The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 24, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 1
Jan. 20,1902
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present full board and coun
ty clerk.
Official bonds were approved as
. follows: G. A. Schrccongast justice
of the pca:e, Well precinct, hold
over. J K. Nystrom constable.
Claims were allowed on the gen
eral fund aH follows: Sophie Ander
son care and keep of Emma Ander
Bon for August and September
54.00, M. B. Crydermann disking
court house lawn and drayage 7.25,
Phil Deats papering county
office 3.50, C. F Iddings balance on
coal bill 199.45, F. P. Hoy merchan
dise for poor 4.95, II. S. Kidgley
salary as county attorney for third
and fourth quarters 400.00, J. E.
Evans annotated code for county
judge 6,00, J. M. Ray salary as
poormaater for fourth quarter 1901,
25.00. A. S. Baldwin fees in fifteen
state cases 89 80.
The board commenced checking
up Bhcriff'6 report.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
Jan. 21, 1902
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present full board and coun
ty clerk.
Claims were allowed on the gen
eral fund as follows:
Dr. K. M. Krccoriun medical aid
for poor 6.00, Cannon & Rebhausen
meals for jurors 6.50, J. C. Feder
hoof meals for jurors 9 75, Chns
Johnson digging graves as per
order of poormaster 6 50, Patrick
Ruddy cleaning court house and
jail vaults 70.00, Wm. Holtry wit
ness in case of County vs. Clark
4 00, M. C. Harrington tees in same
case 4 00, A. D. Orr fees in same
case 4-00, J. W. Cheney pointing
22,50, V. C. Elder court costs and
witness fees 26.03.
Report of A. Baldwin as county
judge fourth quarter 1901 checked
with records, touud correct and ap.
Consideration of sheriff's report
and checking same continued.
Adjourned uutil tomorrow.
Jan. 22, 1902.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present.full board and county
Settlement wan made with Saml.
Funkhouser road overscr road
district No. 4 and certificate issued
for 4 00 on said district.
Claim ot Saml. FunkhotiBer for
50.00 allowed on bridge fund.
Claim of Saml. Funkhouser al
lowed for 31 20 on fund of district
No. 4
Certificate for 6 25 to rectify a
mistake issued tn G. V. Parsons
road overseer Dist. No. 33,
Claim of G. W. Parsons allowed
on road fund for 10,00.
Claim ot A. A. Rose allowed ou
road fund for 4 00.
Claim of F. B. Livingstone al
lowed on road fund for $5.50.
The board commenced checking
county treasurer's accounts in reg
ular January settlement.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
Sheriff Carpenter returned yes
terday from an official trip to Wal'
Y. Iff. C. A. NOTES.
Men! You can find a good place
to spend an hour next Sunday
afternoon at 3:30. Rev. George A.
Becchcr will address the men's
meeting. About twenty minutes
will be ppent in a song service.
Every man in North Platte is
With pleasure wc announce the
opening of the library to the mem
bers on Thursday the 23d. What
a delightful privilege it is to have
2100 books to pick from.
This association has been greatly
strengthened because ot those
splendid meetings held in the opera
house last Sunday.
The membership is on the move
There are more men being spoken
to about membership at this time
than we have every known and if
the association continues to grow
in the future as in the past wc will
be compelled to seek other quarters.
One young man was so delighted
with his membership that in less
than a mouth he laiultd four other
fellows. Say men! Don't let a
man escape in the town, giyc them
an invitation to come in.
My! but the fellows enjoyed their
baths last Saturday, fifty-nine of
them came out smiling and clean,
Mr. James Carpenter and Miss
Mary Marquette of Hershey were
united in marriage on Tuesday
of this week, Rey. W. M. Evans,
the resident pabtor of the Baptist
church, officiating. Mrf uftd Mrs.
Carpenter will reside in the village
ot Hershey.
We are informed that a scheme is
on loot to consolidate Birdwood
and Sutherland precincts in favor
of the latter.
II. Newberry of McPherson coun
ty was marketing oats, grown b)
irrigation on his valley farm, at
North Platte the first of this week.
. There is a ready local market lor
shelled corn at cixtyfive cents a
bushel at this time,
A remonstrance against iortmtig
a precinct in which to vote bonds
tor the construction of a bridge
across the river just north of Her
shey is being circulated both north
and south of the river at this time
and is receiving the signatures of a
large number of the tree holders
Horace Jenkins, who will sell his
personal cffectH at public auction
on Thursday of next week, will de
part for Missouri as soon after the
sale ab possible to make his future
Chas. Lawrence and daughter
were county seat visitors on Wed
nesday of this week.
Al Beckett and family, formerly
of the valley arc said to be comfort
ably located in Illinois at the pres
ent time.
Never before in the history of
this country lias there been nn
much hay disposed of in one sea
son as there has been in '.lie past
season and at good prices.
People who reside In the irrign
tion districts claim that water is
the stafT of life.
I. E. Ware and Wm. Haist called
on friends at the county capial
early in the week.
J. G. Feeken has been bhclling
corn down In Ilinmau precinct
lately. The Dillon ranch was one
of the places,
A light shipment of hay is being
loaded at Hcraltcy at the present
J. C. Gygcrof the NicholB cream.
cry shipped a consigtimcntof butter
to Chicago on Tuesday last.
Tyler Ilollingsworth and wife
were at North Platte on business
one day this week.
Bad colds seems to be the pre
vailing illness among the citizens
in this locality.
The question ot bonding the
county for the put pose ot erecting
a new court house is being
thoroughly discussed by the tax
payers in the valley.
The patrons of the Nichols cream
ery were paid off on Wednesday t
J. W, Liles is still kept busy with
his corn shellcr in the valley not
withstanding the fact that a large
amount of corn grown in the valley
last season has been used for home
consumption and also some shipped
out, there arc still several thousand
bushels left.
It is said that "economy is
wealth" but the man who disposes
of IiIh hay and grain because they
bring a big price, and turns his
lioraeH and cattle out upon the
prnirie without food or shelter
never accumulates very much
G. E. Sullivan was at North
Platte on Tuesday with a load of
oats grown by him on the Ncw
berrv farm last season.
Dr. P. T, Chadwell, Osteopath
will permanently locate In this city
February 1st. lie is a graduate of
American School of Osteopathy.
Come Our Way and You Will
be in line.
Sugar 18 lbs $1.00
Bee Coffee per lb 14
Bogota Coffee 18c, 2 lba for. .35
Arbucklc Coffee 13c, 2 lbs. . .25
Lion Coffee 13c, 2 lba for.. . .25
Golden Drip Syrup per gal. .40
Full Cream Cheese per lb. . .15
Diamond C Soap 8 bars for. ,25
W. R. Soap 7 bars 25
Anchor Matches per pkg. ,15
Herring per keg 1.00
Home Made Saucr Krout
per gal 35
Humphrey Flour, gives sat
isfaction, per sack 1.10
6-lb Sack Wlicatlct, fresh, .
per sack 30
6-lb Sack- Self-Rising Pan
Cake Flour per sack '.30
25-lb Sack Rvc Flour, pure. lf0
25-lbSack Corn Meal 45
E. T. TRAMP, Prop.
h ITP IvS yV' f il
succeeding. All heavy-weight goods must be moved bv that time. In order to do this
- fton nnn Tn Reliable and Desirable Merchandise Will be Absolutelv Closed Out Wfc
This offer includes not a few odds and ends or broken sizes, but our whole stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Woolen Underwear and Overshirts, Hats and v
nnr I lone? A Ql ffn -z.m.
UUU VUOI JJUUIO (111 uuv;lo
For 30 Days Only
These prices are made so low
that you can't afford to miss,
carrying away the goods.
Suits worth $20
selling for that
price every day,at
Suits never sold
for less than $18,
SS! $10-00
A suit worth $10
of any man s mon
ey marked down
j 0
For 30 Days Only.
The Greatest Reduction of all is
in Boys' Suits. We have hundreds
of these suits which must be sold out
at this Great Sale.
1 llkUS. Oijt, iIJi pi.lj .pi.UU,
2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50.
The greatest collection of good
and up-to-date Boys' Clothing ever
offered in North Platte for the mon
ey. Remember we are selling every
garment at ACTUAL COST.
25 Cent Pants cut down to.
50 Cent Pants cut down to
75 Cent Pants cut down to
One Dollar Pants cut down to.
.18 Cents
.S5 Cents
4-5 Cents
00 and 75e
Men's Overcoats.
For 30 Days Only.
Ifivory one must be sold regard
lens of cost.
Our stoelc of Overcoats is Bmall, but
those we have remaining- will be almost
cut in two.
Men's Black and Urown
Kuppenlieimcr Overcoats,
former price $18, cut down j QQ
Men's Black all wool Kersey,
regular price $15, cut down f PA
to y3)
Men's black and brown all
wool Kersey sold at $12.50, ri rf
cut down to DU
Men's black and brown all
wool Irish Frieze Ulster, reg- Q T"f
ulur price 12.50, cut down to 03 V
B" Cheaper ones reduced accord
ingly $2.50, $3.50, $5.00.
Qur 50c fleece lined garment sold elsewhere at 75c, cut
down during this sale to 37 1-2 cents,
30 dozen camel's hair wool underwoar, regular price $1,
cut down to 68 cents per garment.
Staley black ribbed underwear reduced from $2.00 to
$1,25 per garment.
AH other grades of Staley Underwear cut down 25c
to 75c per garment.
$2.50 Shirts, double back and front, reduced to $1.75
Si. 50 Shirts, plain back and front, reduced to $1.00
$100 Shirts, fancy worsted, assorted patterns, reduced
to 65 cents.
Don't miss this opportunity to buy your warm Over
Shirts. Remember 30 days only.
Men's and Boys' Shoes.
We have the largest stock of Men's and Boys'
Boots and Shoes in North Platte and will make Spec
ial Reductions on all.