9kt Jfrml- WwMtf tribune TUESDAY, SI5PT 24, 1901. 1RAL OAAB, Editor amo FopniETon HUOSOBIPTIOn BATES. Ona Tear, eauh In advance, .........H.2S Six Months, cnhln advance ...75 Ceoti' oWradMtntHorthrUH(rTabraiia)poitoffleeM Mooad-etaumatUr, KSPUBLZOAir gTATE TICKET. Vor Supreme Judge S. II. SEDGWICK, of York. For Regents State University II. L.GOOLD. of Ogalalln, C. J. ERNST, ol Lincoln. County Ticket. Kor Treasurer C. l' -SCII ARM ANN. Vor Judge A. S. BALDWIN. For Superintendent OSCAR W. NEALE. For Clerk FRED R. GINN. For Sucrilf LINCOLN CARPENTER. For Coroner DR. F, II. LONG LEY. For Surveyor CHAS. P. ROSS. For Commissioner 2nd Dint. C. MAX McGREW. It is stated, and probably cor rectly, that in every civilized nation in the world memorial ser vices to the late president were held last Thursday. This is evidence of the man's greatness. Czolgosz, the assassinof Presi dent. McKinlcy, was called into court yesterday and entered pica of .guilty. Justice White said the court could not accept the plea, and a plea of not guilty was entered. The trial then proceeded. Tun main building of the Nor folk hospital for the insane was destroyed by fire early yester day morning, resulting in the death of two inmates and entail ing a lossjof $225,000 to the state. The origin of the lire is not ex- actly known but' is supposed to have resulted from super-heated pipes. Tun Bee says that according to South Omaha packers there is a demand for all the beef that can be secured and there is no reason to believe that the price of fat cattle will decrease. It takes nerve to put SO-ccnt corn into cattle, but the prospects arc that those who do it will come out winners. Tun populist state convention at Lincoln last week wasattended by 387 out of 1224 delegates ac credited to. the convention, and twenty-seven counties failed to respond to the roll-call. And yet local populists insist that their party is numerically as strong and as enthusiastic as ever. The attendance at the state con vention, however, scarcely bears this out. In this campaign Bill Beatty of Brady will bcthcDick Crokcrand like the Tammany boss is in poli tics for what he can get out of it. Wc know Bill pretty well; he was formerly a republican and as Huchhc needed watchingin every campaign. Finally he wanted to be sheriff, but the convention declined to nominate him. Then he became mad, very mad, and joined the populist party. Wis understand that Ceo. U. Darr of Lexington aspires for the republican nomination for comrressman next year; likewise Senator Owens of Cozad. Both are representative men of Daw son county, but Owens' course in theisenatorial light has prac tically killed him off in many of the counties in the cony res sional district, It is too early to make predictions, but we fee confident that the nominee wil 1 z i cwne irom ivincoin countv ant that bit name will .be Judge vrmes. cratic press over the slate candi- dates of the parties is no greater than that ot the conventions which named them.' They arc , endorsed in a perfunctory man 4t, ,i.....,iu nnA n"u " sciiarge n nun, sucxy nmu, whcii, ner; the beating- of drums uMCtfaaaottiwmttmtsiheAin Clashing of cymbals IS not heard J in the land. The populists Who ul, 4lm .Mini,fMr 1ip fiminn urnisli the majority ol the tttsion Voles, do not relish being hitched , rill l Onto the wagon for the Hole pur- .... I, 11 U pose ol ballast. umana wee. Wl! make this t)rC(lictioil. and . we invite some fusionist to kick us hard if it docs not come true: ... , ,,. .,, , i r - Fred PicrSOn Will bC Used iasan article of barter in the attempt tosccurc the election of htl Mur- phy, the candidate for county clerk. Bill Beatty manipulated the nominations on the fusion i ti ticket, hckncW that l'lClSOn IS a novice in politics and that he 1 could be used as a catsnaw to e 11 ,i i i r 1.:.. further the 'interests of his pet candidate Murphy. Beatty and 1 " y I Murphy arc partners in the stock business at Brady, there- lore Beatty is willing to sacrifice Picrson and, the rest of the ticket, for that matter tosccurc Murphy's election. Sk.vatoh JIoah made some pertinent remarks at the mem orial services at Worcester, Mass., on the reprehensible partyism that has been rampant in tnc country. "yc sijau, 1 hope, go as far as wc can with out isacrifieing personal liberty to repress the doctrine which, in effect, is nothing but counseling murder. Wc shall also, I hope, learn to moderate the bitterness of political strife and to avoid the savage attack on the motives and character of men who arc charged with responsibility. The moral is not that wc should abate our zeal for justice and righteousness or our condemna tion ot wrong, out only tnat we 8hoult, abatc the severity of judgement of the motive our iigcmciu ot tnc motives of men from whom wc differ." Tim annonymous letters being received by Governor Vorhccs, of New Jersey, threatening him with McKinlcy's fate if he carries , . , , , , , . out- his pledge to clean out the nest of Patterson anarchists, arc not calculated to cool his ardor. The governor is more than ever determined to proceed with his louse cleaning. The fact that on the night of the day of the shooting of the president the attcrson gang got together in a saloon and spent the evening in toasting the assassin is calcu atcd to stir up the patriotism of all the Jerscyitcs from the gov crnor down to the humblest citi .en, and nerve them to do their duty in the premises which is to break up the nest. Journal. TbeGncer who neither sands i his Buirar nor1 waters his milk who believes in the best, and is particular to please tits patrons. That's the grocer who rccom mends and sells Lion Coffee Coffee that is coffee unglazcd unauulteratetl. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And nil kinds of Farm Machinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 8 SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. iQjy &fc.wiwM M ITCH IS TORTURE eMfl , callsc,i bv nn ncid humor In " Wood cK in contact win the sldn and producing great redness and in. nammation; little pustular crupUons form Hard, dry anil fissured, jjej-ema m any form is ti torment ntr. stubborn disease. ad the itchim? and burninp; nt times are "bnost unbearable; the acid burning , . t the kg on fire. Salves, washes nor other cxter- iiu uuuuvuuuiia uu ..... .., w m Wriithe poison remains In the blood I . 1ii Irrftaln " "--r "" BAD FORM OF TETTER. ''Vor three yeari I i ni l i cuer on mv 0,Xki 3OTthedu;: wan In the form of run- tltiff aorea, very pain. mucti discomfort. i'our ' Prf"i"tJ..?,f" 'Vtko.Myf.. MSi'SmiMiPa! W .52 XSS ifiicenten nnyslKii of my old trouble." Mrs. i,.IJ.Jacicoi, mm McGee St , Kanaaa City, Mo. S; S. 8. . cirfz this acid pojspn, cools the bloou and restores it to a hcalthv. natural state, and the rounh. unhealthy skin becomes soft, smooth and clear, cures Tetter, Bry- 7 pipla9. rsofias f- lkV lk. LLW T?lium mill nil slHti ASS discruses duetoapois. nr Zlatc about your case. Our physicians have help you by their advice ; we make no charge for tlds service, All correspondence Li conducted in strictest commence, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. OLID solid JS People We Have Led, Vie Lead and We Shall Gontinue to Lead. Why? Because wc do busiuesB strictly on the merits of our goods The Buyer ,who is after his money's worth of Furniture, nualitv and tyle will run against it in our show roo," f We have just a breathing spell before our Jail line ot goods arrive. During this time, we will unload at a great sacrthce. Uelow arc a iew oi uic many uaruains 15.00 solid Antique oak side hoard only $11.00 20.00 solid Antique oak side board only 18.00 20.00 solid Golden oak side board only 13.75 45.00 solid Antique oak buf fet only 35.50 18.00 .combination book case and sec. Gold oak only.. 14.00 15.00 combination book case and sec, Gold oak only 12 00 12.00 Gotd oak ladies' writing desk, only 'J.75 8.00 Gold oak ladies' writing desk, only 5.50 25.00 Mahogany ladies' dress ing table only 19.00 0,00 Popular Kitchen cab inet 4.10 24,00 Black ash bed room Rulte 18.00 10.00 Antique oak upholstered rocker 8.00 Your pocket book wont be M T after taking advantage of this sale. E. B. WARNER. IF GOING EAST or south of Chicago ask your lo cal iicicet agent to route you be tween Umalnaiul Chicago via the Milwaukee! the shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this popular road depart from -the Union de pot, Umaha. dailv. connectintr with trains from the west. Alag- II . .1 A .. . n nice iu iy equipped trains, pal ace sleepers ami free reclining chair cars. Uining cars and but let, nurary ami smouing cars. All trains liirhtcd bv electricitv. For full information about rates, etc., address, F. A. NASH, General Western Airent, 1504 Farnam St., OMAHA. H. W. Howklx, Trav. Frt. and Pass. Agt. 4H X Blow! Blow! 1 It is natural for some. people in business to BLOW. It is not our object to BLOW, give glowing descriptions, or make risky assertions in prices. ' This is no circus bill 'and we have no red lemonade for sale. Plain facts go farther than fiction which will not bear investigation Our goods speak for, themselves. .No flowery figures of price are necessary. A. L. DAVIS, THE HARDWARE MAN 4? forth fl&tie plocir 1UM Waiifactadfecl by loirtl? fiattc poller il)ills Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Tt iai Sack uiiil Coijvltjce yoii of its njefit North Platte Roller Mills C I. IDDINQS Union Paoifio Bailroad Oo . Orogon Short Line Bailroad Oo. Oregon B- B. & Kanigation Oo. Fourteen Hours Quicker to PORTLAND via THE UNION PACIFIC Thau by any other Line. Tfyree Trails Daily Frorr; Ortiafya, E. Illinois Central AN INNOVATION. Elegant New Dining-Parlor Oars Between Chicago and Omaha on the Fast Mail. Tboso combination cars, which have boon osnocially ilttod up for service bo f u'AAn riKtnnirc nnrl flmnltn nt tVin nnm. V . iiiuiiu &4 v lliutll. liv kUU VW US- nny'e shops, nro run west bound from hlcngo on l- nat Mail, trnin Xno. 0, and oaat bound from Omnha nml Counoil lllufTs on tho Chicago Expioea, trnin No Tnoy uro nrtiatlo unu hnnilBomo in design, and t-onvoniont in nrrnngomont. Thoy have all tho fenturos of a regular dining car and ot a Pullman parlor car, mo iwo ooing in Beporaio comparimonts, and ontirely indopondont quo from the other. Tho dining compartment has a largo ldtchon and an unorampod Beat ing capacity ot fourteon nt tho dining tnbloa, Tho parlor compnrtmont is hnndsomoly decorntod, nad Is equipped with ton honvlly upholstered revolving armchairs. Those chairs nro particu larly comfortable, being of n now and special ehapo designed for those cars. As theso trnins malco tho trip across Iowa for tho most part by daylight, this innovation in car oquipniout,in nddition to Its convenience for through pnsson. gors, Is especially advantageous for Omaha anil Chicago passengers to or from local pointB. Particulars as to this mid other 11 linois Central train service botweon Chi iigo and Dubuque, Sioux City, Sioux Kails, Council HlulTiitid Omahii of your local ticket agent, or by addressing the nearest of tho followiug: J. 1 Morry, A. O. I A., Dubuque. Iowa; W. II. Urill, D. V. A., Omnha, Neb. A Night of Terror. "Awful nnxioty wan felt for tho widow of tho brave Oenornl Hnrnhnin of Manil las, Mo., when tho doutors tmid she would din from Pneumonia boforo tnorn inK" writer! Mm. S. H. Linuolu, who at touded her that fearful night, but euo bcRRtxl for Dr. Kinu's Now Disco vory which had more than oneo snvod her lite, nnd cured nor ot Consumption. "After tnkiuff, shn slept nil niaht Further uso ontirely ourotl her." This marvelous medicine is Kuarantood to euro nil Throat, Chost and Ltinu Dis eases, uniyou cents and 91.00. Trial bottles free at Stroiu's drUg storo. ' ,2 Blow! . 4 THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 150 miles alonif the Co lumbia River by Day light j H. GENGE, Agent PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. E. McOAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 0(11 co ovor HulTuianB Millinery Store WOIlTIt IftMHE, - NKIIttASKA a V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SUrvOEON. Offices: North Plntte Nntional Bank Building, North Plntte, Nob. F. F. DENNIS, M. D., HOMOEOPATHIST, Over First Nntlon.1 IMuk, NOHTU PLATTE. NEUKAHKA. J.S. HOAGLAND. W. V. H0A0UND Hoagland & Hoagland. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Offlce OYor Mm. Iluflmnn's Millinery Htora. NORTH PLATTK. - NE1111AHKA "yiLCOX & IIAIjLIOAN, ATT0RNEY8-AT.LAW, aTOUTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA Office over North Platte National Bank, ' H. S. RI.DQELV, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Ofllco McDonald Block. Dower street. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA JJR. G. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Platto, - - - Nebraska. II. DAVIS, .ATTOKNKV AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTK,, - - NEBRASKA Grady Block Rooms 1,1:2. wTo. paiteis6n - X. KTTQ R IS BV-KT-LPCini. Oillco ovor Yellow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE. NKB. I. K. HOCUE,, A1TORNEY-AT-LAW, IIlNMAN BlXMJK. - DkWKY STKELT, lORTII l'ITTE. riKllKASKA. V . BCtT CROWN , iiwCmausaJI PCNVtBCOLO. ZiEQAIi NOTICES NOTICE OF BALE DY. OUABIJIAN; In the mutter n( the eatnte of Clycln W, I'otter nml Hdr.cl Foltor, minor nelrt ot willnrd M. I'otter, J6ccaed. Notice In hereby ninn that In imtpuanco ofnn order ot II M. Grime, judtfo ol tbn district court. ot Lincoln county, Hnmrnnkn, ninon on inn dAy ot April 1(K)1, for thn tno of tbo ipnl (wtAto hereinafter dpscrlbed. I horn will bo void nt tlio t-nrtt door of the court house of naKI count)'. In thn city of North finite, on thn .Wh dny of Septem ber. 1101. At ocn o'clock In ihn nflrrnoon, nt ubllc Tendue to tho hlRhet bidder on Iho follow. oa torma, to-wlt! one-third cau nod tbubnlAiico to be recurrd by mortgngo on tbu renl ertAto mild tnd pATAbloon or before theflrat dAy of January, 190". with Interest payable Aiinunlly At thn rnto of foven per cent par annum, the following do. (crlbed real otate to-wlti All that part of section nine V), townahlp thirteen (13). nortn or rnngo (SO), west of Uiolith 1. M. In pAli in county. IjliiK nuth of thn annth rhAnnol ot llln Hmlth 1'IaiIh Hirer, and enit cf the county road now Intoraec,! Ick eald section. HAld ha)m wtll vnmAft nnritl ImtwrtAn thn Itmlrn of one o'clock p. in. and two o'clock p. in. of rnm unj. uateu BopleinberS, 1001. EVA I), VOTTKlt, auardlnn of Ihe otnte ot Olydb W. Poller and Hazel Fotter, minora, as? OltDICU OF HEAltlNCl. State of Ncbra.kn. I.lnrolu cmlnlr.w. In (tin ITnuntw fVi.i... Ill the mutter of the cslnte of Walter JUmtritl, On readlns and lltlns Ihn nntlil JohoKon, praylnK thnt Rdtnlnldtrnllnu r.f onlil cMnto mny be Rrnntod tohlm tin rt'loiliilstrntrlx. uruerea, tdri sept, au, rnui, nt 10 o'clock, n.m., la ftlncd for hnnrltiff anld polillbn, VvIipii nil peraong Interested In sold nintltr mny nppenr nt a couuty court to be held 111 and for wild county, and .how caufe why tlio prnyer of petltloiior nuuuiu nut ue Krauiou, uniea ueptctnuer 4, iwi. ffll A. S. 1IALDWIN, County JudRo. TIMUEIt OULTtTUr, FINAtj l'llOOF-NOTIOK roil riJHLIOATlON Land Ofllco nt North Vlnlto. Neb. AuRU.t 27th, 11101. Notice la hereby given that lvtnr n. Joel haa filed notice of Intention to inuko final proof before reui.ter and receiver U. S.lnnd onico lu North l'lnltn, Neb., on Monday the ilh dny of October. lt01. on limber nnllnm ntitdl. cation No. 13,03!) for tho oast half of north west quarter and Iota 1 and 2 of section No. 7, In township No. U, north ronco No. 33 west of tho Hlxtli 1. Ho names as witnesses; Henry Jocckel, Wlllmlm Kruaer, Oeoroe Cupert nnd Henry Ueobout, all ot Wallace, Nub. ft-id uconnK k. i ncNcn. lieslstor. Notice Fon pubucation, Lnnd Ofllco at North Platte, Nob. ) August 13th, 1001. f Notice la hereby clven Hint thn fnllnwlnir- uamod rattler hns Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof In support ot his claim nnd Unit snld proof will bo rando before rculHlcr nnd ro culver ot the U. H. Land onico nt North Platte, neu., on nepicmoer m, iwi, WILLIAM II. MOOllKHOUHH, who made'' homenluad Entry No, IB, 182 fiir tho southeast quarter of tho norllionnt qunrter nnd north halt of southuastqunrtor and southwest' fiunrter of aouthenst qunrtor of section 4, town jo, norm rnnue n west. He names the followlim witnesses to nrnvf) hlu continuous resldcncoupon and cultlvntlnn of sahl iann, vik: wiunru o. nenowa, Jolin Miller, L. Hell and Durzutto .7, Wilton all of Paxton. Neb. nlljll Oeo. K. French, Urulater. NOTIOK FOll PUliLIOATION. Lnnd Ofllco at North l'lnlle, Neb. Heptembor (), 1101 . Notlco Is heroby atvonthnt Uio followliiK-namud suttlor hiM filed notlco of hl lnlentlon to mnko final proof In support of his clnliu, nnd thnt sn)d proof will bo mailQ tforo roclstor and receiver of tho U. H. land oillco at North Platte, Neb., oil Octobor Wild, 10l)t. Vint CIiniHT ItAHMUHBEN who mado homustea-I entry No. 172X1, for tlio Houthwopt quarter Ot tho northwest quarter aud LoMZ,anna4, hoc. 4, town lu, nortu M, West, (ilh P. M. Ho nnmcs tho following wllnosxes to nrovo hlH continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land viz: Horou Nulsi-n, Thomas ThomMon Chris KeldHcn nnd Nols Nelson, all of Ourtls. Nebraska, Quo, E, FnEKCll, Iterator. NOTICE FOll PUHLICATION. Land Offlce nt North Plntte, Neb., Hoptembor. 3f, 1U01. Notice Is heroby Riven thnt the follovrlng.nBined settler hns filed notice ot his Intention to mnke final proof la support of his clnlm, and thnt snld proof will be made before Iteglster and llecelver at North Plntte, Neb., onNovunbur ilh 1001, vWi WILLIAM PITTMAN. who innde homestond entry No, 17392 for the east hnlf tho ot southeast quarter scctlou 8, town ship 14 north, ranee 2D west Oth P. SI. Ho names iho following witnesses to nrovo his continuous resldeuco upon nnd cultivation ot said lend, viz: Alexander OhamboiH, Jnmes Cham bers, John Outherlusa and Fred Mnlone, nil ot North Platte, Nob s2l GEO. K. FRENCH, Iteglster. CONTE8T NOTICE. U. 8. Land Oillco North Platte, Nub. September 17, IM)1. A sufllcient context uOldnvlt hnvlng been filed In this oillco by William II, Oaunlt, contetdant, agnlnst homestead untry No, 17,912, mmlo Soptmu bor 3D, 18!W, for Bimth hnlf of northwest quarter and tho north half of Houlliw ert qunrtor of suction 14, township 15 north, range 31 west, by wil. Ham McCauloy, conlpelue. In which It. Ik alleged that William McUauley hna never established res idence or rcsldod upon said tract since date of entry, Thero aro no Improvements or house upon said land but it has been wholly abandon ed mid anld dofectH exists to this date) that bo has not been in tbu service of tho United Moles army or nnvy or tnnrilio corps dnrlnK said abandonment, snld parties, nro hereby notified to Bpienr. respond nnd offer evidence touching snld allegation at 1(1 o'clock, a. in. on November7, 1901. beforotho register nnd receiver nt tho United HtnteB lnnd oillco In North Platte, Nob. Tho Mold contestant having, In a proper affidavit, filed September 17, 1901, sot forth facts which show that after duo diligence, luminal service ot this notice can not be made. It In hereby ordered nnd directed that such notlco be given by duo and proper publication. nt7li Fiunk IIaoOn. Jtecelvor. STfBBlNS' STABLE. Liycr, Feed, Boarding- and Sale. NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to bay, 35 cents a night; noon feed IS cents. L. C. Stebbins, Phono 101. North IMtitte. Nebraska. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics euro by ucting directly upon the disease, without exciting disordorin wiy other part of tho system, ' 'do. ccrm. rsicrj. 1 Keprt. Congratlomi, laflammatloni. .y.l 'i Wornu, Worm Fevcc, Worm Colic . 4tf,l 3-Teethln;Oollc,Cryln,Wakefulne ,U3 1 tllarrlien, of Children or Adulti 7 Oougha, Coldi, Bronchltla H-nVeurnlgla, Voothoche, Faceache. . O lleadarhe, Slelc Headache, Vertigo , tO-Dprpnla.fndlgettlon.WiakStouiacli.'JS lt-Suppreed orl'nlnriil Periods. ."3 lil-Vhltr, Too Prof uiu IVrlodi . ,J3 13-:roup, I.ar-nillli, Hpaneueii J5 l l-Balt Hheuin.Eortlpthu.Eruptloiu.. .183 ta-nheumallani.Ilbeumatlal'atai , .U3 16 Malaria, Chilli, Fever and Aguo U3 10-Calarrh, Innucnia, Cold In the Head .23 20 Whooplni. Couth 23 Sr-KUney Ulieaara 23 '-'ervoui.Icbllltv ...1.00 30-l'rlnry Weoknea. Wetting lied 23 77 tJrlp, Hay Fever vr. iiumpnreTa )lanual of all DUeues at your DnicKHu or Halloa r'rec. J " RMJ"r dniunlii.or wnt on receiptor Drlws.