The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 10, 1901, Image 2

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III A V. HAltK, Proprietor.
5: nniFr tfi FfioAiu?
Reports fltlll como that MIbb Stone
nnd her compnlon faavo been murder
It Is given out flat-footed that tho
St Louis fair will open for business
April 30. 1903.
Dr. Jefferson Cawood, ono of tho
best known physicians In Tennessee,
dropped dead at Knoxvllle.
Out of 15G.000 houses or flats In
Glasgow, 3G.O0O wero found to have
but ono room and 70,000 but two
In an Interview Governor Stanley
of Kansas denied that ho wns a can
dldato for governor for a third term.
He said ho wouldn't havo It If ha
could got It.
An order lias been prepared at
tho war department for tho return to
tho United States from Cuba, nbout
January lfi, of n battalion of tho Sec
ond regiment of cavalry.
Secretary of tho Interior Hitchcock
has telegraphed William GrlmcB, sec
retary of Oklahoma, to act as governor
until tho newly appointed governor,
Mr. Ferguson, takes charge.
Paul Dcschanel, former councillor
of tho French embassy nt Washing
ton, whero ho married a daughter of
General George B. McClellan, has boon
appointed French minister to Haytl.
The secretary of tho Interior sent
to tho house of representatives a copy
of n resolution of tho legislature of
Hawaii making a duty on coifco In
order to protect tho coffco Industry of
Dclcgato Flynn of Oklahoma Intro
duced a bill providing for statehood
for tho territory. Tho bill la practi
cally tho samo as that Introduced by
him for tho samo purpoao during tho
last session.
It Is now almost certain that Lord
Dudley will succeed Lord Cadogan on
viceroy of Ireland, Bays a Dublin cor
respondent. This puts nn end to tho
rumors that tho Duko of Marlborough
would receive tho post.
Tho monthly comparative state
ment of the receipts nnd expenditures
of tho government Just Issued shows
that during November, 1901, tho re
colpta amounts to 145,770,770, nnd tho
expenditures, 140,198,910.
At a meeting of railroad officials,
representing tho Chicago nnd Ohio
river lines and tho cast bound lines
from St. Louis, in Clncinnntl, it waa
aocldcd to maintain tho present tariff
rates during tho year 1002.
Tho order for tho coronot for Mrs.
Brndloy-Martln, which sho intondod
to wear nt tho coronntlon or King
Edward, has bcon countermanded.
Tho coronot was modeled nftor that
worn by Empress Josophlno.
Wllbort P, Clarke, city editor of tho
Toledo Times, committed sulcido by
swallowing nn ounco of laudanum.
Ho wns despondent becnuso tho
parents of his second wlfo would not
permit her to llvo with him.
Twcnty-flvo of tho leading shoo
manufacturing firms in Clncinnntl will
post notices in their factories declar
ing their independence of labor or
ganizations. If a striko la declared
3,000 employes will bo uffectod.
Tho Moado court-martial at tho
Brooklyn navy yard concluded Its de
liberations on tho testimony tnkon nt
tho trial and diBbanded. Tho findings
of tho court wero at onco sent to tho
navy department nt Washington.
Socrotnry Root, nt a cabinet moot
ing, prosontod to tho president and
each of his associates a enno mado
from tho wood of an unclont Chinese
gun, carriage captured at tho alego of
Pekin. Tho cnrrlngo was Bnld to bo
over COO years old.
A cablegram has boon recolvcd at
tho stato department from Consul Gen
eral Oudgcr, dated Panama, stating
,thnt tho liberals havo been defeated,
and that tho government forces nro In
possession of Colon.
Theodoro Duddleston, confidential
clerk nt tho National Stock Yards
bank, East St. LouIb, confessed to C.
G. Knox, president of tho bank, that
hla books showed a shortngo of bo
tween $11,000 and $12,000. Tho
money, ho said, was lost in specula
tion. Charleston la calling her exposition
grounds nnd buildings tho Ivory City
on tho banks of tho Ashley.
Honolulu paperB Bay Dclcgato Wil
cox will ask congress for a ton mil
lion dollnr appropriation for Improve
monts in tho lslnnds.
Mrs, Loulso Worden, a ploneor of
tho Klondike and ono of tho region's
most famous women, died nt Victoria.
A bill is to bo introduced by Sen
ator Knuto Nelson, establishing a
bureau of commerce nnd Industries
with cabinet representation.
Private Albert FranciB, Fourth cav
alry, was killed at Fort Leavonworth
by hla horse fulling on him.
Tho comptroller of tho currency bus
declared a dividend of 25 por cont in
favor of tho creditors of tho Lo Mars
iNntlomJ, bank at Le Mjws, la,
Senators Discuss tho Oaso of Anarchist!
Who Infest This Country,
McCoinaa rimtt It Infliction of the Ilcnth
Penalty Senator Hoar TMnks It Use
less lo Multiply Pnnlsliiueiit for An
WASHINGTON, Dec. C Senator
McComas of Maryland mado nn extend
ed and carefully prepared speech in the
senate with annrchy for his theme nnd
wns followed by somo brief remarks
by Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts on tho
dlfllcultles In tho wny of dealing with
nnnrchlBt nssasslns. Mr. McComns re
marks showed careful examination of
tho legal authorities.
Ho maintained thut cotiKrcss had
full powor undor tho constitution to
enact a law punishing with death nny
person killing n president or assault
Ing tho president with Intent to kill,
or aiding, Inciting or procuring such
an act. Ho favored rlKld provisions
In tho immigration laws for tho de
portation of alien nnnrchlstH. Much
of tho speech was. devoted to an ex
planation of tho dangerous doctrines
of annrchy and tho extent to which
these doctrines had been propagated
within recent yearn.
Senator Hoar's romarks wero Inter
esting nu coming from the venerable
chairman of tho Judiciary committee,
which will havo much to do with the
framing of nny legislation on this sub
cct. Ho said the dlfllculty was that
assassins of kings nnd rulers nlwnyB
gloried In their crimes and were In
nowlso deterred by the fenr of punish
ment. For this reason he thought It
was almost useless to multiply punish
ments. The most effective remedy, ho
BUggeatcd, would bo to have tho civil
ized nations of tho world ngreo upon
somo dcaolnto spot on tho earth's sur
face, to which all anarchists who up
held nsaasslnutlon or tho overthrow of
government nhould bo transported.
In such a community tho anarchist
could carry out JiIb theories of living
without a government nnd tho world
would bo rid of his presence.
Senator icComns said:
"Within sovon years Minister Car-
not, Prime Minister Cnnovnn del Cas
tllleo. tho empress of Austria, King
Humbert and President McKlnlcy havo
been foully assassinated by nnarchlsts.
Our liomca nro BtUl undor tho shadow
of national grief for our best beloved
president nnd tho heart of tho world
Is with us in our sorrow. It Is humill
ntlng to consider how Impotent nro
our federal lawa to punish this fear
ful crime.
"These tragic naansBlnatlons In dif
ferent eountrlcB, widely Buimrnicd. in
so short n tlmo, show that this hideous
crlmo of annrchy is Increasing. To
nbnormnl minds, possessed with tho
Impulse to homicide, envy nnd vnnlty
glvo n peculiar fascination to tho Idea
of tho assassination of a king or n
"Congress must loglslato nualnBt this
now peril with courngo, with firmness,
but also with conservatism nnd nru-
donee. Tho constitution .permits con
gress to onnct a law to punish such
Crimea against tho very existence of
tho government the constitution or
Intuitu to Shut Oft Supplies Where In-
auracnts Are Active.
MANILA, Dec. C General Chnffen
has issued orders for tho closlntr ol
nil portB In tho Luguna and BatangnB
provinces. Tho quurteririnstorB there
will censo paying rents to tho Fili
pinos for buildings used for military
purposes, ns It is known thnt n largo
proportion of tho monev finds itn wnv
to tho insurgents in tho way of con-
trlbutlons nnd General Chnffoo Intends
thnt no more government funds shrill
find their way Itlto tho hands of tho
enemy. Tho reason for closing tho
portB Is that too many supplies nro
found to bo getting Into tho pobbscb
slon of tho Insurgents. Oonernl Chaf
fee lntonds giving General Bell, com-
mantling tho troopa In tho Bntangna
province, every assistance ho may re
quire to Bubtluo tho Insurrection
Norfolk People Angry.
NORFOLK, Nob.. Dec. 0. Tho
tlon of Governor Suvoko nnd
board of public lands and buildings, In
ordering tho removal of tho remain
lng patients from tho Insane hospital
nero to Lincoln and Hnstlngs, has
nrousetl public Indlgnntlon to the
boiling point. Many advocuto Injunc
tion proceedings, but It Is not prob
nblo that such action will bo taken
Will Kntnrtnln the Plret.
WASHINGTON, Dec. G.-At tho re
quest of Govornor General Wood ol
Cuba tho Itinerary of tho North At
lantlc pqimtlron lias been changed so
us to havo tho squadron, at ilavaun
miring tlio cliiiBtmiu holidays, from
uccemuor 17 to 20. By that time Gen
eral Wood will havo roturneti to Ha
vana, unil ho wishes to extend special
courtesies to tho olllcera and men
the fleet during the holiday season.
llurrou Introduce a lllll for the Kmm
Iniillon of Suspected Allen.
WASHINGTON, Dec. C Senntor
Burrows has Introduced a bill "to Pro
vldo for the exclusion nnd deportation
of alien anarchists." Tho first section
sf tho bill Is as follows:
"Thnt no alien anarchists ahull here
after bo permitted to land nt nny port
of tho United States or bo permitted
into tho United States, but this pro
hlbltlon shall not bo construed as to
JPPly to political refugees or political
Dffcndors othor than Biich nnarchlsts."
Tho second section directs tho snc
2lal board of Inquiry authorized by the
Immigration laws to inako diligent In
vcstlgatlon concerning tho antecedents
jf nny allon seeking admission Into
tho United States who is Buspecled of
being nn anarchist, authorizing the
board to even go to tho extent of ex
amlnlng tho person of suspected
liens Indicative of membership In nn
rchlstic societies. Section threo pro
vldes for the return of persons to their
nntlve countries who havo secured ad
mission to the United States contrary
to law and who havo afterward been
found to bo anarchists.
Tho fourth section provides that
hen any alien is convicted of crlmo
in tho United States court nnd It
shall appear from tho evidence thnt
ho Is an anarchist tho presiding luduo
uhall direct a further hearing and If
the Judgo is satisfied that tho convict
od alien Is nn anarchist or that his re
malnlng in this country will be
mcnaco to tho government or society
In genoral, ho may direct that In addl
Hon to other punishments ndiudced
tho convicted alien after undergoing
such punishments shall bo deported at
tho expense of tho United States to
tho country from which he came, and
If ho returns to tho United States
shall be punished by Imprisonment at
hard labor for a period not exceeding
five years, and afterward again de
nn Invasion of the Prerogative of
I.oirer Doily.
WASHINGTON, Dec. C Members
of the house of representatives are
allowing some opposition to the orig
ination of Philippine revenue legisla
tion In the senate, and In particular
lo Senator Lotlge'B bill, which deals
with this subject. Representative
Tawnoy of Minnesota holds that tho
constitutional provision that "all bills
lor raising rovenuo shnll originate in
tho house of Representatives," applies
lo rnuippinc measures, nnd tho Min
nesota member will oppose any sennto
bill on tho Biibjcct ns nn invasion of
tho prerogatives of the house.
Mr. Over8treet of Indiana and nulto
number of other Influential members'
maintain that tho senate Philippine bill
Involves no Invasion of house rlKhts.
as It extondB an oxlstlng lnw to tho
Philippines, nnd Is not a rovonuo
mensuro within tho meaning of tho
constitution. In nny event the ques
tion of tho right of tho house over tho
subject Is llkoly to bo discussed on
tho floor of tho house.
Necessaries of Life Surpass the Iterord
of Many Year.
NEW YORK. Dec. C Dun's Index
numbor, to bo isBited December 7, will
"If a man purchased his supplies
for ono year on Dceomber 1 they
would havo cost $101.37, whilo the
same quantity of tho samo articles
would havo aggregated only $72.45 on
July 1, 1897, tho lowest point on rec
ord, and $121.75 on Jnnunry 1. 18C0.
These prlco records nro compiled by
multiplying tho quotations of nil tho
necessaries of life by tho per capita
consumption. Prices nrc now nt tho
highest point In many years, and In
fuqt surpass all records Blnco present
Improved mothoda of mnnufneturo nnd
distribution havo been In use. and nc-
rlcultural operations wero first begun
on tho present extensive scalo with la
bor saving machinery."
Two Years of Purchase
WARIIlNdTflM f! m
woll, tho comptroller of tho currency"
hnH decided that tho act of May 12,
l'JOO, prohibits tho allowanco of nny
clnlni for tho redemption of docu
mentary Internal rovonuo stamps un
less presonted within two years ufter
tho purchuRo of the stamps from the
Tho question raised wns whothot
tho two years should run from the
tlmo tho stamps wero purchased by
tho person npplylng for their redemp
tion, or from tho tlmo thoy were orlg-
many purcnascu rrom tho govern
Navy Yaril Needs Money.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. Tho rnnld
growth of tho navy Is tho plea set up
by Rear Admiral Rndicott, chief of the
Bureau of Yards and Docks, to Justify
tho submission of estimates for the
maintenance of Improvements aggre
gating $21,526,359. Ho admits thnt
theso CBtlmntes nro much beyond the
limit supposed probable when tho cur
rent appropriations wero made, but do
clnrea thnt nil tlin u-nrkn nnmml nr
considered necessary. I
'Iho Upper House of Oongress Hard al
Work on Proposed Laws.
Several HUM Are Introduced l'rnrlillna
tor the Death Penalty The Innnlcrn
tlon Measure "f Senator Ilnniuoroiich
-Miscellaneous Notes.
"WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. Practically
tho cntlro time of tho senate yesterday
was devoted to the introduction of
bills nnd resolutions. Two of these
measures, relating to tho suppression
of nnnrchy nnd tho dealing with nn
archlsts were allowed to Ho on tho
tnblo so thnt their authors. Mr. Mc
Comas of Maryland nnd Mr. Vest of
Missouri, mny bring them to tho enrly
nttcntlon of tho senate. Tho Isthmian
canal report was transmitted to Iho
ficnato by tho president and several
bills providing for the construction of
tho wnterway, ono of them by Mr.
Morgan of Alabama, who has lod tho
movement for the cnnul In tho past,
wero presented
Senntor Hoar Introduced a bill for
tho protection of tho president, which
provides as follows
"Thnt any person who shall within
tho limits of tho United States or any
place subject to tho Jurisdiction there
of, willfully kill or causo the death of
tho president of tho United States.
or nny officer thereof, ruler or chief
mnglstrato of any foreign country.
shall bo punished with death.
"That nny person who shall, within
mo limits or tlio united States or
any placo subject to the Jurisdiction
thereof, make an attempt on the life of
tho president of tho United States or
any officer thorcof, or who shall mako
nn attempt on the life of the ruler or
chief magistrate of any foreign coun
try, shall .bo punished with death
"That any person who shall within
tho limits of the United States or any
placo subject to tho Jurisdiction there
of, ndvlso tho killing of the president
of tho United States or nny officer
thereof, or Bhnll consplro to accom
Klsh the same; or who shall advise or
lounsel the killing of tho ruler or chief
magistrate of any foreign country, or
shall consplro to accomplish tho samo.
ohall bo punished by Imprisonment not
exceeding twenty years
"That any person who hns consnlr
cd ns aforesaid may bo Indicted nnd
convicted separately, although tho
other party, or parties, to tho conspir
acy aro not Indicted or convicted.
"Thnt any pehson who shall will
fully and knowingly aid In tho escape
from punishment of any person guilty
of olther of tho acts mentioned In tho
foregoing sections shall bo deomcd nn
accomplice after tho fact, nnd Bhnll bo
punished ns a principal, although tho
other party, or parties, to snld offenso
Bhall not bo Indicted or convicted."
Senator Hnnsbrough reintroduced
his Irrigation bill of last session with
various amendments. It provides for
tho setting asldo of tho money de
rived from tho sale of publie lands In
tho arid nnd semi-arid regions of tho
United States and tho collection of
theso monoys In a fund to bo used for
tho reclamation Of thn nrld inmln
Tho secretary of tho Interior Is kIvoii
clinrgo of this fund nnd of all tho
dotalls of Its collection nnd expendi
ture. Ho Is nuthorized to mukn Rtir.
voys and conatruct reservoirs whom
necessary and to condemn tho lands
necessary to do so.
Sonntor Fairbanks introduced a bill
for tho admission of Oklahoma as a
Btato and providing that tho capital
shall be located at a town, to be called
McKlnlcy, in honor of tho Into nresi
Messuee Win Printed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. Tho presi
dent's annunl mcssago to congress
went In this year for the flrat time
In print. Two copies for tho two
houses wero printed on paper of tho
same bIzo ns that which was used here
tofore for tho written conies. Tho
paper Is a heavy whlto Instend of a
1,1,10 tmt which has beon In use. Tho
copy was pound in brown morocco,
with stiff covers, with simple cold
border nnd lettering, tho words on tho
front being:
"ftlossngo of tho President of tho
United States, 1901."
Henils In Iteres Anm.lntmi.tita.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. Tho nresi-
dent sent u number of recess appoint
ments to tho Bennto with thnt of Geo.
Lloberth of Kentucky, to bo collector
of Internal revenue for tho Sixth dis
trict of Kentucky.
Score eiiwtor HrltHat.i.
BOISB, Idaho, Dec. C. Chairman D.
H. AndrowB of tho populist Btnto com
mittee gavo to tho press n copy of a
very sharp letter written to Senator
Heltfeld In reply to tho lnttor's sug
gestion that tho Btato committee bo
summoned to meet nnd tako stens to
disband tho organization. Tho chair
man flatly refuses to consider such n
proposal and doclnres ho has tho sup
port of the populists of the state In
the stand he has taken.
lien. Smith Jinked Short Itoply to Over
ture of lun. Lutetian.
MANILA, Dec. 4. Advices from
C-'.oalogaii, capital of tho island of
bamnr, report that tho insurgent Ken
eral, Lukban, hns offered to negotiate
terms of surrender with General
Smith. To this offer tho American
commander replied thnt tho tlmo for
negotiations hnd passed.
Lieutenant Commundcr Jnmcs Holm,
commnndlng tho United States jnin
boat Frolic, during November destroy
ed 147 boats engaged In smiurcllnir
supplies to tho Insurgents. General
Smith hns ortlered all mnlo Filipinos
to leave tho const towns for tho In
terior. In order to bo nllowcd to re
turn they must bring guns, prisoners
or information of whereabouts of In
f'lvo hundred nntives of Cntbalocan
have volunteered to fight tho lnBiir
gents In order to bring pence to Snmar.
Of theso 100 hnve been accepted.' They
aro armed with bolos nnd spears and
nro doing scouting duty under com
mund of Lieutenant Compton.
At daylight yesterday Lieutenant
Balneso of tho Ninth Infantry attack
ed and destroyed a rebel fort, Inflict
ing heavy loss, and captured the offl
cers' breakfast, which Included cannod
goods. Ho found nt tho fort nn ar
senal with appliances for making and
relonding cartridges.
Member (lather Karly In Anticipation
of the President' Menage,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Thoro was
a very good attendance in tho Kal-
lories of tho Iioubo yesterday to listen
to tho reading of tho first message of
President Roosevelt. Tho members
gathered early, chatting and discuss
lng prospective legislation. Tho mnln
topic was tho personality of tho new
president. Keen interest wns man!
fentcd in what he would havo to say
In his message.
As tho hands of the clock reached
12 Speaker HonderHon called tho houso
to order. On motion of Mr. Payne,
tho floor leader of tho majority. It was
agreed that when tho houso adjourns
today It be to meet on Friday.
Tho speaker announced the nppolnt-
mcnt of tho commltteo on rules as fol
lows: Mr. Henderson of Iowa, Mr. Dal-
zell of Pennsylvania, Mr. Grosvenor of
Ohio, Mr. Richardson of Tennessee nnd
Mr. Underwood of Alabama.
McUorf ell Opens the Mew geailon in
Hull of Kepreientatlven.
WABHiwuTON, Dec. 3. Tho very
handsome Interior of tho hall of rep
resentatives added much to tho gen
eral lmpres8lvcnoss of tho general
sceno at tho south end of tho capltol
when Alexander McDowell of Penn
sylvania called tho now houso of rep
resentatives to order nt noon yester
day. Tho vast chamber had been re
painted rcgllded and completely ro
furnlshed during tho rocesu. Mnny
changes havo been mado for tho com
fort of both tho members and spec
tators. Tho floor had been elevated
to a greator anglo tho now mahogany
desks rising tier on tier, making a
sort of amphitheater effect.
Telia Ihem They Muit Not He Deluded
by Profession! of Fitlth.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 4. Fol
lowing tho unfortunate disaster of tho
Ninth infantry at Batangagn, when
tho troops wero surprised and over
come by supposedly friendly FUIpIno3,
General Chaffee Issued a general order,
designed to guard against futuro
treachery of that kind, warning offl-.
cers and men against placing too
much rellnnco on professions of faith
and friendship ns yot unproved, and
directing thnt military vlgilanco never
Bhould be relaxed nnd that every pre
caution must bo taken to guard
against a recurrence of such disasters.
Large Grain Firm Ke Urn.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. John Dupreo nnd
his firm, Schwartz, Dupeo & Co., prom-
lnont in tho grain nnd stock trado in
Chicago and tho west, announced thnt
tho firm will retire from business
Jnnuary 1. Tho co-partnership
plrcs by limitation on that date.
Schwartz-Dupce, as tho houso Is
known in tho trado, has been tho lnrg-
cst and most prosperous In speculative
grain trado on tho board of trade slnco
Its organization in 1883.
Tho Pan-American congress will bo
naked to arbitrate tho existing ques
tions between Peru and Bolivia.
Senntor Assemble Karly.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. In antici
pation of tho message of President
Roosevelt, members of tho senate yes
terday assembled early In the senate
chamber and In tho cloak rooms ad
joining. Many of tho Benntors, par
ticularly tho closo personnl nnd polit
ical friends of tho president, already
wero familiar with tho principal fea
tures of the message, but the read
ing of the first important stato paper
was marked by unusual Interest
President Roosevelt's Maiden Document
Meets a Cordial Bccoption,
Enthusiastic Member Frequently Ap
plaud During the Itenilliir Speaker
Henderson Call Home to Order MI
cellanonu Matter.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.Not in.
many years havo the members of the-
nouso listened with such rapt nttcntlon.
to tno annual messago of a president
of tho United States as thoy did yes
terday to tho rending of tho first mcs-
eago of President Roosovclt. L'vcry
word was followed Intensely from tho
announcement of the tragic death of
.rresldcnt McKlnlcy In tho first Rrn-
tenco to tho expression of hopo thnt.
our relations with tho world would
Tho reading occupied two hours, but
not a member left his Beat until the
closo. Several times there wiut nn.
plauso and at tho closo there was an
enthusiastic demonstration on tho re
publican side.
AS tho hands Of tho Clock rnnrr.P.1:
12, Speaker Henderson called tho house
to order. On motion of Mr. Pavno tin.
floor leador of tho majority, it was
agreod that when the houso adjourned
It bo to meet on Friday.
The Bpoaker announced tho appoint
ment of tho commltteo on rules ns.
follows: Mr. Henderson of Iown. Mr.
Dalzell of Pennsylvania, Mr. Grosvenor
of Ohio, Mr. Richardson of Tennessee
and Mr. Underwood of Alnbama.
Tho only chango In tho commltteo
was tho substitution of Mr. Under
wood for Mr. Bailey of Texas. Mr.
Bingham reported that tho committee.
nccompanicd by tho committeo from
tho ecnate, had performed lis dutv and
tho president would at onco communl-
cato with tho two houses. Major
Pruden announced n mcssago from tho
president. It wns taken to tho speak
er's desk, whero Speaker Henderson
broko tho senl and handed tho docu
ment to tho reading clerk.
There was a slight murmur of an-
plauso when, In concluding tno recom
mendation of legislation to put down.
anarchy, tho clerk read, "No matter
calls moro urgently for tho wisest
thought of congress."
Tho murmurs when tho sentonco -was
read wore followed by a burst of ap-
plauso when tho clerk read: "Tho
American peoplo nro slow to wrath,
but when their wrath Is onco kindled
It burns liko a consuming fire." Prob
ably no other portion of tho message
attracted so much attention as that re
lating to trusts. Tho reading of this
portion of tho messago evoked no dem
onstration, but tho recommendation of
a Chinese exclusion law drew great
Tho reading of tho messago was
concluded In tho houso at 2:35. Mr.
Grosvonor then offered tho following.
resolution, which was adopted without
'Resolved, That a commltteo of
ono member from each state ropre
souted In this house bo appointed on
tho part of tho houso to Join such
commltteo as may bo appointed on tho
part of tho senate to consider and re
port by what token of reBpect and af
fection it may bo proper for tho con
gress of tho United States to express
tho deep sensibility of tho nation to
tho tragic death of tho lato President
McKlnlcy and that so much of tho
messago of tho president that rolates
to that deplorablo event be referred
to such commlttoe."
The President Entertains.
WASHINGTON, Dec! 4. President
Roosevelt entertained at dinner last
night n number of republicans in tho
senato nnd in tho houso. Thoy in
cluded Speaker Henderson, Senators
Allison nnd Piatt of Connecticut.
Hannn, Cullom, Proctor, Elklns, Par
kins, Scott, Bevcrldge, Kcan. Repre
sentatives Cannon, Grosvenor and
Dalzell and General Leonard Wood.
Aiior me runner tno guests re
mained for some time, giving an op
portunity for free interchamro of
opinion of tho work of tho presont con-
Iovvu Implement Deulers.
MARSHALLTOWN, la., uec. 4.
Fifteen hundred implement dealers
and manufacturers and Jobbers wore
presont yesterday at tho onenlnir of
the Iowa Implement Dealers' associa
tion In this city. Tho principal ad
dress was by E. R. Moses of Great
Bond, Kan.
Million i.ost In llllncl Pool.
BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 4. An Indict
ment In three counts, charging tho use
of tho malls with intent to oefraud.
has beon reported by tho Unitca States
grand Jury against J. M. Fisher nnd
Frederick L. BottB, brokers doing busl
ncsa In Boston under tho nnmo of J.
M. Fisher & Co. This 1b tho firm
through which, it is alleged, Now Eng
land investors have lost moro than a
million dollars in blind pools and
othor transactions.