The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 13, 1901, Image 3

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So far as known, tho first craft to
pa83 through tho whirlpool rapids ot
Niagara with human beings aboard
was tho small steamer "Maid of tho
Mist" on June C, 18C1. There were three
men on board this boat, tho principal
one being Joel Robinson, who won
renown by tho daring feat. From that
tlmo until 1883 no person braved the
blllowB of tho wonderful gorge. In
1883, howovcr, Capt. Matthow Webb,
an English swimmer of noto, crossod
tho ocean and journeyed to Niagara,
bent on swimming through tho rap
ids. Ho attempted tho feat on July 24,
1883, and lost his life.
The death of Webb had a stimulating
effect on peoplo who lovo notoriety,
nnd at once a number of schemes for
navigating tho rapids presented them
pelves, or were presented by peoplo
who sought famo and dollars. One
such was Carllslo D. Graham, a Phila
delphia cooper, who announced that ho
would build a barrel In which ho could
navigato tho rapids and whirlpool.
Thero was somo littlo laughter at tho
thought of a human being rushing
through tho turbulent waters of tho
Niagara gorge Inclosed In n barrel, but
all tho Jokes cracked did not' deter
Graham from carrying out his Bchcme,
and on tho afternoon ot Sunday, July
11, 188C, Graham surprised everybody
by not only going through the rnplds
and whirlpool, but by going down to
Lewlston, the full length of tho gorge.
Since that tlmo ho has made four other
rapids trips In his barrel. Ono of theso
was made on July 13 last, when ho
landed at tho whirlpool.
Ono of tho results of Graham's last
barrel trip was to arouse tho ambition
of Miss Maud Wlllard to make a simi
lar trip, tho result being that Graham
and Miss Wlllard agreed to navigato
tho gorgo on Saturday, Sept. 7. Tho
plan was to havo Miss Wlllard make
tho rapids voyago In Graham's barrel,
while Graham, protected by a life pre
server, was to BWlm from tho whirl
pool to Lewlston, a feat never success
fully performed up to that tlmo.
On tho afternoon referred to Miss
Wlllard nnd tho barrel were cast adrift
abovo tho lower bridges at 3.58 o'clock.
Two minutes Inter sho passed under
tho bridges, and nt 4.04 p. m. tho bar
rel entered tho whirlpool. It had been
tho experlcnco that barrels nnd boats
wore captured and withdrawn from
tho pool within an hour after en
tering thero, but in Miss Wlllard's caso
tho barrel was not caught until after
lng been mndo on July 9, 1000, when
In a boat ot hit own construction. On
his return homo after his first exploit
ho conceived tho Idea of rebuilding his
boat In order that ho might take a so-
rlcs of soundings closo to tho falls and
also lu tho whirlpool. On UiIb now
crnft he expended much tlmo nnd labor
and It was In It that ho mado his next
trip. Tho boat Is' 21 foot In length,
haB an outsltlo beam of four feet and
a height of six feet six Inches, and
draws nearly four feet of water. It Is
claimed to bo tho smallest full-decked
Dtcamcr In the world. In shapo It
somewhat resembles a whalcback. Tho
wood used In tho construction ot tho
boat Is oak, elm and plno. Tho deck
Is of oak and plno. Tho total weight
of tho boat Is between four and flvo
tons. Tho wooden kc6l hns un Iron
weight or additional kcol nttached
which weighs about 2,100 pounds. At
the port of Chicago tho boat Is regis
tered as tho "Fool-KUlcr," a pleasure
launch, and Nlssen by tho papers la nl-
beforc. Two millions of peoplo in
Pennsylvania, and probably n million
moro who havo emigrated from Pcnn
svlvnnla to tho middle west, use it In
dnlly conversation. Even in cltle:r viiiago ot Petersburg, tho ago or una
Bnnhcrt Now ileriry Swamps Tlmt l'nrn-
lslt rrlcele StilitBles.
Tho cedar sulnglo industry which
flourished nt DenntsvlUc, Capo May
county, N. J., a fow years ago is now
almost extinct, nnd tho export of tho
oncc-prlzcd wood, somo of which 1b
said to ho nearly 3,000 years old, has
been reduce! to a minimum. The
sunken ccdav swamp reaches from the
mouth of Dennis creek to what lo
known as Cedar Swnmp crook, nnd
runs along Ccdnr Swnmp creek to the
Quoor Thlntfa
Soo Through
BlJ Toloscopos
In regard to tho halo around tho sun which both dlsporsoa It and bends It
llko Allcntown nnd Reading no mer-
chant can bo successful In business
unless his employes nro proficient In
Ha use. On tho trolley linos nnd In
tho railroad ynrdn omploycs may bo
hoard employing It constantly In so-
clal conversation. Theso men spoak
English woll, but It la caster for thorn
to chat In this strango dialect, which
Is governed by no rules of grammar,
It seems that they nro using It even
wlien on duty, but tho safety of tho
public demands that this practlco shall
bo stopped, and tho employes them
selves will doubtless all agrco that
tho Lehigh Valley nallrond has dono
n good thing In Issuing tho orders.
Pennsylvania Grit
on Itnilit
llunil a Truvoty
Tho movement of tho traffic in tho
city of London proper, tho ccntor of n saw and cut nil tho way round tho
Bwamp Is not accurately known. Twon
ty years ago Prof. Cook, thon state
geologist, visited Dcnnlsvlllc and ex
amined a trco dug up by Charles Ro-
bart of Capo May, which ho then said
was 3,000 yearB of ago. Tho valuablo
cedar, whl;h consists of fallon trees,
lies burled undcrnoath tho swamps,
creeks, meadows and ponds at n depth
of four feet. Thousands of ncrcs havo
been worked, ns this wood Is very
valuable for shingles. A roof of dug
up ccdnr shingles will last for fifty
years. Tho wood Is not so plentiful
now, ns tho log men havo worked tho
swamps for years, and tho present
growth of cedar does not fall and bury
Itself. Tho process by which tho wood
Is obtained Is very Interesting. An
Iron probo hbout flvo foot long Is
thrust Into tho mud until It strikes n
burled log, when tho logmen kocp on
sounding until they discover tho
length of tho log. They then thrust In
IDS. lowed to carry two people, which In
eludes tho crow.
Two deadlights, or windows, arc set
about eight feet back from tho stem,
ono on each sldo of tho engine room-.
Tho classes aro about four lnchcB In
diameter and of heavy plate, affording
amplo light to look about tho englno
room. The propeller Is four-bladnd,
and 28 Inches In diameter, quite largo
enough for a 40-foot boat. The Inte
rior of tho boat is divided Into five
spaces, one at either end for corks and
cans, an englno room, a coal room and
tho financial activity of the world, Is
suggested. Although only a squaro
mile In nrea, with a day population of
about 300,000 nnd a night population
of only a tenth ot this, In a slnglo day
over n million and a quarter of peoplo
and 100,000 vehicles enter and lcavo Kb
limits. Tho goncrnl street traffic Is
can led on by nbout 200mllo3 of tram
ways, nearly 150 lines of omnibuses
nnd 12,000 cabs. Internal communica
tion Is also provided by two lines of
underground railways, with suburban
connections, and three dcop-lovel roadil
operated electrically. Two lines aro
under construction, six moro author
lzed and parliamentary rights ara
sought by existing or now companies
for thirteen railways, or modification;!
or extensions thereof. Most Important
of tho existing roads for Internal traffls
nnd admitting of tho greatest posslbll
llles nro tho existing Metropolitan ana
tho District railways, with their exten
sions. Unllko tho roads ot later con
structlon they aro of tho "cut and
cover" typo, brick arched and with flat
roadbeds. Both lines of way aro In a
singlo tunnel, closo to tho surface, and
at times In tho open, tho extensions bo
lng nlmost entirely so. Theso roads
log to frco It from obstructions. If
tho log happens to bo In tho Bwamp or
meadow It Is dug out, but If In n pond
or creek, as soon as It Is freed from
tho saw It Immediately springs from
tho mud and floats on tho surface ot
tho wntcr. No signs ot theso burled
logs can bo seen nnd they aro found
only by probing. In many Bwamps
thero aro thrco growths under tho
mud, with tho present growth stand
lng abovo them. An lmmcnso log has
been dug from under a largo aged
stump that was also under ground.
Somo logs gnawed down by beavers
havo beon worked In, what Is known ns
Robins' swamp. From 18G0 to 1870 El
mer Edwnrds Is said to havo secured
100,800,000 dug-up cedar shlnglos
From ono log $75 worth of shingles
wcro obtained. A largo amount was
sent to Winchester, Mass., to bo used
In tho manufacture ot violins. Chi
cago Rccord-Horald.
which created much excltomont
throughout tho eastern Ecctlon ot this
country, Mr. JubUco Stnhn, 'sccrclnry
of tho astronomical section of tho
Maryland Academy ot Science, says:
"Very ofton, when tho heavenb nre
ovorenst by slight, or light, llcocy
clouds, wo obsorvo colorod rings about
tho moon and tho nun. They nro term
ed halos. or aureoles. I havo novor
observed n halo about tho sun In tho
lntitudo of Baltimore, but halos about
tho moon nro quite frequent. Ono of
tho most brilliant that I havo ob
served In Baltimore occurred some
tlmo In tho beginning ot 1001. Very of
ten tho bnlos do not form n comploto
circle, but nre visible only In sections.
Probably tho reason wo do not notice
tho halo nbout tho sun Is on account
of Its Intonse brllllnncy, nnd thnt wo
do not look at It directly. The best
way to observo halos Is to observo tht
reflection of tho sun In a blnck mirror,
black glass or glass smoked on ono
side. In meteorology tho halos nro
divided Into two classes tho corona,
which is ot small diameter, and tho
halo, which Is of a greater extent. In
tho coronn tho color ot tho lnnor part
of tho ring Is bluo, nnd tho outor red.
In tho Inrgo halo the red Is xm tho In
sula nnd tho bluo outside. Tho corona
Is classed ns a different phenomena'
that Is, the light from tho sun or moon
In encountering tho small particles In
tho cloud or which form tho cloud Is
broken up, Hcnttercd or diffracted, llko
tho graftings thnt Prof. Rawland ruled
at tho John3 Hopkins university. Dif
fracted light may bo of two kinds. It
may pass through flno material and bo
diffracted llko In a transmission crat
ing, or It mny bo broken tip by oncoun
tcrlng tho flno pnrtlcles and bolng re
flected. Wo novor havo a diffraction
caused by a reflection of tho light from
tho Binall particles in tho cloud. Tho
halo Is supposed to bo duo both to dif
fraction and reflection. Whon light Is
diffracted It passes through a medium
out of Its cour60. Thus tho rainbow is
producod by tho sunlight passing
through tho drops of wntor nnd tho wn
tor rcglonnl ways opposite to tho sun.
Halos occur only In tho higher clouds
nnd aro moro frequent than tho co-
onn. Sometimes tho halos Intersect
each other, and nt their Intersection
round patches nro formed, called mock
suns. Tho particles of matter forming
tho medium for rofrnctlng tho light nro
mostly small Ico crystals or Ico needles,
Mr. Oildorsloovo, tho lato president of
tho Baltimore Astronomical Society,
related thnt nt various times ho had
observed snow storms through tho tcl
escopo whllo making daylight obser
vations of tho stars and planets. At
any rnto thero Is considerable solid
matter In tho ntmosphcro thnt. wo
sometimes observo In swooping around
with tho telescope. On rare occasions
wo can too n bird flying across tho
Held of vlow, of which not n sign can
bo scon with tho naked oyc. Thon,
again, small upecks fly across, looking:
llko small meteor?. At one tlmo I ou
sorved n ray Booming to havo Us origin
nt the sotting sm on tho horizon and
extending as a slender bonm clear to
tho zenith nnd lost to vlow n littlo to
tho cast of tho zenith. Tho mock suns
nro mostly seen In high latitudes. Wo
can thfln como to tho conclusion that
halos and mock suns nro simply duo to
tho state ot tho ntmosphcro whon It
contains molsturo, Ico crystals and
snow, nnd they existed from tho re
motest times, whon tho enrth had been
fnshlonod to Its present condition, and
thero Is no causo for nlnrm." Balti
more News.
Froof ot flirt's Ilcnutjr.
"Is sho pretty?" thoy asked of tho
young man who was speaking of his
flancoe. "Woll, I don't want to boast,"
ho ropllod, "but Bho nlways gctB a scat
on tho Btrcot cnr." Baltlmoro Amor-lean.
Somo of Them Go llnck to Clainlcnl
Clrccco nud Koine
A learned Gorman philologist recent-
may bo described as composed of an' ly hnB beon tracing so-called slang
I d atti ucwin'Q WFAUIMFSS
Brxrbcttes on English Craft SeJd to
HolVo Sunk Six Inches H
Inner circle for elllnsol about thirteen phrases through tho labyrinth of vnrl
miles around, with outlying branches ous languages, and has found that
radiating and looping In various dlrec many of thorn nro of ancient nnd Borao
lions. At nresent they aro unfortun-i or classical origin, into mo inmoua
ntolv iimlnr unnnrntn ninnnirnmontB. na phrase. "Ho'S a brick. As most OV-
well ns subject to running rights which sry ono knows, this originated from
Interfere with n roasonnblo schedule, the reply of tho King of Spnrta, who,
Thn plriRK svRtnm nnd romnartmont when asked whoro wcro tho walls of
cars characteristic of long-dlstanco als city, replied that Sparta had GO,
lines, nro maintained, whllo fares vary 300 soldiers, "and ovory man 1b a
materially and In mnny Instances aro orlck." It was onco tho custom In
almost prohibitive. Tho nresont oner- franco to servo to a guest who had
.. .
base ot tho cono. Now it wnB ob
viously ImpoBalblo for either builders
or gun mnkors to anticipate nil' Inci
dent of this sort. Probnbly, wo should
atlon Is a travesty, on rnpld transit,
says. F. J. Spraguo In Engineering. Tho
inner circle presents a ten-mlnuto serv-
lco between tho upper nnd lowor
iutstnyed his welcomo a cold shoulder
it mutton instead of a hot roast, as a
sontlo hint to terminate his visit
llenco tho expression, "To glvo tho
halves, whllo with stations half a mllo' Jold shoulder." Back In tho days of
npart, and with no grades or curves 'Good Queen Bess" n shoomakor
worth mentioning, a schedule ot only mnicd Hawkins committed suicuio uy
11 miles an hour Is maintained. Tho Handing on a uucitot to uring mm
atmosphere is foul from tho uso ot nearor to tno convenient ranor wnicn
steam nnd the waits aro double what bo had selected ror nis Hanging place,
nro necessary nnd tho dolavs aro aue- Having mndo fast tho ropo ho kicked
mentcd by changing engines.
9 p. m., and sho had been floating In
the pool over flvo hours. When sho
entered tho barrel sho took her pet
dog for company's sake. When the
barrel was landed tho dog was allvo,
but Miss Wlllard was dead. Tho day
before Miss WlHard's trip, Martha Wa-
(lniirnr mado tho trip and was
tnken from tho pool alive. On Nov
28 1886. Sadlo Allen mado tho trip In n
' 9 , A ll ...til.
barrel of different conuiruuwuH, wim
Georco Hazlett.
Later a Michigan woman went to
her death In tho attempt.
Tho latest venture of this kind Is
thnt of Peter Nlssen ot Chicago, who
on Oct. 12 successfully navigated tho
whirlpool rapids In a 21-foot cigar
shaped boat called tho "Fool-KUIer."
This was his second trip, the flrBt hav-
a holler room. Tho corks and cans nro
for tho purpose of keeping tho boat
afloat In caso of springing a leak and
that they servo their purposo Is proven
by a recent test, whon it was found
that tho boat would not sink even
though full of water.
Nlsseu's voyago through tho rapids
on Oct. 12 was witnessed by 15,000
peoplo. Ho left tho Canadian shore
from n point near tho falls at two
o'clock, and nfter cruising nbout In
tho still water for two hours, ho float
ed Into tho rnplds. Tho Fool-Killer
passed through tho rapids In four min
utes. NIsson attomptod to take sound
ings In tho rapids, but tho forco of tho
water broke his cable and ho was com
pelled to desist.
German Frlnco a Fiddler.
Tho German crown prlnco promises
to exhibit tho versatility for which his
father Is famous. During tho recent U0 pautry with labels, appropriating
VIBU 10 Jowuier casuo Uio man OI ftnn or mnrn nlPH for rnrtnln dftvs. Th
tho bucket away and so accomplished
his purpose. Henco to "kick tho buck-
tt." In Puritan times a certain Hezo-
Klah Morton was In tho habit of bak
ing two or threo dozen applo pies ov-
iry Saturday, and arranging Uem in
Lonsdalo engaged a largo band, which
was under tho direction of Mr. Ham
ilton, the senior conductor ot tho Lon
don county council park bands, and
played long programmes of music each'
ovenlng. Tho programme, it may bo
mentioned, did not include nn undue
pantry thus arranged was Bald to bo
"In applo-plo order." It was n custom
of tho Hungarians In their wars with
tho Turks to wear a feather In their
tap for each Turk thoy killed. Henco
''a feather In his cap." "Deadhead"
is of extremoly unclont origin. In
Tho report that tho Implacablo's
barbettes havo sunk six Inches or bo
Is n very serious ono, but whllo it Is
nn error to mlnlmlzo the mattor, noth
ing Is gatnod by exaggerating It. Wo
still hope that n good deal of exagger
ation will bo found to exist In tho
early roports. So tar as wo can gather
from tho vaguo paragraphs going
around tho dally press, tho thing that
has happoned Is not nltogothor without
precedent. Twice boforo It has oc
curred with that Bystom of gun mount
ing of which tho essence is nn lm
mcnso weight supported on a very
smull bnso at tho bottom ot tho ship.
Tho principle Is, roughly, thnt ot un
Inverted cono, nnd has been used In n
not very dissimilar form by tho Fronch
for a good ten years. It has certain
great advantages, but llko most ad
vantages, thero aro counterbalancing
factors. If anything In tho ship's con
struction Is faulty, tho wholo mount
ing is Ukoly to sink, and tho fault may
bo created by tho strain at docking.
This actually occurred with tho Japan-
eso battleship Shlklslma, and It would
puzzloTinyono whoro to lay tho blamo.
So far as wo can gather her barbetto
guns wcro moved In dock, nnd tho
ship did not happen to bo fully sup
ported directly undorncnth tho bar
betto. A sinking resulted, and It was
remedied by cutting off some of tho
Bny, tho Implncablo troublo Ib on all
fours with thnt ot tho Shlklslma. Tho
Glory started for China with a defect
ive barbottc; UiIb, so far as wo can
ascertain, was tho direct result of
rushing things, pnrts destined for va
rious other ships being crowded Into
her so ns to comploto hor in a hurry.
It would ho Interesting to learn wheth
er any Potors were robbed to pay tho
Implncablo Paul. In nny enso, how
over, bad nB tho accldont may bo, thoro
Is no reason for tho shriek that
a certain class of peoplo lovo to ralso
directly anything goeB wrong. Any
number offorolgn ships meet. similar
or somewhnt Blmllar accidents. Tho
foreigners, howovor, aro never in a
hurry to advertise tho fact. London
It is tho pocullnr quality nnd char
acter ot an undisciplined man, and n
man of tho world, to expect no advan
tage, and to approhond no mischief,
from himself, but all from objects
without him. Whereas tho philoso
pher, quite contrurlly, looks only In
ward, and apprehends no good or ov!l
can happon to him, but from hlmsolt
nlone. Eplctotus.
In Consequence of n Collision, Itullroncls
Taboo It.
Pennsylvania Dutch Is spoken to
such an extent In various parts of tho
Keystono Btato as to havo become an
Issue that Ms created some feeling.
Th Lehigh Valley Railroad company
has recently offended somo of its pa
trons by ordering all crews on its
linos to uso only the English langungo
whllo on duty. Tho order says that
"under no circumstances Bhnll Penn-
sylvanin German bo spoken," and It Is
said to have been issued for tho rea
son that recently a serious collision
nenrly resulted because a conductor
gavo directions to his crow in this
language, and n brakemon who did not
understand it perfectly shifted tho
cars to tho wrong track. As tho rules
aro printed in English, tho railroad
offlcials aro plainly in tho right in
insisting that this langungo shall bo
exclusively used by Its employes whllo
on duty. What kind of a languago is
this Pennsylvania Gormnn tonguo,
which requires such an unusual or
der to uo lssueu to railroad crows? It
Is a strango combination of English
and tno uertnan dialect spoken In
northern Bavaria. A quarter of a con
tury ago it was said that this lan
guage was dying out and would soon
be no moro. Such prophecies, how
over, have proved to to false, for It Is
now spoken mora wldnly than ever
proportion of Gorman music. Perhaps p0mpoll peoplo who gained ndmlsslon
lo tho theater or the amphitheater
without paying their way wcro "dead-
Heads," because tho check used for
their admission consisted of a smnll
ivory death's head. Perhaps tho ex
pression was older than Pompeii, and
Iho ivory chocks wcro tho outcome of
tho word nnd not tho word of tho
ihecks. But It is certain tho word was
ised then ns it is now. Now York
with tho idea ot remedying this omls
slon the young prlnco on tho last ovou
lng of his visit borrowed a violin from
ono of tho orchestra and played Han
dol's "Largo" lu very creditable fash
15?e Ringmaster of Old
Ho Used To Weer Evening
Dress and White Gloves
Honors ICmy,
Sho: "You know, John, you promised
mo a seaisKin wrap, ana " Ho:
"And you promised to keep my stock
ings darned, and you hnvn't dono it."
Sho: "Well, you don't menu to say
you'll break your promise on that ac
count?" Ho: "Well, it's Just this:
You don't glvo a darn, and I don't glvo
a wrap." Philadelphia Press.
An lTnrenoiiulilo rrolet.
"I teoi nun, me young lover re
marked to tho adored one. "Why?"
"BecaiiBQ all tho tlmo I havo been
courting you I find you havo been mak
ing Inquiries about me." "But courts
of Inquiry nro nil tho stylo Just now,'
said tho fair girl. Clevoland Plain
Wltiit Wo Aro CoinlriK To.
Hoir ltrer William Settled It.
"Doy tells mo dat Br'cr WllllamB
lono como tor grlof crgln?" "Yes,
lie In mo' troublo." "How como?"
'Well, you hearn dat talo 'bout Br'er
Washln'ton eatln' wld do big whlto
talks?" "Yes, doy tolo It ter mo."
'Well, Br'er Williams 'low dat his
tlmo dono como ter settle whnt dey
jails do rnco problem down dlsaway,
n do sooner It wuz scttlo do better.
3o ho glvo a great teas', en pick out
two or do blggcs' whlto mens In do
settlement, 5n sen' 'urn a Invito tor
ttimo cat dinner wld 'lm." "Do good
ness gracious!" "Dat what ho dono.
"Do you tninu you win marry that Kn ono or do whlto mens cut 'Im
titled gentiomnn irom auroad" ;jown a pno Bnpl!n', en for ono on-
I naven t quuo ucciuca, answered iitch two plow lines f'um off his mule,
tho American heiress. "I am not sure
I can support him In tho stylo to
which his ancestors wore accustomed.
Hl!cra Tujt Wire.
Tho Argontlno Republic has beon
obliged to piit tho telegraph lino be
tween Rosarlo and Buenos Ayrea un
dcr ground, because on wot days the
electric current was dissipated through do. las' word doy heah 'lm say con
the numerous spldor webs attached tc sclous wuz, 'Dam do raco problem!"
tho wires. I Atlanta Constitution,
jn mcetln' of Br'or Williams In do big
road, doy took Mm tor do fur woods
tor ax 'lm a fow lcadln' questions
'bout dls samo raco problem; en w'on
ley got th'oo' wld 'Im Br'oi
Williams say dat settln' down
(vuzn't good for do hel't', on
Jat runnln' n mile a minute
wuz do fines' exercise In do worl'I En
A circus without n ringmaster! Thoy
used to havo black ha!., parted In tho
middle nnd bcnutlfully smoothed,
evening dress (even at matinees) and
whlto gloves. Tho ringmaster was al
most one's earliest hero; tho butcher
camo first, perhaps, and thon the po
liceman and rnllway guard; but tho
ringmaster, when hlB hour struck,
thrust theso plnblans, theso usurpers,
theso Wnrbecks and Slmnols, Into Im
penetrable durkness. That whip was
beyond nil steels, all truncheons, nil
bull's oyo lanterns nnd whistles; ono
would not exchango it for a scepter.
Tho ringmnstor's cffulgonco was su
perior ovon to tho dimming Influences
of tho clown's wit. That Immortal di
alogue following upon tho bet of a bot-
tlo of "wlno" (always "wlno;" what
is "wlno?" chnmpagno? claret? sher
ry? port? port I suspect), that tho
rlngmnstor could not answer three
questions with plain yes or no; how
often havo I heard It nnd how potent
It always ls Tho first question was
anything; tho second question was
anything; but tho third, propounded
by tho clown after long solf-commuu-Ing,
was steeped In gullo: "Do you
still bent your w!fo7" Thoro Is no way
out ot that; afllrmatlvo and negatlvo
nllko are powerless to rob that "still"
of Its sting; nnd off goes tho clown
with his bottlo of wlno, crack goes tho
whip, round ambles tho old whlto
horso with a back llko Table Moun
tain, nud tho slgnorlnn resumes hor
potty capers. And today tho rlng
mastor Is soon only for an Instant, nnd
tho speaking clown not at all! Tho
Nuina Hell tho Oiiir.
"It takes a lot of thinking to got up
n nnmo for a now cigar," remarkod tho
roprosontntlvo ot a big cigar manu
factory. "Tho popularity of a cigar
Is Inlluoncod moro or less by tho Judi
cious soloctlon of a nnmo. I'vo known
somo that didn't go at all under ono
name to havo qulto a largo sale when
put on tho mnrkot as another brand.
A good nnmo for a cigar Is ono that
Is short and catchy. It must sound
nlco, for a nnmo thnt Jars on tho car
will hoodoo nny cigar. Wo do a lot
of studying whon wo aro about to In
troduce a now low-priced cigar to tho
public. At tho factory a prize Is usual
ly offered for tho best name, and thero
Is much consideration given to tho se
lection of tho nnmo. Tho smoker won't
stnnd for a clumBy, unwieldy tltlo, nnd
wo havo to uso Judgment If wo want to
enjoy his pntronago." Chicago Journal.
In tho palm ot tho hand thorc nro
2,500 porcu to tho uquaro Inch. It those
pores wero united end to end thoy
would measuro nearly flvo miles.
Man Is tho only animal that cats plo
and employs a physician.