The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1901, Image 1

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    What Jtortft $Mt
NO. 7B
May havo Led in times past,
But We..
Are in the race now and getting to
4 the front in a way to cause a panic
g It will pay you to Usee our goods 5
and get our prices'1- before buying
i Carpets, Furniture, Etc. 1
Farm Implements,
Buggies, Wagons,
Windmills, Pumps,
Real Estate, Loans Insurance
SET Five Cent Cigar to
The North Platte Pharmacy,
Exclusive Agents.
a Free Sample Shade Cards.
When You Buy Paint
Buy Good Paint...
And that means SHERWIN & WILLIAMS'
PAINT. We have been handling this make for
ninny years and have found thai; it gives excel
lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cost
a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but
it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its
color longer than other paint.
AYe can furnish you any color or quantity.
A. F. Streitz, Druggist.
J. P. Morfftm'a Special.
A special train bearing J. Pier
pont Morgan and a party of sev
enty guests passed through the city
Saturday night enroute to the gen
eral convention of the Episcopal
church at San Francisco. Mr.
Morgan was elected a delegate
from the laity ot New York, and
the guests accompanying him are
mostly ministers who represent
dioceses in the cast.
Special precautions were taken to
prevent accidents and delays to the
train while enroute over the Union
Pacific. Right of track was given
the train, and section men were in
structed to examine the roadbed
ahead oi the special. W. J. Stuart
pulled the train trom this city to
Mr. Morcran will entertain his
guests at the Crocker House in San
Francisco, and for this purpose he
had sent a body of servants ahead
to have everything in readiness.
A Successful Faruior.
Kfncst Calling, of Brady, is one
of the most successful farmers in
Lincoln county. We learn from the
Gothenburg Independent that Mr.
Calling this year farmed 400 acres
of corn vhich averaged twenty
bushels to the acre. He cut up 300
acres of the corn and will shred
it and iced it out to 100 head of
cattle, which he is fattening and to
hogs. He shipped two carB oT
cattle to Omaha Monday and ox
pects to market a car of hogs eooiir
His small grain crop yielded htm
6,500 bushel?, When you arrive at
Mr. Calling's Ilia place has the ap
pearance of a town, as kis laborers
all live close to his place and tarm
800 acres under his advisement.
Mr. and Mrs. Calling will leave
next week for the Buffalo exposi
tion, where they expect to remain
a couple of weeks after a liard sum
mer's toil.
. - . , t ... . '
x nai larming oy irrigation pays
in Western Nebraska bus been de
monstrated time and time again,
but to more forcibly illustrate too
fact, we append an item from the
Lexington Pioneer. The results
attained by irrigation in Dawson
county is no greater than in Lin
coln county, the requisites for suc
cess being thoroughness of cultiva
tion and the application of average
intelligence in the conduct ot the
farming business. The tanner re
ferred to by the Pioneer is A. R.
Merritt, who owns a section of land
under a ditch six miles north of
Lcxinton and the Pioneer thus de
scribes liia success. lie raised the
present year one hundred acres of
winter wheat that yielded about
2,0 bushels. lie has 100 acica in
potatoes that give promise of yield
ing considerable more than 100
Fall Hardware
Baker Painted Barbed Wire
per cwt 3.80
Baker Galvanized Barbed
Wire per cwt 4.10
Best 6-inch Steel Stove Pipe
per joint IS
6-in. Common Elbow 10
fi-in Adjustable IClbow IS
6-in Damp lie r 10
6-4 Oil Cioth Binding IS
8-4 Oilcloth .Binding 20
U iNails, per lb 04
b ence btaplcs, per lb 04
May dole Hammer 55
26-in Hand Saw 6o
Good Brace 45
Good Ratchet Brace 85
Jlb box All Copper Rivets 18
No. 8 Galvanized Boiler.... 95
12-qt Galvanized Pail 20
Shot, 3 lbs 25
Gunpowder, per lb 30
IVl'll-flirno .!. IS
44 14. V. IHl.i3f IJJ. X
12-Gatige Loaded Shells, per
box 45
10 Gauge Loaded Shells, per
box 50
12 Gauge New Rival Empty
Shells, per hundred .... 75
10 Gauge New Rival Empty
Shells, per hundred.. .. 80
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
bushels to the acre and potatoes
arc worth something over $1.00 per
bushel, he has already sold a part
of his alfalfa hay, receiving there
from $2,000 in cash, he has several
acres iu onions which promise good
returns, and takco altogether the
revenues he will derive from this
year's crop will foot up to between
$10,000 and $18,000.
J. G. Fcckln is at work with his
alfalfa hullcr in the valley at the
present time.
J. V. Robinson is erecting an ad
dition to his cow barn. He is haul
ing the lumber from the county
Chas. Toillion, overseer of roads
in Ilinman precinct, has a crow of
men and teams at work on the
S. L. Funkhouscr, overseer of
highways in Nichols precinct, ban
a gang of men and teams at work
Mrs. Wm. Uymoud of Nichols de
parted this morning for a visit
with her sister in Kansas.
A few from thiB vicinity attended
the theatre at the county scat last
week. Among them were Mr. and
Mrs. L. 15. Jones, R. W. Calhoun,
Dallas Wills and J. M. Dwycr.
Neaily every farmer in the valley
lias put up notices on his tarm ior
biddiug hunting or trespassing up
on his laud.
The entertainment given by the
Woodmen of Hcrshcy in tin hall at
that place Saturday night last was
a grand success in every respect.
We arc pleased to learn that
Wm. Ware is slowly convalescing
from his late illness.
The wiley sports arc on the war
path after the prairie chickenB as
the season tor killing them is now
open. They will find many ob
stacles in their way as many farm
ers will not permit hunting.
This week will about wind up
the hay business in this couutry
for this season unlcsB it should be
a few small patches of late allalfa.
The new buildings on the Her
shey ranch in the valley arc show
ing up iu fine shape at this tunc.
W. A. Paxtonof Omaha was up
to his ranch in the valley on busi
ness pertaining to the same
Several car loads of hogs iu the
valley are at this time being fatt
ened on new corn,
Several tusiontsts in thiB country
have informed us lately that they
are going to support the republican
candidate for commissioner at the
coming election.
About two hundred acres of
sugar beets will soon be matured
and ready to harvest in the valley.
K. F. Sccbergcr went down to
North Platte Saturday returning
R L. Graves candidate lor treas
urer on the fusion ticket and also
F. R. Ginu candidate for county
clerk on the republican ticket arc
both calling on the electors in this
yicinity at this time.
Liability of Policy Holder in Nebras
ka Mutual Inuuranco Go's,
The recent decision of the
Supreme court in regard to the lia
bility of Mutual Insurance com
panies simply tollows the opinion
of Auditor Cornell about one year
The case is that of John S. Mor
gan vs. Hog Raiders Mutual Insur
ance Company. The policy given
to Morgan provided that the liabil
ity for asBesincnts should be limited
to double the amount ot the first
payment. On Oct. 6, 1899, when
the insurance was taken out a pay
ment ot $5.00 was made. Subse
quently on Jan. 15, a paymeul of
$7.50. was made and on April 1 an
other payment of $2.50 was made.
This made the full limit as pro
vided by the policy. Afterwards a
call lor $22.50 was made which Mr.
Morgan refused to pay and the com
pany bought suit for the amount.
The company was successful in the
district court of Lancaster county
and in the Supreme Court. TIjIb
made a Bum total of liability of
$37.50 for six months insurance lor
the sum of $150,00.
The Court held that that portion
of a contract ot insurance between
n company organized under the
provision of a statute of 189!) which
seeks to lim it the liability ot a
member is contrary to law and void,
that is, the liability cannot be
limited even by written contract.
This decision applies to all the Mu
tual Fire Insurance Companies do
ing business in Nebraska except
three organized under the laws of
1873. Nebraska Legal News.
A Kearney man refused an offer
of $85,000 for his interest in a Colo
rado gold mine. You cannot gold
brick a Kearney man.
Two boys were nearly buried
alive in a sand pit on the Blue
river near Wymorc one day recent
ly. They were dug out iu time to
save their lives,
A Beatrice man was arrested the
other day lor "staking" his cow in
the streets, The butchers arc not
molested for stcaking" their cows
in the city.
A great deal of petty thieving Is
being reported to the police at Ne
braska City. Otic man is accused
ot taking two potatoes that did not
belong to him.
A saloon and an undertaker's es
tablishment were broken into the
same night at Dakota City, It
beats all how dreadfully close to
the grave strong drin k will drive a
Mayor Mattes of Nebraska City
could not stand for the semi-occasional
mule service of the street
railway service iu that city and has
declared the whole concern a nuis
ance on general principles.
A man and woman, claiming to
be husband and wife, skipped by
the light of the moon on a stolen bi
cycle aud left the landlord ot the
hotel at Dixon to mourn over a
week's board bill.
A Bnakc skin liitic feet long is on
exhibition in a drug store, window,
at Norfolk. If the drug store. booze
performs its customary mission it
will frequently transform the dead
skin into a living reptile as big aB
a sea serpent.
C. S. Broderick of Hastings was
arrested on thechargeof aosualting
his wife with intent to kill her, in
attempting to g;t possession of
their three-year-old boy.
Up in Boone county, where cx-
Govcrnor Poyntcr sprouted aud
fructified, the populists refused to
have anything to do with the demo
crats and placed a straight ticket
in the field.
Arrangements arc being made
for the annual iedcration of the
women's clubs ot Nebraska at
Wayne, October 8 to 11. It is ex
pected that the town will be livelier
than a quilting bee,
A Weeping Water man discover
ed that another was paying court
to his wife and sought out the illic
it paramour and punched his face
around on the back of his head.
The thumper is now weeping
An Iowa farmer waB nicely llim
flammcc1 out of his team, wagon
and a load of apples in Omaha a
few days ago. A fellow drove him
around town and unloaded the
apples into his own cellar, then
sent Rube on a car down to his
office where his partner would pay
for the apples. The office couldn't
be louud and the team and wagon
were driven on" v"ille the dupe was
looking for it.
At the size of lest month's
grocery bill were you? Bet.
tcr pay cash and be surprised
at the saving made, livery
month opens the eyes of a
few more. Arc you next?
We Sell
Tomatoes, per can 10c
Snidcr's Catsup, pints 23c
Snidcr's Catsup, 1-2 pint .... 14
Searchlight Matches per box 04
Gold Dust, 4-lb pkg 18
Pcarlinc per pkg 04
Sapolio per pkg 9c. 3 for , , . . 25
Lewis' Lye per can 08
Merry War Lye per can .... 07
Schilling's Best Soda, per
pkg 08
Arm & Hammer Soda, per
pkg 08
Dwight's Soda, per pkg, .... 08
Yt lb can of Chipped Beef. . . 10
Walter Bakers' Cocoa lb
cans ...,(..., ''S
Veal Loaf 1 lb can 20
Lemons per doz 25
Silver Gloss Starch 08
Kingsford's Corn Starch .... 08
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs OS
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs OS
Granulated Sugar IS lbs for 1,00
Kerosene Oil per gal 10
Sage, H lb pkg OS
Hops, l4 lb pkg 04
Vinegar, per gal 24
Arbucklc's Coffee 2 Jkga... 25
Lion CoiTcc 2 pkgs 25
XXXX ColTec 2 pkgs 25
Rock Salt per hundred ..... 80
Salt 140-lb Sack ( 95
Table Salt 2 sacks 05
Gothenburg Best Patent
Flour per sack $1.10
Snow Flake Patent Flour
per sack $1,00
Kcd bcal Patent Flour per.
fcKlCK . . ' , . . . 1.J.U
Jewel Patent Flour per sack 1.00
Corn Meal, 25 lb sack. . .... 35
USTStorc open eyenings until
So'clock. '
Wilcox Department Store
Ever Notice
The difference in
Cotton Batts
How much whiter
and cleaner some
brands are.
Ours Are Clean
The price as low
as for poorer
5 to 18 Cents.
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox; Deparjfcmetf! fSfcofo
Wednesday, Oct. 2nd.
The Laughing Success
of Last Season.
Special Scenery, Novel Specialties
Sparkllns Wit, Pretty (Jlrfs.
Proud of the
New Fabrics
Of course we are, we have 'cm
all, that is all the best, most of
'cm you can't get anywhere else
in town. You can't sec 'cm all
here, unless you come early, a
good many are gone, we liaVc cx
clusivcs yet.
J. F, Broeker.