Witt mi - WcclUu Srtliuuc FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1902. Ill A L HA KH, RniTou ami) I'lioi'iiiRTOH HU11HOK1PTION KATES. On Year, cmh In h'tiidc, II. M Bit Month, ch In n.lvunc 75 0nl llut rtttm N'lrthrinttMNAbDinkftlpnftofna Av eastern man wlio was in Omalia this week Hays that a gi gantic colonization scheme is now maturing to people Wyoming, and especially the territory be tween Casper ami the state line south to where the Union Pacific crosses the stale. Immense irri gation plans arc under way. They include the importation of two hundred families from Hol land to raise sugar beets. The Union Pacific and the syndicate, headed by Addison S. Thomas, president of tnc associated Press at Chicago, arc working hand in hand. The syndicate holds an option for a year on 150.000 acres of the original land grant, now worth about $1 an acre. Money both for the colonization scheme and the railroad construction is to be advanced by eastern capitalists. HUNG VP. The decision of Judge 15axter that a deposit of money in a bank is an investment, if interest is paid on it, and that the consti tution providing that no educa tional funds of the Ktate shall be invested save in United States, state or county securities, conse quently, if a treasurer invests the school funds in this manner it is illegal and the state cannot claim the interest, leaves ex State Treasurer Meserve free from the charge of embezzling state school funds butsuspended somewhere between the firma ment and the earth for a violation of the constitution. The fact that the successor of Mr. Mcscrve has been able in a few months to invest constitu tionally the large sum of unin vested school funds left on his hands by his predecessor indi cates that there was method in the madness of the ex-treasurer. Had he invested the funds prop erly as promptly as has his pre decessor he would not have been able to draw interest on them for his own pocket. But he always found technical difficulties. State Journal. WEALTH WAS TKE SACRIFICE, "Pink adorned by ambition, baled by onor brite will always command suces even without thcalmity dollar." This is part of an inscription on a large card which hung in a consptcous place in the largest wholesale notion house in the United States. It was written by Charles Broadway Kouss, the founder of the business, who was known to the world as the "blind millionaire." And in the above quotation is the secret of his success. When he went to New York City in 18fS his entire capital was only 91.80. When he died at the ago of 0f he was worth million. "Pluk" and "onor brite" did it. He worked at least twelve hours every day, six days in the week. He was always 'the first at his desk, and last to leaver To him every minute counted, and he even spelled nhonelicallv in order to save time. lOach of his employes was expected to work eleven hours a day, and each re ceived his pay at the close of each day's work. When Kouss i lused his store at night it wa1 his boast that ho owed no man ; dollar. But Roims paid dearly for lit: millions, lie gained wealth am a nlace amonir lhi merclum princes of America, but in doing ho ue lost nis cyesignt, uver workmade him blind. He offered 51,000,000 to anyone who could restore his sight. Many alleged remedies were brought forth and he hired a blind man at; large salcry on whom these romc dies were tried, but none was of fective. "Pluck" and "onor brite" will win success, but if in the pursuit of the almighty dollar all rules of health arc thrown aside the mil ions of a Rockefeller would not be worth fighting for. The man without great wealth, and vet healthy and with his eyesight, is far more fortunate than the blind millioTmirci Omaha News. jPOND OF TJIlfi WEED. MEN AND WOMEN WHO WERE PAR TIAL TO TOBA00O. Tlinmii Hiillciy Alitrlcli fluid, "i I.oiingo mill Wow Vhlli KIiir of Smoko" Ir, O. W. Ilolincn anil Oilier iVlio I.lhwl BiiioJcliic Tlio effect of tobacco smoking upon tlio Intellect lian been exhaustively discussed by jiliynlclatiB and others, and tlio position taken by soma tbnt It Is absurd to nlki;o that smoking Is Btuiiofylng to the faculties seems to bo fortified by n mnBS of ovldence, and In this connection it may not bo amiss to consider soma admittedly great literary minds. Ooetlio bated tobacco, and Ilelnrlch Hclna shared tho samo dis like Ilalzac, Victor Iln-jo and Dumas did not smoko, but Alfred do Munsot, Kugono Sue, Mme. "Oeorgo Sand," Merlmoo nnd J'aul do Saint Victor woro ardont users of tho weed. Spen cor In tho Kalry Queen calls It "dlvlno tobacco." William Lilly, Queen l'llza bolh's court poet, spoakB of tho "holy hoib Nicotian;" Uyron's namo for It Is "sublime tobacco;" Thackeray sings "Moamvhllo r will smoko every can ister nnd llppln my nlo In tho shade." Thomas tJalley AMrlch sayn, "I lounge and blow white rings of smoke." Jumes HushoII Lowell had written an odo of thanks to Charles lOliot Nor ton "for cortnln cigars," nnd calls it "tobacco, sacred horb." Charles Lamb wnu willing "for thy sake, Tobacco, I would da anything but die." Delight ful Clmrles Klngnlcy's culoglum of smoking Is woll known und has ben largely quoted. Tom Hood of tho "Song of tho Shirt," nays: "Some sigh for this or that, my wishes don't go far. Tho world may wng nt will. So I havo my cigar." Lord Tonnyson was an Invetorato smoker and so was Thomns Corlylo. Tho story of Tenny son cnillng on Carlylo ono evening and sitting in solemn silence smoking for hours Is well known. ".Man Alfred." snid Carlylo, as ho showed tho poet lnurcnto out, "wo havo ha'cn u grnund nlcht. Come buck again soon." Car lylo, llko Tennyson, did not caro for a cigar, but kopt a pipe In his mouth moat of his waking hours, and Thack orny, lll limns, loved to get away by himself nnd enjoy tho llnvor of a rank plpo. Jnmos Payn, tho novelist, can not reinombor tho tlmo when ho did not smoke. Mark Twain at tho ago of .10 used to smoko 300 clgarn a month. Gcorgo Augusta Sala hours emphatic testimony In favor of smoking. "Tho allegation," ho nays, "oh to smoking stupefying n man's faculties, or blunt ing hln energy, I talto to bo mainly nonsonsn." Oliver Wendell HolincB s.iys of tho meerschaum plpo: "Ho who inhnlcfl lis vapors takes a thou sand whiffs In a slnglo breath; and ono cannot touch it without awnkoning tho old Joys that hnng around it, as the Hinoll of Dowers clings to tho drcssos of tho dnughters of tho house of I'ntlnit." It has boon snld that James Husaell Lowoll used a number of ordinary pipes in succession nnd lay each asldo after it hnd boon fairly well smoked down. Later ho would gather tho "dottels," or, as soma smokers call them, thu "heels," from somo half dozen of these pipes nnd cram them Into nn enormous tube and havo n "real smoko," as ho expressed It. An other distinguished Harvard profesBor onco "sworo orf" for six months nnd kopt strictly to his self-imposed obli gation. Ho remarked, nt tho end of tho time, whon ho resumed smoking, Hint his nppotlto had bcon good, ho had Blept well and his health gonorally hnd not sufforcd, "but." ho said, "I lost six months of hnpplness," nnd over afterwards ho smoked Ilka a chlmnoy. I'ojCitrty'n Xair Homo. Whon Waltor McUlroy is not uctlng ns nolo touor of tho Garden City Cathedral ho is an engineer in chnrgo of n couple of hundred laborers on Long Island. Tho other day ho over heard n conversation between n couplo of them: "Say, Paddy, d'yo think thnt Fogurty wlnt to heaven whon ho died last week?" "Arrnh, no Mlko," wau tho reply, "ho was too wlclcnd n iiiun for that. To my way o' thinkln' ho wlnt to tho pluco whoro you light your plpo with your finger. "Now "nnk TlmoH. Ills Olio (Milium, "tloodmsh! I do , ono m,r yoiim? minister won't marry that Miss Strong mind." "I didn't think you took bo much Interest In him as to caro very much." "I'm thinking- of myself, that's all. If ho marries her he'll never linvn a chanco to talk oncodI from the mil. pit nnd then we'll suffer." l'htludel- phln mm A NllBUiKlluii. Mr. Hauakeop Tho dishes you havo put on tho table of lute, Bridget, havo boon poHlllvnly dirty. Now.somethlng's i'.ot to bo dono about It. Urldget Yin. mum; nv yo only had dark-colored wnn. mum, thoy wouldn't show tho dirt nt nil. Philadelphia Press. AlMtrul to lloiuaty. Customer "Hv tho wnv. Mr. Vriui. thoro was n chicken In ono of those eggs." Denier "So? Chickens uro two shlllluus a nouud. von lnm' Hiippoxo you uro willing to do tho right uuug i xjooion 1 1 niiseiipi. ' Cuiiiiilit'i forrita. Canada's forests uro found to bo equal to supplying tho world with pulp wood nlono for 810 years, on tho bnsla of 1,600,000 tons of manufactured pulp a year. Somo pcoplo spend n lot of time in regretting thlnga that never happen. I.onliot U Well J'roUctocl. President Loubct Is well protected. Hla secret guard consists of twolvo men, under tho orders of a pollco com mlsbloncr. When ho receives they mlnglo with tho guests closo by him, nnd when he goes out they follow him and have orders novcr to loso him nu Instant from view. I.ovo Iilonllze. All nctlvo lovo Idealizes that is, sees and loves tho Ideal of tho loved one. Often, Indeed, tho absorption In tho Ideal Is so complcto that tho outer llfo is mistakenly supposed to bo Idea tlcal with It, thus opening tho way to shocks nnd bitter disappointments. WOM'S Lite is hard enough ns His. It is to her that we owe our world, nnd everything should bo made as easy as possiblo for her at tlio tlmo of childbirth. This is just what MOTHER'S Friend will do. It will make Ji.tliv's cntiilnc i-nnu and painless, nnd that without talc ing dangerous drugs Into the sys tem. It is simply to bo npplied to tho muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through tho skin carry ing strength nnd elasticity with It. It strengthens tho whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnnncy. Tho mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., says: "I havo used Mother's Friend and can praise 'it highly." Get Mother's friend at tho Drug Store, SI per bottle. The Brndflcld Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Writo for our free illustrated boolc, Ueforo Baby i- Horn." DON'T PROCRASTINATE! OthorwiBO don't put oil until tomorrow what phould bo dono today If ihero is porno shoo repairing, havo it dnno at tlio "t ollow Front Shoo Ko pair Shop. GEO. TEKULVE. Cheapest and bost plnco in town. VERY LOW RATES vnrv ilnv iliirtnip flin itinntlia nt Wnrn) ind Anril. 10O' tho Union Piunftu will .-toll Colonist nna-wnv McltotH 11L tlio following rates. FROM Missouri River $20 to Ogdcn and Salt Lake City $20 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena $22.50 to Spokane $22.50 to Points on the Great Northern Ky, Spokane to Wcnatchcc Inclusive. via Huntlnc-ten and Spokane, $25 o Points on Great Northern Ky, West of Wcnatchcc, via Hunting, ton and Spokane, $25 to Portland, Taeoma and Sc. attic. $25 to Ashland, Oregon and Inter tcrmcdiatc Points, Including Branch Lines on a. f. Lo. South of Pert .inH via Portland. $25 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Cthcr California Points. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. E. II. GUNGE, Agent Dr. Humphreys' Spcclllcs net directly upon thu disease, Without exciting dlsordor in other parts of tho system. They Curo tho Sick. o. cents. mice .-l ccr. Congojtlouj, Inflammations. ,'J5 Vi-Wurini, Worm I'cver, Worm Colic... ,a y-Tcellilnc, CollcCrylng, Wakc'ulucw .'23 t-ainrrlica,otChllJrcnor Adulti... . ,'J3 5-Conglu, CoMi.Bronclillli,. ,. ,53 H-Xnirolnln, Tnolliaclio, rncMchc. ,jj O-llrnJarlir.Blcfc llruiliiphr. V.nlim 1 l-lVM'riln,li.lecilloii1WfBkSlomch.'4.'J 1 1 '!iilrr.c,orlnliirnl I'rrlo.U . Vi- Wlillr., Tiki 1'rofmo IVrlo.lt 13-( roup, t.nrtusllla, lloarwneM..... 1 I-hnl llliriini, KrjeliKlai.Cruplloiu 1 n-llliciiiiiallini, lUicusiallo Taloi. lC-Miilotln. Chilli. .-a .33 til 'itlnrrli. Iunurnii.Col.1 In tlivllca.l ',2'i iww iioopinct oiiuli . . . ?-Kl.lut'V DUi'nir .. , 'iS-i.rioiu llcl.llttv l',OQ 30-1 rlimrv Wtaltnrti, Wetiluii CrJ. '.'J3 77-Urli, lla'FUT . . . I A Wall Paper for 1902 C. M. Newton has opened a Wall Paper Store in the Rennic Building and will carry in stock Wall Paper, Widow Shades, Room and Picture Moulding, and Sewing Machines. Will carry ready-made win dow shades, also a nice line of shade by the piece from which he will make any size to order. Will make Picture Frames and will very shortly have an outfit for the manufacturing of Rub ber Hand Stamps. Shall try to please all that patronize mc. J C. Rf. NEWTON. Pffl QUALITY SHOES Sprinjj Btyle of the famous Oueeii Quality Ladieb' Shoes. All tylcs, Hizes C, B, D, 15 nnd 1313 Plic bent Indies' shoo on earth. Ocstimoiiinls o;ivcn by m i II ion h ol idies who have worn these shoes. Indies in North Platte who have voni them invariably call for them ijjain. They don't cost any mort ban inferior Mines. Prict" $3 00 THE LEADER, J. PlZKK, PKOl T. W. VAN VIE, CARRIAGE PAINTER. Call and get prices. All work guaranteed. 11 in man Building Front Street IT HADE ."Cwlnrt 9f eacQaQaage90aso6eBOoeo09eeeeoeeo9cf I The Climate I Of Western Nebraska most money burned to paintiiif your house. cheapest in thp end. f Sherwin & Williams Paints Have been sold by us for many years, and they have irhen universal satisfaction time tried and not found wanting. We the spring trade. If it again; if you have A F STREITZ, Druggist ! )attaoaeoaa0seo0aooGocoeoooscQoaoooQocia W1!f , , in fvTorth lalle ftloar X XatjUfactliT-ect by lfoi-Li? Used by economical hovisewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Trial Sack ujiil Coijiriijce yoii of its njefit North Platte Roller Mills C p. IDDINCS PRO:-itSSIONAL CARDS J , H. IIOAOLAUD. V. IIOAOIiAND Koagland & Hoagland, TTOBEYS M3 COUKSELCFS Offlrfl oyer iUf. llulfmntiV Millinery Storo. SOUTH l'LATTt. - . NlIllltAHKA J1LCOK Sc. IIALLIOAN, ATTORNNYS-AT.EA W. OBTII rLATTE, . - . NKUnABKA UlBce ovnr North Pintle National Hunk. H. S. K1DOKLY, ATTOriNEV'-AT-TiAW. Ofllco McDonald Dloult, Dt-wey stroot NORTH I'LATTB, - NEUKASKA jU. O. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Platte, .... Nebrnslm A. II. DAVIS, A'PTOnNP.V. A T.T. A W NOItTII PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA UrnUy Block Rooms 1 A 2. W C. I'AlTEIiSON. i. Olllco over Yellow Front Shoe Store NORTH PLATTE. NKB. J E. ROCHE, A'lTORNEY-AT-LAW, HlNMAN UuOUK, Dhwkv Stukkt, JnT i'r.ATTK. NKIIKASKA. 11. E. MaCAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olllco ovor Huirman'B Millinery Storo INOIITII 1'I.AlTi:. - - KKHKABKA c V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Onices: North Platte Nntional Bank BuildinR, North Platte, Neb. P. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATIIIST, )Tfr rirt National llauk, NOHTII l'I,ATTn. . - NE1IRABKA. 9 R. J. F. SHUTE, DENTST. All llrnnrlipa at Tlnn tlslry Hc'lentlllcally done, jsiinms uxin (ins administered. Pennsylvania Collei; of Dental Sm-Kfry t Onice ivcr Wilcox licpt store, l'lione 131 MANS ERIE, The Tailor. (? lian iustoponod a now tailorlntr ustnbliHhmont nnd hitH now eamplos for Btiitn nleo uoos ropair worlc. Unll on him with now or old worlt nnd you will recoivo prompt at tention. Dewey et. up in Moreen ouildlnu. STEBBINS' STABLE. Liycry, Feed, Boarding and Sale NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to hay, 35 cents night; noon feed 15 cents. L. C. Stebbins, 'Phono 101. North PlntU', N ubrnskn is hard on paint and it is al use an inferior quality when e The best paint is by far the e have a full stock on hand for you have used it you will buy not used it, try it. iu M o o 1 9 e Pl.tlte Holici- fl)ills LEGAL NOTICE. Mararot Struthors, defendant, will ttilte notice thnt on the 11th day of Feb ruary, 1002. LarB P. Kronf?, plninlilT herein, tiled his petition In tho district court of Lincoln county, NobrnFKii. iiRiilnBt eaid dofondant tho object and prayer of which uto to eecuro a decno ciuiotintf ploiutili's titlo to tho followiri,' tlesorioi'd leal estate, viz: LotH 1,'i and II of Pectiou 2(1, in township 11, north of rniifro 3!2, west of lith P. M., and to can col ind declare satlslled a cortaiu mort Kaxo HBninst said protnipfp, dnled De cember lfith, 180H, tnndiSind deliverrd to tho dofendant by otfti .Mnthow L. Hrown, nnd recorded in tho clerlt'fl olllco of Bnid county in Hook 11 of MortgnKes on pnjjo 091. You nro roqulred to answer said peti tion on or before tho !21th day of JInrch 11)02. Dated February 11th, 1002. Latis P. KitoNti, plaintiff, by T. C. 1'ArrKiisos, fli -1 Ilin Attornrv. NO'l'IOK K0I1 I'UIII.HJAIIO.N. Lnnd omco nt North l'lnltp. Nob., rbrnnry H, ll. f Notice la hereby lvrn Ibat tlio follow ln-nniLKi dottier ban Dloil notice of bin Intention to iniik flunl proof lu ii wilt of bin olnlm, and thnt rntil proof will Im innilo before lti-Kter hud lleceb'T nt North l'latto, Neb., on Mnrch S21, HOI, vizi JAMK8 1'ATTKltHON, who mnilo lloruoMcnil Entry No. 17317, for the woet lmir noillnu'ft (Hurler ami vrcet Imlf Miutlr wi-Htfurlor it Hco. is, Town II, north of limine 80. WtMtOth 1'. SI. lie uimies the following wltnefrei to prove his continuous retlilenco upon ami cultlv.Ulou of i-alj litnl. viz A I. Hlrellz, F. W. ltlncl er. Ashley l'fcler aurt JniDMChauiboif, all of Worth I'IhIio, Neb I Hi) (iK.oiiiiK 11, Fnr.NCii. NOTlOr. 1 OH 1'UIIMOATION. Lnud UlUce nt North l'lntte. Neb., Mnrcli 4, Ult'i Notlco la hereby lven Hint tile follow lUK-nnuieil etlllnr linn tiled notice of his intention to make HiihI proof In support of his claim, nnd thnt wild proof will be iuhiIo before llelster ntid ltecelver it North l'lntle, Neb., on Apill Killi 1W2, vln CIlAltl.KH J, (IAM1IUKI. who mnde hmueitend entry No. 17.M0 for Ihe south halt of uortheiiKt iunrter nnd LoU 1 ami 2. tl'Otloii 4, lOHtieblp 111 uurth, rnrno ill wru litli lie linnscs thu following K'llllesre lo ptovo his conllliumm hkIi'oiico upon mid cnltlvnlloti of snld lnnd, viz: John 11, Fuller, lleniy 1). l'eilllp. Wllllmu H ltu mid KoLoi t J. Alwiizle, nil of Myrtle, Nub. i"7ll nio. V.. Flir.NCII, lleKloter. NOT1CF FOlt 1'OllMOATIOX. Lntnl otlloo at North l'lntte. Neb. Miirch H, llVM. Notice Is hereby Klveu thnt tho followltK-nninrd settler hns tiled nolico of his luteutlon to make llnnl proof In support of his clniin, und thnt snltl proof wilt be mnde before Ihe register nnd ro cttvor. U. 8. Lund Office, nt North l'lntte, Neb., on April 21, 1902, viz: THUMAS 1'KTEIIHKN, who mnde lioiLeeteail oiitry No. 1 7IE."., for Ihe noilheutt iiunrtur, seo.ill, town. 11, luorlh rnno 2il, west Mull p. m. Ilu numes tho followInK wllncsws to proye his continuous residence upon and cultivation of until lnnd viz: John Hansen, Jung Karmusxon, Chrlstlnu Johnson and Ernest Andrsoii, all of Denuiark, Nub. 0onn E. FiiENcn, llcgUtcr. NOTICE roll I'bllLlOATION. tand Olllcint North l'latto. Neb, i Fobruory 15, 1MU. Notice Is hereby Klven thnt tho following nimied settler hns Uled uollco of bis luteutlon lo luiiku flunl jiroof In support of hta clnlm and that said proot will bo mnoo before tho Iteftlster nnd lteretver, U. H. liuil OUlco at North l'lntte, Neb, oil April Jilli 1112, viz: OIIAItl.EH M. MCOIIEW llomoilead 1 nrly No 17121. for Ihe smilh hull northeast rmurler, Lois 1 aud .', fcotioif I), town tlilp IS, uorth of riiliKo '211, W. Dili p. m. Ullo names the follouliiK witnesses to prove h coiillimon,, rusldeuco upon und cultivation of said laud, viz: lleury l'ollett. John Toilet, t'nspar SIvlts, John h. McGrcw, all of North l'latto. Neb. . (lEonoK E, Fhhucii. ItuKlslcr. LEGAL NOTICE. Jacob L. Larrion, Mrs. Jnoob L. Liir mju, hm wife nnu L. 11. WHbou, defond. ants will take nolico that on tho 10th day of February, 1002, plaiutiir herein Hied hia petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nobruskn, njainst Bind defeudantH, tho object nnd prayer of which tire to forecloso two certain mort KfiROP, oxecuted hy tho dofendant Jacob L. Lurrou to tho plaintitr upon tho Houthenft quarter of section 5 in town ship 12 raiigo '11 Jwost of sixth p, m. and southwest iiunrterof soction 5 in.town ship 12 rnntro III west 0th p. in. re spectively, each of sold tportijut'eB being nindo to securo the pnyment of four promissory notes nB foMowsi Thrpp notes of 3100.00 enuh dated Deo. 1.190U and payablo iu 1, 2 and .' years after ditto and ono for 50.00 sumo date pay. nblo in four yonrs aftordnto. ihnt there is now due unon rnilil nntiu nn.l rbkoh 8700.00 with intorost from Mnreh 1, 1U01, and t in furtlmr for t'lxeH imid bv tilnmtiir PrOtlllBeH. tor whiuh nnma n il I. :.,l.,.,.t llllll ,'llHtu tilnlnliir .. .1 ...... v,u lur , duureo that defondants bo reijuired to pay th same, or thnt said proiuiBes may be sold to satisfy tho amount found due. "ton aro required to answer said potition on or boforo tho 21ih dnv nf March. 1002. ,m "V"1 "i ,T,r th P,ntu, Nobrasltn, this 10th day or February, 1902, 171 T c ' i. i:. f,IHSOi naintill. Hy T. O. Pattkiwox, HiH Attornoy. fllO rnn U(, RESTORES VITALITY Madoa WfMXL, Well Man THE nfM. riL'MI31tl llll 1 1 produnog tho abovo rcnlts In 30 day a. li uti powerfully auaQulcily. Curn whenSlofeerittlL .ll.-TectnTtSIbUMo-iV, h'&UDnt-01iofor8tu P5' irfcn"9 b- "artlnif t tho eeit oteM.Vi t.lVfH ?.crvt! ?nl 80,1 Mo ndcr7brlP ina Consumption. Insist on UTlna niiVIVo H m6nrf T ciTlel in mt pocket. By nuf Mi,0 p-. lx tor o.oo, wliliitToit iUo -written nnrnteo to enre nfrnta U0AL MfcDICINli CO.,'0;" Ior S-le by A I Stieiiy.' J. F. FILL.I0M, Plumber, Tinworker General Keimirer. Special attention iven to ran mim. WHEELS TO RENT ma jCAt-f. sn. u' "i I .71 1ST