BY LAND FROM PARIS TO NEW YORK. -Jli.'li Itouto Crossing lterlnff Strait Harry Do Wlndt and his companions, who will attempt to reach New York by traveling overland, have- started from Paris on their way to Behrlng strait. The trip will be across the con tinent of Siberia, where the Russian government will uctlvcly assist the ex plorer In his undertaking. Tho vlcomte do Cllnchamp and Georgo Harding will accompany M. Do Wlndt. This will bo tho third attempt M. Do Wlndt has made to reach Amer ica entirely by land. On tho first oc casion, starting from New York, ho managed to reach tho Asiatic coast of tho straits, but owing to his capture and subsequent 111 treatment by Koarl, tho Tchuktchi chief, ho narrowly es caped with his life and had to return. Ho again uttempted tho Journey in tho roverso direction last year, but ow ing to tho political situation In China and on tho Amur Count Lamsdorf re fused to allow Do Wlndt to cross Si beria, and attain M. Do Wlndt had to relinquish tho trip. Now, however, ho Is receiving assist ance from both the Russian and Amer ican authorities, Including Commodoro Melville of Washington. Count Hiitzfelilt' Diijk. The death of Count Hatzfoldt did not como entirely as a surprlso to his friends, as It was generally recognized that tho retirement from tho post of German ambassador meant a very critical stato of health. Indeed, It was ono of tho peculiar features of his career that ho should hnvo for so long remained Intrusted with tho in terests of tho German Empire in Lon don, when his health was such that 4 44 4 4444 444 44 444.4.4 lilt "Surrender Tree" in Cuba. 4444 4 - tttX .- ' ' - 1 1 During his recent visit In Santiago General Wood bought for tho govern ment tho principal part of tho San Juan battlefield, Including San Juan Hill, the Bite of tho blockhouse and Bloody Bend. Tho tract comprises 200 acres aud cost $15,000. It will bo considered a United States reservation, and the government In tends to lay out a beautiful park on the old battlefield. Governor General Wood's nctlon In purchasing tho San Juan buttlefleld for a government reservation is be lieved to bo in lino with tho policy of tho administration to acquire territory at strategic points In Cuba upon which American troops will be stationed, On this park is situated tho "Surren der Tree," under which tho terms of the surrender of the Spanish army, to mm I'lmined liy Hurry Do Wlntlt. ho was able to tnko no part In any ofllclal or court ceremony, and spent his entire existence prostrate cither in bed or on a sofa, whllo on tho raro occasions that ho visited tho foreign office ho had to bo lifted out of his carriago into n sort of sedan chair, and bomo in tho latter to the room of Lord Salisbury. Alluring The following Is quoted as a Japa nese "personal" from the columns of tho Annzawa-Sheurbum of Toklo: "I am a beautiful woman. My abundant, undulating hair envelops mo as a cloud. Supple as a willow is my waist. Soft and brilliant Is my vlsago as tho satin of tho llowers. I am endow ed with wealth sulllclent to saunter through lifo hand in hand with my bolovcd. Were I to meet a gracious lord, kindly, intelligent, well educated, and of good taste, I would unite my self with him for lifo and later sharo with him tho pleasure of being laid to rest eternal In a tomb of pink mar ble." Stool In Ucvnn Llnur. Tim holler tubes of a liner, If placed in a straight lino, would reach nearly ten miles and tho condenser tubes moro than twenty-ilvo miles. Tho total number of sonarato nieces of steel In tho main structuro of tho ship Is not less than 40,000. Tho golf players in congress nro qulto numerous. Corlcss of Michigan Is tho founder of a golf club, and was among tho pioneer followers of tho gamo In his state. tho victorious Americans wcro agreed upon after the famous battlo. DrciamuUInc In I'urli. Paris leads tho world in dressmak ing. It is estimated that there aro 75, 000 persons employed In tho dressmak ing establishments of tho city, and If ono Includes tho workers who design and make the materials used by the dressmakers, about 140,0000 persons aro engaged in tho business. OjmL. Formorly most opals camo from Hungary, and moro recently from Mox lco. In 1889 an Australian hunter, whllo pursuing a wounded kangaroo, oamo across an opal. Slnco that tlmo Australia lias yielded nearly $2,000,000 worth of that srem A NOVEL SETTEE This Is hardly an undertaking for tho ordinary amateur, but If ono bo well. grounded in tho carpenter's art It of fers no difficulty. If not, tho Idea had better bo handed over to tho local car penter for construction. Tho high back should havo square spaces cut for etchings, water colors or photographs. At each end artistic corner shelves nro added, which make excellent recepta cles for curios, china and such like. A shelf along tho top of the back gives Bomo more opportunities for tho dis play of china. Tho seat Itself need not bo upholstered it a flat cushion to fit tho size bo made. All tho llttlo turned wood rails can bo boucht ready mndo, so tho most difficult part Is easily sur mounted. When finished tho structuro should bo enameled In white or cream, and a really charming piece of furni ture will bo tho result. BECAME PR.OMINENT "Ho is qulto n prominent man In tho neighborhood," said tho vlllago mer chant to tho traveling man, speaking of u gentleman who had just left the store. "What does a man havo to do to bo como prominent In this neighborhood?" asked tho -traveling man crossly, for business was not very good with him thnt day. "Oh," said tho merchant, "ho may do any ono of many things and sometimes becomes prominent, or even famous, by dplng nothing, llko old II tram Roes, who by Just living for nlnety-threo years has becomo tho oldest man In tho township. Somo men becomo prom inent by taking prizes nt tho county fair, somo by raising big wheat crops, somo by paying their debts, and somo by nevor paying anything. I knew a man onco who beenmo prominent bo causo his wlfo mado good biscuits, and you will becomo prominent In this lo cality becauso I fired you out of my placo for making light of things se rious." And then ho took tho traveling man by tho ear, led him to tho door, and kicked him Into tho muddy road. STATUE OF CROMWELL A bronzo statuo of Oliver Cromwell was recently unveiled In St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, by Lord Edmond Fltsrmaurlce, M. P. Tho Btatue, which is tho work of Mr. F. W. Pomery, lias been erected by public subscription, on tho Market Hill at St. Ives, closo to which the Protector spent tho early years of his life. How tho Timber Wolf I'reyi. Tho keepers of Hello Isle zoo, at De troit, recently had an opportunity to seo how tho timber wolf gets its food when wild. A peacock got out of Its pon and after flying somo distance started to nllght In tho section fenced oft for the timber wolves. When tho bird began to settlo tho wolves were alert, crouching as If to keep out of sight. When tho peacock touched ground tho animals were upon it In nn Instant and tho bird was torn to pieces In a fow seconds. I'uniU for IlnrrUon Monument. The Benjamin Harrison Monument association of Indianapolis has raised nearly $40,000, and It Is believed that tho plans now agreed on, which will bo put Into active operation at onco, will swell the amount easily to $100, 000. and tlEO.000 may be raised. CELEDR.ATING EAR.LY It Is the delight of a certain Chicago citizen to got Intoxicated on every hol iday In tho year, save Christmas. Hut ho makes up for this holiday by get ting drunk ono week before. Ho Is employed to unload dirt wag ons by a north side contractor. Iast Tuesday ho was working out In Lnko View. After ho had labored for about four hours, it occurred to him that It was the ISth of December, tho day on which he celebrates Christmas. So ho went to tho nearest saloon and pur chased a pint of whisky. Ono hour later ho was not ablo to stand. In tho meantime tho dirt wagons wero coming to tho dump. Tho driv ers, on not finding the unloader, drove back with tho dirt to tho Job. There they told tho "boss" that tho unloader had disappeared. Tho "boss" got Into his buggy nnd drove to tho dump. Behind a bank of dirt ho found his employe stretched on tho ground fast nsleep. Ono foot away was a flro built by a llttlo boy to keep tho man warm. Tho "bois" aroused tho unloader from his sleep, and asked him what ho meant by gottlng Intoxicated during working hours. "Isn't this tho 18th of Docomber?" Inquired tho man. "Yes," replied tho boss. "What of that?" "Well," said tho unloader, "as I never touch a tlrop on Christmas I always colcbrato It by getting drunk a week before." Chicago Tribune.. NEW BISHOP OF MANILA Mgr. Sbarcttl, bishop of Havana, and recently auditor of tho papal delega tion at Washington, 1b mado titular archbishop of Manila and goes ns apostolic delegate to tho Philippines. Colncldently with this Mgr. Bcrnardl na Nozaleda do Villa, archbishop of Manila, has resigned his charge Into tho hands of tho pope, nnd tho vacan cy will bo filled by tho appointment of a prclato from ono of tho western dlo ecscs of tho United States. Right Rov. Georgo Montgomery, bishop of Loo Angeles, Cnl., Is tho pro- lato tentntlvoly chosen to bo tho first American bishop of Manila. Bishop Montgomery, although resident In Los Angeles, Cal., Is properly credited to tho old Spanish seo of Monterey, In California. Ho was born In 1810, and becamo bishop of his present seo In 183G. His mother was a Spaniard, and ho Ib thoroughly conversant with tho feelings nnd prejudices of tho Latin peoples, besides speaking tho language as a mother tongue DflM WITH ft HISTORY Tho oldest dam In tho Northwest Territory Is to bo restored to useful ness. Dan RHoy'B pond, which fur nished tho power that turned tho wheels of "Riley's mill" for a century nnd a hnlf, will soon bo full of water and stocked with tho finest fish In southern Illinois. Riley's mill nnd pond aro in a ravlno between rocky hills, nenr Fort Gage, In Randolph County. Tho mill was built ti a Fronchman named Prix Paget, about 1750, to grind tho corn of tho early French settlors. Paget was killed with all his mill hnnds by Klckapoo In dians in a mnssacro in 17C1. Twenty years later tho British General Edgar bought tho placo and restored It and conducted a milling business for sev eral years. Then, In 1842, Dan Riley, later well known In stato politics, camo down from St. Louis, bought tho property, and ran tho mill. Under his control it becamo the lend ing mill in tho Mississippi Valley nnd retained that position many years. Ho erected a steam mill bcsldo tho water mill. Riley died In 18G7 and In 1880 tho mill business was closed. Now a fish club from Cnester, Illi nois, has bought tho property and will restore the dam, stock tho pond with fish, nnd mako it a preserve. I'utrnn Knlnt of llulcurlu. Tho patron saint of Bulgaria is St. John of Rylo, nlthough Christianity was Introduced into tho country by St. Methodlas. Originally a Nhcphcrd, John nf Rylo became a monk nnd as cetic and lived for twenty years In tho hollow of an oak troo In tho mountains that divide Bulgaria and Macedonia, which aro now called by his narno, Ho then removed to an lnncccsslblo rock, under which was afterward built In his honor what Is known as tho Rylo monastery. It is nn oxtenslvo building of mediaeval architecture, and one of tho most picturesque ob jects In Bulgaria. PRETTY WINDOW RECESS Tho recess for this seat must of a necessity bo fairly deep. No recess under eighteen Inches deep should o attempted. Tho scat should be fixed ncross tho recess at about sixteen liidhcs nbove tho lloor, tho underneath front being filled In with n fretwood support as shown. This will form a reccptaclo If curtains aro fixed inside. Tho. scat need not bo upholstered if a flat cushion of tho samo slzo bo made to fit It. About a foot from the cell ing fix across a shelf, with a decorative woodwork front, nnd finish thla off along the top front with n molding, says tho Chicago Dally News. Under nnd inside this the smaller shelves can bo fixed for books, nnd an open cup- board as shown for pottery. Keep theso well out of tho way of tho head of tho porson sitting down. The wood Hhould bo stained and varnished, or clno enam eled In somo pretty nrt shade. When finished tho whole structuro will glvo great satisfaction. AUTOMOBILE MASKS Gold automobllo masks aro coming. M. Picrro Roche, tho Paris sculptor, proposes mnskB for women mado cither of Bllvor, gold, or aluminum. Ho r,nya tho caps and goggles of to-day aro un sightly, and, besides that, they do not provent nournlgla. Of courso, every woman, whoso hus band can afford them, will havo hor maBks golden, Mr. Rocho snys gold Is bettor for tho complexion, nnyhow. Ho will make Uls rcady-mado masks on tho model of,Dlana's face. But for thoso dames who think tho virgin hun tress physiognomy too chilly ns an outward sign of their own sunny na tures ho expects to produco inado-to order mnskB showing tho fnvorlto ex presslon of tho customer. "Or, hotter still," pursues tho Inven tor, "I can mako sovoral masks for tho snmo face, showing It In manifestations of various soul conditions. Far exnm plo, a sweet, submissive smile for" hor flnnce, a polite grin for lior?rlonds, and nny ono of sovcrnl qulto different expressions, according to tho choice of tho buyer, for hor husband. On start ing out of n morning for a stroll In tho park sho can chooso from out of her wnrdroba of maBks that best Bulled to tho time, placo, weathor, and compan ion." QUEEN'S DOLL HOUSE Ono of tho most valuable and unlquo exhibits at tho Christinas children's exhibition at tho Crystal palace, Lon don, was tho doll's houso which Queen Victorln played with at Kensington palaco, when, as Princess Victoria, sho resided thoro with hor mother, the duchess of Kent. Built on the Hues of Buckingham palaco, with six largo col umns, the house, of courso, hns a moro than ordinary commanding nppcaranco nnd Is a plaything which Is suro to call forth expressions of envious de light from tho youngsters. Tho houso Is well furnlshod with the toys which tho young princess spent so ninny happy hours In arranging and rear ranging; but thnt which Is sura to at tract more than usual attention, both from tho children and tholr eldors, will bo tho two carpets which tho lato queen worked with her own hands. Chicago Dally News. Titmtlon In Jtiunla. During tho last forty years the year ly expenditure of Russia hns Increased enormously. Thirty years ago ItB budget was less than 500,000,000 rubles ($250,000,000), twenty years ago It was 1(00,000,000 ($450,000,000), ten years hack It amounted to 1,000.000,000 ($500, 000,000), nnd at present It has reached nearly 2,000.000,000 ($1,000,000,000). Tho peasantry nnd tho Industrial classes, who form nearly 00 per cent of tho whole population, havo to bear tills burden. UNIQUE VIOLIN Forhnpa tho most ghastly musical ln- Btrtiinont over mado Is the violin be longing to nn cccontrlc Englishman, llvag in London. It Is composed of a human skull and leg bono. It wan mndo by stretching over tho hollow part a sheet of sheepskin as a sound ing, bonrd. A part of tho leg bono is used as a keyboard, with pieces of tho Bmnll bontfl of tho nrm for keys. This curiosity camo from Charles Wilson of Divbnn, South Africa. Mr. Wilson had to risk his own skull to get thts ono. Ho attended a pow wow of tho natives in tho guise of a wan dering hunter. When the cllmnx of their ceremonies was reached, ho was startled to seo thoin bring forth thla hideous musical Instrument. Upon It wns played tho Yu-ku-ka, or death dance. Mr. Wilson know enough of tho nn-. tivo dialect to learn that this death's, head violin wns made from tho skulll of tho great chief of their tribe, who hnd lived hundreds of yearn ngo.-Whcn tho death danco was over and tho per formers hnd sunk exhausted and stu pefied by tho natlvo wine, tho Eng lishman Bocurcd the skull violin ami succeeded In escaping with It unde tected to Durbnn. WEAPONS IN R.USSIA As an illustration of how closoly ovJ orythlng Is watched In Russia, take fhelr system of registering firearms. When a weapon of nny kind is pur chased a permit must bo secured from' tho local authorities. Tho nnmo of tho mnn who nakeH tho purchase, with tho number of tho weapon, Is recorded. If, tho purchaser over wants to dlsposo of tho wenpon ho must notify tho author ities and causo tho transfer to bo re corded on tho books of tho firm which, sold it. If that weapon Is over used In nn nttomptcd assassination or in any, demonstration against tho law the man recorded aB laBt having it In IiIb pos session Is hold responsible. MRS. WILLIE ALLEN Tho south hna given many beautiful women to Now York society, but nono moro charming Minn Mra. Wllllo Allen, who waa recently accorded nn added distinction by acknowledging tho au thorship of "Tho Lovo Letters of n Liar,", a production that greatly pleased people who aro Inclined to bo fond of that sort of literature. Mrs. Allen is a r cat social favorite, and her claim to ically romnrkablo per sonal beauty thoro la nouu to dlsputo. How II (Juron Hovlvoil T.tiru TriKlo, Ah n youngor womnn tho Queen of tho Belgians' wns fond of paying In cognito vIbUb to hor husband's poverty-stricken subjects. It Is snld that during one of theso expeditions sho became awaro that what was wanted was not so much tho bestowal of monoy a a n rovlvnl of tho laco trado. It is, thanks to hor efforts, that Bel gium now again holds a lending placo In tho laco trado of tho world. In Belgium, -whoro much of tho finest laco In tho world Ib made, thoro are over 0110 thousand schools where laco making In taught. Each of tho towns has Its own particular "points1," tho imttorns of which havo been hnndod down from mother to daugh ter for generations. Laco mnklng la tho chief IndjiBtry of tho women of Flanders, and lino been for flvo cen turies. Tho finest spcclmons of Brus boIs laco como from tho town of that name. Bruges- hii Its point duchessc, or Belgian Honlton, a brilliant whlto pillow laco of llowors', united by bnr rettcs. Prettiest of all tho Flemish laco Is that mado at Mechlin, Point do Mechlin It Ih called, and It has an exquisitely transparent ground and lino design. Conntltuent Annoy Oouurriiimnn. It Is a rule In political lifo In Wash ington that a congressman 1 must al ways bo "In" to a constituent. Tho greatest annoyance and hardship thoy aro forced to enduro under this rule ia providing transportation homo for men nnd women who havo failed to find government employment or mero ly go to Washington on a pleasure trip and spend all their money. Tho pro fessional "constituents" always pick out a now member when thoy want cush for board or railroad tickets. I Kmpnror Wlllliun Nix Hum, Emporor WUllum's six sonB aro to get their education In part at tho milU tary academy nt Plon. Two of thorn are thoro now and threo hnvo beon, thoro. Tho crown prlnco Is at prcsont at tho University of Bonno and Prince, Adalbert Ib making a long trip on a military training ship. I ' j r J