The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 22, 1901, Image 8

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    L Local News in Brief. j
CM. B. Crydcrman is the guest ol
his sister in Chicago.
J. J. Halligau transacted legal
business in Lexington yeateday.
13. S. Davis is expected home to
day from a brief visit in Iowa.
J. S. Clinton has returned from a
visit with his son Ben at Lexington.
Wiit. Stack has gone to Kansas
City where he will remain several
John Mcllvanc and family re
turned Sunday from a brief visit in
Mrs. A. F. StrciU will entertain
the West End High Five Club at
her home this evening.
Mr. and Mtb. C. M. Newton, who
had been spending several weeks in
Kansas City, returned home
The ladies of the Christian aid
society will meet with Mrs. Chas.
Wilcox, on west Second street,
Wednesday afternoon of this week.
Clare Scanlan late of this city
passed west a few days ago enroute
to the Marc Island navy yard,
where he expects to enlist in a com
pany of marines.
A. K. Adamson'd boy Charlie fell
off his bicycle and seriously injured
the cap of his knee. Dr. McCabc
is in attendance, and under his
treatment the wound is doing
Isaac Dillon came down from
Colorado Saturday to transact bus
iness for a few days. Mr. Dillon
skya that with fair weather he will
complete his grading contract in
about thirty days.
Rev. W. W. Hess, of Beatrice,
who is spending a brief vacation
with acquaintances in and near
town, occupied the pulpit at the
'Lutheran church Sunday morning
and evening, Rev. Hess will re
main here until the early part of
next week.
W. D. Hover, 15inbalmer.
Howe's Furniture Store. Night
call Telephone 90.
Miss Mary Johnson, teacher in
District 10C, and her pupilB gave a
box social nt the school Uouhc last
Friday evening, There wbb a
large attendance and a pleasant
time resulted. The proceeds of the
sale of boxes were $24.00. which
will be invested in n dictionary and
other books for the school,
"Wo have a big line of ladies' and
gents' pocket books, change purses
card cases, shopping bagB and
wallets. If you want something
Cue wc have them from 50 cents up,
Cmnton, tub Jewi:i,uk.
The Lexington Pioneer says that
a farewell reception was tendered
Rev. D, W. Crane Wednesday
night at the M, 15. church, a large
crowd being present. As a slight
testimony of the esteem of the con
gregation for their retiring paBtor
hc.waR presented with a handsome
onyx clock. Mr. Crane entered
upou his duties ad presiding elder
Friday, with headquarters at
Kearney. His residence, however,
will be at University Place, Iincoln,
Just received a car
load of Waukegan and
Glidden Barb Wire.
Jos. Hershey.
"The Heart of Arkansas," a
drama similar to "In Missouri," is
'being rehearsed by a cast of local
talent under the direction of Mr,
Daniels and will be produced at the
opera house next week, probably
Tuesday evening. The play is a
very strong one and abounds in
strikiug situations that will be well
presented. Mr. Daniels is an actor
of many yearn' experience and he
assumes one of the leading roles.
Included in the caBt is Mrs. Brcycr,
MisB Hannah Keliher, Mrs. Jos.
Roddy, Ud Keliher, Frank Red
mond, Leo Hart and Leo Tobiu,
The production promises to be one
of the best ever given by local
The last week in September
David Hunter of Sutherland, Lin
coln County, Neb., shipped Nebras
ka Farmer a basket of neaches.
grown iu the Platte Valley under
f--! if ...!.,. ... .
irngaiiou, which were equal in
size and color of 'any peaches seen
in this city this crcat neach vear.
The peaches were ol the Klbcrta
variety, very large and firm, and
higher flavored than any Colorado
i;amoruia mm which readies this
market, The success reached in
the production ot this satuplo of
J teaches promises much tor future
ruit growing under irrigation in
Wistcru Nebraska. Nebruuka
We Court Investigation.
Take pur Fall
and Winter Suits
and look them over carefully, Their superiority shows
in a marked manner, even more inside than outside. No
tice the fabrics, the stitching1, the linings, the pockets, the
button holes and the perfection of workmanship and
finish all over. Then compare it with other suits else
where at similar prices and more, wc anticipate the re
sult. If you have already bought your suit here you'll be
better pleased. If you have not you'll came immediate
ly after one. Kcad the prices and act.
$10 $12 - 13.50
II. V. Hillikcr came up from
Grand Island Saturday aud went
out with the pay car the same day.
J. J. Johnson, who had been
visiting at the Cody residence for a
couple of weeks, left Saturday for
Frederick W. Swindell of Massa
chusetts arrived in town Saturday
for a visit with his old friend J. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Pavid Love came
down Irotn Sutherland Friday even
ing to attend the po'itical meeting
and remained over until the follow
ing evening.
A large number of farmers took
advantage of the warm, pleasant
rvuuuici oniuraay ana came to
town, many bringing their families
with them,
Absolutely solid leather shoes, that have crowded in
to them the very best leather quality that the price and
our liuying prestige can get.
v KID LACE SHOES with kid
or patent leather tin immi tn!i,i
soles that are sewed
Misses sizes IV;
2 $1.25, Childs 8 -
CALP I FATMCD I a .fx ir-
Shoes with calf tips Heavy sewed
soles uppers that stand rough
a?- "cat
J-13 to J,
S 1 . 3 5, Childs
8 1-2 toll.,
HEELS the latest style for girls.
The leather in these uppers is JJox
Calf--si soft, durable, easy polished
leather. The toes are full round
tipped with calf. Stylish and durable
shoe. Misses 11 1-2 to 2, fli flp"
$1,50, Child's ) to 11 yj) Jt5
weight soles and uppers - spring
heels- late toe shapes, kid tipped
good durable and stylish shoes
where lighter weight is
desired, Misses 11 1-2 (M ar
to2$l.(UChil(181-2toll vpl.JJ
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
3 doom Bouth T. O.
- $15.00
$18,00. j
Mrs. Klrschgcstncr leaves today
for Denver to locate permanently.
Two or three carloads of Greeley
potatoes were received by local
merchants Saturday.
Hank Chestnut of Keith county
has three greyhounds which have
caught and killed eighteen coyotes
during the past summer. The
dogs will probably do even better
work during the winter months, as
the coyotes when cold and hungry
become more brave and do more
sneaking around the ranch
For Sale,
Full blood Poland China pigs,
either sex, also some some Short
horn bull calyes.
, Wm. H. Sullivan,
Hershey, Neb,
and Misses'
plump weight
imp weight
ivy sewed
id rough
urcssy styles
y styles
WITH i rwaj
North I'Ltte ,Neb.
Co. Supt. Tuocleckc is vibiting
schools this week in the northeast
part of the county.
W. XT, Bay, a machinist, severed
his connection with the Union
Pacific yesterday.
Mrs. R, P. Martin, sole agent for
V. S. Tailor Drcps System. Ad
dress through post office.
13. T. Tramp and Mrs. Peters
and children will return tomorrow
from their visit in Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. 55. J. Hostettcr,
who had been visiting friends in
town, have returned to Colorado.
Judge James Neville, executor of
the estate of M. C. Keith, is
transacting business in town today.
Judge Grimes and Reporter Cary
returned Saturday nieht from Har-
risburg, where the Judge held a
term of court.
Mr. aud Mrs. II. C. Dlickensder
fer are in Columbus, Ohio, havlucr
gone there the latter part of last
week to attend the funeral of Mrs.
B's father.
Found -In the railroad yards
about ten days ago, a silvcrine
watch. Owner can have same bv
calling on J. P. Ganson and paying
tor tins notice.
A girl baby was born Saturdav
afternoon to Mr. and Mrs. John
Drake. As it is their first born
there is great happiness in the
uouseliold, and John is all smiles
when he meets an acquaintance,
It is said that a new republican
paper, with Paddy Miles aB.editor,
will soon be launched at Sidney.
This will make five republican
papers iu Cheyenne county.
A letter rcceiyed from Chas.
Samehon a few days ago, dated
September 12th, stated that he waa
still in a hospital in thePhilinni nen
suffering from a slow but not
deemed serious fever.
The game of ball at Grand Island
Sunday between a team comnosed
of North Platte and Kearney olav-
ers and players lrom the Island and
otuer towns, was called at the cad
ot the tenth inning on account ol
darkness, the score standing twelve
to twelve.
For Saw: On easy terms. Good
fiye room house and one lot. With
in two blocks of High School and
business part of Dewey utreet.
Good new barn with pump. City
water, cess pool, shade trees, all in
good condition. Inquire of
Jos. Hkrshev.
Three weeks airo Tom O'Neal
ordered a beef tongue sent to his
home from a local meat market. It
was important that it be sent at
once, as be was going out hunting
tlie following day and wanted it for
lunch. The tonjruc, however, failed
to show up and Tom aud his
friends were minus that part of the
lunch. Upon returning from the
hunt, Mr. O'Neal found a buggy
tongue in his back yard. He never
knew who it belonged to until last
Sunday when the meat market man
called for it. The bright .delivery
boy had been told to take a tougue
to Mr. O'Neal's house, and had
takeu the buggy tongue.
Y. M. C. A, NOTES.
That was a splendid body ol nieu
thrt looked into Mr. Parson'a faci
as he earnestly spoke of the nobility
of the christian Hie in the Y. M.
C. A. rooms Sunday. We be
lieve that good seed was sown into
good ground and wc hope for a
ricu Harvest in the years to come.
Have you a course ticket tor the
Y. M. C. A. entertainments? The
first number will be on next Thurs.
day evening, Louise Jewel Man
ning, Keciter of Dramas. Reserve
seats can be secured tonight at
ruamp's ati):45, and thereafter.
Drop in Flour.
Gothenburg Best
Patent, per sack,$1.00
Columbus Red Seal
Patent, per sack 1.00
Snowilake Patent
per sack : : : .90
Family Flour, per
sack. : : : : : .80
Wilcox Department Store
Public is hereby warned against
hunting and trespassing on our
All persons are warned against
hunting or trespassing on the
lands embraced in the Kitner
Mrs. W. C. Ritner.
All persons arc cautioned against
using or trespassing in the Ritner
barn at the North Side Marble
W. C. Ritner.
To all persons whatsoever No
hunting will be allowed on Lota 2,
3, 4 aud 5, Twp. 13, R. 31 west.
J. N. Bonner.
To Hunters.
Huntintr iB oositivelv forbidden
on the Cody lands West of the city.
All trespassers will be summarily
dealt with.
Col. W. P. Cody.
All persons are warned against
hunting or trespassing on the lands
owned by
The MviiAnder Bros,
Wilcox Department Store
In the mutter of thn satntn of .Tn.lli ;,r
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Notice Is hereby Riven, that the creditors of
(aid deceiuert will meet the adUilolstrator ot paid
estate, before the County Judge ot Lincoln county,
Nobraika. nt the county court rnrnn. in nM
county, on tbo ltlth day of November, 1901, and
on the M day nt April, 1902, at U o'clock, a. m
each day, for the purpose of pretientlDR their
claim a for examination, adjustment and allow
ance, nix mourns am allowed for creditors to
present their claims, and ono year for the admin,
latrator to' nettle bald estato, from the -'lit day of
Ocober, 11)01.
- County Judge.
Iiegal Notice.
'I'llO flnfnndnnfa Tnmno Wnnltvn.ll,
(implonded with Ira Schooloruft, ot nl.,j
will toko notice that on tho 15th day of
nuru, iwi, me piainuu, mo uounty ot
Lincoln, n corporation, fllod its petition
in tho district court ot Lincoln county,
Nebraska, tho object nnd prayer of
which aro to forotfose certain tax lions,
duly aueesBod by said plaintiff OKainst
tho northwoflt quarter section 17, in
townohin 11. north nfrnnim.H.
Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
mo year iouu in tno Bum or S'aso; ror
tho year 1897 in tho sum of 11.C1; for tho
year 1898 in tho sum of 0,01; for tho year
1899 in thn nnm nf d 40- nmnimllnn In
tho total sum of 4239; with intorost on
mo Bum oi CJ.i.uu at tno rate or ten per
cent per annum frem tho first day of
April 1001, all of wbioh is duo and
Plaintiff prays a decree of forclosuro
of said tax lions and a enlo of Bald prom,
You and oaoh of you defendants aro
required to answer said petition on or
bofor&Monday. the 25th day of Nov. 1001.
A Corporation,
By II. S. Ridgoly, its Atty.
I Korth f latte jTlocir i
lai?u.factu.ted by lJotf JPlatte ollei- frills
Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in
Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the
equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska.
P Tiai Sack crjiil Cofjviijce yod of its fffefit
North Platte Roller Mills
Don't Look
Beeuuso -yiuter is coming on.JJBuy a good stove !
und bo comfortable
4 best Heaters made.
ACORN Cook Stoves and Ranges, are sold
fh on their merits only, no cooking exhibition re
quired. I A. L. DAVIS,
ad Ranges.
Wc carry the moat complete
line in this section of the countr'.
We can save you money. A car
load of furniture just ree'd. All
the latest and best to be had and
at prices that defy competition.
Arc the best selections ever
shown. We handle the Pen
insular and the Art Gar
land hard coal burners and in
the soft coal burners we have in
stock 30 different styles and
sizes. The Peninsular hot blast
is the latest and best hot blast
stove on the market. Consumes
all smoke and soot and saves one
halt" your fuel. We also handle
the Tubular Hot Blast, The Charter
Oak, The Mountain Oak, The Model r
Oak and The Peninsular Oak,
We Lead
in ranges also. The Majestic
the Best Range made, from $40
to $55. And the Triumph
the best cheap range on the mar
ket at $30 to $38. Having
sold 27 Majestic ranges during
the week of of exhibit wc can
now refer you to 67 families us
: n i.: .!i.t. it. , .
jiiil lhi? i.iiii.t- ivirii riif ii ! u r r-n
suits. We also have a list of 20
Triumph Ranges all doing ex
cellent work. We ask the Public
to examine all or any of our
lines before buying. Come in
and see our Estcy Organs.
No better Organ made. House
hold, Domestic and Wheeler & -
Wilson sewing machines.
E. B. Warner.
The defendants V. J. I. Klngsley llrst
real name unknown (Impleaded with James
11. llonnam, Mary A. Uonliatn. The McKlnb
ley Lannlnu Loan & Trust Company ct. al..?
will take notice that on thcBth flay of Octo.
her, 1D01 the plaintiff. The County or Lincoln,
a corporation tiled Its pctltlou In the district
court, of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which is to
foreclose certain tax Hens, duly assessed
by said pfalntlrr against the northwest
quarter of section 21, in township II,
north of range 31, west of sixth principal
meridian. Nebraska, for the year lfco In the
2,u.m?I.17,fi?: for 'e year 1801 in the sum of
J15.C0; for the year 1805 in the sum of $13.3(1;
for the year 1WHJ In the sum of IIB.27: for the
year 1897 In the sum of $t,23; for the vear
1808 In the sum of 5.4S: for the year 1809 In
the sum of $5.32, for the year 1900 In the sum
?i- W.oOi. jupounttng In the total sum of
180.03; with Interest on the sum of 7.8i; at
!9e .r?l,e tcn I1" cent Per annum from
the 1st daylof November 1001, all of which Is
due and unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien and a sale of said premises.
You and each of you defendants lire re
quired to answersald petition on or before
Monday, the sstli daytoCNovember 1001.
uiEi wufl l'V UI-' LINCOLN,
.. A Corporation,
15-1 liy H. s, Itinour.v, Its Att'y.
Down in
the Mouth
stoves aro Min