The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1902, Image 4

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    f Local News in Brief.
OOlcoovorStroltz'i Drag Store
Newton & Sitton sold a piano
Wednesday to Miss Mary Flyiin.
Drink Dee brand ColTee. It sat
isfies, M. II. McDermott, a prominent
stockman of Somerset, transacted
business in town Wednesday.
No Bcryice will be held at the
Lutheran church Sunday, the re
pairs not being completed.
The Grand Army Post has se
cured thii Union Pacific band to
render music at the opera house
. this afternoon.
II. Otten will begin marketing
home grown strawberries the early
nnrt of next week The crop will
be a fairly good one.
Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves
repaired. KepairB lor all kinds of
Whktkkn Stovi; Kimuik Wohks
The annual election of oIlicerH ol
Klkhom lodge No. 28, H. ol h. l,
wilt be held June 21th. H.illots con
taining the uomluatiotiH will be
mailed to all members within the
next lew days.
J. B. Jeter expects to leave next
week for Indiana, where he will
visit bin old stamping grounds for
about ten days. Hit family linn
been there lor a couple of weeks,
and will return with him.
tJWautcd A competent girl for
general housework.
Mns. A. S. Damuvin.
A uumbir of fartnern between the
river were compelled to replant a
considerable portion of their com
owing to the unusually raiiiRof two
weeks ago. V. 10 Park replanted
forty acrcp, D. McLaughlin thirty
acres, and Charley Toilliou twenty
seven acres.
A number of pupils of the Ilrudy
schools, headed by Prof, Shuman
and a dozen or more Irom the
Sutherland schools in charge of
Principal MUs Thoelecke, attended
the graduating exercises Tuesday
evening. As these students entered
the hall they were given hearty
The KIcliclieu canitcd goods have
knocked out all competition and
we find it not necessary to adver-
tise their goods or the Chase it San
born co Ike.
The union Pacific ball team, ac
companied by a number of "root'
crs," leaves today for Kearney
where it will play the initial game
ot the season. The team is souk1
wuai uutuiicappcii uy uck ot prac
ticc, bttt nevertheless it will put up
Htrong games, The team playH in
Kearney today, Shclton tomorrow,
Grand Island Sunday, Shclton
Monday and Kearney Tuesday. On
Friday evening of next week the
team will go to Cheyenne, where it
will play Saturday and Sunday.
Every lady wishes for
plenty of nice bright rib
bons for
We have the new things
in Satin, Liberty and light
Boft Taffeta Ribbons in
just the right widths, For
Hair Bows
we have the heavier Taf
feta or Satin Kibbous in
just the right widths and
shades to suit.
For Beatiing
we have the nicest quality
ol washable Taffeta.
For Trimming'
we have a full line of velvet
We Have Them
Jint the tibboua you want
for any purpose,
Store open evening until
8:00 o'clock.
Department Store
Special Sale
To make room for our heavy fall purchases,
vc intend to dispose ol every boys' suit in the
house. To do this we have placed on sale all
our $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
At $2.00.
At a special discount of 20 per cent during- this sale,
member we mean business. They must go.
Bogota CofTcc a
drink at a moderate price.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guilfoylc
have returned Irom their trip to
ISpiphatiy, S. D.
The members of the Q. T. club
were pleasantly entertained Tues
day afternoon bv Mrs. Arthur Mc-
N lunar. 'i.
Tin: TimiUNi: h issued about
twenty - lour bourn earlier than
usual in oruer mat me lorce may
observe Memorial Day. .
A L Heegle, of Grand Island,
spent Wednesday in town us the
guest of Geo. M. Graham, and the
two spent part of the day fishing.
George Krug, state manager for
the Anheuser-Uush Brewing Co.,
spent Wednesday in town and
while here made arrangements for
the construction of a large beer
vault just sast ot the freight depot
on the south side of track.
Geo. W. Childs, Uncle Oscar,
Pathfinder and all other standard
cigars m. lor m cents at t lie Hub
Mr. and Mm. Win. Whitlock, Mr.
and Mrs. 15. B. Mainiinuess, Mrs.
Chas. Boguc and W. J. Rowland
returned Wednesday morning Irom
South Dakota, where they visited
the health cure establishment of
leather Kroeger.
. Cit'zcns generally should attend
the meeting to be held at the Com
mercial Club rooms Monday even
ing to consider the ad visibility ol
having 11 Fourth of July celebration
If wu are to celebrate the matter
must be taken in baud without dc
lay. It seems to us that about
the best plan to pursue is to raise a
purse, turn it over to the fire dc
pertinent and let the members man
age the celebration. T.iis has been
done in the past anu tlie programs
have been very Kitisf.ictory.
c x o r
Our "Victor" $3.50 Shoes for men, have won many lyal
friends from among the particular dressers of North Platte.
And they should; they are Shoes that have embodied in them
every feature that goo to make first-class footwear.
There's here now another entirely new shipment just in
just go I them onto the shelves.
Vici Kid Phoenix Kid -Box Calf arc the leathers.
Popular toe styles. Single, welted and sewed soles, with
close or extension edges.
Value in this sale has been entirely ig
nored, we want the room and the money,
these bargains will tempt you to buy.
Boys' i and 3 piece Suits.
Boys' Knee Pants
Boys' Long Pants
French and Bacon to be Rc-Appointccl
A Washington special in Wed
nesday' State Journal says: Sena
tors Millard and Dietrich disposed
of another important bit rf federal
patronage today, joining in a rcc
ommendation to the secretary of
the interior of Frank Bacon, re
ceiver of the North Platte land
office and George 10. French, reg
ister, for re-appointment. The
commissioner ot the genera' land
office gave these officials a flatter
ing testimonial of efficiency and
the v were endorsed by many lead
ing republicans of Nebraska
Their terms will expire August 8,
but it is expected that their nomi
tion will be confirmed at the present
session of congress.
Henry Lent?, is home Irom a trip
to Epiphany, S. D.
Mrs. 1 W. Rincker returned
Wednesday from a visit in Council
The teachers of the high school
will begin next week to take the
census ol this school district. The
revenue derived from this work will
be turned into the library fund.
Persons desiring to nave ceme
tery lots watered and cared for or
tilled can leave their orders with
the undersigned or sec the sexton
at the grounds.
Guo. 10. Fhknch, Secy.
Dr. Graham came up from Lin
coin Tuesday accompanied, by Mell
Karth, and returned the same night
with Mrs. George Harr, who svill
receive medical treatment in that
In a letter Irom O. K. Pock we
learn thai he is now located at
Welcetka, Indian Territory, and is
engaged 111 conducting a general
merchandise store. wvleetka is a
new town and Mr. Peck thinks it is
destined to become an important
trading point.
o e s
sjl Pair
Commencement Excrciscj.
The sixteenth annual commence
ment of the North Patte high
school was held at the opera house
Tuesday evening before an aud
ience that almost filled the Beating
capacity of the building. The
curtain was raised at 8;45 and on
the stage were seated the fourteen
graduates, the members ot the
board ot education, the high school
instructors and two of the local
clergy. Oycrhead in the rear of
the stage was placed the motto of
the class, "Forward, Guide Right,"
the letters of which were formed of
incandescent lights, and in
front were draped the class colors
red and white. The stage pre
sented a very pretty appearance.
The exercises opened with an in
vocation by Rev. Mr. Greenlee,
followed with a selection by the
Arion Octette. A.s Fenna Caroline
Bccler, the salutatonau, stepped to
the f rout of the stage she received
generous plaudits from the audi
ence. Miss Bcelcr is a orient, win
some young lady, and her addrcb
was well prepared and delivered in
clear and distinct tones.
The address delivered by Rev.
John F. Seibert was one renlete
with good advice, the subjects
being treated largely along spirit
ual lines. Particularly effective
were his remarks on the need of
Mrs. J. II. Ilcrshev rendered a
solo sweetly and with much exprcs
ston and responded to an eucorc.
Miss lone Lcnore Neir, who
passed the highest examination
and therclorc became valedictorian,
delivered a well prepared address
and was greeted with applause
from the audience; evidence that
she occupied a warm place in the
hearts of her hearers.
A solo by Ira L. Bare was fol
lowed by the presentation of di
plomas by v, lu. uuiinrd, accom-
panyn g the game by well-timed
1 11 c exercises closed witti a se
lection by the octette and the bene'
diction by Rev. Seibert.
With the closing or these exer
cises, nine young ladies and live
young men cuter upon the stem
realities ot life. To successfully
combat the opposition which they
will in et on the road to a success
tul life will require couraire, ambl
tion, confidence. We believe that
each member of the class possesses
these and that thev will win, and
win handsomely. The people ot
North Pialte feel a justifiable pride
in the class of 1902--tUey expect
much trom them, and we believe
there will be no disappointment.
ftiiss .Nellie beyiertu leu yes
terday for a visit with lricuds at
Sell in ler.
Dr. beyinour, the optician, spent
yeste'day in town and had a large
number of patients call to see luni
Alfalfa. Cane anil Mil
let Seeds for sale by
Jos. Ilcrshev, North
Pialte, Nebraska.
C. F. Ormsby came down from Springs Tuesday night
and will spend a couple of weeks in
town looking after his real estate
inte rc Us.
Mr and Mrs. D. XV. Macotnbcr
and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Macomber
came down from Cherrv countv
Wedn sday to attend the Patter
son-Macouiber wedding.
wn-it iiiiiiKiug about Hour rc
member that Harrington & Tobin
are the only people that sell Minnc
sota lljur-Pillsbun's Best XXXX
Also uie product of the two best
nulls 1 1 the state of Nebraska-
North Platte and Lexington pat
cuts. Prices from $1.05 to ?1 2;
per sack.
In a practice game of ball Wed
nesday evening, the Union Pacifies
defeated the Y. M. C. A. team bv
score ot fifteen to one. Consider
able ragged playing was noticeabl
on the part ol theY. M. C. A'
ami me union Paci its dd not
play a Hiinppy game, probably be
caut-e it was not considered neces
Barb Wire
Baker's Perfect Barb Wire
Painted, per hundred $3.80
Baker's Perfect Barb Wire
galvanized per hundred $4. 1 0
iriiiiciii siorc
Is now ready for your inspection. Everything jjf
needed for furnishing: a house complete will be $
found at our store. Furniture for the kitchen, W
dining room, bed room and parlor in profu- 0
sion, See our carpet samples. "
Lands Not to bs Leased.
At the instance ot J. II. 13d-
mistcn, Congressman Neville has
made an inquiry at the interior de
partment as to whether or not it
was the purpose of the government
to lease lands designated as forest
reserves and withdrawn trom
homestead entry. Mr. Neville has
been advised by the secretary that
there is absolutely no foundation
for the rumor which is current in
Nebraska that these lands will be
leased, as there is no law in exist
ence authorizing the leasinir of
lauds within forest reseryes.
Mv photograph gallery will
closed until June 15th.
Miss Rankin.
The. Hub &tates that Pendergraf
will pitch in the Ivcarnev-North
Platte iraine at Kearnev todav.
Pennv will no doubt do his nretti.
est to defeat th U. P's.
Better Fix
We have what you need
Stacker Rope
Tackle Blocks
Pulley Wheels
Hay Forks
Fork Handles
Strap Work
Store open evenings until 8 o'clock,
Wilcox Department Store.
Your Hayin
Electric Light.
Get our Special Proposition for
Private Houses, and have your
wiring done at once.
Dvop us a postal
office over U. S.
Stilt Another Tain Told of Archbishop
Itrnn'K 'llt-ntl; Wit.
When Archbishop Patrick J. Hyan
of Philadelphia, who has Juat boon ap
pointed a member of tho Board of In
dian Comnils3loners by tho Prcsldont,
was a vory young priest ho wa3 sta
tioned at a parish in St. Louis, whero
Archbishop Kenurlck prealdod over
tho dloceso, says tho Now York Tlues.
Tho latter lived In a very small, un
pretentious house, scarcoly la keeping
with his position in tho church.
Ono day when Father Ityan was
passing tho house of tho archbishop,
accompanied by a Chicago priest, who
was visiting tho Mound City, ho point
ed out tho house- as tho rosideneo of
tho head of tho local church. Tho
Chicago priest said with surpriao:
"Why, you should sco tho BpIondUlr
HntlHMA - 1 ..... - . "It. I W
luoiiiuuuu wo uuru m umcago ior our
"Yes," responded Father Ryan, "hut
you should seo tho splendid archbish
op wo havo In St. Loula for our residence.
Snvc Sloen for Ills Firm.
Thero is a man in Now York city
who holds down a hilarious Job. Ho
sorvos u big firm in tho capacity of
buying entertainer. Tho buyers
whom ho entertains supposo him to bo
a junior partner of tho firm, but ho"
Isn't. IIo is simply a buffer between
tho firm and tho buyers. Ho saves
sleep Tor tho firm, and big heads and
that morning feeling. Ho boars tho
brunt of tho buyer's stored-up skit
tlshnoss. Tho averago buyer has an
roticlpatory glitter In his oyes from
tho ininuto that ho sots foot in town.
There in much that ho desires to see.
This buyer entertainer shows it to
him. Sometimes ho mets a buyer who
nearly outdoes him in tho high-ball
homo stretch about 2 o'clock in tho
morning; but, as a rulo, ho gets tho
buyer to his hotel in safo condition. -1
l'ri c.iutions Against Khjnnplng.
A Now York papor tolls how tho lit
tlo daughter of a multimillionaire
name not given is taken for a walk
every pleasant morning. Tho child is
accompanied- by two maids, ono walk
ing on either side, and behind theso
come two men sorvauts, burly of build,
of determined aspect and both armed
with revolvers. All this becauso tho
parents fear their darling may bo kidnaped.
card, or call at
Land Office.