The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 25, 1902, Image 1

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    to Jlortlt
NO. 10
In order to guard against the spread of con
tagcous diseases all dwellings should be
thoroughly disinfected after every case. It
moving into an old house, you know not
what disease germs may be lurking in the
place. Protect yourself and family by hay
ing the place disinfected. Formaldehyde is
recognized bv the scientific world as the
most powerful disinfectant known and
and when used judiciously will destroy all
known bacteria without injuring furnish
ings in the room. Experience is required
to do the work properly. Half way meas
ures will not avail .
W. D. Hoover, at Howe's Furniture Store,
is provided with a Formaldehyde Generator
of the latest and best pattern, and is pre
pared to do disinfecting by the most ap
proved up-to-date method.
Form a Circuit.
Messrs Warner, Klcliarcla ana
Cunningham returned Friday even-
inp from Kearney where they at
tended a meeting of the base ball
associations. At tlii meeting
Cheyenne, North Platte, Kearney
and Shelton were represented, and
Grand Island and Minden will also
be included in the circuit, which
will be known as the Union Pacific
Base Ball circuit. Another meeting
will be held some time next month,
when a schedule ol panics will be
made and officers elected. The
seasou will open the latter part of
The rules adopted provide mat
the visiting team sball be entitled
to two fames in succession. Grand
Island, Slielton, Kearney and Min
den shall pay the visiting teams
S.V7.50 each lor two succensivc
North Platte, Neb., Feb. 15, '02.
The following resolutions were
adopted by Platte Lodge No. lib.
Brotherhood of Boiler Makers an-J
Iton Ship Builders, of North Platte,
Vui:ui:as, By the present method
of employing labor in the navy
yards, mechanics and laborers arc
no longer discriminated against by
reason of their political proclivi
ties, thereby eliminating all favor
itism, there no longer exists any
good reason why the building of
vessels ot war should not be prose
cuted as economically and expedi
tiously in the various navy yards
of the country as the same can he
done by private contractors, and
Wnr.KUAS, We icel satisfied that
the assignment of a portion of this
work to the navy yards would en
able a ..lnnrer proportion of the
Howe's Furniture More.
Did you ever stop and figure
that small savings amount to a
great deal in a short time?
That when you buy a spool of
Thread or a spool of Silk of us
for 4c instead of paying our com
petitors 5c for the same thing
you have saved 25c on the dollar.
Or that French Ginghams bough
of us at 10c a yard of the same
quality that our competitors get
2yic for saves you 25c on the
dollar. Mctnl Hack Combs
bought of us for 8c instead of the
10c you usually pay is 25c on the
dollar saved. Pins bought of us
for 2c a paper instead of 2 for 5c
games, North Platte will pay 50 00 . tmctA of tlie colMltry to participate means 25c on the dollar. Water
wU of section 2S, In towrmhln 9. north or
rntiKoZS, went or sixth principal mcriuinn,
Nebraska, for tlio year 1W3, In tho sum of
115.M: for tlio yenr 1KHS In tho sum of
2..; ror mo year ivm, in mo aum m
110.02s for tho year 1WS, In tlio stttn of
7,K: for tho year 1S99, In tho num of 1(1.10.
itmountlnK In tho total sum of 1GI.D2. with
intcrcHt on tno bum or w.s.i m mo ram m
ten per cent per annum rrom mo isi nay
of April, 1501, all of which Is iluo nml tin-ll'-.
. .
rinintiri pray n uecreo oi lorcciosurti in
rnltl tax lien unit a salo ot said promises.
You ami oneM of yon iieiemianin aro rc
uulreil to answer snld petition
torn Montlny, tho Slth dny of March, 1P02.
Tlll'J I'UUNTl Uf lJliNJUWi.
(A Corporation.)
lly It. 8. MDOHLY, its Attorney.
e eoe
Real Estate, Loans Insurance
Idle Honey Invested In (lilt Edged Securities
aurl Cheveiine 80.00. In aclilitton
to tliese Bums the home team shall
pay the hotel bills of the visiting
teams. The manager ol each team
puts up a guarantee of fifty dollars
that he will cartv out the agree
ment made. If rain prevents a
game, the visiting team will receive
the same amount as though the
game had been played. The home
team shall iurnish the umpire. No
manager will be allowed to hire a
player of another team without
permission ot the player's manager.
in the bent-fits of the eight-hour day
without corresponding loss to the
government, therefore be it
Hcpolved, That our senators and
reptc-tciitatives in Congress are
earnestly requested to assist in
having inserted in the naval ap
propriation bill authorizing the
construction of war ships a provi
sion that some of the vessels pro
vided lor in such bill shall be con
structPd in the navy yard of the
At Cost
From now until all Sold
Tho defendants, W. H. Unldwin. Mrs.
W. II. Ilalilwln, his wife. Ilrst real name
unknown, and Klclinrd Hoe. real name
unknown, will tnko notlco that on tho 4th
day of Novembor, 1'JOl. thu plaintiff, the
euunty of Lincoln, n corporation. Illetl lib
petition In tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, the object and pmyoi
ot which Is to forecloso certu'.n tax lions
duly assessed by salil plalntllt nmiinst tin
nw'i of section 11, In township it. north o
raiiK'o 31. west ot sixth principal meridian
Nebraska, tor tho year lb'J5, In the sui.
of 118.1U: for tho year ISM, In the sum c
121.03; tor tho year U97. In tho sum t.
J10.63; for tho year MS, In tho sum o
Jlu.ul; for tho year lfcffl, In tho sum
for tho yeiir li'On. in tho sum of Jj.'j
iimountlnK I" tho totul sum of Jbl.lS, wl
Inteiest on tho sum of JiiJ.42 at tlio ra
of ten per cent per annum from tho 1
any of September, 1901. all of which Is d.
"TMaVmiinirnys a decree of foreclosure
said nix lien and a salo of Haiti premise
You and each of you defendants are n
uulreti to answer said petition on or Ik
fore Monday, the Win day of March. 1W2
(A Corporation.)
Hy H. S. ItlDGELY. Its Attorney.
Tho defendants.. the Sullivan S. Mnp
Institution, Jl. Umerxon and Hluhurd Koi:
u ml name unknown, will tuko notlee ttia
on tho 4th day of November. 1W1. lb'
nlalntlff, tho county of Lincoln, u cor
poratlon. tiled its petition In the dlairlci
court of Lincoln county, NebiaHka. tin
object Hint prayer of which Is to forcchiM
eertaln tax liens, duly asscsHed hy wild
plaintiff against the e,? seU of .S0P' if TT.
n ttiwnsbrp 10, north of raiiKe ii, west o
sixth principal merltllan. Nebraska, ft.
tho year 1S!U. In the sum of f5.02: for tnt
v"nr m. in tho sum of t2.W: for tho yoiu
1S35. In tho sum of J5.0.S: for tho year 1W.;
In tho sum of U ", for tho year 1JS8. In
nf ji if,: for tho vear lb'jO. In tin
sum of 11.75; for the year 190), In tho sum
of 11.01; mm also lo loreciuso euriiun
liens, duly assessed by said plalntin
acalnst the w',4 sw',i of section 23, li
township W. north of ranKg 33. west, ol
sixth principal merldlnn. Nebraskn, foi
Hi,, vear 1S9 i, in the sum of ..02; for tin
venr lb!3. In the sum of 2.!9: for the yoai
i-c I., tin. uiiin nf IC.dS: for tho vear ISO.
1.7 ,.. uiiin nf 14.77: for the venr 1S9S. In
th,. turn of tl for the year U99. In the
sum of 91.7Q; for tho year 1900. In the sum
nt ti oi. iimountlni; In tho total Bum ol
U6.W with Interest on tho sum of va a'
tho r'ato of ten ier cent per nnnum from
ih. iki due of Rentember. 1901. nil ol
.L-i.ini. ia iiu und unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure ol
said tax lien and a sale of said promises
You and oacn or yo i iifieiiuamn nru n
.,,,ir.,,i ir nnuwrr said m-tltlon on or be
fnrn.Mondav. tho S4th day of March 1902
Tho defendants. Michael M. Conley
Mrs. Miui.icl M. Coniey, His wife, lust
real naino iinKnown. anil luenaru iwe,
leal naino unknown, win take nonce tuui
ni i in lit i tin v ot rsovemuer. iswi, uiu
iiniliitiif. tho eou lit v ot Lincoln, acoipuia
,10I1. Illetl 11H llUllllun III lliu uini.iut .
or Llticolii county, isoimiiJKa, mo ooj.ui
.mil prayer of winch is to iurcioso iiv
.niii inv iiuiih. iluiv nssesseti iy sain piiiui
uf nimnim. too nv,L ot section 8, 111 low II-
lup Vi, liiirin ot latiKo :;i, weai of sum
.niiieiiial meridian, WcbrnsKii. lor nit
.imi' iv.n. in the sum of; tor mo
,eur Ufj. In the uuni of J.lo; tin" thu y ui
in tii.. mini ut iio.i: lor tlio "ii
0'J7. In the sum of VJ.10; tor thu year i-J
. ih Muni iii lor thu year MM, in
.i k,ini ,,i Mi. 1.1 : lor tlio lear V, in Hu
uin m 2.ul; ami uiso iu lorecluso cerium
j.x. Hens, uuty assessetl by said piaiiuiu
aiilnst the se',i of section Si, In tuwusuip
. north of raiiKe ji, west of sixth pun
mil meridian. Nebraska, lor tho y- .u
j.i. In inn sum ot Mi!..t; lor Uio year 1 :n,
. tlio sum ni J'.i.J'j. lur thi' eur Wis, in
.o sum i.i lor the ear wsi. m 'he
.mi ot (;..!!: ior tin- year VJn. in nu- sum
,i i.t,i. iiinouiniuu in too loi.u sum
ys.i9. Willi IlllelfHl oil tile hillll ot io.!iti
it tlio rate or ten per cem per iinnuin
inm tint lHl .lav oi .soveliilier, 1W1, an
.r uhii'ii U inn. nml iiiiniilil.
l'liiiniiir nraM a ileelee ol roreciOSIirt' oi
said lux lien nun it stile of said promisi'n
i mi 1, ml ,.iii: i ni vuu i elentiaiits are
inn i'ii in uiNv.-iir k.iui netllion on or in-
.ore .Moiit uv. the 241 II nay "l .tiurcii. iwi.
Tl i CUl'.M V Jl' I,1NL'UI,..
(A Corporation )
lly II. S. K1DUHLY. lis Attonie.
Hold a Bantiuet.
B. I. Ilinman Hose Co. No. 2
held a banquet at the Vienna Fri
day evening, at which were present
the members, and a few ex-members
ot the company, Mayor
Walker, Cotincilmen Lloyd, Iddings,
Nenhart and Sullivan, Judge Hiu
man and the writer. The mem
bers assembled at the hoe house
and with their guests entered the
Vienna u at nine o'clock. Here
coyers were laid for thirty, and t lie
spread served by the proprietors,
was certainly a most creditable
one, the menu embracing a large
number of choice dishes nicely pre
pared. The banqueters did full
justice to the spread.
Will Artz occupied the toast-
master'a chair in lieu of John Dick,
who had been selected tor that
position but was out of town. An
address ot welcome was delivered
by Robert WeckF, loreman of the
company, wit u a response oy coun
cilman Isenliart. Mayor Walker
responded to "The Fire Depart
mknt," Mr. Iddings to "The Rene-
(itsoflhe Department" and P. H.
Sullivan well told several stories
and read a list of puns on the
company and the guests which he
had written, and which were de
cided hits.
Judge Ilinman, after whom the
company was named, rcspontieti to
a toast in which he highly compli
mented the boys. Brief remarks
were made bv Councilman Lloyd,
Ben Davis, Al Babbitt and this
Taking the event as a whole it
was a most successful one and cer
tainly highly appreciated by the
guests, all of whom feel justly
proud of this company, as well .is
the entire lire department, and who
ever stand ready to give all possi
ble assistance iu every way.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Goodwin
Hershev were visitinir friends
Noith Tlatte last Saturday.
W. T. Miller will take charge of
the J. R. White farm, which he
purchased some time ago, the first
of the cominir month. D
who has rebided on the farm for
the past two yearn, will move to
the Chas. McAllister farm that he
has leased for this year.
Ellis McCord and family aie at
this time located on their farm
just went ot Ilershey
proof Urcss Jhnding bought o
uh for 8c a yd. is 25c on the dol
lar better than paying our coin
pctitors 10c for it. Shetlam
Kloss bought of us at 8c a skein
saves 25c on the dollar over 10c
skein. We could go on and fill
whole pag-e with like instances
We hear of our competitors giv
ing premiums and discount.sales
Did vou ever stop to think that
this store gives premiums ant
discounts as compared with the
prices you pay our competitors
every hour of the day, the store
is open from one year's end to the
other and that premium and dis
count is left in cash in our
B. White, customers' pockets.
Wilcox Departal Store
rrl,,i ,1r.-,n1iiiitu .lnulitu n Illnlmv. Mru.
Liirht shipments of baled hay are jusius . lilehey,' his wife, ilrst real name
1 .1 ....1, ......... lfl,.l,,,.l lift.. ,,,til ,..,,(. mi.
1, 11IV II, HI,,. ,ltUI.III.I ,v,t.
tuat on tun urn
Spring Goods,
Most of our Spring Goods
arc now in and buinjr placed
on our shelves. Our stock of
Dress Goods, Wash Goods,
White Goods, Laces and Em-
Tho ilefentlants, Alfretl . Prey, Clara
il. Trey, his Wife, anil Hleharil Hoe. real
iiimtt unknown, will take notice that on
.he llth tlay of November, IWl, the
.ilalntllt. tlio rotinrv of Lincoln, a corim
atlon. Illetl Its nctltli.n In tlio .list I let
nitr, rt I l,,r.l,, itimnli' Vn i n, Hit II fill,
ihjuct ami prayer of winch ih to foreclose, broiders, etc. , arc much larp-
.ertu ii tax llenH. ilnlv assesbetl by salu '
jlalntllT ncalnst the n't. sw'-i of section
.ft. in towiisiun li). north or ranuo 6. west
jf sixth prlncial inerltllaii, Nebruskn. for
no yenr lMU, in tho sum of Jltl.ll; for tlio
,ear Kn, lu tho sum of Jll.fJ; for the ear
ik'.i,,. in tne sum of 111. 31: fur tlio year ivjii,
n the sum of $l0.rl; for the year JU7. lu
Jin Minn uf $71-; for tin- yi'iir IWi. In the
.uni of I5.U7; for the year lUf.i. lu the Mim
if tXhS; for thu year ltKJ. In I lie sum of
'i.Vi. amoiintlni; in the total sum of W.X',
.vlth Interest on the sum of ?Ij.AT. at thu
nto of ton per cent jier annum from the
si tlay of November, lil, all of which Is
,uo (inti unuam.
I'hilutlff pniys n ilecreo of foreclosure of
aid tax lie-it anil u sale of said premises.
.ou ami iHicn oi you tiuremiants are re.
iiilretl to answer mild petition on or be
ore Monthly, the 2ltli day of Mnrch. VM.
, . (A Corporation.)
1 Vy II. 8. Ill DO ELY. Its Attorney
er this season than ever. Pat
terns are new and much hand
somer than ever before. We
will be pleased to have you
come in and look over our
Store open evenings until 8
being made weBt from the different
stations up this way at the present
Ilershey is one of the best loca
tions for a hotel in western Nebras
ka. The right party would do well
there by erecting and operating
an up-to-date house.
W. J. Shinkle, 10 C. McCord and
S L. Funkhouser will be among
the heavtast sugar 'ect growers in
the valley the coining year The
ureatest acreage will be grown ou
old canal company laud.
J. C. Gyger of the Nichols cream
ery is negotiating for the rental of
the skimming station at North
It is said that A. W. Amott, who
reside on the Pawnee ranch last
season, has leased the Sissou farm
near Hershev lor the ensuing sea-
II. Newberry ol McPherson
county has been matke.ting oats
from his valley farm at tli' county
seat during the past week,
J' Dwyer, residing on the Sissnn
farm just north ot Ilershey, will on
Monday of next week sell at public
auction all of his personal effects
consisting ol cattle, horses, hay,
grain, farming tooU, household
effectp, etc.
V. II. Jenkins and family have
arrived from Iowa and taken poses
sion of the A- J. lOatou larm which
he recently purchahtd, He will
have a new residence erected on it
at once. We understand that Jh.
McMichael of North Platte is figur
ing for the contract of erecting it.
John Walters ol North Platte
was visiting friends in the valley
the lirst part of the wetk.
Frank Loker spent Sunday with
his brother V. M. Loker and fam
ily at Gannett.
Win. Dymoud will remain on the
Brown tarm at Nichols, now owned
by L. P. Krong. the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Loker, who
expect to depart for California
booh, nave Deen visiting relatives
and friends at Holdrege lately.
W. A. Paxton has shipped sev
eral cars of hogs from Ins ranch to
South Omaha lately.
Dick Sliinkle will move from the
Newberry fai in to an old cnual
known, will take notice
tiny ot NovemlMir, 1W1, tho plaintiff, tho
county of Lincoln, a corporation. Illetl Hh
petition lu tlio district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, tho object ami prayer
of which Is to forecloso certain tax liens,
tl li v assessed by said plaintiff onalnst the
nwU of section 23. In township !', north of
ranifc HI. west or sixth principal merltllan,
Ni.lirnHkfi. for the vear in tile stun
of $12.19; for tlio year 1KII. In tho sum of
111. Iii for tho year IS'.ij, In tho sum or
I1!.-IS: for tho year 1S, lu tho sum of
$1H.OO: for tho yenr 1897, In tho sum of 1S.51;
for tun year 18!)it, hi the mini of $5.77; for
tho year 1899, In tho sum of $B.fil; for tho
year 1W). In tho sum of $3.11, ainountliiB
In tho total sum of $73.1.1, with Interest on
tho sum of $l8.3t) ut tlio rato of ten per
cent per annum from tho 1st tlay of No
vember, 1901, all ot which Is tluo and tin
unpaid. I'lalntlff prays u tlccreo of foreclosure of
said tax lieu and a. sale of said premises.
You mill ouch or you tiereiuiantH aro re
tliilretl to nnswor said petition on or be
fore Moiitlav, the 21th tluv of March. 1902.
(A Corporation.)
Hy II. H. IIIDOBLY. Its Attorney.
Tho defendants, John Thoinits, Mr.
John Thomas, his wife, ilrst real naino
unknown, u. A. Corbctt, Mrs. C. A. uor
bett, his wife, Ilrst real naino unknown,
ami Hlchard ltoe, real nnmo unknown.
will take notice that ou tho 4th tlay ot
November. ll)l, tho plaintiff, the county
of Lincoln, n corporation, Illetl Its peti
tion lu tho district court of Lincoln coun
ty. Nebraskn. the object, iiutl prayer oi
wlili-h 1h to foreclose certain tax lions.
duly assessed by said plaintiff iiKiilnst tho
wH of section 27, In township 13, north of
ratiKc 33, west of sixth principal meridian.
Nebraska, for tho year ISO, In the sum of
M; for tho year inm, in tno sum oi
$l5.'.n!; for tho yenr 1MB. In tho sum ot
$15.31 ; for tho year In tho sum of
$17.32; for tho year 1897, lu tho sum of
$11.91; for tho year 1898, in tho sum ot
$10.31; for tho year 1809. In the sum of $5.01.
for tho year iww, in tno sum ui iui; unti
nlso to forecloso cortnln tax liens, iiuiy
assessed hy saltl planum iikiuiisi tno ucu
of section 27, In township 13, north ot
raiiKo 33. west of sixth principal morldlnn,
Nebraska, for tho vear 1893. In tho sum of
$; for thu year 1891, In tho sum of
$I9.!; for tho year 1895, lu tho sum of
$15.21; for tho year 1890, in tho sum of
$17.32! for thu year 1897, In tho sum ot
$I3.8; for the year 1898, In tho sum of
$10.31; for thu year 1899, In tho sum of
$7.M; for tho year 1900, tho tho sum ot
$3.21; uliil also tti forecloso certain lax
lleiiM, duly assessed hy said plaintiff
iiKiilnst the nw'i of section 27. In town
ship 13, north of raimo 33, west of sixth
principal merldlnn, Nebraska, for tho
year 1893. In tho sum of $23.61: for tho
year 1891. In tho sum of $19.90; for tho year
1895. In tlio sum of $15.21; for tho year 18.
lu tho sum of $17.32; for tho yenr 1897, In
tho sum of $13.8rt; for the year 1898, In tho
sum of $10,31; for tho year 1899 In th
sum of $5.01; for tho year 1900, In tho sum
it t-t?i nml nluii In foreclose certain tax
liens, duly assessed hy said plalntin:
iiKiilnst the seU of section 2. in township
13, north or ruiiRo 33, west, ot sixm prin
cipal meridian, Nebraska, for tho year
1893, in tno sum or &; ior tno yeiu
1891, lu tho sum of $19.48; for the yenr 189j,
In tho Hum of $15.21; for tho yenr 189(1, In
tne sum of $17.32; for tho year 1837. In tho
Htim of $11.91; for tho year 1S9S. In tho sum
of $10.31; for tho year 1899, In the stun of
$5.01; for the year 1900. lu thu sum of
$.1.21, amninitlni? to the totul sum of
$135.91. with Interest on tno sum oi -jn.i'J
III the rato oi leu per cum pur nnnum
from tho 1st day of September, 1901, all
of which Is tluo and unpaid.
I'lalntm prays a. uecreo iu foreclosure oi
said lax Hen and a sain of saltl premises.
Yon and each or you tlerentianis tiro re
quired to unswer saltl petition on or be
fore Monday, tho 21th day of March. 1902.
(A Corporation.)
lly II. B. U1DQ13LY, Us Attorney.
Tho defendants, W. B. James, first rent
nanio unknown. Mrs. V. B. James, ilrst
renl naino unknown, his wlfo, anil Illch
ard Hoe, real nnmo unknown, will tako
notlco that on tho 4lh uav or ivovemiier,
1901. tho plaintiff, tho county of Lincoln,
a corporation, Hied Uh petition In tho dis
trict court of Lincoln county. Nebraska,
tho object nml prayer of which Is to fore
closo certain tax Hons, duly nsBessed by
said plaintiff iikiiIiihI tho so', of section
14, In township 10, north of nnmo 33, west
of sixth prlnclnal meridian, Nebruskn for
tho year 1P9C. lu tho sum of $11.95; for tho
year 1897. lu the sum of $9.37; for tho year
1898, In tlio sum of $3.53; for .no year 1899,
In tho sum of $3,29; for tho year 1900, In
tho sum of $2.01, iiuituuitlnir In tho total
sum of $30.15, with Interest on tho sum ot
$22.45 at tho rato of ten per cent per an
num from tho 1st day of September, 1901,
all of which Is duo and unpaid.
I'lnlntiff prays a decreo of foreclosure of
said tax lien and n sale of said premises.
You and ench of you defendants nro re
tiulred to answer saltl petition on or be
fore Monday, the 21th day of Mnrch, 1902.
(A Corporation.)
Ilv 11. B, nmOICT.Y. Its Attorney,
The defendant, tho Lombard Investment
company, u corporation, will tnko notlco
that on the 15th day of April, 1901,
plaintiff, tho county of Lincoln, a
tlou, illetl us pennon iu uio tusirici court
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, tho object
anil prayer of which Is to forecloso certain
lax Hens, duly nssesseti hy saltl plaintiff
iiKiilnst tho seU nwU, c'j nw'A and hw',1
ShorllTB Bale.
lly virtue of nu order of utile IkmioiI from tlio
l lot i let court of Lincoln county, Nebrnnltn, npon
a ilmiron of foreelotiiirn rolltlotoil In said court
ulioitiln Tlin Uouuty of Miicnlii, n corpnrnlloii. In
nlnliitllt nml Hlinpit'ii Jl. liny et. al.. nro defend
nntH nml In inn illrectuil. I will on the ltd day of
Mm eh, 1902, ul I o'clock, p. in nt tlio oahI front
tloot of tlin court lioiiBii In Nnrlh I'liitle. Lincoln
county, Nelirinkn, sell id public iturlnn to tho
lilKhf st Miltlor for fti'li to milsfy unlil decree, In.
turtmt nail cols, thu followhiK ilenoillied prop
erty, to-wlti The MMitliwiut ipinrttir of suction 19,
township 10, rniiuti 32, wont Hlxlli 1. M. Lincoln
county Nelirnrkn.
Dntetl North l'lntto, Neb.. .Inn. 27, 190-'
L. Oaiu'Kntkh, Sheriff.
company lar;m near iit-rsiiey
- - - - - -9
Big Reduction Sale
Don't Miss this Opportunity to
buy Vour Clothing at
Actual Cost.
The Model One-PiiGe
Clothing House,
. (A Corporation )
Uy K. 8. nrPGELY. Its Attornc)
nrBt ol tne coming moiuii.