Nets
Summer Lap Robes
Store open until 8:00 o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store.
Bogota Coffee a high grade
drink at a moderate price.
P. A. White left this mornintr on
business trip to Lexington.
:oi,Ktnbn,i rw,i nrln.
- --.""---l -wcwwv. J I
left ycBtcrday for a visit in Denver.
Mm. T,. 15. ITnntincrn ntid Ron left
this morning for a visit with irienda
in Milwaukee
n. Ti TIntlnrB. n nrnmlnent law.
ycr of Grant, transacted business
n town ycbterday.
W V TT1n,1 ? In T.lnrnl,,
... .. ..VUb.uu ...
this week on business before the
upreme court.
Mrs. II. C. Blickensdertcr and
sons retumea last evening irom
visit with Lexington relatives.
The junior high school team will
lay a game on the local grounds
next week with a team from Max
well. Geo. M. Graham will go to Omaha
the latter part of this week on a
trip combining business with pleas-
re. ,
Maurice Fowler drove over to
Moorelicld Saturday and the follow-
tig day left for St. Louis with two
carloads of horses.
The funeral ot the late Edward
D. Monn will be held from the
Catholic church at three o'clock to
morrow afternoon.
Major Walker went to Omaha
Friday to meet his wife and daugh
ter, who were returning irom their
visit in the south.
A ball team from this city played
game with the Spuddiggers west
the Otten iarm Sunday after
noon, and won by a 6Core of six to
Wm. ISdiB shipped two cars of
cattle to South Omaha today. One
car was composed ot animals
weighing about fourteen
Don't forget that Colorado and
Orciron strrwbernes arc the last
ones ot the season, now on sale.
Home grown berries about gone.
Harrington & Touin.
The ladies of the Catholic church
will hold an icecream social at the
home of George Austin Thursday
evening. J-'ublic is cordially m-
A called meeting of the Methodist
ladies' aid society will be held at
the church parlor Thursday after
noon at three o'clock. A large at
tendance is desired as business ol
mportance will be considered.
The work of grading Dewey
treet between Front and Fifth be-
iran this morning. This work has
been badly needed, as the street
had been wind swept for bo long
that many low placen existed.
Chas. Pool will L'o to Omaha Fri-
day night to meet his son Alvin,
vui,n i,nB hnnn nttmdinrr n Rclionl of
muic in Chicago. They will spend
.i ri:iv or two in Omaha and Lincoln
and reach home the early part of
next week.
Fresh vegetables of every kind
nn li.iml new notaloes. new cat),
hnirp. tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.
o-r -
Harrinoton & Touin.
to. :i r i..i5..o
X IIC IllJUUVfllWII bUOV U) ! uiiuo
IT16CI ciuuiiini. tut uvucio ui wiwi
r!M. w.n:n U& if flio I
bowling alley was dissolved yes-
terday by Judge Grimes sitting in
rlmmhprH. The allov will now be
moved by the owners to Laramie,
x ue iYL-urney uau ica.u came
down from Cheyenne yesterday
morning and expected to play in
this cuy in the afternoon, but the
rain during
the forenoon made
playing impossible. An effort was
made to have the boys remain over
until today, but they lelt sore and
discouraged and would not consent
to do so. They went home last
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Mks. W. II. McDonald.
The Triuune inadvertently
omitted to mention the presenta
tion of a gavel to the republican
county convention by Gus. A. Hess
of this city. The head of the gavel
is made of cedar, which is an mde-
Htructable wood, and represents
the perpetuity ol republican prin-
ciples. The handle is of apple, and
coining from an orchard, is By in-
bolical of republican prosperity and
pleiiteoiisness. The gavel will be
well taken care of and reserved for
future conventions.
Estray Notice.
Estrayed from the undersigned,
trom Section 12, Town 15, Range
50. one black, bald-faced, two-vear
old mare' colt, large tor age, A liber-
al reward will be paid for the return
of the colt or lor information that
will lead to its recovery,
Frank Ehelk,
North Platte, Neb
Assessed Valuation.
The county clctk has totaled the
returns of the assessors of Lincoln
county for the year 1902, and the
assessed valuation of all property
is as follows:
Lamia $
Town lots rM'J
Cor.H)ratlon ;.
1'crsotiai property sw
Total ji,8ti
It will be BCCtl from tllC above
h'lat tuc niHCU abuacd corporations
PaJ a mun ovcr """y-sevcu F"
ccnl' a laxca Pa,u m
Uncoin Couulv Farm Statistics.
Prom the returns of the asses-
BOrs the fol owintr information rcla
tivc to Lincoln county's tarin and
stock statistics is gained:
No. of acres in farms 310,328.
Acres under cultivation 99,313.
AcrcB in orchards 465.
Acres in timber 1,606.
Acres in winter wheat 2,442.
Acreage in rye 9,885.
Acreage in spring wheat 4,121.
Acreage in com 53,178.
Acreage in oatB 2,003.
Acreage in barley 2,324.
Acreage in potatoes 693.
Acrcagc'in flax 6.
Acreage iu broom com 616.
Acreage in millet 636
Acreage iu sorgum 1,564.
Acreage in sugar boets 1,500.
Acreage in timothy 21.
Acreage in clover 14.
Acreage in blue grass 14.
Acreage in alfalfa 5,691.
Acreage in wild hay 30,247.
The Btock assessed in the county
tor 1902 is as follows. Cattle
50,62, horses 11,022, hogs 6,48a,
Bheep 5,192, tnuleB 296.
The returns bIiow that in 1901
45,70.5 tons ot wild nay ana b,uij
I ... .
tons ot tame nay were tiarvesteu
Mibs Irma Cody returned yester
day from a visit to Omaha.
Miss Minnie Chase left for Lin
coln yesterday to attend a Bummer
normal school.
The Rebckahs will have staff
practice at the hall Wednesday
evening this week. ivvcryooay
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A, Austin
came in from the west this morn
ing, having been called here by the
death of their grandfather E. D.
This is the week for Wathcna
raspberries lowest prices tor case
lots now prevailing.
Harrington & Toiun.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes will entertain
a number ot young women ami
men at a juvenile party tomorrow
eyening. The function is given in
favor ot Miss Lillian McCracken.
Grand Island won two games of
nan &aiurciay anu aunoay irom
U' airbury by scores ot twelve to
eiht, and four to one. Grand Is
I uid has signed Catcher Fullner
for the season.
Chicago forecast lor North Platte
and vicinity: Cooler with showers
I I II 1 1 . ' .-. L WT...I
anu muimti oiui ma luuiuui. vicu-
uesday probably fair and cooler.
I lie maximum temperature yester
day was 64, one year ago 79. The
- - t
laS was 57, one year ago 57
No clue to the murderer ol young
Hauboldt at Grand Island last
Thursday has yet uccn obtained.
Marshal Huntington was advised
i i t :,.. i i i.
t for a man named Evan8 who b
punnased to have committed the
deed and who, it is thought, is
working his way weBt at night.
Keep Cool!
Cuwa,s Shoes
Men's Canvas Shoes, leather
soles, per pair $1.25
Mens uanvas Uxtorus,
leather soles, per pair . . 1.10
Boys' Canvas Shoes, leather
soles, per patr 1.00
Youth's Canvas bhocs,
leather soles, 13 to 2,
per pair 90
Ladtcs'Canvas Shoes, leather
soles, per pair 1.00
Ladies' Canvas Oxfords,
leather soles, per pair
Misses' Canvas Shocs,lcathcr
soles, 1154 to 2, per pair
Children's Canvas Shoes,
leather soles, 8J4 to 11, per
Store open
until 8:00
Wilcox Department Store
Joe Grace, now working iu Oma
ha, is the guest ot friends and rela
tives in town.
A car of Hood river strawberries
was attached to the laat mail this
Train No. 11 was delayed at Gib
bon several hours yesterday by the
breaking of an eccentric on the en
gine. Union Pacific train and engine
men will soon be called upon to
pass another examination ot a
physical nature, but it is under
stood it will be limited to sight and
W. A. Davidson, recently ap
pointed U. P, section foreman at
Overton, is said to be the youngest
foreman employed by the company.
He Is not yet twenty-one, but in the
two examinations required was
giycu 100 per cent in each instance.
By the breaking of a drawhead
on lrcight train two miles cast of
Brady Friday morning twelve cars
were piled up ou the track. Several
of the cars were badly wrecked and
the contents strewn promiscuously.
A track was built around the
wreck and traffic was delayed but a
few hours.
Alex. Stewart succeeds W, K.
McKccn aB mauler mechanic of the
Wyoming division, entering upon
his duties Sunday. This promo
tion bears out the prediction made
tu these columns over two years
ago to the effect that as Mr. Stew
art had began the accent of the
ladder he would not stop short of
the top round. Since that time he
has had two promotions, and each
have been well deserved. Mr.
Stewart is a North Platte boy, and
his ascendancy in railroad circles is
watched by all his old friends in
town, all ot whom we are Mire will
unite with us iu extending him
A Snap.
SI, 700 vull buy a business prop
erty that rents tor $300 per annum.
Buchanan & Patturson.
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
Caldwell and Wolfe will soon be
here. Every man in town should
hear these gentlemen at the Y. M,
C. A. rooms commencing June 27th.
Quit you- like men, tc strong.
Rev. Thomas Greenlee gave an
uplifting talk trom these words in
the Y. M. C. A. last Sunday to a
Fine body of men.
Still growing! The membership
received an increase of four yester
lay. "I got htm," said a boy that
was too young to join the associa
tion, a lover of books, kept at
him until he said yes." It was hi s
father, a U. P. cnuineer, that he
referred to. No wonder the associ
atiou grows.
Kespond generously to the com
mittee collecting money for the
Caldwell-Wolfe meetings. Your
sou may be helped.
Parties wishing to board sum
mcr school students, call on or ad'
dress me before June 30, 1902.
Co. Supt.
John Edward Johnson died at his
home eeyeu miles south of Ilcrshcy
Monday, June 9. Deceased was
22 years ot age, was born in Sweden
and removed to this country with
lus parents. Air. joiiuhoii wub
taken sick about a year ago and
his case developed into con sump
tion. He received all the mcdica
aid in reach and w.ib taken to
Omaha to St. Joseph's Hospital
lie was cuunucu 10 uis ucu over a
r. ..f- 1 ,
week betore his death.
Mr. Johnson wub an exemplar
voung man and his dcatli is re
irretted very much. Rev. Evans ot
Ilershey conducted funeral services
For Rent.
Furnished house, choice location
Apply to John Bkatt & Co.
calls for
Screen Doors
Screen Wire
Fly Traps
Wilcox Department Store.
Mado from
Equal any Patents Sold in North Platte L
Wilcox Department Store I
"I'ut IVoio Jiut AmorioiiKS on Gxtnrd."
8?I--The Old Reliable Fire
Includes nil tlto CI rent American Companies.
Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn $14,071,948
Home Insurance Company ot JNcw Yoric 15,255,870
Insurance Company of North America 10,079,479
Continental Insurance Company of New York 11,599,012
German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457
Miocnix Insurance Company ot lltirttorcl, Lonn 5,953,444
. t .. . - r fl.!t f l tn ft
'cnnsvivatlia v re insurance ui iriiiiuucimiiu. o,ttu,ooj
Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16,394,695
Combined Assets
When you arc In need of Insurance ,gct the
T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb.
Peerless Bottled Beer
Because the best of materials and the greatest of
care enter into the brewing of it.
The ideal beverage for table use.
tfrnrf lScforpaeK of tint playing cards,
J. S. Hoaglaud went to Lincoln
this morning to assist in noininat-
iig a strong republican ticket.
Judge Hoaglaud of Logan county
was iu town tins morning curoutc
to the state convention at Lincoln.
E. F. Seeberger, F. R, Ginn arid
probably 11. S. White will go to
Lincoln tonight to look on at the
republican state convention
lleadmtartcra tor bale tica thiB
year, unc cartoau on uanu an
other coming. i
Harrington it'ToniN.
The Kearney Hub of yesterday
sayB: Father J. i'. nauey, 01
North Platte, has been temporarily
assiued to the pastorate of the
Catholic church of this city to suc
ceed Father Kennedy who has been
called to Chicago.
Hot Woatkor Woaknoas.
It you fool faifgod out, listless and
lnukinir In oncrtry, you uro
Dorlintm mif
foririK from tlio dobllitntinK
OllOOtB of
Bumuior wuntlier.
calu that a tonlo
TIiubo symtoms indi -
is noodod Hint will
croato a hoalthy anpotito, niako diges
tion imrroot, rouulalo tho bowols and
impart natural notivity to tho livor.
This. Iferbino will do; it is a tonic, laxa
tivo andj rostorativo. il. J. Froognrd,
projiriotor, Grand Viow Hotol, Chonoy,
Kan., writes: "1 linvo unod Horbino for
tho IiikI 12 years, and notliiiiL' on imrtli
can boat it. It was recommended to
inn by Dr. Nowton, of Nowton, Kan."
Wo at A. v . htroity. it Uornor mug atoro,
Chicago, III., and St. Louis, Mo.
In June the UNION PACIFIC will
make the low rate of one fare
plus $2,00 for the round trip to
either point.
Tickets on sale June lftth, 17th,
21st and 22ud.
Final return limit September
Full information cheerfully
turnislicd on application to
0. il. GGNGE, Atjent.
9 O c.
insurance Agency -1902
best. It cost no more than the poorest.
is invariably found in
every glass of
Fdr Sale
Six high grade and rcgintered
Hereford BuIIb, two and three
years old. Bred in Iowa.
J, W. Payne.
R. J. P. SI1UTE,
All llranclicH of Den.
tUtry HclentMcally
done. Nltrottn Oxlil
CI as administered.
I'uniiHylyanla Collect)
if licntal Surcry 'Oo
onico ovcr Vy'tlcox Pent
Store. 'I'honc Jfll.
Call and get prices. All work
Hinman Building Front Street
Has fine line of samples
of Spring and Summer
Suitings. Also samples
of Suitings for Passen
ger Conductors and
liraketncu .
Excellent fit guaran
teed to all suits made.
(Central Time)
. It:0 p. nt
. 6 MS , m
. 1:05 a. m
101 I.u.iveH
.1 Leaven
6 l.careN
17 I.eavnM
10 I.eavcH
23 Leaven
7s(fi a. ut
i;:) p. m
4: l() p. in
t):i)ua. in
No. s Leaven isiaop. ni
Ida l.oaveH 7:lSa. m
a I.eaveH Hi -10 a, n
I LeavuH , ,.,.10: 10 p. m
IH Leaven (Krelitlit) lWWp. m
'M Leaves (FrclKlit).. 1:00 a. in
2H Leaven iFrclijlit) 7il5a. in
. On tralim No, 1 and S paBNenKern niUBt pay
Pullman fare.
FrelRht train No. 23 and 28 stop at' all
HtatlonH, Other frelKhtM carry pam:nEer
to points at which tliey atop.