mi - li EIGHTEENTH YEAH. NOltTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MARCH M, 1902. NO. J 5 mt f t 9 9 2 ? Electric Get our Special Proposition for Private Houses, and have your wiring done at once. OUR LIGHT IS Clean, Cheap, Convenient, Safe. Drop us a postal card, or call at office over Postoffice. LESTER 1"- 21 C" C"- w 2T". 2r ii iti l ii ito il if iii iff Spring Work On Farm, Garden and Lawn will soon begin and you may need tools and these we keep. There is scarcely anything' in this line we do not handle. In making- his repairs for spring work the tanner will need Bolts, Nuts, Nails, etc., and this is the place he should buy them. W Bulk Garden Seeds Will as usual be found at our store, direct from reliable growers. ii it Davis the Hardware Man Who no one Owes. to 5 H3 5 $ 2 S -J Five Cent Cigar TQ DONT SPEND $25.00 for new furniture if a 25c can of Satsuma Enamel will answer the purpose, and make things look swell. Wc have all shades of this popular enamel also enamel for bath tubs, bicycles and stove pipe. Wc are agents for Heath & Milli-gans-Best Prepared Paint. Think of it, over half a century in busincsss. Thats wJiat counts. TUG NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY Next iloor to First Natl. Hank. ::::::::::: J . STON13, Mar t t ' ' JOS. Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit- tinss and Bale Ties, Lightening Hay Press & Repairs t Locust St' JOHN BR ATT. JOHN BR ATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans & Insurance Idle rionoy Invested In (Jilt Edged Securities a: north platte. Nebraska. tmoforonoo:-Auy 23mlJt ili Light. W WALKER, Manager. S" w o ncm k' 0 im gs m Fresh seeds 5 f$ j$ HE 3 Tanks, Barb Wire. 6 NORTH FLATTE, NEB. t If. CDOUMArfi a: ADDITIONAL 10CAL. K. M. Dean, late of this city but now worKing at Umahn, writes that lie and Mrs. Dean are wei pleased with that city as a place of residence. James Hart, a former employe of the U. P. tinsliop, but who left last fall for L-emarp, Iowa, is expected back tonight and resume his old position. Mrs. Hart will arrive in a week or two. i The Misses Marie and Anna Kebliauseii and Mils Townsend will have their sale of decorated china and water colors at Warner Ktore beg i muni' Monday, March 17th, and lasting a week. farmers in the Platte valley pcc tion of the county arc now engaged tn getting the ground in shape for sugar beets. New contracts are be ing signed each week and the total in the county will not fall hhort of one thousand acres. II. S. Ferar, of the Grand Island sugar factory, is spending today at Sutherland interviewing farmers who will raise sugar beets this sea sou. About one hundred acres will be planted to beets in the intinedi- ate vicinity of Sutherland. ied McCrary, a brother of Mrs. II Hcrstiey of this city, had paraiyuc siroue a lew days ago at Kansas City, where he is practic nig law. Mrs. Hersliey went to Council Uluffu last night and will probably go to Kansas City. bam Farmer, who left Wallace precinct a year ago and located near IQsrom, Mo , has returned and will probably remain. The south western part of Missouri in which he located, is pronounced by him to be a L'ood countrv. and tlimmli ' r. there was a crop failure last year, it was the first known in forty years. County TrcasurerScharmann will follow out the instructions issued to him by the county commissioners last week, which arc that in the collection of dcliiHiuent ncrsonal taxes, no personal property can be found, he shall begin civil Btut against the delinquents and prose cute the same to iudirment. execu tion or garnishment as the case may require. Those delinquent in personal taxes will do well to pav promptly. The new base ball park at the eas. end of Fifth street was staked ! yesterday and last night the committee was authorized to close the contract for the lumber and have the fence erected without un necessary delay, A majority of the players have feigned contracts for the season and within another week it is hoped to have the team complete, although changes may be mane alter the season opens. It is the intention of the directors to give all local players a fair trial before making contracts with out- ide players, believing that home talent as far as possible Bhould be employed. Tor Snlo. Kight roam house six below, two above. Apply to Louis Peter. son. A Carload of BAUBEB WIRE Carload of WIRE to arrive this week, Don't buy till you get our prices. I lereafter these goods will be sold for CASH ONLY and at bottom prices. HARRINGTON & TOBi Sonjr and Lccturo Eutcrtniumont. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Ileveridge, the noted singing temperance evan gelists, will be in North Platte next Wednesday, March l')th, to give one of their unique song and lec turc entertainments. They com bine wit, pathas and fun it; their entertainments. They cannot be too highly commended. The press has this to say of them: "Mr. and Mrs. Deveridge have a repertoire that is practically limit less. Their selections are humor ous, but underlying them is a rugged temperance sentiment that is calculated to prove effective argument. They created a tremen dous enthusiasm and were ap plauded to the echo." Kvening Standard, New Bedford, Mass. Tickets on Hale at Arthur lloag laud's. Price 15 and 25 cents. Tho Kansas Populists. The "pie.couutet" populists of Kansas have been defeated in their effort to turn their party over to the democrats, but they are still hard at work trying to devise a practicable scheme for fusion. Their latest plan involves a joint meeting of the state committees of the two parties "for the purpose of advising together with a view of arecin;' upon a line of action that will unite the opposition to Hie republican party under the head ol Helium ,uit ucKei. iiim is so slight a change from the former pian ot amalgamation that the rank and file of the populist paity may be expected to oppose it with all the : jr that characterized Urn recent adverse action. The leaders arc determined to go over to the democracy, while a majority ol the rank and file want to lemaiu home where in the neighborhood of the middle of the road. The piospects for a long and costlv wranole within the never better. populist party Slate Journal. , fm - were There is an unusually large num ber of deaths in Nebraska this winter from paralysis. David City City Odd Fellows dedicated their handsome new hall Thursday. It cost $12,000. Two of Fullerton's three saloon men locked their doors against Carrie Nation the day she visited that town. The war department is thinking of sending sick soldiers to Ft. Nio brara where they may recuperate in Nebraska's ylorious climate. People of Howard county have Iresh cause for opposition to the governor. It ih the pardoning of Otto Warwick, who robbed thn Boelus bank. Ropublican City Convoution. The republican citv electors of the city of North Platte are re quested to elect delegates to a city convention to be held at the court house on Saturday evening, Match 15th at 7:30 o'clock for the mimosa of placing in nomination candidates tor ftlapor, City Clerk, City Treas urer, City Engineer also two candi dates for members of the ltnnul r.f education. The several wards are entitled to the following representation based on the vote for Supreme Jndire for 1901. 'Mrst ward q Second ward Third ward '' r. It is recommended that the ward cauctiRCH be held on Friday even. i ng, March M, at 7:30 at the usual voting places and that each caucus nominate a candidate for council man for its representative ward. A. s. Baldwin, Chrniu. II. S. Ritxir.i.Y, Secv. Garden Tools, Wc have: Spades, Shovels, IIocs, Rakes. All kinds and prices. Wilcox Dep&itfemenf! fee, BETWEEN THE RIVERS. J. M. Dwyer has been at the county seat on business the most ol the time for the past week. i ue itcrsney merchants are re ceiviuga good trade from ranch men in the hills both north and south. The prospects at the present tunc are that help in this locality win oe line "lien a tcellf' tlie com ing season unless it is shipped in from some other point. A. Coolidgc of the north side is at this time stopping with his daughter, Mrs. Hattic Calhoun, and children at Nichols, who is the wife of the late K. W. Calhoun. We understand that Dallas Wills of Belvidere will assist L. 13. Jones in his farm work the coming year. He is Mrs. Jonc's brother. J. W. Liles is still operating his corn shcllcr in the valley. He will shell on the Hersliey and Dillon ranches the coming week. The old irrigation canal Is being put in shape at this time to carry water when needed. Fanners are all b.isy in their Ileitis at different kinds of work at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Wiugatc of Wood River attended the funeral of R. W. Calhoun. The lady is his sis tir. tl. A. Staples and crew are bal ing hay over on the south hide at this time for parlies who will store U lor a time at least. The Paxton, Sutherland, Nichols and North Platte section crews were distributing ties along the line between the former and latter places from the woik train on Wednesday last. The operator at Hcrshey, who was promoted to day operator at Sutheiland, did not hold out long there and was returned to his former position at Hersliey. MiB Gertrude Smith of Herhhey! uas been t lie guest of county scat Irieuds this week, W. W. Birgc of North Platte lias leased his farm near the O'Fallon school house for this year to J. O. Cole. A large concourse ol sympathetic friends and neighbors from Nichols and vicinity attended the fvneral ol the late R. W. Calhoun of thai place at North Platte on Tuesday of this week. The amount of milk delivered at the Nichols creamery is daily in creasing. Will and Frank Loker returned to California this week. Tlmv we're accompanied by their brother Logan and wife. Nick Arte and Sidney Howard re cently left for the far west to grow up with the country. Wiml Primary. '1 he republican primary for the First ward will be held at the hose house on Friday cveninir. March CT 14 Hi at 7:30 for the purpose of se lecting five delegates to the city convention and nominating a can didate for council. J no. W. Amjxandkh, D. II. Wiiiti:, Committeemen. Curd of Thanks. To the friends at NicholB and North Platte who so kindly extend ed assistance to me during the sickness and at the funeral ol my late husband, I extend my most sin cere thanks. Their kindly help will ever be remembered. .Mrs. R. VY. Cauiopn Public- Notice Arrangements have been made to receive separator cream at the skimming station at North Platte. The price for the first half of March is 25 cents per pound for butter tat. For particulars sec Frank Tuffs, our agent here. Alt,o aycut lor the I)c Uaval cream separator. BCATHICi: CmiA.MKKV Co. Notice to Tcaohoru. Since the meeting ot the Lincoln County Teachers' Association con flicts with the regular teachers' ex amination, I will hold examination for teachers Friday and Saturday forenoon, March 14th and 15th, 1902. Oscar W. Nkau:, County Stipt. THE Millers' Association Does Not Set Our Price On Flour, We Do. Gothenburg; Meat Patent per sack; $i,oo Snow Flake Patent per sack ,90 Family per sack 80 Red Seal Patent per sack... 1,00 Jewel Patent per sack yo Corn Meal 25-lb sack 40 Yeast Foam 2 pkys 05 On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 Cox's Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs. . .25 beetled Kaistns per lb 10 Evaporated Raspberries per lb 30 Sago per lb , 07 Tapioca per lb 07 Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch per pkg; OS Kingfords Corn Starch .OS Strawberry Heets 3-lb can . . .15 Anderson's Jams per can. .. .10 Uil Sardines per can 05 Mustard Sardines per can . . .05 kaglc Condensed Milk 18c 2 cans 35 Ammonia per bottle 09 English Walnuts, No. 1 Soft oncw per id 15 Kerosene Oil per gal 15 Vinegar per gal 20 White Wine Vinegar 25 Walter Baker's Cocoa ;41b can is Walter Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 pkgs 35 Swifts Extract of Beef 2-oz. .35 Rex Extract of Beef 2-oz. . . .35 K C Baking Powder 10-oz can .08 KCBaking Powder 25-oz can .20 K CBakingPowdcr50-ozcan .35 K C Baking Powder 80-ozcan .55 blullings Best Baking Pow .In.. 1-11. dcr 1-lb can 35 Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing per bottle 20 lfi-oz Eddy's Liquid Blue... .15 5c Paddle Bluing 04 10c Paddle Bluing 07 Full Cream Cheese per lb. . '.15 Mica Axle Grease 8c, 2 boxes .15 Sunflower Axle Grease per lloz 40 ABC Soda Crackers 22-lb1 boxes perlb Oyster Crackers 22-lb boxes Per lb Family White Fish per pail 70 JStorc open evenings until eight o'c lock. H1H hr n tutu Wilcox Dcparlmciil Store SIZE IIIM UP after we have fitted a man to a new spring suit or overcoat and you will find neither fleck or Haw on style, fit, finish or fabric. Our styles are all the swcllcst and most correct, our fabrics are novel and exclusive, out fit perfect, and the style of our clothing exquisite. When wc fit you to a suit it is above re proach. Time now for your Easter suit. Cleaning and repairing a specialty. F. J. BROEMER. 1