The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 27, 1901, Image 6

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    m ""people Ms 1 1
1 EVENTS 1 1
Persons, Places
and Things
'Buddha. Reaching Qui jfor Concerts
Dr. Joseph Zomp, tho nowly elected
president of tho SwIbb Ropubllc, la ro
gardod aa n genuinely capable states
man nnd eminently qualified to prc
aldo over tho national council which
Initiates oil legislation In tho llttlo
mountain state. Ho la n lender In tho
conservative party, although ho Is
known to hold tolerant and cvon liber
al views In matter of great wolght.
Dr. Zomp Is 07 yearn old, nnd Is a
nntlvo or Entlobuch. Lucorne Ono
year ago ho was oleetcd vice president,
and ho comes Into his proscnt otllco by
virim. nf tho unwritten law that the
vlnn nrnulltnnf shall BUCCROd to tllU
highest oirico, providing his services In
tho nubordlnato poaltlonn havo been
satisfactory lo tho people. As vlco
president ho was hoad of tho depart-
mont of state railways and telegraphs,
whoro ho wau woll tested In tho art
of tho government. He was elected
ovor two opposing candidates.
Abdur Ruhuiau thought much about
rollglous problomn. It Is not, howovcr,
llv Itnnwn that ho Wtl3 UlO POS-
D08Sor of n copy of tho now tostamont
In LoowontluU'tf crudlto translation
Into Pushtu, which was forwarded to
him by tho Uov. Worthlngton Jukes of
tho Church Mlsslonury society, sta
tioned In tho Punjab, Just nftor the
groat dUrbarheld at Rawal Plndl by
tho Marquis of Dufferln ana Ava, ao
viceroy, in 1884,
Acknowledging this tho amoor wrote,
says. tho London Tolograph, In his own
hand, to Mr. Jukos: "I received ypur
lottcr. You had regretted thoroln that
you had been unublo to soo me, and
that, through want or leisure you couiu
not. For my part I am oxcoodlngly
sorry that, during my prcsont vuilt to
tho Indlun frontier, I lutd not tho op
portunity of seeing tho moBt lenrned
and intollcctual of tho British king
dom. Everything hns Ita own nllottod
tlmo. "The copy of tho blblo which you
Jiavo sont I havo rocclved, nnd I nccopt
It with ureat rovcrence. Though wo
,hnvo nothing to do with nil thnt Is
written thoroln, yet wo respect It, ac
cepting It no a book handed to us by
Uod. 1 nhall tnko oxtracts of nil those
.vorsos which fully correspond with
thoso of our koran, boildea all Rtich
passages as aro Interesting; I shall
net upon tuqm; I havo had tho greatest
plcauuro In receiving this present,
.which Is tho best of nil."
While eating his luncheon in tho
cozy corner of a downtown restaurant
lost Friday tho toller of a Now York
bank told nn Interesting cxperlonco
that ho hnd hnd tho day previous.
"I never had jue'i n fright In my llfo
before," he unld. "When l loft homo
in tho morning I planned to havo my
wife meet mo at tho bank at 1 o'clock,
when wo wero to start on a llttlo
spree have a dinner at tho Waldorf
and attend tho theater nt night.
"I took a drots coat and wore a sill:
hat, so a3 to bo all ready to start when
sho cnnio. Tho hat was placed on a
shelf nbovo my window, and from tho
beginning I planned to bo all ready
whon my wife cnllcd. I kept lab on
my checks and my cash In such shape
that but little tlmo would bo required
to balance my accounts when wo closed
nt 3 o'clock.
"Mutters went along ns usual, ex
cepting that a black cat kept In tho
bank camo to visit mo shortly nftor
luncheon, Jumped on tho shelf and
knocked my hut down on my checks
and cn-jh. You know that black cats
aro supposed to bring bad luck.
"Well, 3 o'clock camo, nnd I hurried
with tho closing of my accounts. As
fnto would hnvo It, for tho first tlmo
In weeks thero wns an orror. I was
$10,000 short. Then I was frlghtonod
I wont over everything ngaln with tho
snino result. Four o'clock nnd my wlfo
cnnio, nnd I could not account for tho
$10,000, l saw trouble with a probable
accusation of ombczzlomont. There
wan no leaving tho bank with matters
In that condition, bo at It I went again
with tho mimo result. Then I told
tho nrnhldent of tho situation, and ho
sont ono ot tho bookkeepers to assist
mo. Wo went ovor everything, and
yet tho $10,000 could not bo accounted
for. My wlfo was patiently waiting for
me, and when G o'clock camo I decided
to go with her to dinner, nnd como
back afterward to ronow tho Bearch for
tho orror. I reached my hat from tho
nholf, and ns I wns placing It on my
bend out ot It nutterod a check for
510,000. Tho black cat was respon
sible for nil my trouble"
A dlsltngulshcd French violinist hns
perfected a device of considerable Im
portance to young people who aro
learning to play tho violin. As all
whn aro fnmlllnr with violin nlaylnK
know, It Is highly Important thnt tho
Instrument bo hold correctly to so
curn the best results. Tho now dovlco
accomplishes this end by furnishing
a support for tho arm.
It keeps tho arm from becoming
tired, and nt tho samo tlmo keeps tho
shoulder In proper position. Tho sup
port consists of a Bcml-circic. onroiu
lng tho lower part ot tho arm a little
abovo tho elbow. It Is connected with
a belt that can bo shortened or
lengthened according to tho slzo of tho
From ihc Tem
ples of the is hi
Honjtvanji. in
Japan. Hi
Tr tests Are
Hcing Sent
Abroad to
Study JVctucr
"Religions and
Trcach the Old.
arm. By preventing fatigue nnd keep
ing tlm shoulder and arm In position,
It gives tho playor great powor over
tho Instrument.
It la said that oxparlmonts havo
shown that young violin players in
Paris who uso It learn moro quickly
than thoso who do not.
Needlework of Nun.
Tho most benutlful needlework In tho
world comes from tho convent. Tho
fact Is unnuesllonably duo to the train
ing tho young npprontlco receives on
loss than a qunrlor of a yard of cloth
nil tho fundamental rules of sowing.
Industriously sho piles her ncodlo on
this bit ot cloth, mastering Inch by
Inch nil the finer arts of tho dellcato
needlework; ono of tho greatest object
lessons to mothers with growing
daughters, who nro permitted to de
stroy valuable allies and linen, ruining
both temper nnd goods ovor something
that Ib puro Greek to tho crude bo
glnnor. How often materials so eager
ly and hopefully purchased becomo
uselesB In tho hands of the person
whoso brnln Iiub no knowledge what
ever of tho vaBtncss ot tho undertaking
boforo her.
Tho nuns, with whom wastefulness is
n deadly sin, tench every stitch moro
carefully, nor Is thU practlco mado te
dious and difficult by giving tho stu-
I. dents long horns, heavy coarse gar
ments and yards or tucKing. a tiny
piece of goods ot modorato weight, a
needle In slzo to carry 70 or 80 thread,
aro tho Implements ot practice.
For centuries Christianity has been
tondlng missionaries to Japan to con
vert tho natives. Now tho Japanese
aro proposing to rovorso tho proceed
ing and to send ono of their leading
cults to America nnd Europo to con
vert tho poor, benighted Christians.
But they will do so with a difference,
for instead of tho pennies which' tho
American missionary societies can
collect for their work thoy will bo
backed by uncounted millions In Jnp
ancso gold.
This work will bo dlrocted and sup
ported by tho man who In all Japan,
with tho exception of tho emperor,
owns and controls tho greatest amount
ot wealth. Ho Is Otaul Kozoli, Bud
dhist Abbot of tho Nlshl Hongwnnjl
sect. Not only is ho fabulously rich,
In his own rleht. but ho possesses as
woll tho unbounded faith and love of
his peoplo to such an extent that at
his call their purses open ns purso3
onon nowhero else In tho world for
such a call.
aa to tho Amorlcan. And there are
no moro vnrlotles there than here
Though they have no Dowle, no con-
lllctlnc sects of Methodists, Baptists,
Campbellltcs, Catholics and Episcopal
ians, thoy get along comfortably well
with different brands of Buddhism,
Shlntolsm and some sprinkling of Con
fucianism. And with all these tuey
think they nro moro able to sparo a
bit to tho Christians than tho latter
to them.
Abbot Otonl Kozon has seen his pow
er nt tho head of n Buddhist sect grow
steadily until it renchos through tho
Orient, to tho Philippines nnd Hawaii,
and oven to tho Pacific coast of Amor
lca. And with tho same enthusiasm
that burned In tho hearts of tho Jesu
its, ho longs to extend his faith far
ther. What, his wealth will do in this ro-
rrard who can toll? There are already
mniiihist sect even hero In Chlcngo.
Now and then a visionary member of
tho faith hns como from India and
afniiahPii himself at tho head of a
band of worshippers. But theso havo
been nivntlcn. who havo found their
cllentole frequently among tho not too
brainy persons who wero In tho scarcn
for some now form of worshiping tho
It Is not this way with tho Abbot
Otanl. Ho 1b tho embodiment of liv
ing energy. His religion Is a living,
vital one. To him it is tho only truo
ono, nnd ho seeks to extend It bocnuso
to him that extension Is ns necessary
for the world's weal as tho extension
of Christianity is to tho Popo of Rome
Whon ho sends his missionaries,
Hvn nn hn does, abstemi
ously, drinking and eating sparingly,
nnd denying themselves comions not
absolutoly necessary, they will bo
equipped with money for their tem
ples which will not rcqulro any Btlnt-
lng. Thoy will sponu a minion ior u
tomplo for their Amorlcan capital, and
halt aB much moro for another in each
great city. They will send out stu
dents to learn tho wayB of Christians,
and they will visit and proselyto In
tho homes of tho poor and carry with
thorn material and medical aid to their
converts, Just as they wish and JUBt
as Christian missionaries will do, for
thoy will bo woll supplied Chicago
Tho nlcturo nrlntod herewith is of
tlm Klnc'a houBo nt tho Tower of Lon
don, whoro his majesty Is supposed to
take rofuco In tlmos of civil commo
tion. This rollc of ancient days has
been hrouaht Into promlnenco by n re
cent dlacuBolon. Thoro is now muo
doubt that tho roal reason for Us bo-
lnir ho cnllcd In becauso It was Bet
usldo In olden times as a royal f har
bor ot refuge
Cardinal Gottl Is discussed on ovory
nldo In Romo ua tho successor to tho
papnl throno. Much color la lent to
thin report by tho fact that tho groat
Carmollto was rocontly called In con
sultation by Popo Loo, who roquostod
to bo loft absolutoly alone with ma
fnvorlto curdlnal. Tho two wero clos
olod together for two hours. Tho pe
culiar Inslatnnco of tho popo on por
fect privacy Is regarded as giving alg
.ntricant monnlng to tho Intorvlow, mid
itho gonoral opinion Is that the popo
has definitely and finally soloctod his
OrnYojrurrt of tho Atlantic.
Sltuntod about ninety miles off tho
const ot Nova Scotlu nnd surrounded
by many dangerous shoals Is Sable
Island, called "tho graveyard ot tho
Atlnntle" It ofton lurkB Invisible in
tho track of westward bound ships
wrapped In tho fog which nt times en
shrouds tho shores north ot tho St.
Lawrence It Is now proposed to try
planting It with trees in tho hopo
of binding its shifting sands together.
Somo 80,000 trees, comprising 08,000
evergreens, bucIi as spruco, plno and
Junlpor, havo boon actually planted.
Thoro nro thrco llfo-HivvIng stations
supplied with lifeboats and excellent
apparatus, and tho population, com
posed ot tho mou employed In this
sorvlco, with tholr wives nnd fnmllloa,
numbor forty-five Tho funds aru Btip
pllnd by tho Dominion govornmont.
Sheltor hutH havo boon erected for
shipwrecked people and n largo store
of food la always kopt on hand.
IrUli (Iranlte.
Donogal now threatens tho su
premacy ot Scotland in tho matter of
granite Exportn. who havo been pay
ing extended visits of Inspection in tho
neighborhood of Dungloo, In West
Donegal, report Immense formations ot
crnnlto. which for varloty of shade.
durability, nnjl general beauty aro said
to rival tho famous products of Aber
deen and Peterhead. Tho Dungloo
grnnlte, It Is stated, embraces almost
ovory varloty of color and texture, the
predominating shnde being red and
llcsh-colored stones of medium and
conrso grain. A still moro beautiful
variety ot stono, which Is found In
Dungloo, Is tho very dark micaceous
granite, closely resembling tho hnnd-
somo "Lnbrndor" with which many
London buildings aro pillared,
Whon It Is romombored that ono firm
nlono In America Imports $95,000 worth
ot polished grnnlte yenrly from Aber
deen, and thnt tho demands tor tho
highest class stono In nil shades is oyer
on tho Increase, thero should bo thriv
ing tlmos for Donegal In tho near future
The last rail of tho great Trans
Siberian railway from Moscow to
Vladivostok has been laid, nnd with
tho completion of this great highway
of travol tho world Is practically gird
led by tho empire of tho rail. This
tremendous undertnklng was carried
to Its final success by Russian monoy
and by tho Russian govornmont. With
all of Its branches and Its auxiliary
undertakings, tho railroad has cost
$390,000,000. Of this sum, not less
than $350,000,000 was expended at tho
beginning of 1900, Tho first stono of
tho undertaking waB laid on May 19,
1891, by tho present czar, who wns
thnn heir apparent. Tho road was
hoL'un at brith ends simultaneously.
The routo traverses tho most fruitful
and comparatively tho most populous
bolt of Siberia tho granary of tho
cznr's domains In Asia. Tho road
nnans many largo streams with bridges
of surpassing strength and size. Tho
largest ot thoso brldgos Is that over
the river Yenlsl. It is 2,910 feot long,
and has spans measuring 490 feot.
Knr ranldltv nf construction the Si
berian railway Is unequaled, and ox-
cols tho Canadian railway, which" has
much In common with It, and which
took ten years to build.
Gorman orators who llko to appear
to bo Inspired by tho ardor ot fiery
thoughts within thorn, nnu yot wno
ennnot speak two decent utterances
i consecutively without notes, havo ar
rived at a scheme whereby they may
fnvorlto as prlmo candidate for t tho
papacy, Cardinal Go 11 Is 07 yearn old.
fmlU the Limit ot llenorl.
India is the land ot reports. Thoro
Is a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly,
annual plaguo of them. Thcro Is no
country, probably. In which so many
useloua roports nro written nnu so iow
read. In wno province tho chief busi
ness ot tho local govornmont conalatB
ot dunning Its olllcors for statistics and
reports, and In compiling them from
volumes for tho dolualon ot tho su
premo government. Moro than ono
halt of tho tlmo and energy of ovory
civil officer U taken no la writing.
Stiuttilno iva Medicine.
No Blruii ot popples, no tincture ot
onlum. no nowdcrs of marphlno, says
ono ot the medical Journals, can com
paro In Bleep-producing power with
I BiniHhlno. Tho worst soporific Is
lniidnmiin nnd tho best Is sunHhlne
I Thoroforo It Is easily understood that
poor sloopors should pass ob mnny
hourBlu tho BunBhlno iiBpoaslblc. Many
women nro mnrtyrn and do not Know
Thov shut tho Bimahlno out ot
I tholr housoo, thoy wear volls, thoy car
ry sunshndoB. and do all that is pos
sible to koup off thu subtlest and yot
most notont Inlluonco which Is In
tended to glvo thorn strength nnd
boauty and cheurfulncBS.
A Coiniiiuniluco City,
Berlin, as compared with London, Is
nn upstart city, nnd tho Borlln crowd
suggests tho. appearance of peoplo of
nmn nroat vlllane Thoy look com
monplace as It Just taken tram tho
ranks ot tollers that havo not yet had
tlmo and monoy to cultlvnte tho moro
graceful arts ot life Tho dressing of
Berlin women Is mostly cxocrablo, and
that of tho men is ocarcoly bottor. You
wondor that bo much ot ugliness ot
attlro, bo much commonplaceness in
i,n ntmnarnnco of in on and women
could bo got together. It Is In such a
momont that you feel tho full differ
ence between London and Borlln.
appear n3 deep as Domosthcnc3 and
ns shifty touguod ns Sheridan.
Tho Illustration tolls tho story. All
a man has to do Is to lot his hnlr. grow
long and keep a trained phonograph.
Amniunlan Hnun.
On the Amazon rlvor several Indian
tribes uso snuff callod parccu, which
w mucin of tho seeds ot a spoclcs ot
ninnt. When a bout of Bnuff-tnklng la
determined upon tho peoplo bocorao
highly Intoxicated and then uao tho
nmiff. Tho effect 1b that the taker
drona as It shot, and Ue3 Insensible
for Bomo tlmo; thoso moat nccuatomod
I to It nro hlnhly excited, dancing aud
nlnclnir ns If mad. Tho offoct soon
subsides. Other tribes uao It to rcpol
aguo during tho wet season.
Vnluo of nn l!onet Kje.
a luminous man said that ho onco dc
voted halt a day to hiring a mnn whom
hn needed In IiIb office In nnawer to
htn advertisement a great many appll
i.nnts called. Ho rejected the first be
nmmn ho would not look him In tho eyo
"Tho socond man." said tho morchant,
"wns armed with a double-barreled
recommendation from his pastor, with
testimonials ns lo his ability and good
character, but. though ho looked mo
In tho eye, I saw that wo could nover
hopo to got along well together, and
bo I dismissed him. Tho third inter
ostod mo tho moment ho stepped Inside
tho door. Ha was noorly dressed, and.
though his clothes wero whole, they
wero at least two sizes too small. It
was evident that his nttlro troubled
him not tho lenst. for ho hold his head
high, and, ns ho approached my desk,
looked mo sniinrolv In thu ore. Ho said
thnt ho had no recommendation, that
ho had no bublnoss experience, but thnt
hu was willing to do his best to nlcnso
me In nn Instant It dawned upon mo
thnt boforo mo was tho man that I was
looking for. Ho had nothing to recom
mend him save an honest, bright eyo,
and a plensant faco, but that was sum
clout, I engaged him on the spot,
"Slnco then I havo seen fit to ad-
yanco him over a man who had been
with mo throe years. Tho latter
grumbled, but thero wub reason for my
move the now man had proved him
self worthy ot promotion."
Instances might bu definitely multl
nllod of tho vuluo of an honest eve.
That wonderful window ot tho soul, the
eye, Is a sure Index to character, ir
you havo it not, cultlvato a bright,
honest, straightforward look. It will
moro thnn repay your efforts. Look
tin and fearlessly meet the eyes of
thoso with whom you converse. Many
a choice position has been lost through
an Indifferent, flinching oyo; and many
a coveted position has beon won
throuch n fearless, honest eye. 'mat
kind of oyo 1b bettor than a hundred
recommendations. SucceBS.
Blrunco Iiluml.
Ono of tho most extraordinary Is
lands of tho world has been found In
tho Oulf of Moxlco. Llko a chameleon
It changes color, and a soften as twlco
overy day. When tho sand along tho
beach Is not covered with water tho
Island Is purple red, and at high tide
It hns tho color ot bright. gold.
An explanation of this singular
phenomenon Is to bo found In tho
namo of tho Island. It Is culled
Snnils Island, nnd It Is tho snnlls that
aro responsible for tho chnngo of color.
Tho sand Is of n Koldcn hue and
when tho water rises and spreads ovor
tho wldo bay, which Is strown with
mussol shcllr.. tho Islnnd gllttors with
gold. As aoon, howevor, as tho water
rncodes tho cold chaiiKCS to tho pur
uln red which becomes ovor darker.
until it la finally as dark as tho purple
of a prlnco's mantle Tho reason is
becnuso myriads of llttlo purplo snails
nrn then snrond over tho sand, search
lng eagerly for tho food which Is cast
p to thorn by the water.
Nulls of Aluminium
iftor many unsuccessful experiments
nni trials an ulloy ot aluminium han
iin made with which nails, stanlon
and tacks can be made to competo with
copper. Among omor nuvantnges
claimed for the new material is that it
Is not affected oy trio weaiuor ana will
not deteriorate, as in laying roots, lln
lng tanKs, etc.
Hldo 8aMle In Disrepute.
Tho sldo saddlo has been doomed
and will ero long bo among the things
that wero. Tho uitrarasnionaoie
equestriennes who .frequent Tuxode
have so decreed, and what Tuxedo sayt
is law. Nearly all its many accom
plished horsewomon aro beginning tc
ride nBtrulo. Mrs. Paul TucKorman,
whoso husband Is ono ot tho director!
of tho park, was tho ploueer of th
movement. Sho may be seen dally ridd
ing man fashion on hor spirited saddli'
Sho wears a costutnn which is n com
bination of trousers nnd skirt, nnd pre
sents an appearance that is conceded tc
bo the smartest and most becoming o;
any horsewoman over seen galloping
along tho winding ways of that aristo
cratic community.
Poiiular annroval has stnmnod tlm
Innovation, and many othor fair horse
women havo either nlrcndy adopted u
similar costume or signified tholr In
tention or soon uomg so.
Ilnriio Mont In Vienna.
Tho horso meat butcher nlmi ni
Vienna, ot which thcro aro no less than
is), present n ciean anu nttractivo ap
pearance, and nro in no way distin
guished from tho shops whoro tho
usual kinds of meat aro sold, save by
tho sign announcing their specialty.
Restaurant keepers who serve horso
meat must deslgnato this fact In n
special column on tho bill of faro of.
fered to patrons.
A man's forco In tho world, other
things being equal, is Just in tho ratio
of tho force and strength of his heart.
A full-hearted man In always a pow
erful man: If he be erroneous, then ho
is powerful for error, Spurgcon. y