Emm Go r EIGHTEENTH YEAR. NOltTJI PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MARCH IB, 11)02. NO. Hi THE SECRET All-Wool Imported Clay worsted, Unfinished Worsteds. Imported Serges, from $10.00 to $18 00. NEBRASKA (LOTUG AND SHOE HOUSE, SAM ROSENBURG, Prop. Next Door to Chas. McDonald's Bank, North Platte, Neb- Electric Light. Get our Special Proposition for Private Houses, and have your wiring done at once. OUR LIGHT IS I Drop us a postal LESTER 6 ? a 9 4 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit- tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale Ties, Lightening fi Hay Press & Repairs t Locust St I JOHN BR ATT. JOHN BRATT & CO, Real Estate, Loans Insurance Idle rioney Invested In (lilt Edged Securities rC NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. j--37l.oirox"oiioo:--iVx-vy Of Suit selling: " a nut shell; One of two things a successful store must do: Either give as good value as some other store for less money, or better values for the same money. This is the secret of this store's success, better values"! for thc same money, as good values for less money. SPECIAL SUIT SELLING FOR EASTER. Suits made of All-Wool Cheviots. Oxford Gray Worsted, durable Farmer Satin Linings, nicely tailored throughout, u suit that is being advertised by other stores for $8,00, our price $5.00, Suits'madc of All-Wool Serges and Cheviots. Black Clay Worsted French faced, lined with Farmer Satin, choice of., many patterns in Oxford and Olive mixtures, a Suit that is perfect in every de tail positivclyworth $10 our price $7.50. Clean, Cheap, Convenient, Safe. card, or call at W. WALKER, $ Manager. J JOS. HERSHEY. 9 : : NORTH PLATTE, NEB. $ E GOODMAN. 33u.-o.1v. ixi 3TolDX'o.li.t. Teachora' Mooting. About fifty country teachers oraved the cold and wind Saturday and came tp town to attend t lie spring meeting of the county teaclicra. These with the city teachers and visitors in attendance made a good sized audience at the afternoon session held at the high school auditorium. With but one exception all those represented on the program were present, and the papers read, and the discussions following, arc pronounced to have been excellent better as a rule than is customary at these meet- ins. A Competent Official. The Laramie Republican of March 12, nays: Railroad officials arc in a measure public omciuls. Railroads are common carriers and must cater to the public for busi ness. The official, therefore, who can handle his road with tin greatest degree ot efficiency and yive the public the best se'vicc, is the most popular with the directors and the patrons. These remarks are called out by the very high degree of efficiency that has been attained on the Wyoming division of the Union Pacific during the past two years. Recently it has been announced that time is invariably made up in this state, no matter whether the trains come Irom the eat, t or west . This means good power, good men and good oiganization, and above all it means a master hand at the helm. Superintendent Win, L. Park is a railroad man of rare ability, and the public is giving him no little credit tor the general efficiency dis played on the Wyoming division, lie has grown up from boyhood in the railroad service and knows it like a book. Reserved iu'eharacter, he 13 no! quick to form new friend ships, but his actions inspire con fidence and his courtesy is con stantly drawing the public closer to the Overland. The men under his direction say hit, judgement is keen, his man agement fair and impartial and his Itfcisions just, lhs rapid advance ment in the service is proof that he is big in mind as well as in body. Their BrcaiJ and gutter. The vision ot a thriving, pros permiB community of farmers culti vating little garden spots over the valleys of western Nebraska under a system of government water storage and irrigation is so hateful to the average pop whose fortunes depend upon droughts and crop failure?, that it is not bo extra ordinary as the average Nebraskan nay think that the entire pop delegate u in congress from this state is fighting the irrigation ap propriation bill against all the rest nf the western members, Prosper ity of the small farmers in western Nebraska would be the death knell to populism .State Journal. A Burlington pasbetiger train re cently made the run from Sidney to Denver 165 miles in 105 minutes. As pait of the distance is over new road the run was certainly a swift ne. A Carload of 8ARBED WIRE A Carload of BALING WIRE to arrive this week. Don't buy till you get our prices. Hereafter these goods will be sold for CKSH ONLY and at bottom prices. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. Grazing1 Lands iu Domnnil. But a few years ago the man who owned grazing lands in this sec tion of Nebraska could get nothing tor them and the homesteaders pastured them and received all the profits without even having the taares to pay. Under the present conditions cattle have been shipped in and farmers from the eastern part of the state with large herds arc leasing the lands and the price ot the same is advancing. Inst week we leased to McDer mott Brothers of Far nam, live sec tions of land owned by L. S. Mc- Cabc, Rock Maud, Illinois, at J32.50 per section, to V. C. Nichols fur 13. M. Bird and Nichols and the prospects arc that Mr. Mc Cabe will tie able to lease all his grazing lands this year at these figures. It is a good sign, and be fore many years our Platte valley farmers will each own a section or twool hill pasture land to keep their herds iu the summer. Goth enburg independent. BETWEEN THU RIVERS Miss Gertie Smith ol llerslu y has returned lrom a sveek's visit with friends at the county seat. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brown and daughter Helen rt turned to their home at North Platte on Friday ol last week after a ten day's vint iu he vnlUy. Win Uan-t has returned from an extended visit in the east. We are lnlormed that several larmers in this locality will com bine and have a car of seed pota toes slf'"! d iu soon. W. A. Paxton of Omaha was looking after business interests on his large ranch near Hcrshey lately. The patrons of the Nichols creamery were paid off iu full lor February milk on the 15th of the present month which put several I. und red dollars into circulation. 1 he patrons of this plant do not have to run a store bill until thev raise a crop but have the money to pay as they go. Samuel Harris returned Satur day from an extended visit with relatives and friends in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. He re ports a pleasant trip. "Win. Bond and bride, who were recently married at Paxton, will re side on the J. H. Ilershey ranch in this vicinity the. coming year. The Harris family, who have pre viously rdsided on the Otteutcui farm, are now located on the Dillon ranch. Mr. and Mrp. Wingert of Wood River, who came up here to attend the funeral of Mrs. W'a brother, R. W. Calhoun last week, haye re turned home. Lew Loker has also gone wcBt on a tour of inspection. He mav locate out there and he may return. Time can only tell. The school teachers iu this local ity attended the teachers' associa tion at North Platte on Saturday last. Mrs. Cora Runner, who conducts a poultry farm near Wallace, was represented in the valley last week by her husband, who was solicit ing orders lor chickens and eggs. 13. F. Seebcrger & Co. are shipp ing baled hay west from Nichol a' this time. T), S. McConnell and family are now nicely located on the John Ottenstein farm. Iu some locilitics in the valley considerable real estate changed locations last Friday and Saturday. Garden Tools. We have: Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes. All kinds and prices. Wilcox Deparm-enf! j&tfe, Sugar beet growers arc getting their laud ready lor planting at the present time A full set of school directors will be elected in the Hershcy district at the annual meeting A moder ator. for a full term, a director and treasurer to fill vacancies caused by the occupants moving dut of the district. J. G. Fcckcii marketed a quan tity of alfalia seed at the county sent Friday at $6.00 per bushel. He has now sold all his surplus. We understand that Win, I)y- niond, who recently leased the L. P. Krong farm at Nichols better known as the Brown place for the ensuing ycnr,hap decided to leave it and emigrate to the state of Wash ington. W. II. Siillivati will succeed him on the larm, At the annual meeting of the pa trons of the Spurrier and Jones lateral which was held iu North Platte on Friday last, L 13. Jones was elected superintendent of the same. Thev are at the present time putting it iu hhapc to carry water. V. II. Sullivan of Nichols shipped a shorthorn bull eleven mouths old to I3llis & Sullivan at Primgar, low?, on Monday of this week for which he received 5100 on the cars at North Platte. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS A seventeen year old boy was re cently lilted at Grand Island with a pair of No. 11 t-hoes and a seven and three-eights hat. The youth is six lect two inches tall. From the Bub we learn that the Kearney base ball asscciatiou will have a stronger team this year than last. Among the players lor which the association is negotiat ing arc Burman, Redmond, Marri ott, Glade and Salene Geo. B. Borr, the Lexington banker has eight hundred acres ol alfalfa which last year netted him twenty-nine dollars per acre. This leads u b to again rcmatk that an alfalfa field is a better paying in vestment than the average gold mine. The Gothenburg Independent says; It i reported that grass hoppers are hatched by the thous ands iu many localities, and farm ers think that if they should get ai hig rain and a few frosts within a week, the first crop of inacctB will tie destroyed. The First National Bank of Sid iuy has been chartered and will soon be ready for buaiuesB. J. W Harper will be president, B. J. Scaulon vice-president and Chas. Callahan cashier of the new insti tution, which will have a capital of $25,000. The village ol Shelton is made defendant in a suit for $5,000. The village board of health com pelled the closing of a meat market iu the town, alleginglhat diseased meat was being sold, and now the proprietor wants the above sum to square things, The Nebraska board of public lauds and buildings has received a communication from one 13. G. Whitney, of Rocky Ford, Colo., proposing to produce a rainfall over an area of three-fourths of the state for the tiiodett trille of one thousand dollars. Mr. Whitney claims to have had experience and hat he can produce as fine a quality of wet water as ever fell out of doors. Bis modesty should not go unrewarded. Public Notice. Arrangements have been made to receive separator cream at the skimming station at North Platte. The price for the first half of March is 25 cents per pound for butter Int. For particulars Bee Frank Tuffs, our agent here, Also agent lor the I)e Laval cream separator. Huathici: Cki:ami:kv Co. D H.J, F. SIIUTE, DENTIST. All Brandies of pen. imiijr Ncicnuiicaiiy "iiv. ..in nun 11X111 (JaH admlnlHUTccl. ...... ..j , uit... i.iiui-Ki: of Dental .Surerv W) Wire. PbWe iif .' THE Millers Association Does Not Set Our Price On Flour, We Do. Gothenburg Best Patent pet sack $1.00 Snow Flake Patent per sack ,00 Family per sack 80 Ked Seal Patent pet sack... 1.00 Jewel Patent per sack J0 Corn Meal 2S-lb sack 40 Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05 On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 Cox's Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs. . .25 Seeded Raisins per lb 10 ICvaporatcd Raspberries per lb 30 Sago per lb 07 Tapioca per lb 07 Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch per pkg 08 Ivtngfords Corn Starch Strawberry Beets 3-lb can . . Anderson's Jams per can. .. .08 .15 .10 Oil Sardines per can 05 Mustard Sardines per can . . .05 Eagle Condensed Milk 18c 2 cans 35 Ammonia per bottle 00 English Walnuts, No. 1 Soft bliell per lb Kerosene Oil per gal .15 .15 Vinegar per gal 20 White Wine Vinegar 25 Walter Baker's Cocoa lb can 25 Walter Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 pkgs 35 Swifts Extract of Beef 2-oz. .35 Rex Extract of Beef 2-oz. . . K C Baking Powder 10-oz can KCBaktng Powder 25-oz can K C Baking Powder 50-oz can K C Baking Powder 80-ozcan Shillings Best Baking Pow der 1-lb can .35 .08 .20 .35 55 .35 Gilt ICdgc Shoe Dressing per bottle 20 10-oz Eddy's Liquid Blue. . . .15 .04 .07 .15 .15 .40 5c Paddle Bluinir 10c Paddle Bluing Full Cream Cheese per lb.. Mica Axle Grease 8c, 2 boxes Sunllower Axle Grease pet ti oz ABC Soda Crackers 22-11. boxes per lb Oyster Crackers 22-lb boxes per lb Family White Fish per pail '4 70 BSf'Store open evenings until eight o'clock. Wilcox Department Store, wtiilft M g SIZE HIM UP after wc have fitted a mail to a new spring suit or overcoat and you will find neither fleck or flaw on style, fit, finish or fabric. Our styles are all the swellcst and most correct, our fabrics are novel and exclusive, out lit perfect, nnd the style of our clothing exquisite. When we fit you to a suit it is above re proach. Time now for your ICaster suit. Cleaning nnd repairing a specialty. F. J. BreOEHrtBR.