Wh Jlortlt .J.4 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. SEVENTEENTH YEAE. NO) 80 Do You Read Advertisements? 1 e Howe's Furniture Store. JOHN U K AT I t K. uuuuivmrr. JOHN BRATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans m Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. US Xi.oforonoo:-Aixy BLACKLEG 5 Is prevented bv vaccination boforo tho gorm of tli9 disenso lina entered the Bystom. Tho success of vaccination doponds upon pronor doango. Too largo u doBo will produce tho disease whilo too email n uo-o will not render tho animal immune- This problem is solved by Parke, Davis fc Co. in their new vnccino in pill form which is injected through tho skin. No mixing. Illtoring or time wasted and ynu don't have to npond n fortuno to voccinato your cattle. P. D. Co, book, "Blackleg and its Troatmont." freo THE NORTH PLATTE PHARAIACY Next door to Kirnt Natl. Hank. ::::::::::: J. II. STONE. Mgr 6 t t 9 9 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Rale Ties. LiVlrfeninir A 7 O O f Hay Press & Repairs 6 Locust St' WW asaaaaoai I Jsforlh f ledtte jTlpcir : a a ...aa..aaaa............. laijUfactturccl by V(ottt) JPlatte tfoiJUs njiiis Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Trial Sack ullll Cotjvitjce yoii of its n)eit North Platte Roller Mills C, F, IDDINCS When You Buy Paint Buy Good Paint... And that means SHERWDi & WILLIAMS' PAINT. Wo have been handling this make for many years and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may-.cosst a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its color longer than other paint. We can furnish you any color or quantity. A. F. Streitz, Druggist. If so Don't Forget the, Bargains We offer, when in need of Furniture, Carpets, Sewing: Machine, Stove, Range, Picture, Frame, Curtain, Piano or Organ. We have the beat 12-ft Linoleum in the city. We are putting in a big stock ot Wall Paper part already arrived variety great -:- -:- a a a a a o a a a a a a eta Prices Right Banlc in TCToTomeTjcci. IN CATTLE 9 9 JOS. HERSHEY. 6 NORTH PLATTE, NEB. $ Petit Jurors. December term of court For the 1901. . Name. Precinct. Slicrmau Parsons Pcckbain Jos. W. McNeei KoBcdale Charles Kilmer. Table J.J. Allen Walker Win. Plumcr Maxwell John Frazier... North Platte No. U A. J. Good now Garfield W. T. S. Connors Dlckena James Bcacham Lemon Calvin Kyc Sunshine Geo. Parsons Brady S. II. Tylcs Kern Art. Fink No. Platte No. 1 Chas. Ilctidy.Sr.; Maxwell W. A. CriddlebaughNo. Platte No. 3 Geo. Cooper Well A. Michael No. Platte No. 2 T. C. Elder Spaunulh I5d, Gentry... Nichols Jas. Hogg Nichols Olaf Johnson Gaslhi Geo. Schmidt, Jr Fox Creek J. II. HerBhey... No, Platte No. 2 Geo. Hardin Cox COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS November 9, 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn tnent, present full board aiftl county clerk. James Ware is hereby authorized to care and to keep one Jake Doty, a county charge at the rate of ten dollars per month and charge same to Lincoln county. Claim of D. W. Baker allowed on road fund tor &G. Claim ot John McGuiuncsti lowed on road fund for 3.00. Claim of 12. C. Baker allowed road fund for 6.00. Claim ot C. P. Koss allowed al- on on road fund for 52.50. Wm. Whelan is hereby appointed a delegate to the national life stock convention to be held at Chicago Dec. 3d. Claim of J, R. Maguincss allowed on road tund for 4,00. -Whereupon the board adjourned udtil Monday, Nov. 11th. November Uth 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present Commissioners Mc Neei and Carpenter and county clerk. W. W. Hunter iu hereby appointed road overseer ot Dlst. No. 55 for the year 1901. The board selected sixty names from the several precincts of the county lrom which to draw a petit jury for the December term ot district court. Adjourned untjl tomorrow. November 12, 1901. Board met purbuanMo adjourn ment, preseut full board and county clerk. W. M. Holtry, county clerk: You are hereby instructed not to charge the statutory tee for issuing certificates ot election. Claim of J. W. McNeei for work on road No, 162 considered and allowed on the road fund lor 237.50. The county surveyor is hereby ordered to resurvey aud remark that part of road No. 213 which in his judgment he deems ueccssary. Report of A. S. Baldwin county judge checked with his books and approved. Claim of Olto Thoclecke allowed on road fund for 2. 00. Adjourned until Nov. 13. Spreads Iilko Wlldfiro. When things are ''tho boat" they bo- coino "ine oost eoiunc ' Aura nun Hiiro, u lending druggist ot Iiollovillo, O writes: 'Electrio Dittors are tho best selling bitters I luivo hnndlod in 20 yours," ion lenow why? Moat disonsos begin in disorders of etomuoh, livor, kid nova, uowolB. bl ou iinu nerves. E eo trio Hitters ton oh up tho stomach, rocu- liitOB livor, kidneys and bowels, purities tho blood, strengthens tho nerves, lienco ourea multitudes ot timitidies. It builds up tho entire systom. Puts now life nud vigor into tiny woulr.Riokly, run-down mnn or woman. I'rlco Wo. Bo Id by A. r . oiroiiz, uruggie.. Estvay Notice. Taken up on October 2-1, 1901, on the northeast quarter of section 2G, town 13, range 31 in Lincoln county, Nebraska, by the Bubscri ber who there resides, one reddish roan cow 5 or 6 years old.lookB like hue migui ue part rexaB, branded 4 on both sides inst back of the shoulders. The owner is required to pay charges thereon and take the animal away Titos, G. Rowley. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Typhoid lever Is said to be abat ing in this vicinity. In the recent election D. M. Ley poldt was elected constable and D, B. White justice for Nichols pre cinct. There is a large tonnage of sugar beets piled in the fields in the valley, The ladies aid society met at the home of Mrs. J. V. Robinson Wed nesday. E. P. Secberger was up from Norlh Platte the first ot the week and had his office iurntturc moved to that city. Henry Weil has a seventy acre field of corn which will compare favorably with any corn field in ihe valley. Potatoes are the only in Ihe valley. There enough raised to supply poor crop were not the local demand. R. W. Calhoun and family have returned from the cant. Today is pay-day at the Nichols creamery aud quite a Bum of money will be put in circulation among the patrons. Wm. Diamond's parents who spent the summer with him at Nichols have returned to their former home at Kearney. A. B, Goodwin and family now occupy the house at Uershey lately vacated by Ifl. F. Seebergcr. Wm. Sullivan is increasing the 6ize of his cow barns. H. W. Brown, well and favorably known by many people in the val'ey and who has been with a govern ment suryeyiug outfit in the west the past season, i at this time in Spokane, Wash. The crew has disbanded for the winter. The large herd of cattle that is being fattened at the Paxton ranch is at this time being fed on cotton seed meal which they seem to relish better than corn. . Congressman Cannon of Illinois lias just purchased the Millburn tarin of 500 acres near Ashland, paying ?G0 an acre for it. He i chairman of the appropriation com mittee of the house and in appro priating a Nebraska farm disclosed his statesmanship. W. S. Stein Of Lini-ntu tuna nnn of the framers of the game law and a victim of it this week. He had lorty-nine more ducks in his pos ciuu ui.in me jaw allows. It was a tliouf'htless violation an lie complained against himself and paid a 'U line. Senator Mdlird has engaged a tiite ot three roomn at tin Now Wilhird hotel at Washington where ic wm iiiuue u ib iteauquarters dur- HIT til e CO mi 111" BCHRinn of rnnnrrpoa which convenes December 2. The rooms are on Ihe ton floor of the hotel. He will be accomnanied at the capital by Ins daughter Miss cnuie iviinaru, c OLD WEATHER. IS A POOR TIME TO GO BARE FOOT .... WE SELL SHOE Soft Sole Shoes, per pair 25 Child's Shoes, 5 to 8 50 Child's Shoes, S to 8 85 Girl's Shoes, 8 to 11 1.10 Misses Shoes, llj to 2 1.35 Misses Shoes, 2lt to 6 1.50 Ladies' Kid Shoes all solid.. 1.50 Ladies' Calf Shoes all solid.. 1.50 Ladies' Fine Shoes 1.75 2.00 Ladies' Ultra Shoes per pair 3.50 One or two odd lots we arc selling at a price Men's Roll Edge Snow 1$jc cluder Arties, per pair. . 1.25 Men's Arties, per pair 1.00 .70 Women's Arties, per pair.. Boys' Arties, per pair 85 Men's Rubber Boots 2.50 Men's Plow Shoes, per pair 1.25 Men's Fine Shoes per pair. . 1 50 Men's Fine Shoes per pair. . 2.00 Men's Fine Shoes per pair. . 3.00 JSy-Storc open evening- until eight o'clock. Wilcox Department Store Don't Neglect Your Eyes. We are prepared to corcctly 'fiCyour eyes. We have the - V. X a: And the handsome Rimless Glasses Each pair is satisfaction jj DIXON, w&stern Nebraska flzvj irr 5QCIETVy Oool Cheer. Have you bad a klmlncsM Hhown l'amt It on, 'Twa not Riven lor you alone Pass lion. Lit It travel down the vcarn, Let It wipe another loam, Till In heaven the deed appears, Pass It on. General Hcadiiuartcrn,W Fifth Ave. ncw YorK viiy Nebraska State Division. Myrtle, Neb, Colors. Yellow anil White, Flower, Core oiwls. SonB"Scatter Suiishlnc." All lcttern. mekneca or Innnlrlcn i-nneern IiiK Sunnhtnc work hIiouHI be addressed to Mrs. Anna K. Moore, Myrtle, Neb., and notices for. publication should reach ui not later than Wednesdays. V A.NEW SUNSHINE MEMIIER. O. W. Neale of Sutherland be came a Sunshine member by buy ing two tickets on the Internationa silk quilt and passing one on to Roy Koss of Myrtle. Members living iu North Platte contributed clothing, reading mat ter, a cook stove, an oil stove, a cot and a cupboard during the last month. Mrs. Mary J. Ncary of North Platte will interest triends in Sun shine and later form a branch. Mrs. Geo. Jokes of Hyannn writes she thinks the Sunshine movement a grand organization It seems as if everyone could do something every day to help othert to happiness by loaning a book ot pabsing on magazines, etc. The Mvrtle division scut a pack age ofcards and bright pictures a Christmas cheer to M. B. Mukluip, Sconia-Chapara, India. Just now so many arc asking me just what they can do to help tin. Sunshine movement that I am go ing to make a few suggestions. We are in need of all those lovely cards you received laBt Christinas, that are laid away in some box ot book, omagazlncs, books. Then, if you do not know of any little boys or girls in your own town in need of a bright gilt Christmas, we have some enrolled that are iu need ot cheer: A little, motherless girl, caring for six younger children, at Giltner loves pretty things but has had very little sunshine since het mother died, a little blind .boy and many others. Just write and tell me what you hare to pass on aud I will tell you a place to send it, If you prcfere to send Bunahinc in some other way, perhaps you would like to add your name to the state endowment fund giving regularly 5, 10, 15 or 25 cents a month to help defray the little expenses that arc attached to the state work, Please write to me and write often telling me of the sunbeams you arc scat tering. Mrs. Anna E. Moore, Myrtle, Neb, State PreB., I. S. S. Lest you forget the annual ball ot the fire department will be held on Friday evening of next week. Steel Frame X Nickel Frame X X Cold Filled Frame X Solid Gold Framo guaranteed to give entire -t- -:- -:- -:- The Jeweler. X.EOAI, NOTICES. MSQAIj NOTICE. Tho dcfeiidnntM. llumoy J. Kcndnll. Ad dlo K. Kendall, lilu wife, John real nnmo unknown. Itlclmrd Hoc, real name unknown, will tuko nntlco that on tlio 2nd day of September, lyoi, tho plaintiff, tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, filed IU petition In the district court ot Lincoln county, Ncbrnslta, tho object und prayer of which uro to foreclose certain tax lleiiH duly assessed by said nlalnllft iiBiilnst tho nii noU of nectloii 17, town Khlp 15, north of rniiKO 31, went of tho Cth p. m., Nebraska, for tho year lbVl In the sum of 3.t; for tho year mi In tho sum r tl.TVi for tho year IMS In the sum of J3.S8; for tho year lhM In tho sum of 17.15: for tho year l!07 In tho sum of J3,: for tho year 1S9S In the sunt of J3.70; for tho year 1800 In tho sum of jl.Di; for the year 10W in tho Hum ot $0.72 j and also to foro oloso certain tax Hons duly assessed by said plaintiff iiKalnst tho ovi nwU of sec tion 17. township 15, north of rancu 31, west of tho Gtli p. ni., Nebraska, for the year 1K93 In tho sum of .1.03; for tho year 1MI In tho Hint) of JI.70; for tho year ikOS In tho sum of K.88; for tho year 1M) n tho sum of $7.15: for tho year 1887 In tho sum or t.1.42; for the year im In the buih f 2.70: for tho year 1KU3 In tho mim ot 11.01; for tho year 1W0 In the ntim of 10.77: and nlso to foreoloso certain tax llenn duly assessed and levied by said plaintiff iiKalnst thoswVl of Mcotlon 17, In town ship 15, north of rannu. 31 west of Hie Cth P. in., Nebraska, for tho year 1883 In tho "1J. P-19' foe the year lsoi In the sum of J9.C0: for the year 1Mi3 In tho sum ot ior tho, year, isw lu the sum of fU.no ; for tho year no7 In the num of .ss; for tho year 1R3S In the sum of .U3: for tho year lS'j'j In tho sum ot $3.KS for tho year 1000 In tlio'Btim of J1.63. amount InK to tho total bum of $1K.!I7, with Inter est on tho hum of JSl.'Jl at the roto of ten per cent per annum, from the 1st day of September, 1001, nil of which Is duo and unpaid. rialntlrf prays n decroo of foreclosure pf said tax liens and li nalo of mild prem ises. u and each or you defendaiitn are required to answer said petition on or beforo Monday, the 10th day ot Decem ber, 1901, TUB COUNTY Otf LINCOLN, .... A. Corporation. 13y II. S, HldBoIy, Its Attorney, l.EOAL NOTICE. Tho defendants, IJurney J. Kendall, Ad dlo E. Kendall, his Wife, John Voo, real name unknown, Itlclmrd ltoo, real name unknown, will tnko notlco that on tho 2nd day of Boptombor, 1901, tho plalnlliT, tho Count of Lincoln, a corporation, filed Its petition In tho district court ot Lincoln county, Ncbriisku, tlin object aud prayer jt which uro to foreclose certain tax .lens duly assessed by suld plaintiff igultiHt tho se'i of section 19, In township .0, north of runico 32. west ot tho Ctit ,). m,, Nebraska, for the year lRt.l Iu tho nun of 120.77: for tho year 1S9I In tho bum if 111.47: for the year 1)193 lu tho sum of 17.42) for tho yenr 1890 In tho sum of 8.14i 'or tho year U97 In tho sum of S3. Go: for tho year 1S98 In tho sum of SI Ot: for tho year 1899 In tho hum of 13.11; for tho year 1900 In the Hum of $1.21; and also to fore close certain tax Hens duly iissessed by said plaintiff ngalnst bv(1 of section 19, in inwnsmp iu, norm oe rnnco wesi of tho Cth p. in.. Nebraska, for tho year 1893 In tho sum ot IU.&8; for tho year 1S0I in tho sum of $11.09; for tho year 1893 In tho sum of $7.42; for tho yenr U90 In tho mnn of $8-31; for tho year JM)7 In tha sum of iXt'ii for tho year 1893 In tho sum ot m.ui; tor tno yenr isvu in tuo sum or yj.vi: for tho year 1900 In tha sum of 11.21: nml also to foreoloso certain tnx liens duly ns- cnncii u y nuia pmiiuill llKUinni 1110 BC'i of nwtt of section 19, township 10, north of rahBo 32, wcBt of the cth p. m., No- uriiBKii, ror tno year itiu:i in the mim of (3.77; for tho yenr 1891 In the um of J2.83; for tho year 1893 In tho sum of $1.90; lor tho year 189(1 In tho sum of $2.03; for tho year 1897 In tho Hum of $1.00; for tho year IK98 In tho sum of $0.99; for tho year 1899 m mo num ot u.i: ior tno yenr lyw lit tho sum of $0.32; and also to foreclose cer tain tnx liens duly asseHsed by trnld plain tiff nKulnst the wl4 nw'A of section 19, In iiiwimiiiii iu, iiuiui oi raiiKO sz, WOSI Ot till) 0 til 1). in.. NeliriiHku for tlin vfrf 180:1 In tho sum of $7.41: for the year 1891 In tho Hum of $3.63; for tho year 1893 In tho Hum of $3.70; for tho yenr 189(1 In tho Bum of $4.1S; for tho yenr J897 In the sum pf $1.81; for tho year 1898 In the sum of $1.92; for tho year non In tho sum of $l.M. ror tho yeur 1900 In tho sum of $0.63; nnd also to foreoloso certain tax lions duly assessed bv said plaintiff against tho soU no1,; of seatlon 19, in township 1C, north of raiiRo 32, west of tho Cth n, m.. No hrasko, for tho year 1891 .In tile, sum of $3.77: for tho year 1891 In tho sum of $2,90. for Urn year 1W5 In the sum of $1.91; for tho year 1890 lu tho iiutrf of $2.51; for tho year 1897 in tho mim of $1 i for tho yenr 898 In tho mim of $0.09; for tho year 1899 In the sum of $0.02: for the year 1900 In tho sum of $0.32; und also to rorecioso crr!",n-,ux hens duly assessed by ,sn!d nliilnllff iiBaliiBt tho nfi no'i of section jj. township 10, north of nuwe 32, west of tho ftth p. m.. Nobrnsko. for the yenr 1893 in the sum of $7.45; for tho yenr ISM In tho Hum of $5,73; for the year 1895 In tho sum of $372; for tho year 1890 In tha "'J". 'V'i tc,r yn'' In tho sum of J2.00: for tho year 1898 In tho um of $2.01; for tho year 1899 In tho sum rtf ll.'M. for tho year 1W0 In the bum of $o.c.t, nmoiinthiB to the total Bum of $190.37. with Interest on tho sum of $121.87 at tb rate of ton per cent per annum, from the 1st day of Hen ember, 1901. all of which is duo and unpaid, 1'lnlnfirr prays a docrco of foreelosuro of said tax liens and a nalo of Bald prom ises. You and each of you defenduntH nre required to niiBwer Bald petition on or oror,,Lv.Ato,,aa'' u' lctl dy Of Decem ber, 1901. THE COUNTV OK LINCOLN, Uy 11. B. rtfdsW; Its AbSrW