) v6C&6fe66;6f6-6-6-6fee-.-.&.&q Hi A BARGAIN 0 ) U w v ft to ft 8 ft ft ft s ft w s? ft ft 9 I have one $25.00 g Gramaphone and 25 $ Records left which I will close out at a bargain . Clinton, THE JEWELER She 8m We (My Sribune . FRIDAY. APRIL 18, 1902. OK, F. W. MILLER, ORADU&TE DENTIST. r OflUs ovor Streltx's Drug Storo. Mrs. Jas. Fonda and daughter Blanche left this morning for a visit in Omaha. No meeting ot the city council .van held Tuesday evening, the proposed meeting having been post poned until the evening of the 29th inst., when all the business of the past municipal year will be closed up. The local high school ball team has been trying to arrange a game with Kearney in that city on Fri day ot next week, but so far the latter has failed to comply with the guarantee of thirty dollars to cover expenses of the trip. IJrnest Wright, who is working - for C. L. Patterson at LookoJt, u v Wyoming, came down this morning to vi-.it his family. He says that Patterbon and Loveland are doing well, notwithstanding the weather lias been rather rough. J P. Taylor, who left this city about ten years ago and Ins nince been living in Pennylvannia, sur prised his friend this morning by dropping in on them. While here Mr. Taylor represented the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Season tickets issued to share holders of the Union Pacific Base Ball Asbociatiou will not be hon ored at the game of ball tomorrow afternoon These tickets are gooci lor admittance only at games in which the Union Pacific team plays. They will be honored, therefore, at the game next Tuesday afternoon. For Mange, Texas Itch, .iScab or Lice-Chloro-Naptho-i leum Dip. A. F. STREITZ, Agent. The board of health has com pleted a tour of the city and as a result has served notice on a num ber of residents that they must Alumni Meeting. The alumni association will hold its first business meeting ot the year at the high school auditorium, Monday evening, April 21st. The principal business to beconsidcred will be that of making arrange ments tor the annual banquet. By order of The President. P. W. sTtton went to Ogallala this morning to close a piano deal. Mrs. C 12. Gunnell of Paxton is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. Ca ry . Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner have returned from a visit to South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Will Huddartt have been visiting relatives in Broken Bow this week. James Weeks, who is running a motor car in Omaha, is in town visiting his parents. Miss Anna Kshelman closes an an eight months' term of school in the Hall district north of the river today. The game of ball next Tuesday afternoon between the Y. M C. A. and Union Pacific teams will be called at 3:30. The ICiijhth grade of the public schools rendered a "creditable pro gram of exercises at the high school building this afternoon. The revival meetings at the My lander school house, conducted by Revs. Crusen and Wimberly, closed last night. The services arc Baid to have been very successful. To Mrs. F. L. Wienberg: You have been awarded the sewing machine given away by The Leader. Please call for it. J. Pizer, Prop. The Order of Protection held a well attended social at the K. P. hall last evening, at winch music by an orchestra was rendered and ice cream and cake served. The advance agent of "A Hoosier Daisy," which is booked at the opera house for next Friday even ing, is in town today putting out advertising matter. At the adjourned term ot district court Thursday decrees of fore closure were granted in sixty cases which Lincoln couutv has instituted against sundry persons to recover sums due for taxes. Sixty Italians arrived from Chicago on No. 3 last night and will remain until Monday when they will be jidncd by a similar number. The outfit will then be sent to the west end of the Western District to assist in grading and ballasting. Manager Walker ot tlie elect mc light company and his assistants are kept very busy these davs wiring buildings tor new patrons At present wiring is being done in the Streitz and Clinton store rooms, the Presbyterian church and the residences ot Charles McDonald, Henry Waliemath and t tic new house of W. C. Reynolds. The company expects to install a new enirine and s new dynamo at the power house in the near future. For Mange, Texas Itch, House Cleaning Will Soon be Here. You Need Carpets, Our sample line is larger than any other in the city. We Will Save You Money If you will leave us your order. tmvn the allevs in the rear of their property cleared by the first of Scab Or LiCe-ChlOrO-NaptllO May or suffer a penalty. This is a qij Dip, good move, and taken in nana tuns earlv will result in clean alleys be- fore the.hot weather sets in. Archie Auderson and Miss Ttertha Kinkade were united in mjrnage last, evening, the cere rnony occuring at the bride's home Jt Osgood precinct. Rev. Wimbsrly officiated, and having held services at the My'ander school house dur lig the ivning, did not arrive to piffnrm the; ceri mony until tnid- . . .. . A I .. . .. I..,- In m.Mir. ait. jvuucrsi'ii uuni" " ---- - - - Nichols precinct 6ince early child hood and is a veiy indubtnoua vounir farmer. The bride grnnd-daiiuhter II Wilcox Department Store of John la a Kinkade of Osgood precinct. I J A. F. STREITZ, Agent, y The prospects are now that the Cattlemen's Convention called to meet at Sutherland. May 3, will be largely attended. Notices are sent to all the ranchmen within the limits ot the proposed boundaries and if they respond ns now expected it will represent a large share ot the fyincoln county and a part ol the Keith aud Mcpherson counties" cattlemen There Is no dnabt the tmre who attend thh meeting the stronger the organization will be and the more good it will accotn- pl 8h. The purposes of the organ ization are such that every cattle nun has .1 direct interest in the matter and should become an active unit in the association. Suther land Free Lance. Willis Record, an old aud welt known resident of Keith county, is in town today. II. 13. Fleharty, of South Omaha, an attorney well known m town, is here today on legal business. Asst. Supt. Ware went east with the officials' special yesterday noon. lie will start out with the pay car today. Mrs. Chas. Ilcndy and daughter Miss Lillian came up from Max well yesterday to visit friends and attend the Lutheran supper. For Sale or Trade A Pcrchcron stallion, weight between 1500 and lf00. Will sell or trade for young cattle. John McCuu.ou;n, Maxwell, Neb. The chicken and wafile supper served last evening by the Luther an ladies at the opera house was very largely attended, the receipts exceeding $125.00. The supper was an excellent one. The city schools will not ob serve Arbor Day. A vacation, how ever, will be given next Friday to enable the teachers to attend the W. N. K. A. at Ogalalla. W. M. Shumakcr, of Powhaltan, Kb,, will arrive in town next week and take charge of Tim Tkiiiunk's mechanical department. Mr. Shu makcr comes highly recommended, as a typographical artist. Presiding Elder Moore being out of the city, no appointment ot a minister to succeed Rev. Crusen on the North Platte circuit has yet been made. No appointments on the circuit will be filled next Sunday. Wanted lo purchase, a number of good dairy cows with calf or coming fresh this spring. Write giving description and price. J. V. RontNSON, Spuds, Neb, Chicago forecast lor North Platte and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and Saturday, slightly cooler to night. The maximum temperature yesterday was 72, a year ago 47. The minimum temperature this morning was 41, one year ago 33. The April number of the "Silver and Gold," a weekly paper pub lished by the students ct the Col orado state university, has the following to say ot a former North Platte boy: "Superintendent El liott of the Ltradville fcIiooIh delivered one ol the mobt interest ing aud instructive lectures given m before the students this year. All of those who attended the lecture last Friday were not only interested in what Mr. Elliott said but in the speaker's personality and address Mr, Elliott held an informal recep tion, so desirous were the students of meeting him after the lecture." Alfalfa. Cane and Mil let Seeds for sale by Jos. Hershey, North Platte, Nebraska. We Excell As Dcwcy at Manilla his par did well, So wc in our products try to cxcoll. That this principle is appreciated by the purchasing; public is proven by the liberal partrouage accorded us. These cash prices do the work: Cane Granulated Sugar 19 lbs $1.00 Cozad Morning1 Glory Pat ent Flour per sack 1.05 Cozad Valley Patent Flour per sack 95 North Platte Patent Flour per sack.. 1.05 Kerosene Oil per gal 15 Best Gasoline per gal 20 Arm cc Hammer Soda per lb .0 Cow Brand Soda per lb 08 Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch per lb 08 Iungsford Corn Starch per lb Standard SwectCompcr can Standard Vinegar 45 grain per gal 45 grain White Wine Vine gar per gal II. J. Ilctnz Co. Best Cider Vinegar per gal Best New Sweet Cider per Kfal Gold Dust Washing Powder 4-1 b box 18 Stock Salt, 100-lbsack 0 Sulphurized stock salt 50-lb blocks 50 Regular 30c Brooms 25c Eastern standard tomatoes per can 13 Regular 35c M. & J. ColTce per lb Regular 30c M. & J. ColTee per lb Regular 25c M. & J. CofTce per lb Regular 20c M. & J. Coffee per lb Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap an Tea per lb 45 Regular 40c Sun Cured Jap an Tea per lb 35 ,08 .OS .20 .35 .35 .32 The Model One-PHce Glothing House. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FOR SPRING Here is important news for men, wiio 7'cj fond oj a Negligee Shirt and what ma.n is not? A short time ago the Negligee was considered appro priate for wear during the extreme warm weather only. The Spring Negligee has brought about a glad change. You now have at your command a welcome addition to your Spring wardrobe. They arc made of Cheviot, a material most appropriate in weave and weight. The patterns arc the newest and the smartest to be found. The making is all that could be desired. All modern improvements. Reinforced front and backs, continuous facing at all openings; collar-button shield and scarf-loop; narrow cuffs, attached and detatched. Another important consideration they are very moderately priced at 75c to $1.00 Each. NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOWS. weingand & Mcdonald. .18 Large plg Vegetable Seeds .04 Large pkg Flower Seeds. . . .04 Wc haye now on sale a very complete line of lresii bulk Garden Seeds, also fancy, Blue Grass, White Clover and Onion Sets. Orders taken lor Alfalfa, Ger man Millet, Cane and all kinds of Field Seeds. Your Patronage is Solicited. THE HUB GROCERY (0., E. P. McGREW, Mgr. Rubber Boots Wields A Sharp Ax, Millions mnrvol at tho multitude or mtilniliPfl mitoir bv Dr. Kinir's New Life. l'ille, tho mostdUtrossioK too. Stomncli, Livor and 15ool troubles, Dyspopsin, r.mflof A ntwtito. Jaundice. HilliousnosB, l'vnr. Malaria, till fall beforo Hioho wniwlor worKotfi. coniB in n. r hnflil 7VIIC Men's Hip Boots per pair.. .63.75 V!' " ' ' r.,t. Thirrl, TWilu noi- iiair fr.n' Pimmnn Itnnli nnr PHKCr S rClJU-VV ""i" ""VM pj,. 2.5U Painted, per hundred 3.8Qf nny.snootH pcr pajr 2.00 rti,ao prfVW Rnrh Wire. Store oncn evenings until liiitwlrofl tA in O'CIOClC. iVibox Department Sioiv Wilcox Department Store. Elect Officers. At the last regular mectinur of Palestine Commandary, Knights Templar, the following officera were elected- Chas. 15. Barber Eminent Commander, W. If. Mo Donald Generalissimo, J. U. Mc Donald Captain General, IC. V Secbergcr Senior Warden, M. II. Douglas Junior Warden, Frank H Bullard Prelate, Charles McDonald Treasurer, John Sorenson Re corder, O. I'. Norton Standard Bearer, A. S. Baldwin Sword Bearer, G. . Russell Warder, P .1. Oilman, Sentinel, C. F. Itldinga Trustee, Bnvo tho Loved Ones! Mrs. Mnry A. Vilot, Nuwenstlo. Colo, writes: '! boliovo llnllard'o llortjlmund Syrup is eiinorior to any other cough modioiuc, and will do all Unit iu claimed for it. and r. is so pleneimt to lnk, My litMo girl wnnt to tulio it whon sho hits no need for it." Halhird'H Ilorohound Syrup is the great euro for nil iiulmon nry nihnontH. ll.'o, ftOu and 61.00 at A. l Stroltz'a Corner Drug Store. I RAILROAD NOTES, the Migar beet fulils. A special train having P 10 hid i.' nt Burt, Dickinson, Chief Supt. of Motive and other Union on board Geu'l Manager Engineer Berry, Power Iliggius Pacific oflicials, Fireman J. T. Bailey was called to Cozad yesterday by the serious illness of his mother. Conductor Frank Lawrence has taken a brief lay-off add will spend the time in consultation with Dr. Ivroeger. An ice gang of ten men was put on yesterday, and this number will be increased as the icing season ad vances, The wrecking crew was sent to .luleahurg early this morning to help pick up a wreck which occurred on the branch, The llooring in the depot waiting room caught fire Wednesday night from the steam heating pipes, but was discovered before any damage ensued. Henry Ritter returned Wednes day morning from Omaha, where he had been receiving treatment for his eye. He will next Monday resume work in the U. P. boiler shop. A special tram of eight cars con taining several hundred Mention- ltes, passed west yesterday morn ing enroute to Greeley, Col., where the families will he employed in came m trout the west at one o'clock yesterday and the oflicials spent an hour here looking over the company's interests. Two young lady passengers on tiain No. 5 this morning were told by a male passenger that the train remained several hoius at this sta tion. They accordingly came over to town for breakfast, and upon re turning to the depot found to their dlHiiiny that the train liau gone. They will continue their journey on No. 101 this afternoon, Kobt. Weeks this week received a letter lrom the lady who a couple of weeks ago was robbed of her pocket book at this station. In this letter was a dratt covering the amount which the car gang had donated to her to pay her traveling c.pcuss to her destination iu Ohio, and she expressed iu thankful words the kindness which the mem bers ol the car gang had shown her. The Union Pacific having re fused to extend the hy-off granted Rev. W. J. Crusen, that gentleman will relinquish his ministerial duties on the North Platte circuit, and tonight will go to Omaha to take the engineers' examination with a view of resinning work as an engineer. During the past six months Key. Crusen has filled the circuit appointments and has had wonderful succcsh as a minister. Particularly succesRfull have been the several revival meetings which he conducted at points on the circuit. AUCTION! I will sell at public auction at Nortli Platte, Neb., on Saturday. April 19 tli, 1902, at 2 n.m. at my rooms in the Bratt & Ormsby building over McCullough's store on Front street, household goods of all kinds. Terms of sale: All sums of $15.00 or under cash; all sums over $15.00 5 per cent dis count for cash. No goods removed until terms of sale com plied with. Ml. II. F. JUIM'KICY. We Have Your Shoes, By calling and Paying from . . $1.50 to$3.50 They will be delivered to you looking far more beautiful and fitting more comfortable than ever. Store open evenings until o'clock. Wilcox Department Store! Baby Carriages. Wc have just received a large line of Baby Carriages, which have such a wide range in price that wc can suit anybody's pocket book. An inspection of these carriages is invited. Gasoline Stoves. Wc arc handling the Standard Single Generator Gas olene and Kerosene Stoves and have a large stock of them ranging in price from three dollars to twenty-seven dol lars. One of these stoves burns either gasolene or kerosene, just as you choose Wc will be glad to show the merits of these stoves to intending purchasers. Of course we still sell Furniture, Matting, Wall Paper and Picture Moulding, and have gained the reputation of selling goods a shade lower than other dealers. Howe's Furniture Store. JOHN BRATT. E R. CO., GOODMAN. JOHN BRATT & Real Estate, Loans Insurance Idle Honey Invented In (lilt Hdged Securities xi" MADTU DI ATTO MnUDACVA V rf Hoforooo:-Aiiy sauu. xoul ioiDrnoitn. V