&Uc fmt- WffMu. ZvMnt TUESDAY, PKB. 11, 1902. IRA L LlAIiB,EDITOIlANU PltOI'IUETOIt HUUHOltllTION JlATHb. One Year, cash In advance, 11.21 Hit Months, eiieh In advanct,... 75 Cents' II itTtd tt!i.VorthrUtt(Nt)rmk)polonrt nond-olsssmstttr. nomi means his !c Nebraska lins Wh arc in receipt of a letter from Governor Savnyc in which lie invites us wlicn in Lincoln to drop in to sec liim and talk over the Hartley pardon. Some friend of the governor has evi dently called his attention to the article recently appearing- in these columns and he probably thinks we have been a little too severe on him. Nothing, how ever, that Governor Savage can say regarding his action in par doning Hartley would change our opinion of the governor or his act, iicncc if we should go to imcoin prior to the state con vention it is not likely we would lind time to call on him. We hope, however, to be in Lincoln during the slate convention and will devote whatever influence we may have in defeating the governor's nomination. We wi 1 do this in the interests of clean politics, and for the reason that we arc confident that the nation of Savage feat at the polls. been won back to the republican ranks on the promise that the party would give the people i better administra the fusionists, and promises are kept defeat will follow. In pardoning embezzler Hartley, Governor Savage has made the toward making his minority parly in the if the state-convention nominates him the final move toward that end will be made. We recoil nize the fact that some of th smootlicst schemers in the state arc backing Savage and it may be possible that they can secure hi nomination but they cannot sc cure his election. And not only will Savage be defeated, bu 11... r....i i,... i i . uiu lac-, iinu ins name is on the ticket will lose to the othe candidates thousands of voles, t .... inn land leasing bill now be fore congress is raising a storm of protests from the small sloe! growers of western Nebrask and their opposition loundcd. On another page i... r i uu lumiu an nrucic on me sub jeet iy isir. Uallioun in which lie states the case plainly from th stand point of the small stoc grower, The passage of the lease bill would be detriment; small bloc Republican Platform 1001. The republicans of Nebraska isclaim for the party any sym athy with custodians of public moneys found guilty of betrayal of sacred trusts. Without im pugning the motives of the gov ernor in any case, we depreciate ny exercise of executive clem ency tending to create tne laisc mpression that the republican party is disposed to condone wilful embezzlement of public funds under anv circumstances, mil we rcmicst the immediate ecall of the parole ol Joseph Hartley. cleaner and lion than did unless those urst move party the state, am is we wi ma Ne i It of stead of family he families, interests unite with growers and sentative in How Would This Look? Ornnd Iilnntl Indopondont. Republican Platform 1002. The republicans of Nebraska claim for the party a proper sympathy with custodians of pnblic moneys found guilty of betrayal of sacred trusts, pro vided such betrayal was accom panied by other betrayals, in which persons other than the respective custodian, partici pated. We, the republican party of the state of Nebraska, in convention assembled, there fore heartily endorse and most enthusiastically approve the principle laid down by the illtiS' trious leader, Governor Ezra P Savage, when he said wc could not afford to traffic in human liberty not, anyhow, if the be traying custodian is a member of our party. notice ron ruiiMOATio.v. Land Ulttce at North l'latte, Nb Januarr 21. 1M Notice la hereby given Hint the followlmr-r.nmed settler baa filed notice of Ills Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said roof will bo made before Heglster and ltecelvtr North I'latts, Neb., on Stored 1st wi, Tlii HOItKS CllltlSrKNHK.V. Ouardlan for I'mlaten Chrlatsnsen now Insane, who made homestead entry No. 1 7:W:i for Hit northwest quarter auction 32. townsblu 10 north. rango 2H west tlth 1'. M. Ho name the following witnesses In nrovn hla continuous resldcncii upon and cultivation of Id land, vlr: Horen Nelson and Chrla Martonseit. (Jurll, Neb.s John Hansen nod Jens llanseu, Denmark, Neb. J2I1 OEO. K. FHENCII. lteglsler. not only to the grower, but to the business in every town in western braska, "With the former means a Mreeze-out" and loth latter loss of patronage. It mucii better lor the merchant i one thousand head of cattle ar t . . neia and owned by six or eih men than to have them owned by one man or one company, for in selling goods lo sells to six or eitrh is therefore -to Hip 1 a tue merchant to the small catlk urge their repre congress lo vole against the bill. fun State Kccord, Frank liar rteon's new paper, is doing i good work in giving publicity to me namcy pardon and show up up the gang of party destroyers who are backing Governor Sav age in ins canvass lor the guber natorial nomination. The State Kccord has a good opportunity to ahow up the political rottcness of the old-time Lincoln gang the fellows who by their acts threw the state into the fusioiiist column and wc know that Mr. Harrison has the nerve to use that opportunity. Rheumatism The liniment bottle nnd flannel atrip arc familiar objects in nearly every household. They arc the weapons that have been used for generations to fight old Rheumatism, nnd are about as effective in tlte battle with this giant disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers would be in modern warfare. 1 lit nn neicl. sour condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that settles in the joints, muscles nnd nerves, nnd liniments nnd oils nor nothing ...,.ti'w1 nvt or, mil v rim il Islotlire these irrittv. corroding particles. I hey were deposited there by the blood nnd can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the nehes and pains but these nre only symptoms which nre liable to return with every change of the weather; the real disease lies deeper, the blood nnd system !.f...t m,,niini:iiii mmmt be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly nnd promptly ns vS. S. S. It neutralizes the ncids wul sends a stream 1 ' J f r,V1, trninr blood to the n(Tected parts, which dissolves nnd washes out all foreign materials, and the unfTWet- nhtniti-t linmtv relief from the torturing pains. . K. S. contn ns no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most exhilarating tonic. Our physicmns win ntivisc, wiuioui ciiai, write about their case, and wc will send free our special book on Rhcuiuatu m ESTIMATE Or EXPENSES. The following estimate of Iho county for llio year IWl for the aeveral county fnnda. county bonda, bonded prucincta and districts and to meet outstanding IndebtodnCM as evidenced by bonda, coupons or warrant legnlly Issued and claim against the county not acted on by the board) uonniy wunerai j-uim J3f,,lKJ M) County llrldge Fund li.ouu no County Hoal Fund Ifi.OIK) (J Holdlera' llellef Fund WO (JU rnKciNCT mttlxlK noNli. Mlnkl,,. ttilufn.l ltrauy isianu 11.100 no Umbo Nichols to ;m) in 111 rd wood wx) Lit 1,W) W) O'Fallon lull (HI MJOtO Kureka NMIOI 1,1100 OU Aieiiicmu iwaii ,Hn) w Mcriierann irrigation 1,U1) Ml .VjO (XJ HontUHldu Internal Iiu MX) 00 !iW W aciiooi, iiiBtntCTS. PltrlctNo. Htnklnir. 1 illKltl 00 1 i!0 on 21 .VI Oil -I Ill) LO IW Ti 00 M M on v i (xi 111 20 00 7:1 5 no HI WI 00 u7 'jam mi m chi 1W) 10 (JO and its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Qa. t m t t ? a ? JOS. HERSHEY. 5 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. and Tanks, Bale Ties, Lightening Hay Press & Repairs 9 1 Locust St NORTH PLATTE, NEB. JIB WW jy'orlh pialte fTlocir 9 llilil XylaUfacLatccl by lotti) Platte poller n)il Is Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming1 and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. (I Tfiai Sack uOiil CotjYiijce yoU of its njert North Platte Roller Mills C P. IODINCS LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Salo. lly lrtuoof an order of axle IihiI from tbo dlatrlct court of Lincoln oomily, Nebraaka, upon a decree of foreclosure retideriHl In aald court n herein The County of l.lliooln, a corporation! Is plalntllT aixl Milton II. Whitney pt al , nre oefeudnnta and to mo directed, 1 will on the lat day of March KOZ. at 1 o'clock, n. in,, at the eaal front door ol the court hoii'O In North rlatte, Lincoln count j. Nrhrnaka. aell at imbl c auction to Hid blithest bidder for cnh, to catlfy anld decree, lutiTei and coata, the following described properly. to-wlt: The aoulheaat iiunrter of section li, town Mill)!', rntiKellJ. v, it Hlxth 1'. M. Lincoln county. Nournxkn. Date.1 North rlatte. Nub.. Jan. 21 Ui. i h. CaiiI'Kntkh, HhurllT, Shoriff's Sale. lly virtue of an order of sale Issued from the district court of Mncoln county, Ne braska, uton a decree of foieclosurc rendered In said court wherein Joseph ller shey Is plalntllT and William K, Krwln et al., are defendants and to me directed, I will on the 1st day of March, ltt. at 1 o'clock p. m. at the east front door ol the court house In North Platte, Mncoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for casn to satlify said decree. Interest and colts, the following described property, to wlt: The northeast iiuarter of the south west quarter and the east half of the north west quarter and lots one and two. section IH. township I-', range 113, west Sixth 1. M. Lincoln county. Nebraska. Dated North l'latte. Neb., Jan. 27. 1 WW. li. CAItPENTEIt, Sheriff. Sheriff's Bale. llo virtue of an order of sale lnued from the dlatrlct court of Mncoln county. Nebraaka, upon a necreo or roreoioauro rumiered ill anhl court wherein The Count, of Mncoln, a corporation Is plaintiff and J. W. Frailer, ef. al , nr defend ants, and to me directed, 1 will on the latilay "I March. IWi. at 1 o'clock n. in., at thu cnt troll' iloor of the court houau In .North l'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraaka, aell at public auction to the lilKliot bidder for cuidi, to aatlsfy sold decree lulereat and cota. the followlnu described property, to-wlt: The northenat quarter of the northeaat qunrtor ami south Imlf of Iho northern,! quarter and tho southeast quarter of the north- wear, quarter or aection li, township in, rniiKo ;k. Weat Hlxth 1'. M. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North l'latte, Neb. .Ian. 27. 1W1, L. CAtifKNTrn, Hherllt. Sheriff's Salo. llv vlrtueof an execution Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a Judgment rendered In said court wnereiu a i.. uirirn is piainun ami it. i,. lioldrldgc is dclendant and to me directed, I will on the 1st tlav of March. IWr' at 1 o'clock p. in., at the cast front door of the court nouse in .Norm riatte, Lincoln county, ..L-uia-iKiti rtu a, luiuiii, .luuiioil it. iiju highest bidder for cash tosatlstvsald ludc- mo n t Interest and costs, the following de scribed property, to-wlt: The south half of section I. township is, ranee .11. west of sixth l. Al. Lincoln countv. Nebraska, or so much thereof as will satisfy said Judg ment, interest and costs anil accruing costs. u.ncu ..in hi i-iiiuc. .-veu.. .ian. .'. iwj. L. Caiipkntkii, 'sheriff. : Colonist Excursion Rates vvcry day durin-r the months of March and April, 12, tho UNION PACIFIC will soil Colonist Kx cursion I ickcts at the followinj; one wav rate: MISSOURI UlVl-H. lo Unite, Anaconda and Helena i o bpolcane. , To points on Great Northern Kv. Skokane to Wenatchee via Hunt injrton and Spokane local over Winatehec, not to exceed To Portland, Taconia and Seattle. . Ashland, Ore., and intermediate points, including- brancli lines on b. I'. Co., south of Portland . Portland Corresponding low rates from on the Union Pacific. oar Write for rates to points not given above. $20 00 so 25 25 via .... . MVJ intermediate DO 00 00 points Es H. GENGE, Agent. Interest. 3im) tx) III (Kl ! IV) (Kl ;i.- no :ir no m on KiO m sr, m ir mi to m ;iii to 10 w in on M oo riti:i it. oinn. County Clerk. HHKHiri"H HALi: NOTICK FOR rUHMOATION. Land Onlce at North l'latte. Neb., Febmarv H. 1WK. C Notice Is hereby Klven that the followlnu.nnmne aettler has Hied notice of his Intention to inaki final proof In auptiort of hla claim, aud that aal6 prmif will be made before lteulater i.nd Itecelv- at North l'latte. Neb., on March Zid. U02. viz: -IAMKH 1'ATTEllHON. who limdo llotwsll ad Kntrr No. 17:117. for the west halt northweat quarter and weat half south- wesi quarter or hoc is, Town II, north of ItaiiKO o, n-Hioiti r ai, He names the following wltneaaes to nrovn lib con luuous realdeniu upon and cultivation of rati mud- viz A. r. Htrcllz. F. W. Itlncker. Ashler l'elera aud dames unaiuuvra, an ol Norm l'latte. Neb Hill Okoikik l:. Fhkn :il. lly virtue of an order of salo larued from the district court of Llnooln county, Nebraska, upon a uecreo ni torec osuru re nieroii in Had court wherein 1 he County of Lincoln, n corporation. I piniuiiu ami i.ura nenueraon, ei ni,, are ueienu anta, and to lno directed, I will on the 1st day ol Marcu, iwz. at 1 o'cloek. n. in., at the vaat from dixir of the court bntiKO In North l'latte. Llncol county, Nebraska, aell at public auction to the lililheat bldiler for caah. to satisfy aitid decree, In terest aud col, the following deacrlbed prop erly, to-wlt: The Weat half of the soiithwcal manor ot section Is. towualitn U. rnni:uy.. west inn i-. .ii i.incoiu county, MnraaKa, Dated North l'latte, Jan 21, Wl. J2-S. L. CAKi'KSTEii, Hherllt. SHKltll'r'H SALE. lly virtue of an order of salo Issued from the dlatrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebraaka, upon a uecreu of torecloiuro rendered in saltl coitti wherein The County of Lincoln, n corporation Is plalntllT and Florence K Hhaw, et al,, are de fendants, nnd to me directed. I will on the la day ot March, IWi. at 1 o'clock, p. tu , at the east trout Hour ot tne court nouein Mirtu I'latie Lincoln county, Nebraaka, sell at nubile auctlot to Iho hluhcat bidder for cash, to aatlafy hiUI uecree, intereat ami coats, tne (oiidhihk oe acrlbed property, ti-ult! 'Iho southeast quitrti ot aection s, townaiup v, ranuu M. wist huui I' .i., i.inciiin county, M'tiratita. I'nteil North l'latte. Neb , Jan. 21. 1W. JiS- L. CAltl'ENTKit, SherllT. PROFESSIONAL OARDS II. E. McCAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON om co ovor IIufftnuniB Millinory Store NORTH J'LATTK, - - XVKIIHABKA 0. V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OAIoob: North Plntto Nntionnl Dnnlt Bulldinp;, North Plntto, Neb. Sheriff's Salo. lly vlrluo of an .iriiei ot aulo laued from tho dlatrlct court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Thu County of Lincoln, n corporation Is nlalnlllT nnd Alfred Tuft et al , lire dcfendanti and to mo directed. I will on thu 1st dsy ol Murcli. l'.aJJ. at 1 o'clock, p lu.. at the oaat fronl door of Iho court houo III North 1'lattu. Lincoln county, Nebraska, aell at public auction to I tie lilKhestlmliler for cah to satisfy said decree. In terest aud coala, thu followlnir deacrlbed prop erty, to-wlt: Tho southwet uunrter of aection I, townanip in, rnnce weat oi ttlxui 1-. M. i.tn coin county, Nebraska iiatuu North l'latio, Noli. Zi, iwz. L. CAiii'KNTRit, Hherlff, Jj1 DENNIS, M. D., HOMOEOPATIIIST, Over Flrat National Dank, NOltTlI I'LATTK, . . NKUItAHKA. J. S. IIOAOIND. VI", V. IIOAOLAND Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS'! AND COUNSELORS Office over Mrs. Huffman's Millinery Htnro. NOKT1I I'LATTK. . . NKUItAHKA. yiLCOX & IIALLIGAN, ATTORN E YS-AT-LA W. (ORTII PLATTE, NK11HAHK OfQcs over North l'latte National bank. Sheriff's Sale, llv virtue of all order of aalo laaued from the district court of Lincoln, county, Nebraska, Ukiu a decree of foreclosure rendered In aald cottrl wherein Thu County of Lincoln, a corporation, is plaintiff und F, L. Laltuo et al., aru de fendants aud to mo dlro:ted, I will on tho 1st day of March, 11W, at 1 o'clock p. in., nt the east front door of tho court house In North l'latte, Lincoln county. Nebraaka. aell at public auction to the hlheat bidder for cash to aatlafy Mild decree, Intereat and co-la, tho following described property, to-wlt: Hie weat half of tho southwest quarter of aection'.''.) township 10, ranKU West Hlxth 1'. M. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dateil North l'latte, Noi., .inn. -i , iwi. L. CAiii'KNTKn,8herlrf. Sboriir's Salo llv VlrtUC Of atl 'order of s:il,. Ui,,.il from the district court of Mncoln county. Ne- lirasKa. UIIOIl a llerreo of forni-liwlir., r.n. tiered In said court wherein (.'has 12 Olb son. Is plaintiff and Alineda Crum et al . arc defendants am! to me directed. I will on the si nay ot siarcn, ire. at 1 o'clock p. m. at the cast front door of the court house In North l'latte, Lincoln countv. Nebraska, sell it publlr auction tu the hleheat blilitor for cash to satisfy said decree. Interest anil costs, the followum described tirotiertv. to-wlt: The southeast quarter of section a, towns ilp 10. ranee 3-j, west Sixth 1'. M. i.incoin uounty. Nebraska. Dated North l'latte, Neb.. Jan. '.7, looj. L. Caiii'kntkii. Sheriff. Sheriff's Salo. lly virtue of an order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, upon a decree or foreclosure rendered In said court wherein The County of Lincoln, a corporation, la plaintiff and Caroline Heets. et al , are delemlants and tome directed, I will on the 1st day of March. iik, at 1 o'clock p. in., at the east rout door or the court house In North l'latte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the behest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs the tollowlne described property, to-wlt: The east lialf of the southeast quarter of section 111. township 0, ranee -.T, west sixth I'. M Mncoln coutiry Nebrilska. Dated North l'latte. Neb , Jan. "iT. 1KB. L. CAltl'KNTKit, Sheriff. Sheriffs SaiT lly vlrtuo of an order of salo lssuod from the dlttrict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wheteln The County of Lincoln, n corporation, Is plalntilt mid Wallor J Lamb et. al., aro de lendants und to mo directed, I will ou the lat day ol .March, 11)02, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the cast irout door ot tho court houeo In North l'laitu, Lincoln couuty, Nebraska, sell at public auction lo the hlKhent bidder for cash to satisfy said do free, Interest and costs, tho followltiK deacrlbed property, to-wlt: Tho west half of tho south east quarter and the southeast quarter of tho southeast quarter of aection 18, township ".ratiHO 2V. weat Hlxth 1'. M. Lincoln couuty, Nebraaka. Dated North l'latte, Neb., ,lau. 27, IWi. L. (wAUi'XNTin, Hherlff. H. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW . Oflleo McDonnld Block, Dewey stroot. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA TJR. G. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SUKGI50X, Ofhce over Post Otlice. Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - - Nebrrtskn. A. H. DAVIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Uriuly Bloolc Rooiiib 1 & 2, rp O. PATTERSON, KTTO R N BY-KT- Ulllce over l ollow Front Shoo Storo NORTH PLATTE. NEB. Sheriff 's Salo. lly virtue of an order of salo laaued from the dlatrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendured lu e ilil court wherein Tho County of Lincoln, n corporation, Is plalntllT and F L, Laltuu et al., nre defendauta and to mo directed, I will on tho lat day ol Msich. 11102. at 1 o clock p. tu at thu cast front door of the court house lu North l'latte, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for caah to aatlafy said decree, Intereat and covin, the rollowtnu; uescrlueu property, to-wlt: The west half of tho northweat quarter of section 112, town ship 10 ranKU 32, west of Hlxth 1'. M. Lincoln county, NBurasKn. Dateil Mortli rlatte. Neo , Jan. 'Ji, 1U02. L. Caiu'ENNteii, Hherlff. Shoriff's Salo. lly virtue nt an order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebrnakii, upon n decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, is planum nun Hiiiipson M. nay el. ni , uro ileteuil- ants and to mo directed. I will on tho 1st day of March, 1002, at 1 o'clock, p. m. at tho east fiont dnot of the court houso III North l'latte, Lluculu county, Nebraska, sell at public autloutothe hlKhvst bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, In tereat nnd coals, the following descilbed prop erty, to-wlt: The aouthwe't ouarler of section 10. township 10, rautte i!2, west Hlxth 1'. M. Lincoln county Nebraaka. Dated North l'latte, Neb., Jan. 27, 1WB. L. Caul'Kntku, HhorllT. HHEItlFF'H HALI'. Dy vlrtuo of an order of sale issuod from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foieclosure rendured In said court In wheteln Tho Cnunty of Lincoln, n cm potation, Ib plalntllT and Qreen L. Sherman elal ,ato defendauts aud to mo directed, I will on thu 1st day of March. Wi, at 1 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the court house lu North l'latte. Lincoln couuty, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for caah to satisfy said decree, luterest aud coats, tho following described property, to-wlts The east half of Iho oouthttesl quatter and thoweal half of the south east quurter of section !, township 0, ranipj 27, west Hlxth 1', M. Lincoln couuty, Nebraska, Dated Mirth l'latte, Sub. Jan. 27 1002. L. CAitt'ENTKit. Hherlfl. HHKItlFi'H HALK. lly vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered lu said court rthoreln Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, is plalntllT, nnd James L. Williams et al., aro de leiulautH and to me directed, I will on tho 1st day ol March, 1W)2, nt 1 o'clock p. ni, at the east fiont door of the court houso In North rlatte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bldiler lor cash to satisfy said de creo, Interest and costs, the following- described properly, to-wlt: The north half of the southeast quarter nml'tho southeast quarter of the south east quarter and the eouthweat quarter of tho northeast quarter of section 14, township 0, raiiKu 2. weat Hlxth I'. M, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North l'latte, Neb.. Jan, 27, 1002. L. Caiu'Enteu, Hherlff. L. E. ROCHE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HlNMAN BuOt'K, - DltWKY StIILLT, ftOKTH I LA'ITK, NKUItAHKA. Wm. Gamt. Blacksmith aud Wagotimaker. Shoeing a Specialty. Sliocini $4 per Team. Horse iiorsc biiocing Also reductions in other work. Work money refunded. Locust street harness nlore. pc the price ol all tfiiarnniecd or call. Give us south of a Yost's STEBBINS' STABLE. Liyery, Feed, Board my and Sale. NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to hay, 35 cents a night; noon feed 15 cents. L. C. Stebbhts, 'Phono 101. North Flntfc. - , Nebraskn' Shoriff's Halo. lly virtue of an order of sale Issued fnui theillstrlu court of Lincoln county. Nebras ka. upon a decree ot forecloure rendered lu saltl court wherein The f'ounty of Lin coln, a ronioraiiou. is piainun antt i.evi Wolfe et al . are defendants and to ine dt reeled, 1 will on the 1st day of March. IWi atl o'clock p. in at "the east front door of the court house lu North l'latte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash lo satisfy saltl decree, Interest and costs, the tollowini; described property to wit: The southwest quarter of section ,11. township 10, range ',1', west Mxm l' al. Lincoln county, rueiu asKa. Dated North l'latte. Neb , Jan. .'7. UK).' j t'Aiti'KNTf.it, Sheriff bheritf's Sale. lly virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court ol Lincoln tounty, Ne braska. upon a decree ot foreclosure ren dered lu said court wherein The County of Lincoln, a corporation. Is plaintiff and dames A Woodson et ,tl., ate defendants anil to me directed, I will on the 1st day of .Marcn, iwr;. at i o-ciock p in . at tne east front door of the court house in North l'latte. Nebraska, sell at publii .tuition to the lilKhest manor tor casn tu satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the IoIIowIiir uesrrioeu prujieriy, m-ii i n- souinwesl quarter of section M, township II, ranue west Sixth 1' M . Lincoln county, Nebraska j)ated North l'latte Neb. .Ian ;7. mi L. t'Aiii'K.NTi'.it, Sheriff Shorlir a Sale, llv vlrluo of nil order of sale Imih,1 frnm ilu, dUtrict court of Llncolu enunty. Nehraslta, upou a decree of forecloniro rendered In said court wherein The Countv ot Lincoln, it corporation. In plaintiff and r. 1', ItosKvrcitor et al , aru dn feiidenis and to mo directed. I will on tlm ut lnr of Mnrrh. Wi. at 1 o'clock n in. at the iinm front door tif the court houso In North l'latte, Lincoln couuty, Nebraska, soil at public nucllou totbe uiKest uutuer tor onn. to saiury until uccrce, in terest and cols, the tnllowlnu described pron- orty. to-wlt: The northeast quurter of section 17. township 0, ratmo itt, west Hlxth 1'. M. Lincoln county, Nebraska. liateu orin I'liute, -Men. jnn ii loo.' L t'AHl'ENTKK, rherlll. Shoritr'a Sale. llv vlrtuo of mi order of snlu lttued from iha dUtrict tourt of Lincoln county, Ni'liraHkn, upon a decree of forccliuro rendered In said court wherein Thu County of Lincoln, u corporation. Is plaintiff and K. Haley et al., uro defendauts, and to 111" directed, I will ou the st day of March. HHt'. at 1 o'clock, n. in . at Iho oiut front dour of the court house lu North l'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at publlo aurtlni to the hluhest bidder for onh, to satisfy said dis.-ree, In terest and costs, the followlmr described nroeHr- ty, to-wlt: The northeast quarter of khjiIou HI, tomishlp II. rnliKO.'rj. west Klxth I. H Llneolu county. Nebraska imtwi 1 Shoriff's Salo. lly vlrtuu of au order of sale Issued from the district court of Llncolu county, Nebraska, upon a decteu of foreclosure reudured Ir. said court wherein Tho County of Llucoln.tt corporation, Is plalutltt and John 11. bonhaiu Is defendant aud to tuo illieetodj I will on thelsldayof March, HUH, at otto o'clock p. tu. at thu east front door of thu court houso in North plntto, Lincoln county, No tiraska, sell at publlu auction to thu hlKliHst bid der for cash to satisfy said decree, Interest and coststlio following descnlo.1 property to-wlts Tho northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 11, ItaiiKO :il west of the tlth V. M. Lincoln couuty, Nebraska. Dated North l'latte, Ne!).. Jan. 'it, 1002. L. Ciui'KNjEU, Hherffr, ShorifTsSalo. lly virtue of nn order of ti.de Issued from thu district court ot .lucou county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclomtre rendered lu said uouit wherein the Oounty of Lincoln, a cyrporallon, Is plalutltf aud H. J. Shay, ot al ar defpudnnls and to mo directed J w on lo 1st day of SInrch, 1002, ut ouo o'clpck p. nt. at tho east front door of the court house lo North I'latto, Lin coln county. Nebranka, sell Bt public auction to tho highest bidder for Cash to satisfy said decree Innjiestand cost, the following described prop, erty lo-wlti Tile northwest quarter of HectonlL Township U, Itanue 3,vet i:h p. !. Uucoln county, Nebraska. Dated North 1'Jatte, Nobraskn. ,1ajt, ih W, L. CAiii'mcmi. HiirIT, 81iorilT'i Sale, lly virtue ol an ordet of sale Issuod from tint llsti let court of Llnooln countv. Nebraska, uoon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said oourt wherein Tho Uounty of Lincoln, a corporation Is plaintiff nnd Thomas II Hughes, et al.. aro de. lendants nnd to me directed. I will nn the lsi dav of March, 1002, at 1 o'clock, p. m. at the east front door of tuo court hotisu lu North l'latte, Lincoln couuty, Nebraska, sell at public auction to thu highest bidder for cash, to sallsly eald decree, Inieiest and cost, tho following de scribed property, to-wlt: Tho southwest quarter of scctlou ait. township lO, range 32, west Hlxth r, m., Lincoln coiiiny, .-xeoraska. Dated North l'latte, Neb., Jan. 27, llKU. L, Oaiii'entkii, Hhetlff . I .Vtmltlllittv. Neb., Jan. a. 1902 l i'fi'vTnfrbi'fr. NOTIOF mil 1'UIILIOATION. Land oltlee at North I'latto, Neb. January 21, HH)2. Notice 1 hereby given that Urn follow ln.nnm.,i settler has filed notice of his Intention lo make tlnal proof In support of Ida claim, and that said proof will bu made beforo Iho rL'ft,,r .n,i culver, U S Laud Olllee, at North l'latte. Neb . ou March 8, 1002, vlx: ' ' II AltHV NKllvKIIRDV who made homestead entry No. H.rtlO, for the east half of the southeast quarter anilrliorlhwest quarter of the southeast quarter ami lot 7, See iW, town HI, north range 2, wtst .Ixlh p m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rosldeuco upou and cultivation of said land viz: John W. Nugent. Jacob L Lewis, WniT Ureifg. A II. Longpre. all of Maxwell Neb. UkqbqicI:, Fmwci, Iteglster- MARY SWING, Offers her siriny such. Dr. Lucas, Professional Nurse services to all (JCr Call at the ofiicc pf