r Zit $m- VtMs Mbrnu PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. MoOAW, 'physician AND SURGEON. TUESDAY, NOV, 26, 1901, r CLOSING OUT Ofllco over HulTmnms Millinery Storo 1RAL BARE, Editor awd Proprietor Noktu P1.ATTE, - Nkukaska V. BEDELL SUBSCRIPTION BATES. On Tesr, casta In advstic, M8 Six Months, cash In adTanos 75 Cents' Entsrsd UhHorthPlau7(NsbrMka)postoSo M t toond-elsi mattsr. THE IRRIGATION MOVEMENT. Perhaps those members of congress arc correct who arc saying that President Roosevelt js favorable to the movement in the far western states for the adoption of a scientific and ex tended system of irrigation. Senator Warren of Wyoming, a state which is vitally interested in irrigation, and who is one of its enthusiastic advocates, is confident that the president is on their side. Secretary Hitch cock is a friend of the scheme. The votes of a majority of the congressmen from the whole region between the Mississippi and the Pacific can be relied on for any intelligent plan of irriga tion. 'One of the reasons why the champions of irrigation feel that President Roosevelt will be with them is that he resided in their locality for several years and knows the need of an adop tion of an intelligent system of water storage and distribution. He has been through all the arid region of the United States. The arguments for irrigation which its advocates present will appeal to him with force. The ad vantage of irrigation, directly to to the region immediately con corned and indirectly to the country at large, is so great that it ouerht to receive the earnest attention of the country. Any plan which will materially add to the productiveness of the and region covering part of half a dozen states will largely con tribute to the population, wealth and prosperity of the country. But the friends of irrigation ought to understand at the outset that they will meet with much opposition. A heavy vote will be cast against it by New Eng land and the old middle states. Part of the south is apathetic and part of it is hostile. Some votes will be cast against it by the middle west. It will run against big obstacles. The president's favor for it will count for much, but this will not necessarily bring success. A camnaiirn of education on that K9 issue should be started and should be kept up until a favor able result is brought. At pres ent the government's income larcelv exceeds its ontcro. The O ----- w money for a wisely planned sys tem of irrigation at national ex penseand that is the only prac. ticablc way that irrigation can ever be had on a large scale can be spared now but may not be available after another cut in taxation is made. The irriga tion matter should be' presented to congress rght at the opening of the session. -St. Louis Globe Democrat. ADDITIONAL LOCAL .David Love, the blir hearted and ova citizen of Sutherland is tratiBactiug business iu town today. The announcement iu today' Bee of the contemplated Improve nicntu by the Union Pacific iu thia city la important if true. Doolittle'a Dolls and Toya o ovnrv ricRcrintion were boucht In New York City. No back numbers, lOvcrytbinir new ami fresh. The Quecu Quality Shoe, the heat lndieB shoe In the world for $3.00, sold by The Leader. John Kramel, who married Laura nuntlneton tormeriy 01 mm cuy died a short time atro at Lawtoit Oklohoma. of typhoid fever. Mra Kramel mid children are now at jarka, Kausiu, Sacrifice Sale The entire stock of Mens, Youths, Boys and Ohiidrens Suits, Overcoats, Furnishing Goods, etc., in the room formerly oc cupied by The Leader, first door south of the Postoilice, is now in charge of 0. M. Jtfewton, as salesman, who has mark ed down the goods and the entire stock will be closed out at irmc mil ft II wnfll PC HI P DDfPPC huaa in Ail nuULuulUilj rtlluup. The stock mencos Saturday, November 23cl. The stock is all new goods, having tbeen bought ninety days ago. Parties wishing to purchase good cloth ing at loss than wholesale prices should attend this great sale. Such opportunities seldom come and it will pay you to lay in a supply of & this desirable other business on hands to givo it his J sold. This is no fake sale. Seeing jt sizes are broken. 9b amamm riM J6 Further trouble between the Union Pacific and its employees secinB imminent through the fact that the brakemen of the road have commenced agitation for a change i the rules governing employees. During the past few months the Union Pacific has been running freight trains of more than ordinary length, at times seventy and seventy-five empty cars being attached to a single engine. There has been no increase in the number of trainmen, but two brakemen being' used. In consequence of this, minor accidents to cars near the middle ot the train liavc been more frequent than ordinary. There is a penalty attached to such accidents. The brakemen lave, therefore, formulated their grievances and will within a short time present them to the manage mcnt with a request that the num ber of, men on the long trains be ncreased, the wages hicrca&id or the rule providing for the pcualtiee in case of accidents be abrogated. Omaha News. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday. The maximum temperature yesterday waR 50; one year ago -iu. Tne minimum tem perature this morning was 25; one year ago 20 For Saw; On easy terms, Good Rye room house and one lot. With in two blocks of High School and business part of Dewey titrcet. Good new barn with pump. City water, cess pool, shade trees, nil in good condition. Inquire of JOS. UKKSIIKY. In ttv lloirsry. There nro In thu Bowery barbershops iit which ono can r;ct shaved for three cents. Day rum costs an uddlttonol two' cents, making five rents In All, at which prlco there begins to be some thing doing for tfca shop. Thoro are plenty of places on tho Hast Side, in thu Uovvery und elsewhere, In which onu may bo nhavc4 lor flvo onta. Gen erally In n flvo-cnilt shop a bay rum shavo would bo tfn cents, but It Is by no moans nlwaya o. Witness a sign which announces, for flvo cents, an shavu with wltcU hazel ir bay rum. Samntlmua ono can gut moro than bay rum for ten cents, as Is set forth In n sign announcing at that price a shavo with bay hum and "'lorlda water. Nov York Sun'. must bo closed out in merchandise. The owner of this stock has The Bargain Clothing O. M. Jlont Toncit by Kile. About carrying six parsons has boon towed on the Mosolla by n Malay kite six nnu one-halt feot long. Headway was niatlo against a somewhat ranltl current, and tho traction could havo boen Increased by adding moro kltoa. WlilstUr l'nrtU'titii At Tnlil,;, J. McNeil WhlBtlor, tho artist, is most particular about tho servico at his table. His dishes are all ot sliver and tho napkins, etc., arc- nil of tho fln cst damask, marked In ono cornor with his crest, tho famous butterfly. BufTorlnc AtcliUnn. Was tlioro over an elocutionist who did not roclto n pleco In which sho takes a quick step forward, and. nut ting out n tremulous hnnd, shrieks In a Wku key, "Halt?" AtchlBon Qlobo, Rheumatism Rheumatic pains arc the crlc3 of protest and distress from tortured muscle.1, aclilnc joints and excited nerves, 'f ha blood lias been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing loon tiicy icquirc. The whole system leeis tlte eilcct of this ncid no son : and liot until the blood has been purified und brought back to a healthy condition will the aches ami paiti9 cease. MM. James Ken, of 707 Ninth street. N. It., WashiiiKlon, D. C. vriui M n follow; "a. few liionthH ago I had nn attack of Sciatic Itheutn iiimut us worn tortn, me mill was so Intense that I iccume completely pros, rated, The attack was an unusually severe one, and my condition was regard ed as being very danger ous. I wu attended by bne of the most able doc tors In Washington, who U llson member of the fac ulty of a leading medical college here, lie told me to continue Ids prescritx ttonsand I would ci I set well. After having 0 filled twelve limes without recelvln; tne slightest iwnefit, I declined to continue his treatment an longer. Having heard of 8. 8. S.(Swlft'sSpeeiac recommended for Rheumatism, I decided, !ma In despair however, to give the medlcln a kIpJ sndafterl had taken a few bottles I was able 8 nouoie arounu on crutcnes, anil very soon there aiier nau no ue lor mem aiau, H. a. r. having vuicv. ii.c viniuu mm itch, aii 111c uisircssiu: kialns have left me. my appetite lug returned stid I am happy to bs again restored to perfect health. the great vegetable. puriiier aim tome, is the ideal remedy iu all rheumatic troubles There arc no oniates or nuucraia in it to uisturi) tne digestion and lead to ruinous lmblts. We have prepared a special 1ko1c on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book, of the kind iu existence. It will be 6ctit free to any one desiring it. Write our tmysl ciuns fully and freely about your case. Wo make 110 charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. sss of ClotMn sixty days and the attention and the stock must be & is believing. Come early before & 4& e ii m a 9 NEWTON, Salesman. HANS GERLE, The Tailor, Has just opened a now tailoring establishment and has now samples for suits also doos repair work. Call on him with now or old work and you will rocolvo prompt at tention. Dewoy st. up in Morach building. ft HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILK OINTMI3NT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Tiles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter nal, llllnd or Bleodlng.Itchlngorllurntns.Flssuros and Fistulas, nellcf Inimodlate euro certain. It cures Burns, Scalds and Ulcerations and Con. tractions from Burns. Tho Itello f lna tan t heal I ng wonderful. It euros Torn, Cut or Locoratod Wounds and Bruises. It cures Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons, ' nunrounds,' Ulcers, Old Soros, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald I load. it cures Inflamod or Cokod Breasts and Soro Nipples. Invaluable. it euros Bait Ilheum, Tetters, Scurf y Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Bllstors, Soro Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Soro and Chared Feet, Ktlngs of Insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Throo Slzos, 26c, 60c. and $1.00 Sold by DruggUti, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price, HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., Cor. William A John bti., NEW YOKIC. Por Uni Rnlns In ....LANDS.... Call on.,.. I. A. FORT. Over McDonalds Hank. U, P. R. R, LAND AGENT, Prices from 81.25 to $8 per aero. 200,000 aoroa for sale THERE ARE OTHERS ...1. . who can niauc and repair ouocs, but there arc lew who can equal and none that can surpass us C. NEWMAN. W H, A. sale com- T. too much Store. to buy your suit or overcoat is now, and this is the riufht place to leave your order. We have a full line of fall and winter goods best cloths and exclusive pat terns. We inve you correct fit and style and the best tailoring', J. F. BROEKER MARY SWING, A ProFessiona m Nurse. Offers her services to all de siring such. Call at rooms ove Western Stove Repair Works J. F. F1LL.I0N, Gonoral Repairer. Special attention given to B1GTCL5 REPAIRING. WHEELS TO RENT i'HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, OiTiceB: North Plntto National Bank Buildinp;, North Platte, Nob. ,1 F. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATHIST, Orer First National Dank, NOIITH PLATTE. - NEBnASKA, . 3. HoAOIiAN D. W, V. IIOAOfAHD "Oakland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Omce over Mrs. HulTtnan'a MllllnArv Hlnra. NOltTII PLATTE. - . NKI1I1AHKA. ILCOX & HALLIGAN, ATTORNEYS. A T. llA W. OORTIf riiTTK, . . i . NEBRASKA ome over North Piatt Nstloasl Dank. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW . Ofllco MoDonnld Block. Dewev stroot. NORTH PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA rjR. O. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, uince over rost Oihcc. .Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - Nebraska. II. DAVIS, lATTOUNrcV.Arp. T,AW NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA urauy juioqk itooms l & 'Z. O. PATTERSON, OOlce over Yellow Front Shoe Store NORTH PLATTE, NEB. E. ROCHE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hinman Block, - Dewev Stueet, Noiith Platte, Neubaska. LEOAI. NOTICES. NOTICE FOU PUDLIOATION. Land OMlco at North Platte, Keb. ) November 1Mb, 1001. ( Notlco Is hereby tttvon tbat thn fnllnwlnn- tiameil settler has lllcil notice of his Intention to make final proof In support ot lil.s claim and that s.ild proof will bo tnado before rCftltttur and re ceiver of the U. 8. fjind Office nt North Flaltc, neu., on I'oceniuer so, jwi, LOU18 HUDLlTZ who madoi homostcad Entry No. 18,711 for the north hnlf of southeast quarter tho southeast quarter ot tho northeast quarter, and northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 11, town u, norm rango m went i p. m. Ho names the following witnesses to nrovo bin continuous reel Jodco upon and cultlratum ot said land, viz: Leopold 1'oizcll and Leo Smith of Pickens. Nob., Wiley Mathews and II, 1, Baker ot North Platte, Neb. 1U-0 UKO. K. FIIENCII, RcRlster. Nottrc Is llorebv slvcn that In nnrHtmncn nf tnstructlona from tho Commissioner ot tbo Gen eral Land omce, under authority vested In him by section 21ft!t, Ilevlsod Statutes of tho U. H., as amended by the act ot congress approved Febru ary 20th, 1MI5. wo will proceed to offer at public Halo on tbo nth day of January neit, at this office tho following tract ot land, namely, Lot 2, Section is. ion-n u norm, ni jioime z west oi utn r. ai. All persons claiming adversely tbo abovo de scribed land aro advised to filo their claim In this ofllco on or bofore tbo day designated for the commencement ot wild salo, otherwlso tbolr rigniH win uo lorreiieu. Dated at the United Stairs Land Office. North Platte, Nebraska, this 10th day ot November, 10U1. TttANK UACON, ltecelver, Shoe Repairing : A Specialty. Always carry a select quality of Bole leather to please our patrons and our aim is to please as near as we can. Colored Laces. Get your colored laces at the Yellow Front Shoe Hospital. GEO. TEKULVE. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES And all kinds of Farm flflaehinepy. ' . Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 5 SALISBURY f NORTH PLATTF. Wm. Gamt, Blacksmith and Wagonmaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing $4 per Team. AIbo reductions iu the price of all other work. Work iruarantced or money refunded. Give us a call. Locust street south of Yost's harness store. STEBBINS' STABLE. Liyery, Feed, Boarding- and Sale. NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to hay, 35 cents a night; noon feed 15 cents. L. C. Stebbiiis, 'Phono 101. North I'lnttc. Nebraska V