The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 13, 1902, Image 2

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IKA L. 11AHH, 1'roprlMor.
fe h
Emmett Goff, professor of horti
culture nt tho University of Wiscon
sin, died suddenly.
Tho first Oklahoma prohibition con
vention nominated L. T. Van Cleavo
for dclegato to congress.
Charles S, Ondcrdonk of La may,
N. M., owns tho largest goat ranch
In tho world. Ho hns ns high aB 20,
000 goats on his 28,000-acro ranch at
one tlmo.
Tho Buprcmo lodge of Mystic Work
ers of tho World In convention nt
Rockford, III., decided to hold their
next biennial convention nt Janes
vlllo, Wis.
Abo Moore, a Richardson county,
Nobrnska farmer, has asked to bo nd
Judgcd a bankrupt, alleging that his
c",obts aggregate $4C,G73, and his ns
sets, 2,032.
According to tho London Daily Mall
tho American lino Btenmcrs will not
Join tho British shipping combine,
but will remain an nctlvo competitor
on tho outside.
Mrs. Hollo Smith nnd her two smnll
children were burned to death in their
homo at Hardin, Mo. It is suspected
by tho neighbors that triple murder
preceded tho fire.
Tho United States supremo court
declared tho right of a Btato function
to pass laws excluding bodies of peo
Io from going Into a city or com
immlty which lu quarantined.
It is reported that tho kaber con
templates Bending tho crown prlnco to
flouth Africa, accompanied by a dls
Ingulshcd general nnd staff, to study
jtlio battlefields of tho Boer war.
Frank Robinson, of Nevada, la., who
murdered Gortrudo Rawllngs nnd also
shot her suitor, Albert FcrgUBon, died
nt Kansas City of bullet wounds self
inflicted Just after tho murder.
BJorscn Bjorstjcrno, tho Norwegian
poot, dramatist and writer, has com
pleted a new modorn drama for Sarah
Bernhardt, who will appear hoio In!
"Hamlet" nnd other plays In October.'
A sensation hns been caused in
court clrclcB, Bays tho Stockholm cor-!
respondent of tho American Journal,'
by tho discovery that ono of tho crown
Jowols Is missing from tho royal treas
ury. Tho will of tho lato Governor Syl
vester Ponnoycr of Oregon wnB filed
for probate at Portland. Tho bulk of
tho cstato, valued at $130,000, was loft!
to tho widow and a daughter, Mrs. W.'
II. RubboII.
Tho grand Jury which has been In
vestigating tho cause of death of A1-'
bert Gabrin, tho member of tho Colo-j
rado legislature who died last Jan-,
nary, mado its report No indtctmcntj
wns found. '
Tho stato supremo court has do-'
elded that tho rules laid down by tho
health department of St Pnul requir
ing tho vaccination of children who,
nttend tho public schools nro legal and
nmy bo onforccd.
Tho organization of a now political'
labor party has finally boon ngrood'
upon by tho westorn labor union con
vention at Denver, which adopted a
declaration of socialism and Independ
ent political action. t
By a voto of 7 to 25 tho hotiBo com
mlttoo on navnl affairs dccldod to
postpone Indefinitely consideration of
tho bill of tho Into Roprcsenttitlvo
Cummins of Now York for thirty mora
submarine torpedo boats.
Slgnor Rlva, a profesBor of tho uni
versity of Homo, nnd Count Glno Prln
nttl, a cousin of tho lato Italian mln
lstor of foroign affairs, wero killed In
a landslide whllo ascending Mount
Grlgnn near Lako Lccco, Switzerland.
Charged with embezzlement of
money, which It Is snld will reach
100,000, J. M. Cassldy, a former real
cstato denier of Council Bluffs, In.,
ws arrested at Chicago nnd turned
over to a sheriff from Council Bluffs.
A snlo of ShorthoruB took place nt
Rolfo, la,, that was a record-breaker
for tho west, N. A. Llnd Bold flfty
thrco head for $10,000. Red Crest, n
bull, topped tho salo nt $3,880, Bold to
Bolglor &. Son, Hartwlck, In. Tho
nvcrago prlco on females wns $790, on
males $5GG, and on tho ontlro herd,
Max Baehr of St. Paul, Nob., hao
boon appointed to tho newly created
post of consul to Clcnfuegos, Cuba.
Tho shah of Persia, who Is now at
Berlin, has bcBtowcd upon Emperor
William n decoration of tho highest
Persian order.
Dr. Joseph Eastman, ono of tho best
known Burgeons in tho country, dlod
at Indlonpolla,
Tho Mystic Workers of tho World,
In tho session of tho Bupreme lodge,
amended their by-laws and ndopted
tbo rcservo fund plan,
Republicans woro successful In tho
Oregon election on nil oxcopt gover
nor. Fifteen hundred kegs of powdor
blow up at tho Oliver Powder works,
located on tho mountain couth of
JWllkeBbarre, Pa,
The Bill a Substitute for the Senate
Measure Considering Forest Re
serves Other Matters Considered
In the House.
WASHINGTON, June 10. The house
yesterday paused tho bill to protect
tho president, vlco president, members
of tho cabinet and foreign ministers
nnd ambassadors nnd to suppress tho
teachings of anarchy, by a vote- of 17G
to 38. A motion to recommit tho
measure with Instructions to strike out j
certain sections was defeated, 71 to 123. j
Tho bill passed is a substitute for
tho sennto measure, which contained
no nntl-nnarchy provisions, but which
did contain n provision omitted from
tho substltuto for a bodygunrd for tho
Tho BUbstltuto consists of thirteen
flections. It provides thnt any person
who Bhall unlawfully, purposoly and
knowingly kill tho president or vlco
presldont or any officer entitled by law
to succeed to tho presidency, any for
eign ambassador or minister accredited
to this country, "whllo engaged in tbo
performance of his official duties or
becauso of his official character or bo
caiiBo any of his acts or omissions,"
shall Buffer death. Any person who
attempts to commit any of tho above
offenses shall bo Imprisoned not less
than ten yenrs.
Tho remainder of tho day waB de
voted to tho bill io transfer certain
forest resorves from tho Interior de
partment to tho Agricultural depart
ment and to authorize tho creation of
such rcservo of game and fish pre
serves, President Roosevelt, In tils annual
incsBago, recommended such n meas
ure. The minority of tho public lands
commlttco offered a substltuto for tho
bill a mcasuro which eliminated that
portion of tho bill which transfers tfto
roflorves to tho Agricultural depart
ment Messrs. Lncoy of Iowa, Kloborg
of Texas, PerklnB of Now York and
Williams of Mississippi epoko In favor
of tho bill. MessrB. Mondcll of Wy
oming nnd Shafroth of Colorado tup
ported tho minority substltuto. Mr.
Bell of Colorndo opposed tho bill.
Mr. HItt, from tho commltteo on for
eign affairs, f presented n resolution
which aftor reciting tho fact that peaco
has been established In South Afrlco,
calls upon tho sccrotary of stato for a
completo lint of American citizens now
detained ns prisoners of war in South
Africa, nnd for information as to what
action is bolng tnken to securo their
rolonso. Tho resolution wus adopted
without division.
The houso then undor tho order mado
last wook, proceeded with tho consid
eration of tho bill "to tho transfer of
certain foreBt reserves to tho control
of tho Department of Agriculture, and
to nuthorlzo gnmo and fish preserves
In forest proRorvoB."
Mr. Mondcll of Wyoming, who Blgncd
tho minority roport ngaltiBt tho bill,
opposed tho meneure, Ho argued that
tho transfer of tho forest reserves now
under tho Interior department was an
Impracticable nnd radical chnngo of
policy which would lend to a ruction
bowtccn tho Interior nnd Agricultural
departments and lead to tho creation
of many now offices. Thero nro now
forty-ono rosorves, containing 40,000,
000 neros. Theso rcBorvos uro now
opon to entry under tho mineral laws.
They also contnln thousands of per
sons living on perfected or unperfected
entries made under tho land laws, and
ho argued knut all tho public land and
legal questions arising would havo to
bo Bottled by tho Intorlor department
and lead to endless conflict with tho
Agricultural department
To Unlto Big Banks.
CHICAGO, Juno 10. A circular let
ter, dated Now York, Juno 5, has been
lnsuod on tho letterheads of tho North
American Trust company nnd signed
by B. D. Scuddor, 135 Brondwny, Now
York, giving ttio details of tho plans
for comhlty.ig national banks In all
statu cap.tals nnd financial centers
under oo-j ownership, ono bank In each
center. At tho top of tho circular,
which la marked "cunflduntlnl," and
which wns nont to each bunkor with
whom tlio company is negotiating, Is
tho following:
"American Bankers' corporation,
capital, $5,000,000; surplus, $45,000,
000; chartered undor tho laws of Now
Jorsoy gonoral corporation act. Fifty
thousand shares, pur valuo $100, at
1,000 por share."
Knncas F.lood at Its Worst.
IOLA, Kan., (Juno 10. Allen county
Is tonight getting tho full force of tho
floods that hao been raging In tho
Neoaho and Cottonwood rivers nbovo
horo. Tho rlvr hero Is tho highest
since 1885. MiJny acres of wheat and
corn havo bcew destroyed. Several
families had to (bo rescued from their
houses In bont Tho water works
plant Is surrounded and tho supply of
water will Boon 1 cut off 11 tho Hood
does not Bubsldo I
Thousands View the Relic an It Pass-
es Through Washington.
WASHINGTON, Juno 10. Tho Lib
erty boll nrrlvod hero yestorday en
route to Philadelphia from tho Char
leston exposition, whero it had been
on exhibition. Tho arrival of tho boll
was marked with brlof patriotic oxer-
clsos and thousands of people passed
before tho car throughout the day nnd
viewed tho bell.
Tho ceremonies began by the play
ing of "Tho Star Spangled Banner" by
tho United States Marino band. Pres
ident McFarland of tho board of com
missioners thon delivered an address.
Chairman Wilson H. Brown of the
Joint committee of tho councils of
Philadelphia responded. Following
thin tho Marino bnnd played Sousa's
"Liberty Bell." Tho crowd was then
permitted to pnss tho car. A number
of children wero lifted onto tho car
whllo llttlo bunches of flowers from
other children placed on tho car woro
carefully laid on top of the bell. Dur
ing tho exercises the mlnuto men of
tho district, uniformed in colonial
uniforms, took position In front of tho
car, whero they remained through tho
day. Tho Marino band and other
bands remained through tho day and
played patriotic selections at Inter
vals. Tho car rcmnlncd hero over night
and then proceeded to Philadelphia.
Will Open Headquarters for the Pres
ent at a Hotel.
NEW YORK, Juno 10. A Havana
dispatch to tho Tribune says that
Gonznlvo Quosada, Cuban minister to
Washington, and his family havo sail
ed for Now York.
Minister Qucsndn will go Immedi
ately to Washington and open tho le
gation at the Hotel Raleigh, until ho
secures a house. Ho Is n bearer of
tho good wishes of President Palma
to President Roosevelt. Ho also has
boon Instructed to uso every endeav
or to securo favorablo and quick ac
tion on tho question of tariff reduc
tion on Cuban products.
A Inrgo number of cltlzons went
aboard to say goodbye anil wish Se
nor Qucsada success. Gonoral Gar
cia, oldest son of Callxto Garcia, prob
ably will bo sent to Hamburg aB con.
Btil general.
Will Have to Answer the Grand
Jury's Questions.
NEW ORLEANS, Juno 10. Judgo
Parlango of tho United States district
court for tho custom district of Lou
isiana decided that tho local repre
sentatives of tho packing companies
would havo to nnswor tho questions
that had boon propounded to them by
tho grand Jury now Investigating tho
hoof trust Tho grand Jury will meet
this afternoon nnd it Is expected thnt
tho wltnossoo will still refuse, and
that thoy will bo committed to Jail
In contempt, whoroup on their attor
neys will tako out writs of habeas
corpus and carry tho matter before
tho United States circuit court
Burghers Ignore Those Who Surren
dered During War.
BLOMFONTEIN, Orange River Col
ony, Juno 10. A strong contrast to
tho good fooling between tho Boer nnd
Briton Is tho bitterness existing be
tween tho burghors who nro surren
dering under tho pence terms nnd
thoso Boors who surrendered during
tho campaign. When tho Boor lead
ers como to Blomfontoln, previous to
tho conclusion of penco, thoy curtly
refused to shako hands with thoso
who had provloualy surrendered. Tho
gonoral belief Is that rotations bo
tween thoso two classes of Boers will
bo embittered for a long time.
Lives Lost In Fire.
CHICAGO, Juno 10. Flvo men and
ono womnn woro killed nnd about
thirty porsoiis woro Injured In a ftro
which this nftornoon dostroyod tho
Banltnrlum conducted by tho St.
Luko'B society, at Wabash avonuo
and Twenty-first Btrcet Tho Boclety
occupied tho building which was long
known ns tho Hotel Woodruff and for
n brief period ns tho Hotel Lancaster.
By far tho greatest portion of tho pa
tients received In tho Institution woro'
thoBo seoklng euro from tho drink
habit nnd thoso who wero addicted to
tho uso of drugs,
Iowu democrats wll hold VjcU stnto
convention nt Des Moines, Septem
ber 2.
Iowa Man Goes to Miami.
OXFORD, O., Juno 10. At n moot
ing of tho trustooB of Miami unlvor
slty, Dr. Ouy P. Benton, president of.
Upper University of Iowa, was unan
imously olectoil to succoeil Dr. David
Tappan as president of Miami uni
versity. Refined 8uaar Advanced.
NEW ORK, Juuo 10. All nrnilcs
of refined sugar wero advanced G
points today.
The King and Queen of England Hear
tily Participate In Holy Expressions
of Gratitude for Peace Which Now
Reigns In South Africa.
LONDON, Juno 9. Tho noisy Jubila
tion with which London has resounded
for tho Inst week was surrounded by
tho less noisy demonstrations of thank
fulness for tho return of penco In
South Africa.
Tho thanksgiving service hold In
London yesterday was typical of tho
services hold throughout tho empire,
hut tho presence of King Edward and
other mombors of the royal family at
tho principal devotional servlco In
London, and tho progress of the royal
personages to and from St Paul's ca
thedral through cheorlng thousands of
British subjects nnd visitors In London
gavo thanksgiving dny In tho metrop
olis the added feature of n notable his
toric occasion.
Tho program of tho morning was not
Intended to bo accompanied by special
Although tho weather was chilly, tho
streets for tho ontlro dlstnnco from the
palace to tho cathedral wero thickly
lined with people, who bared their
heads nnd chcored ns tho members of
tho royal family and othor notabilities
King Edward, who woro tho uniform
of a field marshal, was greeted with
enthusiasm, and his majesty, tho prince
of Wales, nnd tho other princes wero
busily engaged In acknowledging salu
tations from tho crowd.
Lord Roberts, who drovo with his
wlfo and dnughtors, was ono of tho fig
ures most conspicuously greeted with
Tho royal personnges woro driven
down tho Mall to Trafalgar square and
through tho Strand nnd through Fleet
At Tomplo Bar tho ofTiolals of Lon
don for tho first tlmo slnpo tho Jublleo
of tho lato Queen Victoria awaited tho
sovereign In state.
Tho king's carriage was stopped
whon it reached tho city officials and
tho lord mayor of London, Sir Joseph
C. Dlmsdalo, presented tho sword of
tho city to his majesty and utter a
formal wolcomo. Tho king returned
tho sword, smllod, bowed nnd simply
remarked: "Thank you very much."
Tho streets leading to St. Paul's ca
thedral wero densely crowded with
pcoplo and a number of persona fainted
In tho crush outsldo the barriers, which
had been erected within tho cathedral.
King Edwnrd and Queen Alexandra
alighted at tho west entrance of St
Paul's. Hero thoy woro recolvcd by
tho bishops of Stepney and London
and by thorn conducted to their seats,
which wero under tho domo of tho
building nnd directly in front of tho
Supporters or Nicaragua Route Will
Try to Secure Vote.
WASHINGTON, Juno 9 Tho greater
part of tho tlmo of the sennto tho pres
ent week will bo glvon to tho lnter
occnnlc bill. An effort probably will
bo mndo by tho supporters of tho Ni
caragua routo to securo nn agrooment
to voto on tho bill next Saturday, but
tho probabilities are all against suc
cess. Senator Harris of Kansas will open
tho dobato today In support of tho Ni
caragua routo and ho will bo followed
by various other sonators for nnd
against tho measure
Senator Fairbanks has given formal
notlco of a speech on Wednesday. He
will Biipport tho Spoonor bill.
Make Too Much of Athletics.
NEW YORK, Juno 9. Bishop Bur
gess of tho Episcopal dloceso of Long
Islnnd, In tho baccalaureate sermon to
students of Columbia university nnd
Bernard college, said that whllo tho
names of tho winners of athletic prizes
woro preserved In bronze, thoso who
won tho Greek prizes at universities
wero moro often writ In water. Con
tinuing tho bishop said: "It has been
said tho physical development of tho
highest typo nro incompatible with ono
another. Tho tlmo has passed when
wo can pass by tho body and wo renllzo
that tho man, strong In health, will
bo hotter ablo to fight tho battles of
llfo and tho demons of fancy that
haunt men."
Whipped by White Caps.
BLOOM1NGTON, Ind., Juno 9. At 2
o'clock yesterday morning, six miles
north of hero, a band of fifty men
broke In tho door of Henry Dom
mlng's home, took Dcmnilng and his
wife out In their night clothes and
whipped thorn with buggy whips. Tho
white cappers accused Demmlng of
brutally whipping his son and told
him ho must leavo tho county It ho
did it again. Mtb. Demmlng Is re
ported to bo In a serious condition.
Pacific Cable and Irrigation Bills Will
Be Considered.
.WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 9. Tho
house program for this week includes
consideration of the Pacific cabin and
the scnato Irrigation bills, which tho
rules committee Is anxious to havo
disposed of before the time set for
taking up tho first government bill.
Special rules havo been prepared for
consldciatlon of both measures.
Tho cable bill wll lbe given two
and tho Irrigation bill thrco days.
Tho cable bill provides for an Amer
ican built and an American laid cab'.o
to conduct our Insular possessions in
tho Philippines. It carries a direct
appropriation out of tho trcosuiy for
this purpose.
Mr. Corliss, tho author of tho bill,
professes confidence that It will pass.
Tho opposition to tho measure bellovo
tho cable to the Philippines should
bo laid by private enterprise. Some
of tho house leaders, Including Mr.
Cannon, chairman of the appropriation
committee, It is understood, will op
poso tho Irrigation bill, but tho
friends of the measure are very hope
ful of Its passage.
People Too Busy for Discussion of
NEW YORK, Juno 9. Gov. Odell
talked at length about his trip
through tho country. Ho visited
twenty-flvo states. Ho says ho was
surprised at tho prosperity of tho
country. Whllo ho discussed every
state ho visited ho paid particular
tribute to Nebraska, saying: "Pros
perity Is universal In Nebraska, whoro
there Is promlso of munificent crops.
People nro not paying much atten
tion to politics. It is all business
with them. They nro Interested in
tho Cuban sugar proposition mainly
because of tho cultivation of beet
sugar. On this issue there is some
division of opinion as to tho proper
policy of the administration. In
other respects the administration is
generally endorsed."
Excursion Train In Michigan Jumps
the Track with Serious Results.
ALPENA, Mich., Juno 9. An evcur
slon train on tho Detroit & Mackinaw
railroad, which left hero yestorday
morning for Saginaw, consisting of
an engine and twelve coached and
carrying over BOO passengers, was
wrecked at Black river, whllo running
at a speed of forty miles an hour.-
Ono man was Instantly killed, threo
wero probably fatally injured and
nearly fifty others received injuries of
various degrees of severity, ranging
from bruises and cuts to broken limbs.
Farmer Murders a Doctor.
GARDEN GROVE, In., Juno 9. Be
causo ho returned to this village in
splto of a threat that his life would
bo taken If ho did so, Dr. W. D. Duff
has bsen shot and killed by W. II.
Clark, a farmer. Dr. Duff hail for
merly practiced medlclno here, but re
cently removed to Blockton.
Ill feeling had existed between tho
two men and when tho doctor do
parted, Clark promised to kill him If
ho over enmo back. When Clarke
learned that Duff had returned, ho bor
rowed a shotgun, and, locating tho
doctor In a drug store, ho entered
and flro two shots nt him, both tak
ing effect near the heart.
Clarko at once gavo himself Into
custody, remarking that ho bad kept
his promise.
Negro Kills White Woman.
LAWRENCE, Kan., Juno 9. Mary
Coop, a white woman, was killed at
her house In tho lower part of town
today by Charles Anderson, a negro
restaurant employe. Thero woro no
witnesses to tho crime. Tho woman's
neck was broken. Anderson was ar
rested. Pug Ryan Captured.
CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Juno 9.
Pug Ryan, said to havo been the lend
er of a gang of dosporadoes who, In a
tight sovernl years ago with a posso
of Breckenrldgo officers killed two of
tho latter, has been arrested hero.
Railroad Building in Oregon.
PORTLAND, Ore., June 9. The Ore
gonlan says: It Is now stntcd posi
tively that n railroad will be built be
tween Coos Bay and Rosobury and
that construction will begin by Septem
ber 1 nt tho latest.
Kruger to Remain In Holland.
BRUSSELS, Juno 9. Mr. Kruger
declares that he will end his days In
Plot Causes Sixty Arrests.
LONDON, Juno 9. In a letter from
Protorla, dated May 18, tho corre
spondent of the Dally Mall says that
tho previous Thursday sixty arrests
wero made thero as the result of tho
discovery of an extcnslvo plot to blow
up tho' government buildings and Lord
Kitchener's residence and to spike
guno in tho artillery barracks. Par
tics concerned In tills plot, according
to the correspondent, wore Boer and
Dutch prisoners.
The Town, Which Stood at Foot of
Mountain, Almost Completely De
stroyed Places Twenty-Five Miles.
Distant Feel the Effects.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 7. Another
city in Central America has Buffered
almost completo destruction and hun
dreds of its inhabitants havo been
killed by volcanic eruptions.
Tho steamer Palena, which arrived
today from southern Italy ports, brings
tho news that tho town of Retalbulen,
situated at tho foot of Mount Tacona,
In Guatemala, has been burled under a,
mass of lava, stones and ashes thrown
from tho volcanic crater nnd probably
1,000 of its pcoplo havo perished.
Tho volcano Is about twenty-five
miles from Champanlco, and near tho
town of Tapachulo, which, It Is be
lieved, also suffored severely. Tho
eruption occurred several days before
Palcnn arrived at Champanlco. Tho
vessel's officers wero lnformod by tho
agent at that place that tho volcano
had shown signs of tho Impending
eruption for several days previous to
tho outbreak. In' fact, Mount Tacona
hod been restless ever slnco tho great
earthquako of April IS, which destroyed
the city of Quczaltenago. For weeks a.
black pall of smoko hung over Its sum
mit, nnd the glare from tho crater fre
quently Illuminated the sky.
Many of tho inhabitants of Retal
bulen fled from their homes to places
of safety and these escaped frightful
deaths. When tho eruption at last
broko forth In its full fury showers of
lava, ashes and stones wero ejected and
covered tho country for miles around.
The Bay of Champanlco was a mass of
floating pumlco and ashes.
No details wero obtainable by tho
officers of Palena, but the loss of life
was estimated at not loss than 1,000.
The same steamer brought a letter to
Balfour, Guthrie & Co., agents of tho
Pacific Coast Steamship company, from
G. M. Mcllville, their agent at Guate
mala, confirming tho report of tho
eruption. He also stated that since tho
earthquake of April 18 shocks bad been
of almost dally occurrence. A few
days before Palona sailed n small vil
lage near Mount Tacona was destroyed,
but no details could bo obtained.
Tho volcano of Santa Maria is also
said to havo been lu a state of eruption.
Countervailing Sugar Duty.
SIMLA, India, Juno 7. Tho sugar
bill, empowering tho government of
India to impose a countervailing duty
on bountled sugar until tho Brussels
convention becomes effective, passed
tho council today. Tho viceroy of
India, Lord Kurzon of Kedleston, in
n speech, exhorted tho refiners to lm
provo their methods and Justify tho
protection provided by tho counter
vailing duties Imposed on bountled
Union Pacific Buys Stock.
NEW YORK, Juno 7. Tho Evening
Post today says: "Tho Union Pacific
Railroad company has increased Its
holdings of Southern Pacific ptock
from $76,000,000 to $90,000,000.
Immigration Increases.
NEW YORK, Juno 7. Tho official
immigration figures for tho port of
Now York for May say that 82,054
immigrants woro landod during tho
month, as against 73.GC7 for April.
From Morocco to Washington.
MADRID, Juno 7. Senor deOJada,
the former Spanish minister to Mor
oeca, has boon gazetted mlnlstor of
Spain at Washington, in succession
to Duko do Arcos.
Boers Given Parole.
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Juno 7.
Boor officers who havo been living in
the prison camps on tho islands near
horo havo been allowed their liberty
on parole.
Kruger In Good Health.
THE HAGUE, Juno 7. Thero Is no
foundation for tho reports that Mr.
Kruger Is 111. On tho contrary ho Is
enjoying good health.
King of Saxony Very III,
DRESDEN, Saxony, Juno 7. Tho
condition of King Albert of Saxony,
who has been 111 for somo time, Is
regarded as critical.
Thinks Boers Got Too Much.
LONDON, June 7. A. J. Balfour,
government leader In tho house of
commous, In a speech nt n conserva
tive bnnquot In Ixmdon, refcrrod to
tho South African war. Ho said tho
load wns only now thoroughly realis
ed and peaco had been bought by un
necessary concessions. Tho conten
tion of the UboralB that peaco might
havo been secured a years ago was
untenable, because General Botha
then demanded Independence.