jtr ' ... Y- fflkt SEVENTEENTH YEAR. NOHTII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 0, 1901. NO. 75 fcjunrmmmnrmmwmmnrnfmiTriirmmmnTmmiirmi!! I THE PVBLIC I la quick to discern good Furniture, ca- 31 Si pccially when offered for sale at attrac- j3 tivc prices. We have received a superb 5j line of new Furniture for dining room, 3 g parlor, bed room and kitchen. Thia Er: furniture ia aa good as any made and the 3 g prices arc sure to prove attractive. Carpets, Furniture, Etc. j Can be purchased of us as cheap, if not cheaper than at any store and the quality j is just as -vvc represent it. You probably SEi: need Carpets or Furniture this fall, and iuiiuaiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiuiuiiiiuiuiuiiiiiuaiiiiiuiiiu JOSEPH HERSHEY, WINDMILLS i PUMPS PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS . ' LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 71 JOHN BR ATT. JOHN BRATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans m Insurance NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X iar"Xl.ofox'oxxoo:-wVaa.7" Bnnli lxx 3Jol3xri.slx.a. best Five Cent Cigar T0 11! ASK ANY PAINTER ABOUT HEATH & MILLIGAN PAINTS The North Platte Pharmacy, Exclusive Agents. Free Sample Shade Cards. When You Buy Paint Buy Good Paint... And that means SHERWJN & WILLIAMS' PAINT. We have been handling this make for many years and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cost a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its color longer than other paint. "We can furnish you any polor or quantity. a. f. streitz, Druggist. if you do you should let us give you fig urcs and prove that wc can aavc you s3 nioncj. C. A. HOWE I DEALER IN Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, E R. GOODMAN. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS October 2, 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn tnent, present full board and county clerk. In the matter ot the pcti Hon of Henry Kllllan & Co. tor a license to sell liquor in Brady Isl and precinct comes now James M. Ray, attorney for remonstratorB to said petition, and Files a motion for a continuation for thirty days and submits authorities in support of liiB said motion. Motion taken under advisement. The petition of Geo. M. Smith anu oincrs tor unai action on road No. two hundred forty-seven board finds that said road has been reported iavorably on by the com mlssioners appointed to view the same, and having been published as required by 'aw and the board having1 considered the matter fully, grant the petition for a public road between sections 33 and 34. Two. 14, R. 31 and county surveyor is hereby instructed to survey and plat the same. As to the balance of said road the petition is hereby rejected. Claim of 13. W. Murphy for damages on road 247 allowed on road fund for $10.00. Claim of Paul G. Meyer, commissioner on road No. 247 allowed on road fund for 4.25, Claim of John Lcmasters grader belt, etc . allowed on road fund for 70. GO. Claim of A. M. Lock appraiser on road 247.allowed on road fund for 3.50. Claim of J. M, Cotton appraiser on road 247 allowed on road fund for 2.00. Petition of John Mitishall and others for public road No. 252 "com ing on for final action and the same having been published as required by law is hereby declared to be established as follows: Commenc ing at the southwest corner of sec tion 28, Twp. 14, R. 31, thence cast on section line between sections 28 and 33 a distance of 1,545 icct to where it strikes the canal of the Suburban Irrigation district thence crossing the ditch, thence cast along the canal parallel to it through sections 28 and 27 as near as practical to the canal, to the sec tion line between sections 25 and 27 crossing the Union Pacific railroad track and the right of way and con necting with the county road on the north Bide of the track in section 26 Twp. 14, R. 31 where it termin naten. The county surveyor is hereby ordered to survey and plat said road 252. Bills were allowed as follows: Paul G. Meyer appraiser road fund Dist, 49 2.00. A. M. McMichael appraiser road fund Diat. 49 2 00, V T. Brown appraiser road fund Dist. 49 4.00. Claim ot 13. W. Murphy for 150.00 damages claimed on road No. 252 considered and allowed for 7-50 on road fund. Claim of Jas. M. Ray Fall Hardware Baker Painted Barbed Wire per cwt 3,80 Baker Galvanized Barbed Wire per cwt 4.10 Best 6-Incli Steel Stove Pipe per joini lb 6-i n. Common Elbow 10 6-in Adjustable Elbow 15 6-in Damphcr 10 6-4 Oil Cioth Binding '.. 15 8-4 Oilcloth Binding- 20 8d Nails, per lb 04 l' ence btaplcs, per lb 04 Maydolc Hammer 55 26-in Hand Saw 6n Good Brace 45 Good Ratchet Brace 85 K-lb" box All Copper Rivets 18 No. 8 Galvanized Boiler.. .. 95 12-qt Galvanized Pail 20 Shot, 3 lbs 25 Gunpowder, per lb 30 22 Cartridges, per box 15 12-Gaugc Loaded Shells, per box 45 10 Gauge Loaded Shells, per box so 12 Gauge New Rival Empty Shells, per hundred .... 75 10 Gauge New Rival Empty bbells, per hundred .... 80 Store open evenings until 8 WUcox Department $tore. allowed on general fund for 24.37 vwaim ot i"rcd Tooas allowed on bridge fund for 48,00. Adjourned until tomorrow. October 3d. 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Carpenter and Mc Cullough, comissioncra and county cierk. Claim of KeUy & White, cditnty supplies allowed on general fund for $22.15. Claim ot P. II. Woodgatc provision for poor allowed on general fund 7.96. Claim ot 13. R. Eaaton burying liorBc allowed on road fund 1.50 Claim R. II. EaclniB work allowed on bridge fund 2,25. Claim of T. Hanrahan work allowed on bridge fund 19.00. Adjourned until tomorrow. October 4, 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk, Bill ot C. F. IddingB allowed on bridge fund for 1659.47. Settlement was made with overseer of District 32 for year 1900 and cer- (liicatc issued for 15.00. Adjourned until tomorrow. Oct. 5, 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn- meut, present full board and county clerk. Claim of C. C. Brown of Slither- land 'allowed on bridge fund for $16.95. Bill of sundry persons for costs in county road case of Equitable I) arm and Stock Improvement Co. against V. Walkeroyersccr allowed on road fund for 219.68. Claim on W. C. Reynolds al lowed on general fund for 15.00. watm ot Mrs. is. c, Haincr care and keep of Hcffncr county poor 24.00. Claim of sundry persons as iurors allowed on general fund for 44.00. Claim ot Bertha Tuoelcckc county superintendent $600, ot which 100.00 was allowed on gen eral fund. Remonstrance against granting iquor license to Killian & Co. at Brady Island having been filed, upon consideration the board ha- fixed Nov. 7th, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., for hearing said remonstrance. C. P. Scharmann county treas urer: ouare hereby ordered to refund to W. II. Broach the sum of '6.32 tax paid under protest on ac count of error in assessment for the years 1889 to 1900 except 1894 and 1895. Whereupon the board adjourned to Nov. 6, 1901. BETWEEN BIVER3. Sugar beet harvest is in progress at this time. 15. P, Seeberger and daughter of Hershcy Sundaycd with friends at the county scat. Candidates for the Various county offices have been thicker, and took up more of the farmers time this week than the sportsman after the prairie chicken, S. li. Punkhouscr overseer of roads in Nichols precinct inter viewed the county commissioners at North Platte ou Priday last week in regard to using the road funds paid in money. They informed htm that he could use the same as re quested. Prof. 13bright is baling hay for h. Stcbbins over south. He will bale out about 150 tons which will be loaded at Pallas and Birdwood, the new name for Spuds. Wm. Ware an old pioneer of this county and who has been seriously ill for some time died of a com plication of diseases at his home west ot Hcrshey on Saturday last at nine o'clock, The funeral waB held at the M. 15. church in Hcr shey the lollowing day at two o'clock, which was attended' by a large concourse of sorrowing neighbors and friends. The in terment took place at the O'Pallons cemetery, lie was a man who had boats of friends who deeply regret his demise. He was an old veteran of the rebellion and spent nine months of the lime in Andcr sonvillc prison and was never a healthy man alter that- He was always first ui church affairs as wejl as in the G. A R- A wife, several sons and daughters sur vive him 0,11 of whom have the sympathy ot numerous friends in the valley. A new sou arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. lit Tolllionjou Sun day morning. He is said to be a lively little fellow and is bound to remain, C, C. WcUel shipped a carload o cattle to South Omaha recently. Com husking will soon be the order of the day up in this vicitilty It is reported that W. A. Paxton who is feeding about 1,000 head ot cattle is paying forty-five cents per bushel for corn at this tune. G. L. Mudd foreman of the Pax ion rancn near ncrsiicv was a county scat visitor on business Saturday. Prairie chicken hunters arc not finding as good success as they at first anticipated up in the valley as a large number ot the farmers there have put up signs. "No hunting. Richard Spurrier was lately sent out here from Iowa by his father to look at a large ranch in Cheyenne county with a view of purchasing it. The old gentleman bad previously seen and deemed It a very fair ranch but when Richard came out and took a view of it he did not consider it worth the price and olTcrcd them $500 less for it and a sale was not perfected. Mr. Spurrier hrs returned to Iowa, but will return soon with the intention of locating in this vicinity if he can strike anything that suit him. Grandpa and Grandma Toillion of Nichols were at the county scat on Monday ou business pertaining to their pension vouchers. BRADY NIWS. The Brady Review has been pur chased by Perry Gifiin. The Re view haB had a hard road to travel, but it is now in good hands. Prof. Shuman has started an evening clasB in German, and wc presume in a short time nearly everybody will beBpeakingDeutche. CasBius Parsons, who recently returned from Wyoming, will live on the Moles ranch south of town. We are glad to have him back. Mr. Winquest has been in Hold redge for a few days looking alter business matters. Dr. Ward has invested in a team and buggy in order to more readily visit his patients. Ncllo Cover has returned from North Platte where he hud charge of the separator station for a couple of weeks. Ever Notice The difference in Cotton Batts How much whiter and cleaner some brands arc. Ours Are Clean The price as low as for poorer grades. 5 to 18 Cents. Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Depurtmeqf: $bm, Wm. Gauivt, Blacksmith and Wagonmaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing $4 per Team. Also reductions in the price of nil other work. Work guaranteed or money refunded. Give us a call. Locust street south of Yost's harness store. Shoe Repairing; A Specialty. Always carry a select quality of sole leather to please our patrons and our aim is to please as near as wc can. Colored Luces. Get your colored laces at the Yellow l ront hlioe Hospital. GEO. TEKULVE. Surprised? At the size of last month's grocery bill were you? Bet tcr pay cash and be surprised at the saving made. Every month opens' the eyes of a few more. Are you next? We Sell Tomatoes, nor cin irv Snidcr's Catsup, pints 23c Snidcr'sCatsun. 1-2 nint 14 Searchlight Matches per box 04 Gold Dust, 4-lb pkg 18 Pcarlinc per pkg , 04 Sapolio per pkg 9c. 3 for. . . . 25 Lewis' Lvi nor rnn fm Merry War Lye per can .... 07 Schilling's Best Soda, per . pkg 08 Arm & Hammer Soda, per pkg 08 Dwight's Soda, per pkg, .... 08 XA lb can of Chipped Beef. . . 10 Walter Bakers' Cocoa lb cans 25 Veal Loaf 1 lb can 20 Lemons nor doz 2S Silver Gloss Starch ........ 08 Kingsford's Corn Starch .... 08 Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05 On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 Granulated Sugar 15 lbs for 1.00 Kerosene Oil nor ir.il k . 15 Sage, H lb pkg 04 nops, lb pkg 04 Vinetrar. ncr imI .20 Arbucklc's Coffee 2 'pkgs ... 25 r !.. r. 1 - - liuu uuimc 4 pugs. ....... , 'j,ti XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs 25 Rock Salt tier hundred 80 Salt 140-lb Sack 95 Table Salt 2 sacks 05 Gothenburg Best Patent ii " i. ..... .. u iuur pur sucu .5l,lU Snow Flake Patent Flour per sack k ..$1.00 Red Seal Patent Flour per sack 1.10 Jewel Patent Flour per sack 1.00 vorn Meal, it lb sack 35 WStorc open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store 5TEBBINS' STABLE. livery, Feed, Boarding and Sale. NEiAZ RIGS, Accommodations Good. 7ccd per; team to hay, 35 cents a nigui; noon iccu in cents. L. C. Stebbins, Phone 101. North IMnttc, - Nebraska'. Proud of the New Fabrics Of course we arc, we have 'cm all, that is all the best, most of 'cm you can't get any where else in town. You can't see 'em all here, unless you come early, a good many arc gone, wc have ex- clusivcs yet. J. F. Broeker. T HERE ARE OTHERS 4 a who can make and repair Shoes, but there arc lew who can equal and none' that can surpass us. C. NEWMAN.