The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1902, Image 4

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    I Local News in Brief. 1
Office ovor Btroltz'a Dmtr Store
S. A. Ildultmaii of Sutherland
was in the city on uuriiichr yester
W. D. Tatum is making arrange
ments to build a new house in the
Third ward.
Regular seryicea may be expected
next Sabbath at the Presbyterian
church. A welcome to all.
Some alterations arc bung made
jn the interior ol the Kirst National
Bank preparatory to having the
banking room rcpipcred and re
painted. Dr. Seymour here, Thursday,
May 29th, at Harrington Hotel.
Ernest A. Arnetl, ol Nichols pre
cinct, and Miss Mary Dowhower,
living near this city, were united
in marriage by Judge Baldwin
In the bow'ing contest last even
ing between teams captained by
Armstrong and Starkey, the former
won. The score of the Armstrong
team was 713, 7M and f60, and the
Starkey team 616, 707. 611; a total
of 2087 and 1961 respectively.
Wc arc requested to announce
that the Odd Fellows will meet at
their hall next Tuesday at 2 p. in.
and march in a body to the ceme
tery, where a tre planting cere
mony will be held. The Patriarch
Militants in lull uniform will act as
escort to the procebsiou.
The pupils of Miss Staatz, both
in voice culture and piano instruc
tion, gave a recital at the home of
Mrs. Anna Church in the presence
ol a number of invited guests Tues
day evening. The program was
well rendered, each one acquitting
Itcrtclf splendid! v.
Commercial Fertilizer for Lawns
at City Pharmacy, Dr. Louglcy.
Mrs. Fa-iny Brooks, sou Frank
and daughter Mm. D. A. Brown,
who have been living in town for a
year or more, will next week move
to the Krong farm in Nichols pre
cinct, where tlu'y will devote their
time principally to the dairy busi
ness. M-, Brown will continue in
the employ of the railroad company
aa Tire in a n.
Deputy State Veterinarian ISvanp.
accompanied by D. P. Ashburn of
Uibbon, haH been in town for a
couple of days cxamiiiinir cattle
which arc affected with mange or
Texas Itch. Mr. 13vatm is using
every endeavor to pursuadc owners
of cattle thus iilllictcd to have them
dipped in a chemical solution which
is certain to cure the trouble. This
disease id contagious and il not
properly attended to will spread
very rapidly.
New samples for springand sum
mer suits from Fred KuufTiiian, the
American Tailor, of Chicago, are
here. Come in and sec them.
A. P. Caw.hon, Agent.
The rite of circumcision or spirit
ual purification waH ndmininistered
to Joseph Phillip, Infant poii of Mr.
and Mrs. Ji Hus Pizer, Wednesday
forenoon by Dr. Schaatz, of Denver,
who ih asfcihtant to the Jewish
rabbi. To witncB the ceremonial,
Mr. Plzer had invited three ol the
local clergy and tight or ten busi
nesB nud professional men, and
following the service, light refresh
menta were served and the guents
drank to the health and lutii'eif
the infant.
Henry Kilter and Miss Pearl
Flynu were united larriage at
Omaha last Tuesday, and arrived
in this city Wednesday morning.
The contracting parties are well
and favorably known in North
Platte, the bride having lived here
lor a number ol years and has ever
been popular with acqnaintancea.
Mr. Hitter has lived here neveral
years, is an employe of the U. p,
boilershop nud is a popular and
straightforward young man To
Mr. and Mrs. Rittcr the best wishes
of this writer are extended.
ShiH Waists
SPRING 1902.
Have Arrived. Price
50c to $3.00.
Store open cvcningH until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
They'll Please Any Man.
Wc arc also showing a line of Spring and Summer
Pants which for quality, style and price arc world
beaters. A glance at our window will give you an idea of
the values wc offer.
Star Clothing House.
The Hub Grocery received a car-
oad of Greeley potatoes Wednes
day. Potatoes are advancing in
price, and it is said that Colorado
and Minnesota are the only two
states in the union that have a sur
plus strck.
An entertainment, the funds of
which will be devoted to the pur
chase of Biiits lor the Y. M C. A.
base ball team, will be held in the
near future uud:r the auspices ot
the Y. M. C. A. A program of
music and recitations will be ren
dered, followed by serving light re
You can buy Wall Paper at New
ton's at b cents.
Mrs, ICIizabcth Donaldson enter
tained eighteen ladies Wednesday
afternoon in lavor of Mrs. II. J.
Koth. Card games were the 'en
tertaining features and in these
Mrs. Arthur McNamara and Mrs.
W. M. Cuuningam were a tie on
the number of games won. In de
ciding the tie the latter won. Mrs.
M. II. Douglas was awarded tlie
cnif-olatloii prize. Following the
games refreshments were served.
The ladies report a very enjoyable
Talk about clean wall?, every
body can have them all the tune at
very little expet'se with Wall Paper
only 5 cents a double roll. Newton
has it at that price.
The Faslern Star social held a
the Clinton residence Wednesday
evening was attended by n large
number of members nud their
friends. A program consisting of
vocal ami instrumental music and
recitations was well rendered, those
contributing numbers including
Miss Goozee, Mit-s Soreuson, Mibs
Se.hmalzried, Abble Patterson, Dr.
Miller, the O. 10. S. quarie'tti and
tliu mandolin club. Co flee and
cake were pervert at the conclusion
o( the program.
Victor Shoes are of our own de
signing and building; there are no
Men's Shoes for the price that ox
cols them in any way. They pos
sess the leather quality, the stylo,
the finish, the service, that makes
them the best ot all
$3.50 Shoes.
We have them in a variety of last
shapes, so that any foot may bo
comfortably fitted. The leather
used in them is of extra good grade.
Leathers that are casv to the foot,
wear well, and take
isll. I ho soles
by the welt process, which leaves
me insoic i roc irom
permits the sewing
Wear Victor Shoes.
No matter how exacting- lie may be
Our New $10 Suits .
will come up to his expectations.
Not a single detail that would cause
dissatisfaction has been overlooked
thci fabrics are the finest, they
arc the regular merchant tailor's
sort. The patterns arc the new
est, fashions arc correct, the fit of
the garments is perfect and the
workmanship on them is of the
the highest. What you'd expect of
madc-to-mcastire garments, you'll
find in these ready-to-wear clothes
that bear "THIS STAR'S" label. '
Tn this selection of TEN-DOLLAR
SUITS we wiil show you the larg
est variety you've ever chose from,
and if you are not a judge of quali
ity wc urge you to compare and
convince yourself of the fairness of
our price.
Baptist church, April 20th. Sub
jeetp, morning, "Serving God."
evening 'Immortality." You are
An adjourned term of the district
court was held Wednesday evening
and yesterday forenoon, Judge Sul
livan presiding. Two cases were
heard in which Judge Grimes, as a
lawyer, had been interested.
The K. O. T. M. and the L. O.
T. M. will hold a joint social at the
I. P. hall on Wednesday evening,
April 30th, for the members of the
two orders. A fine musical pro
gram is being prepared.
Harrington & Tobin shipped
seventeen cars ot baled hay to the
western markets last week, and if
all the cars needed can be secured
today and tomorrow the shipments
this week will aggregate twenty
live car.
The Shclton high school ball
team will arrive on No. 5 tomorrow
morning and will play the local
high school team at the new ball
park tomorrow afternoon at 3:30.
The game promises to be an excit
ing one and should draw a big
Painting and Papering neatly
done. Work guaranteed.
Roy Su.wtkr.
At a meeting of the elders and
trustees of the Presbyterian church
Tuesday evening, resolutions were
passed favoring the erection of a
new church edifice. These resolu
tions will be submitted to the con
gregation for adoption, and if they
are favorably received, the prelim
Inary steps looking to a new build
ing will at once be taken. The
site will probably be the corner lot
north of the high schoo', which is
now owned by the church organiza
tion. In the event of the erection
of a new luitlding the present
chutcli site will be sold.
a brilliant
are al! kpuviI
roughness, and
on of half soles.
poi- a
nn mnn i
rcnaUNAL Pirn NUN.
Judge Grimes went to fcOmaha
on business this morning,
Miss Harriet Beyetlo is in Chcy
enne, having left lor that city
Wednesday evening.
F. II. Stevcup, a tailor, came up
trom Kearney Wednesday and wil
open a shop in this city,
M. C. Lindsay, who is now living
in Iowa, arrived in town Wcdnes
day aud will transact business for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. IC Norton went
to Omaha Tuesday night and we
understand from there thev ex
pected to go to lCpiohany, S. D.
Mr. and Mr. W. B. Snow left
Tuesday night for South Dakota,
where Mrs. Snow will submit to an
x-ray examination by Father Kroe-
Among the pilgrims to ISpiphany,
S. D., Tuesday night was John
Frazier, who will have Father
Kroeger tell him his physical ail
ment. T. C. Patterson and J. G. Beder
will go to Lincoln the carlv part
of next week to argue the Hininan
Austin Mfg. Co. case in the su-
prcme court.
George Maloncy returned to town
Wednesday after an absence d
several week", part of the time hav
ing been spent at Father Krocger's
hialth retort.
W. M. Robertson, of Norfolk, who
is one ot the prominent candidates
for the republican nomination for
governor, spent several hours in
town Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. David Brunk, who
have resided in Myrtle for a num
ber of years, will leave about May
1 t for Colorado, where they ex
p;ct to make their tuture home.
Mrp. Wm. Jeffers, accompanied
by her daughter Mrs. C. T.
Whelan, returned to Epiphany, S.
D , yesterday to receive further
treatment of Dr. Kroeger.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Null of
Myrtle precinct, were in town this
week enroute to Colorado hv
wagon. The trip is made in the
hope that it will prove beneficial to
Mr. Null's health.
R. A. Ginu spent yesterday in
town as the irucit of his brother
l red. Mr. Gum was enroute to
Ijwa from Alamosa Col., where he
lias been night yard master for
several months. His family has
'een living in Iowa, but he will
probably remove to Colorado.
Union PacHTcvTV. M. C. A.
The first game of ball for the
eason ol 1902 in which the Union
Pacific team will figure will be
dayed at the new athletic park
text Tuesday aftermon and in
his initial game the Y. M. C. A.
v ill bo the opposing team.
It is hoped that all the players
igned with the Union Pacific will
e in town, and the several pitchers
vill be given a chance to warm up
Included in the Y. M. C. A. organ
zation are some mighty good ball
Mayers, and there is no doubt but
hat the game will be a lively one
trom st aitlo finish.
An admission lee of twenty-five
.ents will be charged.
N. J. Snow, of this city, was
oinewhat surprised Tuesday even
ng by lih brother F. M. buow,
vhom he had not sen for about
lofty years, calling on him while
uroute Irom a business trip to
Ohicago to bin home in California,
tie remained until the next evening,
that tiling as long as he could gu
i stop off on a through ticket. Both
,'entlemcn arc over seventy yeais
.if age.
Are two very staple articles
of food.
Potatoes per peck 25
Dost Patent Flour per sack.Sl.OO
Patent Flour per sack J0
Family Flour tier sack SO
Corn Meal, 2-l-lb sack -10
Store open evenings until S
Wilcox Detail) Stofth
Is now ready for your inspection. Everything
needed for furnishing a house complete will be $
found at our store. Furniture for the kitchen, $
dining room, bed room and parlor in profu- if
c , M
sion. bee our carpet samples. (j)
Fine Breeding Stock.
Moore & Paine, who conduct a
ranch in the north part ot this
county, shipped in Irom Iowa Tues
day night twenty head of Hereford.
and Shorthorn bulls which were
pronounced the choicest lot that
has been brought to this section.
These animals ranged in age from
twelve to twenty-two months, and
were selected by Colonel Woods,
the well-known live stock auction
eer, who is considered one of the
best judges in this country. The
Heretords were purchased in Iowa,
and the. Sherthoms in Kansas. All
the tormer were registered animals,
and though rather thin in llesh,
some of those twenty-two months
old weighed 1400.
These animals were shipped in
tor sale purposes, and several were
contracted for while they were in
the stockyards in this city. The
(ft hers will be taken to the Moore &
Paine ranch in Myrtle precinct and
will there be offered tor sale. They
will no doubt meet with a ready
sale to cattlemen who desire to im
prove their herds.
Doing Business
Upon the reputation of predecessors is the fad of
most Clothing Merchants of North Platte.
WE WORK for our reputation. WE GUARD it by
honest values. WE ESTABLISHED it bv contin
ually giving the public the BEST merchandise ob
tainable on the market for LESS money than they
are asked anywhere else. WE MAKE this store
tho PLACE, the HOME, for the people by treating
all alike, courteous, generous, HONEST. No mat
ter what your wants arc in
Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Shoes or Hats
Make straight for THE NEBRASKA. If your pur
chase is not satisfactory your money is refunded.
Our store has everything in new goods. We are
not as fortunate as some clothing merchants in
North Platte, they having stock in reserve for the
past liftcenyears to throw on you with the impres
sion of new goods. We may not be able to show as
many all around styles, but you can vouch to the
last penny that we can show you more styles in
new goods in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes and
Hats than any other store in North Platte and we
defy any of them to contradict it.
Our goods arc guaranteed to be right, and you'll
find a saying on everything you purchase from us,
whether it be a suit, pants, shirt.hat, shoes or over
alls wc fcavc you money on everything.
iNoxt Uoor to L has. McDonald's Bank, North Platte, Neb- 5
? d ?
Farm Implements,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit-
tings and Tanks, Barb Wire.
2 Bale Tics, Lightening
V Hay Press & Repairs q c c 5
- A
'jKH2: : : : : NORTH PLATTE, NEB. " !)
Not much fall wheat was sown 'n
Lincoln county outside of the valley,
but the greater part of that put in
is said to be looking exceptionally
Charley Cambrel, who was down
from Myrtle Tuesday making final
proof on his homestead, says the
larmeisin the north part of the
county are making preparations to
put in a large acreage ot corn.
Farmers who have a buuch of
cattle figure that the toddcr crop is
worth the expense of putting iu
and cultivating the com, aud if a
corn crop is raised they are just
that much ahead
Walks Without Crutches .
I wns much nfllicted with Bcintica
writes Ed. C. Nud, Iowiiville, Sedgwick
Co., Knnsns, "going about on orutchos
and sufToring a deal ot pain. I wns in
duced to try Bllnrd'fl Snow Linirnout,
which roliovod me, I used threo 50 cont
bottles. It is tho grontest liniment. I
ovtr ueod; havo recommended It to a
number ot porsons, nil oxpresa thetn
polves ns boing benefitted by It. I now
unlit without crutches, nblo to poform n
grout deul of light lnbor on tho farm."
12,"c, fiOc unrl 81.00 nt A. F. Stroita's Cor
ner Drug Storo.
Waions, Bumiies. V