V Hi 8 ft f A BAROAIN I have one $25.00 $ Gramahponc and 25 J Records left which I $ will close out at a I 9 v to 8 w V v 1? ft to S to ft t to bargain . 1 8 Si Clinton. THE JEWELER g 8 J? &Uc rmi - Wffhlu tribune. TUESDAY. APRIL 15, 19)2 ' DR. F. W. MILLER, GRADUATE DENTIST. Oilljo over Strain's Drag Store. Secretary Sheppard, of the Y. M. C. A , returned this morning from a brief business trip 10 Denver. Supt. Nealc left t li i t morning (or Ilershcy and from there will go boutli to visit country tchools. The Lutheran ladies will serve a chicken and waflle supper at the opera house next Thursday evening. Mrs John Nellimj ol Rawlins, Wyo., arrived in town yesterday ami will visit friends lor a few days. Attorneys Wilcox and Bccler went to Cottonwood precinct this morning to take depositions in a case to be heard in the county court tomorrow. Rev. J. II. Derryberry of Pnxton, who liar charge of the Methodist church at that place and also at Sutherland, ih the guest of relatives in town today. Fiank 13. Beeman, f Kearney, who is nne of the prominent can didates for the republican congie sional nomination, is in town today renewing acquaintance with old Htnie friends. For Sale or Tiade A Per heron stallion, weiyht between 1500 and 1(100. "Vill sell or trade foryoune cattle. JpiiN MpCuLLopr.ii, Maxwell, Neb. row that the hog market debate )ias started off so lively, let it be continued. until the necessary remedial steps are taken, livery liog marketed in North Platte v means increased trade for the local merchants. A printer named Kelly, arriving in town yesterday, was surpiid this morning to learn that he had a brother in town in the person of A. P. Kelly, of the Telegraph. The two brothers had u it met for years and each was ignorant of the otliei'.s whereabouts Dorsey L-ypoIdt, of Hetshey, was in town yesterday and lift evening Marled for home driving a team owned by 10 l Seeberger. When in the vicinity of the mill, the learn ran away dumping Dorsey into a mud hole, and wrecking the buggy to a considerable extent. In the future Mr. LypoIdt will iacure a driver who can manage a team. Wanted lo purchase, a number of good dairv cows with calf or coming frenh this spring. Write giving description and price. J. V. Romnson, Spuds, Neb, Ch.cago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy to- niL'ht and Wednesday, with possi bly occasional showers, slightly warmer Wednesday. The maxi mum temperature yesterday was 43, one year ago 56. The minimum temperature this morning was 33, rne year ayo 34. The Grocer. wjio neither sands his s ti a a r nor waters his milk who behoves in and is particular t the best, please his patrons. That's the grocer who re com- niowU and sells Lion Coffee Coffee that it ailice unglazcd unadulterated. A meeting ol the city council will be held this evening. John Grimes now located at Chey enne, is Msiting in tow n today. Mrs. II. M. Grimes expects to leave tomorrow lor a briel visit in Omaha. Solomon Johnson, who has been working in Cheyenne, came down from that city today. Several mechanics arrived in town yesterday and today entered the service of the Union Pacific. Louis Toilliou of Nichols is ex hibiting a curiosity today in the shape of a Iicii'h egg that is nearly Hat. Texas strawberries, which arrive in very fair shape, are selling in the local market at twenty-five cents a box. II. J. Hansen is marketing 150 tons of baled hay which is being shipped to western points by Har rington & Tobin. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Douglas in formally entertained a number ol friends last evening in favor of Mrs. II. J. Roth. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. White, who had been visiting friends in Arizona for six weeks, returned home this morning. Bd G. Haucr, who has been in Indiana for several month", is ex pected back in a few days and will re-enter the service of the Union Pacific. C. A. Moore, of Myrtle, is in town today arid. will olFer for sale at the stockyards tomorrow and Thursday twenty head of thorough bred bulls. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pomcroy let t !ast night for the eastern part of the state on receipt of a telegram announcing the serious illness of Mrs. Pomeroy's father. The advance agent of "The Mit souri Girl" company spent yester day in town putting out advert iitiLr matter. The company is booked lor Monday evening of next week Two ball players, one from Wyoming and the other from Mis souri, are expected to arrive in tnwn thi eck, and tl-is will com plete the ball team for thi- season. Bleven men will be on the team. Sidney is tickling itielf over the rumor that the present system .ol running engines through from North Platte to Cheyenne is to be abandoned, and that Sidney will again become a full-fledged division terminal Local officials disclaim anv knowledge of the proposed change. That the prposerJ physical ex amination, which Ur.ion Par' fie road employes will be called upon to submit to, will be vigorously opposed by the employes, is ovidence'l by the talk heard among those concerned. Just how far the organisations will go in this re sistance is difficult to predict. Hugh Ralston, of Rock Island, 111., is in town today transacting business. Mr Ralston at one time owned about 50,000 acres of land in this county, but succeeded in getting loocc of it at a loss of about one dollar per acre. He still owns a large tract of land near Willow Ifland, and last year cut and shipped 7,000 tons of hay therefrom. The Gaudy Pioneer intimates that the only way in which North Platte can secure the hogs raised in Logan county is to assist (n building the proposed Qnmly North Platte telephone line. Then, say the Pioneer, the hog raisers can ascertain ill" price of hogs prior to making the trip to this ci'y. Gaudy has telephone con motions with Callaway, ami the merchants f the latter town receive a big patronage by reason thereof. I'jr.iini. iifojii. The highest pyramid la that nt Cheops, 4S0',4 feet. It Is computed that the weight of the masonry In this py ranilil would exceed G,31G,000 tons. It covirs thlrteon nciC3 of ground. Men's Hip Hoots per pair, ,.$3,75 Men's Thigh Hoots per pair. 3.25 Men's Common Hoots pur... pair 2.50 Hoy's Hoots per pair 2.00 Store open evenings until H o'clock. I . Wikox Department Store. Robber Boots House Cleaning Will Soon be Here. You Need Carpets, Our sample line is larger than any other in the city. We Will Save You Money If yon will leave us your order. Wilcox Dcnarlmciil Store. Judge Grimes returned yesterday from a trip to the cast part of the state. The Catholic ladies will hold a fair and supper at the opera house on the eyening of the 23d inst. W. l McGlone received a carload ol Schuyler flour today and Har rington & Tobin a carload from the Lexington mills. Dr. II. 10 McCaw will leave to morrow for IJoise City, Idaho, and will also visit the Thunder Moun tain mining district. Seventy-two square feet of Wall Paper at Newton's for 5 cents. A letter received by Will Hendy this morning announces the arrival ol a boy baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dock of Omaha. Some unprincipled fellow last night cut the ropos on a'l the awn ings on the west side of Dewey street between Sixth and Front. 10. II. Smith writes that he is now located at Bessemer, Col , as conductor on a construction train for the Colorado Fuel & Iron O, L. A. Mullen, who had been running an engine on the Kansas Pacific, returned to town Saturday night, the bottom falling out of business on that road. Alfalfa. Cane and Mil let Seeds for sale by Jos. Ilcrshey, North Platte, Nebraska. II J. Roth is now filling the position of chief dispatcher at Raw lins, Wyo. Mrs. Roth and daughter Helen, who have been in town for a couple of days, will continue their journey to Rawlins tonight. 'flic"Mi$50uriGirLr' which appears at Lloyd's opera liqie on Monday, April 21st, is one oft hi most unique comedies ever placed on the stage in this city. It fairly bubbles over with fun from beginning to end and affords an evening of rare amuse ment. The production was written to bring out the quaint humor of Karl Dennett, who is portraying "JJake Dobson," a gawky fanner lad, who convulses the audience at his every appearance. Mr Dennett, in gen eral make-up is well fitted for the part and his originality of speech and action perfects the character Assisting Mr. Dennett will be seen Miss Sadie Raymond who plays the part of the "Missouri Girl." She is a young woman of consider able personal charm and the right kind of force tor a Missouri hero ine. The scenic and mechanical effects have been given special attention in thin production, each act rcquiriuir a setting of special scenery. During the action ol piece, spec- ialties of an agreeable order will be introduced, Base Ball Next Saturday! The first ball game of the season will be played next Saturday after noon at athletic park, the opposing teams being the High School of this city and the High School of Shelton. The local High School team has been doing considerable practice work, and that they can play ball was evidenced last Satiir day when they played against the Union Pacifies in a practice game, The team from Shelton is said to be quite a strong one, a,nd a close and etching gquic U confidently expected. It is hoped that citizens will turn out liberally and thus give the local boys the proper financial encour- ageincnr, as they are at au expense ot about fifty dollars in getting the bheltou team here. Wields A Sharp Ax, Millions marvel at tho multitudo of mnlndloH out on" by Dr. King's Now Life Pills, tho most distressing too. Stomach, I Avar and Ilowol troublep, Dyspepsia, fionsof A ppi-tito, Jaundice, Hllliousnoas, Fovor, Malaria, nil fall boforo those wondor workers, -f conts at A. 1 Streitz's drug store. We Excell As Dcwcy at Manilla his par did well, So wc in our products try to cxccll. That this principle is appreciated by the purchasing- public is proven by the liberal partronage accorded us. These cash prices do the work: Cane Granulated Sugar l'J lbs $1.00 Cozad Morning- Glory Pat ent Flour per sack 1.05 Cozad Valley Patent Flour per sack )5 North Platte Patent Flour per sack 1.05 Kerosene Oil per gal 15 Rest Gasoline per gal 20 Arm & Hammer Soda per lb .OS Cow Brand Soda per lb 08 Kingsfords S;lver Gloss Starch per lb OS Kingston! Corn Starch per lb OS Standard Sweet Corn per can .OS Standard Vinegar 45 grain per gal 20 45 grain White Wine Vine gar per gal 25 II. J. Ileitis Co. Best Cider Vinegar per gal 35 Best New Sweet Cider per tfal 35 Gold Dust Washing Powder 4-1 b box 18 Stock Salt, 100-lbsack (.0 Sulphurized stock salt 50-lb blocks 50 Fancy white potatoes per bu .'J5 Eastern standard tomatoes per can L3 Regular 35c M. & J. Coffee per lb 32 Regu'ar 30c M. & J. Coffee per lb 27 Regular 35c M. & J. Coffee tier lb 22 Koa-t'inr- 20o M. & J. Coffee per lb 18 Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap an lea tier lb 45 Regular !0c Sun Cured Jap an 1 ca per lb 3a Large p'.. Vegetable Seeds .04 Large pkg Flower Seeds. . . .04 We haye now on sale a very complete line of Irc.Mi bulk harden Seeds, also fancy, Blue Grass, White Clover and Onion Sets. Orders taken for Alfalfa, Ger man Millet, Cane and all kinds of Field Seeds. Your Patronage is Solicited. TI HUB GROCERY (0., 0. P. AlcGREW, Mgr. ' Change of Date. After the first side of this isue had been printed it was decided to change the date of the general meeting of the fire department. This meeting will be held at the HMrst ward hose house on Tuesday evening, Apr.il 22(1, instead of Fri day evening, as published else where. Lutheran Supper. Last call for the chicken and waflle supper. Kemeniber the time and place Thursday evening at at Lloyd's opera house. Home-made candy, cut llowers and needlework will be offered for sale. The usual generous patron age of the public is solicited, For Sale. Building lots in all pirU of the city at various prices, according to location. Several cheap houses on very easy terms, part cash, balance monthly payments. Several hill ranches, with or with out cattle. Anything in the real estate line. John Hk att it Co., North Platte, Neb. We Have Your Shoes, By calling and Paying from . . $1.50 to$3,50 They will be delivered to you looking far more beautiful and fitting more comfortable than ever. Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store The Model Clothing House. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FOR SPRING Here is important, news for men who are fond of a ,''c$ligco Shirt -and what man, is not? A short time ago the Negligee was considered appro priate for wear during the extreme warm weather only. The Spring Negligee has brought about a glad change. You now have at your command a welcome addition to your Spring wardrobe. They are made of Cheviot, a material most annronriate in weave and weight The patterns arc the newest and the smartest to be lound. The making is all that could be desired. All modern improvements. Reinforced front and backs, continuous facing at all openings; collar-button shield and scarf-loop; narrow cuffs, attache! and detatched. Another important consideration they are very moderately priced at 75c to $1.00 M. NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOWS. weingand & .ilnyor mill 1'ilviitu Ulttr.nu. Mayor Set'i low lately considered n petition slKiiod by Citizen Seth Low, ami granted tho roller prayed for. It i said Mr. how did nut attempt to Inlluouco tho mayor In tho sllhtem degree- In tho matter. IVrtlllty or i:z))t'ti Soil. Tho fertility of ligypfu soil ia tlliis tir.ted by tho fact that every ono of iO.HOO squarn miles can support 023 persons whercaa oven In densely popu Iniod llplglmn thcro uro only C80 to tl'o square mile. I'citrolciini 1'sml Tor rmil, Tho Drltlsh tanker Clam Is tho first veesel to cross the Atlantic using pttrolcum for fuel. Kach fiirnnco has a steam generator which blows tho ('I, utotnlzcd, against n flro-hrlck wall. (.'oimlriirtloii of Anrlcnt ItoiuU. Tho construction of tho Carthagin ian roads dirforcd so materially from that of tho Roman highways that It Is nn easy mutter for antiquarians to itiEtlngtilah between tho two. Witty 1'iin on lluclcm'K Niniio. Keccnt nntl-Ilrltlsli remarks by tho Ucrman chancellor huvo resulted In tho revival of tho skit: "Man wants hut llttlo Herr Iluelow, nor wantn that .ittlo long." SUirrlnn C'roM Waited. In r-orno partn of Siberia a largo part of tlio crops In good yoarw rot In tho Hold, because thcro aro no means of transport or facilities for storage. Wonlil lie a Oonil HiiIkIIIiiIb. An Illinois Inventor Is urging ttio institution of printed slldrs for tho foralcotnan'B voice- In tho announcement of stations In novln, trains. ImllvUlimity. Might hundred und seventy persons claiming to bo cousins of n Utlca (N. V.) man within tho degree specified by his will nro lighting for an estato ot $21,000. Forty-thrco lawyers aro em ployed In tho case. Ifow thoy will ho paid Is not recited. Baltimore Herald. irinli rroilurtloii nt riorlil.i. It may surprise sumo to hear tha, Florida stands 10th as n llsh produc ing stato. It has a coast lino (Inc'.ud Ing islands) of 11,500 mllus. Tho an nual catch Is tibuut H0.000.000 pounds, with a total value to the Ilshcnn?u of about $700,000. niuklni; .llunlii mi tho Murlmlm. The natives of tho southeast coast ol Africa lmvo an liuitrumont which thoy call tho marimba. Il Is a xylophone tho l;eys being made of wood, and the tones reinforced by largo gourds fna. encd underneath tl.o wooden strips AUCTION! I will soil at public auction at North Platte, Neb., on Saturday. April lnh, 1(JU2, at 2 p.m. at my mums in the Hratt & Ormsby building over McCullough's store on Front street, household goods of all kinds. Terms of sale: All sums of $15.00 or under cash; al! sums over $15.00 5 per cent dis count for cash. N goods removed until terms of sale com- , plied with. MHS. II. K. Jul I'HliY. One - Price Mcdonald. LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, 01 of APWL Hoi The Greatest Domestic Come dy of the age, The Missouri Girl l'RKSKNTKD HY Miss SADIE RAYMOND, and an excellent company Produced with special scenery and mechanical effects. New Songs, New Dances, New Specialties. I.omlmt In Yin pro t In o Year by your London becomoa not only more and more n city of flowers, but also a city of doves. Around cvory building where It Is possible to keop pigeons ono ssch constantly Increasing flacks ot thciio pretty creatures, and thcro could not ho a more ornamental and delightful addition to our town population In tho sunlit Hpaces whore thoy alight and food tho soft rusch of their wings and tho peaceful sound of their cooing niako tho most, restful contrnBt to tho harsh nolaes of tho rtrcnth. rcullnr 1'rovlnlnn iin to Oiillii. Tho Mnryland Slate constitution con tains a peculiar provision as to oaths taken In court proceedings In that State. It Is as follows: "That tho maimer of 'Klmlnlstcr tho out!) or alllimatlon to any person ought to bo Biich us those or tho religious persua sion, profession or denomination of which ho I.t u member, generally es teem tho most effectual confirmation by tho att' Btatlon of tho dlvlno being." Dr. Humphreys' Specifics euro by acting diroctly upon tho dibciiHc, without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system. 'tO. Cl'llKS. nitCKS. 1 Fever", CongoiUoim, Inflammations. U Wornm, Worm Favor, Worm Colic... 3-Teelliliiif, Collc.Crylng, Wakcfuluotn .YJ3 l-llnrrlit-a, or Children or Adults 'J.1 7-Uoinln, Colds, llroncliltls 'J3 H-JVeurulgla, Toothache, Facoacho O-llrudaclir, Hick llcadachn, Vertigo., 10-lytM'lli.dlKc4t!on,WcnkBtomacli.'.i ) l-Hupim-Mcil orl'nlnriil IVrlodn VJ.T l'.!-Wlillr, Too J'rofuso Periods 'JS 13-(,'rniii, liiir-'iigllls, Hoarseness 'iH 1 1-Hull II h i-ti in , Erysipelas, Kruptloas,. IIS Illiruinnllxn, Ithoumatlol'utns '2,1 10 Malnrln, Chills, Fvver and Agua '2H 1 0-C'ntarrli, Inlluema, Cold lu the I loud ,'J3 UO-WIiiioiiiib.C'uiikIi i!i U7-IUtniY III. emeu . 23 itt-Nervuu ItrMllty l,0Q ' 30-1 rlnnry Wenlmrss, Wuttlngllcd 77-Grl, Hay Favor (J5 Br. Humphreys' Manual ot all Diseased at your Druggists nr Mailed Free. Sold by ilrniwUts.or sent on recolntof prlri y umiraV Hod. Co., Ccr. MWUiam It Jolm lflff