The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 18, 1902, Image 3

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Wc have a fine line
of Talking Machines
$12.00 $18.00,
$40.00, $60.00
and a pood assort
ment of V and 10-inch
Wc also carry a full
line of the
American Cycle
Mfg Co's Bicylces
from $15 to 535, with
or without coaster
ftltc JScml - Weekly (Erlbuur.
Office over Streitz'i Drug Store.
Miss Alice Plumer, who had been
visiting Mrs. W. II. McDonald for
a few days, returned to Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Stone, who conduct
a boarding house on east Front
street, are the parents ol twins
which arrived last night.
Miss Lulla Salisbury has been
selected by the school board to fill
the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion nf Miss Adda Kocken.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McDonald
entertained a number of young
people Friday evening in favor of
Mios Alice Plumer, or Maxwell.
The guests report a delightful
Sam K. Ross came down from
R.iwluiF, Wyo., Saturday and is
looking over the country with a
view of purchasing a quarter
secMon ol land suitable for growing
W. C Elder has been confined to
bed for several days pant with
stomach trouble. Sunday and yes
terday his condition was berioui-,
but today he is reported son.ewliat
For sale Two fre6h milch cows
Apply at thi office.
The piano which will be sold for
the benefit of the base ball associa
tion was received this morning.
Tickets tor the drawing are being
sold rapidly, one party disposing of
about fifty yesterday.
The county assessors arc in
session at the court house tbi
afternoon considering the basis of
valuation tor the 1902 assessment.
A majority of the precincts are
represented at the meeting.
Among the freight received today
is a car of potatoes tor McGloue,
two cars of potatoes for Ilarring
t mi & Tobin, a car of furnirure for
Warner and a car ol pottery which
will be divided among several
James Redmond returned tin
morning from Alliance, where he
was called by the illness ot his
sister, Mrs. John L'Miergan. When
he left Mrs, Lonurgan was much
improved and she had apparently
pabser) tle danger ine.
For several days past there baa
been considerable talk on the
streets relative to placing in norm.
nation a city licket composed of
men who are opposed to saloons.
Last evening a few met at the Y.
M. C. A. rooms and dit-cussed the
matter, ami we uuderbtand ihat an-
ottier meetinir will ''e held this
evening when a definite conclusion
will be reached.
Talking Machines
rc$ a!!
RinSs o!
Matt J. Joiumch Co., St.P;u!, Minn. . ,.
Ocniloatii:- i U.vo lorn n frost wittcrcr t cm Itbeuraatlsci. I wa3 laid up In tied !
and bp.vo vp i Ucyea ot 5 o :eu.
Ill'IVU l J' .41 ,.V
Vnii Mils ,., ret (.- Hot I'M. ' n I'rst lltno Ii i '.' rtoyn. I liiva taken my sucond b')t
tlo fiiri now coiiiUtorifiiotlt cuiltcly cure l. 1 k iKo tills tUt-tolhetnaiay kaow o.' this
Vo.-lorIUl mao-ly. lu J Yvr. Q Amonf m
Aia.un trtf. Vv'o t-jirsnleo
and you aro not si'l- r.wwl
((OUlbaXbUtlisrlzba r.
Fcr C:.o and Cuar:.nlocd Cr.ty Uy
A. F.
As Well
As Quality
Is what you will find in our line
of Ladies' Fine Shoes. Wc can
give you the same fit in a $2.00
shoe that you get in one for $3.50
to $5.00. All of our Ladies' Fine
Shoes arc made over lasts used
in the production of $3.50 to $5 00.
To those iadics that think the
only place they can get a fine
shoe is at an exclusive shoe store
we wish to say that wc can show
them more patterns and lasts in
line goods than any exclusive
btore in North Platte and save
them from 2Sc to $1.50 a pair on
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store
James Douglas arrived from Flor
ida this morning and will visit his
brother R. A. Douglas for a few
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cox returned
y sterday from a visit with the
family ot Rev. Randolph at Kear
ney. Mrs. Arta Cody lloal and son
Cody arrived this morning from
Wyoming and will visit relatives
and friends for a week or so,
Division Master Mechanic Bar
num came up from Omaha this
morning and is conferring with
General Foreman Stubbs.
C. J. Vollniet went to Omaha
Saturday night, where he will ac
cept a position in his brother '
clothing store, which will open for
business April 1st.
Davia ivove ot autiieriand is in
town today attending the meeting
of the county assessors. Mr. Love
ays biifiueKB is good in his village
and improving every day.
A joint meeting of the Epwnrth
League and Christian Endeavor
was held Sunday evening, about
one hundred members of the two
societies being preoent. The lead
mg teature ot tne meeting was a
paper prepared and read by W. A
Getty treating on the temperance
The first division ot the Presby
terian ladies' aid society will give a
"Blue Jay" social at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan on Thurs
day evening, March 20th. Theie
will be a program of orchestra, vo
cal and Instrumental music. Re
freshments ten cents. Everybody
The Miiulen base ball associa
lion, which will be a member ot
the Union Pacific circuit was or
ganized last baturdav and in one
day over five hundred dollars were
secured to stake the club for ti e
season. Among the players en
iraged are Bliss, "Dusty" Rhode
Moore and Gaines, the latter being
of last year's state university team
The Misses Rebhausen and Miss
Townsend placed on exhibition
and on sale yesterday at Warner V
furniture store, a very hand
!-iune collection ol decorated china
ater polor paintings and etchings
and the display is certainly a credit
in these three artists. That the
rtork is appreciated by the many
ho call is attested by the fact that
many pieces were sold the opening
day. Taken us a whole, the cxhi
bition surpasses any we have seen
in town, ami Hie appreciation ex
pressed by visitors must tie very
gralilying to the young Indies who
i xecuud the work.
Cures aH
f$m c?
Bleed trouble.
i -s w ' " "i i m .iul ;
. ,-,7.-,..,. I ... ,..,.,,,,. i IT
W'l fr frura oil c.kH, f.allnylates, 'roiw,
t-vf your.Kwy v..l ta repsnttoa, l bouuu
HI It, I If
At the auditorium ot the High
School Friday cveninjr, March 21,
1902, the high school will give au
entertainment consisting of ex
hibition drills by the Girls' Gym
nasium Club, music by the mini
School Orchestra and essays upon
appropriate topics.
The proceeds of the cnteiiam-
mcnt will be devoted to High School
Athletics. J. C. Ork.
In speaking of Elias Day, the
characterise who will be at the
opera house on Monday evening
next under the auspices of the Y.
M. C. A. the Eastou (Pa.), Daily
Express says: The people who
were at the opera house last night,
were well entertained by Mr. Day
who has few equals as an imperson
ator. It was a number of the
Brockway course, one of the most
delightful of the season. Mr. Day
has a style of humor and concep
tion that is peculiarly his own.
His skill iu the portrayal of char
acters give his subjects the realistic
appearance that only an imperson
ator ot the highest rank and most
irtistic ability is able to present.
W. R. Eycrly, ol Ilcrshey. has
gone to Kansas on receipt ot a
telegjam announcing ihe serious
illness of one of his children, who
with his wife, are visiting in
Walter Coville tells us that the
high wind the latter part of last
week blew out forty acres ot rye on
his farm north of town, the light
Bindy soil drilling in rows from
one to two feet deep,
Members of the Sons and Daugh
ters of protection desiring to pay
their assessments will find the sec
retary's books with Will II Dal)
at the office of the Evening Tele
graph. Though the republican city con
vention proved an exciting one, the
result has left no ' sore spots" and
the candidates will receive the
united support of the part).
The weather bureau forecasts
arc for rising temperature, and in
a few days we will be enjoying that
balmy March weather found only
in western Nebraska.
John Bratt & Co. report the sale
of the Charley Maruileth ranch
north of town to John Harper of
Bennett, Neb. The ranch embraces
em lit hundred acres.
The formal transtcr ot the Star
Restaurant to Henry Arps has not
vet been made, Mr. Arps so far
having faikd to put up the neces
sary cash.
Nels W. Swanson has sold his
livery barn at Sutherland property
and contentsto Leonard Cornett,
the sale being made through John
Biatt & Co.
i lie last ot the live arc lights m
the railroad yards was connected
today. These five lights make the
central part of the yards as light
as day.
Elias Day, the great characterise
at the opera house Monday even.
ing. This is the last of the Y. M.
C. A. course events.
We understand A. Picard has
closed negotiations for a concession
to operate his miniature railway at
the St. Louis exposition.
"Monte" McMurray says he was
not the McMurray arrested for
stealing poal, and this retraction is
due him.
P, H. Sullivan today filed with
the city clerk his nomination by
petition lor councilman in the First
A petition is being circulated to
day nominating W. S. DoUon for
member of the board of education.
The cold wave predicted arriyed
on time and the temperature yes
terday fell to the zero mark.
i . w. vanwie lias opened a
paint shop in the Iliuman building
on l rout street where lie is pre
pared to paint wagons and car
riages. Work guaranteed satis
For Sale.
Eight room house six below,
two above. Apply to Louis Peter-
For Runt.
The Lee Woods bouse on webt
sa street a rooms and summer
kitchen, barn, nice lawn and shade
trees; choice location.
John Hkatt & Co.
ror Ront or Sale,
Eighty acres, known as the fock.
..,ai i.,r... tt,w u.i.rti..
1 1 r: i.. , it o ..IV
uu" it'iii- wui.v. n.inuii
rim ur iiiriJi v iu n, ouuuu, uiiinu
sianu, xnco.
1 1 1 1 1 n ii tiiii
Do You Practice
Is it a true or false economy?
Don't buy goods because
they arc cheap they arc
dear at any price. Buy the
best; it is cheapest in the
long run.
Do you know that there are
cheap goods that arc being sold
just as high as some of the best
groceries sold by
W. F. McGlone
Snowflake Flour
This Hour has no equal. We
claim that a sack of Snowllake
will make more bread, better
bread, whiter bread, more
wholesome bread than any other
brand of Hour, excepting none.
Monarch Baking Powder.
Sx?aSiS5ip'c cream of
art or baking
owdcr. It
.tands in the
ist of baking
.towtlers whore
Monarch cann
d goods stand
imong canned
joods, viz: at
he head. We
uarantec it to
ic belter than
itiy other. If
lit don't please
you, you get your money back.
Per lu-oz can 45c.
Lowne"'s Cocoa.
The Most Delicious
and the PUREST.
Unlike Any Other
j. Mil rinviir. um unitiii.n uiiij .tin iiiivi
tlvo and illKUstllilo propcrtloa of tlio cluilcont
Cocon lloims. No Hour, stnrcli, kioiimiI cocoa
Bliclls, nlknllcs, clicnilciiU, or coloring unit
tcr ore present in to wixvy't.
...... v.. .til nAiit.ln. a..!., ,1m ail.tft
Per half nound can 25 cents.
Made of the best white corn,
nnrl mil im in iwn finmwl nriHf-
ages. Price 15c per pkg or two
for 25c
Monarch Asparagus Tips.
Quart cans, packed full of
white tips, very line. Per can 30c
Monarch Strawberry Beets
In quart cans, very tempting.
Per can 20c, two for 35c.
Hienze's Preserves.
Nothing1 but pure fruit and
granulated sugar.
strawberry 20 cents per pound
Blackberry 20 cents per pound
Ulack Raspberry ZQc pr pound
Damson Plum 20c, Cherry 25c,
Quince 20c, Peach 20j, Apple
Butter 12Sc, Peach Butter 15c.
Finest Mackerel in town.
Peerless 20c, 2 for 35c, flem
15c, 2 for 25e. Codfish, Halibut,
innun I laddie, Bloaters. Her
ring, Salmon, and Holland Iier-
We meet any price and give
you better goods.
Have a car of Fancy Greeley
Potatoes, the finest that have
been in North Platte this year.
They cost you no more than lots
of poor ones.
Price $1.00 per
Y. Hi. C. A. NOTE3.
The board lor reserved eats to
Elias Day entertainment. list
number ol the course, will be put
at Stamps on ;Friday evening, the
21st, at 5:45. p. in.
A Hue audience of men enjoyed a
a splendid addrsss on christian
unity in the rooms last Sunday, by
A. F. Parsons,
A Legacy of tho Grip
Is often a run down syntom. Weak-
mtH, tiervoiiBnero, hiek r appotito,
onory and ambition, with disordered
livor and kidnevs often follow an attack
of UiIb wrotehiul dieunso. Tho Kmatost
need then ih ICloetrio Uittorn, thospltn-
did tonic, blood purilter anil rif,'ulatoi
ot Htomnch, Livor mid Kidneys. Thou-
hiiihIh havo proved thut thoy wuiidor-
fully Btrunuthun tho norvoH, b iild up
tho sys em, ami roBtoro t" nwiui aiui
L'oou uinriiM miur iwi iiii.iuu ui un i. u
iiDiiuiTiiiiu.njiiiuui. uuij wnv, x.-iiiub
;.. i. ,.. r.n.. iLr..t
i..ij,.,.. . . ..,.. .i- i, a t;
i eutjEuuijkiuu Kiitiii'iii" i'j
1 Young Men's, Boys' and Little Fellows'
Our Spring line represents
the very best that is made,
the largest variety, newest
styles, the latest fabrics, and
very low prices.
Young Alen's Suits,
Ages 12 to 20.
You can get almost any color
and shade of material, in both
plain and fancy patterns, in
different grades at popular
$3.50. $5, $7.50, $10.
Wc arc closing out our two piece,
suits at greatly reduced prices,
$1, 1.50 2,
wesngand &
Vwwm wvtJv.Fi9 wwm wwu
Lister Lays.
Plow Lays M inch 5
If, " SI. 10
Lister " 14 " Ma
10 125
" " 14 " llapgood.. .. 1(10
" " lb ..1.10
" 14 11 Eagle 1.00
" " 16 " " 1.15
" ' IMnibhed 14 inch all
kinds 1 0
Go Devil Steelp, each 25
Cultivator Shovels finished ordered
to fit all kinds ot cultivators per set
f 2 00. Store open eyemngs iintill
8 o'clnck.
Wilrnx DMaM Store.
Uuriit-ftliouH In tti Orient.
Tim typo of horseshoe common In tlu
Orient Is u plato fitted so an to cove.
Ihu entlro bottom ot tlio hoof, with i
perforation in the center. Tho woIrIi
of tlio avoraco horscshoo is tnroe
fourtlm or a pound. Tlio nntlvo smith.
UHiiully cut llicso plntca from sheet,
of wrought Iron and rudely shape
them for tho purpose- in view.
DutloH mi Imported Ton.
Tho customs duties on tho f 11,000,000
of tea Imported Into this country
amount to $9,000,000. All adulterated
and lnipiuo tens uro excluded from
coming' into tlio country by tho ten
Inspection law, which was piiBsetl in
1897. If tea Is adulterated mo "u
teratlons aro added In this country.
Wmniui Unit Slimy llpe.
Miss Elizabeth Nixon of 8nn Fran
cisco hns tlio finest collection of pipes
Jn America. Thoy Includo specimens
from many parts of tho world, includ
ing' Chlnu, Japan and tho Philippines.
They aro kept on racks wlilen aro
fringed with leather and decorated
with oriental coins.
Lone Hervlci III CmiBrc.
Dr. V. II. Mllhurn, tho blind chap
lain o( tho senate, thinks ho may
fairly lay claim to tho title of "grand
father ot tho House." Ho entered the
norvlco of that body ten years beforo
John Shormun and Justin H. Mnnlil,
'fathers of tho house."
Kiilaor'it Nu vii I (.'hurt,
Kinperor William has ulucud in tin
aermun releliHtiiK bulldliiK three statu
tlcal naval charts designed by him. Tlu
emperor Iiowb that tho United State
havo thiity-ono hnttlo shlpa, eleven
flrst-cluEB cruisers and twenty-six ar
mored cruisers.
Yon lie l'rliicit u IVnrliwt ItliliT.
l'linco lidward ot Wales, who Is a
nrcat favorite with tho miicoii. ucoma
to ho sottliiB on. Ho Is only i-evon
years old, hut Ik learnbiK to rldo with
n skill and fearlcHBiiess which do credit
to his strain ot Danish ancestry.
For Saw:: The furniture for au
eight room house, will sell the
svltolu at a barg iin. For particu
lar inquire of O. A. llostetter.
Fok Saw: A good saddle cheap.
U. A, UuvrETTliK,
3-Picce Child's Suits,
Ages 3 to 'J.
This is one of the most popular and large
selling items in our stock this season,
$1.50 2, 3, 3.50, 4, and $5,
2-Piccc Boys' Suits,
Ages S to 15.
double -breasted hoys'
2.50, and $3.
From the
Northern Minnesota.
(itiaranteed absolutely pure
stock. Onu carload is due here
Call early as Carload is half
sold. These Seeds will be sold
For Cash Only.
& Tobin.
S iwwwiwi(riwiwiim,'Wig
Wall Paper lor 1902 j
C. M. Newton has opened
a Wall Paper Store in the
Kcnnic HtMld'tug1 and will
carry in stock
Wall Paper, Widow Shades,
Room and Picture Moulding,
and Sewing Machines,
Will carry ready-made win
dow shades, also a nice line
of shade by the piece from
which he will make any size
to order. Will make Picture
Frames and will very
shortly have an outfit for
the manufacturinjLf of Rub
ber Hand Stamps.
Shall try to please all that
patronize me.
Otherwise don't put off until ?
J tomorrow what should bo t
? dono today If thorn is some j
i shoo repairing, havo it done i
t at tho ollow Front Shoo Ko-
pair Shop. i
Clioupost und host placo iu towu,
Early Ohio
Seed Potatoes