The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 11, 1902, Image 3

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lalking Machines
;jWc have a fine line
wfJtTalking Machines
c'$12.00 $18.00,
if $25.00,
,$40.00, $60.00
and a good assort
' mentof 7 and 10-inch
We also carry a full
; line of the
kerlcan Cycle
Co's Dicylccs
from S15 lo S35, with
or without coaster
9mi - Wffhly Crlbunf .
I'RIDAY, APRIL 11, l')02.
MOfflco over Stroltz'i Drag Store.
land Mrs. James Burns re-
d. this morning from South
shefrttn MickeHen, one of Her-
iu tis'euterprising mtMchnnt?. was
:Tcity on business yesterday,
a ! Charles Ware will entertain
evenijty ol young people this
Win ng in favor of Miss Vivian
r, )erly .
Mis' )t. L. Craig of Farnam and
unit Eda C. Carlson of Brady weie
nooi Jl'ln marriage yesterday alter-
Judge Baldwin,
TalWand listen and then buy a
the Jng Machine at Doolittle's. At
the Jore we mean: we can't spare
'pve at the house,
in ccJrbasc ball association is now
w itldrespondence with Pendergraft
the av view of securing his services
lining season. I'endergratt
iith the local team the latter
f last season.
Lrcssmin iNeviiie lias intro-
a bill in congress amending
steacliuestead law so that a homeland-lint
r.y will cover 1280 acres of
tneriijesti ol the one hundredth
Buscian, provided the laud is not
the 1)
pi tl
Atjble to irrigation.
:nty-two square feet nt Wall
at Newton's for 5 centf.
kjrams or theannual meeting
Western Nebraska ISduca
Association, which will be
tt Ogallala April 24th, 2th
,16th have been distributed.
p Platte and j'nculn county is
(imottcprpseuted on the,
a&Ussfr the participants being
Fatter Elizabeth Burke, Ruth
fSon, Ida Lewis, Bertha
lecke, Minnie Sorensou,
Babbitt, Minnie Urse,
Patterson, Alice Beach, Mrs.
(C. E. Baiber, J. C. Orr, Rfv
Mr. Bullaul and E. Lance
The ladies' guild served supper
to 140 people at Unitarian hall last
George Ell went to Omaha last
night where he will visit friends
for ten days.
John P. Maguiucss, who had
been in Arkansas lor several weeks,
returned home last night.
Fireman Coates lelt last night
for South Dakota to submit to an
examination by Father Kroeger.
Mrs. Cora Osgood, who had ben
visiting in town for several weeks,
relumed to Leadville this morning.
The Lutheran ladies wilt hold
their chicken and waflle supper at
the opera house, Thursday evening.
April 17th.
County Supt. Neale went to Fre
mont last night on business con
nected with his office. He will
return tomorrow.
Peter j. Nichols shook hands
with North Platte friends this
morning while enroute to Denver,
where he is depot superintendent.
Two large plate glass windows
in Streilz's drug store which were
cracked some time ago, were taken
out today and replaced with new
A special train bearing Dr.
Webb, of the New York Central,
and party, passed east last nijjht.
Asst. Supt. Ware accompanied the
train to Omaha.
Doolittle'd is the reli ible, respon
sible Bicycle House of the city.
The Monarch is our leading wheel
and there is none better. Wheel
from $15 to S60.
J. O. Thacker. formerly ot this
city, has lelt Galveston and is now
running a3 I'uiiman conductor ue
twecu Kansas. City and a terminal
division in Oklahoma.
Rev. J. F. Seibert held Lutheran
services at Paxton Tuesday even
ing. There are about forty com
municants of his church in that
neighborhood, and a Lutheran
organization is among the future
Have you seen Doolittlt.'s $13
Ladies' and Gent's Bicycles? Made
by the same people that make the
Monarch, the best low priced wheel
There never was before in North
Platte as lirge and varied an
assortment of sporting goods as
Doolittle kept last year. This year
it is larger and belter than ever.
Call and canvince yourself,
Cotton batting in the room over
McKay's store caught hrelast even
ing and created considerabce ex
citement tor a few minutes. The
(lames weie extinguished 'ef re
damage of any consequence oc
curred. Efforts are being made to have
the Union Pacific build its con
templated new Bewer ot sufficient
size so that at some future time a
sewerage system draining the busi
ness part ol town can be connected
to it. This would save the expense
of the city constructing a sewer
main from Dewey etrtet east to the
House Cleaning
Will Soon be Here.
You Need Carpets,
Our sample line is larger
than any other in the city.
We Will
Save You Money
If you will leave us your
The Hog Market.
Editor Triiiunb:
Persons unacquainted with the
facts may imagine that the hog
buyers of this citv are taking ad
vantage ol the farmers in paying
such low prices. Such is not the
case. The buyers and shippers of
hogs at this point, as a rule, have
1 st money. Baskin&Ci pa'd out
nearly $25,000 for hogs and their
shipping returns show a profit of
about $160, allowing nothing for
time and expenses. John Burke &
Co. later paid out some $19,000 for
that product and got out with a
loss of $85, ft 'tiring nothing for
time and expenses. Lindsay, Love
land & Beer, Mills and others have
tried it, some of these having their
own scales and yards, and then lost
money. It was not the fault of the
Stock Yards Co , as its pens are
free with plenty of fresh water f r
the hogs; neither can the los be
attributed to the railroad companv,
who give the shipper good service
to both Omaha and Denver markets.
The trouble is the hogs cjtne to
this city at any and all times and
buyers olten have to hold tlam
from a week to ten days in order to
get a car load. This mean -brink
in ilesh nnd expense in feeding high
priced corn. The remedy is si.i.ple.
It is this: Establish certain days,
say Monday and Tuesday of each
week, as hog market days. The
ground just west ol the stockyards
can, no doi bt, be secured from the
railroad company as a market place,
when, if the farmers will bring in
their hogs or other live stock they
will find competitive buyers at
highest market prices. The buyers
will be in closer touch with the
market and less liable to go broke
in the business. John Bratt,
We Excell
The Eastern Star will hold a ten
cent social at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. C. S. Clinton Wednesday
eyening, April lfith. Members are
at liberty to invite friends,
F. E. Bullard and W. H. Mc
Donald went to Omaha Wednesday
night to attend a state meeting of
the Knights Templar.
Wanted to purchase, a number
of good dairy cows with calf or
coining fresh this spring. Write
giving description and price.
J. V. Romnson, Spuds, Neb,
ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen
sable to the preparation of the finest
eake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins.
Housekeepers arc sometimes importuned to buy
other powders because they arc "cheap."
Housekeepers should stop and think. If such
powders are lower priced, arc they r.ot inferior?
Is it economy to spoil your digestion to save
a few pennies
Alum is luud in some baking powders
The " Royal Jiaker and Pastry Cook" con- and in most of the so-called phosphate now
taining over Sou most practical and valuable dors, because it is cheap, and makes a
cooking receipts free to every patron, dimmer powder. Nut alum is a corros-
Senu pu&lul curu Willi juui 11m uuuito.
ive poison which, taken in food, acts injuri
ously upon the stomach, liver und kidneys.
As Dcwcy at Manilla his par
did well,
So we in our products try to
cxccll .
That this principle is appreciated
by the purchasing; public is
proven by the liberal partronaye
accorded us. These cash prices
do the work:
Cane Granulated Sucrar l'J
lbs $1.00
Cozad Morning; Glory Pat
ent Flour per sack 1.05
Cozad Valley Patent Flour
per sack J5
North Platte Patent Flour
per sack 1.05
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Best Gasoline per gal 20
Arm & Hammer Soda per lb .08
Cow Brand Soda per lb 08
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per lb 08
Kingsford Corn Starch per
lb OS
Standard SwectCorn per can .08
Standard Vinegar 45 grain
per gal 20
45 grain White Wine Vine
gar per gal 25
II. J. Heinz Co. Best Cider
Vinegar per gal 35
Best New Sweet Cider per
IP" 3a
Gold Dust Washing Powder
4-1 b box t 18
Stock Salt, 100-lb sack GO
Sulphurized stock salt 50-lb
blocks s0
Fancy white potatoes per bu .'J5
Eastern standard tomatoes
per can 13
Regular 35c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 32
Regular 30c M. & J. Colfee
per lb 27
Regular 25c M. & J. Coffee
pnr lb 22
Regular 20c M. & J. Coffee
per lb
Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb 45
Regular 40c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb . . .35
Large i!g Vegetable Seeds .04
Large pkg Flower Seeds. . . .04
We haye now on sale a very
complete line of lre.sli
bulk Garden Seeds, also fancy,
Blue Grass, White Clover and
Onion Sets.
Orders taken tor Alfalfa, Ger
man Millet, Cane and all kinds of
Field Seeds.
Your Patronage is Solicited.
C, P, McGREW, Mgr.
The Model One-Price
Glothing House.
"LENOX" U; ?
Mtilr find
tfol liy
D. KupK!t
hclrarr ft Co,
spring New Spring
We arc in constant touch
with the sources of fashion
and provide our customers
with the latest things as
as soon as they arc in.
i jiiv.ii a uiiu i uuii iiiv.ii a
Spring" Suits
That look and fit like custom
made, well tailored inside and
outside, artistically shaped and
natural looking unlike the
ordinary ready-made guar
anteed perfect fitting and par
ticularly dressy garments.
weingand & Mcdonald.
Cattlemen to Organize.
A number of tbe cattlemen from
tbis vicinity, and those liavinn
ranpeB north of the river, met
Tuesday to arrange matters for the
purpose of organizing a Cattle
men's AsHoriation. They held an
intormnl meeting and decided to
call a meeting May 3, when the
reyul ir organization will be effect
ed. This is a step in the riu'.it
direction and one that has forced
itself on the owners of ranches.
They find it necessary for the pro
tection of their herds. The past
year has been otic of considerable
loss to the cosv man. There has
been more reports of the loss nl
cattle by straying or being driven
away the last season than ever be
fore in the history of cattle ranging
in the country north. It is the
purpose of the association to take
in a scope ol country, commencing
on the Keysione pasture on the
west, Lena the north and Brady
Island the east. Included in this
territory will be ranches south of
and between the rivers. They ex
pect to organize this territory tutu
an association tor tnutual protec
tion aiaiust cattle rustlers and
those who carelessly drive on? stock
in herds that pabs through the
range. They will employ an ex
pert in brands to ride the range
and keep tab on the cattle of the
members of the association and his
services will, doubtless, be found
invaluable to the btock men. Their
brands will be protected in the
stock markets of Omaha and other
shipping points where western
cattle are marketed. The protec
tion of the range from lire is an
other feature worthy ot cousidera
tion. Sutherlaad Krce Lance.
In any of the particular lines
which Doolittle carries, you are
always sure of the largest and best
assortment there. This is especi
ally true ol Athletic Goods. Look
at the two entire counters devuled
o Base Ball goods alone and be
Y. Iff. C. A. NOTJC3.
1!;ibo ball meeting in the social
room tonight at 8 o'clock. All
members of the association invited.
No better place to spend an hour
next Sunday than at the men's
meeting at 3.30 p. m, K'ev. C' P.
Winiberl will address tbe meeting.
Strangers in the city specially
Alix Wilson, proprietor of the
now bicycle store, 'joined yesterday.
Kor two hours the other evening
J.iiucs Shaffer, Harry Moore and
Andy Yost entertained a large
number of young men in the social
room with vocal and instrumental
Quite a number ol new men are
seen in the shops today. They will
find the Y. M. C. A. a good place
to spend their evenings. An invita
tion is extended to all.
The suggestion of John Bratt
that the bog buyers of the city se
lect two days per week to be know'n
as hog market days is an excellent
one, both for the sellers and the
buyers. This plan has been
adopted by many towns in western
Nebraska and found to be very
Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, of Ster
ling Col , arc expected here in a
few days to visit their sons Charles
and Robert.
Mrs, Tito". Haley expects to
leave Sunday night for Cauova, S.
D., to consult Father Kroeger.
Julius ICssig, who had been trans
acting business in town for a couple
of days, returned to Max .veil this
Bids will be received lor the con
struction of an irrigation canal on
the Birdwood bottom land, Ihe ex
cavations atrl lillings amounting to
approximately 45,000 cubic yards,
until April 12th, 1W2, at Dr. Mc
Cabe's drugstore in Noith Plaite,
where j.lans and r-pecilicatioiiB can
be examined. The undersigned
teserves tee light to reject any and
all bids.
N. McCaiiiv
lubber Boots
Men's Hip Boots per pair... $3.75
Men's Thigh Boots per pair. 3.25
Men's Common Boots per. ..
pair 2.50
Boy's Bopts per pair 2.00
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
For Sale.
Building lots in all parts of the
city at various prices, according to
Several cheap houses on very easy
terms, part cash, balance monthly
Several lull ranches, with or with
out cattle.
Anything in the. real estate line.
John Ukatt & Co.,
North Platte, Neb.
I will sell at public auction at
North PJattc, Neb., on Saturday,
April PJth, 1J02, at 2 p.m. at my
rooms in the Bratt & Ormsby
building over McCullough's store
on Front street, household goods
of all kinds. Terms of sale: All
sums of $15.00 or under cash; all
sums over $15.00 5 per cent dis
count for cash. No goods
removed until terms of sale com
plied with.
Mrs. II. K. Jickkuuv.
John Guild's Brewery, La
Crosse, Wis.
The Peerless and Exlra-Palc Beer is
its purity of materials and care
ful making. Peerless and Exlra-Palc
is brewed to suit the taste of th
most exacting user, that it does
is thoroughly proven by its.
steadily increasing sales. There
is no exaggeration in the state
ment that this Beer is the finest in
taste, the purest and healthiest
Beer in the United States of Amer
ica. You will never feel a bad
taste in your mouth in the morn
ing nor drowsy or sleepy, always
jolly and ready to transact and
attend to business.
Please send your order for
case of quarts or pints to
North Platte, Neb.
Registered Bulls
On Wednesday a,nd Thursday,
April 10th and Uth, we will oiler
at private sale, at the stock yards,
in North Platte, Nebraska, 20
head of thoroughbred bulls, 10
are registered Shor'.-IIorns, I
registered Hereford, and 'J are
unrecorded Hcrcfords. These
bulls are grandly bred and rich
in the bloodswhichproduco great
steers. They arc from 17 to 20
months old and were picked
from among the best herds of
thorough-bred cattle in the U. S.
No culls. Call and see us whether
you buy or not. Prices reason
able- PA1NJC & MOORli,