The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1902, Image 1

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M -4 1 A 1 .
NO. 7
i OVl V1U1 Vlwj 1141 UUUIU VlllVt 1 UHVM rmiB&UUr
Ojpoxi for contract for delivery between .Apri! X9 to IJMEy X9 ?OS $J
Herefords, Durhams and Polled Angus.
Wg lmve the placing of contracts for 12,500 carefully selected one and two year old Hereford, Durham and Polled Angus Steers and Heifers for delivery
. between April 1st, and May 1st, 1902. These cattle are guaranteed in every way. Jersey, Holstein, Lump Jaws, etc., not to be accepted. Wo are in position to
sell these cattle in contracts for one or more carloads at very low figures. Correspondence invited. 3
$ Any one desiring stock cattle this spring should take advantage of this opportunity to buy as many of these cattle as they need. These contracts must
and will be sold at once. A chance of your life time to get what you want in stock cattle at a bargain
For further information write us at either of the following addresses.
SLOUX CITY STOCK YARDS, Sioux City, la.; UNION STOCK. YARDS, So. St. Paul, Minn.
In order to guard against the spread of con
tageous diseases all dwellings should be
thoroughly disinfected after every case. It
moving into an old house, you know not
what disease germs may be lurking in the
place. Protect yourself and family by hav
ing the place disinfected. Formaldehyde is
recognized by the scientific world as the
most powerful disinfectant known and
and when used judiciously will destroy all
known bacteria without injuring furnish
ings in the room. Experience is required
to do the work properly. Half way meas
ures will not avail.
V. D. Hoover, nt Howe's Furniture Store,
is provided with a Formaldehyde Generator
of the latcat and best pattern, and is pre
pared to do disinfecting by the most ap
proved up-to-date method.
n j ...
owes lire
VI u
Tombstouos for Soldiors.
The tombstonctt ordered for the
following deceased noWiiera and
which are supplied by the govern
ment have arrived ami can be ob
tained by calling on franklin
Pcile: Lieut. H. F. JclFrcf, Lieut.
T. W Anderson, Win. Jelferw. 11.
M. Slack, David Arllip. II. 10.
Brown, Chat). Simpson, J. II. Mor.
it it, Jacob llostelter and James Lou
den .
JOHN BRATT. t uuwumir.
Real Estate, Loans & Insurance j
Idle Honey Invested in Gilt Edged Securities
t"H.oforonoo:-Ajay XSnxxlc ixx KTolDi-nHlta.
At Cost
From now until a
Entertain at High Five.
Mimh Theresa Aiihiin and MifaH
Maud Dillon entertained a number
of their friends at the home of the
turmer Tuesday evening, md the
1 11 action was a most pleas: ut one.
High five was the entertaining fea
ture and in the contest the
of honor were awarded to Mihs
Bora Wriiiht and P. A. White,
while the consolation emblems were
worthily bestowed upon Miss
Reg in a McGovern and Mr. Vollmer.
Hiuo-Brunk Wedding.
On Weduesduy evening Feb'y.
12th at 7:30 o'clock at the home oi
the bride occuired the wedding ot
Miss lSdna, youngest daughter of
R. R .lliiie, to Joseph I' Brunk ot
Myrtle. At the appointed tune the
wedding march was bein played
on the piano when the bride ap
peared on the arm of the jiroom,
followed by Miss Gertie Iline as
bridesmaid and Carson Robinson
as best man. They took their
places in the parlor and in the
presence oi twenty-four invited
guests the contracting parties were
uuitcd in marriage by Rev. Green
lee of this city. After congratula
tions were over, all present entered
the dining room where a suinptiuui
supper was served in course. The
bride was dressed in white Persian
lawn and wore roses m her hair.
The groom wore regulation black.
The bridesmaid was attired in
light blue silk mull, the be-t man
in black. Many useful presents
were left for the young couple in
the shape of linens, china and
silverware. Out nt town guests
were Mr. and Mrs.D. Brunk, lather
and mother of the groom, and Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Smith oi Cheyenne.
Wyo. After flipper an hour or sn
was spent in games and Hocial
amusements after which all re
turned to their respective homes
wishing the bride and groom many
happy congratulations.
A Guust,
Is provontad bv yncolnotion bef to tho Korrn of th diaonso lino ontorod
the system. The suaeem of vaoninnhoa tiupunda upon proper cIohmko
Too larue h doso will produce tho diseuso whilo too small u do-ewill not
render the nnimnl immune- This problem is -oivod by I'mko, Duvih & Co.
in thoir now vnouino in pill form witiuh i iujootml ihmuKh the Hkin. No
mixink. Illtoring or tlmo wnsted and y-u don't havo to spend u fortune to
vneoinuto your cattle . V. D- Co, book'HIiioklfB and its Treatment." free
Koxt door to Tlrst Natl. Manic. ::::::::::: J. II. STONE, MoT
Will bring to us the larg
est and best ashortinent Of
Ladies' Fine Shoes
Ranging in price from
$2.00 to 3.50
that you will sec in this city
cms spring. iingm, new
catchy styles with work
manship in every pair.
Come and see them
CStore open evenings until
eiglit o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store
Boilormnkor'ii 13 .all.
The union of lloilei innkers
will hold its loiirlh annual b.ill mi
the evening ol March 31st, the even
ing following IC.isler isundav. The
boys expect to make the bail quiiu
a swell event.
Docltto Xiantl Contest.
The U. S. Land Commissioner
has rendered a decision lavorable
to Au. ia lirowu in the land contest
nibtitutcd against her claim in
Cottonwood precinct by Martin
Jcpsen. This laud is well im
proved, commands the outlet to a
large body of grazing land and is
therefore quite valuable- The con
test was warmly founht befure the
local U. S land ollicf, and a deci
sion rendcii'd in favor ot Anna
Hrown, and this decision is sus
tained by the commissioner. II.
S..Uidgley was the attorney for the
defendant and he feels well pleaded
with the result.
Colonial Tea.
On the evening of February 22d
there will be a colonial tea held at
the Ked t-chool house in Cotton
wood precinct, the proceeds of
which will be applied to the pin
chaseof an organ for the Meihodisi
Sunday-school of that precinct. A
program of tableaux and patriotic
ongs will be rendered. The public
is cordially invited.
The committee of arrangement
consists of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, Mr
and Mrs. Sliauer, Mr. and Mr.
Sommers, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr
and Mrs. Wafer, Mrs. Waruock,
Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Hutchinson and
M ra. WeynolrU, and the personnel
of this cimmittee insures a very
successful event.
Evangllstlc Scrvlccu,
Evangelist J. U. Daly and wife of
Omaha began a series of evangelis
tic meetings in the Baptist chinch
on Wednesday evening, which it is
expected will be continued at least
two weeks. Mr. Daly is a noted
evangelist in the Baptist denomi
nation, and has preached in Eng
land, Scotland, Australia. Canada
and other countries. Mrs Daly is
also a successlul evangelist iiud
preaches and sings the gospel.
Meetings will be held every even
ing except Saturday at 7:30 and
the public arc invited to attend.
Tho Whito Slave.
"The White Slave," Hartley
Campbell's masterpiece, will be
rendered at the opera house Satur
day evening, l en. lath, by a com
pany of unusual merit. 1 he play
is one which touches the heart, ap
pealing by turns to the sense of fun
and pathos, which are acutely de
The plot ol the play, it will be
remembered, turns on the pitiful
tale of a southern girl who is made
a slave on the supposition that she
is an octoroon. Her trials, the in
sults and degredatioim inflicted up
on her, the (light with her lovrr
from a cruel master who is the
villiau of the play, and the happy
denouncement when her identity
is revealed, have won the sympathy
of millions for years, and the plan
tation scenes, witli the wide fields
dotted with the cabins of the Held
hands, the plantation song. etc..
present a past and gone obase of
lite in this country to which will
always cling a touch of sentiment
and a shadf ot renin ncc.
D. M. Leypoldt of llershey pur
chased a carload ol lat hogs in the
vicinity of Not Ui l'lalte this week
winch ne will ship west Irom that
place the first of next week.
D. H. White and A. 11. Goodwin
have returned from Chicago where
they were taking in the sights.
Mrs. G. W. Brown has returned
troui a visit at Curtis.
John Toillion was tendered a
surprise party last Tuesday even
ing at his home near Nichols by
nis children in this locality apd a
lew intimate, friends, the occasion
neing his 80th birth anniversary.
Oysters were served and gamqs of
different kinds indulged in until
about midnight when all leturned
to their respective homes haying
enjoyed the evening and wishing
the old gentleman many returns of
a like character.
W. A. Faxton has shipped all
his fat cattle to Chicago. The Hast
shipment containing eighteen cars
were billed out a dav or two ago.
There were about 10S0 head in all
and the finest and largest herd ever
shipped out ol the valley by any
one man.
W. J. Shinkle and crew have
finished baling and loading the hay
on the C. C. Wetzel farm purchased
by 15. V. Seeberger & Co.
The Loker boys, who will return
to California soon gave their many
friends in the valley a social dance
in the hall at llershey on last Fri
day evening.
II. B Reed shipped three cars of
cattle from llershey to South
Omaha the first of the week.
Geo. Hackney, Sidney Howard
and I. 15 Ware were among the
members of the llershey Woodman
camp who attended a meeting ol
tins North Platte camp last eyen
ing. Mrs. M. Mickelson and daughter
Garnett were guests ol county scat
friends yesterday.
MSO-AIj noticu.
Tho (lofomlantH, Mlolmcl M. Contey,
Mr. MleliHol M. Conloy, IiIm wife, llrnt
real namo unknown, ami Hlehanl lloo.
teal nanio unknown, will take notice that
on the i lllli ilny of November. 1901, the
lilalntirr, llm comity of Lincoln, a corpora
tion. Hied uk po'tti,,,, lt ti, diHtrlot court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object
and prayer of which Is to foicoloo cer
tain tax lleiiH, duly iihuchhciI by hiiIM plain,
tiff nwliiNt tho nw'i of section , In town
snip la, north of rarnre 31, worn of sixth
principal meridian, Nebraska, for thu
year Ml, In the sum of Jll.ll; for tho
year IMC. In the sum of W.IO; for tho year
1W, In tho sum of; for tho year
1S!I7, In tho sum ot $D.10; for the year lbOX,
In tho sum of K1S: for tho year 1S9D. In
the sum of K15; for the year 1U00, In the
sum of 12.1)1; and also to forecloHo certain
lax lions, duly nnnen8ed by said plaintiff
iiKitltiNl the sou ot ncctlon , In township
11, north of rniiKo 31, west of sixth prin
cipal meridian, Ncht-nHka. for tho year
ISM. In tho mini of J1K.2S: for tho year 1&97,
In tho mini of $9.29; for the year 1S98, In
tho sum of for the year 1899. In the
sum of Jrt.31: for the year 1900, In the sum
'f Wl. nmoiintltiK In tho total sum of
MS.,!), with Interest on tho sum of JTO.Wi
at the rate of ten tier cent per annum
from the 1st day or November, 1901, all
or which Is due and unpaid.
IMalntlrf prays u decree of foreclomiro of
said tax lion and a. sale of wild promises.
on and each of you defendants are re
quired to answer said petition" riii or be
fore Monday, the 211 h day of March. 1902.
Tino rniiNTV nt.' t.iwpot.M
,. , (A Corporation.)
lly II. H. HIDOIOLV, Its Attorney.
Thf, ilnfrtnitnlit (tin 1 .(tniliiif.l
. ...v. ........M..., .Kvuniiiimii
company, a corporation, wilt tnko notice
flint m, tli.. ir.tli nt A..t, ,fw, i...
plaintiff, tho county of Lincoln, a corpora-
iniii. iikhi iih pmiuon in tuo district court
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, tho object
and prayer or which Is to foreclose certain
tax liens, duly asHcuHed by said plaintiff
nKiilnHt tho soft nw',5. e!4 nwM nnd swVi
HwV4 of section an, In townahln , north ot
in i hit .-!, wesi ui sixui principal meridian.
Nebraska, for tho year 1KJ3. In tho sum of iur uiu year iNii. in I no sum or
L.. -1, 1 ' fir till, vmiT 11.(17 l.i ,1... ...... ..i
I0.2; for tho your ISM, In tho mini of
iY.Ii't! fntr 1 1 1 ViMlP 1kfl lit llm uini f tr Hi
amountlnfr In tho total sum of $51.ti2. wltli
iniuii-ni un inn nuiu ui (,.no ai mo raxo or
ten per cent per annum from tho 1st day
of April, 1901, all of which Is duo nnd un-
in til
rinlntirr jirayn a uocrco of foroclomiro of
nld tax Hen and a khIo of mild iinjiniHOH.
i fill IIMfl It- Wilt ,t inn lnr.,(t.lni.i,.
- , nt jim Mviiniuiiiiin (till I U"
milfoil in iinuwni' utidl miti nH
fon JUoniluv, tho 21th dnv of Mnroh. 1002.
(A uomoniuon.)
lly II. 8f IlinOKIiV, U Attorney.
Conic Our
be in line.
Way and You Will
Tlinmas Kelly has about
covered from iniuries'Teceiitly sus
taineH in a runaway.
Sugar 18 lbs $1.00
IJec Coffee per lb 14
Bofota Coffee 18c, 2 lbs for. .35
Arbuckle Coffee 13c, 2 lbs. . .25
Lion Coffee 13c, 2 lbs for. . . .25
(lolden Drip Syrup per gal. .-10
Full Cream per lb.. .15
Diamond J boap bars lor. .Jis
W. R. Soap 7 bars 25
Anchor Matches per pltff.. .15
Ilerrintr per keir 1.00
Home Made Saticr Krout
per yal ,
Humphrey Flour, gives sat
isfaction, per sack 1.
(fib Sack" Wheallct, fresh,
per sack '.
6-1 Sack Self-Rising Van
Cake Flour per sack 3(
25-lb Sack Rye Flour, pure. .01
25-ib Sack Corn Meal 45
li.T, T.uMF, Prop.
IjlJUAIiNOTi c 10.
Tho ilefendantH. V. tt. .lanieM. llrul rmil
name unknown. Mrn. W. H. JameH. llrwt
real namo unknown, IiIh wlfo and Rich
ard Hoe, real name unknown, will take
notice that on tho Ith dav or November,
1901, the plnliitlrf, tho county of Lincoln,
a corporation. Pled IIh petition In tho iIIh-
inei court or Lincoln county. NcbriiHKa,
the object and prayer of which in to fore
cIoho certain tax lletm. duly nHBCHHed by
Hiild plaintiff iiKaliiHt the ho1 of ncctlon
14. In towiiHhlp 10, north of raiiKo 33. went
of Hlxth prlneliml meridian. NobniHka for
ina yenr iv.w. in mo Hum or jiuili; for the
yenr 1S97. In tho mim or J9.37: for the your
1S9S, In the mini of RM; for .no year IMS,
In tho nuiu of M.29: for tho year 1!)(), In
the Hum of 12.01. iimountlmf In the total
Hum of,, with IntiTi'Ht on tho mim of
$21'.iri at the rate of ten per cent per an
num irom i in. ihi nay ot Hontemiier, 1901,
all of which Ih due and unpaid.'
Plaintiff prayw u deereo of forocloHiiro of
wild tax Hen and a iiulo of nnld premlseH.
You and each of you defendautH are ro
tiulreil to aiiHwer mild petition on or be-
rnro aioiiiuiv, tno ami day of aiarcli. 1902.
ruin county' of mnooln.
(A Corporation.)
Hy II. H. ItinflHM', Its Attorney.
The defundanlH. W. II. Haldwln Mrn.
W, II. Ilaldwln. 1 1 1 h wife, flrHt real name
unknown, and Itlchard Itoe, real name
unknown, will tnko untlco that on tho Itli
day of November. 1901, the nlalntlff, the
county of Lincoln, a corporation. Illed Itn
peimon in inn uicirici cnuri ot Lincoln
rnuntv. Nebrncka. the object nnd prayer
of which In to fnrccloxn certain tax llonH.
duly aHsrssi'd hy nald plaintiff iikuIiikI tho
nw'i or Heetion n. in townsnip i. norm or
rnimn ;u. went or nixin prineipni merlilmu,
Nebraska, for tho cnr 1 In tho hum
of llS.lii: for tho year 190, In the Mini of
:i.n,T; ror tno year iw, in tiio mini of
nn.w; ror ino year iww, in tuo mini or
$10.01; for the year 1R99. In the num of
t' for tho year 1900, In the Hum of $.'i,9::.
iiimnintlliK' In the total mim of fSl.lS, wltli
IntereHt on the Hum of VMi at the ratn
of ten nor cent pee milium from tin. lut
rtny of Henieinbcr. 1901, all of which Ih duo
and unpnld.
Plaintiff prays a decree of forecluuuro of
B,-ild tnx lieu nnd a ti.ile of nnld prcmlflCD
You nnd ench of you dotendnntn aro re
nulwl to nnswor snld petition on or be
fore Mondnv, tho 21th dav of March. 1003.
. (X Corporation.)
Ry H. H. ItlDtlKLY', Its Attorney.