111 i - EIGHTEENTH YEAJi. NORTH PLATTE, NEllltASKA, JUNE (I, 1U02- NO. r t. j - 1 Gasoline We arc handling the Standard Single Generator Gas o'ene and Kerosene Stoves and have a large stock of them ranging in price from three dollars to twenty-seven dol lars. One of these stoves burns either gasolene or kerosene, just as you choose We will be glad to show the merits of these stoves to intending purchasers. Of course we still sell Furniture, Matting, Wall Paper and Picture Moulding, and have gained the reputation of selling goods a shade lower than other dealers. m i ftv Howe's Furniture Store. JOHN BR ATT. E. R. GOODMAN. JOHN BR ATT - CO.. Real Estate, Loans m Insurance Idle Honey Invested In (lilt Edged Securities V S A: NORTH PLATTE, THE Five Cent Cigar m J ft !THe Climate Of Western Nebraska most money burned to painting your house. cheapest in the end. I Sherwin & Williams Paints o l e e 0 a e e o a Have been sold by us for many years, and they have a given universal satisfaction lime tried and not found wanting. We have a full stock on hand for the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy it again; if you have not used it, try it. A F STRE5TZ, Druggist! s c , , o I(K V oi V tHV.l. RIB lli 1111 j I m t Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and JFit- A tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale lies, Lightening C Hay Press & Repairs Locust st : : . : NORTH PLATTE, NEB. f 90e9eaoacsoetacieeeea9oe0eQ I forfh flafte fTlour a BOeQca90oeoe lylaiafactUfccl by Jortii Piatle ttoller fTjilis Used by economical housewife's in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. (? Trial Sack uUil Convince yoU of its iTJefit North Platte Roller Mills C. I. IDD1NCS Baby Carriages, Wi lmvn hist received a large line of Baby ' Carriages, which have ; such a wide range m price that we can suit anybody's pocket book. An inspection of these carriages is invited. Stoves. NEBRASKA. X e e e e is hard on paint and it is al- S use an inferior quality when The best paint is by far the HPIKHPV v HERSHEY . , . y e Republican Primaries. Kcpublicau primaries to select delegates to the republican county convention, which meets next Sat urday, were held Wednesday evening- in the three wards. The dele, gates named were as tallows: First ward D. II. White, II. l Ivcllncr,GuB Hesse, Hen McMichael, M. Oberst. Second ward M. II. Douglas, Harry Langdon, Oscar Ncal, A. S. Baldwin, John Kountz, I). W. Hakcr, I. L. Bare, A, II. Longlcy, Vern McMichael. Third ward M. DaviB, Dave Scott, P. Kelly, I Lang ford, A. Hosier, Dick W. A. Gregg, W. A. Cridlebaugh, J. R. Ritner. Return Home Victorious. The Union Pacific team returned home from their eastern trip Tucp day night. During the trip five names were played. Of these the t;am won one from Grand Island, one from Shelton and one trom Kearney, and lost one each to Kear ney and Shelton. In the game Inst to Shelton the umpire was flag rantly partial to Shelton, but after the game his action was explained on the grounds that if Shelton lost the game it would kill base ball in that town, hence the Union Pacific team was robbed in order that the Shelton team might be allowed to live. In the second game at Kearney played Tuesday the Union Pacific almost knocked Salenc nut of the box, making a total of eighteen hits, and winning the game by a Hcorc of seventeen to nine. The fact that Salem, who is the pride of the Kearney team, was touched up for so many hits, broke the hearts of the Kearneyitcp, some of whom were so uncharitable as to say that Salene had "thrown" the game. The members of the Union Pa cific team were well pleased with the trip, -and North Platte .people well satisfied witli the record made by the boys. At the meeting of Board of Edu cation Monday evening an assign ment of teachers for next year oc curred. Few changes were made from the assignment of the past year. Miss Kennedy takes the posi tion in the Eighth grade held by E. J-ance Jones, Miss brtcssou will have the Bratt bdiool and Miss Blake who taught that school last year, will take one of the rooms in i lie Third ward. iMiss Gertie Baker has been transferred to the Second ward and Miss Ware to the Third ward. Charley Pittman, late in army service in the Philippines, has been spending the past few days with North Platte mends. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Grabach, of Omaha, who had been in town for a week, went to Denver yesterday. Women are Like FlfktAiOrc Healthy andstronrj " '""II they blossom and bloom. Sickly, they wither and die. Every woman ought to look well and feel well. It'sher right and duty, but she might as well try to put out a (Ire with oil a3 to be healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organs that make her a woman. Upon their health depends her health. If there Is inflammation or weakening drains or suffering at tho monthly period, attend to It at once. Don t delay. You're one step nearer the grave overy day you put It off. Women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease dragging at tho most delicate and vital organs In their body. You may have been deceived In so-called cures. Wo don't fico liow you coultl lioln it tliuro Is no much worthies sttilf on tho market. Hut ynu won't bo dls appointed in IlrndfloIil'R l'cmnlo K em ulator. Wo liulluvc It is tho ono medi cine on earth for womanly ills. Tliero is ns much dllTcruiico between it und other so-called leinvdlos an thcru is between ritflit und wrontf. llrmlltcld'.i l'emnlu Ki-Kiilator soot lion tho pain, Htops tho drains, promotes regularity, 8treiiKthenn, purines find demises. It does nil thin quickly arid easily and nnt ui ally. It is for women nlouo to de cide whether they will he healthy or sick, llrudtleld's Hre;ulator lies at band. 91 ptr buttle at drugstore. Bond fur our tr UwkUU lilt DRADflf 10 RfCllLAIOK CO., AtMntn, Ca. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. An ice cream and strawberry social will be given in the hall at Hershey on Tuesday evening next week for the benefit of Key. Cham berlain of this circuit. Everybody invited. Mr. Patterson of the Gamble Land Co., of Omaha was in the valley on business this week. Geo. Hackney is on the sick list again. Mrs. Win. Eves returned from a visit at Overton Wednesday. W. S. Cox and crew are putting up the first crop of allalfa on O. LI. Evcrley's farm. J. V. Robiiipou is cutting the alfalfa on the Guthrie land at Her shey now owned by the Gamble Laud Co. of Omaha. Johnny Pickett the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pickett Hersdiey attended a term of nine mouths bcIiooU in that place the past year without missing a day. John Scharmaiiu has been load ing baled hay at Nichols the paBt week for the western market. Men to work in sugar beets are scarce in this locality at this time and can not be had for cither love or money. The new hotel at Ilcrshcy is being adorned with a fresh coat ol paint. Scebergcr & Co., have com menced hat vesting the first crop ot allalfa on the J. G. Kcekeu laud which they have leased for this season. M. Micklesen returned the first of the week from a vitit to his tarui m Dawn) county. He reports crops in fine condition in that sec tion of the country. Mrs. Mickelsen and daughter Gamett who accom panied him remained tor a visit in that locality and will return home next week. D. C. Hewitt, of Hasting, presi dent ot the Sliver Like Mining and Milling'1- -Company, of Boulder county, Col , was the guest of M. MicIclIsph, one of the stock-holders at Hershey, on Tuesday. W. II. Hill recently sold S. J. Koch a four horse disc com culti vator. D. A. Brown marketed a couple of fine veal calves at the Central Meat Market in North Platte the first of this week. The inhabitants ot the village of Hershey were aroused on Tuesday about noon by the cry of fire. Eve rybody grabbed a pail anil started for the fire which was located in a straw stack in the west end of town and had been ignited by small boys with matches. At the Nichols precinct primary held on Wednesday the following delegates were elected to the county convention: Sam Punkhouser, P. M. Brooks and G. M. Smith. The following precinct ofliccrs were nominated: Assessor Will Punk houser, overseer of highways Sam Punkhouser, justices of the peace P. M. Brooks full term and J. W. Pnckttt to li 1 L vacancy, constables A. B. Goodwin and D. M. Ley poldt. The earth is becoming quite dry and hard on the top at this time and late crops are suffering lor moisture and unless it rains at once irrigation will be uecassary. Yonngagrasshoppers arc becom ing quite numerous in many places. J. B. Toillion, Jr., is operating the Nichols creamery at the pres. cut time for Manager J. C. Gyger. It is doing a good business. We are told that Mrs. Lottie Jones has at this lime more than three hundred young chickens. Fifty pounds on an average of butter is churned at the Nichols creamery daily. Since the giound and grass have become dry again it is averaging four pounds of butter fat to the hundred pounds of milk. Saved Trom an Awful Tat o. "Everybody said I had consumption," writoH Mrs. A. .M. Rbioldri, of Clinuiborii. burg, I'a., "I was ho low after six niontliH of Hdvcni siokiuwH, euiiHod by liny fovnr mid asthma, that fow thought I could Ket well, but I Inarnod of tho niarvolous murit of Dr. Kind's Now Discovory for Consumption, uwid it and was eoinplotoly mired " l'jr diwpornto throat mid Iuiil' diR'.'iKm, it is tho safest euro in tho world, mid in infallabh) for couuIih, colds iiml broriuliiul all'm.'tioiiH. Guiirnuteed bottles fiO mid SI. Trial bottles froo at A. I' . Wtroitza. a? If? w H GDoes Every Month SHOW Increased Business In Our I SHOE DEPARTMENT Because our Shoes give WE ft Ladies good serviceable Kid & Ladies Fine Kid Shoes per j iMisscs Shoes, g-ood quality, Mivtupc Sliiinu. Pjitnnt r.n.i t , -., j.i c(? pair Childrcns Shoes, good quality, sizes QyC to ll, per 9 pair ." Childrcns Patent Leather Shoes, size 84 to ll, j per pair Clnltls Kine Shoes, size 5 to 8, per pair eg? Childs Kid Shoes, size 5 to 8, per pair $ Mens Kinc Shoes ner nair a Mens Kine Shoes per pair f; Boys Shoes $l, 25 to J We guarantee the satisfactory wear of every Shoe vc sell, fj on Store opcr evening's until 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox Deprtmeat Store S?t?ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Notice. A summer pchool for teachers and prospective teachers will be held at North Platte. Term, six weekf, beginning Jun 30th. Tui tion 5. Instructors, II. 10. Worrell and W. A. Getty. Special atten tion will be given all' the branches required for a second grade county certificate with the addition of algebra and physics, For further information call on or address Oscar. Nkai.u, County Supt. An unsophisticated young fellow from Custer county, whose name we failed to learn, went out to the bhow grounds last Tuesday and tquandered $15,50 trying to con vince the manipulators of the game that he knew more about it than they did. When the lesson ended they had the money and he the ex perience: but though he was com pelled to say the second was good, he preferred the firBt especially as lie was Titty miles from home, to through the advice of others, he told Ins tale of woe to Mayor Walker who took prompt action to have the filthy lucre returned. If the fool-killer ndmiiiistcrd the fin ishing stroke to all who deserve it, the country would be greatly de pleted in population, and many of as would have our earthly career shortened to an amazing extent, The moral of this is very plain: 'Never bet on another man's game." Keep Cool! W12AK C&jwsls Shoes Men's Canvas Shoes, leather soles, per pair 1.25 Men's Canvas Oxfords, leather soles, per pair . . 1.10 Boys' Canvas Shoes, leather soles, per pair 1.00 Youth's Canvas Shoes, leather soles, 13 to 2, per pair Lad ies'Cnnvas Shoes, leather soles, per pair 1.00 Ladies' Canvas Oxfords, leather soles, tier pair .. .00 Misses' CanvasShoos.leathcr soles, 11J4 to 2, per pair .00 Children's Canvas Shoes, leather soles, 8 to 1 1, per p;itr 75 Store open evenings until 8:00 o clock. Wilcox Department Store. ft Y ? 1? ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft at ft the wear they should and are 5 1? SELL Shoes per pair $1.50 nm pair 2.00 sizes to 2, per pair 1.35 ft liniv uisnu 111 in 1 .,. ft 1.35 ft I.IO l.lO J .85 ft ,50 ft ft $2.00 to 3.50 2.00 JJ ft ft ft Wm. Gavivt, Blacksmith and Wugonmaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing $4 per Team. Also reductions in the price ol all other work. Work guaranteed or money refunded. Give uh a call. Locust street south of Yost'B harness store. DON'T PROCRASTINATE! Othonviso don't put oil" until i tomorrow what should bo S done today. If thoro is sonic Hboo repairing, have it done 5 at tho follow I'Vont ShooKo- S pair Shop. s GEO. TEKULVE. Choapout mid host placo in town. 5 FOR SALE .. One full-blood Short horn hull. Enquire of GEORGE W. PVPc FITTED AND SUITED. Fit that's that the thing. We give it. Our suits lit and our lit suits every time. Same with prices. It's a way we have that never fails. Make you the smartest, most stylish, perfect fitting suit in handsome and dur able material at reasonable prices. Variety of patterns to select from. Every garment warranted as to workmansnip, finish and fabric. Cleaning specialty. and repairing a IF. J. BROEKER.