The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1902, Image 4

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    - - - Tj
Local News in Brief
Offlea 07r Strelti'i Draff Stare.
John TafTe spent a day or two in
Omaha this week.
C- P. Kosft and his deputy went
to Herahey to do some surveying
for W. A. Paxton.
Mm. Ed Storm will learc in a
day or two for a ymit with relatives
in Council IJIufTa.
Painting and Papering neatly
done. Work guaranteed.
Wnv SllAI'riiU.
Music! Music! Music! the air is
full of it. Talking machines at
every other door, but Ooolittlc's tliu
place to buy them, lor tile place to
buy Music Goods is at a Music
Miss Josephine Goodman was
tendered a surprise party Wednes
day evening by the pupilH of her
rojm, the occasion being her birth
anniversary. The evening was a
pleasant one for Miss Goodman as
well as the pupils.
The meetings at Unitarian hall
conducted by Kranelist Gregg are
attracting extra large audiences
and great interest is manifested.
The members are now making an
effort to secure a pastor lor the en
suing year.
W. II. Milliard and Judge Jainc
Neville were m town Tuesday on
matters pertaining to the iinat
Rcttlernent of the Keith estate.
The final report of Mr. Milliard
was accepted by the counsel lor the
estate and the administrators dis
charged, The report of Mr. Milliard
showed that about sixty thousand
dollars worth of personal property
had ben sold, and every cent in
volved in the transactions properly
accounted for by Mr. Milliard
The report was made out in a very
complete manner.
Millers' Association
Does Not Set
Our Price
On Flour,
We Do.
Gothenburg Hcnt Patent
per sack $1.00
Snow Flake Patent per sack ,'JO
Family per sack HO
Kcd Seal Patent per sack... J. 00
Jewel Patent per sack 'JO
Corn Meal 25-lb sack -10
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
Cox's Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs . . .25
Seeded Kaisins per lb 10
ICvaporatcd Raspberries
tier lb 30
Sago per lb 07
Tapioca per lb .07
Kinirsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per pkg 08
Kinyfords Corn Starch .08
Strawberry Ileets 3-1 b can . . .15
Anderson's Jains per can... .10
Oil Sardines per can 05
Mustard Sardines per can . . .05
IOagle Condensed Milk 18c.
2 cans 35
Ammonia per bottle 0'J
Knglish Walnuts, No. 1 Soft
Shell per lb 15
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Vinegar per gal 20
White Wine Vinegar 25
Walter Halter's Cocoa lb
can 25
Walter linker 'tt Chocolate
18c, 2 pkgs 35
Swifts Extract ol Ueef 2-oz. .35
Kcx ICxtrnct of Hcef 2-o. . . .35
K V Halting Powder 10-oz can .08
KClUking Powder 25-OC can .20
K ClJakmg Powder 50-oz can .35
K C Jlaking Powder 80-ozcan .5
Shillings Host IJaking Pow
der 1-1 b can 35
Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing
per bottle 20
lb-oz Kddy's Liquid ltlitu. . . .15
5c Paddle Ultiing 0
10c Paddle Uluing 07
Full Cream Cheese per lb. . .15
Mica Axle Grease 8c, 2 boxes .15
Sunflower Axle Grease per
doz .10
A H C Soda Crackers 22-lb
boxes pcrlb
Oyster Crackers 22-lb boxes
per lb (if 4
Family While Fish per pail 70
ayStorc open evenings uuti
eight o'clock.
Wilcox Dip'tiiicni Slow.
Who Makes Yours?
fUITIC an important question if you .like GOODTrous
JL era. Did you ever try a pair of our finely tailored
They stand the wear and tear, the sit-down and get-up
Hlrain. Here is their guarantee; wc stand back of every
pair and the maker stands back of us.
Ciy You buy a pair of Dutchess all-wool
Trousers and wear them two months,
Iki"" and for every suspender button that Ta
comes off we will pay you 10 cents.
i!P If they rip at the waist wc will give "Sft
you 50 cents; if they rip up in thescat
n9u. or elsewhere we will pay you one dol-
lar or give you a new pair.
Our Show Window
Has just been trimmed with a line of these
pants of which wc arc justly proud. We
want you to look at them compare them with other
pants, compare the style of the garment, the con
struction, the general make up and see if you can
not sec the difference; and then the price, too
$2, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4, $4.50, 5.00.
Come try them on; if wc fail to satisfy you that The
Star sells the best pants, that is our fault; if you go else
where and pay more, that is your fault.
Star Clothing House.
Clinton wilt have a crab sale
Saturday, March 15th.
Piatt White transacted buniiicHH
in Lexington yesterday.
Rev. D.iluv mid will wont In
David City yenterday morning.
Rev. Seihurt held ljtitlinrnn nir.
vices at Paxton Tuesday evening.
V. D. Hover. Ifliuhn'mer.
Howe's furniture Store. Niirht
call Telephone 90.
Amonir tliu arlicluH nl Cliutnn'j
irrab sale will be an S1K hievcle
either ladies or gentleman's.
The Hpiscopal choir will give a
Itlili-Lctlt Hiinir nei-vice nt flic
cuurcu next Mintiay evening.
N. II. McCorklu moved
day into Mrs. Langfonl'rt new
uoiiHc on wesi i ouriu street.
Kev. Wimberly returned yotet
day from Paxton, where he" nllici
aled at a wedding the evening be
fote. Klmcr Haker was down from
Cheyenne Tuesday on matters per
taining to the linal settlement of
the Keith estate.
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Ware went
to (luthrlc, OU1 , Wednesday night,
having been called there by the
death of a niece. They will be
absent about live days.
Talking Machines, Guitars,
Haujop, Mandolins, Violins, Ae
cnrdcoiis, llarmouices, Jewshnrps
All kinds of instrument Htriuirs,
Sheet Music, Songs, Piano Music,
Mandolin and Guitar Music, M.usic
Polios, Music Paper at North
Platte's Music Store, Doolittle's.
A Mr. Chapman, ol Ouster
cjunty, was in town Tuesday
sounding the republicans on the
possible reiiomination of Governor
Savage. He steered clear ol this
ollice, but wc understand ho re
ceived no ciicoutngcincnt whatever.
Mist. Mary Greenlee will organ
ize a class of piano and orian
pupils at her home on west Fifth
Talking Machines, did you say I
Well I should say ye, at Dnolittle's
Hook and Munc Store. It in liMriti.
mate line at North Platte's Music
Thos. Uurch, charged witli steal
ing a harness from the Cody ranch
was tound guilty ot larceny by the
district court jury Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. White left
vesterdav mornitnr lor T
Arizona, in response to a message
staling mat. a relative was verv ill
New samples for spring and sum
mer suits Irom Fred IvnuiTm:iu
American Tailor, of Chicago, are
uere. vjome in and nee them.
A. P. Cakuson, Agent
If you have no other church
home, you are cordially invited
to worship with the" Presby
teiians next Sabbath at all the se'r.
Vices. Come, also to the mid-week
service on Wednesday evening.
M. O. Audrcwson left Tuesday
night for Omaha where he will at
tend lectures and examination); mi
embalming for a week or ten days.
v rum uiiiuiiu ue win go to miuue
apolia to visit friends.
Wall Paper, all grades, elegant
uesigiiH. au iresii ivii-J slock. Ni
old pattern. Lowest prices
Howe's Furniture Store.
J. R. White, of Siller. Ill . whn
was in town Tuesday, purchased
tue uosteiter larm west of Her.
shey of the North Platte L. & V.
Co. lor a consideration of about
four thousand dollars. There nr.-
101) acres in the place, nearly all ot
winch can be irrigated, with good
oui i ii i ii ir. and a line orchard. P
D White, brolher ot the purchaser
will rehide on the farm.
JJuite a liberal variety of the
new Spring Shoes are here,
ready for you to admire and
Women's Shoes and low Shoes
in Kid and Patent Leathers in
styles and sole weights, for both
dress and street wear.
Low Shoes . . $1.50 to $2.50
High Shoes.... $1.65 to $4.00
The Men's Shoes are here in a
pleasing range of shapes and
Such satisfactory leathers as
Via Kid, Phoenix Kid, Box Calf,
Enamel Calf, Patent Kid and
Patent Leather.
Men's Victor Shoes . . . $3,50
Four Leathers, Six Styles. .
V J. -..
Ballasting to be Resumed.
Grading a ill ballasting on the
west end ot tbe Western District ot
the Union Pacific will be resumed
aa early as tbe weather will permit.
A large gang of men will be put on
and tbe work pushed forward with
all possible baste, the desire of the
company being to finish that part
of fie Nebraska divisioii a$ early
as possible.
II. D. Luce, night foreman of
the round house, went to Denver
W. J. Ilendy has been acting as
night round-bouse foreman during
the absence of 11. D. Luce.
Tom Lynch, who is working at
Cheyenne," has been spending this
week with North Platte friends.
II. 12. Moore has passed the
necessary examination and will go
on the road as a passenger brake
man. Earl Owens has accepted a
position in the store department
made vacant by the transfer ot
Karl Lambert to the oil house.
Joe Mink has resigned his
position as passenger brakeman on
the Western District and will prob
ably go west to "grow up with the
P. W. Sitton has resigned his
position as passenger brakeman on
the North Platte'Clieyenne run. He
is undecided as to what he will do
in the future.
Agent Gcngc has many inquiries
relative to the reduced rates to
Pacific coast points, and bethinks
jne hundred tickets for those points
will be sold at the local othee
(Juite a number ot tickets have al
ready been sold.
II. G. Kitter, ol the boilcrshop,
was struck in the lei t eye Wednes
lay forenoon with a Hying chip of
iron which cut it rather badly. He
consulted Dr. McCabe, who advised
dim to go to Omaha to an oculist
md he went down that night.
James Burns of Sidney and Jas.
Ponegan of this city have taken
the examination ior hosiers and
.vhen the present hosiers go back
in the road as engineers, Burn
ind Donegau will probably be iu
itallcd as permanent hosiers.
Since the Union Pacific inaugu
rated the cheap fare to Pacific
oast points, passenger traffic has
greatly increased. No, 5 Wed ties-
lay morning consisting of fourteen
:arp, and No 3 the followinir niirht
iad five extra coaches attached.
Frank Tracy and Georce Vroman
Afere in Omaha this week and con
terred with General Manager Dick
inson in regard to local B. ot L. 12
natters. We understand that in
the matter ot haying C. L. Black
e-instated the committee received
no encouragement.
A Frotty Opera.
Prominent in the libt of the mo3t
important offerings of the season
is "Jack and the Beanstalk" which
to be given at the opera house
next Tuesday evening, March 11th,
when with all the wealth of the
original production and includinL'
in excellent cast of well known
characters, "Jack" will no doubt de
light the patrons of our playhouse
as heretofore all over the country
ICach act abounds with iudei-crit
able interest, thereis much delight.
ful music, a score of beautiful
-.'iris, dazzling tcenes, wonderful
nechunical and electrical etf'ct,
gorgeous costume", intricate
marches and bewildering ballets.
m fact there is as much in this rare
"dTermg as would const itute a half
dozen other attractions, and well
uiitcd to all classes, including the
moBt critical taste.
Notlco to Toaoliers.
Since the meeting n the Lincoln
-onnty Teachers' Association cou
licts with the regular teachers' cx
unination,I will hold examination
for teachers Friday and Saturday
forenoon, March Mth and 15th,
County Sttpt.
Union Services.
The M. 10. and Christian church
nngregations will join m a union
,ervice next Sunday evening at the
M. 10. church. Kvangeliist Samuel
Gregg will preach. Subject: "Vol.
anoes of Moral Corruption."
Special music.
Watch Clinton's window for grab
sale articles.
Clarence Alexander, of Cheyenne,
has been in town tor a few days
visiting friends.
Mis.s Cora and Lorcn Sturgcs at
tended the wedding of a friend at
Paxton Wednesday evening.
Si Alexander, who was secretary
of state iu the early S0V, but now
in the insurance business, renewed
acquaintance with friends in town
Loren Sturgea brought iu a lot ol
buffalo fish vesterdav from tlw ini.-
on his ranch north of the river.
They were of good size and found
a ready sale at McGlone's.
Gcorire Malonev 1ms rtrft f mm
the firm of Laudgral it Malouey
iiuu uiu ousiuess will tie conducted
by Mr. Landgraf. Mr. Malouey
will probablv seek a location in the
f 1 Ui E."OTVlt;!!l
Sold SSfince Aug. Sst
only tends
them at right
salt and canned, just received. Anything you want
during LENT can be found at our store clean
and free from dirt.
Try a Can of SEAQUADS.
Just the thing for parties and lunches. A sea food
relish. Something new. Only 15c a can.
Here is a Proposition You
Cannot Allow to Pass Unnoticed.
Cut out the price list on Groceries advertised Z2
by our competitors and bring same to us. Pick ZS
out the goods you want and wc will not only
sell you a superior article for the same money, Z2
but will give you in addition to same one Rand- J-J
McNally Book Check for every 25c worth you
purchase for cash. Limit of checks given at 2
any one purchase 2U chccksorSo worth of goods rs
I Harrington & Tobin. I
, . j
li. II. Laugford of this city has
prepared an exceedingly fine kc
ture for the late, lamented Presi
dent McKinley which he contem
plates delivering nt different towns
111 this and other states. He has
already had several invitations to
go to different towns in Indiana
and the Marquette Club of Chi
Cigo is corresponding with a view
to have the lecture given iu that
city Mr. Laugford is an effective
speaker and his lecture will un
doubtedly bo a success.
Murphy's Varnishes.
No. 1 Coach Varnish per gal Sl.'JU
Coach Varnish per gal l.bO
Furniture Varnish
per gal 1.20
No. 57 Light Haul Oil lMn-
ish per gal 1.40
Liquid Wood Killer
per gal 1.10
No. 40 Dry Japan per gal. . . 1.10
Transparent Kloor
Varnish per gal. 2.15
Transparent Wood
Finish, Interior
per gal 2.15
The above in Gallon Cans and
price is for unbroken packages
only .
DeVoes Mixed Paints per
k'll-- $1.60
Linseed Oil 75
Wilcox Department Store,
retail 545.5 (i
That people appreciate good articles jj
when they see litem is atteatecl by the (J
fact that we have sold forty-seven jj
Ranges since August isst, and we are (
selling them right along, But Ranges jjj
are not ah; our sales of Mealing Stoves to
have been very large. This business W
to show that we carry to
It to
Line of Pish
The defemlantH, Alfred O. I'roy, Cliinv
II. l'rcy. liiH wife, nnil Mellaril Hi.o, ie.u
iminu unknown, win tnku notice that nn
IIh 11th luy of November, 1001. the
plaintiff, tho county of Lincoln, a corpo
nitlon, llloil ltn petition In tliu district
ei.urt of Lincoln county, Ncur.iHku. the
object and prayer of which. Ih to foreclose
certain tax Ileus, duly assessed by said
Ida iitlft against tho nV. swU of section
ir, in township 10, north of ranse 34, wrst
of sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for
tho year 1S93, in tho sum of $M.: for the
jear 1M)I, in tho sum of Jll.o;; ror the year
lt5. In tho sum of J1UI; for tho cur lS'JO.
Iu the sum of $IO.f.G; for tho year 1S87, In
tliu siiin of $7.JS; for tho year lbiiS, iu the
mini of f-,.C7; for tho year noy, in tho sum
of vs; for tho year 1P00. In tho sum of
amounting in the total sum of JC0.17.
Willi ttil. tost on the sum of JI3.5S, nt the
rate o ten per cent per annum from the
1st day of Novmber, 1901, all of which Is
duo and unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien ami a sale of said premises.
ou and ouch of you defendants .are re
quired to answer said netltlon on or !.-.
foro Monday, tho 21th day of March. 1WI2.
(A Corporation.)
ny II. S, niDOiSLY. Its Attorney.
Tho defendants, John Curvlll. Mrs. John
I'nrvlll, his wife, Mrst real nnmo un
known, V. C. Staploton, Mrs. D, C, Stu
pleton, his wife, ilrst real nanio unknown,
and Hlchard Hoe. real name unknown,
will tnko notlco that on tho Ith duy of
November. 1WI, tho plaintiff, the county
rf Lincoln, a corporation, Hied its petition
in tho district court of Lincoln county.
.Nobraska. the object and prayer of which
N to foreclose certain lax Hens, duly as
sessed by Biild plaintiff apalnst tho swU
neV4 sou nwVi w4 seVt of section 2, in
township 10. north of ranjre 3.1. west ot
sixth prlnolpal meridian. Nebraska, for
ihe year lb02. In tho euin of $15.61; for the
year 1S93, In tho sum of $13.03; for tho year
JKU. In the nun of $9.S2: for tho year 1835.
hi the sum or J5.7S; for the year 1W0. ill
Uio suit! of U.8U; for the year 1&U7. In the
V"'i idis, i f.or 11,0 'onr 'SSii. "iu sum
i'i J3,8.81 f?.r t,le 'enr ISW tho sum of
$3.30: for the year w. In tho sum of $2,
unutintlnK In tho total sum of $71.33. with
Interest on tho sum of $I7.S) at tho rate
" ,m' Jer cent per annum from tho 1st
lay of Heptember. 1901, nil of which Is due
and unpaid.
I'lalntlff prays a decree of foreclosure of
mn tax llt-n und a salo of said premises,
ton and each of you defendants are ro
iiulred to answur wild petition on or bo-
,oru Miai,W'C,rjuN,T,v"; ifiN'a:502-
nnr h ninnKLV.i(ACt0Xrea,tlnn