The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1902, Image 1

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    fflhe Jlortlt
NO. 102
Will be received on that handsome couch
displayed in our show window until Jan
uary 23th. Why not make a bid on it? We
also give you another opportunity to pur
chase a Rocking Chair and Combination
, Case on the daily descending price list.'
Name the date you wish for the Chair up to
January 21st, and for the Case up to Jan
uary 28th.
Howe's Furniture Store,
S i
Farm Implements,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit-
tings and Tanks, Barb Wire.
Bale Ties, Lightening ft t ft Z
f Hay Press & Repairs y
Locngtst: . . . NORTH PLATTE, NEB.
! fJorth flalfe ftlocir f
JIaifUfactUirecl by Jotttf Platte poller iljiils
Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in
Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the
equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska.
Tiriai Sack uJlil Cotyvii?ce yoU of its fljeit
North Platte
1b prevented by vncoination before the germ of the disonso has entered
the system. The ouucoaa of vnooinntion doponds upon proper doengo.
Too large n dose will produco the disease while too email a closo will not
render the animal immune- This problem 18 solved by I'nrlto, Duvia & C!o.
in tholr new vnccino in pill form which is injected through tho skin. No
mixing, Altering or time wasted nnd you don't have to spend n fortune to
vaccinate your cattle. P. D. Co, book, "Blackleg and Its Treatment." free
Next door to First Natl. Hank. ::::::::::: J. II. STONE, Mor
The UqJon Pacific has recently reduded the already
fat time beween Omaha and California, making
the run several hours quicker than ever before , i , ,
Leaves Omaha Daily at 8.50 a. m.
.UWU.Vl.O UIIIUUU iklllj Mfc I mJ lilt
Y Leaves Omaha Daily at 11.20 p. m. J;
For full information aaJl on or
E. H. GENGE, Agent
Wagons, Buggies,
Roller Mills
Railroad Business at Maxwell
During1 the year 1901 there were
received at Maxwell sixty-three
cars ol merchandise as lollows:
Corn 1, feed 1, salt 1, flour 2, lum
ber 9, coal 12, cattle 33, other goods
The shipments for the same
period in carload lots were as
follows: Rye 2, wheat 2, merchan
dise 3, sheep 3, horses and mules
13, hogR 18, sugar beets 41, cattle
48, hay 507; total number of cars
This volume of business will no
doubt be an agreeable surprise to
most people, tins writer confesses
that it is to him.
A Stranger in a Straugo Laud.
The Denver Republican of Jan.
6th says: The most admirable
feature of ,lA Stranger in a
Strange Land," which was pre
sented at the Tabor Grand last
evening-, is that the play pos
sesses a somewhat original idea.
Theidca as presented inordinary
English and without any pictures
que embellishments, is that an
ordinary tainily of sober and re
spectable Britons is so ignorant
regarding tho. geography and
civilization of America that a
scapegrace relative can impose
upon a rich aunt and make her be
lieve that he owns a large cattle
ranch in Buffalo and that each
morning he drives liis cattle acrosB
the river to graze in Nebraska.
From the aunt he obtains remit
tances under the pretense that he
needs money to keep his ranch
running and when he returns to
England he takes with him an
Indian as living proof that he has
been in America. Several men
dacious friends of the young man,
who arc anxious to assist him in
the deception, bring m burlesque
Indians and three acts are required
to straighten matters out. This
company will be at .Lloyd's opera
house'tomorrow evenintr, Jan, 15th.
Jan. 7, 1902
At one p. m. the board met pur
suant to adjournment, present
Robbius, McCullough and Kclliher
county commissioners and county
Claim of T, A Roberts for work
on Birdwood bridge across Platte
river allowed on the bridge fund for
Claim of L. Purdy for hauling
sand on Long road al'owed on road
district fund No 31 ior $12.00.
Comes now Fred R. Giun, county
clerk, and make written applica
tion for one deputy at $60 per
month and to be allowed such other
clerical help as the work in the
office demands and the good ot the
service requires and upon :ousider
tion said request is hereby granted,
Bond of J. E. Evans as deputy
clerk is hereby approved.
Whercuppn the board adjourned
until tomorrow.
January 10, 1902
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present lull board and coun
ty clerk. Bids for printing and
supplies for the county tor the 1902
were opened, compared and con
sidered and the following awards
were inide:
To The Telegraph, North Platte
All envelopes, noteheads. letter
heads, and apportionment notices
on postal cards,
To the North Platte Tribune
All legal blanks, bar docket,
teachers' institute programs, treas
urer's notices to delinquents, re
ceipt books, and hall and quarter
sheet claim blanks.
To State Journal Co , Lincoln
All of Class "A," reversible docu.
ment envelopes of class "C," and
all of claBB D, they being the best
and lowest bidders.
The county publishing to both
The Tribune and The Telegraph,
each to receive one-half legal rate.
Report of Bertha Thoelccke as
county superintendent for fourth
quarter of 1901, examined and ap
proved. The county clerk is hereby in
structed to draw cash warrant and
transmit Bame to the superintend
ent of the feeble minded institute
at Beatrice. Neb., for the sum of
510.87, three dollars to be credited
to Chaa. Percival and 13.87 to 1311a
An way.
Claim of C. A. Wyman allowed
on fund of road district No. 1 for
six dollars.
Adjourned until tomrrrow.
Jan. 11, 1902
Boa'rd met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present full board and
county clerk.
Claim of E. C. Baker services as
chainman allowed nu the road
fund for $3.00.
Claim of Waif r led LarBon re
ferred to the county clerk.
Claim of Iddings and Baker for
constructing lateral and bridge
across same, was disallowed,
Claim of C. P. Ross for scryices
aB county surveyor allowed on the
road fund for 23.50.
Claim of Nelson & Mcwhcrry
asking that taxes for 1898 be re
mitted, referred to countyattorncy.
Adjourned until Jan. 16, 1902.
It is stated that iu many places
prairie chicken and quail arc dc
yourtner the grasshoppers that the
warm weather has brought out.
J. G. Feekcn is the proud
possessor of a new com shcllcr
which he received one day last
J. V. Robinson, on what is
known as the old Avalinc farm just
cast pi Nichols is furnishing milk
from a number of cowu for the
creamery at Nichols,
Mrs"; Fanny Brooks of the county
seat is yisiting in the valley at
this time.
Fall grain and alfalfa looks as
fresh and green at the present
time as it geuerally does in March.
Walter Thomas had cattle on
the South Omaha market recently.
He struck a poor day and did not
get a very good price, only receiv
ing $4.10 per cwt for three year
old steers.
- Mri.' Kate Sullivan has been on
the sick list lately.
The ladies aid society will give
an oyster supper in the hall at
Hershey tomorrow evening. Every
body invited.
Secberger & Co. will ship a car
of hogs west from North Platte to
day that they purccased in that
About 275 cars of baled hay have
been shipped trom Hershey and
Nichols trom June, 1901, up to the
present time, at prices ranging from
$6.00 to $8 25 per ton.
A negro minstrel troupe enter
tained the citizens of Hershey and
vicinity in the hall at that place
one evening lust week.
Geo. Edminton has brought his
herd of cattle from the Birdwood
country down into the valley where
he is leeding them on alfalfa pur
chased from Seeberger & Co.
It iB said that Chas. McAllister
has the finest herd ot coining two
year old steers in the yalley. They
are as fat as butter caused by feed
ing them alfalfa hay.
D. T. Davis who is quite aged
was at the county seat Saturday,
for the first time in several months.
He was accompanied by his daugh
ter Mrs. Mary Spurrier, with whom
he resides.
The Nichols and Hershey section
crews now consist of a toreman
and one man.
II. B. Reed has lately divided up
his herd of cattle and is herding
one bunch on O. H. Eyerly's larm
where he purchased a quantity ol
alfalfa hay, and another bunch on
the W. O. Thompson farm now
occupied by Geo. Refior, where he
also purchased alfalfa hay.
Mr. Charles Phillips of McPher
son county visited relatives iu this
and Logan county laBt week.
J. E. Fuller and wife enter
tained fifty neighbors and friends
New Years day.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Keslar, a girl baby.
W. S. Ross -distributed seeds
from the government the first of
the week.
Miss Anna Middleton returned
from Gothenburg Saturday.
Charles Grambrel sold fifty
bushels of com to C. A. Moore.
J. E. Fuller and Chas. Gambrel
attended the Woodman festivities
at North Platte Thursday evening.
western Nebraska flzvj
. Oooil Cheer.
Have you hail a kindness thown
l'a It oiij
'Twas not Riven lor you alone
Pass It on.
r.H It travel down the vcars,
Let It wipe another's tears,
Till In heaven the deed appears,
Pass Hon. '
( Headquarters, W Fifth Ave.
New York City
Nebraska State Division, Myrtle, Neb,
Colors, Yellow and White,
Flower, Core ojmIh.
Song, "Scatter Sunshine,"
All letters, packages or Inquiries concern
ing Sunshine work should be addressed to
Mrs. Anna K. Moore, Myrtle, Neb., and
notices for publication should reach us not
later than Wednesdays.
A sunshine club has been or
ganized in North Platte with Mra.
Mary II. Elder as president.
Miss Cclia Busing of Alexandria
has been appointed president of a
branch at Alexandria.
The Sunny Hour branch ot
Tccumseh, composed of the pupils
ol the four lower rooms of the high
school, contributed a little over four
dollars to couvty a remembrance
to Cecil Edwards a member of the
branch, who has been ill a long
time. It w.ib a very graceful act
nnd carried with it to the sick room
a token of sympathy and good
cheer which cannot be measured in
dollars and cents.
The Arborville branch, Mrs.
Jennie Wilcox president, gave a pie
social Dec. 12.
During the last year the Myrtle
branch realized trom entertain
ments and contributions a little
over thirty dollarp, MrB. Anna E.
Moore, president, who is alBO a
member of the board ot managers
of the International Hjnshine
Society, realized the necessity of
funds to meet the general expenses
at New York City, and suggested
tliAt a portion from each entertain
ment be sent to New York. The
members were equally glad to
divide, both with general head
quarters and the state. The re
maining portion was utilized in
mailing out good cheer. The
branch has a membership of fifty
nine. At the first regular meeting
of the year, Jan. 7, eight new mem
bers were added, and those present
enjoyed an oyster supper. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of the president Feb. 6.
The following letter is from a
former North Platte sunahincr.
Cheyenne, W.yo., Jan. 3, 1902,
Dear Mrs. Moore:
I didn't know whether to
thank Mrs. Vickroy or you and will
and lie handles groceries
the equal of any firm in
the city and guarantees
you the lowest prices.
Here are a few prices.
Cnno Sugnr 18 lbs for 91.00
Old Itolinblo ColToo, por lb 12$
Tho boat Moohu und Juvii II lbs. . 1.00
Ex. Jnnnn Itieo .'! lbn for 25
Itollod Out Moid 7 lbs for 25
Khiko N. V. Uuekwhoiitporlb.... 01.
Syrup por (fill 10
Oswego Corn Starch imr pktf 08
OsweKo Gloss Htnroh por pkg 08
Best UIobb Stnrch por plttf 05
Host Corn Stnroh por pktf 05
Wiiltor Bnkors Choonluto lBo 2 for .35
Gold Duflt por uUif 18
Cooonnutpor pkg 05
We carry a full line of New
York canned Corn, Peas, Beans,
etc., that cannot be excelled. "We
challenge competition.
Humphrey Flour the best
made, foncc tried always used,
Guaranteed to give satisfaction
or monev refunded. White Satin
81.10, Fancy Patent $1.00 and
Baker's Choice 90 cents.
We carry pure Kye Flour and
E. T. TRAMP, Prop.
We sell
A. B. C. Sotln Crackers 22-lb
boxes per lb '.
Red Seal Patent Flour per
Sack $1.00 13i 4 nt. 4 li'lnn.M.....1. fin
Tomarocs per can 10
8 Bars Diamond CSoap 25
7 Bars White Russian Soa) . . .25
Wool Soap per bar 05
Naptha Soap per bar .05
Paddle Blue 5c size 04
Paddle Blue 10c size 07
Pcarlinc per package. 04
oupunu yu, oars ior
Lewis Lye per can -08
Merry War Lye per can,. .. '.07
Saratoga Chips per lb 25
Sniders Catsup, pints .'23
Snidcrs Catsup, -pints 14
Arm and Hammer Soda per
pkg 08
Dwights Soda per pkg. .... .. .08
Chipped Dried Beef 1-2 lb can .10
Veal Loaf 1-lb can 20
Walter Bakers Cocoa 1-2 lb
can 25
Lemons per dozen 25
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg, .08
Kingsfords Corn Starch per
pkg .08
Kerosene Oil per gallon 15
Vinegar per gallon 20
Arbucklcs Coffee 2 pkgs 25,
Lion Coffee 2 pkgs. . . .25
V V V V. PnfTnn 1 r,1.,, oe
"""" . l'0 ......
Corn Meal per Sack .20
JRoclc Salt per hundred 80
oait iiu-io bag.. 95
Table Salt 2 sacks 05
Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug .45
Standard Navy Tobacco, per
Plug 35
Star Tobacco per plug 45
Spear Head Tobacco per plug .45
Battle Ax Tobacco per plug. .35
J. T. Tobacco per plug 20
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox DepaMmenfi pm.
you please thank her lor me for the
Christmas present. I didn't think
sunshine would find me out here,
but I am glad they remembered me,
I have not heard from no one.
FromYour loving friend
Maim; ik Ghimks.
(Won't sonic of our suiiBhlhers
write to Margie?)
3 cups sugar, 1 cup boiling water,
1 teaspoon cream of tarter, 4 table
spoon vinegar, dissolve the sugar
in the water. Boil the ingredients
together without stirring, until
when tried in cold water, the mix
ture will be brittle. Turn on a'
well buttered platter to cool, aB
edges cool fold toward center. As
soon as it can be handled, pull
until white and glossy, while pull
ing flavor as deBired. Cut into
BtickB or square pirces. Contri
buted by a sunshine member who
is taking a course iu Domestic
Science at the State University.
You cn rank your Jifm
new tut noft ns eiuvo
anil ba touith b wlrx by
uhIiikUIIKUUA Ilnr.
noun (III. You ran
leni;ttirn lu life malcalt
luai twlco uj lona ua It
ordinarily would.
Harness Oil
mnkmpoorlookln har.
DMI llkn nniv. Mik.ln .if
pure, timvy bodied oil, r.
Iterlallv menareit tn with.
euud ttia wi'Htncr.
Bold evemvliera
In cant-all uta.