The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 07, 1902, Image 3

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    'A i
Wedding and
Birthday Presents
will be found in end
less profusion at our
store, and no difficul
ty will be experi
enced in making se
lections. ft
She ctnl - Wffiny Srtliu .r .
FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1002.
Offlco over Strcitz'p Drag Storo.
Miss Bristol came in trom the
west this morning'.
S.mford llattman has purchased
the Steinhauser farm west oi town.
How. rJ Pew, representing In tie'
band which plays here Feb'y. 13tD,
is in the city today.
Miss Lillian flendy came up
from Maxwell yesterday to attend
the Sorenson party.
R. H Laogford returned to town
yesterday alter an extended visit
in this and adjoining states.
Mr. Younjr of the firm of Bacon
& Younjr of Gothenburg transacted
business in town yesterday.
Millard Hosier will leave next
week for Mt. Pleasant, low a. to
vNit his family, who have been at
that place for f-ome time.
Mrs. Tuft of the Third ward
left for Kearney lat niijlit in re
sponse to a telegram announcing
the death of her sister's child.
The ladies of the G. I. A. to the
B ot L. 13 will give a dime social
at the residence of Mrs. M. II.
Douglnfc this ctening, Feb'y. 7th.
Public invited.
Omaha real estats dealers report
a great demand for westernlauds
This week one firm secured 20,000
acres in Colorodo and Nebraska.
Tins land will probably be placed
on the market in small tracts.
In January 1902 the Union
Pacific Land Co. sold 143,000 acres
of land. In January 1901 only
67,000 acres were sold. This is
said tc forecast immense sales this
year as January is always a poor
At the regular meeting of the I.
O. O F. lodge lasteveumir fifteen
applications tor membership were
received, thirteen of these applica
tions coming from residents of
Maxwell and vicinity. A lodfje
will be organized at that place in
the near future.
Utah White Clover Honey
124c a lb. comb. The lowest
price ever made on honey in this
town .
Harrington & Tqdin.
Rev. haniuel ureL'L', state evnn-
crelist. will beinn a series of meet
iugs for the Christians at Unitari
an hall on Sundav, Febauary 16th.
,Mr. Gregg comes highly rt commi'n
ded and no doubt will largely in
crease the membership which lias
been steadily growing since last
That is the exclamation we hear
from ladies every day since wc
unpacked our line for spring-.
You won't wonder they say it
when you sec the beautiful pat
terns and the quality of the work.
Don't buy old out of date patterns
when you can fjet the new and
beautiful ones by buying of us.
Store opc-n evenings until 8
J .
Co. Supt. Neale visited schools
in the Birdwood country this week.
Miss May McKintiis, from the
south side, is the guest ot Mrs.
George Garmau,
Commercial Fertilizer for Lawns
at City Pharmacy, Dr. Lnnirley.
Owing to the cold weather of the
past week or two, business men
report trade as being rather quiet
The bowling alley moved into
the building formerly occupied by
the Bargain Clothing store this
H. 15. Jenkins and family, who
resided near Nichols, left yesterday
for their luture home at Darling
ton, Mo.
Mrp. 15rnest Schurman, ot Fre
mont, arrived in town last evening
and is the guest of her niece, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Billiard have
returned from Denver, where they
attended the funeral of the late
Mtllcdge Davis.
The tally-ho belonging to Col.
W. F. Cody was shipped to Denver
yesterday, having been purchased
by parties residing in that citv.
The Juniors of the Baptist
church will give a social this even
ing, at which a program will be
rendered and oyster soup served.
Misses Minnie and Anna Soren
son entertained a number of friends
at a card party Thursday evening.
All present report a very pleasant
The U. P. surveyors spent Wed
nesday in town doing a little work
in their line, but no information as
to what thev were surveying for
has been given out.
The last number ot the Y. M C
A. course will be given at the opera
house Monday evening March 21th.
The attraction will be I31lis Day, a
characteristic entertainer and inim-
W. A. l'axton shipped eighteen
cars of fat cattle trom his ranch in
the valley to Chicago yesterday.
They were accompanied by D B.
White, J. M. Dwyer and A. B.
Goodwin of the valley.
Mrs. II. S. While and Mrs. Ar
thur McNamara will entertain at
the home of the former next Tues
day afternoon, giving guests an
opportunity to meet Mrs. 15. Schur
man of Fremont.
Services Sunday morning and ev
ening at the Lutheran church. In
the evening Mrs. C. A. Dill and N.
II McCorkle wtll render that beau
tiful duett, "Hope Beyond.'' Every
body invited.
The headstones ordered a '-hort
time ago through the local Grand
Army post and whiclrare furnished
by the government to relatives of
deceased soldiers, are expected to
arrive tomorrow. Those interested
should call on Franklin Peale.
G. L. McDonough, colonization
agent ot the Union Pacific railway,
has returned from western Ne
braska with three prominent Dunk
ards from the settlement in
Stephenson county, 111. All three
men had bought tarms in Lincoln
county, though they had gone out
only to look over the country,
Thev are now returning east to get
their entire clan to come Ho Ne
braska. The men were W. V.
Keltner, John Shidler and Rev.
Charles 13 Del p. -Bee.
A miniature railway consk'ned to
Eugene Picard was received at ti e
freight house yesterday. The out
fit consists of an engine and tin
cars, each of which will hold Uo
persons. About 1,200 feet ot track
will be used. The track will be
laid at Athletic nark and will be
arranged in a circle, having a
diameter of 340 feet. Mr. Picard
expt-ct- to have the train in runn
ing older in about two week, and a
price of five cents wiil be chatged
for the round trip. This is the
same kind ol a train that was in
use at the Trans-Mississippi ex
position but is ot much larger size.
Wanted Alfalfa Hay Lands
in Western Nebraska or Eastern
Wyoming. We have a customer
who wants auu to js()0 acres.
Must be fine land and under ditch,
(private ditch preferred) and near
railroad. G. II. Payne,
A Deep Mystery,
It is a mystery why wonion onduro
HiickHehe, Heiidiiche, Norvousiiss,
Sleeple-snoHa, .Molnnelioly, Fainting and
Dizzy SpollB whnu thousands hnvu
proved that Electric Hitters will euro
quick ly such troubles. "I suffered for
yonra with kidney trouble." writes Mrs.
Phobo Chorley, of lVterson, la., "and n
lain' brink pninod mo so I could not
dross myself, but Elwirio Milters wlmllv
... ... ,1 I, ,.!. T'l .....I.I 'l
UUIUW lilt?, IIIUl "Hllt'lIK" iJ fill n uiii, i
now nm nblo to do nil my liousowork."
It. m'tirnninnn Pnnntmntirin. imtinn-..u
flints nt (itrnitr.'a firm' fetnrn.
Luthorau Lenton Sorvioca.
In addition to the regular Lord's
day services, Rev. Seibcrt announ
ces tiie following services every
week during Lent:
Monday Address to catechu
mens confirmed during the past
live years, and to such as a-e con
sidering uniting with the church.
Wednesday General set vice at
which we hope to sec the entire
membership of the church present.
This meeting ought to help greatly
to develop the spiritual life of
God's people and to bring sinners
to Christ.
Friday -Men's meeting. The
men remember the last year's ser
vices with pleasure. This year wc
hope to make them better. Special
music such as solos and quartettes
are now being arranged tor, Fred
Westenleld will be the organist. A
dillerent leader will be in charge of
the meeting every week. The pas
tor will deliver short addresses.
Palm Sunday Confirmation of
catechumens who have been under
instruction since fall and who will
now meet every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoons.
Holy Week Service every even
ing. The thought of the meetings
will be the one appropriate to the
.season The Passion ol Christ.
Easter The celebration of the
Holy ComiiHmion. All intcri'ted ii
our holy religion arc most cordially
invited to all the services. Strang
ers are never intruders with us.
The pastor would be glad to make
the personal acquaintance of any
such as mav come.
Charley Vollmer left lor Chicago
last night.
Charles Copper and Brno; Reed,
of Ogalalla were visitors in town
this week.
Harry Rogers, who had been vis
iting relatives in town, returned to
Lincoln this week.
Rev. Beechcr will hold Episco
pal services in Ogalalla every
Thursday evening during L'int.
Miss Minnie Sudmaii has re
turned to her home in Chappell af
ter a pleasant yisit with friends in
thi city.
The Methodist revival services
will probably close Sunday even
ing. Four conversions were se
cured last evening.
W. L. Rutledgo, .an attorney of
Grant, transacted busiimss in
town a day or two this week..
Joseph Ilershey received two gas-
olino engines this week, and re
quests those interested to call and
se them.
Ellis Brooks of Peoria, 111 , ar
arrived in this city this mottling
and will visit his mother Mrs. Fan
nie Brooks for a time.
Local weather prophets are look
ing for a spell of very cold weather
owing to the fact that sun-dogs"
were visible this morning.
Remember the social at the Uni
tarian hall next Saturday, Feb. 8,
trom four to ten p. m. Coffee, cocoa
and cake will be served. Also can
dies for sale. The public is invi
ted. Chicago forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Probably light snow
tonieht or Saturday slightly
warmer tonight The maxim u in
temperature yesterday wa-i 28, one
year ago 24. Tue minimi in tern
perature this morning was 11, one
year ago IK.
Blown to Atoma.
ino out theory that tho body somo
tunes needs n powerful, drastic, purgn-
tivo pill has boon oxplodod; for Dr.
King's Now Lifo Pills, which nro per
foctly hnrmloKB, gently stimulate, livor
and bowols to oxpol poisonous ninttor
cleanse- tho system and absolutely euro
Constipaiion mid Siek noudiKiho. Only
jo coins at btreitz h drug Btoro
WE H 7X V E5
In transit
Price will be
Baker Perfect Painted
?3.80 per hundred.
Baker Perfect Galvanized
$4.10 per hundred.
Wholesale market in ad vane
ing, better buy now.
Store open evenings until
Wilcox Department store,
here un be but
one Monarch
In the realm of canned goods.
The Monarch brand has no
rival, being-the king- of all.
After a severe can cutting
contest in Chicago a few
ago the result was over
whelmingly in favor of Mon
arch. These goods are
tempting- to the palate of the
most exacting- and can be
obtained of
W. F. McGlone
up from fresh, ripe, tomatoes,
every bottie warranted to be
superior to any found in the
United Mates, barring- none.
Pint bottles 2a cents.
1 -Pint bottles 15 cents.
Sweet, white,
and tender. To
those used to
the ordinary
orn of com
merce, this corn
w ill be a reve
lation. To all
such we say trv
t an(' over af-
tcrward use
Mi narch . 15 cents a can.
They remind
you of the flow
er. The delic
ious suspicion
r ......... i.. ...... r
iJ Monarch sweet
JM P0!ls s ''cspon-
Muie u)i uiuu
20 cents per
can, 2 for 35c.
We also have
Monarch Handsome Peas for 20c
tier can, Monarch Earlv June
"eas 2dc and Marrowfat Peas at
cc:. .a.
Solid full
of ripe
red toma
toes There
are toma
toes that
cost loss
but there
is sure to
be some
drawback in quality that really
makes them more costlv. Ex
cept Monarch in none that wc
I - i 1 .
lave ever seen is commneu eve-
v excellence. 20 cents per can
Straw berries
sweet and his
cious. The
Monarch ex
tra strawber
ries are put
up in a very
heavy syrup,
almost pre
served; they
iiS have a re
markably natural appearance
md llavor,andserved with cream
ire a rare delicacy- 25c a can.
A.11 claws and
ails. The
neaty part of
i lobster is
ds clawsand
ail. The
brand is canned only from these
part, no smaller pieces what-
ever. rue results jusiiiy tnc
trouble judg-ing- from the popu
larity of Monarch Lobsters.
Picnic 20c, two fur 35c.
1-lb size. Hat or tall cans 35c.
Monarch is the best; there arc
none others just as good, and we
have a complete line. There
are not many things canned but
what we have.
Lent Hegins Feb. 12th.
Watch this space next week
and we will have a fish story to
tell you.
Jesse Pleharty, who was serious
ly injured at Boise City, Idaho, last
week, is improving, and in now con
sidered out ot danger. Mr. Fie
narty, who is proof reader on the
Daily Statesman, was returning
home from work about two o'clock
in the morning when he was at
tacked by foot pads, knocked sense
less with a brick and robbed ot ai.e
ty dollars.
Howard Pulver was fined cue
dollar and costs Thursday for asr
sault. Lewis Patterson was the
complainant. Pulver plead guilty.
'Kearney Hub.
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
The lecture on sunshine by Dr
Willits was fine, everybody present
enjoyed themselves, and we trust
the life of this bright old gentle
men will be spared many years that
he may go through this old world
scattering sunshine as he did here.
All kinds and conditions of men
arc wanted at the Y, M. C. A, next
Sundav afternoon at 3:30, to hear
Dr. Greenlee speak and to take
part in the song service.
Two more U. P. firemen joined
the association yesterday. Others
will join if asked to come in. Fel
lows speak a word about it to your
If Miss Helen M. Gould could
witness what we do each day she
would be pleased. Men stand
with amrucmcut before that splen
did lot of new books which she so
kindly gave to us. and hardly know
what to take first.
Young man! Ho you want to
know anything about a locomotive?
We have a book that will give you
that information. Ask the Secre
tary fot a book by Stahl. What a
young man ought to know.
Plan to go to the State conven
tion at York, from the 20th to the
23d ol this month. Sec the Secre
tary about rates.
Best Quality
Fancy Greeley Potatoes
Store opcu evenings until S
Wilcox Department Store
is a necessity in the wardrobe of
every well dressed man. To hnve
thecotrect style and fit it must be
made to order. We make a
Tuxedo Suit of fine clolh. Our
work is correct in every way.
Cleaning and repairing a
9 a ?
W Farm Implements, Wagons, Uuggies,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit -r
tings and Tanks, Barb Wire.
w Daie lies, Lightening
Hay Press & Repairs
Locutst. . . . . NoRTH PLATTE, NEB. 3
forlh fl&tte JTlocir
tO9999999990O90C999999909999909Oe 9900999999 9
lylaijUFactUrecl by ortl7 Platte lRoilef iTfilis
Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in
Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the
equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska.
f? Trial Sack ujill Coijv-itjce yok of Its n)eit
North Platte. Roller Mills
Mrs. C. J. Pcrktus and family
have returned from their visit to
Ellis, Kas.
Moore Mitchcl returned yester
day from a visit in the cast part ol
the state.
The examining board of the U.
P. expect to reach this city in
about two weeks.
Thos. Sitnatits this year har
vested a good crop of ice from his
lake near Struthcrs' points, He
supplied II. Waltemath with 179
tons, the Krug Co. with 103 tons
and put up for his own use 90
For Balo or Trrulo,
A good homestead, about sixty
tons of hay, good open range ad
joining. Sonic improvements. See
J. W. Billings, North Platte.
Notwithstanding the fact that
credit competitors say that they
meet our cash prices, the fact re
mains that tor quality and prices
wc are still in the lead. Compare
prices with thoic in your pasa
book and be convinced.
Cane Granulated Sugar IS
lbs $1.00
Cozad Morning- Glory Pat
ent Flour per sack 1.05
Cozad Valley Patent Flour
per sack 95
North Platte Patent Flour
per sack 1.05
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Best Gasoline per gal 20
Arm & Hammer Soda per lb .OS
Cow Brand Soda per lb OS
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per lb OS
Kingsford Corn Starch per
lb OS
Standard SwcctCorn per can .OS
Standard Vinegar 45 grain
per gal 20
15 grain White Wine Vine
gar per gal 25
11. J. Heinz Co. Best Cider
Vinegar per gal 35
Best New Sweet Cider per
gal 35
Gold Dust Washing Powder
4-lb box IS
Stock Salt, 100-lbsack ;60
Sulphurized stock salt 50-lb
blocks 50
Fancy white potatoes perbu ,'J5
Eastern standard tomatoes
per can 13
Regular 35c M. it J. Coffee
per lb 32
Regular 30c M. it J. Cofi'cc
per lb 27
Regular 25c M. it J. CofTce
per lb 22
Regular 20c M. it'j. Coffee
per lb IS
Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb 45
Regular 40c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb 35
Fil tor Lent
We have just received a lull line
of Ftsh lor Lent Smoked Sal
mon, white lish, cured herring,
codfish, mackerel, while fish and
spiced herring, ah fancy goodB at
right prices.
Yovr patronage in solicited.
fi. P. AlcGREW, Mgr.